/* Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB & MySQL Finland AB & TCX DataKonsult AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifdef __GNUC__ #pragma implementation // gcc: Class implementation #endif #include "mysql_priv.h" #include #include "my_dir.h" #include /***************************************************************************** ** Item functions *****************************************************************************/ /* Init all special items */ void item_init(void) { item_user_lock_init(); } Item::Item(): fixed(0) { marker=0; maybe_null=null_value=with_sum_func=unsigned_flag=0; name=0; decimals=0; max_length=0; next=current_thd->free_list; // Put in free list current_thd->free_list=this; loop_id= 0; } Item_ref_in_optimizer::Item_ref_in_optimizer(Item_in_optimizer *master, char *table_name_par, char *field_name_par): Item_ref(master->args, table_name_par, field_name_par), owner(master) {} bool Item::check_loop(uint id) { DBUG_ENTER("Item::check_loop"); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("id %u, name %s", id, name)); if (loop_id == id) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("id match")); DBUG_RETURN(1); } loop_id= id; DBUG_RETURN(0); } bool Item::check_cols(uint c) { if (c != 1) { my_error(ER_CARDINALITY_COL, MYF(0), c); return 1; } return 0; } void Item::set_name(const char *str,uint length) { if (!length) name= (char*) str; // Used by AS else { while (length && !my_isgraph(system_charset_info,*str)) { // Fix problem with yacc length--; str++; } name=sql_strmake(str,min(length,MAX_FIELD_WIDTH)); } } /* This function is only called when comparing items in the WHERE clause */ bool Item::eq(const Item *item, bool binary_cmp) const { return type() == item->type() && name && item->name && !my_strcasecmp(system_charset_info,name,item->name); } bool Item_string::eq(const Item *item, bool binary_cmp) const { if (type() == item->type()) { if (binary_cmp) return !stringcmp(&str_value, &item->str_value); return !sortcmp(&str_value, &item->str_value); } return 0; } /* Get the value of the function as a TIME structure. As a extra convenience the time structure is reset on error! */ bool Item::get_date(TIME *ltime,bool fuzzydate) { char buff[40]; String tmp(buff,sizeof(buff),default_charset_info),*res; if (!(res=val_str(&tmp)) || str_to_TIME(res->ptr(),res->length(),ltime,fuzzydate) == TIMESTAMP_NONE) { bzero((char*) ltime,sizeof(*ltime)); return 1; } return 0; } /* Get time of first argument. As a extra convenience the time structure is reset on error! */ bool Item::get_time(TIME *ltime) { char buff[40]; String tmp(buff,sizeof(buff),default_charset_info),*res; if (!(res=val_str(&tmp)) || str_to_time(res->ptr(),res->length(),ltime)) { bzero((char*) ltime,sizeof(*ltime)); return 1; } return 0; } CHARSET_INFO * Item::thd_charset() const { return current_thd->thd_charset; } Item_field::Item_field(Field *f) :Item_ident(NullS,f->table_name,f->field_name) { set_field(f); fixed= 1; // This item is not needed in fix_fields } void Item_field::set_field(Field *field_par) { field=result_field=field_par; // for easy coding with fields maybe_null=field->maybe_null(); max_length=field_par->field_length; decimals= field->decimals(); table_name=field_par->table_name; field_name=field_par->field_name; unsigned_flag=test(field_par->flags & UNSIGNED_FLAG); set_charset(field_par->charset()); } const char *Item_ident::full_name() const { char *tmp; if (!table_name) return field_name ? field_name : name ? name : "tmp_field"; if (db_name) { tmp=(char*) sql_alloc((uint) strlen(db_name)+(uint) strlen(table_name)+ (uint) strlen(field_name)+3); strxmov(tmp,db_name,".",table_name,".",field_name,NullS); } else { tmp=(char*) sql_alloc((uint) strlen(table_name)+ (uint) strlen(field_name)+2); strxmov(tmp,table_name,".",field_name,NullS); } return tmp; } /* ARGSUSED */ String *Item_field::val_str(String *str) { if ((null_value=field->is_null())) return 0; return field->val_str(str,&str_value); } double Item_field::val() { if ((null_value=field->is_null())) return 0.0; return field->val_real(); } longlong Item_field::val_int() { if ((null_value=field->is_null())) return 0; return field->val_int(); } String *Item_field::str_result(String *str) { if ((null_value=result_field->is_null())) return 0; return result_field->val_str(str,&str_value); } bool Item_field::get_date(TIME *ltime,bool fuzzydate) { if ((null_value=field->is_null()) || field->get_date(ltime,fuzzydate)) { bzero((char*) ltime,sizeof(*ltime)); return 1; } return 0; } bool Item_field::get_time(TIME *ltime) { if ((null_value=field->is_null()) || field->get_time(ltime)) { bzero((char*) ltime,sizeof(*ltime)); return 1; } return 0; } double Item_field::val_result() { if ((null_value=result_field->is_null())) return 0.0; return result_field->val_real(); } longlong Item_field::val_int_result() { if ((null_value=result_field->is_null())) return 0; return result_field->val_int(); } bool Item_field::eq(const Item *item, bool binary_cmp) const { return item->type() == FIELD_ITEM && ((Item_field*) item)->field == field; } table_map Item_field::used_tables() const { if (field->table->const_table) return 0; // const item return field->table->map; } String *Item_int::val_str(String *str) { str->set(value, thd_charset()); return str; } void Item_int::print(String *str) { if (!name) { str_value.set(value, thd_charset()); name=str_value.c_ptr(); } str->append(name); } String *Item_uint::val_str(String *str) { str->set((ulonglong) value, thd_charset()); return str; } void Item_uint::print(String *str) { if (!name) { str_value.set((ulonglong) value, thd_charset()); name=str_value.c_ptr(); } str->append(name); } String *Item_real::val_str(String *str) { str->set(value,decimals,thd_charset()); return str; } void Item_string::print(String *str) { str->append('\''); str->append(full_name()); str->append('\''); } bool Item_null::eq(const Item *item, bool binary_cmp) const { return item->type() == type(); } double Item_null::val() { null_value=1; return 0.0; } longlong Item_null::val_int() { null_value=1; return 0; } /* ARGSUSED */ String *Item_null::val_str(String *str) { null_value=1; return 0;} /* Item_param related */ void Item_param::set_null() { maybe_null=null_value=1; } void Item_param::set_int(longlong i) { int_value=(longlong)i; item_type = INT_ITEM; } void Item_param::set_double(double value) { real_value=value; item_type = REAL_ITEM; } void Item_param::set_value(const char *str, uint length) { str_value.set(str,length,thd_charset()); item_type = STRING_ITEM; } void Item_param::set_longdata(const char *str, ulong length) { str_value.append(str,length); long_data_supplied= 1; } int Item_param::save_in_field(Field *field, bool no_conversions) { if (null_value) return (int) set_field_to_null(field); field->set_notnull(); if (item_result_type == INT_RESULT) { longlong nr=val_int(); return (field->store(nr)) ? -1 : 0; } if (item_result_type == REAL_RESULT) { double nr=val(); return (field->store(nr)) ? -1 : 0; } String *result=val_str(&str_value); return (field->store(result->ptr(),result->length(),field->charset())) ? -1 : 0; } double Item_param::val() { switch (item_result_type) { case STRING_RESULT: return (double)my_strntod(str_value.charset(),str_value.ptr(),str_value.length(),(char**)0); case INT_RESULT: return (double)int_value; default: return real_value; } } longlong Item_param::val_int() { switch (item_result_type) { case STRING_RESULT: return my_strntoll(str_value.charset(),str_value.ptr(),str_value.length(),(char**) 0,10); case REAL_RESULT: return (longlong) (real_value+(real_value > 0 ? 0.5 : -0.5)); default: return int_value; } } String *Item_param::val_str(String* str) { switch (item_result_type) { case INT_RESULT: str->set(int_value, thd_charset()); return str; case REAL_RESULT: str->set(real_value, 2, thd_charset()); return str; default: return (String*) &str_value; } } /* End of Item_param related */ void Item_copy_string::copy() { String *res=item->val_str(&str_value); if (res && res != &str_value) str_value.copy(*res); null_value=item->null_value; } /* ARGSUSED */ String *Item_copy_string::val_str(String *str) { if (null_value) return (String*) 0; return &str_value; } double Item_ref_in_optimizer::val() { return owner->get_cache(); } longlong Item_ref_in_optimizer::val_int() { return owner->get_cache_int(); } String* Item_ref_in_optimizer::val_str(String* s) { return owner->get_cache_str(s); } /* Functions to convert item to field (for send_fields) */ /* ARGSUSED */ bool Item::fix_fields(THD *thd, struct st_table_list *list, Item ** ref) { fixed= 1; return 0; } bool Item_outer_select_context_saver::fix_fields(THD *thd, struct st_table_list *list, Item ** ref) { DBUG_ENTER("Item_outer_select_context_saver::fix_fields"); bool res= item->fix_fields(thd, 0, // do not show current subselect fields &item); *ref= item; DBUG_RETURN(res); } bool Item_asterisk_remover::fix_fields(THD *thd, struct st_table_list *list, Item ** ref) { DBUG_ENTER("Item_asterisk_remover::fix_fields"); bool res= 1; if (item) if (item->type() == Item::FIELD_ITEM && ((Item_field*) item)->field_name[0] == '*') { Item_field *fitem= (Item_field*) item; if (list) if (!list->next || fitem->db_name || fitem->table_name) { TABLE_LIST *table= find_table_in_list(list, fitem->db_name, fitem->table_name); if (table) { TABLE * tb= table->table; if (find_table_in_list(table->next, fitem->db_name, fitem->table_name) != 0 || tb->fields == 1) { if ((item= new Item_field(tb->field[0]))) { res= 0; tb->field[0]->query_id= thd->query_id; tb->used_keys&= tb->field[0]->part_of_key; tb->used_fields= tb->fields; } else thd->fatal_error= 1; // can't create Item => out of memory } else my_error(ER_CARDINALITY_COL, MYF(0), 1); } else my_error(ER_BAD_TABLE_ERROR, MYF(0), fitem->table_name); } else my_error(ER_CARDINALITY_COL, MYF(0), 1); else my_error(ER_NO_TABLES_USED, MYF(0)); } else res= item->fix_fields(thd, list, &item); else thd->fatal_error= 1; // no item given => out of memory DBUG_RETURN(res); } double Item_ref_null_helper::val() { double tmp= (*ref)->val_result(); owner->was_null|= null_value= (*ref)->null_value; return tmp; } longlong Item_ref_null_helper::val_int() { longlong tmp= (*ref)->val_int_result(); owner->was_null|= null_value= (*ref)->null_value; return tmp; } String* Item_ref_null_helper::val_str(String* s) { String* tmp= (*ref)->str_result(s); owner->was_null|= null_value= (*ref)->null_value; return tmp; } bool Item_ref_null_helper::get_date(TIME *ltime, bool fuzzydate) { return (owner->was_null|= null_value= (*ref)->get_date(ltime, fuzzydate)); } bool Item_field::fix_fields(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables, Item **ref) { if (!field) // If field is not checked { Field *tmp; if ((tmp= find_field_in_tables(thd, this, tables, 0)) == not_found_field) { /* We can't find table field in table list of current select, consequently we have to find it in outer subselect(s). We can't join lists of outer & current select, because of scope of view rules. For example if both tables (outer & current) have field 'field' it is not mistake to refer to this field without mention of table name, but if we join tables in one list it will cause error ER_NON_UNIQ_ERROR in find_field_in_tables. */ SELECT_LEX *last= 0; #ifdef EMBEDDED_LIBRARY thd->net.last_errno= 0; #endif Item **refer= (Item **)not_found_item; // Prevent using outer fields in subselects, that is not supported now SELECT_LEX *cursel=(SELECT_LEX *) thd->lex.current_select; if (cursel->linkage != DERIVED_TABLE_TYPE) for (SELECT_LEX *sl=cursel->outer_select(); sl; sl= sl->outer_select()) { if ((tmp= find_field_in_tables(thd, this, (last= sl)->get_table_list(), 0)) != not_found_field) break; if ((refer= find_item_in_list(this, sl->item_list, REPORT_EXCEPT_NOT_FOUND)) != (Item **)not_found_item) break; if (sl->linkage == DERIVED_TABLE_TYPE) break; // do not look over derived table } if (!tmp) return -1; else if (!refer) return 1; else if (tmp == not_found_field && refer == (Item **)not_found_item) { // call to return error code find_field_in_tables(thd, this, tables, 1); return -1; } else if (refer != (Item **)not_found_item) { Item_ref *r; *ref= r= new Item_ref(refer, (char *)table_name, (char *)field_name); if (!r) return 1; int res; if (r->check_cols(1) || r->fix_fields(thd, tables, ref)) return 1; r->depended_from= last; cursel->mark_as_dependent(last); thd->add_possible_loop(r); return 0; } else { depended_from= last; /* Mark all selects from resolved to 1 before select where was found table as depended (of select where was found table) */ thd->lex.current_select->mark_as_dependent(last); } } else if (!tmp) return -1; set_field(tmp); } else if (thd && thd->set_query_id && field->query_id != thd->query_id) { /* We only come here in unions */ TABLE *table=field->table; field->query_id=thd->query_id; table->used_fields++; table->used_keys&=field->part_of_key; } if (depended_from != 0 && depended_from->having_fix_field) { *ref= new Item_ref((char *)db_name, (char *)table_name, (char *)field_name); if (!*ref) return 1; return (*ref)->check_cols(1) || (*ref)->fix_fields(thd, tables, ref); } fixed= 1; return 0; } void Item::init_make_field(Send_field *tmp_field, enum enum_field_types field_type) { tmp_field->db_name=(char*) ""; tmp_field->org_table_name=(char*) ""; tmp_field->org_col_name=(char*) ""; tmp_field->table_name=(char*) ""; tmp_field->col_name=name; tmp_field->flags=maybe_null ? 0 : NOT_NULL_FLAG; tmp_field->type=field_type; tmp_field->length=max_length; tmp_field->decimals=decimals; if (unsigned_flag) tmp_field->flags |= UNSIGNED_FLAG; } void Item::make_field(Send_field *tmp_field) { init_make_field(tmp_field, field_type()); } enum_field_types Item::field_type() const { return ((result_type() == STRING_RESULT) ? FIELD_TYPE_VAR_STRING : (result_type() == INT_RESULT) ? FIELD_TYPE_LONGLONG : FIELD_TYPE_DOUBLE); } /* ARGSUSED */ void Item_field::make_field(Send_field *tmp_field) { field->make_field(tmp_field); if (name) tmp_field->col_name=name; // Use user supplied name } /* ** Set a field:s value from a item */ void Item_field::save_org_in_field(Field *to) { if (field->is_null()) { null_value=1; set_field_to_null_with_conversions(to, 1); } else { to->set_notnull(); field_conv(to,field); null_value=0; } } int Item_field::save_in_field(Field *to, bool no_conversions) { if (result_field->is_null()) { null_value=1; return set_field_to_null_with_conversions(to, no_conversions); } else { to->set_notnull(); field_conv(to,result_field); null_value=0; } return 0; } /* Store null in field SYNOPSIS save_in_field() field Field where we want to store NULL DESCRIPTION This is used on INSERT. Allow NULL to be inserted in timestamp and auto_increment values RETURN VALUES 0 ok 1 Field doesn't support NULL values and can't handle 'field = NULL' */ int Item_null::save_in_field(Field *field, bool no_conversions) { return set_field_to_null_with_conversions(field, no_conversions); } /* Store null in field SYNOPSIS save_safe_in_field() field Field where we want to store NULL RETURN VALUES 0 ok 1 Field doesn't support NULL values */ int Item_null::save_safe_in_field(Field *field) { return set_field_to_null(field); } int Item::save_in_field(Field *field, bool no_conversions) { int error; if (result_type() == STRING_RESULT || result_type() == REAL_RESULT && field->result_type() == STRING_RESULT) { String *result; CHARSET_INFO *cs=charset(); char buff[MAX_FIELD_WIDTH]; // Alloc buffer for small columns str_value.set_quick(buff,sizeof(buff),cs); result=val_str(&str_value); if (null_value) return set_field_to_null_with_conversions(field, no_conversions); field->set_notnull(); error=field->store(result->ptr(),result->length(),cs); str_value.set_quick(0, 0, cs); } else if (result_type() == REAL_RESULT) { double nr=val(); if (null_value) return set_field_to_null(field); field->set_notnull(); error=field->store(nr); } else { longlong nr=val_int(); if (null_value) return set_field_to_null_with_conversions(field, no_conversions); field->set_notnull(); error=field->store(nr); } return (error) ? -1 : 0; } int Item_string::save_in_field(Field *field, bool no_conversions) { String *result; result=val_str(&str_value); if (null_value) return set_field_to_null(field); field->set_notnull(); return (field->store(result->ptr(),result->length(),charset())) ? -1 : 0; } int Item_int::save_in_field(Field *field, bool no_conversions) { longlong nr=val_int(); if (null_value) return set_field_to_null(field); field->set_notnull(); return (field->store(nr)) ? -1 : 0; } int Item_real::save_in_field(Field *field, bool no_conversions) { double nr=val(); if (null_value) return set_field_to_null(field); field->set_notnull(); return (field->store(nr)) ? -1 : 0; } /**************************************************************************** ** varbinary item ** In string context this is a binary string ** In number context this is a longlong value. ****************************************************************************/ inline uint char_val(char X) { return (uint) (X >= '0' && X <= '9' ? X-'0' : X >= 'A' && X <= 'Z' ? X-'A'+10 : X-'a'+10); } Item_varbinary::Item_varbinary(const char *str, uint str_length) { name=(char*) str-2; // Lex makes this start with 0x max_length=(str_length+1)/2; char *ptr=(char*) sql_alloc(max_length+1); if (!ptr) return; str_value.set(ptr,max_length,my_charset_bin); char *end=ptr+max_length; if (max_length*2 != str_length) *ptr++=char_val(*str++); // Not even, assume 0 prefix while (ptr != end) { *ptr++= (char) (char_val(str[0])*16+char_val(str[1])); str+=2; } *ptr=0; // Keep purify happy } longlong Item_varbinary::val_int() { char *end=(char*) str_value.ptr()+str_value.length(), *ptr=end-min(str_value.length(),sizeof(longlong)); ulonglong value=0; for (; ptr != end ; ptr++) value=(value << 8)+ (ulonglong) (uchar) *ptr; return (longlong) value; } int Item_varbinary::save_in_field(Field *field, bool no_conversions) { int error; field->set_notnull(); if (field->result_type() == STRING_RESULT) { error=field->store(str_value.ptr(),str_value.length(),charset()); } else { longlong nr=val_int(); error=field->store(nr); } return (error) ? -1 : 0; } /* Pack data in buffer for sending */ bool Item_null::send(Protocol *protocol, String *packet) { return protocol->store_null(); } /* This is only called from items that is not of type item_field */ bool Item::send(Protocol *protocol, String *buffer) { bool result; enum_field_types type; LINT_INIT(result); switch ((type=field_type())) { default: case MYSQL_TYPE_NULL: case MYSQL_TYPE_DECIMAL: case MYSQL_TYPE_ENUM: case MYSQL_TYPE_SET: case MYSQL_TYPE_TINY_BLOB: case MYSQL_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB: case MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB: case MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB: case MYSQL_TYPE_GEOMETRY: case MYSQL_TYPE_STRING: case MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING: { String *res; if ((res=val_str(buffer))) result= protocol->store(res->ptr(),res->length()); break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_TINY: { longlong nr; nr= val_int(); if (!null_value) result= protocol->store_tiny(nr); break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT: { longlong nr; nr= val_int(); if (!null_value) result= protocol->store_short(nr); break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_INT24: case MYSQL_TYPE_LONG: { longlong nr; nr= val_int(); if (!null_value) result= protocol->store_long(nr); break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG: { longlong nr; nr= val_int(); if (!null_value) result= protocol->store_longlong(nr, unsigned_flag); break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE: { double nr; nr= val(); if (!null_value) result= protocol->store(nr, decimals, buffer); break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME: case MYSQL_TYPE_DATE: case MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP: { TIME tm; get_date(&tm, 1); if (!null_value) { if (type == MYSQL_TYPE_DATE) return protocol->store_date(&tm); else result= protocol->store(&tm); } break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_TIME: { TIME tm; get_time(&tm); if (!null_value) result= protocol->store_time(&tm); break; } } if (null_value) result= protocol->store_null(); return result; } bool Item_field::send(Protocol *protocol, String *buffer) { return protocol->store(result_field); } #ifdef EMBEDDED_LIBRARY bool Item::embedded_send(const CONVERT *convert, CHARSET_INFO *charset, MEM_ROOT *alloc, char **result, ulong *length) { char buff[MAX_FIELD_WIDTH]; String s(buff, sizeof(buff), charset), *value; if (!(value=val_str(&s)) || !(*result=alloc_root(alloc, value->length() + 1))) { *result= NULL; *length= 0; return false; } if (!(*result=alloc_root(alloc, value->length() + 1))) return true; *length= value->length(); if (convert) convert->convert_back(*result, value->ptr(), *length); else memcpy(*result, value->ptr(), *length); (*result)[*length]= 0; return false; } bool Item_null::embedded_send(const CONVERT *convert, CHARSET_INFO *charset, MEM_ROOT *alloc, char **result, ulong *length) { *result= NULL; *length= 0; return false; } bool Item_field::embedded_send(const CONVERT *convert, CHARSET_INFO *charset, MEM_ROOT *alloc, char **result, ulong *length) { if (result_field->is_null()) { *result= NULL; *length= 0; return false; } char buff[MAX_FIELD_WIDTH]; String tmp(buff,sizeof(buff),default_charset_info); result_field->val_str(&tmp,&tmp); if (!(*result=alloc_root(alloc, tmp.length() + 1))) return true; *length= tmp.length(); if (convert) convert->convert_back(*result, tmp.ptr(), *length); else memcpy(*result, tmp.ptr(), *length); (*result)[*length]= 0; return false; } #endif /* This is used for HAVING clause Find field in select list having the same name */ bool Item_ref::fix_fields(THD *thd,TABLE_LIST *tables, Item **reference) { if (!ref) { SELECT_LEX *sl= thd->lex.current_select->outer_select(); /* Finding only in current select will be performed for selects that have not outer one and for derived tables (which not support using outer fields for now) */ if ((ref= find_item_in_list(this, *(thd->lex.current_select->get_item_list()), ((sl && thd->lex.current_select->linkage != DERIVED_TABLE_TYPE) ? REPORT_EXCEPT_NOT_FOUND : REPORT_ALL_ERRORS))) == (Item **)not_found_item) { Field *tmp= (Field*) not_found_field; /* We can't find table field in table list of current select, consequently we have to find it in outer subselect(s). We can't join lists of outer & current select, because of scope of view rules. For example if both tables (outer & current) have field 'field' it is not mistake to refer to this field without mention of table name, but if we join tables in one list it will cause error ER_NON_UNIQ_ERROR in find_item_in_list. */ SELECT_LEX *last=0; for ( ; sl ; sl= sl->outer_select()) { if ((ref= find_item_in_list(this, (last= sl)->item_list, REPORT_EXCEPT_NOT_FOUND)) != (Item **)not_found_item) break; if ((tmp= find_field_in_tables(thd, this, sl->get_table_list(), 0)) != not_found_field); if (sl->linkage == DERIVED_TABLE_TYPE) break; // do not look over derived table } if (!ref) return 1; else if (!tmp) return -1; else if (ref == (Item **)not_found_item && tmp == not_found_field) { // Call to report error find_item_in_list(this, *(thd->lex.current_select->get_item_list()), REPORT_ALL_ERRORS); ref= 0; return 1; } else if (tmp != not_found_field) { ref= 0; // To prevent "delete *ref;" on ~Item_erf() of this item Item_field* f; if (!((*reference)= f= new Item_field(tmp))) return 1; f->depended_from= last; thd->lex.current_select->mark_as_dependent(last); return 0; } else { depended_from= last; thd->lex.current_select->mark_as_dependent(last); thd->add_possible_loop(this); } } else if (!ref) return 1; max_length= (*ref)->max_length; maybe_null= (*ref)->maybe_null; decimals= (*ref)->decimals; } if (((*ref)->with_sum_func && (depended_from || !(thd->lex.current_select->linkage != GLOBAL_OPTIONS_TYPE && thd->lex.current_select->select_lex()->having_fix_field))) || !(*ref)->fixed) { my_error(ER_ILLEGAL_REFERENCE, MYF(0), name, ((*ref)->with_sum_func? "reference on group function": "forward reference in item list")); return 1; } fixed= 1; if (ref && (*ref)->check_cols(1)) return 1; return 0; } bool Item_ref::check_loop(uint id) { DBUG_ENTER("Item_ref::check_loop"); if (Item_ident::check_loop(id)) DBUG_RETURN(1); DBUG_RETURN((*ref)->check_loop(id)); } /* If item is a const function, calculate it and return a const item The original item is freed if not returned */ Item_result item_cmp_type(Item_result a,Item_result b) { if (a == STRING_RESULT && b == STRING_RESULT) return STRING_RESULT; else if (a == INT_RESULT && b == INT_RESULT) return INT_RESULT; else if (a == ROW_RESULT || b == ROW_RESULT) return ROW_RESULT; else return REAL_RESULT; } Item *resolve_const_item(Item *item,Item *comp_item) { if (item->basic_const_item()) return item; // Can't be better Item_result res_type=item_cmp_type(comp_item->result_type(), item->result_type()); char *name=item->name; // Alloced by sql_alloc if (res_type == STRING_RESULT) { char buff[MAX_FIELD_WIDTH]; String tmp(buff,sizeof(buff),default_charset_info),*result; result=item->val_str(&tmp); if (item->null_value) { #ifdef DELETE_ITEMS delete item; #endif return new Item_null(name); } uint length=result->length(); char *tmp_str=sql_strmake(result->ptr(),length); #ifdef DELETE_ITEMS delete item; #endif return new Item_string(name,tmp_str,length,default_charset_info); } if (res_type == INT_RESULT) { longlong result=item->val_int(); uint length=item->max_length; bool null_value=item->null_value; #ifdef DELETE_ITEMS delete item; #endif return (null_value ? (Item*) new Item_null(name) : (Item*) new Item_int(name,result,length)); } else { // It must REAL_RESULT double result=item->val(); uint length=item->max_length,decimals=item->decimals; bool null_value=item->null_value; #ifdef DELETE_ITEMS delete item; #endif return (null_value ? (Item*) new Item_null(name) : (Item*) new Item_real(name,result,decimals,length)); } } /* Return true if the value stored in the field is equal to the const item We need to use this on the range optimizer because in some cases we can't store the value in the field without some precision/character loss. */ bool field_is_equal_to_item(Field *field,Item *item) { Item_result res_type=item_cmp_type(field->result_type(), item->result_type()); if (res_type == STRING_RESULT) { char item_buff[MAX_FIELD_WIDTH]; char field_buff[MAX_FIELD_WIDTH]; String item_tmp(item_buff,sizeof(item_buff),default_charset_info),*item_result; String field_tmp(field_buff,sizeof(field_buff),default_charset_info); item_result=item->val_str(&item_tmp); if (item->null_value) return 1; // This must be true field->val_str(&field_tmp,&field_tmp); return !stringcmp(&field_tmp,item_result); } if (res_type == INT_RESULT) return 1; // Both where of type int double result=item->val(); if (item->null_value) return 1; return result == field->val_real(); } /***************************************************************************** ** Instantiate templates *****************************************************************************/ #ifdef __GNUC__ template class List; template class List_iterator; template class List_iterator_fast; template class List; #endif