#include "mysql_priv.h" #include "rpl_reporting.h" void Slave_reporting_capability::report(loglevel level, int err_code, const char *msg, ...) const { void (*report_function)(const char *, ...); char buff[MAX_SLAVE_ERRMSG]; char *pbuff= buff; uint pbuffsize= sizeof(buff); va_list args; va_start(args, msg); switch (level) { case ERROR_LEVEL: /* It's an error, it must be reported in Last_error and Last_errno in SHOW SLAVE STATUS. */ pbuff= m_last_error.message; pbuffsize= sizeof(m_last_error.message); m_last_error.number = err_code; report_function= sql_print_error; break; case WARNING_LEVEL: report_function= sql_print_warning; break; case INFORMATION_LEVEL: report_function= sql_print_information; break; default: DBUG_ASSERT(0); // should not come here return; // don't crash production builds, just do nothing } my_vsnprintf(pbuff, pbuffsize, msg, args); va_end(args); /* If the msg string ends with '.', do not add a ',' it would be ugly */ report_function("Slave %s: %s%s Error_code: %d", m_thread_name, pbuff, (pbuff[0] && *(strend(pbuff)-1) == '.') ? "" : ",", err_code); }