#ifndef HA_NDBCLUSTER_COND_INCLUDED #define HA_NDBCLUSTER_COND_INCLUDED /* Copyright (C) 2000-2007 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ /* This file defines the data structures used by engine condition pushdown in the NDB Cluster handler */ #ifdef USE_PRAGMA_INTERFACE #pragma interface /* gcc class implementation */ #endif /* It is necessary to include set_var.h instead of item.h because there are dependencies on include order for set_var.h and item.h. This will be resolved later. */ #include "set_var.h" /* Item, Item_field */ typedef enum ndb_item_type { NDB_VALUE = 0, // Qualified more with Item::Type NDB_FIELD = 1, // Qualified from table definition NDB_FUNCTION = 2,// Qualified from Item_func::Functype NDB_END_COND = 3 // End marker for condition group } NDB_ITEM_TYPE; typedef enum ndb_func_type { NDB_EQ_FUNC = 0, NDB_NE_FUNC = 1, NDB_LT_FUNC = 2, NDB_LE_FUNC = 3, NDB_GT_FUNC = 4, NDB_GE_FUNC = 5, NDB_ISNULL_FUNC = 6, NDB_ISNOTNULL_FUNC = 7, NDB_LIKE_FUNC = 8, NDB_NOTLIKE_FUNC = 9, NDB_NOT_FUNC = 10, NDB_UNKNOWN_FUNC = 11, NDB_COND_AND_FUNC = 12, NDB_COND_OR_FUNC = 13, NDB_UNSUPPORTED_FUNC = 14 } NDB_FUNC_TYPE; typedef union ndb_item_qualification { Item::Type value_type; enum_field_types field_type; // Instead of Item::FIELD_ITEM NDB_FUNC_TYPE function_type; // Instead of Item::FUNC_ITEM } NDB_ITEM_QUALIFICATION; typedef struct ndb_item_field_value { Field* field; int column_no; } NDB_ITEM_FIELD_VALUE; typedef union ndb_item_value { const Item *item; NDB_ITEM_FIELD_VALUE *field_value; uint arg_count; } NDB_ITEM_VALUE; struct negated_function_mapping { NDB_FUNC_TYPE pos_fun; NDB_FUNC_TYPE neg_fun; }; /* Define what functions can be negated in condition pushdown. Note, these HAVE to be in the same order as in definition enum */ static const negated_function_mapping neg_map[]= { {NDB_EQ_FUNC, NDB_NE_FUNC}, {NDB_NE_FUNC, NDB_EQ_FUNC}, {NDB_LT_FUNC, NDB_GE_FUNC}, {NDB_LE_FUNC, NDB_GT_FUNC}, {NDB_GT_FUNC, NDB_LE_FUNC}, {NDB_GE_FUNC, NDB_LT_FUNC}, {NDB_ISNULL_FUNC, NDB_ISNOTNULL_FUNC}, {NDB_ISNOTNULL_FUNC, NDB_ISNULL_FUNC}, {NDB_LIKE_FUNC, NDB_NOTLIKE_FUNC}, {NDB_NOTLIKE_FUNC, NDB_LIKE_FUNC}, {NDB_NOT_FUNC, NDB_UNSUPPORTED_FUNC}, {NDB_UNKNOWN_FUNC, NDB_UNSUPPORTED_FUNC}, {NDB_COND_AND_FUNC, NDB_UNSUPPORTED_FUNC}, {NDB_COND_OR_FUNC, NDB_UNSUPPORTED_FUNC}, {NDB_UNSUPPORTED_FUNC, NDB_UNSUPPORTED_FUNC} }; /* This class is the construction element for serialization of Item tree in condition pushdown. An instance of Ndb_Item represents a constant, table field reference, unary or binary comparison predicate, and start/end of AND/OR. Instances of Ndb_Item are stored in a linked list implemented by Ndb_cond class. The order of elements produced by Ndb_cond::next corresponds to breadth-first traversal of the Item (i.e. expression) tree in prefix order. AND and OR have arbitrary arity, so the end of AND/OR group is marked with Ndb_item with type == NDB_END_COND. NOT items represent negated conditions and generate NAND/NOR groups. */ class Ndb_item : public Sql_alloc { public: Ndb_item(NDB_ITEM_TYPE item_type) : type(item_type) {}; Ndb_item(NDB_ITEM_TYPE item_type, NDB_ITEM_QUALIFICATION item_qualification, const Item *item_value) : type(item_type), qualification(item_qualification) { switch(item_type) { case(NDB_VALUE): value.item= item_value; break; case(NDB_FIELD): { NDB_ITEM_FIELD_VALUE *field_value= new NDB_ITEM_FIELD_VALUE(); Item_field *field_item= (Item_field *) item_value; field_value->field= field_item->field; field_value->column_no= -1; // Will be fetched at scan filter generation value.field_value= field_value; break; } case(NDB_FUNCTION): value.item= item_value; value.arg_count= ((Item_func *) item_value)->argument_count(); break; case(NDB_END_COND): break; } }; Ndb_item(Field *field, int column_no) : type(NDB_FIELD) { NDB_ITEM_FIELD_VALUE *field_value= new NDB_ITEM_FIELD_VALUE(); qualification.field_type= field->type(); field_value->field= field; field_value->column_no= column_no; value.field_value= field_value; }; Ndb_item(Item_func::Functype func_type, const Item *item_value) : type(NDB_FUNCTION) { qualification.function_type= item_func_to_ndb_func(func_type); value.item= item_value; value.arg_count= ((Item_func *) item_value)->argument_count(); }; Ndb_item(Item_func::Functype func_type, uint no_args) : type(NDB_FUNCTION) { qualification.function_type= item_func_to_ndb_func(func_type); value.arg_count= no_args; }; ~Ndb_item() { if (type == NDB_FIELD) { delete value.field_value; value.field_value= NULL; } }; uint32 pack_length() { switch(type) { case(NDB_VALUE): if(qualification.value_type == Item::STRING_ITEM) return value.item->str_value.length(); break; case(NDB_FIELD): return value.field_value->field->pack_length(); default: break; } return 0; }; Field * get_field() { return value.field_value->field; }; int get_field_no() { return value.field_value->column_no; }; int argument_count() { return value.arg_count; }; const char* get_val() { switch(type) { case(NDB_VALUE): if(qualification.value_type == Item::STRING_ITEM) return value.item->str_value.ptr(); break; case(NDB_FIELD): return (char*) value.field_value->field->ptr; default: break; } return NULL; }; void save_in_field(Ndb_item *field_item) { Field *field = field_item->value.field_value->field; const Item *item= value.item; if (item && field) { my_bitmap_map *old_map= dbug_tmp_use_all_columns(field->table, field->table->write_set); ((Item *)item)->save_in_field(field, FALSE); dbug_tmp_restore_column_map(field->table->write_set, old_map); } }; static NDB_FUNC_TYPE item_func_to_ndb_func(Item_func::Functype fun) { switch (fun) { case (Item_func::EQ_FUNC): { return NDB_EQ_FUNC; } case (Item_func::NE_FUNC): { return NDB_NE_FUNC; } case (Item_func::LT_FUNC): { return NDB_LT_FUNC; } case (Item_func::LE_FUNC): { return NDB_LE_FUNC; } case (Item_func::GT_FUNC): { return NDB_GT_FUNC; } case (Item_func::GE_FUNC): { return NDB_GE_FUNC; } case (Item_func::ISNULL_FUNC): { return NDB_ISNULL_FUNC; } case (Item_func::ISNOTNULL_FUNC): { return NDB_ISNOTNULL_FUNC; } case (Item_func::LIKE_FUNC): { return NDB_LIKE_FUNC; } case (Item_func::NOT_FUNC): { return NDB_NOT_FUNC; } case (Item_func::NEG_FUNC): { return NDB_UNKNOWN_FUNC; } case (Item_func::UNKNOWN_FUNC): { return NDB_UNKNOWN_FUNC; } case (Item_func::COND_AND_FUNC): { return NDB_COND_AND_FUNC; } case (Item_func::COND_OR_FUNC): { return NDB_COND_OR_FUNC; } default: { return NDB_UNSUPPORTED_FUNC; } } }; static NDB_FUNC_TYPE negate(NDB_FUNC_TYPE fun) { uint i= (uint) fun; DBUG_ASSERT(fun == neg_map[i].pos_fun); return neg_map[i].neg_fun; }; NDB_ITEM_TYPE type; NDB_ITEM_QUALIFICATION qualification; private: NDB_ITEM_VALUE value; }; /* This class implements a linked list used for storing a serialization of the Item tree for condition pushdown. */ class Ndb_cond : public Sql_alloc { public: Ndb_cond() : ndb_item(NULL), next(NULL), prev(NULL) {}; ~Ndb_cond() { if (ndb_item) delete ndb_item; ndb_item= NULL; /* First item in the linked list deletes all in a loop Note - doing it recursively causes stack issues for big IN clauses */ Ndb_cond *n= next; while (n) { Ndb_cond *tmp= n; n= n->next; tmp->next= NULL; delete tmp; } next= prev= NULL; }; Ndb_item *ndb_item; Ndb_cond *next; Ndb_cond *prev; }; /* This class implements a stack for storing several conditions for pushdown (represented as serialized Item trees using Ndb_cond). The current implementation only pushes one condition, but is prepared for handling several (C1 AND C2 ...) if the logic for pushing conditions is extended in sql_select. */ class Ndb_cond_stack : public Sql_alloc { public: Ndb_cond_stack() : ndb_cond(NULL), next(NULL) {}; ~Ndb_cond_stack() { if (ndb_cond) delete ndb_cond; ndb_cond= NULL; if (next) delete next; next= NULL; }; Ndb_cond *ndb_cond; Ndb_cond_stack *next; }; class Ndb_rewrite_context : public Sql_alloc { public: Ndb_rewrite_context(Item_func *func) : func_item(func), left_hand_item(NULL), count(0) {}; ~Ndb_rewrite_context() { if (next) delete next; } const Item_func *func_item; const Item *left_hand_item; uint count; Ndb_rewrite_context *next; }; /* This class is used for storing the context when traversing the Item tree. It stores a reference to the table the condition is defined on, the serialized representation being generated, if the condition found is supported, and information what is expected next in the tree inorder for the condition to be supported. */ class Ndb_cond_traverse_context : public Sql_alloc { public: Ndb_cond_traverse_context(TABLE *tab, const NdbDictionary::Table *ndb_tab, Ndb_cond_stack* stack) : table(tab), ndb_table(ndb_tab), supported(TRUE), stack_ptr(stack), cond_ptr(NULL), skip(0), collation(NULL), rewrite_stack(NULL) { // Allocate type checking bitmaps bitmap_init(&expect_mask, 0, 512, FALSE); bitmap_init(&expect_field_type_mask, 0, 512, FALSE); bitmap_init(&expect_field_result_mask, 0, 512, FALSE); if (stack) cond_ptr= stack->ndb_cond; }; ~Ndb_cond_traverse_context() { bitmap_free(&expect_mask); bitmap_free(&expect_field_type_mask); bitmap_free(&expect_field_result_mask); if (rewrite_stack) delete rewrite_stack; } void expect(Item::Type type) { bitmap_set_bit(&expect_mask, (uint) type); if (type == Item::FIELD_ITEM) expect_all_field_types(); }; void dont_expect(Item::Type type) { bitmap_clear_bit(&expect_mask, (uint) type); }; bool expecting(Item::Type type) { return bitmap_is_set(&expect_mask, (uint) type); }; void expect_nothing() { bitmap_clear_all(&expect_mask); }; bool expecting_nothing() { return bitmap_is_clear_all(&expect_mask); } void expect_only(Item::Type type) { expect_nothing(); expect(type); }; void expect_field_type(enum_field_types type) { bitmap_set_bit(&expect_field_type_mask, (uint) type); }; void expect_all_field_types() { bitmap_set_all(&expect_field_type_mask); }; bool expecting_field_type(enum_field_types type) { return bitmap_is_set(&expect_field_type_mask, (uint) type); }; void expect_no_field_type() { bitmap_clear_all(&expect_field_type_mask); }; bool expecting_no_field_type() { return bitmap_is_clear_all(&expect_field_type_mask); } void expect_only_field_type(enum_field_types result) { expect_no_field_type(); expect_field_type(result); }; void expect_field_result(Item_result result) { bitmap_set_bit(&expect_field_result_mask, (uint) result); }; bool expecting_field_result(Item_result result) { return bitmap_is_set(&expect_field_result_mask, (uint) result); }; void expect_no_field_result() { bitmap_clear_all(&expect_field_result_mask); }; bool expecting_no_field_result() { return bitmap_is_clear_all(&expect_field_result_mask); } void expect_only_field_result(Item_result result) { expect_no_field_result(); expect_field_result(result); }; void expect_collation(CHARSET_INFO* col) { collation= col; }; bool expecting_collation(CHARSET_INFO* col) { bool matching= (!collation) ? true : (collation == col); collation= NULL; return matching; }; TABLE* table; const NdbDictionary::Table *ndb_table; bool supported; Ndb_cond_stack* stack_ptr; Ndb_cond* cond_ptr; MY_BITMAP expect_mask; MY_BITMAP expect_field_type_mask; MY_BITMAP expect_field_result_mask; uint skip; CHARSET_INFO* collation; Ndb_rewrite_context *rewrite_stack; }; class ha_ndbcluster; class ha_ndbcluster_cond { public: ha_ndbcluster_cond() : m_cond_stack(NULL) {} ~ha_ndbcluster_cond() { if (m_cond_stack) delete m_cond_stack; } const COND *cond_push(const COND *cond, TABLE *table, const NdbDictionary::Table *ndb_table); void cond_pop(); void cond_clear(); int generate_scan_filter(NdbScanOperation* op); int generate_scan_filter_from_cond(NdbScanFilter& filter); int generate_scan_filter_from_key(NdbScanOperation* op, const KEY* key_info, const uchar *key, uint key_len, uchar *buf); private: bool serialize_cond(const COND *cond, Ndb_cond_stack *ndb_cond, TABLE *table, const NdbDictionary::Table *ndb_table); int build_scan_filter_predicate(Ndb_cond* &cond, NdbScanFilter* filter, bool negated= false); int build_scan_filter_group(Ndb_cond* &cond, NdbScanFilter* filter); int build_scan_filter(Ndb_cond* &cond, NdbScanFilter* filter); Ndb_cond_stack *m_cond_stack; }; #endif /* HA_NDBCLUSTER_COND_INCLUDED */