/* Copyright 2000-2008 MySQL AB, 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /** @file @brief logging of commands @todo Abort logging when we get an error in reading or writing log files */ #include "mysql_priv.h" #include "sql_repl.h" #include "rpl_filter.h" #include "rpl_rli.h" #include #include #include // For test_if_number #ifdef __NT__ #include "message.h" #endif #include /* max size of the log message */ #define MAX_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE 1024 #define MAX_USER_HOST_SIZE 512 #define MAX_TIME_SIZE 32 #define MY_OFF_T_UNDEF (~(my_off_t)0UL) #define FLAGSTR(V,F) ((V)&(F)?#F" ":"") LOGGER logger; MYSQL_BIN_LOG mysql_bin_log; ulong sync_binlog_counter= 0; static bool test_if_number(const char *str, long *res, bool allow_wildcards); static int binlog_init(void *p); static int binlog_close_connection(handlerton *hton, THD *thd); static int binlog_savepoint_set(handlerton *hton, THD *thd, void *sv); static int binlog_savepoint_rollback(handlerton *hton, THD *thd, void *sv); static int binlog_commit(handlerton *hton, THD *thd, bool all); static int binlog_rollback(handlerton *hton, THD *thd, bool all); static int binlog_prepare(handlerton *hton, THD *thd, bool all); /** Silence all errors and warnings reported when performing a write to a log table. Errors and warnings are not reported to the client or SQL exception handlers, so that the presence of logging does not interfere and affect the logic of an application. */ class Silence_log_table_errors : public Internal_error_handler { char m_message[MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE]; public: Silence_log_table_errors() { m_message[0]= '\0'; } virtual ~Silence_log_table_errors() {} virtual bool handle_error(uint sql_errno, const char *message, MYSQL_ERROR::enum_warning_level level, THD *thd); const char *message() const { return m_message; } }; bool Silence_log_table_errors::handle_error(uint /* sql_errno */, const char *message_arg, MYSQL_ERROR::enum_warning_level /* level */, THD * /* thd */) { strmake(m_message, message_arg, sizeof(m_message)-1); return TRUE; } sql_print_message_func sql_print_message_handlers[3] = { sql_print_information, sql_print_warning, sql_print_error }; char *make_default_log_name(char *buff,const char* log_ext) { strmake(buff, pidfile_name, FN_REFLEN-5); return fn_format(buff, buff, mysql_data_home, log_ext, MYF(MY_UNPACK_FILENAME|MY_REPLACE_EXT)); } /* Helper class to hold a mutex for the duration of the block. Eliminates the need for explicit unlocking of mutexes on, e.g., error returns. On passing a null pointer, the sentry will not do anything. */ class Mutex_sentry { public: Mutex_sentry(pthread_mutex_t *mutex) : m_mutex(mutex) { if (m_mutex) pthread_mutex_lock(mutex); } ~Mutex_sentry() { if (m_mutex) pthread_mutex_unlock(m_mutex); #ifndef DBUG_OFF m_mutex= 0; #endif } private: pthread_mutex_t *m_mutex; // It's not allowed to copy this object in any way Mutex_sentry(Mutex_sentry const&); void operator=(Mutex_sentry const&); }; /* Helper class to store binary log transaction data. */ class binlog_trx_data { public: binlog_trx_data() : at_least_one_stmt_committed(0), incident(FALSE), m_pending(0), before_stmt_pos(MY_OFF_T_UNDEF) { trans_log.end_of_file= max_binlog_cache_size; } ~binlog_trx_data() { DBUG_ASSERT(pending() == NULL); close_cached_file(&trans_log); } my_off_t position() const { return my_b_tell(&trans_log); } bool empty() const { return pending() == NULL && my_b_tell(&trans_log) == 0; } /* Truncate the transaction cache to a certain position. This includes deleting the pending event. */ void truncate(my_off_t pos) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("truncating to position %lu", (ulong) pos)); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("before_stmt_pos=%lu", (ulong) pos)); if (pending()) { delete pending(); } set_pending(0); reinit_io_cache(&trans_log, WRITE_CACHE, pos, 0, 0); trans_log.end_of_file= max_binlog_cache_size; if (pos < before_stmt_pos) before_stmt_pos= MY_OFF_T_UNDEF; /* The only valid positions that can be truncated to are at the beginning of a statement. We are relying on this fact to be able to set the at_least_one_stmt_committed flag correctly. In other word, if we are truncating to the beginning of the transaction cache, there will be no statements in the cache, otherwhise, we will have at least one statement in the transaction cache. */ at_least_one_stmt_committed= (pos > 0); } /* Reset the entire contents of the transaction cache, emptying it completely. */ void reset() { if (!empty()) truncate(0); before_stmt_pos= MY_OFF_T_UNDEF; incident= FALSE; trans_log.end_of_file= max_binlog_cache_size; DBUG_ASSERT(empty()); } Rows_log_event *pending() const { return m_pending; } void set_pending(Rows_log_event *const pending) { m_pending= pending; } IO_CACHE trans_log; // The transaction cache void set_incident(void) { incident= TRUE; } bool has_incident(void) { return(incident); } /** Boolean that is true if there is at least one statement in the transaction cache. */ bool at_least_one_stmt_committed; bool incident; private: /* Pending binrows event. This event is the event where the rows are currently written. */ Rows_log_event *m_pending; public: /* Binlog position before the start of the current statement. */ my_off_t before_stmt_pos; }; handlerton *binlog_hton; bool LOGGER::is_log_table_enabled(uint log_table_type) { switch (log_table_type) { case QUERY_LOG_SLOW: return (table_log_handler != NULL) && opt_slow_log; case QUERY_LOG_GENERAL: return (table_log_handler != NULL) && opt_log ; default: DBUG_ASSERT(0); return FALSE; /* make compiler happy */ } } /* Check if a given table is opened log table */ int check_if_log_table(uint db_len, const char *db, uint table_name_len, const char *table_name, uint check_if_opened) { if (db_len == 5 && !(lower_case_table_names ? my_strcasecmp(system_charset_info, db, "mysql") : strcmp(db, "mysql"))) { if (table_name_len == 11 && !(lower_case_table_names ? my_strcasecmp(system_charset_info, table_name, "general_log") : strcmp(table_name, "general_log"))) { if (!check_if_opened || logger.is_log_table_enabled(QUERY_LOG_GENERAL)) return QUERY_LOG_GENERAL; return 0; } if (table_name_len == 8 && !(lower_case_table_names ? my_strcasecmp(system_charset_info, table_name, "slow_log") : strcmp(table_name, "slow_log"))) { if (!check_if_opened || logger.is_log_table_enabled(QUERY_LOG_SLOW)) return QUERY_LOG_SLOW; return 0; } } return 0; } Log_to_csv_event_handler::Log_to_csv_event_handler() { } Log_to_csv_event_handler::~Log_to_csv_event_handler() { } void Log_to_csv_event_handler::cleanup() { logger.is_log_tables_initialized= FALSE; } /* log event handlers */ /** Log command to the general log table Log given command to the general log table. @param event_time command start timestamp @param user_host the pointer to the string with user@host info @param user_host_len length of the user_host string. this is computed once and passed to all general log event handlers @param thread_id Id of the thread, issued a query @param command_type the type of the command being logged @param command_type_len the length of the string above @param sql_text the very text of the query being executed @param sql_text_len the length of sql_text string @return This function attempts to never call my_error(). This is necessary, because general logging happens already after a statement status has been sent to the client, so the client can not see the error anyway. Besides, the error is not related to the statement being executed and is internal, and thus should be handled internally (@todo: how?). If a write to the table has failed, the function attempts to write to a short error message to the file. The failure is also indicated in the return value. @retval FALSE OK @retval TRUE error occured */ bool Log_to_csv_event_handler:: log_general(THD *thd, time_t event_time, const char *user_host, uint user_host_len, int thread_id, const char *command_type, uint command_type_len, const char *sql_text, uint sql_text_len, CHARSET_INFO *client_cs) { TABLE_LIST table_list; TABLE *table; bool result= TRUE; bool need_close= FALSE; bool need_pop= FALSE; bool need_rnd_end= FALSE; uint field_index; Silence_log_table_errors error_handler; Open_tables_state open_tables_backup; ulonglong save_thd_options; bool save_time_zone_used; /* CSV uses TIME_to_timestamp() internally if table needs to be repaired which will set thd->time_zone_used */ save_time_zone_used= thd->time_zone_used; save_thd_options= thd->options; thd->options&= ~OPTION_BIN_LOG; bzero(& table_list, sizeof(TABLE_LIST)); table_list.alias= table_list.table_name= GENERAL_LOG_NAME.str; table_list.table_name_length= GENERAL_LOG_NAME.length; table_list.lock_type= TL_WRITE_CONCURRENT_INSERT; table_list.db= MYSQL_SCHEMA_NAME.str; table_list.db_length= MYSQL_SCHEMA_NAME.length; /* 1) open_performance_schema_table generates an error of the table can not be opened or is corrupted. 2) "INSERT INTO general_log" can generate warning sometimes. Suppress these warnings and errors, they can't be dealt with properly anyway. QQ: this problem needs to be studied in more detail. Comment this 2 lines and run "cast.test" to see what's happening. */ thd->push_internal_handler(& error_handler); need_pop= TRUE; if (!(table= open_performance_schema_table(thd, & table_list, & open_tables_backup))) goto err; need_close= TRUE; if (table->file->extra(HA_EXTRA_MARK_AS_LOG_TABLE) || table->file->ha_rnd_init(0)) goto err; need_rnd_end= TRUE; /* Honor next number columns if present */ table->next_number_field= table->found_next_number_field; /* NOTE: we do not call restore_record() here, as all fields are filled by the Logger (=> no need to load default ones). */ /* We do not set a value for table->field[0], as it will use default value (which is CURRENT_TIMESTAMP). */ /* check that all columns exist */ if (table->s->fields < 6) goto err; DBUG_ASSERT(table->field[0]->type() == MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP); ((Field_timestamp*) table->field[0])->store_timestamp((my_time_t) event_time); /* do a write */ if (table->field[1]->store(user_host, user_host_len, client_cs) || table->field[2]->store((longlong) thread_id, TRUE) || table->field[3]->store((longlong) server_id, TRUE) || table->field[4]->store(command_type, command_type_len, client_cs)) goto err; /* A positive return value in store() means truncation. Still logging a message in the log in this case. */ table->field[5]->flags|= FIELDFLAG_HEX_ESCAPE; if (table->field[5]->store(sql_text, sql_text_len, client_cs) < 0) goto err; /* mark all fields as not null */ table->field[1]->set_notnull(); table->field[2]->set_notnull(); table->field[3]->set_notnull(); table->field[4]->set_notnull(); table->field[5]->set_notnull(); /* Set any extra columns to their default values */ for (field_index= 6 ; field_index < table->s->fields ; field_index++) { table->field[field_index]->set_default(); } /* log table entries are not replicated */ if (table->file->ha_write_row(table->record[0])) goto err; result= FALSE; err: if (result && !thd->killed) sql_print_error("Failed to write to mysql.general_log: %s", error_handler.message()); if (need_rnd_end) { table->file->ha_rnd_end(); table->file->ha_release_auto_increment(); } if (need_pop) thd->pop_internal_handler(); if (need_close) close_performance_schema_table(thd, & open_tables_backup); thd->options= save_thd_options; thd->time_zone_used= save_time_zone_used; return result; } /* Log a query to the slow log table SYNOPSIS log_slow() thd THD of the query current_time current timestamp query_start_arg command start timestamp user_host the pointer to the string with user@host info user_host_len length of the user_host string. this is computed once and passed to all general log event handlers query_time Amount of time the query took to execute (in microseconds) lock_time Amount of time the query was locked (in microseconds) is_command The flag, which determines, whether the sql_text is a query or an administrator command (these are treated differently by the old logging routines) sql_text the very text of the query or administrator command processed sql_text_len the length of sql_text string DESCRIPTION Log a query to the slow log table RETURN FALSE - OK TRUE - error occured */ bool Log_to_csv_event_handler:: log_slow(THD *thd, time_t current_time, time_t query_start_arg, const char *user_host, uint user_host_len, ulonglong query_utime, ulonglong lock_utime, bool is_command, const char *sql_text, uint sql_text_len) { TABLE_LIST table_list; TABLE *table; bool result= TRUE; bool need_close= FALSE; bool need_rnd_end= FALSE; Silence_log_table_errors error_handler; Open_tables_state open_tables_backup; CHARSET_INFO *client_cs= thd->variables.character_set_client; bool save_time_zone_used; DBUG_ENTER("Log_to_csv_event_handler::log_slow"); thd->push_internal_handler(& error_handler); /* CSV uses TIME_to_timestamp() internally if table needs to be repaired which will set thd->time_zone_used */ save_time_zone_used= thd->time_zone_used; bzero(& table_list, sizeof(TABLE_LIST)); table_list.alias= table_list.table_name= SLOW_LOG_NAME.str; table_list.table_name_length= SLOW_LOG_NAME.length; table_list.lock_type= TL_WRITE_CONCURRENT_INSERT; table_list.db= MYSQL_SCHEMA_NAME.str; table_list.db_length= MYSQL_SCHEMA_NAME.length; if (!(table= open_performance_schema_table(thd, & table_list, & open_tables_backup))) goto err; need_close= TRUE; if (table->file->extra(HA_EXTRA_MARK_AS_LOG_TABLE) || table->file->ha_rnd_init(0)) goto err; need_rnd_end= TRUE; /* Honor next number columns if present */ table->next_number_field= table->found_next_number_field; restore_record(table, s->default_values); // Get empty record /* check that all columns exist */ if (table->s->fields < 11) goto err; /* store the time and user values */ DBUG_ASSERT(table->field[0]->type() == MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP); ((Field_timestamp*) table->field[0])->store_timestamp((my_time_t) current_time); if (table->field[1]->store(user_host, user_host_len, client_cs)) goto err; if (query_start_arg) { longlong query_time= (longlong) (query_utime/1000000); longlong lock_time= (longlong) (lock_utime/1000000); /* A TIME field can not hold the full longlong range; query_time or lock_time may be truncated without warning here, if greater than 839 hours (~35 days) */ MYSQL_TIME t; t.neg= 0; /* fill in query_time field */ calc_time_from_sec(&t, (long) min(query_time, (longlong) TIME_MAX_VALUE_SECONDS), 0); if (table->field[2]->store_time(&t, MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_TIME)) goto err; /* lock_time */ calc_time_from_sec(&t, (long) min(lock_time, (longlong) TIME_MAX_VALUE_SECONDS), 0); if (table->field[3]->store_time(&t, MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_TIME)) goto err; /* rows_sent */ if (table->field[4]->store((longlong) thd->sent_row_count, TRUE)) goto err; /* rows_examined */ if (table->field[5]->store((longlong) thd->examined_row_count, TRUE)) goto err; } else { table->field[2]->set_null(); table->field[3]->set_null(); table->field[4]->set_null(); table->field[5]->set_null(); } /* fill database field */ if (thd->db) { if (table->field[6]->store(thd->db, thd->db_length, client_cs)) goto err; table->field[6]->set_notnull(); } if (thd->stmt_depends_on_first_successful_insert_id_in_prev_stmt) { if (table-> field[7]->store((longlong) thd->first_successful_insert_id_in_prev_stmt_for_binlog, TRUE)) goto err; table->field[7]->set_notnull(); } /* Set value if we do an insert on autoincrement column. Note that for some engines (those for which get_auto_increment() does not leave a table lock until the statement ends), this is just the first value and the next ones used may not be contiguous to it. */ if (thd->auto_inc_intervals_in_cur_stmt_for_binlog.nb_elements() > 0) { if (table-> field[8]->store((longlong) thd->auto_inc_intervals_in_cur_stmt_for_binlog.minimum(), TRUE)) goto err; table->field[8]->set_notnull(); } if (table->field[9]->store((longlong) server_id, TRUE)) goto err; table->field[9]->set_notnull(); /* Column sql_text. A positive return value in store() means truncation. Still logging a message in the log in this case. */ if (table->field[10]->store(sql_text, sql_text_len, client_cs) < 0) goto err; /* log table entries are not replicated */ if (table->file->ha_write_row(table->record[0])) goto err; result= FALSE; err: thd->pop_internal_handler(); if (result && !thd->killed) sql_print_error("Failed to write to mysql.slow_log: %s", error_handler.message()); if (need_rnd_end) { table->file->ha_rnd_end(); table->file->ha_release_auto_increment(); } if (need_close) close_performance_schema_table(thd, & open_tables_backup); thd->time_zone_used= save_time_zone_used; DBUG_RETURN(result); } int Log_to_csv_event_handler:: activate_log(THD *thd, uint log_table_type) { TABLE_LIST table_list; TABLE *table; int result; Open_tables_state open_tables_backup; DBUG_ENTER("Log_to_csv_event_handler::activate_log"); bzero(& table_list, sizeof(TABLE_LIST)); if (log_table_type == QUERY_LOG_GENERAL) { table_list.alias= table_list.table_name= GENERAL_LOG_NAME.str; table_list.table_name_length= GENERAL_LOG_NAME.length; } else { DBUG_ASSERT(log_table_type == QUERY_LOG_SLOW); table_list.alias= table_list.table_name= SLOW_LOG_NAME.str; table_list.table_name_length= SLOW_LOG_NAME.length; } table_list.lock_type= TL_WRITE_CONCURRENT_INSERT; table_list.db= MYSQL_SCHEMA_NAME.str; table_list.db_length= MYSQL_SCHEMA_NAME.length; table= open_performance_schema_table(thd, & table_list, & open_tables_backup); if (table) { result= 0; close_performance_schema_table(thd, & open_tables_backup); } else result= 1; DBUG_RETURN(result); } bool Log_to_csv_event_handler:: log_error(enum loglevel level, const char *format, va_list args) { /* No log table is implemented */ DBUG_ASSERT(0); return FALSE; } bool Log_to_file_event_handler:: log_error(enum loglevel level, const char *format, va_list args) { return vprint_msg_to_log(level, format, args); } void Log_to_file_event_handler::init_pthread_objects() { mysql_log.init_pthread_objects(); mysql_slow_log.init_pthread_objects(); } /** Wrapper around MYSQL_LOG::write() for slow log. */ bool Log_to_file_event_handler:: log_slow(THD *thd, time_t current_time, time_t query_start_arg, const char *user_host, uint user_host_len, ulonglong query_utime, ulonglong lock_utime, bool is_command, const char *sql_text, uint sql_text_len) { Silence_log_table_errors error_handler; thd->push_internal_handler(&error_handler); bool retval= mysql_slow_log.write(thd, current_time, query_start_arg, user_host, user_host_len, query_utime, lock_utime, is_command, sql_text, sql_text_len); thd->pop_internal_handler(); return retval; } /** Wrapper around MYSQL_LOG::write() for general log. We need it since we want all log event handlers to have the same signature. */ bool Log_to_file_event_handler:: log_general(THD *thd, time_t event_time, const char *user_host, uint user_host_len, int thread_id, const char *command_type, uint command_type_len, const char *sql_text, uint sql_text_len, CHARSET_INFO *client_cs) { Silence_log_table_errors error_handler; thd->push_internal_handler(&error_handler); bool retval= mysql_log.write(event_time, user_host, user_host_len, thread_id, command_type, command_type_len, sql_text, sql_text_len); thd->pop_internal_handler(); return retval; } bool Log_to_file_event_handler::init() { if (!is_initialized) { if (opt_slow_log) mysql_slow_log.open_slow_log(sys_var_slow_log_path.value); if (opt_log) mysql_log.open_query_log(sys_var_general_log_path.value); is_initialized= TRUE; } return FALSE; } void Log_to_file_event_handler::cleanup() { mysql_log.cleanup(); mysql_slow_log.cleanup(); } void Log_to_file_event_handler::flush() { /* reopen log files */ if (opt_log) mysql_log.reopen_file(); if (opt_slow_log) mysql_slow_log.reopen_file(); } /* Log error with all enabled log event handlers SYNOPSIS error_log_print() level The level of the error significance: NOTE, WARNING or ERROR. format format string for the error message args list of arguments for the format string RETURN FALSE - OK TRUE - error occured */ bool LOGGER::error_log_print(enum loglevel level, const char *format, va_list args) { bool error= FALSE; Log_event_handler **current_handler; /* currently we don't need locking here as there is no error_log table */ for (current_handler= error_log_handler_list ; *current_handler ;) error= (*current_handler++)->log_error(level, format, args) || error; return error; } void LOGGER::cleanup_base() { DBUG_ASSERT(inited == 1); rwlock_destroy(&LOCK_logger); if (table_log_handler) { table_log_handler->cleanup(); delete table_log_handler; table_log_handler= NULL; } if (file_log_handler) file_log_handler->cleanup(); } void LOGGER::cleanup_end() { DBUG_ASSERT(inited == 1); if (file_log_handler) { delete file_log_handler; file_log_handler=NULL; } inited= 0; } /** Perform basic log initialization: create file-based log handler and init error log. */ void LOGGER::init_base() { DBUG_ASSERT(inited == 0); inited= 1; /* Here we create file log handler. We don't do it for the table log handler here as it cannot be created so early. The reason is THD initialization, which depends on the system variables (parsed later). */ if (!file_log_handler) file_log_handler= new Log_to_file_event_handler; /* by default we use traditional error log */ init_error_log(LOG_FILE); file_log_handler->init_pthread_objects(); my_rwlock_init(&LOCK_logger, NULL); } void LOGGER::init_log_tables() { if (!table_log_handler) table_log_handler= new Log_to_csv_event_handler; if (!is_log_tables_initialized && !table_log_handler->init() && !file_log_handler->init()) is_log_tables_initialized= TRUE; } bool LOGGER::flush_logs(THD *thd) { int rc= 0; /* Now we lock logger, as nobody should be able to use logging routines while log tables are closed */ logger.lock_exclusive(); /* reopen log files */ file_log_handler->flush(); /* end of log flush */ logger.unlock(); return rc; } /* Log slow query with all enabled log event handlers SYNOPSIS slow_log_print() thd THD of the query being logged query The query being logged query_length The length of the query string current_utime Current time in microseconds (from undefined start) RETURN FALSE OK TRUE error occured */ bool LOGGER::slow_log_print(THD *thd, const char *query, uint query_length, ulonglong current_utime) { bool error= FALSE; Log_event_handler **current_handler; bool is_command= FALSE; char user_host_buff[MAX_USER_HOST_SIZE + 1]; Security_context *sctx= thd->security_ctx; uint user_host_len= 0; ulonglong query_utime, lock_utime; DBUG_ASSERT(thd->enable_slow_log); /* Print the message to the buffer if we have slow log enabled */ if (*slow_log_handler_list) { time_t current_time; /* do not log slow queries from replication threads */ if (thd->slave_thread && !opt_log_slow_slave_statements) return 0; lock_shared(); if (!opt_slow_log) { unlock(); return 0; } /* fill in user_host value: the format is "%s[%s] @ %s [%s]" */ user_host_len= (strxnmov(user_host_buff, MAX_USER_HOST_SIZE, sctx->priv_user ? sctx->priv_user : "", "[", sctx->user ? sctx->user : "", "] @ ", sctx->host ? sctx->host : "", " [", sctx->ip ? sctx->ip : "", "]", NullS) - user_host_buff); current_time= my_time_possible_from_micro(current_utime); if (thd->start_utime) { query_utime= (current_utime - thd->start_utime); lock_utime= (thd->utime_after_lock - thd->start_utime); } else { query_utime= lock_utime= 0; } if (!query) { is_command= TRUE; query= command_name[thd->command].str; query_length= command_name[thd->command].length; } for (current_handler= slow_log_handler_list; *current_handler ;) error= (*current_handler++)->log_slow(thd, current_time, thd->start_time, user_host_buff, user_host_len, query_utime, lock_utime, is_command, query, query_length) || error; unlock(); } return error; } bool LOGGER::general_log_write(THD *thd, enum enum_server_command command, const char *query, uint query_length) { bool error= FALSE; Log_event_handler **current_handler= general_log_handler_list; char user_host_buff[MAX_USER_HOST_SIZE + 1]; Security_context *sctx= thd->security_ctx; uint user_host_len= 0; time_t current_time; DBUG_ASSERT(thd); lock_shared(); if (!opt_log) { unlock(); return 0; } user_host_len= strxnmov(user_host_buff, MAX_USER_HOST_SIZE, sctx->priv_user ? sctx->priv_user : "", "[", sctx->user ? sctx->user : "", "] @ ", sctx->host ? sctx->host : "", " [", sctx->ip ? sctx->ip : "", "]", NullS) - user_host_buff; current_time= my_time(0); while (*current_handler) error|= (*current_handler++)-> log_general(thd, current_time, user_host_buff, user_host_len, thd->thread_id, command_name[(uint) command].str, command_name[(uint) command].length, query, query_length, thd->variables.character_set_client) || error; unlock(); return error; } bool LOGGER::general_log_print(THD *thd, enum enum_server_command command, const char *format, va_list args) { uint message_buff_len= 0; char message_buff[MAX_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE]; /* prepare message */ if (format) message_buff_len= my_vsnprintf(message_buff, sizeof(message_buff), format, args); else message_buff[0]= '\0'; return general_log_write(thd, command, message_buff, message_buff_len); } void LOGGER::init_error_log(uint error_log_printer) { if (error_log_printer & LOG_NONE) { error_log_handler_list[0]= 0; return; } switch (error_log_printer) { case LOG_FILE: error_log_handler_list[0]= file_log_handler; error_log_handler_list[1]= 0; break; /* these two are disabled for now */ case LOG_TABLE: DBUG_ASSERT(0); break; case LOG_TABLE|LOG_FILE: DBUG_ASSERT(0); break; } } void LOGGER::init_slow_log(uint slow_log_printer) { if (slow_log_printer & LOG_NONE) { slow_log_handler_list[0]= 0; return; } switch (slow_log_printer) { case LOG_FILE: slow_log_handler_list[0]= file_log_handler; slow_log_handler_list[1]= 0; break; case LOG_TABLE: slow_log_handler_list[0]= table_log_handler; slow_log_handler_list[1]= 0; break; case LOG_TABLE|LOG_FILE: slow_log_handler_list[0]= file_log_handler; slow_log_handler_list[1]= table_log_handler; slow_log_handler_list[2]= 0; break; } } void LOGGER::init_general_log(uint general_log_printer) { if (general_log_printer & LOG_NONE) { general_log_handler_list[0]= 0; return; } switch (general_log_printer) { case LOG_FILE: general_log_handler_list[0]= file_log_handler; general_log_handler_list[1]= 0; break; case LOG_TABLE: general_log_handler_list[0]= table_log_handler; general_log_handler_list[1]= 0; break; case LOG_TABLE|LOG_FILE: general_log_handler_list[0]= file_log_handler; general_log_handler_list[1]= table_log_handler; general_log_handler_list[2]= 0; break; } } bool LOGGER::activate_log_handler(THD* thd, uint log_type) { MYSQL_QUERY_LOG *file_log; bool res= FALSE; lock_exclusive(); switch (log_type) { case QUERY_LOG_SLOW: if (!opt_slow_log) { file_log= file_log_handler->get_mysql_slow_log(); file_log->open_slow_log(sys_var_slow_log_path.value); if (table_log_handler->activate_log(thd, QUERY_LOG_SLOW)) { /* Error printed by open table in activate_log() */ res= TRUE; file_log->close(0); } else { init_slow_log(log_output_options); opt_slow_log= TRUE; } } break; case QUERY_LOG_GENERAL: if (!opt_log) { file_log= file_log_handler->get_mysql_log(); file_log->open_query_log(sys_var_general_log_path.value); if (table_log_handler->activate_log(thd, QUERY_LOG_GENERAL)) { /* Error printed by open table in activate_log() */ res= TRUE; file_log->close(0); } else { init_general_log(log_output_options); opt_log= TRUE; } } break; default: DBUG_ASSERT(0); } unlock(); return res; } void LOGGER::deactivate_log_handler(THD *thd, uint log_type) { my_bool *tmp_opt= 0; MYSQL_LOG *file_log; switch (log_type) { case QUERY_LOG_SLOW: tmp_opt= &opt_slow_log; file_log= file_log_handler->get_mysql_slow_log(); break; case QUERY_LOG_GENERAL: tmp_opt= &opt_log; file_log= file_log_handler->get_mysql_log(); break; default: assert(0); // Impossible } if (!(*tmp_opt)) return; lock_exclusive(); file_log->close(0); *tmp_opt= FALSE; unlock(); } /* the parameters are unused for the log tables */ bool Log_to_csv_event_handler::init() { return 0; } int LOGGER::set_handlers(uint error_log_printer, uint slow_log_printer, uint general_log_printer) { /* error log table is not supported yet */ DBUG_ASSERT(error_log_printer < LOG_TABLE); lock_exclusive(); if ((slow_log_printer & LOG_TABLE || general_log_printer & LOG_TABLE) && !is_log_tables_initialized) { slow_log_printer= (slow_log_printer & ~LOG_TABLE) | LOG_FILE; general_log_printer= (general_log_printer & ~LOG_TABLE) | LOG_FILE; sql_print_error("Failed to initialize log tables. " "Falling back to the old-fashioned logs"); } init_error_log(error_log_printer); init_slow_log(slow_log_printer); init_general_log(general_log_printer); unlock(); return 0; } /** This function checks if a transactional talbe was updated by the current statement. @param thd The client thread that executed the current statement. @return @c true if a transactional table was updated, @false otherwise. */ static bool stmt_has_updated_trans_table(THD *thd) { Ha_trx_info *ha_info; for (ha_info= thd->transaction.stmt.ha_list; ha_info && ha_info->is_started(); ha_info= ha_info->next()) { if (ha_info->is_trx_read_write() && ha_info->ht() != binlog_hton) return (TRUE); } return (FALSE); } /* Save position of binary log transaction cache. SYNPOSIS binlog_trans_log_savepos() thd The thread to take the binlog data from pos Pointer to variable where the position will be stored DESCRIPTION Save the current position in the binary log transaction cache into the variable pointed to by 'pos' */ static void binlog_trans_log_savepos(THD *thd, my_off_t *pos) { DBUG_ENTER("binlog_trans_log_savepos"); DBUG_ASSERT(pos != NULL); if (thd_get_ha_data(thd, binlog_hton) == NULL) thd->binlog_setup_trx_data(); binlog_trx_data *const trx_data= (binlog_trx_data*) thd_get_ha_data(thd, binlog_hton); DBUG_ASSERT(mysql_bin_log.is_open()); *pos= trx_data->position(); DBUG_PRINT("return", ("*pos: %lu", (ulong) *pos)); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /* Truncate the binary log transaction cache. SYNPOSIS binlog_trans_log_truncate() thd The thread to take the binlog data from pos Position to truncate to DESCRIPTION Truncate the binary log to the given position. Will not change anything else. */ static void binlog_trans_log_truncate(THD *thd, my_off_t pos) { DBUG_ENTER("binlog_trans_log_truncate"); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("pos: %lu", (ulong) pos)); DBUG_ASSERT(thd_get_ha_data(thd, binlog_hton) != NULL); /* Only true if binlog_trans_log_savepos() wasn't called before */ DBUG_ASSERT(pos != ~(my_off_t) 0); binlog_trx_data *const trx_data= (binlog_trx_data*) thd_get_ha_data(thd, binlog_hton); trx_data->truncate(pos); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /* this function is mostly a placeholder. conceptually, binlog initialization (now mostly done in MYSQL_BIN_LOG::open) should be moved here. */ int binlog_init(void *p) { binlog_hton= (handlerton *)p; binlog_hton->state=opt_bin_log ? SHOW_OPTION_YES : SHOW_OPTION_NO; binlog_hton->db_type=DB_TYPE_BINLOG; binlog_hton->savepoint_offset= sizeof(my_off_t); binlog_hton->close_connection= binlog_close_connection; binlog_hton->savepoint_set= binlog_savepoint_set; binlog_hton->savepoint_rollback= binlog_savepoint_rollback; binlog_hton->commit= binlog_commit; binlog_hton->rollback= binlog_rollback; binlog_hton->prepare= binlog_prepare; binlog_hton->flags= HTON_NOT_USER_SELECTABLE | HTON_HIDDEN; return 0; } static int binlog_close_connection(handlerton *hton, THD *thd) { binlog_trx_data *const trx_data= (binlog_trx_data*) thd_get_ha_data(thd, binlog_hton); DBUG_ASSERT(trx_data->empty()); thd_set_ha_data(thd, binlog_hton, NULL); trx_data->~binlog_trx_data(); my_free((uchar*)trx_data, MYF(0)); return 0; } /* End a transaction. SYNOPSIS binlog_end_trans() thd The thread whose transaction should be ended trx_data Pointer to the transaction data to use end_ev The end event to use, or NULL all True if the entire transaction should be ended, false if only the statement transaction should be ended. DESCRIPTION End the currently open transaction. The transaction can be either a real transaction (if 'all' is true) or a statement transaction (if 'all' is false). If 'end_ev' is NULL, the transaction is a rollback of only transactional tables, so the transaction cache will be truncated to either just before the last opened statement transaction (if 'all' is false), or reset completely (if 'all' is true). */ static int binlog_end_trans(THD *thd, binlog_trx_data *trx_data, Log_event *end_ev, bool all) { DBUG_ENTER("binlog_end_trans"); int error=0; IO_CACHE *trans_log= &trx_data->trans_log; DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("transaction: %s end_ev: 0x%lx", all ? "all" : "stmt", (long) end_ev)); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("thd->options={ %s%s}", FLAGSTR(thd->options, OPTION_NOT_AUTOCOMMIT), FLAGSTR(thd->options, OPTION_BEGIN))); /* NULL denotes ROLLBACK with nothing to replicate: i.e., rollback of only transactional tables. If the transaction contain changes to any non-transactiona tables, we need write the transaction and log a ROLLBACK last. */ if (end_ev != NULL) { if (thd->binlog_flush_pending_rows_event(TRUE)) DBUG_RETURN(1); /* Doing a commit or a rollback including non-transactional tables, i.e., ending a transaction where we might write the transaction cache to the binary log. We can always end the statement when ending a transaction since transactions are not allowed inside stored functions. If they were, we would have to ensure that we're not ending a statement inside a stored function. */ error= mysql_bin_log.write(thd, &trx_data->trans_log, end_ev, trx_data->has_incident()); trx_data->reset(); statistic_increment(binlog_cache_use, &LOCK_status); if (trans_log->disk_writes != 0) { statistic_increment(binlog_cache_disk_use, &LOCK_status); trans_log->disk_writes= 0; } } else { /* If rolling back an entire transaction or a single statement not inside a transaction, we reset the transaction cache. If rolling back a statement in a transaction, we truncate the transaction cache to remove the statement. */ thd->binlog_remove_pending_rows_event(TRUE); if (all || !(thd->options & (OPTION_BEGIN | OPTION_NOT_AUTOCOMMIT))) { if (trx_data->has_incident()) error= mysql_bin_log.write_incident(thd, TRUE); trx_data->reset(); } else // ...statement trx_data->truncate(trx_data->before_stmt_pos); } DBUG_ASSERT(thd->binlog_get_pending_rows_event() == NULL); DBUG_RETURN(error); } static int binlog_prepare(handlerton *hton, THD *thd, bool all) { /* do nothing. just pretend we can do 2pc, so that MySQL won't switch to 1pc. real work will be done in MYSQL_BIN_LOG::log_xid() */ return 0; } /** This function is called once after each statement. It has the responsibility to flush the transaction cache to the binlog file on commits. @param hton The binlog handlerton. @param thd The client thread that executes the transaction. @param all This is @c true if this is a real transaction commit, and @false otherwise. @see handlerton::commit */ static int binlog_commit(handlerton *hton, THD *thd, bool all) { int error= 0; DBUG_ENTER("binlog_commit"); binlog_trx_data *const trx_data= (binlog_trx_data*) thd_get_ha_data(thd, binlog_hton); if (trx_data->empty()) { // we're here because trans_log was flushed in MYSQL_BIN_LOG::log_xid() trx_data->reset(); DBUG_RETURN(0); } /* We flush the cache if: - we are committing a transaction or; - no statement was committed before and just non-transactional tables were updated. Otherwise, we collect the changes. */ DBUG_PRINT("debug", ("all: %d, empty: %s, all.modified_non_trans_table: %s, stmt.modified_non_trans_table: %s", all, YESNO(trx_data->empty()), YESNO(thd->transaction.all.modified_non_trans_table), YESNO(thd->transaction.stmt.modified_non_trans_table))); if (ending_trans(thd, all) || (trans_has_no_stmt_committed(thd, all) && !stmt_has_updated_trans_table(thd) && stmt_has_updated_non_trans_table(thd))) { Query_log_event qev(thd, STRING_WITH_LEN("COMMIT"), TRUE, TRUE, 0); error= binlog_end_trans(thd, trx_data, &qev, all); } trx_data->at_least_one_stmt_committed = my_b_tell(&trx_data->trans_log) > 0; if (!all) trx_data->before_stmt_pos = MY_OFF_T_UNDEF; // part of the stmt commit DBUG_RETURN(error); } /** This function is called when a transaction involving a transactional table is rolled back. It has the responsibility to flush the transaction cache to the binlog file. However, if the transaction does not involve non-transactional tables, nothing needs to be logged. @param hton The binlog handlerton. @param thd The client thread that executes the transaction. @param all This is @c true if this is a real transaction rollback, and @false otherwise. @see handlerton::rollback */ static int binlog_rollback(handlerton *hton, THD *thd, bool all) { DBUG_ENTER("binlog_rollback"); int error=0; binlog_trx_data *const trx_data= (binlog_trx_data*) thd_get_ha_data(thd, binlog_hton); if (trx_data->empty()) { trx_data->reset(); DBUG_RETURN(0); } DBUG_PRINT("debug", ("all: %s, all.modified_non_trans_table: %s, stmt.modified_non_trans_table: %s", YESNO(all), YESNO(thd->transaction.all.modified_non_trans_table), YESNO(thd->transaction.stmt.modified_non_trans_table))); if (mysql_bin_log.check_write_error(thd)) { /* "all == true" means that a "rollback statement" triggered the error and this function was called. However, this must not happen as a rollback is written directly to the binary log. And in auto-commit mode, a single statement that is rolled back has the flag all == false. */ DBUG_ASSERT(!all); /* We reach this point if either only transactional tables were modified or the effect of a statement that did not get into the binlog needs to be rolled back. In the latter case, if a statement changed non-transactional tables or had the OPTION_KEEP_LOG associated, we write an incident event to the binlog in order to stop slaves and notify users that some changes on the master did not get into the binlog and slaves will be inconsistent. On the other hand, if a statement is transactional, we just safely roll it back. */ if ((stmt_has_updated_non_trans_table(thd) || (thd->options & OPTION_KEEP_LOG)) && mysql_bin_log.check_write_error(thd)) trx_data->set_incident(); error= binlog_end_trans(thd, trx_data, 0, all); } else { /* We flush the cache with a rollback, wrapped in a beging/rollback if: . aborting a transaction that modified a non-transactional table or the OPTION_KEEP_LOG is activate. . aborting a statement that modified both transactional and non-transactional tables but which is not in the boundaries of any transaction or there was no early change; */ if ((ending_trans(thd, all) && (trans_has_updated_non_trans_table(thd) || (thd->options & OPTION_KEEP_LOG))) || (trans_has_no_stmt_committed(thd, all) && stmt_has_updated_non_trans_table(thd) && thd->current_stmt_binlog_row_based)) { Query_log_event qev(thd, STRING_WITH_LEN("ROLLBACK"), TRUE, TRUE, 0); error= binlog_end_trans(thd, trx_data, &qev, all); } /* Otherwise, we simply truncate the cache as there is no change on non-transactional tables as follows. */ else if (ending_trans(thd, all) || (!(thd->options & OPTION_KEEP_LOG) && !stmt_has_updated_non_trans_table(thd))) error= binlog_end_trans(thd, trx_data, 0, all); } if (!all) trx_data->before_stmt_pos = MY_OFF_T_UNDEF; // part of the stmt rollback DBUG_RETURN(error); } void MYSQL_BIN_LOG::set_write_error(THD *thd) { DBUG_ENTER("MYSQL_BIN_LOG::set_write_error"); write_error= 1; if (check_write_error(thd)) DBUG_VOID_RETURN; if (my_errno == EFBIG) my_message(ER_TRANS_CACHE_FULL, ER(ER_TRANS_CACHE_FULL), MYF(MY_WME)); else my_error(ER_ERROR_ON_WRITE, MYF(MY_WME), name, errno); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } bool MYSQL_BIN_LOG::check_write_error(THD *thd) { DBUG_ENTER("MYSQL_BIN_LOG::check_write_error"); bool checked= FALSE; if (!thd->is_error()) DBUG_RETURN(checked); switch (thd->main_da.sql_errno()) { case ER_TRANS_CACHE_FULL: case ER_ERROR_ON_WRITE: case ER_BINLOG_LOGGING_IMPOSSIBLE: checked= TRUE; break; } DBUG_RETURN(checked); } /** @note How do we handle this (unlikely but legal) case: @verbatim [transaction] + [update to non-trans table] + [rollback to savepoint] ? @endverbatim The problem occurs when a savepoint is before the update to the non-transactional table. Then when there's a rollback to the savepoint, if we simply truncate the binlog cache, we lose the part of the binlog cache where the update is. If we want to not lose it, we need to write the SAVEPOINT command and the ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT command to the binlog cache. The latter is easy: it's just write at the end of the binlog cache, but the former should be *inserted* to the place where the user called SAVEPOINT. The solution is that when the user calls SAVEPOINT, we write it to the binlog cache (so no need to later insert it). As transactions are never intermixed in the binary log (i.e. they are serialized), we won't have conflicts with savepoint names when using mysqlbinlog or in the slave SQL thread. Then when ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT is called, if we updated some non-transactional table, we don't truncate the binlog cache but instead write ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT to it; otherwise we truncate the binlog cache (which will chop the SAVEPOINT command from the binlog cache, which is good as in that case there is no need to have it in the binlog). */ static int binlog_savepoint_set(handlerton *hton, THD *thd, void *sv) { DBUG_ENTER("binlog_savepoint_set"); binlog_trans_log_savepos(thd, (my_off_t*) sv); /* Write it to the binary log */ String log_query; if (log_query.append(STRING_WITH_LEN("SAVEPOINT ")) || log_query.append(thd->lex->ident.str, thd->lex->ident.length)) DBUG_RETURN(1); int errcode= query_error_code(thd, thd->killed == THD::NOT_KILLED); Query_log_event qinfo(thd, log_query.c_ptr_safe(), log_query.length(), TRUE, TRUE, errcode); DBUG_RETURN(mysql_bin_log.write(&qinfo)); } static int binlog_savepoint_rollback(handlerton *hton, THD *thd, void *sv) { DBUG_ENTER("binlog_savepoint_rollback"); /* Write ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT to the binlog cache if we have updated some non-transactional table. Otherwise, truncate the binlog cache starting from the SAVEPOINT command. */ if (unlikely(trans_has_updated_non_trans_table(thd) || (thd->options & OPTION_KEEP_LOG))) { String log_query; if (log_query.append(STRING_WITH_LEN("ROLLBACK TO ")) || log_query.append(thd->lex->ident.str, thd->lex->ident.length)) DBUG_RETURN(1); int errcode= query_error_code(thd, thd->killed == THD::NOT_KILLED); Query_log_event qinfo(thd, log_query.c_ptr_safe(), log_query.length(), TRUE, TRUE, errcode); DBUG_RETURN(mysql_bin_log.write(&qinfo)); } binlog_trans_log_truncate(thd, *(my_off_t*)sv); DBUG_RETURN(0); } int check_binlog_magic(IO_CACHE* log, const char** errmsg) { char magic[4]; DBUG_ASSERT(my_b_tell(log) == 0); if (my_b_read(log, (uchar*) magic, sizeof(magic))) { *errmsg = "I/O error reading the header from the binary log"; sql_print_error("%s, errno=%d, io cache code=%d", *errmsg, my_errno, log->error); return 1; } if (memcmp(magic, BINLOG_MAGIC, sizeof(magic))) { *errmsg = "Binlog has bad magic number; It's not a binary log file that can be used by this version of MySQL"; return 1; } return 0; } File open_binlog(IO_CACHE *log, const char *log_file_name, const char **errmsg) { File file; DBUG_ENTER("open_binlog"); if ((file = my_open(log_file_name, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY | O_SHARE, MYF(MY_WME))) < 0) { sql_print_error("Failed to open log (file '%s', errno %d)", log_file_name, my_errno); *errmsg = "Could not open log file"; goto err; } if (init_io_cache(log, file, IO_SIZE*2, READ_CACHE, 0, 0, MYF(MY_WME|MY_DONT_CHECK_FILESIZE))) { sql_print_error("Failed to create a cache on log (file '%s')", log_file_name); *errmsg = "Could not open log file"; goto err; } if (check_binlog_magic(log,errmsg)) goto err; DBUG_RETURN(file); err: if (file >= 0) { my_close(file,MYF(0)); end_io_cache(log); } DBUG_RETURN(-1); } #ifdef __NT__ static int eventSource = 0; static void setup_windows_event_source() { HKEY hRegKey= NULL; DWORD dwError= 0; TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwTypes; if (eventSource) // Ensure that we are only called once return; eventSource= 1; // Create the event source registry key dwError= RegCreateKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\EventLog\\Application\\MySQL", &hRegKey); /* Name of the PE module that contains the message resource */ GetModuleFileName(NULL, szPath, MAX_PATH); /* Register EventMessageFile */ dwError = RegSetValueEx(hRegKey, "EventMessageFile", 0, REG_EXPAND_SZ, (PBYTE) szPath, (DWORD) (strlen(szPath) + 1)); /* Register supported event types */ dwTypes= (EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE | EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE | EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE); dwError= RegSetValueEx(hRegKey, "TypesSupported", 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &dwTypes, sizeof dwTypes); RegCloseKey(hRegKey); } #endif /* __NT__ */ /** Find a unique filename for 'filename.#'. Set '#' to a number as low as possible. @return nonzero if not possible to get unique filename */ static int find_uniq_filename(char *name) { long number; uint i; char buff[FN_REFLEN]; struct st_my_dir *dir_info; reg1 struct fileinfo *file_info; ulong max_found=0; size_t buf_length, length; char *start, *end; DBUG_ENTER("find_uniq_filename"); length= dirname_part(buff, name, &buf_length); start= name + length; end= strend(start); *end='.'; length= (size_t) (end-start+1); if (!(dir_info = my_dir(buff,MYF(MY_DONT_SORT)))) { // This shouldn't happen strmov(end,".1"); // use name+1 DBUG_RETURN(0); } file_info= dir_info->dir_entry; for (i=dir_info->number_off_files ; i-- ; file_info++) { if (memcmp(file_info->name, start, length) == 0 && test_if_number(file_info->name+length, &number,0)) { set_if_bigger(max_found,(ulong) number); } } my_dirend(dir_info); *end++='.'; sprintf(end,"%06ld",max_found+1); DBUG_RETURN(0); } void MYSQL_LOG::init(enum_log_type log_type_arg, enum cache_type io_cache_type_arg) { DBUG_ENTER("MYSQL_LOG::init"); log_type= log_type_arg; io_cache_type= io_cache_type_arg; DBUG_PRINT("info",("log_type: %d", log_type)); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } bool MYSQL_LOG::init_and_set_log_file_name(const char *log_name, const char *new_name, enum_log_type log_type_arg, enum cache_type io_cache_type_arg) { init(log_type_arg, io_cache_type_arg); if (new_name && !strmov(log_file_name, new_name)) return TRUE; else if (!new_name && generate_new_name(log_file_name, log_name)) return TRUE; return FALSE; } /* Open a (new) log file. SYNOPSIS open() log_name The name of the log to open log_type_arg The type of the log. E.g. LOG_NORMAL new_name The new name for the logfile. This is only needed when the method is used to open the binlog file. io_cache_type_arg The type of the IO_CACHE to use for this log file DESCRIPTION Open the logfile, init IO_CACHE and write startup messages (in case of general and slow query logs). RETURN VALUES 0 ok 1 error */ bool MYSQL_LOG::open(const char *log_name, enum_log_type log_type_arg, const char *new_name, enum cache_type io_cache_type_arg) { char buff[FN_REFLEN]; File file= -1; int open_flags= O_CREAT | O_BINARY; DBUG_ENTER("MYSQL_LOG::open"); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("log_type: %d", (int) log_type_arg)); write_error= 0; if (!(name= my_strdup(log_name, MYF(MY_WME)))) { name= (char *)log_name; // for the error message goto err; } if (init_and_set_log_file_name(name, new_name, log_type_arg, io_cache_type_arg)) goto err; if (io_cache_type == SEQ_READ_APPEND) open_flags |= O_RDWR | O_APPEND; else open_flags |= O_WRONLY | (log_type == LOG_BIN ? 0 : O_APPEND); db[0]= 0; if ((file= my_open(log_file_name, open_flags, MYF(MY_WME | ME_WAITTANG))) < 0 || init_io_cache(&log_file, file, IO_SIZE, io_cache_type, my_tell(file, MYF(MY_WME)), 0, MYF(MY_WME | MY_NABP | ((log_type == LOG_BIN) ? MY_WAIT_IF_FULL : 0)))) goto err; if (log_type == LOG_NORMAL) { char *end; int len=my_snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%s, Version: %s (%s). " #ifdef EMBEDDED_LIBRARY "embedded library\n", my_progname, server_version, MYSQL_COMPILATION_COMMENT #elif __NT__ "started with:\nTCP Port: %d, Named Pipe: %s\n", my_progname, server_version, MYSQL_COMPILATION_COMMENT, mysqld_port, mysqld_unix_port #else "started with:\nTcp port: %d Unix socket: %s\n", my_progname, server_version, MYSQL_COMPILATION_COMMENT, mysqld_port, mysqld_unix_port #endif ); end= strnmov(buff + len, "Time Id Command Argument\n", sizeof(buff) - len); if (my_b_write(&log_file, (uchar*) buff, (uint) (end-buff)) || flush_io_cache(&log_file)) goto err; } log_state= LOG_OPENED; DBUG_RETURN(0); err: sql_print_error("Could not use %s for logging (error %d). \ Turning logging off for the whole duration of the MySQL server process. \ To turn it on again: fix the cause, \ shutdown the MySQL server and restart it.", name, errno); if (file >= 0) my_close(file, MYF(0)); end_io_cache(&log_file); safeFree(name); log_state= LOG_CLOSED; DBUG_RETURN(1); } MYSQL_LOG::MYSQL_LOG() : name(0), write_error(FALSE), inited(FALSE), log_type(LOG_UNKNOWN), log_state(LOG_CLOSED) { /* We don't want to initialize LOCK_Log here as such initialization depends on safe_mutex (when using safe_mutex) which depends on MY_INIT(), which is called only in main(). Doing initialization here would make it happen before main(). */ bzero((char*) &log_file, sizeof(log_file)); } void MYSQL_LOG::init_pthread_objects() { DBUG_ASSERT(inited == 0); inited= 1; (void) pthread_mutex_init(&LOCK_log, MY_MUTEX_INIT_SLOW); } /* Close the log file SYNOPSIS close() exiting Bitmask. For the slow and general logs the only used bit is LOG_CLOSE_TO_BE_OPENED. This is used if we intend to call open at once after close. NOTES One can do an open on the object at once after doing a close. The internal structures are not freed until cleanup() is called */ void MYSQL_LOG::close(uint exiting) { // One can't set log_type here! DBUG_ENTER("MYSQL_LOG::close"); DBUG_PRINT("enter",("exiting: %d", (int) exiting)); if (log_state == LOG_OPENED) { end_io_cache(&log_file); if (my_sync(log_file.file, MYF(MY_WME)) && ! write_error) { write_error= 1; sql_print_error(ER(ER_ERROR_ON_WRITE), name, errno); } if (my_close(log_file.file, MYF(MY_WME)) && ! write_error) { write_error= 1; sql_print_error(ER(ER_ERROR_ON_WRITE), name, errno); } } log_state= (exiting & LOG_CLOSE_TO_BE_OPENED) ? LOG_TO_BE_OPENED : LOG_CLOSED; safeFree(name); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /** This is called only once. */ void MYSQL_LOG::cleanup() { DBUG_ENTER("cleanup"); if (inited) { inited= 0; (void) pthread_mutex_destroy(&LOCK_log); close(0); } DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } int MYSQL_LOG::generate_new_name(char *new_name, const char *log_name) { fn_format(new_name, log_name, mysql_data_home, "", 4); if (log_type == LOG_BIN) { if (!fn_ext(log_name)[0]) { if (find_uniq_filename(new_name)) { sql_print_error(ER(ER_NO_UNIQUE_LOGFILE), log_name); return 1; } } } return 0; } /* Reopen the log file SYNOPSIS reopen_file() DESCRIPTION Reopen the log file. The method is used during FLUSH LOGS and locks LOCK_log mutex */ void MYSQL_QUERY_LOG::reopen_file() { char *save_name; DBUG_ENTER("MYSQL_LOG::reopen_file"); if (!is_open()) { DBUG_PRINT("info",("log is closed")); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_log); save_name= name; name= 0; // Don't free name close(LOG_CLOSE_TO_BE_OPENED); /* Note that at this point, log_state != LOG_CLOSED (important for is_open()). */ open(save_name, log_type, 0, io_cache_type); my_free(save_name, MYF(0)); pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_log); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /* Write a command to traditional general log file SYNOPSIS write() event_time command start timestamp user_host the pointer to the string with user@host info user_host_len length of the user_host string. this is computed once and passed to all general log event handlers thread_id Id of the thread, issued a query command_type the type of the command being logged command_type_len the length of the string above sql_text the very text of the query being executed sql_text_len the length of sql_text string DESCRIPTION Log given command to to normal (not rotable) log file RETURN FASE - OK TRUE - error occured */ bool MYSQL_QUERY_LOG::write(time_t event_time, const char *user_host, uint user_host_len, int thread_id, const char *command_type, uint command_type_len, const char *sql_text, uint sql_text_len) { char buff[32]; uint length= 0; char local_time_buff[MAX_TIME_SIZE]; struct tm start; uint time_buff_len= 0; (void) pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_log); /* Test if someone closed between the is_open test and lock */ if (is_open()) { /* for testing output of timestamp and thread id */ DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("reset_log_last_time", last_time= 0;); /* Note that my_b_write() assumes it knows the length for this */ if (event_time != last_time) { last_time= event_time; localtime_r(&event_time, &start); time_buff_len= my_snprintf(local_time_buff, MAX_TIME_SIZE, "%02d%02d%02d %2d:%02d:%02d\t", start.tm_year % 100, start.tm_mon + 1, start.tm_mday, start.tm_hour, start.tm_min, start.tm_sec); if (my_b_write(&log_file, (uchar*) local_time_buff, time_buff_len)) goto err; } else if (my_b_write(&log_file, (uchar*) "\t\t" ,2) < 0) goto err; /* command_type, thread_id */ length= my_snprintf(buff, 32, "%5ld ", (long) thread_id); if (my_b_write(&log_file, (uchar*) buff, length)) goto err; if (my_b_write(&log_file, (uchar*) command_type, command_type_len)) goto err; if (my_b_write(&log_file, (uchar*) "\t", 1)) goto err; /* sql_text */ if (my_b_write(&log_file, (uchar*) sql_text, sql_text_len)) goto err; if (my_b_write(&log_file, (uchar*) "\n", 1) || flush_io_cache(&log_file)) goto err; } (void) pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_log); return FALSE; err: if (!write_error) { write_error= 1; sql_print_error(ER(ER_ERROR_ON_WRITE), name, errno); } (void) pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_log); return TRUE; } /* Log a query to the traditional slow log file SYNOPSIS write() thd THD of the query current_time current timestamp query_start_arg command start timestamp user_host the pointer to the string with user@host info user_host_len length of the user_host string. this is computed once and passed to all general log event handlers query_utime Amount of time the query took to execute (in microseconds) lock_utime Amount of time the query was locked (in microseconds) is_command The flag, which determines, whether the sql_text is a query or an administrator command. sql_text the very text of the query or administrator command processed sql_text_len the length of sql_text string DESCRIPTION Log a query to the slow log file. RETURN FALSE - OK TRUE - error occured */ bool MYSQL_QUERY_LOG::write(THD *thd, time_t current_time, time_t query_start_arg, const char *user_host, uint user_host_len, ulonglong query_utime, ulonglong lock_utime, bool is_command, const char *sql_text, uint sql_text_len) { bool error= 0; DBUG_ENTER("MYSQL_QUERY_LOG::write"); (void) pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_log); if (!is_open()) { (void) pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_log); DBUG_RETURN(0); } if (is_open()) { // Safety agains reopen int tmp_errno= 0; char buff[80], *end; char query_time_buff[22+7], lock_time_buff[22+7]; uint buff_len; end= buff; if (!(specialflag & SPECIAL_SHORT_LOG_FORMAT)) { if (current_time != last_time) { last_time= current_time; struct tm start; localtime_r(¤t_time, &start); buff_len= my_snprintf(buff, sizeof buff, "# Time: %02d%02d%02d %2d:%02d:%02d\n", start.tm_year % 100, start.tm_mon + 1, start.tm_mday, start.tm_hour, start.tm_min, start.tm_sec); /* Note that my_b_write() assumes it knows the length for this */ if (my_b_write(&log_file, (uchar*) buff, buff_len)) tmp_errno= errno; } const uchar uh[]= "# User@Host: "; if (my_b_write(&log_file, uh, sizeof(uh) - 1)) tmp_errno= errno; if (my_b_write(&log_file, (uchar*) user_host, user_host_len)) tmp_errno= errno; if (my_b_write(&log_file, (uchar*) "\n", 1)) tmp_errno= errno; } /* For slow query log */ sprintf(query_time_buff, "%.6f", ulonglong2double(query_utime)/1000000.0); sprintf(lock_time_buff, "%.6f", ulonglong2double(lock_utime)/1000000.0); if (my_b_printf(&log_file, "# Query_time: %s Lock_time: %s" " Rows_sent: %lu Rows_examined: %lu\n", query_time_buff, lock_time_buff, (ulong) thd->sent_row_count, (ulong) thd->examined_row_count) == (uint) -1) tmp_errno= errno; if (thd->db && strcmp(thd->db, db)) { // Database changed if (my_b_printf(&log_file,"use %s;\n",thd->db) == (uint) -1) tmp_errno= errno; strmov(db,thd->db); } if (thd->stmt_depends_on_first_successful_insert_id_in_prev_stmt) { end=strmov(end, ",last_insert_id="); end=longlong10_to_str((longlong) thd->first_successful_insert_id_in_prev_stmt_for_binlog, end, -10); } // Save value if we do an insert. if (thd->auto_inc_intervals_in_cur_stmt_for_binlog.nb_elements() > 0) { if (!(specialflag & SPECIAL_SHORT_LOG_FORMAT)) { end=strmov(end,",insert_id="); end=longlong10_to_str((longlong) thd->auto_inc_intervals_in_cur_stmt_for_binlog.minimum(), end, -10); } } /* This info used to show up randomly, depending on whether the query checked the query start time or not. now we always write current timestamp to the slow log */ end= strmov(end, ",timestamp="); end= int10_to_str((long) current_time, end, 10); if (end != buff) { *end++=';'; *end='\n'; if (my_b_write(&log_file, (uchar*) "SET ", 4) || my_b_write(&log_file, (uchar*) buff + 1, (uint) (end-buff))) tmp_errno= errno; } if (is_command) { end= strxmov(buff, "# administrator command: ", NullS); buff_len= (ulong) (end - buff); my_b_write(&log_file, (uchar*) buff, buff_len); } if (my_b_write(&log_file, (uchar*) sql_text, sql_text_len) || my_b_write(&log_file, (uchar*) ";\n",2) || flush_io_cache(&log_file)) tmp_errno= errno; if (tmp_errno) { error= 1; if (! write_error) { write_error= 1; sql_print_error(ER(ER_ERROR_ON_WRITE), name, error); } } } (void) pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_log); DBUG_RETURN(error); } /** @todo The following should be using fn_format(); We just need to first change fn_format() to cut the file name if it's too long. */ const char *MYSQL_LOG::generate_name(const char *log_name, const char *suffix, bool strip_ext, char *buff) { if (!log_name || !log_name[0]) { strmake(buff, pidfile_name, FN_REFLEN - strlen(suffix) - 1); return (const char *) fn_format(buff, buff, "", suffix, MYF(MY_REPLACE_EXT|MY_REPLACE_DIR)); } // get rid of extension if the log is binary to avoid problems if (strip_ext) { char *p= fn_ext(log_name); uint length= (uint) (p - log_name); strmake(buff, log_name, min(length, FN_REFLEN-1)); return (const char*)buff; } return log_name; } MYSQL_BIN_LOG::MYSQL_BIN_LOG() :bytes_written(0), prepared_xids(0), file_id(1), open_count(1), need_start_event(TRUE), is_relay_log(0), description_event_for_exec(0), description_event_for_queue(0) { /* We don't want to initialize locks here as such initialization depends on safe_mutex (when using safe_mutex) which depends on MY_INIT(), which is called only in main(). Doing initialization here would make it happen before main(). */ index_file_name[0] = 0; bzero((char*) &index_file, sizeof(index_file)); bzero((char*) &purge_index_file, sizeof(purge_index_file)); } /* this is called only once */ void MYSQL_BIN_LOG::cleanup() { DBUG_ENTER("cleanup"); if (inited) { inited= 0; close(LOG_CLOSE_INDEX|LOG_CLOSE_STOP_EVENT); delete description_event_for_queue; delete description_event_for_exec; (void) pthread_mutex_destroy(&LOCK_log); (void) pthread_mutex_destroy(&LOCK_index); (void) pthread_cond_destroy(&update_cond); } DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /* Init binlog-specific vars */ void MYSQL_BIN_LOG::init(bool no_auto_events_arg, ulong max_size_arg) { DBUG_ENTER("MYSQL_BIN_LOG::init"); no_auto_events= no_auto_events_arg; max_size= max_size_arg; DBUG_PRINT("info",("max_size: %lu", max_size)); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } void MYSQL_BIN_LOG::init_pthread_objects() { DBUG_ASSERT(inited == 0); inited= 1; (void) pthread_mutex_init(&LOCK_log, MY_MUTEX_INIT_SLOW); (void) pthread_mutex_init(&LOCK_index, MY_MUTEX_INIT_SLOW); (void) pthread_cond_init(&update_cond, 0); } bool MYSQL_BIN_LOG::open_index_file(const char *index_file_name_arg, const char *log_name, bool need_mutex) { File index_file_nr= -1; DBUG_ASSERT(!my_b_inited(&index_file)); /* First open of this class instance Create an index file that will hold all file names uses for logging. Add new entries to the end of it. */ myf opt= MY_UNPACK_FILENAME; if (!index_file_name_arg) { index_file_name_arg= log_name; // Use same basename for index file opt= MY_UNPACK_FILENAME | MY_REPLACE_EXT; } fn_format(index_file_name, index_file_name_arg, mysql_data_home, ".index", opt); if ((index_file_nr= my_open(index_file_name, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_BINARY , MYF(MY_WME))) < 0 || my_sync(index_file_nr, MYF(MY_WME)) || init_io_cache(&index_file, index_file_nr, IO_SIZE, WRITE_CACHE, my_seek(index_file_nr,0L,MY_SEEK_END,MYF(0)), 0, MYF(MY_WME | MY_WAIT_IF_FULL)) || DBUG_EVALUATE_IF("fault_injection_openning_index", 1, 0)) { /* TODO: all operations creating/deleting the index file or a log, should call my_sync_dir() or my_sync_dir_by_file() to be durable. TODO: file creation should be done with my_create() not my_open(). */ if (index_file_nr >= 0) my_close(index_file_nr,MYF(0)); return TRUE; } #ifdef HAVE_REPLICATION /* Sync the index by purging any binary log file that is not registered. In other words, either purge binary log files that were removed from the index but not purged from the file system due to a crash or purge any binary log file that was created but not register in the index due to a crash. */ if (set_purge_index_file_name(index_file_name_arg) || open_purge_index_file(FALSE) || purge_index_entry(NULL, NULL, need_mutex) || close_purge_index_file() || DBUG_EVALUATE_IF("fault_injection_recovering_index", 1, 0)) { sql_print_error("MYSQL_BIN_LOG::open_index_file failed to sync the index " "file."); return TRUE; } #endif return FALSE; } /** Open a (new) binlog file. - Open the log file and the index file. Register the new file name in it - When calling this when the file is in use, you must have a locks on LOCK_log and LOCK_index. @retval 0 ok @retval 1 error */ bool MYSQL_BIN_LOG::open(const char *log_name, enum_log_type log_type_arg, const char *new_name, enum cache_type io_cache_type_arg, bool no_auto_events_arg, ulong max_size_arg, bool null_created_arg, bool need_mutex) { File file= -1; DBUG_ENTER("MYSQL_BIN_LOG::open"); DBUG_PRINT("enter",("log_type: %d",(int) log_type_arg)); if (init_and_set_log_file_name(log_name, new_name, log_type_arg, io_cache_type_arg)) { sql_print_error("MSYQL_BIN_LOG::open failed to generate new file name."); DBUG_RETURN(1); } #ifdef HAVE_REPLICATION if (open_purge_index_file(TRUE) || register_create_index_entry(log_file_name) || sync_purge_index_file() || DBUG_EVALUATE_IF("fault_injection_registering_index", 1, 0)) { sql_print_error("MSYQL_BIN_LOG::open failed to sync the index file."); DBUG_RETURN(1); } DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("crash_create_non_critical_before_update_index", abort();); #endif write_error= 0; /* open the main log file */ if (MYSQL_LOG::open(log_name, log_type_arg, new_name, io_cache_type_arg)) { #ifdef HAVE_REPLICATION close_purge_index_file(); #endif DBUG_RETURN(1); /* all warnings issued */ } init(no_auto_events_arg, max_size_arg); open_count++; DBUG_ASSERT(log_type == LOG_BIN); { bool write_file_name_to_index_file=0; if (!my_b_filelength(&log_file)) { /* The binary log file was empty (probably newly created) This is the normal case and happens when the user doesn't specify an extension for the binary log files. In this case we write a standard header to it. */ if (my_b_safe_write(&log_file, (uchar*) BINLOG_MAGIC, BIN_LOG_HEADER_SIZE)) goto err; bytes_written+= BIN_LOG_HEADER_SIZE; write_file_name_to_index_file= 1; } if (need_start_event && !no_auto_events) { /* In 4.x we set need_start_event=0 here, but in 5.0 we want a Start event even if this is not the very first binlog. */ Format_description_log_event s(BINLOG_VERSION); /* don't set LOG_EVENT_BINLOG_IN_USE_F for SEQ_READ_APPEND io_cache as we won't be able to reset it later */ if (io_cache_type == WRITE_CACHE) s.flags|= LOG_EVENT_BINLOG_IN_USE_F; if (!s.is_valid()) goto err; s.dont_set_created= null_created_arg; if (s.write(&log_file)) goto err; bytes_written+= s.data_written; } if (description_event_for_queue && description_event_for_queue->binlog_version>=4) { /* This is a relay log written to by the I/O slave thread. Write the event so that others can later know the format of this relay log. Note that this event is very close to the original event from the master (it has binlog version of the master, event types of the master), so this is suitable to parse the next relay log's event. It has been produced by Format_description_log_event::Format_description_log_event(char* buf,). Why don't we want to write the description_event_for_queue if this event is for format<4 (3.23 or 4.x): this is because in that case, the description_event_for_queue describes the data received from the master, but not the data written to the relay log (*conversion*), which is in format 4 (slave's). */ /* Set 'created' to 0, so that in next relay logs this event does not trigger cleaning actions on the slave in Format_description_log_event::apply_event_impl(). */ description_event_for_queue->created= 0; /* Don't set log_pos in event header */ description_event_for_queue->set_artificial_event(); if (description_event_for_queue->write(&log_file)) goto err; bytes_written+= description_event_for_queue->data_written; } if (flush_io_cache(&log_file) || my_sync(log_file.file, MYF(MY_WME))) goto err; if (write_file_name_to_index_file) { #ifdef HAVE_REPLICATION DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("crash_create_critical_before_update_index", abort();); #endif DBUG_ASSERT(my_b_inited(&index_file) != 0); reinit_io_cache(&index_file, WRITE_CACHE, my_b_filelength(&index_file), 0, 0); /* As this is a new log file, we write the file name to the index file. As every time we write to the index file, we sync it. */ if (DBUG_EVALUATE_IF("fault_injection_updating_index", 1, 0) || my_b_write(&index_file, (uchar*) log_file_name, strlen(log_file_name)) || my_b_write(&index_file, (uchar*) "\n", 1) || flush_io_cache(&index_file) || my_sync(index_file.file, MYF(MY_WME))) goto err; #ifdef HAVE_REPLICATION DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("crash_create_after_update_index", abort();); #endif } } log_state= LOG_OPENED; #ifdef HAVE_REPLICATION close_purge_index_file(); #endif DBUG_RETURN(0); err: #ifdef HAVE_REPLICATION if (is_inited_purge_index_file()) purge_index_entry(NULL, NULL, need_mutex); close_purge_index_file(); #endif sql_print_error("Could not use %s for logging (error %d). \ Turning logging off for the whole duration of the MySQL server process. \ To turn it on again: fix the cause, \ shutdown the MySQL server and restart it.", name, errno); if (file >= 0) my_close(file,MYF(0)); end_io_cache(&log_file); end_io_cache(&index_file); safeFree(name); log_state= LOG_CLOSED; DBUG_RETURN(1); } int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::get_current_log(LOG_INFO* linfo) { pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_log); int ret = raw_get_current_log(linfo); pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_log); return ret; } int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::raw_get_current_log(LOG_INFO* linfo) { strmake(linfo->log_file_name, log_file_name, sizeof(linfo->log_file_name)-1); linfo->pos = my_b_tell(&log_file); return 0; } /** Move all data up in a file in an filename index file. We do the copy outside of the IO_CACHE as the cache buffers would just make things slower and more complicated. In most cases the copy loop should only do one read. @param index_file File to move @param offset Move everything from here to beginning @note File will be truncated to be 'offset' shorter or filled up with newlines @retval 0 ok */ #ifdef HAVE_REPLICATION static bool copy_up_file_and_fill(IO_CACHE *index_file, my_off_t offset) { int bytes_read; my_off_t init_offset= offset; File file= index_file->file; uchar io_buf[IO_SIZE*2]; DBUG_ENTER("copy_up_file_and_fill"); for (;; offset+= bytes_read) { (void) my_seek(file, offset, MY_SEEK_SET, MYF(0)); if ((bytes_read= (int) my_read(file, io_buf, sizeof(io_buf), MYF(MY_WME))) < 0) goto err; if (!bytes_read) break; // end of file (void) my_seek(file, offset-init_offset, MY_SEEK_SET, MYF(0)); if (my_write(file, io_buf, bytes_read, MYF(MY_WME | MY_NABP))) goto err; } /* The following will either truncate the file or fill the end with \n' */ if (my_chsize(file, offset - init_offset, '\n', MYF(MY_WME)) || my_sync(file, MYF(MY_WME))) goto err; /* Reset data in old index cache */ reinit_io_cache(index_file, READ_CACHE, (my_off_t) 0, 0, 1); DBUG_RETURN(0); err: DBUG_RETURN(1); } #endif /* HAVE_REPLICATION */ /** Find the position in the log-index-file for the given log name. @param linfo Store here the found log file name and position to the NEXT log file name in the index file. @param log_name Filename to find in the index file. Is a null pointer if we want to read the first entry @param need_lock Set this to 1 if the parent doesn't already have a lock on LOCK_index @note On systems without the truncate function the file will end with one or more empty lines. These will be ignored when reading the file. @retval 0 ok @retval LOG_INFO_EOF End of log-index-file found @retval LOG_INFO_IO Got IO error while reading file */ int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::find_log_pos(LOG_INFO *linfo, const char *log_name, bool need_lock) { int error= 0; char *fname= linfo->log_file_name; uint log_name_len= log_name ? (uint) strlen(log_name) : 0; DBUG_ENTER("find_log_pos"); DBUG_PRINT("enter",("log_name: %s", log_name ? log_name : "NULL")); /* Mutex needed because we need to make sure the file pointer does not move from under our feet */ if (need_lock) pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_index); safe_mutex_assert_owner(&LOCK_index); /* As the file is flushed, we can't get an error here */ (void) reinit_io_cache(&index_file, READ_CACHE, (my_off_t) 0, 0, 0); for (;;) { uint length; my_off_t offset= my_b_tell(&index_file); /* If we get 0 or 1 characters, this is the end of the file */ if ((length= my_b_gets(&index_file, fname, FN_REFLEN)) <= 1) { /* Did not find the given entry; Return not found or error */ error= !index_file.error ? LOG_INFO_EOF : LOG_INFO_IO; break; } // if the log entry matches, null string matching anything if (!log_name || (log_name_len == length-1 && fname[log_name_len] == '\n' && !memcmp(fname, log_name, log_name_len))) { DBUG_PRINT("info",("Found log file entry")); fname[length-1]=0; // remove last \n linfo->index_file_start_offset= offset; linfo->index_file_offset = my_b_tell(&index_file); break; } } if (need_lock) pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_index); DBUG_RETURN(error); } /** Find the position in the log-index-file for the given log name. @param linfo Store here the next log file name and position to the file name after that. @param need_lock Set this to 1 if the parent doesn't already have a lock on LOCK_index @note - Before calling this function, one has to call find_log_pos() to set up 'linfo' - Mutex needed because we need to make sure the file pointer does not move from under our feet @retval 0 ok @retval LOG_INFO_EOF End of log-index-file found @retval LOG_INFO_IO Got IO error while reading file */ int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::find_next_log(LOG_INFO* linfo, bool need_lock) { int error= 0; uint length; char *fname= linfo->log_file_name; if (need_lock) pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_index); safe_mutex_assert_owner(&LOCK_index); /* As the file is flushed, we can't get an error here */ (void) reinit_io_cache(&index_file, READ_CACHE, linfo->index_file_offset, 0, 0); linfo->index_file_start_offset= linfo->index_file_offset; if ((length=my_b_gets(&index_file, fname, FN_REFLEN)) <= 1) { error = !index_file.error ? LOG_INFO_EOF : LOG_INFO_IO; goto err; } fname[length-1]=0; // kill \n linfo->index_file_offset = my_b_tell(&index_file); err: if (need_lock) pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_index); return error; } /** Delete all logs refered to in the index file. Start writing to a new log file. The new index file will only contain this file. @param thd Thread @note If not called from slave thread, write start event to new log @retval 0 ok @retval 1 error */ bool MYSQL_BIN_LOG::reset_logs(THD* thd) { LOG_INFO linfo; bool error=0; const char* save_name; DBUG_ENTER("reset_logs"); ha_reset_logs(thd); /* We need to get both locks to be sure that no one is trying to write to the index log file. */ pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_log); pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_index); /* The following mutex is needed to ensure that no threads call 'delete thd' as we would then risk missing a 'rollback' from this thread. If the transaction involved MyISAM tables, it should go into binlog even on rollback. */ VOID(pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_thread_count)); /* Save variables so that we can reopen the log */ save_name=name; name=0; // Protect against free close(LOG_CLOSE_TO_BE_OPENED); /* First delete all old log files and then update the index file. As we first delete the log files and do not use sort of logging, a crash may lead to an inconsistent state where the index has references to non-existent files. We need to invert the steps and use the purge_index_file methods in order to make the operation safe. */ if (find_log_pos(&linfo, NullS, 0)) { error=1; goto err; } for (;;) { if ((error= my_delete_allow_opened(linfo.log_file_name, MYF(0))) != 0) { if (my_errno == ENOENT) { push_warning_printf(current_thd, MYSQL_ERROR::WARN_LEVEL_WARN, ER_LOG_PURGE_NO_FILE, ER(ER_LOG_PURGE_NO_FILE), linfo.log_file_name); sql_print_information("Failed to delete file '%s'", linfo.log_file_name); my_errno= 0; error= 0; } else { push_warning_printf(current_thd, MYSQL_ERROR::WARN_LEVEL_WARN, ER_BINLOG_PURGE_FATAL_ERR, "a problem with deleting %s; " "consider examining correspondence " "of your binlog index file " "to the actual binlog files", linfo.log_file_name); error= 1; goto err; } } if (find_next_log(&linfo, 0)) break; } /* Start logging with a new file */ close(LOG_CLOSE_INDEX); if ((error= my_delete_allow_opened(index_file_name, MYF(0)))) // Reset (open will update) { if (my_errno == ENOENT) { push_warning_printf(current_thd, MYSQL_ERROR::WARN_LEVEL_WARN, ER_LOG_PURGE_NO_FILE, ER(ER_LOG_PURGE_NO_FILE), index_file_name); sql_print_information("Failed to delete file '%s'", index_file_name); my_errno= 0; error= 0; } else { push_warning_printf(current_thd, MYSQL_ERROR::WARN_LEVEL_WARN, ER_BINLOG_PURGE_FATAL_ERR, "a problem with deleting %s; " "consider examining correspondence " "of your binlog index file " "to the actual binlog files", index_file_name); error= 1; goto err; } } if (!thd->slave_thread) need_start_event=1; if (!open_index_file(index_file_name, 0, FALSE)) open(save_name, log_type, 0, io_cache_type, no_auto_events, max_size, 0, FALSE); my_free((uchar*) save_name, MYF(0)); err: VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_thread_count)); pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_index); pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_log); DBUG_RETURN(error); } /** Delete relay log files prior to rli->group_relay_log_name (i.e. all logs which are not involved in a non-finished group (transaction)), remove them from the index file and start on next relay log. IMPLEMENTATION - Protects index file with LOCK_index - Delete relevant relay log files - Copy all file names after these ones to the front of the index file - If the OS has truncate, truncate the file, else fill it with \n' - Read the next file name from the index file and store in rli->linfo @param rli Relay log information @param included If false, all relay logs that are strictly before rli->group_relay_log_name are deleted ; if true, the latter is deleted too (i.e. all relay logs read by the SQL slave thread are deleted). @note - This is only called from the slave-execute thread when it has read all commands from a relay log and want to switch to a new relay log. - When this happens, we can be in an active transaction as a transaction can span over two relay logs (although it is always written as a single block to the master's binary log, hence cannot span over two master's binary logs). @retval 0 ok @retval LOG_INFO_EOF End of log-index-file found @retval LOG_INFO_SEEK Could not allocate IO cache @retval LOG_INFO_IO Got IO error while reading file */ #ifdef HAVE_REPLICATION int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::purge_first_log(Relay_log_info* rli, bool included) { int error; char *to_purge_if_included= NULL; DBUG_ENTER("purge_first_log"); DBUG_ASSERT(is_open()); DBUG_ASSERT(rli->slave_running == 1); DBUG_ASSERT(!strcmp(rli->linfo.log_file_name,rli->event_relay_log_name)); pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_index); to_purge_if_included= my_strdup(rli->group_relay_log_name, MYF(0)); /* Read the next log file name from the index file and pass it back to the caller. */ if((error=find_log_pos(&rli->linfo, rli->event_relay_log_name, 0)) || (error=find_next_log(&rli->linfo, 0))) { char buff[22]; sql_print_error("next log error: %d offset: %s log: %s included: %d", error, llstr(rli->linfo.index_file_offset,buff), rli->event_relay_log_name, included); goto err; } /* Reset rli's coordinates to the current log. */ rli->event_relay_log_pos= BIN_LOG_HEADER_SIZE; strmake(rli->event_relay_log_name,rli->linfo.log_file_name, sizeof(rli->event_relay_log_name)-1); /* If we removed the rli->group_relay_log_name file, we must update the rli->group* coordinates, otherwise do not touch it as the group's execution is not finished (e.g. COMMIT not executed) */ if (included) { rli->group_relay_log_pos = BIN_LOG_HEADER_SIZE; strmake(rli->group_relay_log_name,rli->linfo.log_file_name, sizeof(rli->group_relay_log_name)-1); rli->notify_group_relay_log_name_update(); } /* Store where we are in the new file for the execution thread */ flush_relay_log_info(rli); DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("crash_before_purge_logs", abort();); pthread_mutex_lock(&rli->log_space_lock); rli->relay_log.purge_logs(to_purge_if_included, included, 0, 0, &rli->log_space_total); // Tell the I/O thread to take the relay_log_space_limit into account rli->ignore_log_space_limit= 0; pthread_mutex_unlock(&rli->log_space_lock); /* Ok to broadcast after the critical region as there is no risk of the mutex being destroyed by this thread later - this helps save context switches */ pthread_cond_broadcast(&rli->log_space_cond); /* * Need to update the log pos because purge logs has been called * after fetching initially the log pos at the begining of the method. */ if((error=find_log_pos(&rli->linfo, rli->event_relay_log_name, 0))) { char buff[22]; sql_print_error("next log error: %d offset: %s log: %s included: %d", error, llstr(rli->linfo.index_file_offset,buff), rli->group_relay_log_name, included); goto err; } /* If included was passed, rli->linfo should be the first entry. */ DBUG_ASSERT(!included || rli->linfo.index_file_start_offset == 0); err: my_free(to_purge_if_included, MYF(0)); pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_index); DBUG_RETURN(error); } /** Update log index_file. */ int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::update_log_index(LOG_INFO* log_info, bool need_update_threads) { if (copy_up_file_and_fill(&index_file, log_info->index_file_start_offset)) return LOG_INFO_IO; // now update offsets in index file for running threads if (need_update_threads) adjust_linfo_offsets(log_info->index_file_start_offset); return 0; } /** Remove all logs before the given log from disk and from the index file. @param to_log Delete all log file name before this file. @param included If true, to_log is deleted too. @param need_mutex @param need_update_threads If we want to update the log coordinates of all threads. False for relay logs, true otherwise. @param freed_log_space If not null, decrement this variable of the amount of log space freed @note If any of the logs before the deleted one is in use, only purge logs up to this one. @retval 0 ok @retval LOG_INFO_EOF to_log not found LOG_INFO_EMFILE too many files opened LOG_INFO_FATAL if any other than ENOENT error from my_stat() or my_delete() */ int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::purge_logs(const char *to_log, bool included, bool need_mutex, bool need_update_threads, ulonglong *decrease_log_space) { int error= 0; bool exit_loop= 0; LOG_INFO log_info; THD *thd= current_thd; DBUG_ENTER("purge_logs"); DBUG_PRINT("info",("to_log= %s",to_log)); if (need_mutex) pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_index); if ((error=find_log_pos(&log_info, to_log, 0 /*no mutex*/))) { sql_print_error("MYSQL_BIN_LOG::purge_logs was called with file %s not " "listed in the index.", to_log); goto err; } if ((error= open_purge_index_file(TRUE))) { sql_print_error("MYSQL_BIN_LOG::purge_logs failed to sync the index file."); goto err; } /* File name exists in index file; delete until we find this file or a file that is used. */ if ((error=find_log_pos(&log_info, NullS, 0 /*no mutex*/))) goto err; while ((strcmp(to_log,log_info.log_file_name) || (exit_loop=included)) && !is_active(log_info.log_file_name) && !log_in_use(log_info.log_file_name)) { if ((error= register_purge_index_entry(log_info.log_file_name))) { sql_print_error("MYSQL_BIN_LOG::purge_logs failed to copy %s to register file.", log_info.log_file_name); goto err; } if (find_next_log(&log_info, 0) || exit_loop) break; } DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("crash_purge_before_update_index", abort();); if ((error= sync_purge_index_file())) { sql_print_error("MSYQL_BIN_LOG::purge_logs failed to flush register file."); goto err; } /* We know how many files to delete. Update index file. */ if ((error=update_log_index(&log_info, need_update_threads))) { sql_print_error("MSYQL_BIN_LOG::purge_logs failed to update the index file"); goto err; } DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("crash_purge_critical_after_update_index", abort();); err: /* Read each entry from purge_index_file and delete the file. */ if (is_inited_purge_index_file() && (error= purge_index_entry(thd, decrease_log_space, FALSE))) sql_print_error("MSYQL_BIN_LOG::purge_logs failed to process registered files" " that would be purged."); close_purge_index_file(); DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("crash_purge_non_critical_after_update_index", abort();); if (need_mutex) pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_index); DBUG_RETURN(error); } int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::set_purge_index_file_name(const char *base_file_name) { int error= 0; DBUG_ENTER("MYSQL_BIN_LOG::set_purge_index_file_name"); if (fn_format(purge_index_file_name, base_file_name, mysql_data_home, ".~rec~", MYF(MY_UNPACK_FILENAME | MY_SAFE_PATH | MY_REPLACE_EXT)) == NULL) { error= 1; sql_print_error("MYSQL_BIN_LOG::set_purge_index_file_name failed to set " "file name."); } DBUG_RETURN(error); } int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::open_purge_index_file(bool destroy) { int error= 0; File file= -1; DBUG_ENTER("MYSQL_BIN_LOG::open_purge_index_file"); if (destroy) close_purge_index_file(); if (!my_b_inited(&purge_index_file)) { if ((file= my_open(purge_index_file_name, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_BINARY, MYF(MY_WME | ME_WAITTANG))) < 0 || init_io_cache(&purge_index_file, file, IO_SIZE, (destroy ? WRITE_CACHE : READ_CACHE), 0, 0, MYF(MY_WME | MY_NABP | MY_WAIT_IF_FULL))) { error= 1; sql_print_error("MYSQL_BIN_LOG::open_purge_index_file failed to open register " " file."); } } DBUG_RETURN(error); } int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::close_purge_index_file() { int error= 0; DBUG_ENTER("MYSQL_BIN_LOG::close_purge_index_file"); if (my_b_inited(&purge_index_file)) { end_io_cache(&purge_index_file); error= my_close(purge_index_file.file, MYF(0)); } my_delete(purge_index_file_name, MYF(0)); bzero((char*) &purge_index_file, sizeof(purge_index_file)); DBUG_RETURN(error); } bool MYSQL_BIN_LOG::is_inited_purge_index_file() { DBUG_ENTER("MYSQL_BIN_LOG::is_inited_purge_index_file"); DBUG_RETURN (my_b_inited(&purge_index_file)); } int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::sync_purge_index_file() { int error= 0; DBUG_ENTER("MYSQL_BIN_LOG::sync_purge_index_file"); if ((error= flush_io_cache(&purge_index_file)) || (error= my_sync(purge_index_file.file, MYF(MY_WME)))) DBUG_RETURN(error); DBUG_RETURN(error); } int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::register_purge_index_entry(const char *entry) { int error= 0; DBUG_ENTER("MYSQL_BIN_LOG::register_purge_index_entry"); if ((error=my_b_write(&purge_index_file, (const uchar*)entry, strlen(entry))) || (error=my_b_write(&purge_index_file, (const uchar*)"\n", 1))) DBUG_RETURN (error); DBUG_RETURN(error); } int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::register_create_index_entry(const char *entry) { DBUG_ENTER("MYSQL_BIN_LOG::register_create_index_entry"); DBUG_RETURN(register_purge_index_entry(entry)); } int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::purge_index_entry(THD *thd, ulonglong *decrease_log_space, bool need_mutex) { MY_STAT s; int error= 0; LOG_INFO log_info; LOG_INFO check_log_info; DBUG_ENTER("MYSQL_BIN_LOG:purge_index_entry"); DBUG_ASSERT(my_b_inited(&purge_index_file)); if ((error=reinit_io_cache(&purge_index_file, READ_CACHE, 0, 0, 0))) { sql_print_error("MSYQL_BIN_LOG::purge_index_entry failed to reinit register file " "for read"); goto err; } for (;;) { uint length; if ((length=my_b_gets(&purge_index_file, log_info.log_file_name, FN_REFLEN)) <= 1) { if (purge_index_file.error) { error= purge_index_file.error; sql_print_error("MSYQL_BIN_LOG::purge_index_entry error %d reading from " "register file.", error); goto err; } /* Reached EOF */ break; } /* Get rid of the trailing '\n' */ log_info.log_file_name[length-1]= 0; if (!my_stat(log_info.log_file_name, &s, MYF(0))) { if (my_errno == ENOENT) { /* It's not fatal if we can't stat a log file that does not exist; If we could not stat, we won't delete. */ if (thd) { push_warning_printf(thd, MYSQL_ERROR::WARN_LEVEL_WARN, ER_LOG_PURGE_NO_FILE, ER(ER_LOG_PURGE_NO_FILE), log_info.log_file_name); } sql_print_information("Failed to execute my_stat on file '%s'", log_info.log_file_name); my_errno= 0; } else { /* Other than ENOENT are fatal */ if (thd) { push_warning_printf(thd, MYSQL_ERROR::WARN_LEVEL_WARN, ER_BINLOG_PURGE_FATAL_ERR, "a problem with getting info on being purged %s; " "consider examining correspondence " "of your binlog index file " "to the actual binlog files", log_info.log_file_name); } else { sql_print_information("Failed to delete log file '%s'; " "consider examining correspondence " "of your binlog index file " "to the actual binlog files", log_info.log_file_name); } error= LOG_INFO_FATAL; goto err; } } else { if ((error= find_log_pos(&check_log_info, log_info.log_file_name, need_mutex))) { if (error != LOG_INFO_EOF) { if (thd) { push_warning_printf(thd, MYSQL_ERROR::WARN_LEVEL_WARN, ER_BINLOG_PURGE_FATAL_ERR, "a problem with deleting %s and " "reading the binlog index file", log_info.log_file_name); } else { sql_print_information("Failed to delete file '%s' and " "read the binlog index file", log_info.log_file_name); } goto err; } error= 0; if (!need_mutex) { /* This is to avoid triggering an error in NDB. */ ha_binlog_index_purge_file(current_thd, log_info.log_file_name); } DBUG_PRINT("info",("purging %s",log_info.log_file_name)); if (!my_delete(log_info.log_file_name, MYF(0))) { if (decrease_log_space) *decrease_log_space-= s.st_size; } else { if (my_errno == ENOENT) { if (thd) { push_warning_printf(thd, MYSQL_ERROR::WARN_LEVEL_WARN, ER_LOG_PURGE_NO_FILE, ER(ER_LOG_PURGE_NO_FILE), log_info.log_file_name); } sql_print_information("Failed to delete file '%s'", log_info.log_file_name); my_errno= 0; } else { if (thd) { push_warning_printf(thd, MYSQL_ERROR::WARN_LEVEL_WARN, ER_BINLOG_PURGE_FATAL_ERR, "a problem with deleting %s; " "consider examining correspondence " "of your binlog index file " "to the actual binlog files", log_info.log_file_name); } else { sql_print_information("Failed to delete file '%s'; " "consider examining correspondence " "of your binlog index file " "to the actual binlog files", log_info.log_file_name); } if (my_errno == EMFILE) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("my_errno: %d, set ret = LOG_INFO_EMFILE", my_errno)); error= LOG_INFO_EMFILE; goto err; } error= LOG_INFO_FATAL; goto err; } } } } } err: DBUG_RETURN(error); } /** Remove all logs before the given file date from disk and from the index file. @param thd Thread pointer @param purge_time Delete all log files before given date. @note If any of the logs before the deleted one is in use, only purge logs up to this one. @retval 0 ok @retval LOG_INFO_PURGE_NO_ROTATE Binary file that can't be rotated LOG_INFO_FATAL if any other than ENOENT error from my_stat() or my_delete() */ int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::purge_logs_before_date(time_t purge_time) { int error; char to_log[FN_REFLEN]; LOG_INFO log_info; MY_STAT stat_area; THD *thd= current_thd; DBUG_ENTER("purge_logs_before_date"); pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_index); to_log[0]= 0; if ((error=find_log_pos(&log_info, NullS, 0 /*no mutex*/))) goto err; while (strcmp(log_file_name, log_info.log_file_name) && !is_active(log_info.log_file_name) && !log_in_use(log_info.log_file_name)) { if (!my_stat(log_info.log_file_name, &stat_area, MYF(0))) { if (my_errno == ENOENT) { /* It's not fatal if we can't stat a log file that does not exist. */ my_errno= 0; } else { /* Other than ENOENT are fatal */ if (thd) { push_warning_printf(thd, MYSQL_ERROR::WARN_LEVEL_WARN, ER_BINLOG_PURGE_FATAL_ERR, "a problem with getting info on being purged %s; " "consider examining correspondence " "of your binlog index file " "to the actual binlog files", log_info.log_file_name); } else { sql_print_information("Failed to delete log file '%s'", log_info.log_file_name); } error= LOG_INFO_FATAL; goto err; } } else { if (stat_area.st_mtime < purge_time) strmake(to_log, log_info.log_file_name, sizeof(log_info.log_file_name) - 1); else break; } if (find_next_log(&log_info, 0)) break; } error= (to_log[0] ? purge_logs(to_log, 1, 0, 1, (ulonglong *) 0) : 0); err: pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_index); DBUG_RETURN(error); } #endif /* HAVE_REPLICATION */ /** Create a new log file name. @param buf buf of at least FN_REFLEN where new name is stored @note If file name will be longer then FN_REFLEN it will be truncated */ void MYSQL_BIN_LOG::make_log_name(char* buf, const char* log_ident) { uint dir_len = dirname_length(log_file_name); if (dir_len >= FN_REFLEN) dir_len=FN_REFLEN-1; strnmov(buf, log_file_name, dir_len); strmake(buf+dir_len, log_ident, FN_REFLEN - dir_len -1); } /** Check if we are writing/reading to the given log file. */ bool MYSQL_BIN_LOG::is_active(const char *log_file_name_arg) { return !strcmp(log_file_name, log_file_name_arg); } /* Wrappers around new_file_impl to avoid using argument to control locking. The argument 1) less readable 2) breaks incapsulation 3) allows external access to the class without a lock (which is not possible with private new_file_without_locking method). */ void MYSQL_BIN_LOG::new_file() { new_file_impl(1); } void MYSQL_BIN_LOG::new_file_without_locking() { new_file_impl(0); } /** Start writing to a new log file or reopen the old file. @param need_lock Set to 1 if caller has not locked LOCK_log @note The new file name is stored last in the index file */ void MYSQL_BIN_LOG::new_file_impl(bool need_lock) { char new_name[FN_REFLEN], *new_name_ptr, *old_name; DBUG_ENTER("MYSQL_BIN_LOG::new_file_impl"); if (!is_open()) { DBUG_PRINT("info",("log is closed")); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } if (need_lock) pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_log); pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_index); safe_mutex_assert_owner(&LOCK_log); safe_mutex_assert_owner(&LOCK_index); /* if binlog is used as tc log, be sure all xids are "unlogged", so that on recover we only need to scan one - latest - binlog file for prepared xids. As this is expected to be a rare event, simple wait strategy is enough. We're locking LOCK_log to be sure no new Xid_log_event's are added to the log (and prepared_xids is not increased), and waiting on COND_prep_xids for late threads to catch up. */ if (prepared_xids) { tc_log_page_waits++; pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_prep_xids); while (prepared_xids) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("prepared_xids=%lu", prepared_xids)); pthread_cond_wait(&COND_prep_xids, &LOCK_prep_xids); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_prep_xids); } /* Reuse old name if not binlog and not update log */ new_name_ptr= name; /* If user hasn't specified an extension, generate a new log name We have to do this here and not in open as we want to store the new file name in the current binary log file. */ if (generate_new_name(new_name, name)) goto end; new_name_ptr=new_name; if (log_type == LOG_BIN) { if (!no_auto_events) { /* We log the whole file name for log file as the user may decide to change base names at some point. */ Rotate_log_event r(new_name+dirname_length(new_name), 0, LOG_EVENT_OFFSET, is_relay_log ? Rotate_log_event::RELAY_LOG : 0); r.write(&log_file); bytes_written += r.data_written; } /* Update needs to be signalled even if there is no rotate event log rotation should give the waiting thread a signal to discover EOF and move on to the next log. */ signal_update(); } old_name=name; name=0; // Don't free name close(LOG_CLOSE_TO_BE_OPENED | LOG_CLOSE_INDEX); /* Note that at this point, log_state != LOG_CLOSED (important for is_open()). */ /* new_file() is only used for rotation (in FLUSH LOGS or because size > max_binlog_size or max_relay_log_size). If this is a binary log, the Format_description_log_event at the beginning of the new file should have created=0 (to distinguish with the Format_description_log_event written at server startup, which should trigger temp tables deletion on slaves. */ /* reopen index binlog file, BUG#34582 */ if (!open_index_file(index_file_name, 0, FALSE)) open(old_name, log_type, new_name_ptr, io_cache_type, no_auto_events, max_size, 1, FALSE); my_free(old_name,MYF(0)); end: if (need_lock) pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_log); pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_index); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } bool MYSQL_BIN_LOG::append(Log_event* ev) { bool error = 0; pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_log); DBUG_ENTER("MYSQL_BIN_LOG::append"); DBUG_ASSERT(log_file.type == SEQ_READ_APPEND); /* Log_event::write() is smart enough to use my_b_write() or my_b_append() depending on the kind of cache we have. */ if (ev->write(&log_file)) { error=1; goto err; } bytes_written+= ev->data_written; DBUG_PRINT("info",("max_size: %lu",max_size)); if ((uint) my_b_append_tell(&log_file) > max_size) new_file_without_locking(); err: pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_log); signal_update(); // Safe as we don't call close DBUG_RETURN(error); } bool MYSQL_BIN_LOG::appendv(const char* buf, uint len,...) { bool error= 0; DBUG_ENTER("MYSQL_BIN_LOG::appendv"); va_list(args); va_start(args,len); DBUG_ASSERT(log_file.type == SEQ_READ_APPEND); safe_mutex_assert_owner(&LOCK_log); do { if (my_b_append(&log_file,(uchar*) buf,len)) { error= 1; goto err; } bytes_written += len; } while ((buf=va_arg(args,const char*)) && (len=va_arg(args,uint))); DBUG_PRINT("info",("max_size: %lu",max_size)); if ((uint) my_b_append_tell(&log_file) > max_size) new_file_without_locking(); err: if (!error) signal_update(); DBUG_RETURN(error); } bool MYSQL_BIN_LOG::flush_and_sync() { int err=0, fd=log_file.file; safe_mutex_assert_owner(&LOCK_log); if (flush_io_cache(&log_file)) return 1; if (++sync_binlog_counter >= sync_binlog_period && sync_binlog_period) { sync_binlog_counter= 0; err=my_sync(fd, MYF(MY_WME)); } return err; } void MYSQL_BIN_LOG::start_union_events(THD *thd, query_id_t query_id_param) { DBUG_ASSERT(!thd->binlog_evt_union.do_union); thd->binlog_evt_union.do_union= TRUE; thd->binlog_evt_union.unioned_events= FALSE; thd->binlog_evt_union.unioned_events_trans= FALSE; thd->binlog_evt_union.first_query_id= query_id_param; } void MYSQL_BIN_LOG::stop_union_events(THD *thd) { DBUG_ASSERT(thd->binlog_evt_union.do_union); thd->binlog_evt_union.do_union= FALSE; } bool MYSQL_BIN_LOG::is_query_in_union(THD *thd, query_id_t query_id_param) { return (thd->binlog_evt_union.do_union && query_id_param >= thd->binlog_evt_union.first_query_id); } /** This function checks if a transaction, either a multi-statement or a single statement transaction is about to commit or not. @param thd The client thread that executed the current statement. @param all Committing a transaction (i.e. TRUE) or a statement (i.e. FALSE). @return @c true if committing a transaction, otherwise @c false. */ bool ending_trans(const THD* thd, const bool all) { return (all || (!all && !(thd->options & (OPTION_BEGIN | OPTION_NOT_AUTOCOMMIT)))); } /** This function checks if a non-transactional table was updated by the current transaction. @param thd The client thread that executed the current statement. @return @c true if a non-transactional table was updated, @c false otherwise. */ bool trans_has_updated_non_trans_table(const THD* thd) { return (thd->transaction.all.modified_non_trans_table || thd->transaction.stmt.modified_non_trans_table); } /** This function checks if any statement was committed and cached. @param thd The client thread that executed the current statement. @param all Committing a transaction (i.e. TRUE) or a statement (i.e. FALSE). @return @c true if at a statement was committed and cached, @c false otherwise. */ bool trans_has_no_stmt_committed(const THD* thd, bool all) { binlog_trx_data *const trx_data= (binlog_trx_data*) thd_get_ha_data(thd, binlog_hton); return (!all && !trx_data->at_least_one_stmt_committed); } /** This function checks if a non-transactional table was updated by the current statement. @param thd The client thread that executed the current statement. @return @c true if a non-transactional table was updated, @c false otherwise. */ bool stmt_has_updated_non_trans_table(const THD* thd) { return (thd->transaction.stmt.modified_non_trans_table); } /* These functions are placed in this file since they need access to binlog_hton, which has internal linkage. */ int THD::binlog_setup_trx_data() { DBUG_ENTER("THD::binlog_setup_trx_data"); binlog_trx_data *trx_data= (binlog_trx_data*) thd_get_ha_data(this, binlog_hton); if (trx_data) DBUG_RETURN(0); // Already set up trx_data= (binlog_trx_data*) my_malloc(sizeof(binlog_trx_data), MYF(MY_ZEROFILL)); if (!trx_data || open_cached_file(&trx_data->trans_log, mysql_tmpdir, LOG_PREFIX, binlog_cache_size, MYF(MY_WME))) { my_free((uchar*)trx_data, MYF(MY_ALLOW_ZERO_PTR)); DBUG_RETURN(1); // Didn't manage to set it up } thd_set_ha_data(this, binlog_hton, trx_data); trx_data= new (thd_get_ha_data(this, binlog_hton)) binlog_trx_data; DBUG_RETURN(0); } /* Function to start a statement and optionally a transaction for the binary log. SYNOPSIS binlog_start_trans_and_stmt() DESCRIPTION This function does three things: - Start a transaction if not in autocommit mode or if a BEGIN statement has been seen. - Start a statement transaction to allow us to truncate the binary log. - Save the currrent binlog position so that we can roll back the statement by truncating the transaction log. We only update the saved position if the old one was undefined, the reason is that there are some cases (e.g., for CREATE-SELECT) where the position is saved twice (e.g., both in select_create::prepare() and THD::binlog_write_table_map()) , but we should use the first. This means that calls to this function can be used to start the statement before the first table map event, to include some extra events. */ void THD::binlog_start_trans_and_stmt() { binlog_trx_data *trx_data= (binlog_trx_data*) thd_get_ha_data(this, binlog_hton); DBUG_ENTER("binlog_start_trans_and_stmt"); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("trx_data: 0x%lx trx_data->before_stmt_pos: %lu", (long) trx_data, (trx_data ? (ulong) trx_data->before_stmt_pos : (ulong) 0))); if (trx_data == NULL || trx_data->before_stmt_pos == MY_OFF_T_UNDEF) { this->binlog_set_stmt_begin(); if (options & (OPTION_NOT_AUTOCOMMIT | OPTION_BEGIN)) trans_register_ha(this, TRUE, binlog_hton); trans_register_ha(this, FALSE, binlog_hton); /* Mark statement transaction as read/write. We never start a binary log transaction and keep it read-only, therefore it's best to mark the transaction read/write just at the same time we start it. Not necessary to mark the normal transaction read/write since the statement-level flag will be propagated automatically inside ha_commit_trans. */ ha_data[binlog_hton->slot].ha_info[0].set_trx_read_write(); } DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } void THD::binlog_set_stmt_begin() { binlog_trx_data *trx_data= (binlog_trx_data*) thd_get_ha_data(this, binlog_hton); /* The call to binlog_trans_log_savepos() might create the trx_data structure, if it didn't exist before, so we save the position into an auto variable and then write it into the transaction data for the binary log (i.e., trx_data). */ my_off_t pos= 0; binlog_trans_log_savepos(this, &pos); trx_data= (binlog_trx_data*) thd_get_ha_data(this, binlog_hton); trx_data->before_stmt_pos= pos; } /* Write a table map to the binary log. */ int THD::binlog_write_table_map(TABLE *table, bool is_trans) { int error; DBUG_ENTER("THD::binlog_write_table_map"); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("table: 0x%lx (%s: #%lu)", (long) table, table->s->table_name.str, table->s->table_map_id)); /* Pre-conditions */ DBUG_ASSERT(current_stmt_binlog_row_based && mysql_bin_log.is_open()); DBUG_ASSERT(table->s->table_map_id != ULONG_MAX); Table_map_log_event the_event(this, table, table->s->table_map_id, is_trans); if (is_trans && binlog_table_maps == 0) binlog_start_trans_and_stmt(); if ((error= mysql_bin_log.write(&the_event))) DBUG_RETURN(error); binlog_table_maps++; DBUG_RETURN(0); } Rows_log_event* THD::binlog_get_pending_rows_event() const { binlog_trx_data *const trx_data= (binlog_trx_data*) thd_get_ha_data(this, binlog_hton); /* This is less than ideal, but here's the story: If there is no trx_data, prepare_pending_rows_event() has never been called (since the trx_data is set up there). In that case, we just return NULL. */ return trx_data ? trx_data->pending() : NULL; } void THD::binlog_set_pending_rows_event(Rows_log_event* ev) { if (thd_get_ha_data(this, binlog_hton) == NULL) binlog_setup_trx_data(); binlog_trx_data *const trx_data= (binlog_trx_data*) thd_get_ha_data(this, binlog_hton); DBUG_ASSERT(trx_data); trx_data->set_pending(ev); } /** Remove the pending rows event, discarding any outstanding rows. If there is no pending rows event available, this is effectively a no-op. */ int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::remove_pending_rows_event(THD *thd) { DBUG_ENTER("MYSQL_BIN_LOG::remove_pending_rows_event"); binlog_trx_data *const trx_data= (binlog_trx_data*) thd_get_ha_data(thd, binlog_hton); DBUG_ASSERT(trx_data); if (Rows_log_event* pending= trx_data->pending()) { delete pending; trx_data->set_pending(NULL); } DBUG_RETURN(0); } /* Moves the last bunch of rows from the pending Rows event to the binlog (either cached binlog if transaction, or disk binlog). Sets a new pending event. */ int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::flush_and_set_pending_rows_event(THD *thd, Rows_log_event* event) { DBUG_ENTER("MYSQL_BIN_LOG::flush_and_set_pending_rows_event(event)"); DBUG_ASSERT(mysql_bin_log.is_open()); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("event: 0x%lx", (long) event)); int error= 0; binlog_trx_data *const trx_data= (binlog_trx_data*) thd_get_ha_data(thd, binlog_hton); DBUG_ASSERT(trx_data); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("trx_data->pending(): 0x%lx", (long) trx_data->pending())); if (Rows_log_event* pending= trx_data->pending()) { IO_CACHE *file= &log_file; /* Decide if we should write to the log file directly or to the transaction log. */ if (pending->get_cache_stmt() || my_b_tell(&trx_data->trans_log)) file= &trx_data->trans_log; /* If we are not writing to the log file directly, we could avoid locking the log. */ pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_log); /* Write pending event to log file or transaction cache */ if (pending->write(file)) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_log); set_write_error(thd); DBUG_RETURN(1); } delete pending; if (file == &log_file) { error= flush_and_sync(); if (!error) { signal_update(); rotate_and_purge(RP_LOCK_LOG_IS_ALREADY_LOCKED); } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_log); } thd->binlog_set_pending_rows_event(event); DBUG_RETURN(error); } /** Write an event to the binary log. */ bool MYSQL_BIN_LOG::write(Log_event *event_info) { THD *thd= event_info->thd; bool error= 1; DBUG_ENTER("MYSQL_BIN_LOG::write(Log_event *)"); if (thd->binlog_evt_union.do_union) { /* In Stored function; Remember that function call caused an update. We will log the function call to the binary log on function exit */ thd->binlog_evt_union.unioned_events= TRUE; thd->binlog_evt_union.unioned_events_trans |= event_info->cache_stmt; DBUG_RETURN(0); } /* Flush the pending rows event to the transaction cache or to the log file. Since this function potentially aquire the LOCK_log mutex, we do this before aquiring the LOCK_log mutex in this function. We only end the statement if we are in a top-level statement. If we are inside a stored function, we do not end the statement since this will close all tables on the slave. */ bool const end_stmt= thd->prelocked_mode && thd->lex->requires_prelocking(); if (thd->binlog_flush_pending_rows_event(end_stmt)) DBUG_RETURN(error); pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_log); /* In most cases this is only called if 'is_open()' is true; in fact this is mostly called if is_open() *was* true a few instructions before, but it could have changed since. */ if (likely(is_open())) { IO_CACHE *file= &log_file; #ifdef HAVE_REPLICATION /* In the future we need to add to the following if tests like "do the involved tables match (to be implemented) binlog_[wild_]{do|ignore}_table?" (WL#1049)" */ const char *local_db= event_info->get_db(); if ((thd && !(thd->options & OPTION_BIN_LOG)) || (thd->lex->sql_command != SQLCOM_ROLLBACK_TO_SAVEPOINT && thd->lex->sql_command != SQLCOM_SAVEPOINT && !binlog_filter->db_ok(local_db))) { VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_log)); DBUG_RETURN(0); } #endif /* HAVE_REPLICATION */ #if defined(USING_TRANSACTIONS) /* Should we write to the binlog cache or to the binlog on disk? Write to the binlog cache if: 1 - a transactional engine/table is updated (stmt_has_updated_trans_table == TRUE); 2 - or the event asks for it (cache_stmt == TRUE); 3 - or the cache is already not empty (meaning we're in a transaction; note that the present event could be about a non-transactional table, but still we need to write to the binlog cache in that case to handle updates to mixed trans/non-trans table types). Write to the binlog on disk if only a non-transactional engine is updated and: 1 - the binlog cache is empty or; 2 - --binlog-direct-non-transactional-updates is set and we are about to use the statement format. When using the row format (cache_stmt == TRUE). */ if (opt_using_transactions && thd) { if (thd->binlog_setup_trx_data()) goto err; binlog_trx_data *const trx_data= (binlog_trx_data*) thd_get_ha_data(thd, binlog_hton); IO_CACHE *trans_log= &trx_data->trans_log; my_off_t trans_log_pos= my_b_tell(trans_log); if (event_info->get_cache_stmt() || stmt_has_updated_trans_table(thd) || (!thd->variables.binlog_direct_non_trans_update && trans_log_pos != 0)) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Using trans_log: cache: %d, trans_log_pos: %lu", event_info->get_cache_stmt(), (ulong) trans_log_pos)); thd->binlog_start_trans_and_stmt(); file= trans_log; } /* TODO as Mats suggested, for all the cases above where we write to trans_log, it sounds unnecessary to lock LOCK_log. We should rather test first if we want to write to trans_log, and if not, lock LOCK_log. */ } #endif /* USING_TRANSACTIONS */ DBUG_PRINT("info",("event type: %d",event_info->get_type_code())); /* No check for auto events flag here - this write method should never be called if auto-events are enabled */ /* 1. Write first log events which describe the 'run environment' of the SQL command */ /* If row-based binlogging, Insert_id, Rand and other kind of "setting context" events are not needed. */ if (thd) { if (!thd->current_stmt_binlog_row_based) { if (thd->stmt_depends_on_first_successful_insert_id_in_prev_stmt) { Intvar_log_event e(thd,(uchar) LAST_INSERT_ID_EVENT, thd->first_successful_insert_id_in_prev_stmt_for_binlog); if (e.write(file)) goto err; } if (thd->auto_inc_intervals_in_cur_stmt_for_binlog.nb_elements() > 0) { DBUG_PRINT("info",("number of auto_inc intervals: %u", thd->auto_inc_intervals_in_cur_stmt_for_binlog. nb_elements())); Intvar_log_event e(thd, (uchar) INSERT_ID_EVENT, thd->auto_inc_intervals_in_cur_stmt_for_binlog. minimum()); if (e.write(file)) goto err; } if (thd->rand_used) { Rand_log_event e(thd,thd->rand_saved_seed1,thd->rand_saved_seed2); if (e.write(file)) goto err; } if (thd->user_var_events.elements) { for (uint i= 0; i < thd->user_var_events.elements; i++) { BINLOG_USER_VAR_EVENT *user_var_event; get_dynamic(&thd->user_var_events,(uchar*) &user_var_event, i); User_var_log_event e(thd, user_var_event->user_var_event->name.str, user_var_event->user_var_event->name.length, user_var_event->value, user_var_event->length, user_var_event->type, user_var_event->charset_number); if (e.write(file)) goto err; } } } } /* Write the SQL command */ if (event_info->write(file) || DBUG_EVALUATE_IF("injecting_fault_writing", 1, 0)) goto err; if (file == &log_file) // we are writing to the real log (disk) { if (flush_and_sync()) goto err; signal_update(); rotate_and_purge(RP_LOCK_LOG_IS_ALREADY_LOCKED); } error=0; err: if (error) set_write_error(thd); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_log); DBUG_RETURN(error); } int error_log_print(enum loglevel level, const char *format, va_list args) { return logger.error_log_print(level, format, args); } bool slow_log_print(THD *thd, const char *query, uint query_length, ulonglong current_utime) { return logger.slow_log_print(thd, query, query_length, current_utime); } bool LOGGER::log_command(THD *thd, enum enum_server_command command) { #ifndef NO_EMBEDDED_ACCESS_CHECKS Security_context *sctx= thd->security_ctx; #endif /* Log command if we have at least one log event handler enabled and want to log this king of commands */ if (*general_log_handler_list && (what_to_log & (1L << (uint) command))) { if ((thd->options & OPTION_LOG_OFF) #ifndef NO_EMBEDDED_ACCESS_CHECKS && (sctx->master_access & SUPER_ACL) #endif ) { /* No logging */ return FALSE; } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } bool general_log_print(THD *thd, enum enum_server_command command, const char *format, ...) { va_list args; uint error= 0; /* Print the message to the buffer if we want to log this king of commands */ if (! logger.log_command(thd, command)) return FALSE; va_start(args, format); error= logger.general_log_print(thd, command, format, args); va_end(args); return error; } bool general_log_write(THD *thd, enum enum_server_command command, const char *query, uint query_length) { /* Write the message to the log if we want to log this king of commands */ if (logger.log_command(thd, command)) return logger.general_log_write(thd, command, query, query_length); return FALSE; } void MYSQL_BIN_LOG::rotate_and_purge(uint flags) { #ifdef HAVE_REPLICATION bool check_purge= false; #endif if (!(flags & RP_LOCK_LOG_IS_ALREADY_LOCKED)) pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_log); if ((flags & RP_FORCE_ROTATE) || (my_b_tell(&log_file) >= (my_off_t) max_size)) { new_file_without_locking(); #ifdef HAVE_REPLICATION check_purge= true; #endif } if (!(flags & RP_LOCK_LOG_IS_ALREADY_LOCKED)) pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_log); #ifdef HAVE_REPLICATION /* NOTE: Run purge_logs wo/ holding LOCK_log as it otherwise will deadlock in ndbcluster_binlog_index_purge_file */ if (check_purge && expire_logs_days) { time_t purge_time= my_time(0) - expire_logs_days*24*60*60; if (purge_time >= 0) purge_logs_before_date(purge_time); } #endif } uint MYSQL_BIN_LOG::next_file_id() { uint res; pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_log); res = file_id++; pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_log); return res; } /* Write the contents of a cache to the binary log. SYNOPSIS write_cache() cache Cache to write to the binary log lock_log True if the LOCK_log mutex should be aquired, false otherwise sync_log True if the log should be flushed and sync:ed DESCRIPTION Write the contents of the cache to the binary log. The cache will be reset as a READ_CACHE to be able to read the contents from it. */ int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::write_cache(IO_CACHE *cache, bool lock_log, bool sync_log) { Mutex_sentry sentry(lock_log ? &LOCK_log : NULL); if (reinit_io_cache(cache, READ_CACHE, 0, 0, 0)) return ER_ERROR_ON_WRITE; uint length= my_b_bytes_in_cache(cache), group, carry, hdr_offs; long val; uchar header[LOG_EVENT_HEADER_LEN]; /* The events in the buffer have incorrect end_log_pos data (relative to beginning of group rather than absolute), so we'll recalculate them in situ so the binlog is always correct, even in the middle of a group. This is possible because we now know the start position of the group (the offset of this cache in the log, if you will); all we need to do is to find all event-headers, and add the position of the group to the end_log_pos of each event. This is pretty straight forward, except that we read the cache in segments, so an event-header might end up on the cache-border and get split. */ group= (uint)my_b_tell(&log_file); hdr_offs= carry= 0; do { /* if we only got a partial header in the last iteration, get the other half now and process a full header. */ if (unlikely(carry > 0)) { DBUG_ASSERT(carry < LOG_EVENT_HEADER_LEN); /* assemble both halves */ memcpy(&header[carry], (char *)cache->read_pos, LOG_EVENT_HEADER_LEN - carry); /* fix end_log_pos */ val= uint4korr(&header[LOG_POS_OFFSET]) + group; int4store(&header[LOG_POS_OFFSET], val); /* write the first half of the split header */ if (my_b_write(&log_file, header, carry)) return ER_ERROR_ON_WRITE; /* copy fixed second half of header to cache so the correct version will be written later. */ memcpy((char *)cache->read_pos, &header[carry], LOG_EVENT_HEADER_LEN - carry); /* next event header at ... */ hdr_offs = uint4korr(&header[EVENT_LEN_OFFSET]) - carry; carry= 0; } /* if there is anything to write, process it. */ if (likely(length > 0)) { /* process all event-headers in this (partial) cache. if next header is beyond current read-buffer, we'll get it later (though not necessarily in the very next iteration, just "eventually"). */ while (hdr_offs < length) { /* partial header only? save what we can get, process once we get the rest. */ if (hdr_offs + LOG_EVENT_HEADER_LEN > length) { carry= length - hdr_offs; memcpy(header, (char *)cache->read_pos + hdr_offs, carry); length= hdr_offs; } else { /* we've got a full event-header, and it came in one piece */ uchar *log_pos= (uchar *)cache->read_pos + hdr_offs + LOG_POS_OFFSET; /* fix end_log_pos */ val= uint4korr(log_pos) + group; int4store(log_pos, val); /* next event header at ... */ log_pos= (uchar *)cache->read_pos + hdr_offs + EVENT_LEN_OFFSET; hdr_offs += uint4korr(log_pos); } } /* Adjust hdr_offs. Note that it may still point beyond the segment read in the next iteration; if the current event is very long, it may take a couple of read-iterations (and subsequent adjustments of hdr_offs) for it to point into the then-current segment. If we have a split header (!carry), hdr_offs will be set at the beginning of the next iteration, overwriting the value we set here: */ hdr_offs -= length; } /* Write data to the binary log file */ if (my_b_write(&log_file, cache->read_pos, length)) return ER_ERROR_ON_WRITE; cache->read_pos=cache->read_end; // Mark buffer used up } while ((length= my_b_fill(cache))); DBUG_ASSERT(carry == 0); if (sync_log) flush_and_sync(); return 0; // All OK } /* Helper function to get the error code of the query to be binlogged. */ int query_error_code(THD *thd, bool not_killed) { int error; if (not_killed || (thd->killed == THD::KILL_BAD_DATA)) { error= thd->is_error() ? thd->main_da.sql_errno() : 0; /* thd->main_da.sql_errno() might be ER_SERVER_SHUTDOWN or ER_QUERY_INTERRUPTED, So here we need to make sure that error is not set to these errors when specified not_killed by the caller. */ if (error == ER_SERVER_SHUTDOWN || error == ER_QUERY_INTERRUPTED) error= 0; } else { /* killed status for DELAYED INSERT thread should never be used */ DBUG_ASSERT(!(thd->system_thread & SYSTEM_THREAD_DELAYED_INSERT)); error= thd->killed_errno(); } return error; } bool MYSQL_BIN_LOG::write_incident(THD *thd, bool lock) { uint error= 0; DBUG_ENTER("MYSQL_BIN_LOG::write_incident"); LEX_STRING const write_error_msg= { C_STRING_WITH_LEN("error writing to the binary log") }; Incident incident= INCIDENT_LOST_EVENTS; Incident_log_event ev(thd, incident, write_error_msg); if (lock) pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_log); error= ev.write(&log_file); if (lock) { if (!error && !(error= flush_and_sync())) { signal_update(); rotate_and_purge(RP_LOCK_LOG_IS_ALREADY_LOCKED); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_log); } DBUG_RETURN(error); } /** Write a cached log entry to the binary log. - To support transaction over replication, we wrap the transaction with BEGIN/COMMIT or BEGIN/ROLLBACK in the binary log. We want to write a BEGIN/ROLLBACK block when a non-transactional table was updated in a transaction which was rolled back. This is to ensure that the same updates are run on the slave. @param thd @param cache The cache to copy to the binlog @param commit_event The commit event to print after writing the contents of the cache. @param incident Defines if an incident event should be created to notify that some non-transactional changes did not get into the binlog. @note We only come here if there is something in the cache. @note The thing in the cache is always a complete transaction. @note 'cache' needs to be reinitialized after this functions returns. */ bool MYSQL_BIN_LOG::write(THD *thd, IO_CACHE *cache, Log_event *commit_event, bool incident) { DBUG_ENTER("MYSQL_BIN_LOG::write(THD *, IO_CACHE *, Log_event *)"); VOID(pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_log)); /* NULL would represent nothing to replicate after ROLLBACK */ DBUG_ASSERT(commit_event != NULL); DBUG_ASSERT(is_open()); if (likely(is_open())) // Should always be true { /* We only bother to write to the binary log if there is anything to write. */ if (my_b_tell(cache) > 0) { /* Log "BEGIN" at the beginning of every transaction. Here, a transaction is either a BEGIN..COMMIT block or a single statement in autocommit mode. */ Query_log_event qinfo(thd, STRING_WITH_LEN("BEGIN"), TRUE, TRUE, 0); /* Now this Query_log_event has artificial log_pos 0. It must be adjusted to reflect the real position in the log. Not doing it would confuse the slave: it would prevent this one from knowing where he is in the master's binlog, which would result in wrong positions being shown to the user, MASTER_POS_WAIT undue waiting etc. */ if (qinfo.write(&log_file)) goto err; DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("crash_before_writing_xid", { if ((write_error= write_cache(cache, false, true))) DBUG_PRINT("info", ("error writing binlog cache: %d", write_error)); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("crashing before writing xid")); abort(); }); if ((write_error= write_cache(cache, false, false))) goto err; if (commit_event && commit_event->write(&log_file)) goto err; if (incident && write_incident(thd, FALSE)) goto err; if (flush_and_sync()) goto err; DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("half_binlogged_transaction", abort();); if (cache->error) // Error on read { sql_print_error(ER(ER_ERROR_ON_READ), cache->file_name, errno); write_error=1; // Don't give more errors goto err; } signal_update(); } /* if commit_event is Xid_log_event, increase the number of prepared_xids (it's decreasd in ::unlog()). Binlog cannot be rotated if there're prepared xids in it - see the comment in new_file() for an explanation. If the commit_event is not Xid_log_event (then it's a Query_log_event) rotate binlog, if necessary. */ if (commit_event && commit_event->get_type_code() == XID_EVENT) { pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_prep_xids); prepared_xids++; pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_prep_xids); } else rotate_and_purge(RP_LOCK_LOG_IS_ALREADY_LOCKED); } VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_log)); DBUG_RETURN(0); err: if (!write_error) { write_error= 1; sql_print_error(ER(ER_ERROR_ON_WRITE), name, errno); } VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_log)); DBUG_RETURN(1); } /** Wait until we get a signal that the binary log has been updated. @param thd Thread variable @param is_slave If 0, the caller is the Binlog_dump thread from master; if 1, the caller is the SQL thread from the slave. This influences only thd->proc_info. @note One must have a lock on LOCK_log before calling this function. This lock will be released before return! That's required by THD::enter_cond() (see NOTES in sql_class.h). */ void MYSQL_BIN_LOG::wait_for_update(THD* thd, bool is_slave) { const char *old_msg; DBUG_ENTER("wait_for_update"); old_msg= thd->enter_cond(&update_cond, &LOCK_log, is_slave ? "Has read all relay log; waiting for the slave I/O " "thread to update it" : "Has sent all binlog to slave; waiting for binlog " "to be updated"); pthread_cond_wait(&update_cond, &LOCK_log); thd->exit_cond(old_msg); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /** Close the log file. @param exiting Bitmask for one or more of the following bits: - LOG_CLOSE_INDEX : if we should close the index file - LOG_CLOSE_TO_BE_OPENED : if we intend to call open at once after close. - LOG_CLOSE_STOP_EVENT : write a 'stop' event to the log @note One can do an open on the object at once after doing a close. The internal structures are not freed until cleanup() is called */ void MYSQL_BIN_LOG::close(uint exiting) { // One can't set log_type here! DBUG_ENTER("MYSQL_BIN_LOG::close"); DBUG_PRINT("enter",("exiting: %d", (int) exiting)); if (log_state == LOG_OPENED) { #ifdef HAVE_REPLICATION if (log_type == LOG_BIN && !no_auto_events && (exiting & LOG_CLOSE_STOP_EVENT)) { Stop_log_event s; s.write(&log_file); bytes_written+= s.data_written; signal_update(); } #endif /* HAVE_REPLICATION */ /* don't pwrite in a file opened with O_APPEND - it doesn't work */ if (log_file.type == WRITE_CACHE && log_type == LOG_BIN) { my_off_t offset= BIN_LOG_HEADER_SIZE + FLAGS_OFFSET; my_off_t org_position= my_tell(log_file.file, MYF(0)); uchar flags= 0; // clearing LOG_EVENT_BINLOG_IN_USE_F my_pwrite(log_file.file, &flags, 1, offset, MYF(0)); /* Restore position so that anything we have in the IO_cache is written to the correct position. We need the seek here, as my_pwrite() is not guaranteed to keep the original position on system that doesn't support pwrite(). */ my_seek(log_file.file, org_position, MY_SEEK_SET, MYF(0)); } /* this will cleanup IO_CACHE, sync and close the file */ MYSQL_LOG::close(exiting); } /* The following test is needed even if is_open() is not set, as we may have called a not complete close earlier and the index file is still open. */ if ((exiting & LOG_CLOSE_INDEX) && my_b_inited(&index_file)) { end_io_cache(&index_file); if (my_close(index_file.file, MYF(0)) < 0 && ! write_error) { write_error= 1; sql_print_error(ER(ER_ERROR_ON_WRITE), index_file_name, errno); } } log_state= (exiting & LOG_CLOSE_TO_BE_OPENED) ? LOG_TO_BE_OPENED : LOG_CLOSED; safeFree(name); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } void MYSQL_BIN_LOG::set_max_size(ulong max_size_arg) { /* We need to take locks, otherwise this may happen: new_file() is called, calls open(old_max_size), then before open() starts, set_max_size() sets max_size to max_size_arg, then open() starts and uses the old_max_size argument, so max_size_arg has been overwritten and it's like if the SET command was never run. */ DBUG_ENTER("MYSQL_BIN_LOG::set_max_size"); pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_log); if (is_open()) max_size= max_size_arg; pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_log); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /** Check if a string is a valid number. @param str String to test @param res Store value here @param allow_wildcards Set to 1 if we should ignore '%' and '_' @note For the moment the allow_wildcards argument is not used Should be move to some other file. @retval 1 String is a number @retval 0 Error */ static bool test_if_number(register const char *str, long *res, bool allow_wildcards) { reg2 int flag; const char *start; DBUG_ENTER("test_if_number"); flag=0; start=str; while (*str++ == ' ') ; if (*--str == '-' || *str == '+') str++; while (my_isdigit(files_charset_info,*str) || (allow_wildcards && (*str == wild_many || *str == wild_one))) { flag=1; str++; } if (*str == '.') { for (str++ ; my_isdigit(files_charset_info,*str) || (allow_wildcards && (*str == wild_many || *str == wild_one)) ; str++, flag=1) ; } if (*str != 0 || flag == 0) DBUG_RETURN(0); if (res) *res=atol(start); DBUG_RETURN(1); /* Number ok */ } /* test_if_number */ void sql_perror(const char *message) { #ifdef HAVE_STRERROR sql_print_error("%s: %s",message, strerror(errno)); #else perror(message); #endif } bool flush_error_log() { bool result=0; if (opt_error_log) { char err_renamed[FN_REFLEN], *end; end= strmake(err_renamed,log_error_file,FN_REFLEN-5); strmov(end, "-old"); VOID(pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_error_log)); #ifdef __WIN__ char err_temp[FN_REFLEN+5]; /* On Windows is necessary a temporary file for to rename the current error file. */ strxmov(err_temp, err_renamed,"-tmp",NullS); (void) my_delete(err_temp, MYF(0)); if (freopen(err_temp,"a+",stdout)) { int fd; size_t bytes; uchar buf[IO_SIZE]; freopen(err_temp,"a+",stderr); setbuf(stderr, NULL); (void) my_delete(err_renamed, MYF(0)); my_rename(log_error_file,err_renamed,MYF(0)); if (freopen(log_error_file,"a+",stdout)) { freopen(log_error_file,"a+",stderr); setbuf(stderr, NULL); } if ((fd = my_open(err_temp, O_RDONLY, MYF(0))) >= 0) { while ((bytes= my_read(fd, buf, IO_SIZE, MYF(0))) && bytes != MY_FILE_ERROR) my_fwrite(stderr, buf, bytes, MYF(0)); my_close(fd, MYF(0)); } (void) my_delete(err_temp, MYF(0)); } else result= 1; #else my_rename(log_error_file,err_renamed,MYF(0)); if (freopen(log_error_file,"a+",stdout)) { FILE *reopen; reopen= freopen(log_error_file,"a+",stderr); setbuf(stderr, NULL); } else result= 1; #endif VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_error_log)); } return result; } void MYSQL_BIN_LOG::signal_update() { DBUG_ENTER("MYSQL_BIN_LOG::signal_update"); pthread_cond_broadcast(&update_cond); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } #ifdef __NT__ static void print_buffer_to_nt_eventlog(enum loglevel level, char *buff, size_t length, size_t buffLen) { HANDLE event; char *buffptr= buff; DBUG_ENTER("print_buffer_to_nt_eventlog"); /* Add ending CR/LF's to string, overwrite last chars if necessary */ strmov(buffptr+min(length, buffLen-5), "\r\n\r\n"); setup_windows_event_source(); if ((event= RegisterEventSource(NULL,"MySQL"))) { switch (level) { case ERROR_LEVEL: ReportEvent(event, EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, 0, MSG_DEFAULT, NULL, 1, 0, (LPCSTR*)&buffptr, NULL); break; case WARNING_LEVEL: ReportEvent(event, EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, 0, MSG_DEFAULT, NULL, 1, 0, (LPCSTR*) &buffptr, NULL); break; case INFORMATION_LEVEL: ReportEvent(event, EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE, 0, MSG_DEFAULT, NULL, 1, 0, (LPCSTR*) &buffptr, NULL); break; } DeregisterEventSource(event); } DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } #endif /* __NT__ */ /** Prints a printf style message to the error log and, under NT, to the Windows event log. This function prints the message into a buffer and then sends that buffer to other functions to write that message to other logging sources. @param event_type Type of event to write (Error, Warning, or Info) @param format Printf style format of message @param args va_list list of arguments for the message @returns The function always returns 0. The return value is present in the signature to be compatible with other logging routines, which could return an error (e.g. logging to the log tables) */ #ifndef EMBEDDED_LIBRARY static void print_buffer_to_file(enum loglevel level, const char *buffer) { time_t skr; struct tm tm_tmp; struct tm *start; DBUG_ENTER("print_buffer_to_file"); DBUG_PRINT("enter",("buffer: %s", buffer)); VOID(pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_error_log)); skr= my_time(0); localtime_r(&skr, &tm_tmp); start=&tm_tmp; fprintf(stderr, "%02d%02d%02d %2d:%02d:%02d [%s] %s\n", start->tm_year % 100, start->tm_mon+1, start->tm_mday, start->tm_hour, start->tm_min, start->tm_sec, (level == ERROR_LEVEL ? "ERROR" : level == WARNING_LEVEL ? "Warning" : "Note"), buffer); fflush(stderr); VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_error_log)); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } int vprint_msg_to_log(enum loglevel level, const char *format, va_list args) { char buff[1024]; size_t length; DBUG_ENTER("vprint_msg_to_log"); length= my_vsnprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), format, args); print_buffer_to_file(level, buff); #ifdef __NT__ print_buffer_to_nt_eventlog(level, buff, length, sizeof(buff)); #endif DBUG_RETURN(0); } #endif /*EMBEDDED_LIBRARY*/ void sql_print_error(const char *format, ...) { va_list args; DBUG_ENTER("sql_print_error"); va_start(args, format); error_log_print(ERROR_LEVEL, format, args); va_end(args); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } void sql_print_warning(const char *format, ...) { va_list args; DBUG_ENTER("sql_print_warning"); va_start(args, format); error_log_print(WARNING_LEVEL, format, args); va_end(args); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } void sql_print_information(const char *format, ...) { va_list args; DBUG_ENTER("sql_print_information"); va_start(args, format); error_log_print(INFORMATION_LEVEL, format, args); va_end(args); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /********* transaction coordinator log for 2pc - mmap() based solution *******/ /* the log consists of a file, mmapped to a memory. file is divided on pages of tc_log_page_size size. (usable size of the first page is smaller because of log header) there's PAGE control structure for each page each page (or rather PAGE control structure) can be in one of three states - active, syncing, pool. there could be only one page in active or syncing states, but many in pool - pool is fifo queue. usual lifecycle of a page is pool->active->syncing->pool "active" page - is a page where new xid's are logged. the page stays active as long as syncing slot is taken. "syncing" page is being synced to disk. no new xid can be added to it. when the sync is done the page is moved to a pool and an active page becomes "syncing". the result of such an architecture is a natural "commit grouping" - If commits are coming faster than the system can sync, they do not stall. Instead, all commit that came since the last sync are logged to the same page, and they all are synced with the next - one - sync. Thus, thought individual commits are delayed, throughput is not decreasing. when a xid is added to an active page, the thread of this xid waits for a page's condition until the page is synced. when syncing slot becomes vacant one of these waiters is awaken to take care of syncing. it syncs the page and signals all waiters that the page is synced. PAGE::waiters is used to count these waiters, and a page may never become active again until waiters==0 (that is all waiters from the previous sync have noticed the sync was completed) note, that the page becomes "dirty" and has to be synced only when a new xid is added into it. Removing a xid from a page does not make it dirty - we don't sync removals to disk. */ ulong tc_log_page_waits= 0; #ifdef HAVE_MMAP #define TC_LOG_HEADER_SIZE (sizeof(tc_log_magic)+1) static const char tc_log_magic[]={(char) 254, 0x23, 0x05, 0x74}; ulong opt_tc_log_size= TC_LOG_MIN_SIZE; ulong tc_log_max_pages_used=0, tc_log_page_size=0, tc_log_cur_pages_used=0; int TC_LOG_MMAP::open(const char *opt_name) { uint i; bool crashed=FALSE; PAGE *pg; DBUG_ASSERT(total_ha_2pc > 1); DBUG_ASSERT(opt_name && opt_name[0]); tc_log_page_size= my_getpagesize(); DBUG_ASSERT(TC_LOG_PAGE_SIZE % tc_log_page_size == 0); fn_format(logname,opt_name,mysql_data_home,"",MY_UNPACK_FILENAME); if ((fd= my_open(logname, O_RDWR, MYF(0))) < 0) { if (my_errno != ENOENT) goto err; if (using_heuristic_recover()) return 1; if ((fd= my_create(logname, CREATE_MODE, O_RDWR, MYF(MY_WME))) < 0) goto err; inited=1; file_length= opt_tc_log_size; if (my_chsize(fd, file_length, 0, MYF(MY_WME))) goto err; } else { inited= 1; crashed= TRUE; sql_print_information("Recovering after a crash using %s", opt_name); if (tc_heuristic_recover) { sql_print_error("Cannot perform automatic crash recovery when " "--tc-heuristic-recover is used"); goto err; } file_length= my_seek(fd, 0L, MY_SEEK_END, MYF(MY_WME+MY_FAE)); if (file_length == MY_FILEPOS_ERROR || file_length % tc_log_page_size) goto err; } data= (uchar *)my_mmap(0, (size_t)file_length, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_NOSYNC|MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); if (data == MAP_FAILED) { my_errno=errno; goto err; } inited=2; npages=(uint)file_length/tc_log_page_size; DBUG_ASSERT(npages >= 3); // to guarantee non-empty pool if (!(pages=(PAGE *)my_malloc(npages*sizeof(PAGE), MYF(MY_WME|MY_ZEROFILL)))) goto err; inited=3; for (pg=pages, i=0; i < npages; i++, pg++) { pg->next=pg+1; pg->waiters=0; pg->state=POOL; pthread_mutex_init(&pg->lock, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); pthread_cond_init (&pg->cond, 0); pg->start=(my_xid *)(data + i*tc_log_page_size); pg->end=(my_xid *)(pg->start + tc_log_page_size); pg->size=pg->free=tc_log_page_size/sizeof(my_xid); } pages[0].size=pages[0].free= (tc_log_page_size-TC_LOG_HEADER_SIZE)/sizeof(my_xid); pages[0].start=pages[0].end-pages[0].size; pages[npages-1].next=0; inited=4; if (crashed && recover()) goto err; memcpy(data, tc_log_magic, sizeof(tc_log_magic)); data[sizeof(tc_log_magic)]= (uchar)total_ha_2pc; my_msync(fd, data, tc_log_page_size, MS_SYNC); inited=5; pthread_mutex_init(&LOCK_sync, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); pthread_mutex_init(&LOCK_active, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); pthread_mutex_init(&LOCK_pool, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); pthread_cond_init(&COND_active, 0); pthread_cond_init(&COND_pool, 0); inited=6; syncing= 0; active=pages; pool=pages+1; pool_last=pages+npages-1; return 0; err: close(); return 1; } /** there is no active page, let's got one from the pool. Two strategies here: -# take the first from the pool -# if there're waiters - take the one with the most free space. @todo TODO page merging. try to allocate adjacent page first, so that they can be flushed both in one sync */ void TC_LOG_MMAP::get_active_from_pool() { PAGE **p, **best_p=0; int best_free; if (syncing) pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_pool); do { best_p= p= &pool; if ((*p)->waiters == 0) // can the first page be used ? break; // yes - take it. best_free=0; // no - trying second strategy for (p=&(*p)->next; *p; p=&(*p)->next) { if ((*p)->waiters == 0 && (*p)->free > best_free) { best_free=(*p)->free; best_p=p; } } } while ((*best_p == 0 || best_free == 0) && overflow()); active=*best_p; if (active->free == active->size) // we've chosen an empty page { tc_log_cur_pages_used++; set_if_bigger(tc_log_max_pages_used, tc_log_cur_pages_used); } if ((*best_p)->next) // unlink the page from the pool *best_p=(*best_p)->next; else pool_last=*best_p; if (syncing) pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_pool); } /** @todo perhaps, increase log size ? */ int TC_LOG_MMAP::overflow() { /* simple overflow handling - just wait TODO perhaps, increase log size ? let's check the behaviour of tc_log_page_waits first */ tc_log_page_waits++; pthread_cond_wait(&COND_pool, &LOCK_pool); return 1; // always return 1 } /** Record that transaction XID is committed on the persistent storage. This function is called in the middle of two-phase commit: First all resources prepare the transaction, then tc_log->log() is called, then all resources commit the transaction, then tc_log->unlog() is called. All access to active page is serialized but it's not a problem, as we're assuming that fsync() will be a main bottleneck. That is, parallelizing writes to log pages we'll decrease number of threads waiting for a page, but then all these threads will be waiting for a fsync() anyway If tc_log == MYSQL_LOG then tc_log writes transaction to binlog and records XID in a special Xid_log_event. If tc_log = TC_LOG_MMAP then xid is written in a special memory-mapped log. @retval 0 - error @retval \# - otherwise, "cookie", a number that will be passed as an argument to unlog() call. tc_log can define it any way it wants, and use for whatever purposes. TC_LOG_MMAP sets it to the position in memory where xid was logged to. */ int TC_LOG_MMAP::log_xid(THD *thd, my_xid xid) { int err; PAGE *p; ulong cookie; pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_active); /* if active page is full - just wait... frankly speaking, active->free here accessed outside of mutex protection, but it's safe, because it only means we may miss an unlog() for the active page, and we're not waiting for it here - unlog() does not signal COND_active. */ while (unlikely(active && active->free == 0)) pthread_cond_wait(&COND_active, &LOCK_active); /* no active page ? take one from the pool */ if (active == 0) get_active_from_pool(); p=active; pthread_mutex_lock(&p->lock); /* searching for an empty slot */ while (*p->ptr) { p->ptr++; DBUG_ASSERT(p->ptr < p->end); // because p->free > 0 } /* found! store xid there and mark the page dirty */ cookie= (ulong)((uchar *)p->ptr - data); // can never be zero *p->ptr++= xid; p->free--; p->state= DIRTY; /* to sync or not to sync - this is the question */ pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_active); pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_sync); pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->lock); if (syncing) { // somebody's syncing. let's wait p->waiters++; /* note - it must be while (), not do ... while () here as p->state may be not DIRTY when we come here */ while (p->state == DIRTY && syncing) pthread_cond_wait(&p->cond, &LOCK_sync); p->waiters--; err= p->state == ERROR; if (p->state != DIRTY) // page was synced { if (p->waiters == 0) pthread_cond_signal(&COND_pool); // in case somebody's waiting pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_sync); goto done; // we're done } } // page was not synced! do it now DBUG_ASSERT(active == p && syncing == 0); pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_active); syncing=p; // place is vacant - take it active=0; // page is not active anymore pthread_cond_broadcast(&COND_active); // in case somebody's waiting pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_active); pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_sync); err= sync(); done: return err ? 0 : cookie; } int TC_LOG_MMAP::sync() { int err; DBUG_ASSERT(syncing != active); /* sit down and relax - this can take a while... note - no locks are held at this point */ err= my_msync(fd, syncing->start, 1, MS_SYNC); /* page is synced. let's move it to the pool */ pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_pool); pool_last->next=syncing; pool_last=syncing; syncing->next=0; syncing->state= err ? ERROR : POOL; pthread_cond_broadcast(&syncing->cond); // signal "sync done" pthread_cond_signal(&COND_pool); // in case somebody's waiting pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_pool); /* marking 'syncing' slot free */ pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_sync); syncing=0; pthread_cond_signal(&active->cond); // wake up a new syncer pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_sync); return err; } /** erase xid from the page, update page free space counters/pointers. cookie points directly to the memory where xid was logged. */ void TC_LOG_MMAP::unlog(ulong cookie, my_xid xid) { PAGE *p=pages+(cookie/tc_log_page_size); my_xid *x=(my_xid *)(data+cookie); DBUG_ASSERT(*x == xid); DBUG_ASSERT(x >= p->start && x < p->end); *x=0; pthread_mutex_lock(&p->lock); p->free++; DBUG_ASSERT(p->free <= p->size); set_if_smaller(p->ptr, x); if (p->free == p->size) // the page is completely empty statistic_decrement(tc_log_cur_pages_used, &LOCK_status); if (p->waiters == 0) // the page is in pool and ready to rock pthread_cond_signal(&COND_pool); // ping ... for overflow() pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->lock); } void TC_LOG_MMAP::close() { uint i; switch (inited) { case 6: pthread_mutex_destroy(&LOCK_sync); pthread_mutex_destroy(&LOCK_active); pthread_mutex_destroy(&LOCK_pool); pthread_cond_destroy(&COND_pool); case 5: data[0]='A'; // garble the first (signature) byte, in case my_delete fails case 4: for (i=0; i < npages; i++) { if (pages[i].ptr == 0) break; pthread_mutex_destroy(&pages[i].lock); pthread_cond_destroy(&pages[i].cond); } case 3: my_free((uchar*)pages, MYF(0)); case 2: my_munmap((char*)data, (size_t)file_length); case 1: my_close(fd, MYF(0)); } if (inited>=5) // cannot do in the switch because of Windows my_delete(logname, MYF(MY_WME)); inited=0; } int TC_LOG_MMAP::recover() { HASH xids; PAGE *p=pages, *end_p=pages+npages; if (memcmp(data, tc_log_magic, sizeof(tc_log_magic))) { sql_print_error("Bad magic header in tc log"); goto err1; } /* the first byte after magic signature is set to current number of storage engines on startup */ if (data[sizeof(tc_log_magic)] != total_ha_2pc) { sql_print_error("Recovery failed! You must enable " "exactly %d storage engines that support " "two-phase commit protocol", data[sizeof(tc_log_magic)]); goto err1; } if (hash_init(&xids, &my_charset_bin, tc_log_page_size/3, 0, sizeof(my_xid), 0, 0, MYF(0))) goto err1; for ( ; p < end_p ; p++) { for (my_xid *x=p->start; x < p->end; x++) if (*x && my_hash_insert(&xids, (uchar *)x)) goto err2; // OOM } if (ha_recover(&xids)) goto err2; hash_free(&xids); bzero(data, (size_t)file_length); return 0; err2: hash_free(&xids); err1: sql_print_error("Crash recovery failed. Either correct the problem " "(if it's, for example, out of memory error) and restart, " "or delete tc log and start mysqld with " "--tc-heuristic-recover={commit|rollback}"); return 1; } #endif TC_LOG *tc_log; TC_LOG_DUMMY tc_log_dummy; TC_LOG_MMAP tc_log_mmap; /** Perform heuristic recovery, if --tc-heuristic-recover was used. @note no matter whether heuristic recovery was successful or not mysqld must exit. So, return value is the same in both cases. @retval 0 no heuristic recovery was requested @retval 1 heuristic recovery was performed */ int TC_LOG::using_heuristic_recover() { if (!tc_heuristic_recover) return 0; sql_print_information("Heuristic crash recovery mode"); if (ha_recover(0)) sql_print_error("Heuristic crash recovery failed"); sql_print_information("Please restart mysqld without --tc-heuristic-recover"); return 1; } /****** transaction coordinator log for 2pc - binlog() based solution ******/ #define TC_LOG_BINLOG MYSQL_BIN_LOG /** @todo keep in-memory list of prepared transactions (add to list in log(), remove on unlog()) and copy it to the new binlog if rotated but let's check the behaviour of tc_log_page_waits first! */ int TC_LOG_BINLOG::open(const char *opt_name) { LOG_INFO log_info; int error= 1; DBUG_ASSERT(total_ha_2pc > 1); DBUG_ASSERT(opt_name && opt_name[0]); pthread_mutex_init(&LOCK_prep_xids, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); pthread_cond_init (&COND_prep_xids, 0); if (!my_b_inited(&index_file)) { /* There was a failure to open the index file, can't open the binlog */ cleanup(); return 1; } if (using_heuristic_recover()) { /* generate a new binlog to mask a corrupted one */ open(opt_name, LOG_BIN, 0, WRITE_CACHE, 0, max_binlog_size, 0, TRUE); cleanup(); return 1; } if ((error= find_log_pos(&log_info, NullS, 1))) { if (error != LOG_INFO_EOF) sql_print_error("find_log_pos() failed (error: %d)", error); else error= 0; goto err; } { const char *errmsg; IO_CACHE log; File file; Log_event *ev=0; Format_description_log_event fdle(BINLOG_VERSION); char log_name[FN_REFLEN]; if (! fdle.is_valid()) goto err; do { strmake(log_name, log_info.log_file_name, sizeof(log_name)-1); } while (!(error= find_next_log(&log_info, 1))); if (error != LOG_INFO_EOF) { sql_print_error("find_log_pos() failed (error: %d)", error); goto err; } if ((file= open_binlog(&log, log_name, &errmsg)) < 0) { sql_print_error("%s", errmsg); goto err; } if ((ev= Log_event::read_log_event(&log, 0, &fdle)) && ev->get_type_code() == FORMAT_DESCRIPTION_EVENT && ev->flags & LOG_EVENT_BINLOG_IN_USE_F) { sql_print_information("Recovering after a crash using %s", opt_name); error= recover(&log, (Format_description_log_event *)ev); } else error=0; delete ev; end_io_cache(&log); my_close(file, MYF(MY_WME)); if (error) goto err; } err: return error; } /** This is called on shutdown, after ha_panic. */ void TC_LOG_BINLOG::close() { DBUG_ASSERT(prepared_xids==0); pthread_mutex_destroy(&LOCK_prep_xids); pthread_cond_destroy (&COND_prep_xids); } /** @todo group commit @retval 0 error @retval 1 success */ int TC_LOG_BINLOG::log_xid(THD *thd, my_xid xid) { DBUG_ENTER("TC_LOG_BINLOG::log"); Xid_log_event xle(thd, xid); binlog_trx_data *trx_data= (binlog_trx_data*) thd_get_ha_data(thd, binlog_hton); /* We always commit the entire transaction when writing an XID. Also note that the return value is inverted. */ DBUG_RETURN(!binlog_end_trans(thd, trx_data, &xle, TRUE)); } void TC_LOG_BINLOG::unlog(ulong cookie, my_xid xid) { pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_prep_xids); DBUG_ASSERT(prepared_xids > 0); if (--prepared_xids == 0) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("prepared_xids=%lu", prepared_xids)); pthread_cond_signal(&COND_prep_xids); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_prep_xids); rotate_and_purge(0); // as ::write() did not rotate } int TC_LOG_BINLOG::recover(IO_CACHE *log, Format_description_log_event *fdle) { Log_event *ev; HASH xids; MEM_ROOT mem_root; if (! fdle->is_valid() || hash_init(&xids, &my_charset_bin, TC_LOG_PAGE_SIZE/3, 0, sizeof(my_xid), 0, 0, MYF(0))) goto err1; init_alloc_root(&mem_root, TC_LOG_PAGE_SIZE, TC_LOG_PAGE_SIZE); fdle->flags&= ~LOG_EVENT_BINLOG_IN_USE_F; // abort on the first error while ((ev= Log_event::read_log_event(log,0,fdle)) && ev->is_valid()) { if (ev->get_type_code() == XID_EVENT) { Xid_log_event *xev=(Xid_log_event *)ev; uchar *x= (uchar *) memdup_root(&mem_root, (uchar*) &xev->xid, sizeof(xev->xid)); if (!x || my_hash_insert(&xids, x)) goto err2; } delete ev; } if (ha_recover(&xids)) goto err2; free_root(&mem_root, MYF(0)); hash_free(&xids); return 0; err2: free_root(&mem_root, MYF(0)); hash_free(&xids); err1: sql_print_error("Crash recovery failed. Either correct the problem " "(if it's, for example, out of memory error) and restart, " "or delete (or rename) binary log and start mysqld with " "--tc-heuristic-recover={commit|rollback}"); return 1; } #ifdef INNODB_COMPATIBILITY_HOOKS /** Get the file name of the MySQL binlog. @return the name of the binlog file */ extern "C" const char* mysql_bin_log_file_name(void) { return mysql_bin_log.get_log_fname(); } /** Get the current position of the MySQL binlog. @return byte offset from the beginning of the binlog */ extern "C" ulonglong mysql_bin_log_file_pos(void) { return (ulonglong) mysql_bin_log.get_log_file()->pos_in_file; } #endif /* INNODB_COMPATIBILITY_HOOKS */ struct st_mysql_storage_engine binlog_storage_engine= { MYSQL_HANDLERTON_INTERFACE_VERSION }; mysql_declare_plugin(binlog) { MYSQL_STORAGE_ENGINE_PLUGIN, &binlog_storage_engine, "binlog", "MySQL AB", "This is a pseudo storage engine to represent the binlog in a transaction", PLUGIN_LICENSE_GPL, binlog_init, /* Plugin Init */ NULL, /* Plugin Deinit */ 0x0100 /* 1.0 */, NULL, /* status variables */ NULL, /* system variables */ NULL /* config options */ } mysql_declare_plugin_end;