#!/usr/bin/perl # Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, 2003, 2006, 2007 MySQL AB, 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. # Use is subject to license terms. # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 # of the License. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Library General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free # Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, # MA 02110-1335 USA # # This program runs all test that starts with 'test-' and sums # the results that the program prints. # Each time result should be of the form: # Time for|to KEYWORD (number_of_runs) 'other info': timestr() # # All options to this script is passed to all test program. # useful options: # --fast --force --lock-tables # --server ==> mysql (default) / mSQL / Pg (postgres) / Solid # --user ==> the user with permission to create / drop / select # --pass ==> password for the user # --cmp ==> Compare --server with one of the others (mysql/mSQL/Pg/Solid) # --comments ==> everything you want to say such as the extra options you # gave to the db server. (use --comments="xxx xxx xxx" # --machine ==> Give a OS/machine id for your logfiles. # --log ==> puts output in output/RUN-server-machine-cmp-$opt_cmp use DBI; use Cwd; $opt_silent=1; # Don't write header @ORG_ARGV=@ARGV; $pwd = cwd(); $pwd = "." if ($pwd eq ''); require "$pwd/bench-init.pl" || die "Can't read Configuration file: $!\n"; $opt_silent=0; $perl=$^X; $machine=machine(); $redirect= !($machine =~ /windows/i || $machine =~ "^NT\s") ? "2>&1" : ""; $dir= ($pwd =~ /\\/) ? '\\' : '/'; # directory symbol for shell $prog_args=""; foreach $arg (@ORG_ARGV) { if ($redirect) { $prog_args.="'" . $arg . "' "; } else { # Windows/NT can't handle ' around arguments $prog_args.=$arg . " "; } } $prog_count=$errors=0; if ($opt_cmp) { $filename = "$opt_server$opt_suffix-" . machine_part() . "-cmp-$opt_cmp"; } else { $filename = "$opt_server$opt_suffix-" . machine_part(); } if (! -d $opt_dir) { if (-e $opt_dir) { die "$opt_dir isn't a directory\n"; } mkdir $opt_dir,0777 || die "Can't create directory: $opt_dir\n"; } if ($opt_skip_test) { (@skip_tests) = split(/,\s*/, $opt_skip_test); } if ($opt_old_headers) { read_headers("$opt_dir/RUN-$filename"); } else { $server_version=$server->version(); } if (!$opt_log) { open(LOG,">&STDOUT"); } else { open(LOG, "> $opt_dir/RUN-$filename") || die "Can't write to $opt_dir/RUN-$filename: $!\n"; } select(LOG); $|=1; print "Benchmark DBD suite: $benchmark_version\n"; print "Date of test: $date\n"; print "Running tests on: $machine\n"; print "Arguments: $log_prog_args\n"; print "Comments: $opt_comments\n"; print "Limits from: $opt_cmp\n"; print "Server version: $server_version\n"; print "Optimization: $opt_optimization\n"; print "Hardware: $opt_hw\n\n"; $estimated=$warning=$got_warning=0; while () { next if (/\.sh$/); # configure script next if (/\-fork$/); # test script $prog_count++; /test-(.*)$/; # Remove test from name $prog=$1; $skip_prog = 0; foreach $skip_this (@skip_tests) { if ($prog =~ /$skip_this/i) { $skip_prog = 1; last; } } if ($opt_only_missing_tests && -f "$opt_dir$dir$prog-$filename") { # Test already run, skip it $skip_prog= 1; } print "$prog: "; if ((!$opt_use_old_results) && (!$skip_prog)) { if (system("$perl ./test-$prog $prog_args > \"$opt_dir$dir$prog-$filename\" $redirect")) { printf STDERR "Warning: Can't execute $prog. Check the file '$opt_dir$dir$prog-$filename'\n"; die "aborted" if ($opt_die_on_errors); } } open(TEST,"$opt_dir/$prog-$filename"); $last_line=""; while() { chomp; $last_line=$_ if (!(/^\s*$/)); # Search after last line } if ($last_line =~ /Total time:/i) { print $last_line . "\n"; open(TEST,"$opt_dir/$prog-$filename"); while () { if (/^(estimated |)time (to|for) ([^\s:]*)\s*\((\d*)(:\d*)*\)[^:]*:\s*([\d.]+) .*secs \(\s*([^\s]*) usr\s*\+*\s*([^\s]*) sys.*=\s+([\d.]*)\s+cpu/i) { $arg=$summa{$3}; if (!defined($arg)) { $summa{$3}= [ $4,$6,$7,$8,$9,""]; } else { $arg->[0]+=$4; $arg->[1]+=$6; $arg->[2]+=$7; $arg->[3]+=$8; $arg->[4]+=$9; } $prog_sum[0]+=$4; $prog_sum[1]+=$6; $prog_sum[2]+=$7; $prog_sum[3]+=$8; $prog_sum[4]+=$9; if (length($1)) { $summa{$3}->[5].="+"; $estimated=1; } if ($got_warning) { $summa{$3}->[5].="?"; $warning=1; $got_warning=0; } } elsif (/^warning/i) { $got_warning=1; } else { $got_warning=0; } } if ($opt_debug) { print "Summary for $prog: ", join(" ",@prog_sum), "\n"; } } elsif ($last_line =~ /^Test skipped/i) { print "$last_line\n"; } else { $errors++; print "Failed ($opt_dir/$prog-$filename)\n"; } } print "\n"; if (!$errors) { print "All $prog_count test executed successfully\n"; } else { print "Of $prog_count tests, $errors tests didn't work\n"; } if ($estimated) { print "Tests with estimated time have a + at end of line\n" } if ($warning) { print "Tests with didn't return the correct result have a ? at end of line\n"; } if (%summa) { @total=(0,0,0,0,0,""); print "\nTotals per operation:\n"; print "Operation seconds usr sys cpu tests\n"; foreach $key (sort(keys %summa)) { $arg=$summa{$key}; printf("%-35.35s %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %7d %s\n", $key,$arg->[1],$arg->[2],$arg->[3],$arg->[4],$arg->[0], $arg->[5]); for ($i=0 ; $i < 5 ; $i++) { $total[$i]+=$arg->[$i]; } $total[5].=$arg->[$i]; } printf("%-35.35s %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %7d %s\n", "TOTALS",$total[1],$total[2],$total[3],$total[4],$total[0], $total[5]); } select(STDOUT); if ($opt_log) { print "Test finished. You can find the result in:\n$opt_dir/RUN-$filename\n"; } # # Read headers from an old benchmark run # sub read_headers { my ($filename)=@_; # Clear current values $benchmark_version=$date=$machine=$server_version=""; open(TMP, "<$filename") || die "Can't open $filename\n"; while () { chop; if (/^Benchmark DBD.*:\s+(.*)$/) { $benchmark_version=$1; } elsif (/^Date of.*:\s+(.*)/) { $date=$1; } elsif (/^Running.*:\s+(.*)$/) { $machine=$1; } elsif (/^Arguments.*:\s+(.*)$/) { $log_prog_args=$1; } elsif (/^Limits.*:\s+(.*)$/) { $opt_cmp=$1; } elsif (/^Server ver.*:\s+(.*)$/) { $server_version=$1; } elsif (/^Optimiz.*:\s+(.*)$/) { $opt_optimization=$1; } elsif (/^Hardwar.*:\s+(.*)$/) { $opt_hw=$1; } } close(TMP); }