/* Copyright (c) 2002, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Copyright (c) 2011, 2021, MariaDB Corporation. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA */ #include "mariadb.h" #include "sql_priv.h" #include "spatial.h" #include "gstream.h" // Gis_read_stream #include "sql_string.h" // String /* This is from item_func.h. Didn't want to #include the whole file. */ double my_double_round(double value, longlong dec, bool dec_unsigned, bool truncate); #ifdef HAVE_SPATIAL /* exponential notation : 1 sign 1 number before the decimal point 1 decimal point 14 number of significant digits (see String::qs_append(double)) 1 'e' sign 1 exponent sign 3 exponent digits == 22 "f" notation : 1 optional 0 1 sign 14 number significant digits (see String::qs_append(double) ) 1 decimal point == 17 */ #define MAX_DIGITS_IN_DOUBLE MY_GCVT_MAX_FIELD_WIDTH int MBR::within(const MBR *mbr) { /* We have to take into account the 'dimension' of the MBR, where the dimension of a single point is 0, the dimesion of an vertical or horizontal line is 1, and finally the dimension of the solid rectangle is 2. */ int dim1= dimension(); int dim2= mbr->dimension(); DBUG_ASSERT(dim1 >= 0 && dim1 <= 2 && dim2 >= 0 && dim2 <= 2); /* Either/both of the two operands can degrade to a point or a horizontal/vertical line segment, and we have to treat such cases separately. */ switch (dim1) { case 0: DBUG_ASSERT(xmin == xmax && ymin == ymax); switch (dim2) { case 0: DBUG_ASSERT(mbr->xmin == mbr->xmax && mbr->ymin == mbr->ymax); return equals(mbr); break; case 1: DBUG_ASSERT((mbr->xmin == mbr->xmax && mbr->ymin != mbr->ymax) || (mbr->ymin == mbr->ymax && mbr->xmin != mbr->xmax)); return ((xmin > mbr->xmin && xmin < mbr->xmax && ymin == mbr->ymin) || (ymin > mbr->ymin && ymin < mbr->ymax && xmin == mbr->xmin)); break; case 2: DBUG_ASSERT(mbr->xmin != mbr->xmax && mbr->ymin != mbr->ymax); return (xmin > mbr->xmin && xmax < mbr->xmax && ymin > mbr->ymin && ymax < mbr->ymax); break; } break; case 1: DBUG_ASSERT((xmin == xmax && ymin != ymax) || (ymin == ymax && xmin != xmax)); switch (dim2) { case 0: DBUG_ASSERT(mbr->xmin == mbr->xmax && mbr->ymin == mbr->ymax); return 0; break; case 1: DBUG_ASSERT((mbr->xmin == mbr->xmax && mbr->ymin != mbr->ymax) || (mbr->ymin == mbr->ymax && mbr->xmin != mbr->xmax)); return ((xmin == xmax && mbr->xmin == mbr->xmax && mbr->xmin == xmin && mbr->ymin <= ymin && mbr->ymax >= ymax) || (ymin == ymax && mbr->ymin == mbr->ymax && mbr->ymin == ymin && mbr->xmin <= xmin && mbr->xmax >= xmax)); break; case 2: DBUG_ASSERT(mbr->xmin != mbr->xmax && mbr->ymin != mbr->ymax); return ((xmin == xmax && xmin > mbr->xmin && xmax < mbr->xmax && ymin >= mbr->ymin && ymax <= mbr->ymax) || (ymin == ymax && ymin > mbr->ymin && ymax < mbr->ymax && xmin >= mbr->xmin && xmax <= mbr->xmax)); break; } break; case 2: DBUG_ASSERT(xmin != xmax && ymin != ymax); switch (dim2) { case 0: case 1: return 0; break; case 2: DBUG_ASSERT(mbr->xmin != mbr->xmax && mbr->ymin != mbr->ymax); return ((mbr->xmin <= xmin) && (mbr->ymin <= ymin) && (mbr->xmax >= xmax) && (mbr->ymax >= ymax)); break; } break; } // Never reached. DBUG_ASSERT(false); return 0; } /***************************** Gis_class_info *******************************/ Geometry::Class_info *Geometry::ci_collection[Geometry::wkb_last+1]= { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; static Geometry::Class_info **ci_collection_end= Geometry::ci_collection+Geometry::wkb_last + 1; Geometry::Class_info::Class_info(const char *name, const char *geojson_name, int type_id, create_geom_t create_func): m_type_id(type_id), m_create_func(create_func) { m_name.str= (char *) name; m_name.length= strlen(name); m_geojson_name.str= (char *) geojson_name; m_geojson_name.length= strlen(geojson_name); ci_collection[type_id]= this; } static Geometry *create_point(char *buffer) { return new (buffer) Gis_point; } static Geometry *create_linestring(char *buffer) { return new (buffer) Gis_line_string; } static Geometry *create_polygon(char *buffer) { return new (buffer) Gis_polygon; } static Geometry *create_multipoint(char *buffer) { return new (buffer) Gis_multi_point; } static Geometry *create_multipolygon(char *buffer) { return new (buffer) Gis_multi_polygon; } static Geometry *create_multilinestring(char *buffer) { return new (buffer) Gis_multi_line_string; } static Geometry *create_geometrycollection(char *buffer) { return new (buffer) Gis_geometry_collection; } static Geometry::Class_info point_class("POINT", "Point", Geometry::wkb_point, create_point); static Geometry::Class_info linestring_class("LINESTRING", "LineString", Geometry::wkb_linestring, create_linestring); static Geometry::Class_info polygon_class("POLYGON", "Polygon", Geometry::wkb_polygon, create_polygon); static Geometry::Class_info multipoint_class("MULTIPOINT", "MultiPoint", Geometry::wkb_multipoint, create_multipoint); static Geometry::Class_info multilinestring_class("MULTILINESTRING", "MultiLineString", Geometry::wkb_multilinestring, create_multilinestring); static Geometry::Class_info multipolygon_class("MULTIPOLYGON", "MultiPolygon", Geometry::wkb_multipolygon, create_multipolygon); static Geometry::Class_info geometrycollection_class("GEOMETRYCOLLECTION", "GeometryCollection", Geometry::wkb_geometrycollection, create_geometrycollection); static void get_point(double *x, double *y, const char *data) { float8get(*x, data); float8get(*y, data + SIZEOF_STORED_DOUBLE); } /***************************** Geometry *******************************/ Geometry::Class_info *Geometry::find_class(const char *name, size_t len) { for (Class_info **cur_rt= ci_collection; cur_rt < ci_collection_end; cur_rt++) { if (*cur_rt && ((*cur_rt)->m_name.length == len) && (my_charset_latin1.strnncoll((*cur_rt)->m_name.str, len, name, len) == 0)) return *cur_rt; } return 0; } Geometry *Geometry::create_by_typeid(Geometry_buffer *buffer, int type_id) { Class_info *ci; if (!(ci= find_class(type_id))) return NULL; return (*ci->m_create_func)(buffer->data); } Geometry *Geometry::construct(Geometry_buffer *buffer, const char *data, uint32 data_len) { uint32 geom_type; Geometry *result; if (data_len < SRID_SIZE + WKB_HEADER_SIZE) // < 4 + (1 + 4) return NULL; /* + 1 to skip the byte order (stored in position SRID_SIZE). */ geom_type= uint4korr(data + SRID_SIZE + 1); if (!(result= create_by_typeid(buffer, (int) geom_type))) return NULL; result->m_data= data+ SRID_SIZE + WKB_HEADER_SIZE; result->m_data_end= data + data_len; return result; } uint Geometry::get_key_image_itMBR(LEX_CSTRING &src, uchar *buff, uint length) { const char *dummy; MBR mbr; Geometry_buffer buffer; Geometry *gobj; const uint image_length= SIZEOF_STORED_DOUBLE*4; if (src.length < SRID_SIZE) { bzero(buff, image_length); return image_length; } gobj= Geometry::construct(&buffer, (char*) src.str, (uint32) src.length); if (!gobj || gobj->get_mbr(&mbr, &dummy)) bzero(buff, image_length); else { float8store(buff, mbr.xmin); float8store(buff+8, mbr.xmax); float8store(buff+16, mbr.ymin); float8store(buff+24, mbr.ymax); } return image_length; } Geometry *Geometry::create_from_wkt(Geometry_buffer *buffer, Gis_read_stream *trs, String *wkt, bool init_stream) { LEX_STRING name; Class_info *ci; char next_sym; if (trs->get_next_word(&name)) { trs->set_error_msg("Geometry name expected"); return NULL; } if (!(ci= find_class(name.str, name.length)) || wkt->reserve(1 + 4, 512)) return NULL; Geometry *result= (*ci->m_create_func)(buffer->data); wkt->q_append((char) wkb_ndr); wkt->q_append((uint32) result->get_class_info()->m_type_id); if (!(next_sym= trs->next_symbol())) return NULL; if (!(next_sym= trs->next_symbol())) return NULL; if ((next_sym == '(' && trs->check_next_symbol('(')) || result->init_from_wkt(trs, wkt) || (next_sym == '(' && trs->check_next_symbol(')'))) return NULL; if (init_stream) { result->set_data_ptr(wkt->ptr(), wkt->length()); result->shift_wkb_header(); } return result; } int Geometry::as_wkt(String *wkt, const char **end) { uint32 len= (uint) get_class_info()->m_name.length; if (wkt->reserve(len + 2, 512)) return 1; wkt->qs_append(get_class_info()->m_name.str, len); if (get_class_info() != &geometrycollection_class) wkt->qs_append('('); if (get_data_as_wkt(wkt, end)) return 1; if (get_class_info() != &geometrycollection_class) wkt->qs_append(')'); return 0; } static const uchar type_keyname[]= "type"; static const uint type_keyname_len= 4; static const uchar coord_keyname[]= "coordinates"; static const uint coord_keyname_len= 11; static const uchar geometries_keyname[]= "geometries"; static const uint geometries_keyname_len= 10; static const uchar features_keyname[]= "features"; static const uint features_keyname_len= 8; static const uchar geometry_keyname[]= "geometry"; static const uint geometry_keyname_len= 8; static const uint max_keyname_len= 11; /*'coordinates' keyname is the longest.*/ static const uchar feature_type[]= "feature"; static const int feature_type_len= 7; static const uchar feature_coll_type[]= "featurecollection"; static const int feature_coll_type_len= 17; static const uchar bbox_keyname[]= "bbox"; static const int bbox_keyname_len= 4; int Geometry::as_json(String *wkt, uint max_dec_digits, const char **end) { uint32 len= (uint) get_class_info()->m_geojson_name.length; if (wkt->reserve(4 + type_keyname_len + 2 + len + 2 + 2 + coord_keyname_len + 4, 512)) return 1; wkt->qs_append('"'); wkt->qs_append((const char *) type_keyname, type_keyname_len); wkt->qs_append("\": \"", 4); wkt->qs_append(get_class_info()->m_geojson_name.str, len); wkt->qs_append("\", \"", 4); if (get_class_info() == &geometrycollection_class) wkt->qs_append((const char *) geometries_keyname, geometries_keyname_len); else wkt->qs_append((const char *) coord_keyname, coord_keyname_len); wkt->qs_append("\": ", 3); if (get_data_as_json(wkt, max_dec_digits, end)) return 1; return 0; } int Geometry::bbox_as_json(String *wkt) { MBR mbr; const char *end; if (wkt->reserve(5 + bbox_keyname_len + (FLOATING_POINT_DECIMALS+2)*4, 512)) return 1; wkt->qs_append('"'); wkt->qs_append((const char *) bbox_keyname, bbox_keyname_len); wkt->qs_append("\": [", 4); if (get_mbr(&mbr, &end)) return 1; wkt->qs_append(mbr.xmin); wkt->qs_append(", ", 2); wkt->qs_append(mbr.ymin); wkt->qs_append(", ", 2); wkt->qs_append(mbr.xmax); wkt->qs_append(", ", 2); wkt->qs_append(mbr.ymax); wkt->qs_append(']'); return 0; } static double wkb_get_double(const char *ptr, Geometry::wkbByteOrder bo) { double res; if (bo != Geometry::wkb_xdr) { float8get(res, ptr); } else { char inv_array[8]; inv_array[0]= ptr[7]; inv_array[1]= ptr[6]; inv_array[2]= ptr[5]; inv_array[3]= ptr[4]; inv_array[4]= ptr[3]; inv_array[5]= ptr[2]; inv_array[6]= ptr[1]; inv_array[7]= ptr[0]; float8get(res, inv_array); } return res; } static uint32 wkb_get_uint(const char *ptr, Geometry::wkbByteOrder bo) { if (bo != Geometry::wkb_xdr) return uint4korr(ptr); /* else */ { char inv_array[4]; inv_array[0]= ptr[3]; inv_array[1]= ptr[2]; inv_array[2]= ptr[1]; inv_array[3]= ptr[0]; return uint4korr(inv_array); } } Geometry *Geometry::create_from_wkb(Geometry_buffer *buffer, const char *wkb, uint32 len, String *res) { uint32 geom_type; Geometry *geom; if (len < WKB_HEADER_SIZE) return NULL; geom_type= wkb_get_uint(wkb+1, (wkbByteOrder)wkb[0]); if (!(geom= create_by_typeid(buffer, (int) geom_type)) || res->reserve(WKB_HEADER_SIZE, 512)) return NULL; res->q_append((char) wkb_ndr); res->q_append(geom_type); return geom->init_from_wkb(wkb + WKB_HEADER_SIZE, len - WKB_HEADER_SIZE, (wkbByteOrder) wkb[0], res) ? geom : NULL; } Geometry *Geometry::create_from_json(Geometry_buffer *buffer, json_engine_t *je, bool er_on_3D, String *res) { Class_info *ci= NULL; const uchar *coord_start= NULL, *geom_start= NULL, *features_start= NULL, *geometry_start= NULL; Geometry *result; uchar key_buf[max_keyname_len]; uint key_len; int fcoll_type_found= 0, feature_type_found= 0; if (json_read_value(je)) goto err_return; if (je->value_type != JSON_VALUE_OBJECT) { je->s.error= GEOJ_INCORRECT_GEOJSON; goto err_return; } while (json_scan_next(je) == 0 && je->state != JST_OBJ_END) { DBUG_ASSERT(je->state == JST_KEY); key_len=0; while (json_read_keyname_chr(je) == 0) { if (je->s.c_next > 127 || key_len >= max_keyname_len) { /* Symbol out of range, or keyname too long. No need to compare.. */ key_len=0; break; } key_buf[key_len++]= (uchar)je->s.c_next | 0x20; /* make it lowercase. */ } if (unlikely(je->s.error)) goto err_return; if (key_len == type_keyname_len && memcmp(key_buf, type_keyname, type_keyname_len) == 0) { /* Found the "type" key. Let's check it's a string and remember the feature's type. */ if (json_read_value(je)) goto err_return; if (je->value_type == JSON_VALUE_STRING) { if ((ci= find_class((const char *) je->value, je->value_len))) { if ((coord_start= (ci == &geometrycollection_class) ? geom_start : coord_start)) goto create_geom; } else if (je->value_len == feature_coll_type_len && my_charset_latin1.strnncoll(je->value, je->value_len, feature_coll_type, feature_coll_type_len) == 0) { /* 'FeatureCollection' type found. Handle the 'Featurecollection'/'features' GeoJSON construction. */ if (features_start) goto handle_feature_collection; fcoll_type_found= 1; } else if (je->value_len == feature_type_len && my_charset_latin1.strnncoll(je->value, je->value_len, feature_type, feature_type_len) == 0) { if (geometry_start) goto handle_geometry_key; feature_type_found= 1; } else /* can't understand the type. */ break; } else /* The "type" value can only be string. */ break; } else if (key_len == coord_keyname_len && memcmp(key_buf, coord_keyname, coord_keyname_len) == 0) { /* Found the "coordinates" key. Let's check it's an array and remember where it starts. */ if (json_read_value(je)) goto err_return; if (je->value_type == JSON_VALUE_ARRAY) { coord_start= je->value_begin; if (ci && ci != &geometrycollection_class) goto create_geom; if (json_skip_level(je)) goto err_return; } } else if (key_len == geometries_keyname_len && memcmp(key_buf, geometries_keyname, geometries_keyname_len) == 0) { /* Found the "geometries" key. Let's check it's an array and remember where it starts. */ if (json_read_value(je)) goto err_return; if (je->value_type == JSON_VALUE_ARRAY) { geom_start= je->value_begin; if (ci == &geometrycollection_class) { coord_start= geom_start; goto create_geom; } } } else if (key_len == features_keyname_len && memcmp(key_buf, features_keyname, features_keyname_len) == 0) { /* 'features' key found. Handle the 'Featurecollection'/'features' GeoJSON construction. */ if (json_read_value(je)) goto err_return; if (je->value_type == JSON_VALUE_ARRAY) { features_start= je->value_begin; if (fcoll_type_found) goto handle_feature_collection; } } else if (key_len == geometry_keyname_len && memcmp(key_buf, geometry_keyname, geometry_keyname_len) == 0) { if (json_read_value(je)) goto err_return; if (je->value_type == JSON_VALUE_OBJECT) { geometry_start= je->value_begin; if (feature_type_found) goto handle_geometry_key; } goto err_return; } else { if (json_skip_key(je)) goto err_return; } } if (je->s.error == 0) { /* We didn't find all the required keys. That are "type" and "coordinates" or "geometries" for GeometryCollection. */ je->s.error= GEOJ_INCORRECT_GEOJSON; } goto err_return; handle_feature_collection: ci= &geometrycollection_class; coord_start= features_start; create_geom: json_scan_start(je, je->s.cs, coord_start, je->s.str_end); if (res->reserve(1 + 4, 512)) goto err_return; result= (*ci->m_create_func)(buffer->data); res->q_append((char) wkb_ndr); res->q_append((uint32) result->get_class_info()->m_type_id); if (result->init_from_json(je, er_on_3D, res)) goto err_return; return result; handle_geometry_key: json_scan_start(je, je->s.cs, geometry_start, je->s.str_end); return create_from_json(buffer, je, er_on_3D, res); err_return: return NULL; } Geometry *Geometry::create_from_opresult(Geometry_buffer *g_buf, String *res, Gcalc_result_receiver &rr) { uint32 geom_type= rr.get_result_typeid(); Geometry *obj= create_by_typeid(g_buf, geom_type); if (!obj || res->reserve(WKB_HEADER_SIZE, 512)) return NULL; res->q_append((char) wkb_ndr); res->q_append(geom_type); return obj->init_from_opresult(res, rr.result(), rr.length()) ? obj : NULL; } bool Geometry::envelope(String *result) const { MBR mbr; const char *end; if (get_mbr(&mbr, &end)) return 1; if (!mbr.valid()) { /* Empty geometry */ if (result->reserve(1 + 4*2)) return 1; result->q_append((char) wkb_ndr); result->q_append((uint32) wkb_geometrycollection); result->q_append((uint32) 0); return 0; } if (result->reserve(1 + 4 * 3 + SIZEOF_STORED_DOUBLE * 10)) return 1; result->q_append((char) wkb_ndr); result->q_append((uint32) wkb_polygon); result->q_append((uint32) 1); result->q_append((uint32) 5); result->q_append(mbr.xmin); result->q_append(mbr.ymin); result->q_append(mbr.xmax); result->q_append(mbr.ymin); result->q_append(mbr.xmax); result->q_append(mbr.ymax); result->q_append(mbr.xmin); result->q_append(mbr.ymax); result->q_append(mbr.xmin); result->q_append(mbr.ymin); return 0; } /* Create a point from data. SYNPOSIS create_point() result Put result here data Data for point is here. RETURN 0 ok 1 Can't reallocate 'result' */ bool Geometry::create_point(String *result, const char *data) const { if (no_data(data, POINT_DATA_SIZE) || result->reserve(1 + 4 + POINT_DATA_SIZE)) return 1; result->q_append((char) wkb_ndr); result->q_append((uint32) wkb_point); /* Copy two double in same format */ result->q_append(data, POINT_DATA_SIZE); return 0; } /* Create a point from coordinates. SYNPOSIS create_point() result Put result here x x coordinate for point y y coordinate for point RETURN 0 ok 1 Can't reallocate 'result' */ bool Geometry::create_point(String *result, double x, double y) { if (result->reserve(1 + 4 + POINT_DATA_SIZE)) return 1; result->q_append((char) wkb_ndr); result->q_append((uint32) wkb_point); result->q_append(x); result->q_append(y); return 0; } /* Append N points from packed format to text SYNOPSIS append_points() txt Append points here n_points Number of points data Packed data offset Offset between points RETURN # end of data */ const char *Geometry::append_points(String *txt, uint32 n_points, const char *data, uint32 offset) const { while (n_points--) { double x,y; data+= offset; get_point(&x, &y, data); data+= POINT_DATA_SIZE; txt->qs_append(x); txt->qs_append(' '); txt->qs_append(y); txt->qs_append(','); } return data; } static void append_json_point(String *txt, uint max_dec, const char *data) { double x,y; get_point(&x, &y, data); if (max_dec < FLOATING_POINT_DECIMALS) { x= my_double_round(x, max_dec, FALSE, FALSE); y= my_double_round(y, max_dec, FALSE, FALSE); } txt->qs_append('['); txt->qs_append(x); txt->qs_append(", ", 2); txt->qs_append(y); txt->qs_append(']'); } /* Append N points from packed format to json SYNOPSIS append_json_points() txt Append points here n_points Number of points data Packed data offset Offset between points RETURN # end of data */ static const char *append_json_points(String *txt, uint max_dec, uint32 n_points, const char *data, uint32 offset) { txt->qs_append('['); while (n_points--) { data+= offset; append_json_point(txt, max_dec, data); data+= POINT_DATA_SIZE; txt->qs_append(", ", 2); } txt->length(txt->length() - 2);// Remove ending ', ' txt->qs_append(']'); return data; } /* Get most bounding rectangle (mbr) for X points SYNOPSIS get_mbr_for_points() mbr MBR (store rectangle here) points Number of points data Packed data offset Offset between points RETURN 0 Wrong data # end of data */ const char *Geometry::get_mbr_for_points(MBR *mbr, const char *data, uint offset) const { uint32 points; /* read number of points */ if (no_data(data, 4)) return 0; points= uint4korr(data); data+= 4; if (not_enough_points(data, points, offset)) return 0; /* Calculate MBR for points */ while (points--) { data+= offset; mbr->add_xy(data, data + SIZEOF_STORED_DOUBLE); data+= POINT_DATA_SIZE; } return data; } /***************************** Point *******************************/ uint32 Gis_point::get_data_size() const { return POINT_DATA_SIZE; } bool Gis_point::init_from_wkt(Gis_read_stream *trs, String *wkb) { double x, y; if (trs->get_next_number(&x) || trs->get_next_number(&y) || wkb->reserve(POINT_DATA_SIZE, 512)) return 1; wkb->q_append(x); wkb->q_append(y); return 0; } uint Gis_point::init_from_wkb(const char *wkb, uint len, wkbByteOrder bo, String *res) { double x, y; if (len < POINT_DATA_SIZE || res->reserve(POINT_DATA_SIZE)) return 0; x= wkb_get_double(wkb, bo); y= wkb_get_double(wkb + SIZEOF_STORED_DOUBLE, bo); res->q_append(x); res->q_append(y); return POINT_DATA_SIZE; } static int read_point_from_json(json_engine_t *je, bool er_on_3D, double *x, double *y) { int n_coord= 0, err; double tmp, *d; char *endptr; while (json_scan_next(je) == 0 && je->state != JST_ARRAY_END) { DBUG_ASSERT(je->state == JST_VALUE); if (json_read_value(je)) return 1; if (je->value_type != JSON_VALUE_NUMBER) goto bad_coordinates; d= (n_coord == 0) ? x : ((n_coord == 1) ? y : &tmp); *d= je->s.cs->strntod((char *) je->value, je->value_len, &endptr, &err); if (err) goto bad_coordinates; n_coord++; } if (n_coord <= 2 || !er_on_3D) return 0; je->s.error= Geometry::GEOJ_DIMENSION_NOT_SUPPORTED; return 1; bad_coordinates: je->s.error= Geometry::GEOJ_INCORRECT_GEOJSON; return 1; } bool Gis_point::init_from_json(json_engine_t *je, bool er_on_3D, String *wkb) { double x, y; if (json_read_value(je)) return TRUE; if (je->value_type != JSON_VALUE_ARRAY) { je->s.error= GEOJ_INCORRECT_GEOJSON; return TRUE; } if (read_point_from_json(je, er_on_3D, &x, &y) || wkb->reserve(POINT_DATA_SIZE)) return TRUE; wkb->q_append(x); wkb->q_append(y); return FALSE; } bool Gis_point::get_data_as_wkt(String *txt, const char **end) const { double x, y; if (get_xy(&x, &y)) return 1; if (txt->reserve(MAX_DIGITS_IN_DOUBLE * 2 + 1)) return 1; txt->qs_append(x); txt->qs_append(' '); txt->qs_append(y); *end= m_data+ POINT_DATA_SIZE; return 0; } bool Gis_point::get_data_as_json(String *txt, uint max_dec_digits, const char **end) const { if (txt->reserve(MAX_DIGITS_IN_DOUBLE * 2 + 4)) return 1; append_json_point(txt, max_dec_digits, m_data); *end= m_data+ POINT_DATA_SIZE; return 0; } bool Gis_point::get_mbr(MBR *mbr, const char **end) const { double x, y; if (get_xy(&x, &y)) return 1; mbr->add_xy(x, y); *end= m_data+ POINT_DATA_SIZE; return 0; } int Gis_point::area(double *ar, const char **end) const { *ar= 0; *end= m_data+ POINT_DATA_SIZE; return 0; } int Gis_point::geom_length(double *len, const char **end) const { *len= 0; *end= m_data+ POINT_DATA_SIZE; return 0; } int Gis_point::store_shapes(Gcalc_shape_transporter *trn) const { double x, y; return get_xy(&x, &y) || trn->single_point(x, y); } const Geometry::Class_info *Gis_point::get_class_info() const { return &point_class; } /** Function to calculate haversine. Taking as arguments Point and Multipoint geometries. Multipoint geometry has to be single point only. It is up to caller to ensure valid input. @param g pointer to the Geometry @param r sphere radius @param error pointer describing the error in case of the boundary conditions @return distance in case without error, it is caclulcated distance (non-negative), in case error exist, negative value. */ double Gis_point::calculate_haversine(const Geometry *g, const double sphere_radius, int *error) { DBUG_ASSERT(sphere_radius > 0); double x1r, x2r, y1r, y2r; // This check is done only for optimization purposes where we know it will // be one and only one point in Multipoint if (g->get_class_info()->m_type_id == Geometry::wkb_multipoint) { const char point_size= 4 + WKB_HEADER_SIZE + POINT_DATA_SIZE+1; //1 for the type char point_temp[point_size]; memset(point_temp+4, Geometry::wkb_point, 1); memcpy(point_temp+5, static_cast(g)->get_data_ptr()+5, 4); memcpy(point_temp+4+WKB_HEADER_SIZE, g->get_data_ptr()+4+WKB_HEADER_SIZE, POINT_DATA_SIZE); point_temp[point_size-1]= '\0'; Geometry_buffer gbuff; Geometry *gg= Geometry::construct(&gbuff, point_temp, point_size-1); DBUG_ASSERT(gg); if (static_cast(gg)->get_xy_radian(&x2r, &y2r)) { DBUG_ASSERT(0); return -1; } } else { if (static_cast(g)->get_xy_radian(&x2r, &y2r)) { DBUG_ASSERT(0); return -1; } } if (this->get_xy_radian(&x1r, &y1r)) { DBUG_ASSERT(0); return -1; } // Check boundary conditions: longitude[-180,180] if (!((x2r >= -M_PI && x2r <= M_PI) && (x1r >= -M_PI && x1r <= M_PI))) { *error=1; return -1; } // Check boundary conditions: latitude[-90,90] if (!((y2r >= -M_PI/2 && y2r <= M_PI/2) && (y1r >= -M_PI/2 && y1r <= M_PI/2))) { *error=-1; return -1; } double dlat= sin((y2r - y1r)/2)*sin((y2r - y1r)/2); double dlong= sin((x2r - x1r)/2)*sin((x2r - x1r)/2); return 2*sphere_radius*asin((sqrt(dlat + cos(y1r)*cos(y2r)*dlong))); } /** Function that calculate spherical distance of Point from Multipoint geometries. In case there is single point in Multipoint geometries calculate_haversine() can handle such case. Otherwise, new geometry (Point) has to be constructed. @param g pointer to the Geometry @param r sphere radius @param result pointer to the result @param err pointer to the error obtained from calculate_haversin() @return state @retval TRUE failed @retval FALSE success */ int Gis_point::spherical_distance_multipoints(Geometry *g, const double r, double *result, int *err) { uint32 num_of_points2; // To find the minimum radius it cannot be greater than Earth radius double res= 6370986.0; double temp_res= 0.0; const uint32 len= 4 + WKB_HEADER_SIZE + POINT_DATA_SIZE + 1; char s[len]; g->num_geometries(&num_of_points2); DBUG_ASSERT(num_of_points2 >= 1); if (num_of_points2 == 1) { *result= this->calculate_haversine(g, r, err); return 0; } for (uint32 i=1; i <= num_of_points2; i++) { Geometry_buffer buff_temp; Geometry *temp; // First 4 bytes are handled already, make sure to create a Point memset(s + 4, Geometry::wkb_point, 1); memcpy(s + 5, g->get_data_ptr() + 5, 4); memcpy(s + 4 + WKB_HEADER_SIZE, g->get_data_ptr() + 4 + WKB_HEADER_SIZE*i +\ POINT_DATA_SIZE*(i-1), POINT_DATA_SIZE); s[len-1]= '\0'; temp= Geometry::construct(&buff_temp, s, len); DBUG_ASSERT(temp); temp_res= this->calculate_haversine(temp, r, err); if (res > temp_res) res= temp_res; } *result= res; return 0; } /***************************** LineString *******************************/ uint32 Gis_line_string::get_data_size() const { uint32 n_points; if (no_data(m_data, 4)) return GET_SIZE_ERROR; n_points= uint4korr(m_data); if (not_enough_points(m_data + 4, n_points)) return GET_SIZE_ERROR; return 4 + n_points * POINT_DATA_SIZE; } bool Gis_line_string::init_from_wkt(Gis_read_stream *trs, String *wkb) { uint32 n_points= 0; uint32 np_pos= wkb->length(); Gis_point p; if (wkb->reserve(4, 512)) return 1; wkb->length(wkb->length()+4); // Reserve space for points for (;;) { if (p.init_from_wkt(trs, wkb)) return 1; n_points++; if (trs->skip_char(',')) // Didn't find ',' break; } if (n_points < 1) { trs->set_error_msg("Too few points in LINESTRING"); return 1; } wkb->write_at_position(np_pos, n_points); return 0; } uint Gis_line_string::init_from_wkb(const char *wkb, uint len, wkbByteOrder bo, String *res) { uint32 n_points, proper_length; const char *wkb_end; Gis_point p; if (len < 4 || (n_points= wkb_get_uint(wkb, bo)) < 1 || ((len - 4) / POINT_DATA_SIZE) < n_points) return 0; proper_length= 4 + n_points * POINT_DATA_SIZE; if (len < proper_length || res->reserve(proper_length)) return 0; res->q_append(n_points); wkb_end= wkb + proper_length; for (wkb+= 4; wkblength(); Gis_point p; if (json_read_value(je)) return TRUE; if (je->value_type != JSON_VALUE_ARRAY) { je->s.error= GEOJ_INCORRECT_GEOJSON; return TRUE; } if (wkb->reserve(4, 512)) return TRUE; wkb->length(wkb->length()+4); // Reserve space for n_points while (json_scan_next(je) == 0 && je->state != JST_ARRAY_END) { DBUG_ASSERT(je->state == JST_VALUE); if (p.init_from_json(je, er_on_3D, wkb)) return TRUE; n_points++; } if (n_points < 1) { je->s.error= Geometry::GEOJ_TOO_FEW_POINTS; return TRUE; } wkb->write_at_position(np_pos, n_points); return FALSE; } bool Gis_line_string::get_data_as_wkt(String *txt, const char **end) const { uint32 n_points; const char *data= m_data; if (no_data(data, 4)) return 1; n_points= uint4korr(data); data += 4; if (n_points < 1 || not_enough_points(data, n_points) || txt->reserve(((MAX_DIGITS_IN_DOUBLE + 1)*2 + 1) * n_points)) return 1; while (n_points--) { double x, y; get_point(&x, &y, data); data+= POINT_DATA_SIZE; txt->qs_append(x); txt->qs_append(' '); txt->qs_append(y); txt->qs_append(','); } txt->length(txt->length() - 1); // Remove end ',' *end= data; return 0; } bool Gis_line_string::get_data_as_json(String *txt, uint max_dec_digits, const char **end) const { uint32 n_points; const char *data= m_data; if (no_data(data, 4)) return 1; n_points= uint4korr(data); data += 4; if (n_points < 1 || not_enough_points(data, n_points) || txt->reserve((MAX_DIGITS_IN_DOUBLE*2 + 6) * n_points + 2)) return 1; *end= append_json_points(txt, max_dec_digits, n_points, data, 0); return 0; } bool Gis_line_string::get_mbr(MBR *mbr, const char **end) const { return (*end=get_mbr_for_points(mbr, m_data, 0)) == 0; } int Gis_line_string::geom_length(double *len, const char **end) const { uint32 n_points; double prev_x, prev_y; const char *data= m_data; *len= 0; // In case of errors if (no_data(data, 4)) return 1; n_points= uint4korr(data); data+= 4; if (n_points < 1 || not_enough_points(data, n_points)) return 1; get_point(&prev_x, &prev_y, data); data+= POINT_DATA_SIZE; while (--n_points) { double x, y; get_point(&x, &y, data); data+= POINT_DATA_SIZE; *len+= sqrt(pow(prev_x-x,2)+pow(prev_y-y,2)); prev_x= x; prev_y= y; } *end= data; return 0; } int Gis_line_string::area(double *ar, const char **end) const { uint32 n_points; *ar= 0.0; /* read number of points */ if (no_data(m_data, 4)) return 1; n_points= uint4korr(m_data); *end= m_data + 4 + POINT_DATA_SIZE * n_points; return 0; } int Gis_line_string::is_closed(int *closed) const { uint32 n_points; double x1, y1, x2, y2; const char *data= m_data; if (no_data(data, 4)) return 1; n_points= uint4korr(data); if (n_points == 1) { *closed=1; return 0; } data+= 4; if (n_points == 0 || not_enough_points(data, n_points)) return 1; /* Get first point */ get_point(&x1, &y1, data); /* get last point */ data+= POINT_DATA_SIZE + (n_points-2)*POINT_DATA_SIZE; get_point(&x2, &y2, data); *closed= (x1==x2) && (y1==y2); return 0; } int Gis_line_string::num_points(uint32 *n_points) const { *n_points= uint4korr(m_data); return 0; } int Gis_line_string::start_point(String *result) const { /* +4 is for skipping over number of points */ return create_point(result, m_data + 4); } int Gis_line_string::end_point(String *result) const { uint32 n_points; if (no_data(m_data, 4)) return 1; n_points= uint4korr(m_data); if (n_points == 0 || not_enough_points(m_data+4, n_points)) return 1; return create_point(result, m_data + 4 + (n_points - 1) * POINT_DATA_SIZE); } int Gis_line_string::point_n(uint32 num, String *result) const { uint32 n_points; if (no_data(m_data, 4)) return 1; num--; n_points= uint4korr(m_data); if (num >= n_points || not_enough_points(m_data+4, n_points)) return 1; return create_point(result, m_data + 4 + num*POINT_DATA_SIZE); } int Gis_line_string::store_shapes(Gcalc_shape_transporter *trn) const { uint32 n_points; double x, y; double UNINIT_VAR(prev_x), UNINIT_VAR(prev_y); int first_point= 1; const char *data= m_data; if (no_data(m_data, 4)) return 1; n_points= uint4korr(data); data+= 4; if (n_points < 1 || not_enough_points(data, n_points)) return 1; trn->start_line(); while (n_points--) { get_point(&x, &y, data); data+= POINT_DATA_SIZE; if (!first_point && x == prev_x && y == prev_y) continue; if (trn->add_point(x, y)) return 1; first_point= 0; prev_x= x; prev_y= y; } return trn->complete_line(); } const Geometry::Class_info *Gis_line_string::get_class_info() const { return &linestring_class; } /***************************** Polygon *******************************/ uint32 Gis_polygon::get_data_size() const { uint32 n_linear_rings; uint32 n_points; const char *data= m_data; if (no_data(data, 4)) return GET_SIZE_ERROR; n_linear_rings= uint4korr(data); data+= 4; while (n_linear_rings--) { if (no_data(data, 4) || not_enough_points(data+4, n_points= uint4korr(data))) return GET_SIZE_ERROR; data+= 4 + n_points*POINT_DATA_SIZE; } if (no_data(data, 0)) return GET_SIZE_ERROR; return (uint32) (data - m_data); } bool Gis_polygon::init_from_wkt(Gis_read_stream *trs, String *wkb) { uint32 n_linear_rings= 0; uint32 lr_pos= wkb->length(); int closed; if (wkb->reserve(4, 512)) return 1; wkb->length(wkb->length()+4); // Reserve space for n_rings for (;;) { Gis_line_string ls; uint32 ls_pos=wkb->length(); if (trs->check_next_symbol('(') || ls.init_from_wkt(trs, wkb) || trs->check_next_symbol(')')) return 1; ls.set_data_ptr(wkb->ptr() + ls_pos, wkb->length() - ls_pos); if (ls.is_closed(&closed) || !closed) { trs->set_error_msg("POLYGON's linear ring isn't closed"); return 1; } n_linear_rings++; if (trs->skip_char(',')) // Didn't find ',' break; } wkb->write_at_position(lr_pos, n_linear_rings); return 0; } uint Gis_polygon::init_from_opresult(String *bin, const char *opres, uint res_len) { const char *opres_orig= opres; uint32 position= bin->length(); uint32 poly_shapes= 0; if (bin->reserve(4, 512)) return 0; bin->q_append(poly_shapes); while (opres_orig + res_len > opres) { uint32 n_points, proper_length; const char *op_end, *p1_position; Gis_point p; Gcalc_function::shape_type st; st= (Gcalc_function::shape_type) uint4korr(opres); if (poly_shapes && st != Gcalc_function::shape_hole) break; poly_shapes++; n_points= uint4korr(opres + 4) + 1; /* skip shape type id */ proper_length= 4 + n_points * POINT_DATA_SIZE; if (bin->reserve(proper_length, 512)) return 0; bin->q_append(n_points); op_end= opres + 8 + (n_points-1) * 8 * 2; p1_position= (opres+= 8); for (; opreswrite_at_position(position, poly_shapes); return (uint) (opres - opres_orig); } uint Gis_polygon::init_from_wkb(const char *wkb, uint len, wkbByteOrder bo, String *res) { uint32 n_linear_rings; const char *wkb_orig= wkb; if (len < 4) return 0; if (!(n_linear_rings= wkb_get_uint(wkb, bo))) return 0; if (res->reserve(4, 512)) return 0; wkb+= 4; len-= 4; res->q_append(n_linear_rings); while (n_linear_rings--) { Gis_line_string ls; uint32 ls_pos= res->length(); int ls_len; int closed; if (!(ls_len= ls.init_from_wkb(wkb, len, bo, res))) return 0; ls.set_data_ptr(res->ptr() + ls_pos, res->length() - ls_pos); if (ls.is_closed(&closed) || !closed) return 0; wkb+= ls_len; } return (uint) (wkb - wkb_orig); } bool Gis_polygon::init_from_json(json_engine_t *je, bool er_on_3D, String *wkb) { uint32 n_linear_rings= 0; uint32 lr_pos= wkb->length(); int closed; if (json_read_value(je)) return TRUE; if (je->value_type != JSON_VALUE_ARRAY) { je->s.error= GEOJ_INCORRECT_GEOJSON; return TRUE; } if (wkb->reserve(4, 512)) return TRUE; wkb->length(wkb->length()+4); // Reserve space for n_rings while (json_scan_next(je) == 0 && je->state != JST_ARRAY_END) { Gis_line_string ls; DBUG_ASSERT(je->state == JST_VALUE); uint32 ls_pos=wkb->length(); if (ls.init_from_json(je, er_on_3D, wkb)) return TRUE; ls.set_data_ptr(wkb->ptr() + ls_pos, wkb->length() - ls_pos); if (ls.is_closed(&closed) || !closed) { je->s.error= GEOJ_POLYGON_NOT_CLOSED; return TRUE; } n_linear_rings++; } if (je->s.error) return TRUE; if (n_linear_rings == 0) { je->s.error= Geometry::GEOJ_EMPTY_COORDINATES; return TRUE; } wkb->write_at_position(lr_pos, n_linear_rings); return FALSE; } bool Gis_polygon::get_data_as_wkt(String *txt, const char **end) const { uint32 n_linear_rings; const char *data= m_data; if (no_data(data, 4)) return 1; n_linear_rings= uint4korr(data); data+= 4; while (n_linear_rings--) { uint32 n_points; if (no_data(data, 4)) return 1; n_points= uint4korr(data); data+= 4; if (not_enough_points(data, n_points) || txt->reserve(2 + ((MAX_DIGITS_IN_DOUBLE + 1) * 2 + 1) * n_points)) return 1; txt->qs_append('('); data= append_points(txt, n_points, data, 0); (*txt) [txt->length() - 1]= ')'; // Replace end ',' txt->qs_append(','); } txt->length(txt->length() - 1); // Remove end ',' *end= data; return 0; } bool Gis_polygon::get_data_as_json(String *txt, uint max_dec_digits, const char **end) const { uint32 n_linear_rings; const char *data= m_data; if (no_data(data, 4) || txt->reserve(1, 512)) return 1; n_linear_rings= uint4korr(data); data+= 4; txt->qs_append('['); while (n_linear_rings--) { uint32 n_points; if (no_data(data, 4)) return 1; n_points= uint4korr(data); data+= 4; if (not_enough_points(data, n_points) || txt->reserve(4 + (MAX_DIGITS_IN_DOUBLE * 2 + 6) * n_points)) return 1; data= append_json_points(txt, max_dec_digits, n_points, data, 0); txt->qs_append(", ", 2); } txt->length(txt->length() - 2);// Remove ending ', ' txt->qs_append(']'); *end= data; return 0; } bool Gis_polygon::get_mbr(MBR *mbr, const char **end) const { uint32 n_linear_rings; const char *data= m_data; if (no_data(data, 4)) return 1; n_linear_rings= uint4korr(data); data+= 4; while (n_linear_rings--) { if (!(data= get_mbr_for_points(mbr, data, 0))) return 1; } *end= data; return 0; } int Gis_polygon::area(double *ar, const char **end_of_data) const { uint32 n_linear_rings; double result= -1.0; const char *data= m_data; if (no_data(data, 4)) return 1; n_linear_rings= uint4korr(data); data+= 4; while (n_linear_rings--) { double prev_x, prev_y; double lr_area= 0; uint32 n_points; if (no_data(data, 4)) return 1; n_points= uint4korr(data); if (n_points == 0 || not_enough_points(data, n_points)) return 1; get_point(&prev_x, &prev_y, data+4); data+= (4+POINT_DATA_SIZE); while (--n_points) // One point is already read { double x, y; get_point(&x, &y, data); data+= POINT_DATA_SIZE; lr_area+= (prev_x + x)* (prev_y - y); prev_x= x; prev_y= y; } lr_area= fabs(lr_area)/2; if (result == -1.0) result= lr_area; else result-= lr_area; } *ar= fabs(result); *end_of_data= data; return 0; } int Gis_polygon::exterior_ring(String *result) const { uint32 n_points, length; const char *data= m_data + 4; // skip n_linerings if (no_data(data, 4)) return 1; n_points= uint4korr(data); data+= 4; length= n_points * POINT_DATA_SIZE; if (not_enough_points(data, n_points) || result->reserve(1+4+4+ length)) return 1; result->q_append((char) wkb_ndr); result->q_append((uint32) wkb_linestring); result->q_append(n_points); result->q_append(data, n_points * POINT_DATA_SIZE); return 0; } int Gis_polygon::num_interior_ring(uint32 *n_int_rings) const { if (no_data(m_data, 4)) return 1; *n_int_rings= uint4korr(m_data)-1; return 0; } int Gis_polygon::interior_ring_n(uint32 num, String *result) const { const char *data= m_data; uint32 n_linear_rings; uint32 n_points; uint32 points_size; if (no_data(data, 4)) return 1; n_linear_rings= uint4korr(data); data+= 4; if (num >= n_linear_rings || num < 1) return 1; while (num--) { if (no_data(data, 4)) return 1; data+= 4 + uint4korr(data) * POINT_DATA_SIZE; } if (no_data(data, 4)) return 1; n_points= uint4korr(data); points_size= n_points * POINT_DATA_SIZE; data+= 4; if (not_enough_points(data, n_points) || result->reserve(1+4+4+ points_size)) return 1; result->q_append((char) wkb_ndr); result->q_append((uint32) wkb_linestring); result->q_append(n_points); result->q_append(data, points_size); return 0; } int Gis_polygon::centroid_xy(double *x, double *y) const { uint32 n_linear_rings; double UNINIT_VAR(res_area); double UNINIT_VAR(res_cx), UNINIT_VAR(res_cy); const char *data= m_data; bool first_loop= 1; if (no_data(data, 4) || (n_linear_rings= uint4korr(data)) == 0) return 1; data+= 4; while (n_linear_rings--) { uint32 n_points, org_n_points; double prev_x, prev_y; double cur_area= 0; double cur_cx= 0, cur_cy= 0; double sum_cx= 0, sum_cy= 0; if (no_data(data, 4)) return 1; org_n_points= n_points= uint4korr(data); data+= 4; if (n_points == 0 || not_enough_points(data, n_points)) return 1; get_point(&prev_x, &prev_y, data); data+= POINT_DATA_SIZE; while (--n_points) // One point is already read { double tmp_x, tmp_y; double loc_area; get_point(&tmp_x, &tmp_y, data); data+= POINT_DATA_SIZE; loc_area= prev_x * tmp_y - tmp_x * prev_y; cur_area+= loc_area; cur_cx+= tmp_x; cur_cy+= tmp_y; sum_cx+= (prev_x + tmp_x) * loc_area; sum_cy+= (prev_y + tmp_y) * loc_area; prev_x= tmp_x; prev_y= tmp_y; } if (fabs(cur_area) > 1e-10) { cur_cx= sum_cx / cur_area / 3.0; cur_cy= sum_cy / cur_area / 3.0; } else { cur_cx= cur_cx / (org_n_points - 1); cur_cy= cur_cy / (org_n_points - 1); } cur_area= fabs(cur_area); if (!first_loop) { double d_area= fabs(res_area - cur_area); res_cx= (res_area * res_cx - cur_area * cur_cx) / d_area; res_cy= (res_area * res_cy - cur_area * cur_cy) / d_area; } else { first_loop= 0; res_area= cur_area; res_cx= cur_cx; res_cy= cur_cy; } } *x= res_cx; *y= res_cy; return 0; } int Gis_polygon::centroid(String *result) const { double x, y; if (centroid_xy(&x, &y)) return 1; return create_point(result, x, y); } int Gis_polygon::store_shapes(Gcalc_shape_transporter *trn) const { uint32 n_linear_rings; const char *data= m_data; double first_x, first_y; double prev_x, prev_y; int was_equal_first= 0; if (trn->start_poly()) return 1; if (no_data(data, 4)) return 1; n_linear_rings= uint4korr(data); data+= 4; while (n_linear_rings--) { uint32 n_points; if (no_data(data, 4)) return 1; n_points= uint4korr(data); data+= 4; if (!n_points || not_enough_points(data, n_points)) return 1; trn->start_ring(); get_point(&first_x, &first_y, data); data+= POINT_DATA_SIZE; prev_x= first_x; prev_y= first_y; if (trn->add_point(first_x, first_y)) return 1; if (--n_points == 0) goto single_point_ring; while (--n_points) { double x, y; get_point(&x, &y, data); data+= POINT_DATA_SIZE; if (x == prev_x && y == prev_y) continue; prev_x= x; prev_y= y; if (was_equal_first) { if (trn->add_point(first_x, first_y)) return 1; was_equal_first= 0; } if (x == first_x && y == first_y) { was_equal_first= 1; continue; } if (trn->add_point(x, y)) return 1; } data+= POINT_DATA_SIZE; single_point_ring: trn->complete_ring(); } trn->complete_poly(); return 0; } const Geometry::Class_info *Gis_polygon::get_class_info() const { return &polygon_class; } /***************************** MultiPoint *******************************/ uint32 Gis_multi_point::get_data_size() const { uint32 n_points; if (no_data(m_data, 4) || not_enough_points(m_data+4, (n_points= uint4korr(m_data)), WKB_HEADER_SIZE)) return GET_SIZE_ERROR; return 4 + n_points * (POINT_DATA_SIZE + WKB_HEADER_SIZE); } bool Gis_multi_point::init_from_wkt(Gis_read_stream *trs, String *wkb) { uint32 n_points= 0; uint32 np_pos= wkb->length(); Gis_point p; if (wkb->reserve(4, 512)) return 1; wkb->length(wkb->length()+4); // Reserve space for points for (;;) { if (wkb->reserve(1 + 4, 512)) return 1; wkb->q_append((char) wkb_ndr); wkb->q_append((uint32) wkb_point); if (p.init_from_wkt(trs, wkb)) return 1; n_points++; if (trs->skip_char(',')) // Didn't find ',' break; } wkb->write_at_position(np_pos, n_points); // Store number of found points return 0; } uint Gis_multi_point::init_from_opresult(String *bin, const char *opres, uint res_len) { uint bin_size, n_points; Gis_point p; const char *opres_end; n_points= res_len/(4+8*2); bin_size= n_points * (WKB_HEADER_SIZE + POINT_DATA_SIZE) + 4; if (bin->reserve(bin_size, 512)) return 0; bin->q_append(n_points); opres_end= opres + res_len; for (; opres < opres_end; opres+= (4 + 8*2)) { bin->q_append((char)wkb_ndr); bin->q_append((uint32)wkb_point); if (!p.init_from_wkb(opres + 4, POINT_DATA_SIZE, wkb_ndr, bin)) return 0; } return res_len; } uint Gis_multi_point::init_from_wkb(const char *wkb, uint len, wkbByteOrder bo, String *res) { uint32 n_points; uint proper_size; Gis_point p; const char *wkb_end; if (len < 4 || (n_points= wkb_get_uint(wkb, bo)) > max_n_points) return 0; proper_size= 4 + n_points * (WKB_HEADER_SIZE + POINT_DATA_SIZE); if (len < proper_size || res->reserve(proper_size)) return 0; res->q_append(n_points); wkb_end= wkb + proper_size; for (wkb+=4; wkb < wkb_end; wkb+= (WKB_HEADER_SIZE + POINT_DATA_SIZE)) { res->q_append((char)wkb_ndr); res->q_append((uint32)wkb_point); if (!p.init_from_wkb(wkb + WKB_HEADER_SIZE, POINT_DATA_SIZE, (wkbByteOrder) wkb[0], res)) return 0; } return proper_size; } bool Gis_multi_point::init_from_json(json_engine_t *je, bool er_on_3D, String *wkb) { uint32 n_points= 0; uint32 np_pos= wkb->length(); Gis_point p; if (json_read_value(je)) return TRUE; if (je->value_type != JSON_VALUE_ARRAY) { je->s.error= GEOJ_INCORRECT_GEOJSON; return TRUE; } if (wkb->reserve(4, 512)) return TRUE; wkb->length(wkb->length()+4); // Reserve space for n_points while (json_scan_next(je) == 0 && je->state != JST_ARRAY_END) { DBUG_ASSERT(je->state == JST_VALUE); if (wkb->reserve(1 + 4, 512)) return TRUE; wkb->q_append((char) wkb_ndr); wkb->q_append((uint32) wkb_point); if (p.init_from_json(je, er_on_3D, wkb)) return TRUE; n_points++; } if (je->s.error) return TRUE; if (n_points == 0) { je->s.error= Geometry::GEOJ_EMPTY_COORDINATES; return TRUE; } wkb->write_at_position(np_pos, n_points); return FALSE; } bool Gis_multi_point::get_data_as_wkt(String *txt, const char **end) const { uint32 n_points; if (no_data(m_data, 4)) return 1; n_points= uint4korr(m_data); if (n_points > max_n_points || not_enough_points(m_data+4, n_points, WKB_HEADER_SIZE) || txt->reserve(((MAX_DIGITS_IN_DOUBLE + 1) * 2 + 1) * n_points)) return 1; *end= append_points(txt, n_points, m_data+4, WKB_HEADER_SIZE); txt->length(txt->length()-1); // Remove end ',' return 0; } bool Gis_multi_point::get_data_as_json(String *txt, uint max_dec_digits, const char **end) const { uint32 n_points; if (no_data(m_data, 4)) return 1; n_points= uint4korr(m_data); if (n_points > max_n_points || not_enough_points(m_data+4, n_points, WKB_HEADER_SIZE) || txt->reserve((MAX_DIGITS_IN_DOUBLE * 2 + 6) * n_points + 2)) return 1; *end= append_json_points(txt, max_dec_digits, n_points, m_data+4, WKB_HEADER_SIZE); return 0; } bool Gis_multi_point::get_mbr(MBR *mbr, const char **end) const { return (*end= get_mbr_for_points(mbr, m_data, WKB_HEADER_SIZE)) == 0; } int Gis_multi_point::num_geometries(uint32 *num) const { *num= uint4korr(m_data); return 0; } int Gis_multi_point::geometry_n(uint32 num, String *result) const { const char *data= m_data; uint32 n_points; if (no_data(data, 4)) return 1; n_points= uint4korr(data); data+= 4+ (num - 1) * (WKB_HEADER_SIZE + POINT_DATA_SIZE); if (num > n_points || num < 1 || no_data(data, WKB_HEADER_SIZE + POINT_DATA_SIZE) || result->reserve(WKB_HEADER_SIZE + POINT_DATA_SIZE)) return 1; result->q_append(data, WKB_HEADER_SIZE + POINT_DATA_SIZE); return 0; } int Gis_multi_point::store_shapes(Gcalc_shape_transporter *trn) const { uint32 n_points; Gis_point pt; const char *data= m_data; if (no_data(data, 4)) return 1; n_points= uint4korr(data); data+= 4; if (trn->start_collection(n_points)) return 1; while (n_points--) { if (no_data(data, WKB_HEADER_SIZE)) return 1; data+= WKB_HEADER_SIZE; pt.set_data_ptr(data, (uint32) (m_data_end - data)); if (pt.store_shapes(trn)) return 1; data+= pt.get_data_size(); } return 0; } const Geometry::Class_info *Gis_multi_point::get_class_info() const { return &multipoint_class; } /** Function that calculate spherical distance of Multipoints geometries. In case there is single point in Multipoint geometries calculate_haversine() can handle such case. Otherwise, new geometry (Point) has to be constructed. @param g pointer to the Geometry @param r sphere radius @param result pointer to the result @param err pointer to the error obtained from calculate_haversin() @return state @retval TRUE failed @retval FALSE success */ int Gis_multi_point::spherical_distance_multipoints(Geometry *g, const double r, double *result, int *err) { const uint32 len= 4 + WKB_HEADER_SIZE + POINT_DATA_SIZE + 1; // Check how many points are stored in Multipoints uint32 num_of_points1, num_of_points2; // To find the minimum radius it cannot be greater than Earth radius double res= 6370986.0; /* From Item_func_sphere_distance::spherical_distance_points, we are sure that there will be multiple points and we have to construct Point geometry and return the smallest result. */ num_geometries(&num_of_points1); DBUG_ASSERT(num_of_points1 >= 1); g->num_geometries(&num_of_points2); DBUG_ASSERT(num_of_points2 >= 1); for (uint32 i=1; i <= num_of_points1; i++) { Geometry_buffer buff_temp; Geometry *temp; double temp_res= 0.0; char s[len]; // First 4 bytes are handled already, make sure to create a Point memset(s + 4, Geometry::wkb_point, 1); memcpy(s + 5, this->get_data_ptr() + 5, 4); memcpy(s + 4 + WKB_HEADER_SIZE, this->get_data_ptr() + 4 + WKB_HEADER_SIZE*i +\ POINT_DATA_SIZE*(i-1), POINT_DATA_SIZE); s[len-1]= '\0'; temp= Geometry::construct(&buff_temp, s, len); DBUG_ASSERT(temp); // Optimization for single Multipoint if (num_of_points2 == 1) { *result= static_cast(temp)->calculate_haversine(g, r, err); return 0; } for (uint32 j=1; j<= num_of_points2; j++) { Geometry_buffer buff_temp2; Geometry *temp2; char s2[len]; // First 4 bytes are handled already, make sure to create a Point memset(s2 + 4, Geometry::wkb_point, 1); memcpy(s2 + 5, g->get_data_ptr() + 5, 4); memcpy(s2 + 4 + WKB_HEADER_SIZE, g->get_data_ptr() + 4 + WKB_HEADER_SIZE*j +\ POINT_DATA_SIZE*(j-1), POINT_DATA_SIZE); s2[len-1]= '\0'; temp2= Geometry::construct(&buff_temp2, s2, len); DBUG_ASSERT(temp2); temp_res= static_cast(temp)->calculate_haversine(temp2, r, err); if (res > temp_res) res= temp_res; } } *result= res; return 0; } /***************************** MultiLineString *******************************/ uint32 Gis_multi_line_string::get_data_size() const { uint32 n_line_strings; uint32 n_points; const char *data= m_data; if (no_data(data, 4)) return GET_SIZE_ERROR; n_line_strings= uint4korr(data); data+= 4; while (n_line_strings--) { if (no_data(data, WKB_HEADER_SIZE + 4) || not_enough_points(data + WKB_HEADER_SIZE+4, (n_points= uint4korr(data + WKB_HEADER_SIZE)))) return GET_SIZE_ERROR; data+= (WKB_HEADER_SIZE + 4 + n_points*POINT_DATA_SIZE); } if (no_data(data, 0)) return GET_SIZE_ERROR; return (uint32) (data - m_data); } bool Gis_multi_line_string::init_from_wkt(Gis_read_stream *trs, String *wkb) { uint32 n_line_strings= 0; uint32 ls_pos= wkb->length(); if (wkb->reserve(4, 512)) return 1; wkb->length(wkb->length()+4); // Reserve space for points for (;;) { Gis_line_string ls; if (wkb->reserve(1 + 4, 512)) return 1; wkb->q_append((char) wkb_ndr); wkb->q_append((uint32) wkb_linestring); if (trs->check_next_symbol('(') || ls.init_from_wkt(trs, wkb) || trs->check_next_symbol(')')) return 1; n_line_strings++; if (trs->skip_char(',')) // Didn't find ',' break; } wkb->write_at_position(ls_pos, n_line_strings); return 0; } uint Gis_multi_line_string::init_from_opresult(String *bin, const char *opres, uint res_len) { const char *opres_orig= opres; int ns_pos= bin->length(); uint n_linestring= 0; if (bin->reserve(4, 512)) return 0; bin->q_append(n_linestring); while (res_len) { Gis_line_string ls; int ls_len; if (bin->reserve(WKB_HEADER_SIZE, 512)) return 0; bin->q_append((char) wkb_ndr); bin->q_append((uint32) wkb_linestring); if (!(ls_len= ls.init_from_opresult(bin, opres, res_len))) return 0; opres+= ls_len; res_len-= ls_len; n_linestring++; } bin->write_at_position(ns_pos, n_linestring); return (uint) (opres - opres_orig); } uint Gis_multi_line_string::init_from_wkb(const char *wkb, uint len, wkbByteOrder bo, String *res) { uint32 n_line_strings; const char *wkb_orig= wkb; if (len < 4 || (n_line_strings= wkb_get_uint(wkb, bo))< 1) return 0; if (res->reserve(4, 512)) return 0; res->q_append(n_line_strings); wkb+= 4; while (n_line_strings--) { Gis_line_string ls; int ls_len; if ((len < WKB_HEADER_SIZE) || res->reserve(WKB_HEADER_SIZE, 512)) return 0; res->q_append((char) wkb_ndr); res->q_append((uint32) wkb_linestring); if (!(ls_len= ls.init_from_wkb(wkb + WKB_HEADER_SIZE, len, (wkbByteOrder) wkb[0], res))) return 0; ls_len+= WKB_HEADER_SIZE;; wkb+= ls_len; len-= ls_len; } return (uint) (wkb - wkb_orig); } bool Gis_multi_line_string::init_from_json(json_engine_t *je, bool er_on_3D, String *wkb) { uint32 n_line_strings= 0; uint32 ls_pos= wkb->length(); if (json_read_value(je)) return TRUE; if (je->value_type != JSON_VALUE_ARRAY) { je->s.error= GEOJ_INCORRECT_GEOJSON; return TRUE; } if (wkb->reserve(4, 512)) return TRUE; wkb->length(wkb->length()+4); // Reserve space for n_rings while (json_scan_next(je) == 0 && je->state != JST_ARRAY_END) { Gis_line_string ls; DBUG_ASSERT(je->state == JST_VALUE); if (wkb->reserve(1 + 4, 512)) return TRUE; wkb->q_append((char) wkb_ndr); wkb->q_append((uint32) wkb_linestring); if (ls.init_from_json(je, er_on_3D, wkb)) return TRUE; n_line_strings++; } if (je->s.error) return TRUE; if (n_line_strings == 0) { je->s.error= Geometry::GEOJ_EMPTY_COORDINATES; return TRUE; } wkb->write_at_position(ls_pos, n_line_strings); return FALSE; } bool Gis_multi_line_string::get_data_as_wkt(String *txt, const char **end) const { uint32 n_line_strings; const char *data= m_data; if (no_data(data, 4)) return 1; n_line_strings= uint4korr(data); data+= 4; while (n_line_strings--) { uint32 n_points; if (no_data(data, (WKB_HEADER_SIZE + 4))) return 1; n_points= uint4korr(data + WKB_HEADER_SIZE); data+= WKB_HEADER_SIZE + 4; if (not_enough_points(data, n_points) || txt->reserve(2 + ((MAX_DIGITS_IN_DOUBLE + 1) * 2 + 1) * n_points)) return 1; txt->qs_append('('); data= append_points(txt, n_points, data, 0); (*txt) [txt->length() - 1]= ')'; txt->qs_append(','); } txt->length(txt->length() - 1); *end= data; return 0; } bool Gis_multi_line_string::get_data_as_json(String *txt, uint max_dec_digits, const char **end) const { uint32 n_line_strings; const char *data= m_data; if (no_data(data, 4) || txt->reserve(1, 512)) return 1; n_line_strings= uint4korr(data); data+= 4; txt->qs_append('['); while (n_line_strings--) { uint32 n_points; if (no_data(data, (WKB_HEADER_SIZE + 4))) return 1; n_points= uint4korr(data + WKB_HEADER_SIZE); data+= WKB_HEADER_SIZE + 4; if (not_enough_points(data, n_points) || txt->reserve(2 + (MAX_DIGITS_IN_DOUBLE * 2 + 6) * n_points)) return 1; data= append_json_points(txt, max_dec_digits, n_points, data, 0); txt->qs_append(", ", 2); } txt->length(txt->length() - 2); txt->qs_append(']'); *end= data; return 0; } bool Gis_multi_line_string::get_mbr(MBR *mbr, const char **end) const { uint32 n_line_strings; const char *data= m_data; if (no_data(data, 4)) return 1; n_line_strings= uint4korr(data); data+= 4; while (n_line_strings--) { data+= WKB_HEADER_SIZE; if (!(data= get_mbr_for_points(mbr, data, 0))) return 1; } *end= data; return 0; } int Gis_multi_line_string::num_geometries(uint32 *num) const { *num= uint4korr(m_data); return 0; } int Gis_multi_line_string::geometry_n(uint32 num, String *result) const { uint32 n_line_strings, n_points, length; const char *data= m_data; if (no_data(data, 4)) return 1; n_line_strings= uint4korr(data); data+= 4; if ((num > n_line_strings) || (num < 1)) return 1; for (;;) { if (no_data(data, WKB_HEADER_SIZE + 4)) return 1; n_points= uint4korr(data + WKB_HEADER_SIZE); length= WKB_HEADER_SIZE + 4+ POINT_DATA_SIZE * n_points; if (not_enough_points(data+WKB_HEADER_SIZE+4, n_points)) return 1; if (!--num) break; data+= length; } return result->append(data, length, (uint32) 0); } int Gis_multi_line_string::geom_length(double *len, const char **end) const { uint32 n_line_strings; const char *data= m_data; const char *line_end; if (no_data(data, 4)) return 1; n_line_strings= uint4korr(data); data+= 4; *len=0; while (n_line_strings--) { double ls_len; Gis_line_string ls; data+= WKB_HEADER_SIZE; ls.set_data_ptr(data, (uint32) (m_data_end - data)); if (ls.geom_length(&ls_len, &line_end)) return 1; *len+= ls_len; /* We know here that ls was ok, so we can call the trivial function Gis_line_string::get_data_size without error checking */ data+= ls.get_data_size(); } *end= data; return 0; } int Gis_multi_line_string::is_closed(int *closed) const { uint32 n_line_strings; const char *data= m_data; if (no_data(data, 4 + WKB_HEADER_SIZE)) return 1; n_line_strings= uint4korr(data); data+= 4 + WKB_HEADER_SIZE; while (n_line_strings--) { Gis_line_string ls; if (no_data(data, 0)) return 1; ls.set_data_ptr(data, (uint32) (m_data_end - data)); if (ls.is_closed(closed)) return 1; if (!*closed) return 0; /* We know here that ls was ok, so we can call the trivial function Gis_line_string::get_data_size without error checking */ data+= ls.get_data_size() + WKB_HEADER_SIZE; } return 0; } int Gis_multi_line_string::store_shapes(Gcalc_shape_transporter *trn) const { uint32 n_lines; Gis_line_string ls; const char *data= m_data; if (no_data(data, 4)) return 1; n_lines= uint4korr(data); data+= 4; if (trn->start_collection(n_lines)) return 1; while (n_lines--) { if (no_data(data, WKB_HEADER_SIZE)) return 1; data+= WKB_HEADER_SIZE; ls.set_data_ptr(data, (uint32) (m_data_end - data)); if (ls.store_shapes(trn)) return 1; data+= ls.get_data_size(); } return 0; } const Geometry::Class_info *Gis_multi_line_string::get_class_info() const { return &multilinestring_class; } /***************************** MultiPolygon *******************************/ uint32 Gis_multi_polygon::get_data_size() const { uint32 n_polygons; uint32 n_points; const char *data= m_data; if (no_data(data, 4)) return GET_SIZE_ERROR; n_polygons= uint4korr(data); data+= 4; while (n_polygons--) { uint32 n_linear_rings; if (no_data(data, 4 + WKB_HEADER_SIZE)) return GET_SIZE_ERROR; n_linear_rings= uint4korr(data + WKB_HEADER_SIZE); data+= 4 + WKB_HEADER_SIZE; while (n_linear_rings--) { if (no_data(data, 4) || not_enough_points(data+4, (n_points= uint4korr(data)))) return GET_SIZE_ERROR; data+= 4 + n_points * POINT_DATA_SIZE; } } if (no_data(data, 0)) return GET_SIZE_ERROR; return (uint32) (data - m_data); } bool Gis_multi_polygon::init_from_wkt(Gis_read_stream *trs, String *wkb) { uint32 n_polygons= 0; int np_pos= wkb->length(); Gis_polygon p; if (wkb->reserve(4, 512)) return 1; wkb->length(wkb->length()+4); // Reserve space for points for (;;) { if (wkb->reserve(1 + 4, 512)) return 1; wkb->q_append((char) wkb_ndr); wkb->q_append((uint32) wkb_polygon); if (trs->check_next_symbol('(') || p.init_from_wkt(trs, wkb) || trs->check_next_symbol(')')) return 1; n_polygons++; if (trs->skip_char(',')) // Didn't find ',' break; } wkb->write_at_position(np_pos, n_polygons); return 0; } uint Gis_multi_polygon::init_from_wkb(const char *wkb, uint len, wkbByteOrder bo, String *res) { uint32 n_poly; const char *wkb_orig= wkb; if (len < 4) return 0; n_poly= wkb_get_uint(wkb, bo); if (res->reserve(4, 512)) return 0; res->q_append(n_poly); wkb+=4; while (n_poly--) { Gis_polygon p; int p_len; if (len < WKB_HEADER_SIZE || res->reserve(WKB_HEADER_SIZE, 512)) return 0; res->q_append((char) wkb_ndr); res->q_append((uint32) wkb_polygon); if (!(p_len= p.init_from_wkb(wkb + WKB_HEADER_SIZE, len, (wkbByteOrder) wkb[0], res))) return 0; p_len+= WKB_HEADER_SIZE; wkb+= p_len; len-= p_len; } return (uint) (wkb - wkb_orig); } uint Gis_multi_polygon::init_from_opresult(String *bin, const char *opres, uint res_len) { Gis_polygon p; const char *opres_orig= opres; uint p_len; uint32 n_poly= 0; uint32 np_pos= bin->length(); if (bin->reserve(4, 512)) return 0; bin->q_append(n_poly); while (res_len) { if (bin->reserve(1 + 4, 512)) return 0; bin->q_append((char)wkb_ndr); bin->q_append((uint32)wkb_polygon); if (!(p_len= p.init_from_opresult(bin, opres, res_len))) return 0; opres+= p_len; res_len-= p_len; n_poly++; } bin->write_at_position(np_pos, n_poly); return (uint)(opres - opres_orig); } bool Gis_multi_polygon::init_from_json(json_engine_t *je, bool er_on_3D, String *wkb) { uint32 n_polygons= 0; int np_pos= wkb->length(); Gis_polygon p; if (json_read_value(je)) return TRUE; if (je->value_type != JSON_VALUE_ARRAY) { je->s.error= GEOJ_INCORRECT_GEOJSON; return TRUE; } if (wkb->reserve(4, 512)) return TRUE; wkb->length(wkb->length()+4); // Reserve space for n_rings while (json_scan_next(je) == 0 && je->state != JST_ARRAY_END) { DBUG_ASSERT(je->state == JST_VALUE); if (wkb->reserve(1 + 4, 512)) return TRUE; wkb->q_append((char) wkb_ndr); wkb->q_append((uint32) wkb_polygon); if (p.init_from_json(je, er_on_3D, wkb)) return TRUE; n_polygons++; } if (je->s.error) return TRUE; if (n_polygons == 0) { je->s.error= Geometry::GEOJ_EMPTY_COORDINATES; return TRUE; } wkb->write_at_position(np_pos, n_polygons); return FALSE; } bool Gis_multi_polygon::get_data_as_wkt(String *txt, const char **end) const { uint32 n_polygons; const char *data= m_data; if (no_data(data, 4)) return 1; n_polygons= uint4korr(data); data+= 4; while (n_polygons--) { uint32 n_linear_rings; if (no_data(data, 4 + WKB_HEADER_SIZE) || txt->reserve(1, 512)) return 1; n_linear_rings= uint4korr(data+WKB_HEADER_SIZE); data+= 4 + WKB_HEADER_SIZE; txt->q_append('('); while (n_linear_rings--) { if (no_data(data, 4)) return 1; uint32 n_points= uint4korr(data); data+= 4; if (not_enough_points(data, n_points) || txt->reserve(2 + ((MAX_DIGITS_IN_DOUBLE + 1) * 2 + 1) * n_points, 512)) return 1; txt->qs_append('('); data= append_points(txt, n_points, data, 0); (*txt) [txt->length() - 1]= ')'; txt->qs_append(','); } (*txt) [txt->length() - 1]= ')'; txt->qs_append(','); } txt->length(txt->length() - 1); *end= data; return 0; } bool Gis_multi_polygon::get_data_as_json(String *txt, uint max_dec_digits, const char **end) const { uint32 n_polygons; const char *data= m_data; if (no_data(data, 4) || txt->reserve(1, 512)) return 1; n_polygons= uint4korr(data); data+= 4; txt->q_append('['); while (n_polygons--) { uint32 n_linear_rings; if (no_data(data, 4 + WKB_HEADER_SIZE) || txt->reserve(1, 512)) return 1; n_linear_rings= uint4korr(data+WKB_HEADER_SIZE); data+= 4 + WKB_HEADER_SIZE; txt->q_append('['); while (n_linear_rings--) { if (no_data(data, 4)) return 1; uint32 n_points= uint4korr(data); data+= 4; if (not_enough_points(data, n_points) || txt->reserve(2 + (MAX_DIGITS_IN_DOUBLE * 2 + 6) * n_points, 512)) return 1; data= append_json_points(txt, max_dec_digits, n_points, data, 0); txt->qs_append(", ", 2); } txt->length(txt->length() - 2); txt->qs_append("], ", 3); } txt->length(txt->length() - 2); txt->q_append(']'); *end= data; return 0; } bool Gis_multi_polygon::get_mbr(MBR *mbr, const char **end) const { uint32 n_polygons; const char *data= m_data; if (no_data(data, 4)) return 1; n_polygons= uint4korr(data); data+= 4; while (n_polygons--) { uint32 n_linear_rings; if (no_data(data, 4+WKB_HEADER_SIZE)) return 1; n_linear_rings= uint4korr(data + WKB_HEADER_SIZE); data+= WKB_HEADER_SIZE + 4; while (n_linear_rings--) { if (!(data= get_mbr_for_points(mbr, data, 0))) return 1; } } *end= data; return 0; } int Gis_multi_polygon::num_geometries(uint32 *num) const { *num= uint4korr(m_data); return 0; } int Gis_multi_polygon::geometry_n(uint32 num, String *result) const { uint32 n_polygons; const char *data= m_data, *start_of_polygon; if (no_data(data, 4)) return 1; n_polygons= uint4korr(data); data+= 4; if (num > n_polygons || num < 1) return -1; do { uint32 n_linear_rings; start_of_polygon= data; if (no_data(data, WKB_HEADER_SIZE + 4)) return 1; n_linear_rings= uint4korr(data + WKB_HEADER_SIZE); data+= WKB_HEADER_SIZE + 4; while (n_linear_rings--) { uint32 n_points; if (no_data(data, 4)) return 1; n_points= uint4korr(data); if (not_enough_points(data + 4, n_points)) return 1; data+= 4 + POINT_DATA_SIZE * n_points; } } while (--num); if (no_data(data, 0)) // We must check last segment return 1; return result->append(start_of_polygon, (uint32) (data - start_of_polygon), (uint32) 0); } int Gis_multi_polygon::area(double *ar, const char **end_of_data) const { uint32 n_polygons; const char *data= m_data; double result= 0; if (no_data(data, 4)) return 1; n_polygons= uint4korr(data); data+= 4; while (n_polygons--) { double p_area; Gis_polygon p; data+= WKB_HEADER_SIZE; p.set_data_ptr(data, (uint32) (m_data_end - data)); if (p.area(&p_area, &data)) return 1; result+= p_area; } *ar= result; *end_of_data= data; return 0; } int Gis_multi_polygon::centroid(String *result) const { uint32 n_polygons; Gis_polygon p; double res_area= 0.0, res_cx= 0.0, res_cy= 0.0; double cur_area, cur_cx, cur_cy; const char *data= m_data; if (no_data(data, 4)) return 1; n_polygons= uint4korr(data); data+= 4; while (n_polygons--) { data+= WKB_HEADER_SIZE; p.set_data_ptr(data, (uint32) (m_data_end - data)); if (p.area(&cur_area, &data) || p.centroid_xy(&cur_cx, &cur_cy)) return 1; res_area+= cur_area; res_cx+= cur_area * cur_cx; res_cy+= cur_area * cur_cy; } res_cx/= res_area; res_cy/= res_area; return create_point(result, res_cx, res_cy); } int Gis_multi_polygon::store_shapes(Gcalc_shape_transporter *trn) const { uint32 n_polygons; Gis_polygon p; const char *data= m_data; if (no_data(data, 4)) return 1; n_polygons= uint4korr(data); data+= 4; if (trn->start_collection(n_polygons)) return 1; while (n_polygons--) { if (no_data(data, WKB_HEADER_SIZE)) return 1; data+= WKB_HEADER_SIZE; p.set_data_ptr(data, (uint32) (m_data_end - data)); if (p.store_shapes(trn)) return 1; data+= p.get_data_size(); } return 0; } const Geometry::Class_info *Gis_multi_polygon::get_class_info() const { return &multipolygon_class; } /************************* GeometryCollection ****************************/ uint32 Gis_geometry_collection::get_data_size() const { uint32 n_objects; const char *data= m_data; Geometry_buffer buffer; Geometry *geom; if (no_data(data, 4)) return GET_SIZE_ERROR; n_objects= uint4korr(data); data+= 4; while (n_objects--) { uint32 wkb_type,object_size; if (no_data(data, WKB_HEADER_SIZE)) return GET_SIZE_ERROR; wkb_type= uint4korr(data + 1); data+= WKB_HEADER_SIZE; if (!(geom= create_by_typeid(&buffer, wkb_type))) return GET_SIZE_ERROR; geom->set_data_ptr(data, (uint) (m_data_end - data)); if ((object_size= geom->get_data_size()) == GET_SIZE_ERROR) return GET_SIZE_ERROR; data+= object_size; } return (uint32) (data - m_data); } bool Gis_geometry_collection::init_from_wkt(Gis_read_stream *trs, String *wkb) { uint32 n_objects= 0; uint32 no_pos= wkb->length(); Geometry_buffer buffer; Geometry *g; char next_sym; if (wkb->reserve(4, 512)) return 1; wkb->length(wkb->length()+4); // Reserve space for points if (!(next_sym= trs->next_symbol())) return 1; if (next_sym != ')') { LEX_STRING next_word; if (trs->lookup_next_word(&next_word)) return 1; if (next_word.length != 5 || (my_charset_latin1.strnncoll("empty", 5, next_word.str, 5) != 0)) { for (;;) { if (!(g= create_from_wkt(&buffer, trs, wkb))) return 1; if (g->get_class_info()->m_type_id == wkb_geometrycollection) { trs->set_error_msg("Unexpected GEOMETRYCOLLECTION"); return 1; } n_objects++; if (trs->skip_char(',')) // Didn't find ',' break; } } } wkb->write_at_position(no_pos, n_objects); return 0; } uint Gis_geometry_collection::init_from_opresult(String *bin, const char *opres, uint res_len) { const char *opres_orig= opres; Geometry_buffer buffer; Geometry *geom; int g_len; uint32 wkb_type; int no_pos= bin->length(); uint32 n_objects= 0; if (bin->reserve(4, 512)) return 0; bin->q_append(n_objects); if (res_len == 0) { /* Special case of GEOMETRYCOLLECTION EMPTY. */ opres+= 1; goto empty_geom; } while (res_len) { switch ((Gcalc_function::shape_type) uint4korr(opres)) { case Gcalc_function::shape_point: wkb_type= wkb_point; break; case Gcalc_function::shape_line: wkb_type= wkb_linestring; break; case Gcalc_function::shape_polygon: wkb_type= wkb_polygon; break; default: wkb_type= 0; DBUG_ASSERT(FALSE); }; if (bin->reserve(WKB_HEADER_SIZE, 512)) return 0; bin->q_append((char) wkb_ndr); bin->q_append(wkb_type); if (!(geom= create_by_typeid(&buffer, wkb_type)) || !(g_len= geom->init_from_opresult(bin, opres, res_len))) return 0; opres+= g_len; res_len-= g_len; n_objects++; } empty_geom: bin->write_at_position(no_pos, n_objects); return (uint) (opres - opres_orig); } uint Gis_geometry_collection::init_from_wkb(const char *wkb, uint len, wkbByteOrder bo, String *res) { uint32 n_geom; const char *wkb_orig= wkb; if (len < 4) return 0; n_geom= wkb_get_uint(wkb, bo); if (res->reserve(4, 512)) return 0; res->q_append(n_geom); wkb+= 4; while (n_geom--) { Geometry_buffer buffer; Geometry *geom; int g_len; uint32 wkb_type; if (len < WKB_HEADER_SIZE || res->reserve(WKB_HEADER_SIZE, 512)) return 0; res->q_append((char) wkb_ndr); wkb_type= wkb_get_uint(wkb+1, (wkbByteOrder) wkb[0]); res->q_append(wkb_type); if (!(geom= create_by_typeid(&buffer, wkb_type)) || !(g_len= geom->init_from_wkb(wkb + WKB_HEADER_SIZE, len, (wkbByteOrder) wkb[0], res))) return 0; g_len+= WKB_HEADER_SIZE; wkb+= g_len; len-= g_len; } return (uint) (wkb - wkb_orig); } bool Gis_geometry_collection::init_from_json(json_engine_t *je, bool er_on_3D, String *wkb) { uint32 n_objects= 0; uint32 no_pos= wkb->length(); Geometry_buffer buffer; Geometry *g; if (json_read_value(je)) return TRUE; if (je->value_type != JSON_VALUE_ARRAY) { je->s.error= GEOJ_INCORRECT_GEOJSON; return TRUE; } if (wkb->reserve(4, 512)) return TRUE; wkb->length(wkb->length()+4); // Reserve space for n_objects while (json_scan_next(je) == 0 && je->state != JST_ARRAY_END) { json_engine_t sav_je= *je; DBUG_ASSERT(je->state == JST_VALUE); if (!(g= create_from_json(&buffer, je, er_on_3D, wkb))) return TRUE; *je= sav_je; if (json_skip_array_item(je)) return TRUE; n_objects++; } wkb->write_at_position(no_pos, n_objects); return FALSE; } bool Gis_geometry_collection::get_data_as_wkt(String *txt, const char **end) const { uint32 n_objects; Geometry_buffer buffer; Geometry *geom; const char *data= m_data; if (no_data(data, 4)) return 1; n_objects= uint4korr(data); data+= 4; if (n_objects == 0) { txt->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" EMPTY"), 512); goto exit; } txt->qs_append('('); while (n_objects--) { uint32 wkb_type; if (no_data(data, WKB_HEADER_SIZE)) return 1; wkb_type= uint4korr(data + 1); data+= WKB_HEADER_SIZE; if (!(geom= create_by_typeid(&buffer, wkb_type))) return 1; geom->set_data_ptr(data, (uint) (m_data_end - data)); if (geom->as_wkt(txt, &data)) return 1; if (n_objects && txt->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(","), 512)) return 1; } txt->qs_append(')'); exit: *end= data; return 0; } bool Gis_geometry_collection::get_data_as_json(String *txt, uint max_dec_digits, const char **end) const { uint32 n_objects; Geometry_buffer buffer; Geometry *geom; const char *data= m_data; if (no_data(data, 4) || txt->reserve(1, 512)) return 1; n_objects= uint4korr(data); data+= 4; txt->qs_append('['); while (n_objects--) { uint32 wkb_type; if (no_data(data, WKB_HEADER_SIZE)) return 1; wkb_type= uint4korr(data + 1); data+= WKB_HEADER_SIZE; if (!(geom= create_by_typeid(&buffer, wkb_type))) return 1; geom->set_data_ptr(data, (uint) (m_data_end - data)); if (txt->append('{') || geom->as_json(txt, max_dec_digits, &data) || txt->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("}, "), 512)) return 1; } txt->length(txt->length() - 2); if (txt->append(']')) return 1; *end= data; return 0; } bool Gis_geometry_collection::get_mbr(MBR *mbr, const char **end) const { uint32 n_objects; const char *data= m_data; Geometry_buffer buffer; Geometry *geom; if (no_data(data, 4)) return 1; n_objects= uint4korr(data); data+= 4; if (n_objects == 0) goto exit; while (n_objects--) { uint32 wkb_type; if (no_data(data, WKB_HEADER_SIZE)) return 1; wkb_type= uint4korr(data + 1); data+= WKB_HEADER_SIZE; if (!(geom= create_by_typeid(&buffer, wkb_type))) return 1; geom->set_data_ptr(data, (uint32) (m_data_end - data)); if (geom->get_mbr(mbr, &data)) return 1; } exit: *end= data; return 0; } int Gis_geometry_collection::area(double *ar, const char **end) const { uint32 n_objects; const char *data= m_data; Geometry_buffer buffer; Geometry *geom; double result; if (no_data(data, 4)) return 1; n_objects= uint4korr(data); data+= 4; result= 0.0; if (n_objects == 0) goto exit; while (n_objects--) { uint32 wkb_type; if (no_data(data, WKB_HEADER_SIZE)) return 1; wkb_type= uint4korr(data + 1); data+= WKB_HEADER_SIZE; if (!(geom= create_by_typeid(&buffer, wkb_type))) return 1; geom->set_data_ptr(data, (uint32) (m_data_end - data)); if (geom->area(ar, &data)) return 1; result+= *ar; } exit: *end= data; *ar= result; return 0; } int Gis_geometry_collection::geom_length(double *len, const char **end) const { uint32 n_objects; const char *data= m_data; Geometry_buffer buffer; Geometry *geom; double result; if (no_data(data, 4)) return 1; n_objects= uint4korr(data); data+= 4; result= 0.0; if (n_objects == 0) goto exit; while (n_objects--) { uint32 wkb_type; if (no_data(data, WKB_HEADER_SIZE)) return 1; wkb_type= uint4korr(data + 1); data+= WKB_HEADER_SIZE; if (!(geom= create_by_typeid(&buffer, wkb_type))) return 1; geom->set_data_ptr(data, (uint32) (m_data_end - data)); if (geom->geom_length(len, &data)) return 1; result+= *len; } exit: *end= data; *len= result; return 0; } int Gis_geometry_collection::num_geometries(uint32 *num) const { if (no_data(m_data, 4)) return 1; *num= uint4korr(m_data); return 0; } int Gis_geometry_collection::geometry_n(uint32 num, String *result) const { uint32 n_objects, wkb_type, length; const char *data= m_data; Geometry_buffer buffer; Geometry *geom; if (no_data(data, 4)) return 1; n_objects= uint4korr(data); data+= 4; if (num > n_objects || num < 1) return 1; do { if (no_data(data, WKB_HEADER_SIZE)) return 1; wkb_type= uint4korr(data + 1); data+= WKB_HEADER_SIZE; if (!(geom= create_by_typeid(&buffer, wkb_type))) return 1; geom->set_data_ptr(data, (uint) (m_data_end - data)); if ((length= geom->get_data_size()) == GET_SIZE_ERROR) return 1; data+= length; } while (--num); /* Copy found object to result */ if (result->reserve(1 + 4 + length)) return 1; result->q_append((char) wkb_ndr); result->q_append((uint32) wkb_type); result->q_append(data-length, length); // data-length = start_of_data return 0; } /* Return dimension for object SYNOPSIS dimension() res_dim Result dimension end End of object will be stored here. May be 0 for simple objects! RETURN 0 ok 1 error */ bool Gis_geometry_collection::dimension(uint32 *res_dim, const char **end) const { uint32 n_objects; const char *data= m_data; Geometry_buffer buffer; Geometry *geom; if (no_data(data, 4)) return 1; n_objects= uint4korr(data); data+= 4; *res_dim= 0; while (n_objects--) { uint32 wkb_type, length, dim; const char *end_data; if (no_data(data, WKB_HEADER_SIZE)) return 1; wkb_type= uint4korr(data + 1); data+= WKB_HEADER_SIZE; if (!(geom= create_by_typeid(&buffer, wkb_type))) return 1; geom->set_data_ptr(data, (uint32) (m_data_end - data)); if (geom->dimension(&dim, &end_data)) return 1; set_if_bigger(*res_dim, dim); if (end_data) // Complex object data= end_data; else if ((length= geom->get_data_size()) == GET_SIZE_ERROR) return 1; else data+= length; } *end= data; return 0; } int Gis_geometry_collection::store_shapes(Gcalc_shape_transporter *trn) const { uint32 n_objects; const char *data= m_data; Geometry_buffer buffer; Geometry *geom; if (no_data(data, 4)) return 1; n_objects= uint4korr(data); data+= 4; if (!n_objects) { trn->empty_shape(); return 0; } if (trn->start_collection(n_objects)) return 1; while (n_objects--) { uint32 wkb_type; if (no_data(data, WKB_HEADER_SIZE)) return 1; wkb_type= uint4korr(data + 1); data+= WKB_HEADER_SIZE; if (!(geom= create_by_typeid(&buffer, wkb_type))) return 1; geom->set_data_ptr(data, (uint32) (m_data_end - data)); if (geom->store_shapes(trn)) return 1; data+= geom->get_data_size(); } return 0; } const Geometry::Class_info *Gis_geometry_collection::get_class_info() const { return &geometrycollection_class; } #endif /*HAVE_SPATIAL*/