# Copyright (C) 2000-2006 MySQL AB # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA #called from the top level Makefile MYSQLDATAdir = $(localstatedir) MYSQLSHAREdir = $(pkgdatadir) MYSQLBASEdir= $(prefix) INCLUDES = @ZLIB_INCLUDES@ \ @bdb_includes@ @innodb_includes@ @ndbcluster_includes@ \ -I$(top_builddir)/include -I$(top_srcdir)/include \ -I$(top_srcdir)/regex -I$(srcdir) \ $(openssl_includes) WRAPLIBS= @WRAPLIBS@ SUBDIRS = share libexec_PROGRAMS = mysqld EXTRA_PROGRAMS = gen_lex_hash bin_PROGRAMS = mysql_tzinfo_to_sql gen_lex_hash_LDFLAGS = @NOINST_LDFLAGS@ LDADD = $(top_builddir)/myisam/libmyisam.a \ $(top_builddir)/myisammrg/libmyisammrg.a \ $(top_builddir)/heap/libheap.a \ $(top_builddir)/vio/libvio.a \ $(top_builddir)/mysys/libmysys.a \ $(top_builddir)/dbug/libdbug.a \ $(top_builddir)/regex/libregex.a \ $(top_builddir)/strings/libmystrings.a @ZLIB_LIBS@ @NDB_SCI_LIBS@ mysqld_LDADD = @MYSQLD_EXTRA_LDFLAGS@ \ @bdb_libs@ @innodb_libs@ @pstack_libs@ \ @innodb_system_libs@ \ @ndbcluster_libs@ @ndbcluster_system_libs@ \ $(LDADD) $(CXXLDFLAGS) $(WRAPLIBS) @LIBDL@ \ $(yassl_libs) $(openssl_libs) @MYSQLD_EXTRA_LIBS@ noinst_HEADERS = item.h item_func.h item_sum.h item_cmpfunc.h \ item_strfunc.h item_timefunc.h item_uniq.h \ item_create.h item_subselect.h item_row.h \ mysql_priv.h item_geofunc.h sql_bitmap.h \ procedure.h sql_class.h sql_lex.h sql_list.h \ sql_manager.h sql_map.h sql_string.h unireg.h \ sql_error.h field.h handler.h mysqld_suffix.h \ sql_profile.h \ ha_myisammrg.h\ ha_heap.h ha_myisam.h ha_berkeley.h ha_innodb.h \ ha_ndbcluster.h ha_ndbcluster_cond.h \ opt_range.h protocol.h \ sql_select.h structs.h table.h sql_udf.h hash_filo.h\ lex.h lex_symbol.h sql_acl.h sql_crypt.h \ log_event.h sql_repl.h slave.h \ stacktrace.h sql_sort.h sql_cache.h set_var.h \ spatial.h gstream.h client_settings.h tzfile.h \ tztime.h my_decimal.h\ sp_head.h sp_pcontext.h sp_rcontext.h sp.h sp_cache.h \ parse_file.h sql_view.h sql_trigger.h \ sql_array.h sql_cursor.h \ examples/ha_example.h ha_archive.h \ examples/ha_tina.h ha_blackhole.h \ ha_federated.h mysqld_SOURCES = sql_lex.cc sql_handler.cc \ item.cc item_sum.cc item_buff.cc item_func.cc \ item_cmpfunc.cc item_strfunc.cc item_timefunc.cc \ thr_malloc.cc item_create.cc item_subselect.cc \ item_row.cc item_geofunc.cc \ field.cc strfunc.cc key.cc sql_class.cc sql_list.cc \ net_serv.cc protocol.cc sql_state.c \ lock.cc my_lock.c \ sql_string.cc sql_manager.cc sql_map.cc \ mysqld.cc password.c hash_filo.cc hostname.cc \ set_var.cc sql_parse.cc sql_yacc.yy \ sql_base.cc table.cc sql_select.cc sql_insert.cc \ sql_prepare.cc sql_error.cc sql_locale.cc \ sql_profile.cc \ sql_update.cc sql_delete.cc uniques.cc sql_do.cc \ procedure.cc item_uniq.cc sql_test.cc \ log.cc log_event.cc init.cc derror.cc sql_acl.cc \ unireg.cc des_key_file.cc \ discover.cc time.cc opt_range.cc opt_sum.cc \ records.cc filesort.cc handler.cc \ ha_heap.cc ha_myisam.cc ha_myisammrg.cc \ ha_berkeley.cc ha_innodb.cc \ ha_ndbcluster.cc ha_ndbcluster_cond.cc \ sql_db.cc sql_table.cc sql_rename.cc sql_crypt.cc \ sql_load.cc mf_iocache.cc field_conv.cc sql_show.cc \ sql_udf.cc sql_analyse.cc sql_analyse.h sql_cache.cc \ slave.cc sql_repl.cc sql_union.cc sql_derived.cc \ client.c sql_client.cc mini_client_errors.c pack.c\ stacktrace.c repl_failsafe.h repl_failsafe.cc \ sql_olap.cc sql_view.cc \ gstream.cc spatial.cc sql_help.cc sql_cursor.cc \ tztime.cc my_time.c my_user.c my_decimal.cc\ sp_head.cc sp_pcontext.cc sp_rcontext.cc sp.cc \ sp_cache.cc parse_file.cc sql_trigger.cc \ examples/ha_example.cc ha_archive.cc \ examples/ha_tina.cc ha_blackhole.cc \ ha_federated.cc gen_lex_hash_SOURCES = gen_lex_hash.cc gen_lex_hash_LDADD = $(LDADD) $(CXXLDFLAGS) mysql_tzinfo_to_sql_SOURCES = mysql_tzinfo_to_sql.cc mysql_tzinfo_to_sql_LDADD = @MYSQLD_EXTRA_LDFLAGS@ $(LDADD) $(CXXLDFLAGS) DEFS = -DMYSQL_SERVER \ -DDEFAULT_MYSQL_HOME="\"$(MYSQLBASEdir)\"" \ -DMYSQL_DATADIR="\"$(MYSQLDATAdir)\"" \ -DSHAREDIR="\"$(MYSQLSHAREdir)\"" \ @DEFS@ BUILT_SOURCES = sql_yacc.cc sql_yacc.h lex_hash.h EXTRA_DIST = $(BUILT_SOURCES) nt_servc.cc nt_servc.h \ message.mc message.h message.rc MSG00001.bin \ examples/CMakeLists.txt CMakeLists.txt \ udf_example.c udf_example.def DISTCLEANFILES = lex_hash.h sql_yacc.output AM_YFLAGS = -d --debug --verbose mysql_tzinfo_to_sql.cc: rm -f mysql_tzinfo_to_sql.cc @LN_CP_F@ $(srcdir)/tztime.cc mysql_tzinfo_to_sql.cc link_sources: mysql_tzinfo_to_sql.cc rm -f mini_client_errors.c @LN_CP_F@ $(top_srcdir)/libmysql/errmsg.c mini_client_errors.c rm -f pack.c @LN_CP_F@ $(top_srcdir)/sql-common/pack.c pack.c rm -f client.c @LN_CP_F@ $(top_srcdir)/sql-common/client.c client.c rm -f my_time.c @LN_CP_F@ $(top_srcdir)/sql-common/my_time.c my_time.c rm -f my_user.c @LN_CP_F@ $(top_srcdir)/sql-common/my_user.c my_user.c mysql_tzinfo_to_sql.o: $(mysql_tzinfo_to_sql_SOURCES) $(CXXCOMPILE) -c $(INCLUDES) -DTZINFO2SQL $< # Try to get better dependencies for the grammar. Othervise really bad # things like different grammars for different pars of MySQL can # happen if you are unlucky. sql_yacc.cc: sql_yacc.yy sql_yacc.h: sql_yacc.yy # Be careful here, note that we use VPATH and might or might not have # a pregenerated "sql_yacc.cc" in $(srcdir) or one we just built in # $(builddir). And it has to work if $(srcdir) == $(builddir). sql_yacc.o: sql_yacc.cc sql_yacc.h $(HEADERS) @SED@ -e 's/__attribute__ ((__unused__))//' $< > sql_yacc.cc-new @MV@ sql_yacc.cc-new sql_yacc.cc @echo "Note: The following compile may take a long time." @echo "If it fails, re-run configure with --with-low-memory" $(CXXCOMPILE) $(LM_CFLAGS) -c sql_yacc.cc # This generates lex_hash.h # NOTE Built sources should depend on their sources not the tool # this avoid the rebuild of the built files in a source dist lex_hash.h: gen_lex_hash.cc lex.h $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) gen_lex_hash$(EXEEXT) ./gen_lex_hash$(EXEEXT) > $@-t $(MV) $@-t $@ # For testing of udf_example.so noinst_LTLIBRARIES= udf_example.la udf_example_la_SOURCES= udf_example.c udf_example_la_LDFLAGS= -module -rpath $(pkglibdir) # Don't update the files from bitkeeper %::SCCS/s.%