/* Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB & MySQL Finland AB & TCX DataKonsult AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef _spatial_h #define _spatial_h const uint POINT_DATA_SIZE = 8+8; const uint WKB_HEADER_SIZE = 1+4; struct stPoint2D { double x; double y; }; struct stLinearRing { size_t n_points; stPoint2D points; }; /***************************** MBR *******************************/ struct MBR { MBR() { xmin=DBL_MAX; ymin=DBL_MAX; xmax=-DBL_MAX; ymax=-DBL_MAX; } MBR(const double &_xmin, const double &_ymin, const double &_xmax, const double &_ymax) { xmin=_xmin; ymin=_ymin; xmax=_xmax; ymax=_ymax; } MBR(const stPoint2D &min, const stPoint2D &max) { xmin=min.x; ymin=min.y; xmax=max.x; ymax=max.y; } double xmin; double ymin; double xmax; double ymax; void add_xy(double x, double y) { /* Not using "else" for proper one point MBR calculation */ if (xxmax) { xmax=x; } if (yymax) { ymax=y; } } void add_xy(const char *px, const char *py) { double x, y; float8get(x, px); float8get(y, py); /* Not using "else" for proper one point MBR calculation */ if (xxmax) { xmax=x; } if (yymax) { ymax=y; } } void add_mbr(const MBR *mbr) { if (mbr->xminxmin; } if (mbr->xmax>xmax) { xmax=mbr->xmax; } if (mbr->yminymin; } if (mbr->ymax>ymax) { ymax=mbr->ymax; } } int equals(const MBR *mbr) { return ((mbr->xmin == xmin) && (mbr->ymin == ymin) && (mbr->xmax == xmax) && (mbr->ymax == ymax)); } int disjoint(const MBR *mbr) { return ((mbr->xmin > xmax) || (mbr->ymin > ymax) || (mbr->xmax < xmin) || (mbr->ymax < ymin)); } int intersects(const MBR *mbr) { return !disjoint(mbr); } int touches(const MBR *mbr) { return ((((mbr->xmin == xmax) || (mbr->xmax == xmin)) && ((mbr->ymin >= ymin) && (mbr->ymin <= ymax) || (mbr->ymax >= ymin) && (mbr->ymax <= ymax))) || (((mbr->ymin == ymax) || (mbr->ymax == ymin)) && ((mbr->xmin >= xmin) && (mbr->xmin <= xmax) || (mbr->xmax >= xmin) && (mbr->xmax <= xmax)))); } int within(const MBR *mbr) { return ((mbr->xmin <= xmin) && (mbr->ymin <= ymin) && (mbr->xmax >= xmax) && (mbr->ymax >= ymax)); } int contains(const MBR *mbr) { return ((mbr->xmin >= xmin) && (mbr->ymin >= ymin) && (mbr->xmax <= xmax) && (mbr->ymax <= ymax)); } bool inner_point(double x, double y) const { return (xminx) && (yminx); } int overlaps(const MBR *mbr) { int lb = mbr->inner_point(xmin, ymin); int rb = mbr->inner_point(xmax, ymin); int rt = mbr->inner_point(xmax, ymax); int lt = mbr->inner_point(xmin, ymax); int a = lb+rb+rt+lt; return (a>0) && (a<4) && (!within(mbr)); } }; /***************************** Geometry *******************************/ class Geometry; typedef int (Geometry::*GF_InitFromText)(GTextReadStream *, String *); typedef int (Geometry::*GF_GetDataAsText)(String *) const; typedef size_t (Geometry::*GF_GetDataSize)() const; typedef int (Geometry::*GF_GetMBR)(MBR *) const; typedef int (Geometry::*GF_GetD)(double *) const; typedef int (Geometry::*GF_GetI)(int *) const; typedef int (Geometry::*GF_GetUI)(uint32 *) const; typedef int (Geometry::*GF_GetWS)(String *) const; typedef int (Geometry::*GF_GetUIWS)(uint32, String *) const; #define GEOM_METHOD_PRESENT(geom_obj, method)\ (geom_obj.m_vmt->method != &Geometry::method) class Geometry { public: enum wkbType { wkbPoint = 1, wkbLineString = 2, wkbPolygon = 3, wkbMultiPoint = 4, wkbMultiLineString = 5, wkbMultiPolygon = 6, wkbGeometryCollection = 7 }; enum wkbByteOrder { wkbXDR = 0, /* Big Endian */ wkbNDR = 1 /* Little Endian */ }; class GClassInfo { public: GF_InitFromText init_from_text; GF_GetDataAsText get_data_as_text; GF_GetDataSize get_data_size; GF_GetMBR get_mbr; GF_GetD get_x; GF_GetD get_y; GF_GetD length; GF_GetD area; GF_GetI is_closed; GF_GetUI num_interior_ring; GF_GetUI num_points; GF_GetUI num_geometries; GF_GetUI dimension; GF_GetWS start_point; GF_GetWS end_point; GF_GetWS exterior_ring; GF_GetWS centroid; GF_GetUIWS point_n; GF_GetUIWS interior_ring_n; GF_GetUIWS geometry_n; int m_type_id; const char *m_name; GClassInfo *m_next_rt; }; GClassInfo *m_vmt; const GClassInfo *get_class_info() const { return m_vmt; } size_t get_data_size() const { return (this->*m_vmt->get_data_size)(); } int init_from_text(GTextReadStream *trs, String *wkb) { return (this->*m_vmt->init_from_text)(trs, wkb); } int get_data_as_text(String *txt) const { return (this->*m_vmt->get_data_as_text)(txt); } int get_mbr(MBR *mbr) const { return (this->*m_vmt->get_mbr)(mbr); } int dimension(uint32 *dim) const { return (this->*m_vmt->dimension)(dim); } int get_x(double *x) const { return (this->*m_vmt->get_x)(x); } int get_y(double *y) const { return (this->*m_vmt->get_y)(y); } int length(double *len) const { return (this->*m_vmt->length)(len); } int area(double *ar) const { return (this->*m_vmt->area)(ar); } int is_closed(int *closed) const { return (this->*m_vmt->is_closed)(closed); } int num_interior_ring(uint32 *n_int_rings) const { return (this->*m_vmt->num_interior_ring)(n_int_rings); } int num_points(uint32 *n_points) const { return (this->*m_vmt->num_points)(n_points); } int num_geometries(uint32 *num) const { return (this->*m_vmt->num_geometries)(num); } int start_point(String *point) const { return (this->*m_vmt->start_point)(point); } int end_point(String *point) const { return (this->*m_vmt->end_point)(point); } int exterior_ring(String *ring) const { return (this->*m_vmt->exterior_ring)(ring); } int centroid(String *point) const { return (this->*m_vmt->centroid)(point); } int point_n(uint32 num, String *result) const { return (this->*m_vmt->point_n)(num, result); } int interior_ring_n(uint32 num, String *result) const { return (this->*m_vmt->interior_ring_n)(num, result); } int geometry_n(uint32 num, String *result) const { return (this->*m_vmt->geometry_n)(num, result); } public: int create_from_wkb(const char *data, uint32 data_len); int create_from_wkt(GTextReadStream *trs, String *wkt, int init_stream=1); int init(int type_id) { m_vmt = find_class(type_id); return !m_vmt; } int new_geometry(const char *name, size_t len) { m_vmt = find_class(name, len); return !m_vmt; } int as_wkt(String *wkt) const { if (wkt->reserve(strlen(get_class_info()->m_name) + 2, 512)) return 1; wkt->qs_append(get_class_info()->m_name); wkt->qs_append('('); if (get_data_as_text(wkt)) return 1; wkt->qs_append(')'); return 0; } void init_from_wkb(const char *data, uint32 data_len) { m_data = data; m_data_end = data + data_len; } void shift_wkb_header() { m_data += WKB_HEADER_SIZE; } int envelope(String *result) const; protected: static GClassInfo *find_class(int type_id); static GClassInfo *find_class(const char *name, size_t len); bool no_data(const char *cur_data, uint32 data_amount) const { return (cur_data + data_amount > m_data_end); } const char *m_data; const char *m_data_end; }; #define SIZEOF_STORED_DOUBLE 8 /***************************** Point *******************************/ class GPoint: public Geometry { public: size_t get_data_size() const; int init_from_text(GTextReadStream *trs, String *wkb); int get_data_as_text(String *txt) const; int get_mbr(MBR *mbr) const; int get_xy(double *x, double *y) const { const char *data = m_data; if (no_data(data, SIZEOF_STORED_DOUBLE * 2)) return 1; float8get(*x, data); float8get(*y, data + SIZEOF_STORED_DOUBLE); return 0; } int get_x(double *x) const { if (no_data(m_data, SIZEOF_STORED_DOUBLE)) return 1; float8get(*x, m_data); return 0; } int get_y(double *y) const { const char *data = m_data; if (no_data(data, SIZEOF_STORED_DOUBLE * 2)) return 1; float8get(*y, data + SIZEOF_STORED_DOUBLE); return 0; } int dimension(uint32 *dim) const { *dim = 0; return 0; } }; /***************************** LineString *******************************/ class GLineString: public Geometry { public: size_t get_data_size() const; int init_from_text(GTextReadStream *trs, String *wkb); int get_data_as_text(String *txt) const; int get_mbr(MBR *mbr) const; int length(double *len) const; int is_closed(int *closed) const; int num_points(uint32 *n_points) const; int start_point(String *point) const; int end_point(String *point) const; int point_n(uint32 n, String *result) const; int dimension(uint32 *dim) const { *dim = 1; return 0; } // IsRing }; /***************************** Polygon *******************************/ class GPolygon: public Geometry { public: size_t get_data_size() const; int init_from_text(GTextReadStream *trs, String *wkb); int get_data_as_text(String *txt) const; int get_mbr(MBR *mbr) const; int area(double *ar) const; int exterior_ring(String *result) const; int num_interior_ring(uint32 *n_int_rings) const; int interior_ring_n(uint32 num, String *result) const; int centroid_xy(double *x, double *y) const; int centroid(String *result) const; int dimension(uint32 *dim) const { *dim = 2; return 0; } // PointOnSurface }; /***************************** MultiPoint *******************************/ class GMultiPoint: public Geometry { public: size_t get_data_size() const; int init_from_text(GTextReadStream *trs, String *wkb); int get_data_as_text(String *txt) const; int get_mbr(MBR *mbr) const; int dimension(uint32 *dim) const { *dim = 0; return 0; } }; /***************************** MultiLineString *******************************/ class GMultiLineString: public Geometry { public: size_t get_data_size() const; int init_from_text(GTextReadStream *trs, String *wkb); int get_data_as_text(String *txt) const; int get_mbr(MBR *mbr) const; int length(double *len) const; int is_closed(int *closed) const; int dimension(uint32 *dim) const { *dim = 1; return 0; } }; /***************************** MultiPolygon *******************************/ class GMultiPolygon: public Geometry { public: size_t get_data_size() const; int init_from_text(GTextReadStream *trs, String *wkb); int get_data_as_text(String *txt) const; int get_mbr(MBR *mbr) const; int area(double *ar) const; int centroid(String *result) const; int dimension(uint32 *dim) const { *dim = 2; return 0; } // PointOnSurface }; /***************************** GeometryCollection *******************************/ class GGeometryCollection: public Geometry { public: size_t get_data_size() const; int init_from_text(GTextReadStream *trs, String *wkb); int get_data_as_text(String *txt) const; int get_mbr(MBR *mbr) const; int num_geometries(uint32 *num) const; int geometry_n(uint32 num, String *result) const; int dimension(uint32 *dim) const; }; #endif