/* Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB & MySQL Finland AB & TCX DataKonsult AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifdef __GNUC__ #pragma implementation // gcc: Class implementation #endif #include "mysql_priv.h" #include #include "ha_myisammrg.h" #ifndef MASTER #include "../srclib/myisammrg/myrg_def.h" #else #include "../myisammrg/myrg_def.h" #endif /***************************************************************************** ** MyISAM MERGE tables *****************************************************************************/ const char **ha_myisammrg::bas_ext() const { static const char *ext[]= { ".MRG", NullS }; return ext; } int ha_myisammrg::open(const char *name, int mode, uint test_if_locked) { char name_buff[FN_REFLEN]; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("ha_myisammrg::open")); if (!(file=myrg_open(fn_format(name_buff,name,"","",2 | 4), mode, test_if_locked))) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("ha_myisammrg::open exit %d", my_errno)); return (my_errno ? my_errno : -1); } DBUG_PRINT("info", ("ha_myisammrg::open myrg_extrafunc...")) myrg_extrafunc(file, query_cache_invalidate_by_MyISAM_filename_ref); if (!(test_if_locked == HA_OPEN_WAIT_IF_LOCKED || test_if_locked == HA_OPEN_ABORT_IF_LOCKED)) myrg_extra(file,HA_EXTRA_NO_WAIT_LOCK,0); info(HA_STATUS_NO_LOCK | HA_STATUS_VARIABLE | HA_STATUS_CONST); if (!(test_if_locked & HA_OPEN_WAIT_IF_LOCKED)) myrg_extra(file,HA_EXTRA_WAIT_LOCK,0); if (table->reclength != mean_rec_length && mean_rec_length) { DBUG_PRINT("error",("reclength: %d mean_rec_length: %d", table->reclength, mean_rec_length)); goto err; } #if !defined(BIG_TABLES) || SIZEOF_OFF_T == 4 /* Merge table has more than 2G rows */ if (table->crashed) goto err; #endif return (0); err: myrg_close(file); file=0; return (my_errno= HA_ERR_WRONG_TABLE_DEF); } int ha_myisammrg::close(void) { return myrg_close(file); } int ha_myisammrg::write_row(byte * buf) { statistic_increment(ha_write_count,&LOCK_status); if (table->time_stamp) update_timestamp(buf+table->time_stamp-1); if (table->next_number_field && buf == table->record[0]) update_auto_increment(); return myrg_write(file,buf); } int ha_myisammrg::update_row(const byte * old_data, byte * new_data) { statistic_increment(ha_update_count,&LOCK_status); if (table->time_stamp) update_timestamp(new_data+table->time_stamp-1); return myrg_update(file,old_data,new_data); } int ha_myisammrg::delete_row(const byte * buf) { statistic_increment(ha_delete_count,&LOCK_status); return myrg_delete(file,buf); } int ha_myisammrg::index_read(byte * buf, const byte * key, uint key_len, enum ha_rkey_function find_flag) { statistic_increment(ha_read_key_count,&LOCK_status); int error=myrg_rkey(file,buf,active_index, key, key_len, find_flag); table->status=error ? STATUS_NOT_FOUND: 0; return error; } int ha_myisammrg::index_read_idx(byte * buf, uint index, const byte * key, uint key_len, enum ha_rkey_function find_flag) { statistic_increment(ha_read_key_count,&LOCK_status); int error=myrg_rkey(file,buf,index, key, key_len, find_flag); table->status=error ? STATUS_NOT_FOUND: 0; return error; } int ha_myisammrg::index_read_last(byte * buf, const byte * key, uint key_len) { statistic_increment(ha_read_key_count,&LOCK_status); int error=myrg_rkey(file,buf,active_index, key, key_len, HA_READ_PREFIX_LAST); table->status=error ? STATUS_NOT_FOUND: 0; return error; } int ha_myisammrg::index_next(byte * buf) { statistic_increment(ha_read_next_count,&LOCK_status); int error=myrg_rnext(file,buf,active_index); table->status=error ? STATUS_NOT_FOUND: 0; return error; } int ha_myisammrg::index_prev(byte * buf) { statistic_increment(ha_read_prev_count,&LOCK_status); int error=myrg_rprev(file,buf, active_index); table->status=error ? STATUS_NOT_FOUND: 0; return error; } int ha_myisammrg::index_first(byte * buf) { statistic_increment(ha_read_first_count,&LOCK_status); int error=myrg_rfirst(file, buf, active_index); table->status=error ? STATUS_NOT_FOUND: 0; return error; } int ha_myisammrg::index_last(byte * buf) { statistic_increment(ha_read_last_count,&LOCK_status); int error=myrg_rlast(file, buf, active_index); table->status=error ? STATUS_NOT_FOUND: 0; return error; } int ha_myisammrg::index_next_same(byte * buf, const byte *key __attribute__((unused)), uint length __attribute__((unused))) { statistic_increment(ha_read_next_count,&LOCK_status); int error=myrg_rnext_same(file,buf); table->status=error ? STATUS_NOT_FOUND: 0; return error; } int ha_myisammrg::rnd_init(bool scan) { return myrg_extra(file,HA_EXTRA_RESET,0); } int ha_myisammrg::rnd_next(byte *buf) { statistic_increment(ha_read_rnd_next_count,&LOCK_status); int error=myrg_rrnd(file, buf, HA_OFFSET_ERROR); table->status=error ? STATUS_NOT_FOUND: 0; return error; } int ha_myisammrg::rnd_pos(byte * buf, byte *pos) { statistic_increment(ha_read_rnd_count,&LOCK_status); int error=myrg_rrnd(file, buf, ha_get_ptr(pos,ref_length)); table->status=error ? STATUS_NOT_FOUND: 0; return error; } void ha_myisammrg::position(const byte *record) { ulonglong position= myrg_position(file); ha_store_ptr(ref, ref_length, (my_off_t) position); } ha_rows ha_myisammrg::records_in_range(int inx, const byte *start_key,uint start_key_len, enum ha_rkey_function start_search_flag, const byte *end_key,uint end_key_len, enum ha_rkey_function end_search_flag) { return (ha_rows) myrg_records_in_range(file, inx, start_key,start_key_len, start_search_flag, end_key,end_key_len, end_search_flag); } void ha_myisammrg::info(uint flag) { MYMERGE_INFO info; (void) myrg_status(file,&info,flag); /* The following fails if one has not compiled MySQL with -DBIG_TABLES and one has more than 2^32 rows in the merge tables. */ records = (ha_rows) info.records; deleted = (ha_rows) info.deleted; #if !defined(BIG_TABLES) || SIZEOF_OFF_T == 4 if ((info.records >= (ulonglong) 1 << 32) || (info.deleted >= (ulonglong) 1 << 32)) table->crashed=1; #endif data_file_length=info.data_file_length; errkey = info.errkey; table->keys_in_use= set_bits(key_map, table->keys); table->db_options_in_use = info.options; table->is_view=1; mean_rec_length=info.reclength; block_size=0; update_time=0; #if SIZEOF_OFF_T > 4 ref_length=6; // Should be big enough #else ref_length=4; // Can't be > than my_off_t #endif } int ha_myisammrg::extra(enum ha_extra_function operation) { /* As this is just a mapping, we don't have to force the underlying tables to be closed */ if (operation == HA_EXTRA_FORCE_REOPEN || operation == HA_EXTRA_PREPARE_FOR_DELETE) return 0; return myrg_extra(file,operation,0); } /* To be used with WRITE_CACHE, EXTRA_CACHE and BULK_INSERT_BEGIN */ int ha_myisammrg::extra_opt(enum ha_extra_function operation, ulong cache_size) { if ((specialflag & SPECIAL_SAFE_MODE) & (operation == HA_EXTRA_WRITE_CACHE || operation == HA_EXTRA_BULK_INSERT_BEGIN)) return 0; return myrg_extra(file, operation, (void*) &cache_size); } int ha_myisammrg::reset(void) { return myrg_extra(file,HA_EXTRA_RESET,0); } int ha_myisammrg::external_lock(THD *thd, int lock_type) { return myrg_lock_database(file,lock_type); } uint ha_myisammrg::lock_count(void) const { return file->tables; } THR_LOCK_DATA **ha_myisammrg::store_lock(THD *thd, THR_LOCK_DATA **to, enum thr_lock_type lock_type) { MYRG_TABLE *open_table; for (open_table=file->open_tables ; open_table != file->end_table ; open_table++) { *(to++)= &open_table->table->lock; if (lock_type != TL_IGNORE && open_table->table->lock.type == TL_UNLOCK) open_table->table->lock.type=lock_type; } return to; } void ha_myisammrg::update_create_info(HA_CREATE_INFO *create_info) { // [phi] auto_increment stuff is missing (but currently not needed) DBUG_ENTER("ha_myisammrg::update_create_info"); if (!(create_info->used_fields & HA_CREATE_USED_UNION)) { MYRG_TABLE *open_table; THD *thd=current_thd; create_info->merge_list.next= &create_info->merge_list.first; create_info->merge_list.elements=0; for (open_table=file->open_tables ; open_table != file->end_table ; open_table++) { char *name=open_table->table->filename; char buff[FN_REFLEN]; TABLE_LIST *ptr; if (!(ptr = (TABLE_LIST *) thd->calloc(sizeof(TABLE_LIST)))) goto err; fn_format(buff,name,"","",3); if (!(ptr->real_name=thd->strdup(buff))) goto err; create_info->merge_list.elements++; (*create_info->merge_list.next) = (byte*) ptr; create_info->merge_list.next= (byte**) &ptr->next; } *create_info->merge_list.next=0; } if (!(create_info->used_fields & HA_CREATE_USED_INSERT_METHOD)) { create_info->merge_insert_method = file->merge_insert_method; } DBUG_VOID_RETURN; err: create_info->merge_list.elements=0; create_info->merge_list.first=0; DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } int ha_myisammrg::create(const char *name, register TABLE *form, HA_CREATE_INFO *create_info) { char buff[FN_REFLEN],**table_names,**pos; TABLE_LIST *tables= (TABLE_LIST*) create_info->merge_list.first; DBUG_ENTER("ha_myisammrg::create"); if (!(table_names= (char**) sql_alloc((create_info->merge_list.elements+1)* sizeof(char*)))) DBUG_RETURN(1); for (pos=table_names ; tables ; tables=tables->next) { char *table_name; if (create_info->options & HA_LEX_CREATE_TMP_TABLE) { TABLE **tbl=find_temporary_table(current_thd, tables->db, tables->real_name); if (!tbl) { table_name=sql_alloc(1+ my_snprintf(buff,FN_REFLEN,"%s/%s/%s",mysql_real_data_home, tables->db, tables->real_name)); if (!table_name) DBUG_RETURN(1); strcpy(table_name, buff); } else table_name=(*tbl)->path; } else table_name=tables->real_name; *pos++= table_name; } *pos=0; DBUG_RETURN(myrg_create(fn_format(buff,name,"","",2+4+16), (const char **) table_names, create_info->merge_insert_method, (my_bool) 0)); } void ha_myisammrg::append_create_info(String *packet) { char buff[FN_REFLEN]; if (file->merge_insert_method != MERGE_INSERT_DISABLED) { packet->append(" INSERT_METHOD=",15); packet->append(get_type(&merge_insert_method,file->merge_insert_method-1)); } packet->append(" UNION=(",8); MYRG_TABLE *open_table,*first; for (first=open_table=file->open_tables ; open_table != file->end_table ; open_table++) { char *name= open_table->table->filename; fn_format(buff,name,"","",3); if (open_table != first) packet->append(','); packet->append(buff,(uint) strlen(buff)); } packet->append(')'); }