/* Copyright (C) 2006-2008 MySQL AB, Sun Microsystems Inc. 2008-2009 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* Some general useful functions */ #ifdef USE_PRAGMA_IMPLEMENTATION #pragma implementation #endif #include "mysql_priv.h" #ifdef WITH_PARTITION_STORAGE_ENGINE #include "ha_partition.h" partition_info *partition_info::get_clone() { if (!this) return 0; List_iterator part_it(partitions); partition_element *part; partition_info *clone= new partition_info(); if (!clone) { mem_alloc_error(sizeof(partition_info)); return NULL; } memcpy(clone, this, sizeof(partition_info)); clone->partitions.empty(); while ((part= (part_it++))) { List_iterator subpart_it(part->subpartitions); partition_element *subpart; partition_element *part_clone= new partition_element(); if (!part_clone) { mem_alloc_error(sizeof(partition_element)); return NULL; } memcpy(part_clone, part, sizeof(partition_element)); part_clone->subpartitions.empty(); while ((subpart= (subpart_it++))) { partition_element *subpart_clone= new partition_element(); if (!subpart_clone) { mem_alloc_error(sizeof(partition_element)); return NULL; } memcpy(subpart_clone, subpart, sizeof(partition_element)); part_clone->subpartitions.push_back(subpart_clone); } clone->partitions.push_back(part_clone); } return clone; } /* Create a memory area where default partition names are stored and fill it up with the names. SYNOPSIS create_default_partition_names() part_no Partition number for subparts num_parts Number of partitions start_no Starting partition number subpart Is it subpartitions RETURN VALUE A pointer to the memory area of the default partition names DESCRIPTION A support routine for the partition code where default values are generated. The external routine needing this code is check_partition_info */ #define MAX_PART_NAME_SIZE 8 char *partition_info::create_default_partition_names(uint part_no, uint num_parts_arg, uint start_no) { char *ptr= (char*) sql_calloc(num_parts_arg*MAX_PART_NAME_SIZE); char *move_ptr= ptr; uint i= 0; DBUG_ENTER("create_default_partition_names"); if (likely(ptr != 0)) { do { my_sprintf(move_ptr, (move_ptr,"p%u", (start_no + i))); move_ptr+=MAX_PART_NAME_SIZE; } while (++i < num_parts_arg); } else { mem_alloc_error(num_parts_arg*MAX_PART_NAME_SIZE); } DBUG_RETURN(ptr); } /* Create a unique name for the subpartition as part_name'sp''subpart_no' SYNOPSIS create_subpartition_name() subpart_no Number of subpartition part_name Name of partition RETURN VALUES >0 A reference to the created name string 0 Memory allocation error */ char *partition_info::create_subpartition_name(uint subpart_no, const char *part_name) { uint size_alloc= strlen(part_name) + MAX_PART_NAME_SIZE; char *ptr= (char*) sql_calloc(size_alloc); DBUG_ENTER("create_subpartition_name"); if (likely(ptr != NULL)) { my_sprintf(ptr, (ptr, "%ssp%u", part_name, subpart_no)); } else { mem_alloc_error(size_alloc); } DBUG_RETURN(ptr); } /* Set up all the default partitions not set-up by the user in the SQL statement. Also perform a number of checks that the user hasn't tried to use default values where no defaults exists. SYNOPSIS set_up_default_partitions() file A reference to a handler of the table info Create info start_no Starting partition number RETURN VALUE TRUE Error, attempted default values not possible FALSE Ok, default partitions set-up DESCRIPTION The routine uses the underlying handler of the partitioning to define the default number of partitions. For some handlers this requires knowledge of the maximum number of rows to be stored in the table. This routine only accepts HASH and KEY partitioning and thus there is no subpartitioning if this routine is successful. The external routine needing this code is check_partition_info */ bool partition_info::set_up_default_partitions(handler *file, HA_CREATE_INFO *info, uint start_no) { uint i; char *default_name; bool result= TRUE; DBUG_ENTER("partition_info::set_up_default_partitions"); if (part_type != HASH_PARTITION) { const char *error_string; if (part_type == RANGE_PARTITION) error_string= partition_keywords[PKW_RANGE].str; else error_string= partition_keywords[PKW_LIST].str; my_error(ER_PARTITIONS_MUST_BE_DEFINED_ERROR, MYF(0), error_string); goto end; } if ((num_parts == 0) && ((num_parts= file->get_default_no_partitions(info)) == 0)) { my_error(ER_PARTITION_NOT_DEFINED_ERROR, MYF(0), "partitions"); goto end; } if (unlikely(num_parts > MAX_PARTITIONS)) { my_error(ER_TOO_MANY_PARTITIONS_ERROR, MYF(0)); goto end; } if (unlikely((!(default_name= create_default_partition_names(0, num_parts, start_no))))) goto end; i= 0; do { partition_element *part_elem= new partition_element(); if (likely(part_elem != 0 && (!partitions.push_back(part_elem)))) { part_elem->engine_type= default_engine_type; part_elem->partition_name= default_name; default_name+=MAX_PART_NAME_SIZE; } else { mem_alloc_error(sizeof(partition_element)); goto end; } } while (++i < num_parts); result= FALSE; end: DBUG_RETURN(result); } /* Set up all the default subpartitions not set-up by the user in the SQL statement. Also perform a number of checks that the default partitioning becomes an allowed partitioning scheme. SYNOPSIS set_up_default_subpartitions() file A reference to a handler of the table info Create info RETURN VALUE TRUE Error, attempted default values not possible FALSE Ok, default partitions set-up DESCRIPTION The routine uses the underlying handler of the partitioning to define the default number of partitions. For some handlers this requires knowledge of the maximum number of rows to be stored in the table. This routine is only called for RANGE or LIST partitioning and those need to be specified so only subpartitions are specified. The external routine needing this code is check_partition_info */ bool partition_info::set_up_default_subpartitions(handler *file, HA_CREATE_INFO *info) { uint i, j; bool result= TRUE; partition_element *part_elem; List_iterator part_it(partitions); DBUG_ENTER("partition_info::set_up_default_subpartitions"); if (num_subparts == 0) num_subparts= file->get_default_no_partitions(info); if (unlikely((num_parts * num_subparts) > MAX_PARTITIONS)) { my_error(ER_TOO_MANY_PARTITIONS_ERROR, MYF(0)); goto end; } i= 0; do { part_elem= part_it++; j= 0; do { partition_element *subpart_elem= new partition_element(part_elem); if (likely(subpart_elem != 0 && (!part_elem->subpartitions.push_back(subpart_elem)))) { char *ptr= create_subpartition_name(j, part_elem->partition_name); if (!ptr) goto end; subpart_elem->engine_type= default_engine_type; subpart_elem->partition_name= ptr; } else { mem_alloc_error(sizeof(partition_element)); goto end; } } while (++j < num_subparts); } while (++i < num_parts); result= FALSE; end: DBUG_RETURN(result); } /* Support routine for check_partition_info SYNOPSIS set_up_defaults_for_partitioning() file A reference to a handler of the table info Create info start_no Starting partition number RETURN VALUE TRUE Error, attempted default values not possible FALSE Ok, default partitions set-up DESCRIPTION Set up defaults for partition or subpartition (cannot set-up for both, this will return an error. */ bool partition_info::set_up_defaults_for_partitioning(handler *file, HA_CREATE_INFO *info, uint start_no) { DBUG_ENTER("partition_info::set_up_defaults_for_partitioning"); if (!default_partitions_setup) { default_partitions_setup= TRUE; if (use_default_partitions) DBUG_RETURN(set_up_default_partitions(file, info, start_no)); if (is_sub_partitioned() && use_default_subpartitions) DBUG_RETURN(set_up_default_subpartitions(file, info)); } DBUG_RETURN(FALSE); } /* Support routine for check_partition_info SYNOPSIS has_unique_fields no parameters RETURN VALUE Erroneus field name Error, there are two fields with same name NULL Ok, no field defined twice DESCRIPTION Check that the user haven't defined the same field twice in key or column list partitioning. */ char* partition_info::has_unique_fields() { char *field_name_outer, *field_name_inner; List_iterator it_outer(part_field_list); uint num_fields= part_field_list.elements; uint i,j; DBUG_ENTER("partition_info::has_unique_fields"); for (i= 0; i < num_fields; i++) { field_name_outer= it_outer++; List_iterator it_inner(part_field_list); for (j= 0; j < num_fields; j++) { field_name_inner= it_inner++; if (i >= j) continue; if (!(my_strcasecmp(system_charset_info, field_name_outer, field_name_inner))) { DBUG_RETURN(field_name_outer); } } } DBUG_RETURN(NULL); } /* A support function to check if a partition element's name is unique SYNOPSIS has_unique_name() partition_element element to check RETURN VALUES TRUE Has unique name FALSE Doesn't */ bool partition_info::has_unique_name(partition_element *element) { DBUG_ENTER("partition_info::has_unique_name"); const char *name_to_check= element->partition_name; List_iterator parts_it(partitions); partition_element *el; while ((el= (parts_it++))) { if (!(my_strcasecmp(system_charset_info, el->partition_name, name_to_check)) && el != element) DBUG_RETURN(FALSE); if (!el->subpartitions.is_empty()) { partition_element *sub_el; List_iterator subparts_it(el->subpartitions); while ((sub_el= (subparts_it++))) { if (!(my_strcasecmp(system_charset_info, sub_el->partition_name, name_to_check)) && sub_el != element) DBUG_RETURN(FALSE); } } } DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } /* A support function to check partition names for duplication in a partitioned table SYNOPSIS has_unique_names() RETURN VALUES TRUE Has unique part and subpart names FALSE Doesn't DESCRIPTION Checks that the list of names in the partitions doesn't contain any duplicated names. */ char *partition_info::has_unique_names() { DBUG_ENTER("partition_info::has_unique_names"); List_iterator parts_it(partitions); partition_element *el; while ((el= (parts_it++))) { if (! has_unique_name(el)) DBUG_RETURN(el->partition_name); if (!el->subpartitions.is_empty()) { List_iterator subparts_it(el->subpartitions); partition_element *subel; while ((subel= (subparts_it++))) { if (! has_unique_name(subel)) DBUG_RETURN(subel->partition_name); } } } DBUG_RETURN(NULL); } /* Check that the partition/subpartition is setup to use the correct storage engine SYNOPSIS check_engine_condition() p_elem Partition element table_engine_set Have user specified engine on table level inout::engine_type Current engine used inout::first Is it first partition RETURN VALUE TRUE Failed check FALSE Ok DESCRIPTION Specified engine for table and partitions p0 and pn Must be correct both on CREATE and ALTER commands table p0 pn res (0 - OK, 1 - FAIL) - - - 0 - - x 1 - x - 1 - x x 0 x - - 0 x - x 0 x x - 0 x x x 0 i.e: - All subpartitions must use the same engine AND it must be the same as the partition. - All partitions must use the same engine AND it must be the same as the table. - if one does NOT specify an engine on the table level then one must either NOT specify any engine on any partition/subpartition OR for ALL partitions/subpartitions Note: When ALTER a table, the engines are already set for all levels (table, all partitions and subpartitions). So if one want to change the storage engine, one must specify it on the table level */ static bool check_engine_condition(partition_element *p_elem, bool table_engine_set, handlerton **engine_type, bool *first) { DBUG_ENTER("check_engine_condition"); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("p_eng %s t_eng %s t_eng_set %u first %u state %u", ha_resolve_storage_engine_name(p_elem->engine_type), ha_resolve_storage_engine_name(*engine_type), table_engine_set, *first, p_elem->part_state)); if (*first && !table_engine_set) { *engine_type= p_elem->engine_type; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("setting table_engine = %s", ha_resolve_storage_engine_name(*engine_type))); } *first= FALSE; if ((table_engine_set && (p_elem->engine_type != (*engine_type) && p_elem->engine_type)) || (!table_engine_set && p_elem->engine_type != (*engine_type))) { DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } DBUG_RETURN(FALSE); } /* Check engine mix that it is correct Current limitation is that all partitions and subpartitions must use the same storage engine. SYNOPSIS check_engine_mix() inout::engine_type Current engine used table_engine_set Have user specified engine on table level RETURN VALUE TRUE Error, mixed engines FALSE Ok, no mixed engines DESCRIPTION Current check verifies only that all handlers are the same. Later this check will be more sophisticated. (specified partition handler ) specified table handler (NDB, NDB) NDB OK (MYISAM, MYISAM) - OK (MYISAM, -) - NOT OK (MYISAM, -) MYISAM OK (- , MYISAM) - NOT OK (- , -) MYISAM OK (-,-) - OK (NDB, MYISAM) * NOT OK */ bool partition_info::check_engine_mix(handlerton *engine_type, bool table_engine_set) { handlerton *old_engine_type= engine_type; bool first= TRUE; uint num_parts= partitions.elements; DBUG_ENTER("partition_info::check_engine_mix"); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("in: engine_type = %s, table_engine_set = %u", ha_resolve_storage_engine_name(engine_type), table_engine_set)); if (num_parts) { List_iterator part_it(partitions); uint i= 0; do { partition_element *part_elem= part_it++; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("part = %d engine = %s table_engine_set %u", i, ha_resolve_storage_engine_name(part_elem->engine_type), table_engine_set)); if (is_sub_partitioned() && part_elem->subpartitions.elements) { uint num_subparts= part_elem->subpartitions.elements; uint j= 0; List_iterator sub_it(part_elem->subpartitions); do { partition_element *sub_elem= sub_it++; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("sub = %d engine = %s table_engie_set %u", j, ha_resolve_storage_engine_name(sub_elem->engine_type), table_engine_set)); if (check_engine_condition(sub_elem, table_engine_set, &engine_type, &first)) goto error; } while (++j < num_subparts); /* ensure that the partition also has correct engine */ if (check_engine_condition(part_elem, table_engine_set, &engine_type, &first)) goto error; } else if (check_engine_condition(part_elem, table_engine_set, &engine_type, &first)) goto error; } while (++i < num_parts); } DBUG_PRINT("info", ("engine_type = %s", ha_resolve_storage_engine_name(engine_type))); if (!engine_type) engine_type= old_engine_type; if (engine_type->flags & HTON_NO_PARTITION) { my_error(ER_PARTITION_MERGE_ERROR, MYF(0)); DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } DBUG_PRINT("info", ("out: engine_type = %s", ha_resolve_storage_engine_name(engine_type))); DBUG_ASSERT(engine_type != partition_hton); DBUG_RETURN(FALSE); error: /* Mixed engines not yet supported but when supported it will need the partition handler */ DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } /* This routine allocates an array for all range constants to achieve a fast check what partition a certain value belongs to. At the same time it does also check that the range constants are defined in increasing order and that the expressions are constant integer expressions. SYNOPSIS check_range_constants() thd Thread object RETURN VALUE TRUE An error occurred during creation of range constants FALSE Successful creation of range constant mapping DESCRIPTION This routine is called from check_partition_info to get a quick error before we came too far into the CREATE TABLE process. It is also called from fix_partition_func every time we open the .frm file. It is only called for RANGE PARTITIONed tables. */ bool partition_info::check_range_constants(THD *thd) { partition_element* part_def; bool first= TRUE; uint i; List_iterator it(partitions); int result= TRUE; DBUG_ENTER("partition_info::check_range_constants"); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("RANGE with %d parts, column_list = %u", num_parts, column_list)); if (column_list) { part_column_list_val *loc_range_col_array; part_column_list_val *current_largest_col_val; uint num_column_values= part_field_list.elements; uint size_entries= sizeof(part_column_list_val) * num_column_values; range_col_array= (part_column_list_val*)sql_calloc(num_parts * size_entries); LINT_INIT(current_largest_col_val); if (unlikely(range_col_array == NULL)) { mem_alloc_error(num_parts * size_entries); goto end; } loc_range_col_array= range_col_array; i= 0; do { part_def= it++; { List_iterator list_val_it(part_def->list_val_list); part_elem_value *range_val= list_val_it++; part_column_list_val *col_val= range_val->col_val_array; if (fix_column_value_functions(thd, range_val, i)) goto end; memcpy(loc_range_col_array, (const void*)col_val, size_entries); loc_range_col_array+= num_column_values; if (!first) { if (compare_column_values((const void*)current_largest_col_val, (const void*)col_val) >= 0) goto range_not_increasing_error; } current_largest_col_val= col_val; } first= FALSE; } while (++i < num_parts); } else { longlong current_largest; longlong part_range_value; bool signed_flag= !part_expr->unsigned_flag; LINT_INIT(current_largest); part_result_type= INT_RESULT; range_int_array= (longlong*)sql_alloc(num_parts * sizeof(longlong)); if (unlikely(range_int_array == NULL)) { mem_alloc_error(num_parts * sizeof(longlong)); goto end; } i= 0; do { part_def= it++; if ((i != (num_parts - 1)) || !defined_max_value) { part_range_value= part_def->range_value; if (!signed_flag) part_range_value-= 0x8000000000000000ULL; } else part_range_value= LONGLONG_MAX; if (!first) { if (unlikely(current_largest > part_range_value) || (unlikely(current_largest == part_range_value) && (part_range_value < LONGLONG_MAX || i != (num_parts - 1) || !defined_max_value))) goto range_not_increasing_error; } range_int_array[i]= part_range_value; current_largest= part_range_value; first= FALSE; } while (++i < num_parts); } result= FALSE; end: DBUG_RETURN(result); range_not_increasing_error: my_error(ER_RANGE_NOT_INCREASING_ERROR, MYF(0)); goto end; } /* Support routines for check_list_constants used by qsort to sort the constant list expressions. One routine for integers and one for column lists. SYNOPSIS list_part_cmp() a First list constant to compare with b Second list constant to compare with RETURN VALUE +1 a > b 0 a == b -1 a < b */ int partition_info::list_part_cmp(const void* a, const void* b) { longlong a1= ((LIST_PART_ENTRY*)a)->list_value; longlong b1= ((LIST_PART_ENTRY*)b)->list_value; if (a1 < b1) return -1; else if (a1 > b1) return +1; else return 0; } /* Compare two lists of column values in RANGE/LIST partitioning SYNOPSIS compare_column_values() first First column list argument second Second column list argument RETURN VALUES 0 Equal -1 First argument is smaller +1 First argument is larger */ int partition_info::compare_column_values(const void *first_arg, const void *second_arg) { const part_column_list_val *first= (part_column_list_val*)first_arg; const part_column_list_val *second= (part_column_list_val*)second_arg; partition_info *part_info= first->part_info; Field **field; for (field= part_info->part_field_array; *field; field++, first++, second++) { if (first->max_value || second->max_value) { if (first->max_value && second->max_value) continue; if (second->max_value) return -1; else return +1; } if (first->null_value || second->null_value) { if (first->null_value && second->null_value) continue; if (second->null_value) return +1; else return -1; } int res= (*field)->cmp((const uchar*)first->column_value, (const uchar*)second->column_value); if (res) return res; } return 0; } /* This routine allocates an array for all list constants to achieve a fast check what partition a certain value belongs to. At the same time it does also check that there are no duplicates among the list constants and that that the list expressions are constant integer expressions. SYNOPSIS check_list_constants() thd Thread object RETURN VALUE TRUE An error occurred during creation of list constants FALSE Successful creation of list constant mapping DESCRIPTION This routine is called from check_partition_info to get a quick error before we came too far into the CREATE TABLE process. It is also called from fix_partition_func every time we open the .frm file. It is only called for LIST PARTITIONed tables. */ bool partition_info::check_list_constants(THD *thd) { uint i, size_entries, num_column_values; uint list_index= 0; part_elem_value *list_value; bool result= TRUE; longlong type_add, calc_value; void *curr_value, *prev_value; partition_element* part_def; bool found_null= FALSE; int (*compare_func)(const void *, const void*); void *ptr; List_iterator list_func_it(partitions); DBUG_ENTER("partition_info::check_list_constants"); part_result_type= INT_RESULT; num_list_values= 0; /* We begin by calculating the number of list values that have been defined in the first step. We use this number to allocate a properly sized array of structs to keep the partition id and the value to use in that partition. In the second traversal we assign them values in the struct array. Finally we sort the array of structs in order of values to enable a quick binary search for the proper value to discover the partition id. After sorting the array we check that there are no duplicates in the list. */ i= 0; do { part_def= list_func_it++; if (part_def->has_null_value) { if (found_null) { my_error(ER_MULTIPLE_DEF_CONST_IN_LIST_PART_ERROR, MYF(0)); goto end; } has_null_value= TRUE; has_null_part_id= i; found_null= TRUE; } List_iterator list_val_it1(part_def->list_val_list); while (list_val_it1++) num_list_values++; } while (++i < num_parts); list_func_it.rewind(); num_column_values= part_field_list.elements; size_entries= column_list ? (num_column_values * sizeof(part_column_list_val)) : sizeof(LIST_PART_ENTRY); ptr= sql_calloc((num_list_values+1) * size_entries); if (unlikely(ptr == NULL)) { mem_alloc_error(num_list_values * size_entries); goto end; } if (column_list) { part_column_list_val *loc_list_col_array; loc_list_col_array= (part_column_list_val*)ptr; list_col_array= (part_column_list_val*)ptr; compare_func= compare_column_values; i= 0; do { part_def= list_func_it++; List_iterator list_val_it2(part_def->list_val_list); while ((list_value= list_val_it2++)) { part_column_list_val *col_val= list_value->col_val_array; if (unlikely(fix_column_value_functions(thd, list_value, i))) { DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } memcpy(loc_list_col_array, (const void*)col_val, size_entries); loc_list_col_array+= num_column_values; } } while (++i < num_parts); } else { compare_func= list_part_cmp; list_array= (LIST_PART_ENTRY*)ptr; i= 0; /* Fix to be able to reuse signed sort functions also for unsigned partition functions. */ type_add= (longlong)(part_expr->unsigned_flag ? 0x8000000000000000ULL : 0ULL); do { part_def= list_func_it++; List_iterator list_val_it2(part_def->list_val_list); while ((list_value= list_val_it2++)) { calc_value= list_value->value - type_add; list_array[list_index].list_value= calc_value; list_array[list_index++].partition_id= i; } } while (++i < num_parts); } DBUG_ASSERT(fixed); if (num_list_values) { bool first= TRUE; /* list_array and list_col_array are unions, so this works for both variants of LIST partitioning. */ my_qsort((void*)list_array, num_list_values, size_entries, compare_func); i= 0; LINT_INIT(prev_value); do { DBUG_ASSERT(i < num_list_values); curr_value= column_list ? (void*)&list_col_array[num_column_values * i] : (void*)&list_array[i]; if (likely(first || compare_func(curr_value, prev_value))) { prev_value= curr_value; first= FALSE; } else { my_error(ER_MULTIPLE_DEF_CONST_IN_LIST_PART_ERROR, MYF(0)); goto end; } } while (++i < num_list_values); } result= FALSE; end: DBUG_RETURN(result); } /* This code is used early in the CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE process. SYNOPSIS check_partition_info() thd Thread object eng_type Return value for used engine in partitions file A reference to a handler of the table info Create info add_or_reorg_part Is it ALTER TABLE ADD/REORGANIZE command RETURN VALUE TRUE Error, something went wrong FALSE Ok, full partition data structures are now generated DESCRIPTION We will check that the partition info requested is possible to set-up in this version. This routine is an extension of the parser one could say. If defaults were used we will generate default data structures for all partitions. */ bool partition_info::check_partition_info(THD *thd, handlerton **eng_type, handler *file, HA_CREATE_INFO *info, bool add_or_reorg_part) { handlerton *table_engine= default_engine_type; uint i, tot_partitions; bool result= TRUE, table_engine_set; char *same_name; DBUG_ENTER("partition_info::check_partition_info"); DBUG_ASSERT(default_engine_type != partition_hton); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("default table_engine = %s", ha_resolve_storage_engine_name(table_engine))); if (!add_or_reorg_part) { int err= 0; if (!list_of_part_fields) { DBUG_ASSERT(part_expr); err= part_expr->walk(&Item::check_partition_func_processor, 0, NULL); if (!err && is_sub_partitioned() && !list_of_subpart_fields) err= subpart_expr->walk(&Item::check_partition_func_processor, 0, NULL); } if (err) { my_error(ER_PARTITION_FUNCTION_IS_NOT_ALLOWED, MYF(0)); goto end; } if (thd->lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_CREATE_TABLE && fix_parser_data(thd)) goto end; } if (unlikely(!is_sub_partitioned() && !(use_default_subpartitions && use_default_num_subpartitions))) { my_error(ER_SUBPARTITION_ERROR, MYF(0)); goto end; } if (unlikely(is_sub_partitioned() && (!(part_type == RANGE_PARTITION || part_type == LIST_PARTITION)))) { /* Only RANGE and LIST partitioning can be subpartitioned */ my_error(ER_SUBPARTITION_ERROR, MYF(0)); goto end; } if (unlikely(set_up_defaults_for_partitioning(file, info, (uint)0))) goto end; if (!(tot_partitions= get_tot_partitions())) { my_error(ER_PARTITION_NOT_DEFINED_ERROR, MYF(0), "partitions"); goto end; } if (unlikely(tot_partitions > MAX_PARTITIONS)) { my_error(ER_TOO_MANY_PARTITIONS_ERROR, MYF(0)); goto end; } /* if NOT specified ENGINE = : If Create, always use create_info->db_type else, use previous tables db_type either ALL or NONE partition should be set to default_engine_type when not table_engine_set Note: after a table is created its storage engines for the table and all partitions/subpartitions are set. So when ALTER it is already set on table level */ if (info && info->used_fields & HA_CREATE_USED_ENGINE) { table_engine_set= TRUE; table_engine= info->db_type; /* if partition_hton, use thd->lex->create_info */ if (table_engine == partition_hton) table_engine= thd->lex->create_info.db_type; DBUG_ASSERT(table_engine != partition_hton); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Using table_engine = %s", ha_resolve_storage_engine_name(table_engine))); } else { table_engine_set= FALSE; if (thd->lex->sql_command != SQLCOM_CREATE_TABLE) { table_engine_set= TRUE; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("No create, table_engine = %s", ha_resolve_storage_engine_name(table_engine))); DBUG_ASSERT(table_engine && table_engine != partition_hton); } } if (part_field_list.elements > 0 && (same_name= has_unique_fields())) { my_error(ER_SAME_NAME_PARTITION_FIELD, MYF(0), same_name); goto end; } if ((same_name= has_unique_names())) { my_error(ER_SAME_NAME_PARTITION, MYF(0), same_name); goto end; } i= 0; { List_iterator part_it(partitions); uint num_parts_not_set= 0; uint prev_num_subparts_not_set= num_subparts + 1; do { partition_element *part_elem= part_it++; #ifdef HAVE_READLINK if (!my_use_symdir || (thd->variables.sql_mode & MODE_NO_DIR_IN_CREATE)) #endif { if (part_elem->data_file_name) push_warning_printf(thd, MYSQL_ERROR::WARN_LEVEL_WARN, WARN_OPTION_IGNORED, ER(WARN_OPTION_IGNORED), "DATA DIRECTORY"); if (part_elem->index_file_name) push_warning_printf(thd, MYSQL_ERROR::WARN_LEVEL_WARN, WARN_OPTION_IGNORED, ER(WARN_OPTION_IGNORED), "INDEX DIRECTORY"); part_elem->data_file_name= part_elem->index_file_name= NULL; } if (!is_sub_partitioned()) { if (part_elem->engine_type == NULL) { num_parts_not_set++; part_elem->engine_type= default_engine_type; } if (check_table_name(part_elem->partition_name, strlen(part_elem->partition_name))) { my_error(ER_WRONG_PARTITION_NAME, MYF(0)); goto end; } DBUG_PRINT("info", ("part = %d engine = %s", i, ha_resolve_storage_engine_name(part_elem->engine_type))); } else { uint j= 0; uint num_subparts_not_set= 0; List_iterator sub_it(part_elem->subpartitions); partition_element *sub_elem; do { sub_elem= sub_it++; if (check_table_name(sub_elem->partition_name, strlen(sub_elem->partition_name))) { my_error(ER_WRONG_PARTITION_NAME, MYF(0)); goto end; } if (sub_elem->engine_type == NULL) { if (part_elem->engine_type != NULL) sub_elem->engine_type= part_elem->engine_type; else { sub_elem->engine_type= default_engine_type; num_subparts_not_set++; } } DBUG_PRINT("info", ("part = %d sub = %d engine = %s", i, j, ha_resolve_storage_engine_name(sub_elem->engine_type))); } while (++j < num_subparts); if (prev_num_subparts_not_set == (num_subparts + 1) && (num_subparts_not_set == 0 || num_subparts_not_set == num_subparts)) prev_num_subparts_not_set= num_subparts_not_set; if (!table_engine_set && prev_num_subparts_not_set != num_subparts_not_set) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("num_subparts_not_set = %u num_subparts = %u", num_subparts_not_set, num_subparts)); my_error(ER_MIX_HANDLER_ERROR, MYF(0)); goto end; } if (part_elem->engine_type == NULL) { if (num_subparts_not_set == 0) part_elem->engine_type= sub_elem->engine_type; else { num_parts_not_set++; part_elem->engine_type= default_engine_type; } } } } while (++i < num_parts); if (!table_engine_set && num_parts_not_set != 0 && num_parts_not_set != num_parts) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("num_parts_not_set = %u num_parts = %u", num_parts_not_set, num_subparts)); my_error(ER_MIX_HANDLER_ERROR, MYF(0)); goto end; } } if (unlikely(check_engine_mix(table_engine, table_engine_set))) { my_error(ER_MIX_HANDLER_ERROR, MYF(0)); goto end; } DBUG_ASSERT(table_engine != partition_hton && default_engine_type == table_engine); if (eng_type) *eng_type= table_engine; /* We need to check all constant expressions that they are of the correct type and that they are increasing for ranges and not overlapping for list constants. */ if (add_or_reorg_part) { if (unlikely((part_type == RANGE_PARTITION && check_range_constants(thd)) || (part_type == LIST_PARTITION && check_list_constants(thd)))) goto end; } result= FALSE; end: DBUG_RETURN(result); } /* Print error for no partition found SYNOPSIS print_no_partition_found() table Table object RETURN VALUES */ void partition_info::print_no_partition_found(TABLE *table) { char buf[100]; char *buf_ptr= (char*)&buf; TABLE_LIST table_list; bzero(&table_list, sizeof(table_list)); table_list.db= table->s->db.str; table_list.table_name= table->s->table_name.str; if (check_single_table_access(current_thd, SELECT_ACL, &table_list, TRUE)) { my_message(ER_NO_PARTITION_FOR_GIVEN_VALUE, ER(ER_NO_PARTITION_FOR_GIVEN_VALUE_SILENT), MYF(0)); } else { if (column_list) buf_ptr= (char*)"from column_list"; else { my_bitmap_map *old_map= dbug_tmp_use_all_columns(table, table->read_set); if (part_expr->null_value) buf_ptr= (char*)"NULL"; else longlong2str(err_value, buf, part_expr->unsigned_flag ? 10 : -10); dbug_tmp_restore_column_map(table->read_set, old_map); } my_error(ER_NO_PARTITION_FOR_GIVEN_VALUE, MYF(0), buf_ptr); } } /* Set fields related to partition expression SYNOPSIS set_part_expr() start_token Start of partition function string item_ptr Pointer to item tree end_token End of partition function string is_subpart Subpartition indicator RETURN VALUES TRUE Memory allocation error FALSE Success */ bool partition_info::set_part_expr(char *start_token, Item *item_ptr, char *end_token, bool is_subpart) { uint expr_len= end_token - start_token; char *func_string= (char*) sql_memdup(start_token, expr_len); if (!func_string) { mem_alloc_error(expr_len); return TRUE; } if (is_subpart) { list_of_subpart_fields= FALSE; subpart_expr= item_ptr; subpart_func_string= func_string; subpart_func_len= expr_len; } else { list_of_part_fields= FALSE; part_expr= item_ptr; part_func_string= func_string; part_func_len= expr_len; } return FALSE; } /* Check that partition fields and subpartition fields are not too long SYNOPSIS check_partition_field_length() RETURN VALUES TRUE Total length was too big FALSE Length is ok */ bool partition_info::check_partition_field_length() { uint store_length= 0; uint i; DBUG_ENTER("partition_info::check_partition_field_length"); for (i= 0; i < num_part_fields; i++) store_length+= get_partition_field_store_length(part_field_array[i]); if (store_length > MAX_KEY_LENGTH) DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); store_length= 0; for (i= 0; i < num_subpart_fields; i++) store_length+= get_partition_field_store_length(subpart_field_array[i]); if (store_length > MAX_KEY_LENGTH) DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); DBUG_RETURN(FALSE); } /* Set up buffers and arrays for fields requiring preparation SYNOPSIS set_up_charset_field_preps() RETURN VALUES TRUE Memory Allocation error FALSE Success DESCRIPTION Set up arrays and buffers for fields that require special care for calculation of partition id. This is used for string fields with variable length or string fields with fixed length that isn't using the binary collation. */ bool partition_info::set_up_charset_field_preps() { Field *field, **ptr; uchar **char_ptrs; unsigned i; size_t size; uint tot_fields= 0; uint tot_part_fields= 0; uint tot_subpart_fields= 0; DBUG_ENTER("set_up_charset_field_preps"); if (!(part_type == HASH_PARTITION && list_of_part_fields) && check_part_func_fields(part_field_array, FALSE)) { ptr= part_field_array; /* Set up arrays and buffers for those fields */ while ((field= *(ptr++))) { if (field_is_partition_charset(field)) { tot_part_fields++; tot_fields++; } } size= tot_part_fields * sizeof(char*); if (!(char_ptrs= (uchar**)sql_calloc(size))) goto error; part_field_buffers= char_ptrs; if (!(char_ptrs= (uchar**)sql_calloc(size))) goto error; restore_part_field_ptrs= char_ptrs; size= (tot_part_fields + 1) * sizeof(Field*); if (!(char_ptrs= (uchar**)sql_alloc(size))) goto error; part_charset_field_array= (Field**)char_ptrs; ptr= part_field_array; i= 0; while ((field= *(ptr++))) { if (field_is_partition_charset(field)) { uchar *field_buf; size= field->pack_length(); if (!(field_buf= (uchar*) sql_calloc(size))) goto error; part_charset_field_array[i]= field; part_field_buffers[i++]= field_buf; } } part_charset_field_array[i]= NULL; } if (is_sub_partitioned() && !list_of_subpart_fields && check_part_func_fields(subpart_field_array, FALSE)) { /* Set up arrays and buffers for those fields */ ptr= subpart_field_array; while ((field= *(ptr++))) { if (field_is_partition_charset(field)) { tot_subpart_fields++; tot_fields++; } } size= tot_subpart_fields * sizeof(char*); if (!(char_ptrs= (uchar**) sql_calloc(size))) goto error; subpart_field_buffers= char_ptrs; if (!(char_ptrs= (uchar**) sql_calloc(size))) goto error; restore_subpart_field_ptrs= char_ptrs; size= (tot_subpart_fields + 1) * sizeof(Field*); if (!(char_ptrs= (uchar**) sql_alloc(size))) goto error; subpart_charset_field_array= (Field**)char_ptrs; ptr= subpart_field_array; i= 0; while ((field= *(ptr++))) { CHARSET_INFO *cs; uchar *field_buf; LINT_INIT(field_buf); if (!field_is_partition_charset(field)) continue; cs= ((Field_str*)field)->charset(); size= field->pack_length(); if (!(field_buf= (uchar*) sql_calloc(size))) goto error; subpart_charset_field_array[i]= field; subpart_field_buffers[i++]= field_buf; } subpart_charset_field_array[i]= NULL; } DBUG_RETURN(FALSE); error: mem_alloc_error(size); DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } /* Check if path does not contain mysql data home directory for partition elements with data directory and index directory SYNOPSIS check_partition_dirs() part_info partition_info struct RETURN VALUES 0 ok 1 error */ bool check_partition_dirs(partition_info *part_info) { if (!part_info) return 0; partition_element *part_elem; List_iterator part_it(part_info->partitions); while ((part_elem= part_it++)) { if (part_elem->subpartitions.elements) { List_iterator sub_it(part_elem->subpartitions); partition_element *subpart_elem; while ((subpart_elem= sub_it++)) { if (test_if_data_home_dir(subpart_elem->data_file_name)) goto dd_err; if (test_if_data_home_dir(subpart_elem->index_file_name)) goto id_err; } } else { if (test_if_data_home_dir(part_elem->data_file_name)) goto dd_err; if (test_if_data_home_dir(part_elem->index_file_name)) goto id_err; } } return 0; dd_err: my_error(ER_WRONG_ARGUMENTS,MYF(0),"DATA DIRECTORY"); return 1; id_err: my_error(ER_WRONG_ARGUMENTS,MYF(0),"INDEX DIRECTORY"); return 1; } /* Create a new column value in current list with maxvalue Called from parser SYNOPSIS add_max_value() RETURN TRUE Error FALSE Success */ int partition_info::add_max_value() { DBUG_ENTER("partition_info::add_max_value"); part_column_list_val *col_val; if (!(col_val= add_column_value())) { DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } col_val->max_value= TRUE; DBUG_RETURN(FALSE); } /* Create a new column value in current list Called from parser SYNOPSIS add_column_value() RETURN >0 A part_column_list_val object which have been inserted into its list 0 Memory allocation failure */ part_column_list_val *partition_info::add_column_value() { uint max_val= num_columns ? num_columns : MAX_REF_PARTS; DBUG_ENTER("add_column_value"); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("num_columns = %u, curr_list_object %u, max_val = %u", num_columns, curr_list_object, max_val)); if (curr_list_object < max_val) { curr_list_val->added_items++; DBUG_RETURN(&curr_list_val->col_val_array[curr_list_object++]); } if (!num_columns && part_type == LIST_PARTITION) { /* We're trying to add more than MAX_REF_PARTS, this can happen in ALTER TABLE using List partitions where the first partition uses VALUES IN (1,2,3...,17) where the number of fields in the list is more than MAX_REF_PARTS, in this case we know that the number of columns must be 1 and we thus reorganize into the structure used for 1 column. After this we call ourselves recursively which should always succeed. */ if (!reorganize_into_single_field_col_val()) { DBUG_RETURN(add_column_value()); } DBUG_RETURN(NULL); } if (column_list) { my_error(ER_PARTITION_COLUMN_LIST_ERROR, MYF(0)); } else { if (part_type == RANGE_PARTITION) my_error(ER_TOO_MANY_VALUES_ERROR, MYF(0), "RANGE"); else my_error(ER_TOO_MANY_VALUES_ERROR, MYF(0), "LIST"); } DBUG_RETURN(NULL); } /* Initialise part_elem_value object at setting of a new object (Helper functions to functions called by parser) SYNOPSIS init_col_val col_val Column value object to be initialised item Item object representing column value RETURN VALUES TRUE Failure FALSE Success */ void partition_info::init_col_val(part_column_list_val *col_val, Item *item) { DBUG_ENTER("partition_info::init_col_val"); col_val->item_expression= item; col_val->null_value= item->null_value; if (item->result_type() == INT_RESULT) { /* This could be both column_list partitioning and function partitioning, but it doesn't hurt to set the function partitioning flags about unsignedness. */ curr_list_val->value= item->val_int(); curr_list_val->unsigned_flag= TRUE; if (!item->unsigned_flag && curr_list_val->value < 0) curr_list_val->unsigned_flag= FALSE; if (!curr_list_val->unsigned_flag) curr_part_elem->signed_flag= TRUE; } col_val->part_info= NULL; DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /* Add a column value in VALUES LESS THAN or VALUES IN (Called from parser) SYNOPSIS add_column_list_value() lex Parser's lex object thd Thread object item Item object representing column value RETURN VALUES TRUE Failure FALSE Success */ bool partition_info::add_column_list_value(THD *thd, Item *item) { part_column_list_val *col_val; Name_resolution_context *context= &thd->lex->current_select->context; TABLE_LIST *save_list= context->table_list; const char *save_where= thd->where; DBUG_ENTER("partition_info::add_column_list_value"); if (part_type == LIST_PARTITION && num_columns == 1U) { if (init_column_part()) { DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } } context->table_list= 0; if (column_list) thd->where= "field list"; else thd->where= "partition function"; if (item->walk(&Item::check_partition_func_processor, 0, NULL)) { my_error(ER_PARTITION_FUNCTION_IS_NOT_ALLOWED, MYF(0)); DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } if (item->fix_fields(thd, (Item**)0) || ((context->table_list= save_list), FALSE) || (!item->const_item())) { context->table_list= save_list; thd->where= save_where; my_error(ER_PARTITION_FUNCTION_IS_NOT_ALLOWED, MYF(0)); DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } thd->where= save_where; if (!(col_val= add_column_value())) { DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } init_col_val(col_val, item); DBUG_RETURN(FALSE); } /* Initialise part_info object for receiving a set of column values for a partition, called when parser reaches VALUES LESS THAN or VALUES IN. SYNOPSIS init_column_part() lex Parser's lex object RETURN VALUES TRUE Failure FALSE Success */ bool partition_info::init_column_part() { partition_element *p_elem= curr_part_elem; part_column_list_val *col_val_array; part_elem_value *list_val; uint loc_num_columns; DBUG_ENTER("partition_info::init_column_part"); if (!(list_val= (part_elem_value*)sql_calloc(sizeof(part_elem_value))) || p_elem->list_val_list.push_back(list_val)) { mem_alloc_error(sizeof(part_elem_value)); DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } if (num_columns) loc_num_columns= num_columns; else loc_num_columns= MAX_REF_PARTS; if (!(col_val_array= (part_column_list_val*)sql_calloc(loc_num_columns * sizeof(part_column_list_val)))) { mem_alloc_error(loc_num_columns * sizeof(part_elem_value)); DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } list_val->col_val_array= col_val_array; list_val->added_items= 0; curr_list_val= list_val; curr_list_object= 0; DBUG_RETURN(FALSE); } /* In the case of ALTER TABLE ADD/REORGANIZE PARTITION for LIST partitions we can specify list values as: VALUES IN (v1, v2,,,, v17) if we're using the first partitioning variant with a function or a column list partitioned table with one partition field. In this case the parser knows not the number of columns start with and allocates MAX_REF_PARTS in the array. If we try to allocate something beyond MAX_REF_PARTS we will call this function to reorganize into a structure with num_columns = 1. Also when the parser knows that we used LIST partitioning and we used a VALUES IN like above where number of values was smaller than MAX_REF_PARTS or equal, then we will reorganize after discovering this in the parser. SYNOPSIS reorganize_into_single_field_col_val() RETURN VALUES TRUE Failure FALSE Success */ int partition_info::reorganize_into_single_field_col_val() { part_column_list_val *col_val, *new_col_val; part_elem_value *val= curr_list_val; uint loc_num_columns= num_columns; uint i; DBUG_ENTER("partition_info::reorganize_into_single_field_col_val"); num_columns= 1; val->added_items= 1U; col_val= &val->col_val_array[0]; init_col_val(col_val, col_val->item_expression); for (i= 1; i < loc_num_columns; i++) { col_val= &val->col_val_array[i]; DBUG_ASSERT(part_type == LIST_PARTITION); if (init_column_part()) { DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } if (!(new_col_val= add_column_value())) { DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } memcpy(new_col_val, col_val, sizeof(*col_val)); init_col_val(new_col_val, col_val->item_expression); } curr_list_val= val; DBUG_RETURN(FALSE); } /* This function handles the case of function-based partitioning. It fixes some data structures created in the parser and puts them in the format required by the rest of the partitioning code. SYNOPSIS fix_func_partition() thd Thread object col_val Array of one value part_elem The partition instance part_id Id of partition instance RETURN VALUES TRUE Failure FALSE Success */ int partition_info::fix_func_partition(THD *thd, part_elem_value *val, partition_element *part_elem, uint part_id) { part_column_list_val *col_val= val->col_val_array; DBUG_ENTER("partition_info::fix_func_partition"); if (col_val->fixed) { DBUG_RETURN(FALSE); } if (val->added_items != 1) { my_error(ER_PARTITION_COLUMN_LIST_ERROR, MYF(0)); DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } if (col_val->max_value) { /* The parser ensures we're not LIST partitioned here */ DBUG_ASSERT(part_type == RANGE_PARTITION); if (defined_max_value) { my_error(ER_PARTITION_MAXVALUE_ERROR, MYF(0)); DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } if (part_id == (num_parts - 1)) { defined_max_value= TRUE; part_elem->max_value= TRUE; part_elem->range_value= LONGLONG_MAX; } else { my_error(ER_PARTITION_MAXVALUE_ERROR, MYF(0)); DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } } else { Item *item_expr= col_val->item_expression; if ((val->null_value= item_expr->null_value)) { if (part_elem->has_null_value) { my_error(ER_MULTIPLE_DEF_CONST_IN_LIST_PART_ERROR, MYF(0)); DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } part_elem->has_null_value= TRUE; } else if (item_expr->result_type() != INT_RESULT) { my_error(ER_INCONSISTENT_TYPE_OF_FUNCTIONS_ERROR, MYF(0)); DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } if (part_type == RANGE_PARTITION) { if (part_elem->has_null_value) { my_error(ER_NULL_IN_VALUES_LESS_THAN, MYF(0)); DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } part_elem->range_value= val->value; } } col_val->fixed= 2; DBUG_RETURN(FALSE); } /* Get column item with a proper character set according to the field SYNOPSIS get_column_item() item Item object to start with field Field for which the item will be compared to RETURN VALUES NULL Error item Returned item */ Item* partition_info::get_column_item(Item *item, Field *field) { if (field->result_type() == STRING_RESULT && item->collation.collation != field->charset()) { if (!(item= convert_charset_partition_constant(item, field->charset()))) { my_error(ER_PARTITION_FUNCTION_IS_NOT_ALLOWED, MYF(0)); return NULL; } } return item; } /* Evaluate VALUES functions for column list values SYNOPSIS fix_column_value_functions() thd Thread object col_val List of column values part_id Partition id we are fixing RETURN VALUES TRUE Error FALSE Success DESCRIPTION Fix column VALUES and store in memory array adapted to the data type */ bool partition_info::fix_column_value_functions(THD *thd, part_elem_value *val, uint part_id) { uint num_columns= part_field_list.elements; bool result= FALSE; uint i; part_column_list_val *col_val= val->col_val_array; DBUG_ENTER("partition_info::fix_column_value_functions"); if (col_val->fixed > 1) { DBUG_RETURN(FALSE); } for (i= 0; i < num_columns; col_val++, i++) { Item *column_item= col_val->item_expression; Field *field= part_field_array[i]; col_val->part_info= this; col_val->partition_id= part_id; if (col_val->max_value) col_val->column_value= NULL; else { col_val->column_value= NULL; if (!col_val->null_value) { uchar *val_ptr; uint len= field->pack_length(); ulong save_sql_mode; bool save_got_warning; if (!(column_item= get_column_item(column_item, field))) { result= TRUE; goto end; } save_sql_mode= thd->variables.sql_mode; thd->variables.sql_mode= 0; save_got_warning= thd->got_warning; thd->got_warning= 0; if (column_item->save_in_field(field, TRUE) || thd->got_warning) { my_error(ER_WRONG_TYPE_COLUMN_VALUE_ERROR, MYF(0)); result= TRUE; goto end; } thd->got_warning= save_got_warning; thd->variables.sql_mode= save_sql_mode; if (!(val_ptr= (uchar*) sql_calloc(len))) { mem_alloc_error(len); result= TRUE; goto end; } col_val->column_value= val_ptr; memcpy(val_ptr, field->ptr, len); } } col_val->fixed= 2; } end: DBUG_RETURN(result); } /* The parser generates generic data structures, we need to set them up as the rest of the code expects to find them. This is in reality part of the syntax check of the parser code. It is necessary to call this function in the case of a CREATE TABLE statement, in this case we do it early in the check_partition_info function. It is necessary to call this function for ALTER TABLE where we assign a completely new partition structure, in this case we do it in prep_alter_part_table after discovering that the partition structure is entirely redefined. It's necessary to call this method also for ALTER TABLE ADD/REORGANIZE of partitions, in this we call it in prep_alter_part_table after making some initial checks but before going deep to check the partition info, we also assign the column_list variable before calling this function here. Finally we also call it immediately after returning from parsing the partitioning text found in the frm file. This function mainly fixes the VALUES parts, these are handled differently whether or not we use column list partitioning. Since the parser doesn't know which we are using we need to set-up the old data structures after the parser is complete when we know if what type of partitioning the base table is using. For column lists we will handle this in the fix_column_value_function. For column lists it is sufficient to verify that the number of columns and number of elements are in synch with each other. So only partitioning using functions need to be set-up to their data structures. SYNOPSIS fix_parser_data() thd Thread object RETURN VALUES TRUE Failure FALSE Success */ int partition_info::fix_parser_data(THD *thd) { List_iterator it(partitions); partition_element *part_elem; uint num_elements; uint i= 0, j, k; DBUG_ENTER("partition_info::fix_parser_data"); if (!(part_type == RANGE_PARTITION || part_type == LIST_PARTITION)) { /* Nothing to do for HASH/KEY partitioning */ DBUG_RETURN(FALSE); } do { part_elem= it++; List_iterator list_val_it(part_elem->list_val_list); j= 0; num_elements= part_elem->list_val_list.elements; DBUG_ASSERT(part_type == RANGE_PARTITION ? num_elements == 1U : TRUE); do { part_elem_value *val= list_val_it++; if (column_list) { if (val->added_items != num_columns) { my_error(ER_PARTITION_COLUMN_LIST_ERROR, MYF(0)); DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } for (k= 0; k < num_columns; k++) { part_column_list_val *col_val= &val->col_val_array[k]; if (col_val->null_value && part_type == RANGE_PARTITION) { my_error(ER_NULL_IN_VALUES_LESS_THAN, MYF(0)); DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } } } else { if (fix_func_partition(thd, val, part_elem, i)) { DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } if (val->null_value) { /* Null values aren't required in the value part, they are kept per partition instance, only LIST partitions have NULL values. */ list_val_it.remove(); } } } while (++j < num_elements); } while (++i < num_parts); DBUG_RETURN(FALSE); } void partition_info::print_debug(const char *str, uint *value) { DBUG_ENTER("print_debug"); if (value) DBUG_PRINT("info", ("parser: %s, val = %u", str, *value)); else DBUG_PRINT("info", ("parser: %s", str)); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } #else /* WITH_PARTITION_STORAGE_ENGINE */ /* For builds without partitioning we need to define these functions since we they are called from the parser. The parser cannot remove code parts using ifdef, but the code parts cannot be called so we simply need to add empty functions to make the linker happy. */ part_column_list_val *partition_info::add_column_value() { return NULL; } bool partition_info::set_part_expr(char *start_token, Item *item_ptr, char *end_token, bool is_subpart) { (void)start_token; (void)item_ptr; (void)end_token; (void)is_subpart; return FALSE; } int partition_info::reorganize_into_single_field_col_val() { return 0; } bool partition_info::init_column_part() { return FALSE; } bool partition_info::add_column_list_value(THD *thd, Item *item) { return FALSE; } int partition_info::add_max_value() { return 0; } void partition_info::print_debug(const char *str, uint *value) { } #endif /* WITH_PARTITION_STORAGE_ENGINE */