/* Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* The privileges are saved in the following tables: mysql/user ; super user who are allowed to do almoust anything mysql/host ; host priviliges. This is used if host is empty in mysql/db. mysql/db ; database privileges / user data in tables is sorted according to how many not-wild-cards there is in the relevant fields. Empty strings comes last. */ #include "mysql_priv.h" #include "sql_acl.h" #include "hash_filo.h" #include #include /* ACL_HOST is used if no host is specified */ struct acl_host_and_ip { char *hostname; long ip,ip_mask; // Used with masked ip:s }; class ACL_ACCESS { public: ulong sort; uint access; }; class ACL_HOST :public ACL_ACCESS { public: acl_host_and_ip host; char *db; }; class ACL_USER :public ACL_ACCESS { public: acl_host_and_ip host; uint hostname_length, questions, updates; char *user,*password; ulong salt[2]; #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL enum SSL_type ssl_type; const char *ssl_cipher, *x509_issuer, *x509_subject; #endif /* HAVE_OPENSSL */ }; class ACL_DB :public ACL_ACCESS { public: acl_host_and_ip host; char *user,*db; }; class acl_entry :public hash_filo_element { public: uint access; uint16 length; char key[1]; // Key will be stored here }; static byte* acl_entry_get_key(acl_entry *entry,uint *length, my_bool not_used __attribute__((unused))) { *length=(uint) entry->length; return (byte*) entry->key; } #define ACL_KEY_LENGTH (sizeof(long)+NAME_LEN+17) static DYNAMIC_ARRAY acl_hosts,acl_users,acl_dbs; static MEM_ROOT mem, memex; static bool initialized=0; static bool allow_all_hosts=1; static HASH acl_check_hosts, hash_tables; static DYNAMIC_ARRAY acl_wild_hosts; static hash_filo *acl_cache; static uint grant_version=0; static uint get_access(TABLE *form,uint fieldnr); static int acl_compare(ACL_ACCESS *a,ACL_ACCESS *b); static ulong get_sort(uint count,...); static void init_check_host(void); static ACL_USER *find_acl_user(const char *host, const char *user); static bool update_user_table(THD *thd, const char *host, const char *user, const char *new_password); static void update_hostname(acl_host_and_ip *host, const char *hostname); static bool compare_hostname(const acl_host_and_ip *host, const char *hostname, const char *ip); int acl_init(bool dont_read_acl_tables) { THD *thd; TABLE_LIST tables[3]; TABLE *table; READ_RECORD read_record_info; DBUG_ENTER("acl_init"); if (!acl_cache) acl_cache=new hash_filo(ACL_CACHE_SIZE,0,0, (hash_get_key) acl_entry_get_key, (void (*)(void*)) free); if (dont_read_acl_tables) DBUG_RETURN(0); /* purecov: tested */ if (!(thd=new THD)) DBUG_RETURN(1); /* purecov: inspected */ acl_cache->clear(1); // Clear locked hostname cache thd->version=refresh_version; thd->mysys_var=my_thread_var; thd->current_tablenr=0; thd->open_tables=0; thd->db= my_strdup("mysql",MYF(0)); thd->db_length=5; // Safety bzero((char*) &tables,sizeof(tables)); tables[0].name=tables[0].real_name=(char*) "host"; tables[1].name=tables[1].real_name=(char*) "user"; tables[2].name=tables[2].real_name=(char*) "db"; tables[0].next=tables+1; tables[1].next=tables+2; tables[0].lock_type=tables[1].lock_type=tables[2].lock_type=TL_READ; tables[0].db=tables[1].db=tables[2].db=thd->db; if (open_tables(thd,tables)) { close_thread_tables(thd); /* purecov: inspected */ delete thd; /* purecov: inspected */ DBUG_RETURN(1); /* purecov: inspected */ } TABLE *ptr[3]; // Lock tables for quick update ptr[0]= tables[0].table; ptr[1]= tables[1].table; ptr[2]= tables[2].table; MYSQL_LOCK *lock=mysql_lock_tables(thd,ptr,3); if (!lock) { close_thread_tables(thd); /* purecov: inspected */ delete thd; /* purecov: inspected */ DBUG_RETURN(1); /* purecov: inspected */ } init_sql_alloc(&mem,1024,0); init_read_record(&read_record_info,thd,table= tables[0].table,NULL,1,0); VOID(init_dynamic_array(&acl_hosts,sizeof(ACL_HOST),20,50)); while (!(read_record_info.read_record(&read_record_info))) { ACL_HOST host; update_hostname(&host.host,get_field(&mem, table,0)); host.db=get_field(&mem, table,1); host.access=get_access(table,2); host.access=fix_rights_for_db(host.access); host.sort=get_sort(2,host.host.hostname,host.db); #ifndef TO_BE_REMOVED if (table->fields == 8) { // Without grant if (host.access & CREATE_ACL) host.access|=REFERENCES_ACL | INDEX_ACL | ALTER_ACL; } #endif VOID(push_dynamic(&acl_hosts,(gptr) &host)); } qsort((gptr) dynamic_element(&acl_hosts,0,ACL_HOST*),acl_hosts.elements, sizeof(ACL_HOST),(qsort_cmp) acl_compare); end_read_record(&read_record_info); freeze_size(&acl_hosts); init_read_record(&read_record_info,thd,table=tables[1].table,NULL,1,0); VOID(init_dynamic_array(&acl_users,sizeof(ACL_USER),50,100)); if (table->field[2]->field_length == 8 && protocol_version == PROTOCOL_VERSION) { sql_print_error( "Old 'user' table. (Check README or the Reference manual). Continuing --old-protocol"); /* purecov: tested */ protocol_version=9; /* purecov: tested */ } allow_all_hosts=0; while (!(read_record_info.read_record(&read_record_info))) { ACL_USER user; uint length=0; update_hostname(&user.host,get_field(&mem, table,0)); user.user=get_field(&mem, table,1); user.password=get_field(&mem, table,2); #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL DBUG_PRINT("info",("table->fields=%d",table->fields)); if (table->fields >= 21) /* From 4.0.0 we have more fields */ { char *ssl_type=get_field(&mem, table,17); if (!strcmp(ssl_type, "ANY")) user.ssl_type=SSL_TYPE_ANY; else if (!strcmp(ssl_type, "X509")) user.ssl_type=SSL_TYPE_X509; else if (!strcmp(ssl_type, "SPECIFIED")) user.ssl_type=SSL_TYPE_SPECIFIED; else user.ssl_type=SSL_TYPE_NONE; user.ssl_cipher=get_field(&mem, table, 18); user.x509_issuer=get_field(&mem, table, 19); user.x509_subject=get_field(&mem, table, 20); } #endif /* HAVE_OPENSSL */ if (user.password && (length=(uint) strlen(user.password)) == 8 && protocol_version == PROTOCOL_VERSION) { sql_print_error( "Found old style password for user '%s'. Ignoring user. (You may want to restart using --old-protocol)", user.user ? user.user : ""); /* purecov: tested */ } else if (length % 8) // This holds true for passwords { sql_print_error( "Found invalid password for user: '%s@%s'; Ignoring user", user.user ? user.user : "", user.host.hostname ? user.host.hostname : ""); /* purecov: tested */ continue; /* purecov: tested */ } get_salt_from_password(user.salt,user.password); user.access=get_access(table,3); user.sort=get_sort(2,user.host.hostname,user.user); user.hostname_length=user.host.hostname ? (uint) strlen(user.host.hostname) : 0; if (table->fields >=23) { /* Table has new MySQL usage limits */ char *ptr = get_field(&mem, table, 21); user.questions=atoi(ptr); ptr = get_field(&mem, table, 22); user.updates=atoi(ptr); if (user.questions) mqh_used=1; } else user.questions=user.updates=0; #ifndef TO_BE_REMOVED if (table->fields <= 13) { // Without grant if (user.access & CREATE_ACL) user.access|=REFERENCES_ACL | INDEX_ACL | ALTER_ACL; } #endif VOID(push_dynamic(&acl_users,(gptr) &user)); if (!user.host.hostname || user.host.hostname[0] == wild_many && !user.host.hostname[1]) allow_all_hosts=1; // Anyone can connect } qsort((gptr) dynamic_element(&acl_users,0,ACL_USER*),acl_users.elements, sizeof(ACL_USER),(qsort_cmp) acl_compare); end_read_record(&read_record_info); freeze_size(&acl_users); init_read_record(&read_record_info,thd,table=tables[2].table,NULL,1,0); VOID(init_dynamic_array(&acl_dbs,sizeof(ACL_DB),50,100)); while (!(read_record_info.read_record(&read_record_info))) { ACL_DB db; update_hostname(&db.host,get_field(&mem, table,0)); db.db=get_field(&mem, table,1); db.user=get_field(&mem, table,2); db.access=get_access(table,3); db.access=fix_rights_for_db(db.access); db.sort=get_sort(3,db.host.hostname,db.db,db.user); #ifndef TO_BE_REMOVED if (table->fields <= 9) { // Without grant if (db.access & CREATE_ACL) db.access|=REFERENCES_ACL | INDEX_ACL | ALTER_ACL; } #endif VOID(push_dynamic(&acl_dbs,(gptr) &db)); } qsort((gptr) dynamic_element(&acl_dbs,0,ACL_DB*),acl_dbs.elements, sizeof(ACL_DB),(qsort_cmp) acl_compare); end_read_record(&read_record_info); freeze_size(&acl_dbs); init_check_host(); mysql_unlock_tables(thd, lock); thd->version--; // Force close to free memory close_thread_tables(thd); delete thd; initialized=1; DBUG_RETURN(0); } void acl_free(bool end) { free_root(&mem,MYF(0)); delete_dynamic(&acl_hosts); delete_dynamic(&acl_users); delete_dynamic(&acl_dbs); delete_dynamic(&acl_wild_hosts); hash_free(&acl_check_hosts); if (!end) acl_cache->clear(1); /* purecov: inspected */ else { delete acl_cache; acl_cache=0; } } /* Reload acl list if possible */ void acl_reload(void) { DYNAMIC_ARRAY old_acl_hosts,old_acl_users,old_acl_dbs; MEM_ROOT old_mem; bool old_initialized; DBUG_ENTER("acl_reload"); if (current_thd && current_thd->locked_tables) { // Can't have locked tables here current_thd->lock=current_thd->locked_tables; current_thd->locked_tables=0; close_thread_tables(current_thd); } if ((old_initialized=initialized)) VOID(pthread_mutex_lock(&acl_cache->lock)); old_acl_hosts=acl_hosts; old_acl_users=acl_users; old_acl_dbs=acl_dbs; old_mem=mem; delete_dynamic(&acl_wild_hosts); hash_free(&acl_check_hosts); if (acl_init(0)) { // Error. Revert to old list acl_free(); /* purecov: inspected */ acl_hosts=old_acl_hosts; acl_users=old_acl_users; acl_dbs=old_acl_dbs; mem=old_mem; init_check_host(); } else { free_root(&old_mem,MYF(0)); delete_dynamic(&old_acl_hosts); delete_dynamic(&old_acl_users); delete_dynamic(&old_acl_dbs); } if (old_initialized) VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&acl_cache->lock)); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /* Get all access bits from table after fieldnr */ static uint get_access(TABLE *form,uint fieldnr) { uint access_bits=0,bit; char buff[2]; String res(buff,sizeof(buff)); Field **pos; for (pos=form->field+fieldnr,bit=1 ; *pos ; pos++ , bit<<=1) { (*pos)->val_str(&res,&res); if (toupper(res[0]) == 'Y') access_bits|=bit; } return access_bits; } /* return a number which, if sorted 'desc', puts strings in this order: no wildcards wildcards empty string */ static ulong get_sort(uint count,...) { va_list args; va_start(args,count); ulong sort=0; while (count--) { char *str=va_arg(args,char*); uint chars=0,wild=0; if (str) { for (; *str ; str++) { if (*str == wild_many || *str == wild_one || *str == wild_prefix) wild++; else chars++; } } sort= (sort << 8) + (wild ? 1 : chars ? 2 : 0); } va_end(args); return sort; } static int acl_compare(ACL_ACCESS *a,ACL_ACCESS *b) { if (a->sort > b->sort) return -1; if (a->sort < b->sort) return 1; return 0; } /* Get master privilges for user (priviliges for all tables). Required before connecting to MySQL */ uint acl_getroot(THD *thd, const char *host, const char *ip, const char *user, const char *password,const char *message,char **priv_user, bool old_ver, uint *max_questions) { uint user_access=NO_ACCESS; *priv_user=(char*) user; char *ptr=0; *max_questions=0; if (!initialized) return (uint) ~NO_ACCESS; // If no data allow anything /* purecov: tested */ VOID(pthread_mutex_lock(&acl_cache->lock)); /* Get possible access from user_list. This is or'ed to others not fully specified */ for (uint i=0 ; i < acl_users.elements ; i++) { ACL_USER *acl_user=dynamic_element(&acl_users,i,ACL_USER*); if (!acl_user->user || !strcmp(user,acl_user->user)) { if (compare_hostname(&acl_user->host,host,ip)) { if (!acl_user->password && !*password || (acl_user->password && *password && !check_scramble(password,message,acl_user->salt, (my_bool) old_ver))) { #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL Vio *vio=thd->net.vio; /* In this point we know that user is allowed to connect from given host by given username/password pair. Now we check if SSL is required, if user is using SSL and if X509 certificate attributes are OK */ switch(acl_user->ssl_type) { case SSL_TYPE_NONE: /* SSL is not required to connect */ user_access=acl_user->access; break; case SSL_TYPE_ANY: /* Any kind of SSL is good enough */ if (vio_type(vio) == VIO_TYPE_SSL) user_access=acl_user->access; break; case SSL_TYPE_X509: /* Client should have any valid certificate. */ /* Connections with non-valid certificates are dropped already in sslaccept() anyway, so we do not check validity here. */ if (SSL_get_peer_certificate(vio->ssl_)) user_access=acl_user->access; break; case SSL_TYPE_SPECIFIED: /* Client should have specified attrib */ /* We do not check for absence of SSL because without SSL it does not pass all checks here anyway. If cipher name is specified, we compare it to actual cipher in use. */ if (acl_user->ssl_cipher) DBUG_PRINT("info",("comparing ciphers: '%s' and '%s'", acl_user->ssl_cipher, SSL_get_cipher(vio->ssl_))); if (!strcmp(acl_user->ssl_cipher,SSL_get_cipher(vio->ssl_))) user_access=acl_user->access; else { user_access=NO_ACCESS; break; } /* Prepare certificate (if exists) */ DBUG_PRINT("info",("checkpoint 1")); X509* cert=SSL_get_peer_certificate(vio->ssl_); DBUG_PRINT("info",("checkpoint 2")); /* If X509 issuer is speified, we check it... */ if (acl_user->x509_issuer) { DBUG_PRINT("info",("checkpoint 3")); ptr = X509_NAME_oneline(X509_get_issuer_name(cert), 0, 0); DBUG_PRINT("info",("comparing issuers: '%s' and '%s'", acl_user->x509_issuer, ptr)); if (!strcmp(acl_user->x509_issuer,ptr)) user_access=acl_user->access; else { user_access=NO_ACCESS; free(ptr); break; } free(ptr); } DBUG_PRINT("info",("checkpoint 4")); /* X509 subject is specified, we check it .. */ if (acl_user->x509_subject) { ptr = X509_NAME_oneline(X509_get_subject_name(cert), 0, 0); DBUG_PRINT("info",("comparing subjects: '%s' and '%s'", acl_user->x509_subject, ptr)); if (!strcmp(acl_user->x509_subject,ptr)) user_access=acl_user->access; else { user_access=NO_ACCESS; free(ptr); break; } free(ptr); } DBUG_PRINT("info",("checkpoint 5")); break; } DBUG_PRINT("info",("checkpoint 6")); #else /* HAVE_OPENSSL */ user_access=acl_user->access; #endif /* HAVE_OPENSSL */ *max_questions=acl_user->questions; if (!acl_user->user) *priv_user=(char*) ""; // Change to anonymous user /* purecov: inspected */ break; } #ifndef ALLOW_DOWNGRADE_OF_USERS break; // Wrong password breaks loop /* purecov: inspected */ #endif } } } VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&acl_cache->lock)); return user_access; } /* ** Functions to add and change user and database privileges when one ** changes things with GRANT */ static byte* check_get_key(ACL_USER *buff,uint *length, my_bool not_used __attribute__((unused))) { *length=buff->hostname_length; return (byte*) buff->host.hostname; } static void acl_update_user(const char *user, const char *host, const char *password, enum SSL_type ssl_type, const char *ssl_cipher, const char *x509_issuer, const char *x509_subject, unsigned int mqh, uint privileges) { for (uint i=0 ; i < acl_users.elements ; i++) { ACL_USER *acl_user=dynamic_element(&acl_users,i,ACL_USER*); if (!acl_user->user && !user[0] || acl_user->user && !strcmp(user,acl_user->user)) { if (!acl_user->host.hostname && !host[0] || acl_user->host.hostname && !strcmp(host,acl_user->host.hostname)) { acl_user->access=privileges; acl_user->questions=mqh; #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL acl_user->ssl_type=ssl_type; acl_user->ssl_cipher=ssl_cipher; acl_user->x509_issuer=x509_issuer; acl_user->x509_subject=x509_subject; #endif /* HAVE_OPENSSL */ if (password) { if (!password[0]) acl_user->password=0; else { acl_user->password=(char*) ""; // Just point at something get_salt_from_password(acl_user->salt,password); } } break; } } } } static void acl_insert_user(const char *user, const char *host, const char *password, enum SSL_type ssl_type, const char *ssl_cipher, const char *x509_issuer, const char *x509_subject, unsigned int mqh, uint privileges) { ACL_USER acl_user; acl_user.user=strdup_root(&mem,user); update_hostname(&acl_user.host,strdup_root(&mem,host)); acl_user.password=0; acl_user.access=privileges; acl_user.questions=mqh; acl_user.sort=get_sort(2,acl_user.host.hostname,acl_user.user); acl_user.hostname_length=(uint) strlen(acl_user.host.hostname); #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL acl_user.ssl_type=ssl_type; acl_user.ssl_cipher=ssl_cipher; acl_user.x509_issuer=x509_issuer; acl_user.x509_subject=x509_subject; #endif /* HAVE_OPENSSL */ if (password) { acl_user.password=(char*) ""; // Just point at something get_salt_from_password(acl_user.salt,password); } VOID(push_dynamic(&acl_users,(gptr) &acl_user)); if (!acl_user.host.hostname || acl_user.host.hostname[0] == wild_many && !acl_user.host.hostname[1]) allow_all_hosts=1; // Anyone can connect /* purecov: tested */ qsort((gptr) dynamic_element(&acl_users,0,ACL_USER*),acl_users.elements, sizeof(ACL_USER),(qsort_cmp) acl_compare); /* We must free acl_check_hosts as its memory is mapped to acl_user */ delete_dynamic(&acl_wild_hosts); hash_free(&acl_check_hosts); init_check_host(); } static void acl_update_db(const char *user, const char *host, const char *db, uint privileges) { for (uint i=0 ; i < acl_dbs.elements ; i++) { ACL_DB *acl_db=dynamic_element(&acl_dbs,i,ACL_DB*); if (!acl_db->user && !user[0] || acl_db->user && !strcmp(user,acl_db->user)) { if (!acl_db->host.hostname && !host[0] || acl_db->host.hostname && !strcmp(host,acl_db->host.hostname)) { if (!acl_db->db && !db[0] || acl_db->db && !strcmp(db,acl_db->db)) { if (privileges) acl_db->access=privileges; else delete_dynamic_element(&acl_dbs,i); } } } } } static void acl_insert_db(const char *user, const char *host, const char *db, uint privileges) { ACL_DB acl_db; /* The acl_cache mutex is locked by mysql_grant */ acl_db.user=strdup_root(&mem,user); update_hostname(&acl_db.host,strdup_root(&mem,host)); acl_db.db=strdup_root(&mem,db); acl_db.access=privileges; acl_db.sort=get_sort(3,acl_db.host.hostname,acl_db.db,acl_db.user); VOID(push_dynamic(&acl_dbs,(gptr) &acl_db)); qsort((gptr) dynamic_element(&acl_dbs,0,ACL_DB*),acl_dbs.elements, sizeof(ACL_DB),(qsort_cmp) acl_compare); } /***************************************************************************** ** Get privilege for a host, user and db combination *****************************************************************************/ uint acl_get(const char *host, const char *ip, const char *bin_ip, const char *user, const char *db) { uint host_access,db_access,i,key_length; db_access=0; host_access= ~0; char key[ACL_KEY_LENGTH],*tmp_db,*end; acl_entry *entry; VOID(pthread_mutex_lock(&acl_cache->lock)); memcpy_fixed(&key,bin_ip,sizeof(struct in_addr)); end=strmov((tmp_db=strmov(key+sizeof(struct in_addr),user)+1),db); if (lower_case_table_names) { casedn_str(tmp_db); db=tmp_db; } key_length=(uint) (end-key); if ((entry=(acl_entry*) acl_cache->search(key,key_length))) { db_access=entry->access; VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&acl_cache->lock)); return db_access; } /* Check if there are some access rights for database and user */ for (i=0 ; i < acl_dbs.elements ; i++) { ACL_DB *acl_db=dynamic_element(&acl_dbs,i,ACL_DB*); if (!acl_db->user || !strcmp(user,acl_db->user)) { if (compare_hostname(&acl_db->host,host,ip)) { if (!acl_db->db || !wild_compare(db,acl_db->db)) { db_access=acl_db->access; if (acl_db->host.hostname) goto exit; // Fully specified. Take it break; /* purecov: tested */ } } } } if (!db_access) goto exit; // Can't be better /* No host specified for user. Get hostdata from host table */ host_access=0; // Host must be found for (i=0 ; i < acl_hosts.elements ; i++) { ACL_HOST *acl_host=dynamic_element(&acl_hosts,i,ACL_HOST*); if (compare_hostname(&acl_host->host,host,ip)) { if (!acl_host->db || !wild_compare(db,acl_host->db)) { host_access=acl_host->access; // Fully specified. Take it break; } } } exit: /* Save entry in cache for quick retrieval */ if ((entry= (acl_entry*) malloc(sizeof(acl_entry)+key_length))) { entry->access=(db_access & host_access); entry->length=key_length; memcpy((gptr) entry->key,key,key_length); acl_cache->add(entry); } VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&acl_cache->lock)); return (db_access & host_access); } int wild_case_compare(const char *str,const char *wildstr) { reg3 int flag; DBUG_ENTER("wild_case_compare"); DBUG_PRINT("enter",("str='%s', wildstr='%s'",str,wildstr)); while (*wildstr) { while (*wildstr && *wildstr != wild_many && *wildstr != wild_one) { if (*wildstr == wild_prefix && wildstr[1]) wildstr++; if (toupper(*wildstr++) != toupper(*str++)) DBUG_RETURN(1); } if (! *wildstr ) DBUG_RETURN (*str != 0); if (*wildstr++ == wild_one) { if (! *str++) DBUG_RETURN (1); /* One char; skip */ } else { /* Found '*' */ if (!*wildstr) DBUG_RETURN(0); /* '*' as last char: OK */ flag=(*wildstr != wild_many && *wildstr != wild_one); do { if (flag) { char cmp; if ((cmp= *wildstr) == wild_prefix && wildstr[1]) cmp=wildstr[1]; cmp=toupper(cmp); while (*str && toupper(*str) != cmp) str++; if (!*str) DBUG_RETURN (1); } if (wild_case_compare(str,wildstr) == 0) DBUG_RETURN (0); } while (*str++); DBUG_RETURN(1); } } DBUG_RETURN (*str != '\0'); } /***************************************************************************** ** check if there are any possible matching entries for this host ** All host names without wild cards are stored in a hash table, ** entries with wildcards are stored in a dynamic array *****************************************************************************/ static void init_check_host(void) { DBUG_ENTER("init_check_host"); VOID(init_dynamic_array(&acl_wild_hosts,sizeof(struct acl_host_and_ip), acl_users.elements,1)); VOID(hash_init(&acl_check_hosts,acl_users.elements,0,0, (hash_get_key) check_get_key,0,HASH_CASE_INSENSITIVE)); if (!allow_all_hosts) { for (uint i=0 ; i < acl_users.elements ; i++) { ACL_USER *acl_user=dynamic_element(&acl_users,i,ACL_USER*); if (strchr(acl_user->host.hostname,wild_many) || strchr(acl_user->host.hostname,wild_one) || acl_user->host.ip_mask) { // Has wildcard uint j; for (j=0 ; j < acl_wild_hosts.elements ; j++) { // Check if host already exists acl_host_and_ip *acl=dynamic_element(&acl_wild_hosts,j, acl_host_and_ip *); if (!my_strcasecmp(acl_user->host.hostname,acl->hostname)) break; // already stored } if (j == acl_wild_hosts.elements) // If new (void) push_dynamic(&acl_wild_hosts,(char*) &acl_user->host); } else if (!hash_search(&acl_check_hosts,(byte*) &acl_user->host, (uint) strlen(acl_user->host.hostname))) { if (hash_insert(&acl_check_hosts,(byte*) acl_user)) { // End of memory allow_all_hosts=1; // Should never happen DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } } } } freeze_size(&acl_wild_hosts); freeze_size(&acl_check_hosts.array); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /* Return true if there is no users that can match the given host */ bool acl_check_host(const char *host, const char *ip) { if (allow_all_hosts) return 0; VOID(pthread_mutex_lock(&acl_cache->lock)); if (host && hash_search(&acl_check_hosts,(byte*) host,(uint) strlen(host)) || ip && hash_search(&acl_check_hosts,(byte*) ip,(uint) strlen(ip))) { VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&acl_cache->lock)); return 0; // Found host } for (uint i=0 ; i < acl_wild_hosts.elements ; i++) { acl_host_and_ip *acl=dynamic_element(&acl_wild_hosts,i,acl_host_and_ip*); if (compare_hostname(acl, host, ip)) { VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&acl_cache->lock)); return 0; // Host ok } } VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&acl_cache->lock)); return 1; // Host is not allowed } /***************************************************************************** ** Change password for the user if it's not an anonymous user ** Note: This should write the error directly to the client! *****************************************************************************/ bool change_password(THD *thd, const char *host, const char *user, char *new_password) { DBUG_ENTER("change_password"); DBUG_PRINT("enter",("thd=%x, host='%s', user='%s', new_password='%s'",thd,host,user,new_password)); uint length=0; if (!user[0]) { send_error(&thd->net, ER_PASSWORD_ANONYMOUS_USER); DBUG_RETURN(1); } if (!initialized) { send_error(&thd->net, ER_PASSWORD_NOT_ALLOWED); /* purecov: inspected */ DBUG_RETURN(1); /* purecov: inspected */ } if (!host) host=thd->ip; /* purecov: tested */ /* password should always be 0 or 16 chars; simple hack to avoid cracking */ length=(uint) strlen(new_password); new_password[length & 16]=0; if (!thd || (!thd->slave_thread && ( strcmp(thd->user,user) || my_strcasecmp(host,thd->host ? thd->host : thd->ip)))) { if (check_access(thd, UPDATE_ACL, "mysql",0,1)) DBUG_RETURN(1); } VOID(pthread_mutex_lock(&acl_cache->lock)); ACL_USER *acl_user; DBUG_PRINT("info",("host=%s, user=%s",host,user)); if (!(acl_user= find_acl_user(host,user)) || !acl_user->user) { send_error(&thd->net, ER_PASSWORD_NO_MATCH); VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&acl_cache->lock)); DBUG_RETURN(1); } if (update_user_table(thd, acl_user->host.hostname ? acl_user->host.hostname : "", acl_user->user, new_password)) { VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&acl_cache->lock)); /* purecov: deadcode */ send_error(&thd->net,0); /* purecov: deadcode */ DBUG_RETURN(1); /* purecov: deadcode */ } get_salt_from_password(acl_user->salt,new_password); if (!new_password[0]) acl_user->password=0; else acl_user->password=(char*) ""; // Point at something acl_cache->clear(1); // Clear locked hostname cache VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&acl_cache->lock)); char buff[460]; Query_log_event qinfo(thd, buff); qinfo.q_len = my_sprintf(buff, (buff,"SET PASSWORD FOR \"%-.120s\"@\"%-.120s\"=\"%-.120s\"", acl_user->user, acl_user->host.hostname ? acl_user->host.hostname : "", new_password)); mysql_update_log.write(thd,buff,qinfo.q_len); mysql_bin_log.write(&qinfo); DBUG_RETURN(0); } /* Find first entry that matches the current user */ static ACL_USER * find_acl_user(const char *host, const char *user) { DBUG_ENTER("find_acl_user"); DBUG_PRINT("enter",("host='%s', user='%s'",host,user)); for (uint i=0 ; i < acl_users.elements ; i++) { ACL_USER *acl_user=dynamic_element(&acl_users,i,ACL_USER*); DBUG_PRINT("info",("strcmp('%s','%s'), compare_hostname('%s','%s'),", user,acl_user->user,(host),(acl_user->host))); if (!acl_user->user && !user[0] || acl_user->user && !strcmp(user,acl_user->user)) { if (compare_hostname(&(acl_user->host),host,host)) { DBUG_RETURN(acl_user); } } } DBUG_RETURN(0); } /***************************************************************************** Handle comparing of hostname A hostname may be of type: hostname (May include wildcards); monty.pp.sci.fi ip (May include wildcards); ip/netmask A net mask of is not allowed. *****************************************************************************/ static const char *calc_ip(const char *ip, long *val, char end) { long ip_val,tmp; if (!(ip=str2int(ip,10,0,255,&ip_val)) || *ip != '.') return 0; ip_val<<=24; if (!(ip=str2int(ip+1,10,0,255,&tmp)) || *ip != '.') return 0; ip_val+=tmp<<16; if (!(ip=str2int(ip+1,10,0,255,&tmp)) || *ip != '.') return 0; ip_val+=tmp<<8; if (!(ip=str2int(ip+1,10,0,255,&tmp)) || *ip != end) return 0; *val=ip_val+tmp; return ip; } static void update_hostname(acl_host_and_ip *host, const char *hostname) { host->hostname=(char*) hostname; // This will not be modified! if (hostname && (!(hostname=calc_ip(hostname,&host->ip,'/')) || !(hostname=calc_ip(hostname+1,&host->ip_mask,'\0')))) { host->ip=host->ip_mask=0; // Not a masked ip } } static bool compare_hostname(const acl_host_and_ip *host, const char *hostname, const char *ip) { long tmp; if (host->ip_mask && ip && calc_ip(ip,&tmp,'\0')) { return (tmp & host->ip_mask) == host->ip; } return (!host->hostname || (hostname && !wild_case_compare(hostname,host->hostname)) || (ip && !wild_compare(ip,host->hostname))); } /**************************************************************************** ** Code to update grants in the user and database privilege tables ****************************************************************************/ static bool update_user_table(THD *thd, const char *host, const char *user, const char *new_password) { TABLE_LIST tables; TABLE *table; bool error=1; DBUG_ENTER("update_user_table"); DBUG_PRINT("enter",("user: %s host: %s",user,host)); bzero((char*) &tables,sizeof(tables)); tables.name=tables.real_name=(char*) "user"; tables.db=(char*) "mysql"; if (!(table=open_ltable(thd,&tables,TL_WRITE))) DBUG_RETURN(1); /* purecov: deadcode */ table->field[0]->store(host,(uint) strlen(host)); table->field[1]->store(user,(uint) strlen(user)); if (table->file->index_read_idx(table->record[0],0, (byte*) table->field[0]->ptr,0, HA_READ_KEY_EXACT)) { my_error(ER_PASSWORD_NO_MATCH,MYF(0)); /* purecov: deadcode */ DBUG_RETURN(1); /* purecov: deadcode */ } store_record(table,1); table->field[2]->store(new_password,(uint) strlen(new_password)); if ((error=table->file->update_row(table->record[1],table->record[0]))) { table->file->print_error(error,MYF(0)); /* purecov: deadcode */ goto end; /* purecov: deadcode */ } error=0; // Record updated end: close_thread_tables(thd); DBUG_RETURN(error); } /* Return 1 if we are allowed to create new users */ static bool test_if_create_new_users(THD *thd) { bool create_new_users=1; // Assume that we are allowed to create new users if (opt_safe_user_create && !(thd->master_access & INSERT_ACL)) { TABLE_LIST tl; uint db_access; bzero((char*) &tl,sizeof(tl)); tl.db= (char*) "mysql"; tl.real_name= (char*) "user"; db_access=acl_get(thd->host, thd->ip, (char*) &thd->remote.sin_addr, thd->priv_user, tl.db); if (!(db_access & INSERT_ACL)) { if (check_grant(thd,INSERT_ACL,&tl,0,1)) create_new_users=0; } } return create_new_users; } /**************************************************************************** ** Handle GRANT commands ****************************************************************************/ static int replace_user_table(THD *thd, TABLE *table, const LEX_USER &combo, uint rights, char what, bool create_user) { int error = -1; uint i,j; bool old_row_exists=0; char *password,empty_string[1]; DBUG_ENTER("replace_user_table"); if (combo.password.str && combo.password.str[0]) password=combo.password.str; else { password=empty_string; empty_string[0]=0; } table->field[0]->store(combo.host.str,combo.host.length); table->field[1]->store(combo.user.str,combo.user.length); table->file->index_init(0); if (table->file->index_read(table->record[0], (byte*) table->field[0]->ptr,0, HA_READ_KEY_EXACT)) { if (!create_user) { THD *thd=current_thd; if (what == 'N') my_printf_error(ER_NONEXISTING_GRANT,ER(ER_NONEXISTING_GRANT), MYF(0),combo.user.str,combo.host.str); else my_printf_error(ER_NO_PERMISSION_TO_CREATE_USER, ER(ER_NO_PERMISSION_TO_CREATE_USER), MYF(0),thd->user, thd->host_or_ip); error= -1; goto end; } old_row_exists = 0; restore_record(table,2); // cp empty row from record[2] table->field[0]->store(combo.host.str,combo.host.length); table->field[1]->store(combo.user.str,combo.user.length); table->field[2]->store(password,(uint) strlen(password)); } else { old_row_exists = 1; store_record(table,1); // Save copy for update if (combo.password.str) // If password given table->field[2]->store(password,(uint) strlen(password)); } for (i = 3, j = SELECT_ACL; // starting from reload i < table->fields; i++, j <<= 1) { if (j & rights) // set requested privileges table->field[i]->store(&what,1); } rights=get_access(table,3); #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL /* We write down SSL related ACL stuff */ DBUG_PRINT("info",("table->fields=%d",table->fields)); if (table->fields >= 21) /* From 4.0.0 we have more fields */ { table->field[18]->store("",0); table->field[19]->store("",0); table->field[20]->store("",0); switch (thd->lex.ssl_type) { case SSL_TYPE_ANY: table->field[17]->store("ANY",3); break; case SSL_TYPE_X509: table->field[17]->store("X509",4); break; case SSL_TYPE_SPECIFIED: table->field[17]->store("SPECIFIED",9); if (thd->lex.ssl_cipher) table->field[18]->store(thd->lex.ssl_cipher, strlen(thd->lex.ssl_cipher)); if (thd->lex.x509_issuer) table->field[19]->store(thd->lex.x509_issuer, strlen(thd->lex.x509_issuer)); if (thd->lex.x509_subject) table->field[20]->store(thd->lex.x509_subject, strlen(thd->lex.x509_subject)); break; default: table->field[17]->store("NONE",4); } } #endif /* HAVE_OPENSSL */ if (table->fields >= 23 && thd->lex.mqh) { table->field[21]->store((longlong) thd->lex.mqh); mqh_used=1; } if (old_row_exists) { /* We should NEVER delete from the user table, as a uses can still use mysqld even if he doesn't have any privileges in the user table! */ if (cmp_record(table,1) && (error=table->file->update_row(table->record[1],table->record[0]))) { // This should never happen table->file->print_error(error,MYF(0)); /* purecov: deadcode */ error= -1; /* purecov: deadcode */ goto end; /* purecov: deadcode */ } } else if ((error=table->file->write_row(table->record[0]))) // insert { // This should never happen if (error && error != HA_ERR_FOUND_DUPP_KEY && error != HA_ERR_FOUND_DUPP_UNIQUE) /* purecov: inspected */ { table->file->print_error(error,MYF(0)); /* purecov: deadcode */ error= -1; /* purecov: deadcode */ goto end; /* purecov: deadcode */ } } error=0; // Privileges granted / revoked end: if (!error) { acl_cache->clear(1); // Clear privilege cache if (!combo.password.str) password=0; // No password given on command if (old_row_exists) acl_update_user(combo.user.str,combo.host.str,password, thd->lex.ssl_type, thd->lex.ssl_cipher, thd->lex.x509_issuer, thd->lex.x509_subject, thd->lex.mqh, rights); else acl_insert_user(combo.user.str,combo.host.str,password, thd->lex.ssl_type, thd->lex.ssl_cipher, thd->lex.x509_issuer, thd->lex.x509_subject, thd->lex.mqh, rights); } table->file->index_end(); DBUG_RETURN(error); } /* ** change grants in the mysql.db table */ static int replace_db_table(TABLE *table, const char *db, const LEX_USER &combo, uint rights, char what) { uint i,j,store_rights; bool old_row_exists=0; int error; DBUG_ENTER("replace_db_table"); // is there such a user in user table in memory ???? if (!initialized || !find_acl_user(combo.host.str,combo.user.str)) { my_error(ER_PASSWORD_NO_MATCH,MYF(0)); DBUG_RETURN(-1); } table->field[0]->store(combo.host.str,combo.host.length); table->field[1]->store(db,(uint) strlen(db)); table->field[2]->store(combo.user.str,combo.user.length); table->file->index_init(0); if (table->file->index_read(table->record[0],(byte*) table->field[0]->ptr,0, HA_READ_KEY_EXACT)) { if (what == 'N') { // no row, no revoke my_printf_error(ER_NONEXISTING_GRANT,ER(ER_NONEXISTING_GRANT),MYF(0), combo.user.str,combo.host.str); goto abort; } old_row_exists = 0; restore_record(table,2); // cp empty row from record[2] table->field[0]->store(combo.host.str,combo.host.length); table->field[1]->store(db,(uint) strlen(db)); table->field[2]->store(combo.user.str,combo.user.length); } else { old_row_exists = 1; store_record(table,1); } store_rights=get_rights_for_db(rights); for (i = 3, j = 1; i < table->fields; i++, j <<= 1) { if (j & store_rights) // do it if priv is chosen table->field [i]->store(&what,1); // set requested privileges } rights=get_access(table,3); rights=fix_rights_for_db(rights); if (old_row_exists) { // update old existing row if (rights) { if ((error=table->file->update_row(table->record[1],table->record[0]))) goto table_error; /* purecov: deadcode */ } else /* must have been a revoke of all privileges */ { if ((error = table->file->delete_row(table->record[1]))) goto table_error; /* purecov: deadcode */ } } else if ((error=table->file->write_row(table->record[0]))) { if (error && error != HA_ERR_FOUND_DUPP_KEY) /* purecov: inspected */ goto table_error; /* purecov: deadcode */ } acl_cache->clear(1); // Clear privilege cache if (old_row_exists) acl_update_db(combo.user.str,combo.host.str,db,rights); else acl_insert_db(combo.user.str,combo.host.str,db,rights); table->file->index_end(); DBUG_RETURN(0); /* This could only happen if the grant tables got corrupted */ table_error: table->file->print_error(error,MYF(0)); /* purecov: deadcode */ table->file->index_end(); abort: DBUG_RETURN(-1); } class GRANT_COLUMN :public Sql_alloc { public: char *column; uint rights, key_length; GRANT_COLUMN(String &c, uint y) :rights (y) { column= memdup_root(&memex,c.ptr(),key_length=c.length()); } }; static byte* get_key_column(GRANT_COLUMN *buff,uint *length, my_bool not_used __attribute__((unused))) { *length=buff->key_length; return (byte*) buff->column; } class GRANT_TABLE :public Sql_alloc { public: char *host,*db,*user,*tname, *hash_key; uint privs, cols, key_length; HASH hash_columns; GRANT_TABLE (const char *h, const char *d,const char *u, const char *t, uint p,uint c) : privs(p), cols(c) { host = strdup_root(&memex,h); db = strdup_root(&memex,d); user = strdup_root(&memex,u); tname= strdup_root(&memex,t); if (lower_case_table_names) { casedn_str(db); casedn_str(tname); } key_length =(uint) strlen(d)+(uint) strlen(u)+(uint) strlen(t)+3; hash_key = (char*) alloc_root(&memex,key_length); strmov(strmov(strmov(hash_key,user)+1,db)+1,tname); (void) hash_init(&hash_columns,0,0,0, (hash_get_key) get_key_column,0, HASH_CASE_INSENSITIVE); } GRANT_TABLE (TABLE *form, TABLE *col_privs) { byte key[MAX_KEY_LENGTH]; host = get_field(&memex,form,0); db = get_field(&memex,form,1); user = get_field(&memex,form,2); if (!user) user=(char*) ""; tname = get_field(&memex,form,3); if (!host || !db || !tname) { /* Wrong table row; Ignore it */ privs = cols = 0; /* purecov: inspected */ return; /* purecov: inspected */ } if (lower_case_table_names) { casedn_str(db); casedn_str(tname); } key_length = ((uint) strlen(db) + (uint) strlen(user) + (uint) strlen(tname) + 3); hash_key = (char*) alloc_root(&memex,key_length); strmov(strmov(strmov(hash_key,user)+1,db)+1,tname); privs = (uint) form->field[6]->val_int(); cols = (uint) form->field[7]->val_int(); privs = fix_rights_for_table(privs); cols = fix_rights_for_column(cols); (void) hash_init(&hash_columns,0,0,0, (hash_get_key) get_key_column,0, HASH_CASE_INSENSITIVE); if (cols) { int key_len; col_privs->field[0]->store(host,(uint) strlen(host)); col_privs->field[1]->store(db,(uint) strlen(db)); col_privs->field[2]->store(user,(uint) strlen(user)); col_privs->field[3]->store(tname,(uint) strlen(tname)); key_len=(col_privs->field[0]->pack_length()+ col_privs->field[1]->pack_length()+ col_privs->field[2]->pack_length()+ col_privs->field[3]->pack_length()); key_copy(key,col_privs,0,key_len); col_privs->field[4]->store("",0); col_privs->file->index_init(0); if (col_privs->file->index_read(col_privs->record[0], (byte*) col_privs->field[0]->ptr, key_len, HA_READ_KEY_EXACT)) { cols = 0; /* purecov: deadcode */ return; } do { String *res,column_name; GRANT_COLUMN *mem_check; /* As column name is a string, we don't have to supply a buffer */ res=col_privs->field[4]->val_str(&column_name,&column_name); uint priv= (uint) col_privs->field[6]->val_int(); if (!(mem_check = new GRANT_COLUMN(*res, fix_rights_for_column(priv)))) { // Don't use this entry privs = cols = 0; /* purecov: deadcode */ return; /* purecov: deadcode */ } hash_insert(&hash_columns, (byte *) mem_check); } while (!col_privs->file->index_next(col_privs->record[0]) && !key_cmp(col_privs,key,0,key_len)); } } bool ok() { return privs != 0 || cols != 0; } }; static byte* get_grant_table(GRANT_TABLE *buff,uint *length, my_bool not_used __attribute__((unused))) { *length=buff->key_length; return (byte*) buff->hash_key; } void free_grant_table(GRANT_TABLE *grant_table) { hash_free(&grant_table->hash_columns); } /* Search after a matching grant. Prefer exact grants before not exact ones */ static GRANT_TABLE *table_hash_search(const char *host,const char* ip, const char *db, const char *user, const char *tname, bool exact) { char helping [NAME_LEN*2+USERNAME_LENGTH+3]; uint len; GRANT_TABLE *grant_table,*found=0; len = (uint) (strmov(strmov(strmov(helping,user)+1,db)+1,tname)-helping)+ 1; for (grant_table=(GRANT_TABLE*) hash_search(&hash_tables,(byte*) helping, len) ; grant_table ; grant_table= (GRANT_TABLE*) hash_next(&hash_tables,(byte*) helping,len)) { if (exact) { if ((host && !strcmp(host,grant_table->host)) || (ip && !strcmp(ip,grant_table->host))) return grant_table; } else { if ((host && !wild_case_compare(host,grant_table->host)) || (ip && !wild_case_compare(ip,grant_table->host))) found=grant_table; // Host ok } } return found; } inline GRANT_COLUMN * column_hash_search(GRANT_TABLE *t, const char *cname, uint length) { return (GRANT_COLUMN*) hash_search(&t->hash_columns, (byte*) cname,length); } static int replace_column_table(GRANT_TABLE *g_t, TABLE *table, const LEX_USER &combo, List &columns, const char *db, const char *table_name, uint rights, bool revoke_grant) { int error=0,result=0; uint key_length; byte key[MAX_KEY_LENGTH]; DBUG_ENTER("replace_column_table"); table->field[0]->store(combo.host.str,combo.host.length); table->field[1]->store(db,(uint) strlen(db)); table->field[2]->store(combo.user.str,combo.user.length); table->field[3]->store(table_name,(uint) strlen(table_name)); key_length=(table->field[0]->pack_length()+ table->field[1]->pack_length()+ table->field[2]->pack_length()+ table->field[3]->pack_length()); key_copy(key,table,0,key_length); rights &= COL_ACLS; // Only ACL for columns /* first fix privileges for all columns in column list */ List_iterator iter(columns); class LEX_COLUMN *xx; table->file->index_init(0); while ((xx=iter++)) { uint privileges = xx->rights; bool old_row_exists=0; key_restore(table,key,0,key_length); table->field[4]->store(xx->column.ptr(),xx->column.length()); if (table->file->index_read(table->record[0],(byte*) table->field[0]->ptr, 0, HA_READ_KEY_EXACT)) { if (revoke_grant) { my_printf_error(ER_NONEXISTING_TABLE_GRANT, ER(ER_NONEXISTING_TABLE_GRANT),MYF(0), combo.user.str, combo.host.str,table_name); /* purecov: inspected */ result= -1; /* purecov: inspected */ continue; /* purecov: inspected */ } old_row_exists = 0; restore_record(table,2); // Get empty record key_restore(table,key,0,key_length); table->field[4]->store(xx->column.ptr(),xx->column.length()); } else { uint tmp= (uint) table->field[6]->val_int(); tmp=fix_rights_for_column(tmp); if (revoke_grant) privileges = tmp & ~(privileges | rights); else privileges |= tmp; old_row_exists = 1; store_record(table,1); // copy original row } table->field[6]->store((longlong) get_rights_for_column(privileges)); if (old_row_exists) { if (privileges) error=table->file->update_row(table->record[1],table->record[0]); else error=table->file->delete_row(table->record[1]); if (error) { table->file->print_error(error,MYF(0)); /* purecov: inspected */ result= -1; /* purecov: inspected */ goto end; /* purecov: inspected */ } GRANT_COLUMN *grant_column = column_hash_search(g_t, xx->column.ptr(), xx->column.length()); if (grant_column) // Should always be true grant_column->rights = privileges; // Update hash } else // new grant { if ((error=table->file->write_row(table->record[0]))) { table->file->print_error(error,MYF(0)); /* purecov: inspected */ result= -1; /* purecov: inspected */ goto end; /* purecov: inspected */ } GRANT_COLUMN *grant_column = new GRANT_COLUMN(xx->column,privileges); hash_insert(&g_t->hash_columns,(byte*) grant_column); } } table->file->index_end(); /* If revoke of privileges on the table level, remove all such privileges for all columns */ if (revoke_grant) { table->file->index_init(0); if (table->file->index_read(table->record[0], (byte*) table->field[0]->ptr, key_length, HA_READ_KEY_EXACT)) goto end; // Scan trough all rows with the same host,db,user and table do { uint privileges = (uint) table->field[6]->val_int(); privileges=fix_rights_for_column(privileges); store_record(table,1); if (privileges & rights) // is in this record the priv to be revoked ?? { GRANT_COLUMN *grant_column = NULL; char colum_name_buf[HOSTNAME_LENGTH+1]; String column_name(colum_name_buf,sizeof(colum_name_buf)); privileges&= ~rights; table->field[6]->store((longlong) get_rights_for_column(privileges)); table->field[4]->val_str(&column_name,&column_name); grant_column = column_hash_search(g_t, column_name.ptr(), column_name.length()); if (privileges) { int tmp_error; if ((tmp_error=table->file->update_row(table->record[1], table->record[0]))) { /* purecov: deadcode */ table->file->print_error(tmp_error,MYF(0)); /* purecov: deadcode */ result= -1; /* purecov: deadcode */ goto end; /* purecov: deadcode */ } if (grant_column) grant_column->rights = privileges; // Update hash } else { int tmp_error; if ((tmp_error = table->file->delete_row(table->record[1]))) { /* purecov: deadcode */ table->file->print_error(tmp_error,MYF(0)); /* purecov: deadcode */ result= -1; /* purecov: deadcode */ goto end; /* purecov: deadcode */ } if (grant_column) hash_delete(&g_t->hash_columns,(byte*) grant_column); } } } while (!table->file->index_next(table->record[0]) && !key_cmp(table,key,0,key_length)); } end: table->file->index_end(); DBUG_RETURN(result); } static int replace_table_table(THD *thd, GRANT_TABLE *grant_table, TABLE *table, const LEX_USER &combo, const char *db, const char *table_name, uint rights, uint kolone, bool revoke_grant) { char grantor[HOSTNAME_LENGTH+1+USERNAME_LENGTH]; int old_row_exists = 1; int error=0; uint store_table_rights,store_col_rights; DBUG_ENTER("replace_table_table"); strxmov(grantor, thd->user, "@", thd->host_or_ip, NullS); // The following should always succeed as new users are created before // this function is called! if (!find_acl_user(combo.host.str,combo.user.str)) { my_error(ER_PASSWORD_NO_MATCH,MYF(0)); /* purecov: deadcode */ DBUG_RETURN(-1); /* purecov: deadcode */ } restore_record(table,2); // Get empty record table->field[0]->store(combo.host.str,combo.host.length); table->field[1]->store(db,(uint) strlen(db)); table->field[2]->store(combo.user.str,combo.user.length); table->field[3]->store(table_name,(uint) strlen(table_name)); store_record(table,1); // store at pos 1 if (table->file->index_read_idx(table->record[0],0, (byte*) table->field[0]->ptr,0, HA_READ_KEY_EXACT)) { /* The following should never happen as we first check the in memory grant tables for the user. There is however always a small change that the user has modified the grant tables directly. */ if (revoke_grant) { // no row, no revoke my_printf_error(ER_NONEXISTING_TABLE_GRANT, ER(ER_NONEXISTING_TABLE_GRANT),MYF(0), combo.user.str,combo.host.str, table_name); /* purecov: deadcode */ DBUG_RETURN(-1); /* purecov: deadcode */ } old_row_exists = 0; restore_record(table,1); // Get saved record } store_table_rights=get_rights_for_table(rights); store_col_rights=get_rights_for_column(kolone); if (old_row_exists) { uint j,k; store_record(table,1); j = (uint) table->field[6]->val_int(); k = (uint) table->field[7]->val_int(); if (revoke_grant) { // column rights are already fixed in mysql_table_grant ! store_table_rights=j & ~store_table_rights; } else { store_table_rights|=j; store_col_rights|=k; } } table->field[4]->store(grantor,(uint) strlen(grantor)); table->field[6]->store((longlong) store_table_rights); table->field[7]->store((longlong) store_col_rights); rights=fix_rights_for_table(store_table_rights); kolone=fix_rights_for_column(store_col_rights); if (old_row_exists) { if (store_table_rights || store_col_rights) { if ((error=table->file->update_row(table->record[1],table->record[0]))) goto table_error; /* purecov: deadcode */ } else if ((error = table->file->delete_row(table->record[1]))) goto table_error; /* purecov: deadcode */ } else { error=table->file->write_row(table->record[0]); if (error && error != HA_ERR_FOUND_DUPP_KEY) goto table_error; /* purecov: deadcode */ } if (rights | kolone) { grant_table->privs = rights; grant_table->cols = kolone; } else { hash_delete(&hash_tables,(byte*) grant_table); } DBUG_RETURN(0); /* This should never happen */ table_error: table->file->print_error(error,MYF(0)); /* purecov: deadcode */ DBUG_RETURN(-1); /* purecov: deadcode */ } int mysql_table_grant (THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *table_list, List &user_list, List &columns, uint rights, bool revoke_grant) { uint column_priv = 0; List_iterator str_list (user_list); LEX_USER *Str; TABLE_LIST tables[3]; bool create_new_users=0; DBUG_ENTER("mysql_table_grant"); DBUG_PRINT("info",("ssl_cipher=%s",thd->lex.ssl_cipher)); DBUG_PRINT("info",("x509_issuer=%s",thd->lex.x509_issuer)); DBUG_PRINT("info",("x509_subject=%s",thd->lex.x509_subject)); if (!initialized) { send_error(&(thd->net), ER_UNKNOWN_COM_ERROR); /* purecov: inspected */ return 1; /* purecov: inspected */ } if (rights & ~TABLE_ACLS) { my_error(ER_ILLEGAL_GRANT_FOR_TABLE,MYF(0)); DBUG_RETURN(-1); } if (columns.elements && !revoke_grant) { TABLE *table; class LEX_COLUMN *check; List_iterator iter(columns); if (!(table=open_ltable(thd,table_list,TL_READ))) DBUG_RETURN(-1); while ((check = iter++)) { if (!find_field_in_table(thd,table,check->column.ptr(), check->column.length(),0,0)) { my_printf_error(ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR,ER(ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR),MYF(0), check->column.c_ptr(),table_list->name); DBUG_RETURN(-1); } column_priv |= check->rights | (rights & COL_ACLS); } close_thread_tables(thd); } else if (!(rights & CREATE_ACL) && !revoke_grant) { char buf[FN_REFLEN]; sprintf(buf,"%s/%s/%s.frm",mysql_data_home,table_list->db, table_list->name); fn_format(buf,buf,"","",4+16+32); if (access(buf,F_OK)) { my_error(ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE,MYF(0),table_list->db,table_list->name); DBUG_RETURN(-1); } } /* open the mysql.tables_priv and mysql.columns_priv tables */ bzero((char*) &tables,sizeof(tables)); tables[0].name=tables[0].real_name= (char*) "user"; tables[1].name=tables[1].real_name= (char*) "tables_priv"; tables[2].name=tables[2].real_name= (char*) "columns_priv"; tables[0].next=tables+1; /* Don't open column table if we don't need it ! */ tables[1].next=((column_priv || (revoke_grant && ((rights & COL_ACLS) || columns.elements))) ? tables+2 : 0); tables[0].lock_type=tables[1].lock_type=tables[2].lock_type=TL_WRITE; tables[0].db=tables[1].db=tables[2].db=(char*) "mysql"; if (open_and_lock_tables(thd,tables)) { // Should never happen close_thread_tables(thd); /* purecov: deadcode */ DBUG_RETURN(-1); /* purecov: deadcode */ } if (!revoke_grant) create_new_users= test_if_create_new_users(thd); int result=0; pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_grant); MEM_ROOT *old_root=my_pthread_getspecific_ptr(MEM_ROOT*,THR_MALLOC); my_pthread_setspecific_ptr(THR_MALLOC,&memex); while ((Str = str_list++)) { GRANT_TABLE *grant_table; if (!Str->host.str) { Str->host.str=(char*) "%"; Str->host.length=1; } if (Str->host.length > HOSTNAME_LENGTH || Str->user.length > USERNAME_LENGTH) { my_error(ER_GRANT_WRONG_HOST_OR_USER,MYF(0)); result= -1; continue; } /* Create user if needed */ if (replace_user_table(thd, tables[0].table, *Str, 0, revoke_grant ? 'N' : 'Y', create_new_users)) { result= -1; // Remember error continue; // Add next user } /* Find/create cached table grant */ grant_table= table_hash_search(Str->host.str,NullS,table_list->db, Str->user.str, table_list->name,1); if (!grant_table) { if (revoke_grant) { my_printf_error(ER_NONEXISTING_TABLE_GRANT, ER(ER_NONEXISTING_TABLE_GRANT),MYF(0), Str->user.str, Str->host.str,table_list->name); result= -1; continue; } grant_table = new GRANT_TABLE (Str->host.str,table_list->db, Str->user.str, table_list->name, rights, column_priv); if (!grant_table) // end of memory { result= -1; /* purecov: deadcode */ continue; /* purecov: deadcode */ } hash_insert(&hash_tables,(byte*) grant_table); } /* If revoke_grant, calculate the new column privilege for tables_priv */ if (revoke_grant) { class LEX_COLUMN *check; List_iterator iter(columns); GRANT_COLUMN *grant_column; /* Fix old grants */ while ((check = iter++)) { grant_column = column_hash_search(grant_table, check->column.ptr(), check->column.length()); if (grant_column) grant_column->rights&= ~(check->rights | rights); } /* scan trough all columns to get new column grant */ column_priv=0; for (uint idx=0 ; idx < grant_table->hash_columns.records ; idx++) { grant_column= (GRANT_COLUMN*) hash_element(&grant_table->hash_columns, idx); grant_column->rights&= ~rights; // Fix other columns column_priv|= grant_column->rights; } } else { column_priv|= grant_table->cols; } /* update table and columns */ if (replace_table_table(thd,grant_table,tables[1].table,*Str, table_list->db, table_list->name, rights, column_priv, revoke_grant)) { // Crashend table ?? result= -1; /* purecov: deadcode */ } else if (tables[2].table) { if ((replace_column_table(grant_table,tables[2].table, *Str, columns, table_list->db, table_list->name, rights, revoke_grant))) { result= -1; } } } grant_option=TRUE; my_pthread_setspecific_ptr(THR_MALLOC,old_root); pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_grant); if (!result) send_ok(&thd->net); /* Tables are automatically closed */ DBUG_RETURN(result); } int mysql_grant (THD *thd, const char *db, List &list, uint rights, bool revoke_grant) { List_iterator str_list (list); LEX_USER *Str; char what,tmp_db[NAME_LEN+1]; bool create_new_users=0; TABLE_LIST tables[2]; DBUG_ENTER("mysql_grant"); if (!initialized) { send_error(&(thd->net), ER_UNKNOWN_COM_ERROR); /* purecov: tested */ return 1; /* purecov: tested */ } what = (revoke_grant) ? 'N' : 'Y'; if (lower_case_table_names && db) { strmov(tmp_db,db); casedn_str(tmp_db); db=tmp_db; } /* open the mysql.user and mysql.db tables */ tables[0].name=tables[0].real_name=(char*) "user"; tables[1].name=tables[1].real_name=(char*) "db"; tables[0].next=tables+1; tables[1].next=0; tables[0].lock_type=tables[1].lock_type=TL_WRITE; tables[0].db=tables[1].db=(char*) "mysql"; tables[0].table=tables[1].table=0; if (open_and_lock_tables(thd,tables)) { // This should never happen close_thread_tables(thd); /* purecov: deadcode */ DBUG_RETURN(-1); /* purecov: deadcode */ } if (!revoke_grant) create_new_users= test_if_create_new_users(thd); // go through users in user_list pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_grant); VOID(pthread_mutex_lock(&acl_cache->lock)); grant_version++; int result=0; while ((Str = str_list++)) { if (!Str->host.str) { Str->host.str=(char*) "%"; Str->host.length=1; } if (Str->host.length > HOSTNAME_LENGTH || Str->user.length > USERNAME_LENGTH) { my_error(ER_GRANT_WRONG_HOST_OR_USER,MYF(0)); result= -1; continue; } if ((replace_user_table(thd, tables[0].table, *Str, (!db ? rights : 0), what, create_new_users))) result= -1; else { if (db && replace_db_table(tables[1].table, db, *Str, rights & DB_ACLS, what)) result= -1; } } VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&acl_cache->lock)); pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_grant); close_thread_tables(thd); if (!result) send_ok(&thd->net); DBUG_RETURN(result); } /* Free grant array if possible */ void grant_free(void) { DBUG_ENTER("grant_free"); grant_option = FALSE; hash_free(&hash_tables); free_root(&memex,MYF(0)); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /* Init grant array if possible */ int grant_init (void) { THD *thd; TABLE_LIST tables[2]; int error = 0; TABLE *t_table, *c_table; DBUG_ENTER("grant_init"); grant_option = FALSE; (void) hash_init(&hash_tables,0,0,0, (hash_get_key) get_grant_table, (hash_free_key) free_grant_table,0); init_sql_alloc(&memex,1024,0); if (!initialized) DBUG_RETURN(0); /* purecov: tested */ if (!(thd=new THD)) DBUG_RETURN(1); /* purecov: deadcode */ thd->version=refresh_version; thd->mysys_var=my_thread_var; thd->current_tablenr=0; thd->open_tables=0; thd->db= my_strdup("mysql",MYF(0)); thd->db_length=5; // Safety bzero((char*) &tables,sizeof(tables)); tables[0].name=tables[0].real_name= (char*) "tables_priv"; tables[1].name=tables[1].real_name= (char*) "columns_priv"; tables[0].next=tables+1; tables[0].lock_type=tables[1].lock_type=TL_READ; tables[0].db=tables[1].db=thd->db; if (open_tables(thd,tables)) { // No grant tables close_thread_tables(thd); /* purecov: deadcode */ delete thd; /* purecov: deadcode */ DBUG_RETURN(1); /* purecov: deadcode */ } TABLE *ptr[2]; // Lock tables for quick update ptr[0]= tables[0].table; ptr[1]= tables[1].table; MYSQL_LOCK *lock=mysql_lock_tables(thd,ptr,2); if (!lock) { close_thread_tables(thd); /* purecov: deadcode */ delete thd; /* purecov: deadcode */ DBUG_RETURN(1); /* purecov: deadcode */ } t_table = tables[0].table; c_table = tables[1].table; t_table->file->index_init(0); if (t_table->file->index_first(t_table->record[0])) { t_table->file->index_end(); mysql_unlock_tables(thd, lock); thd->version--; // Force close to free memory close_thread_tables(thd); delete thd; DBUG_RETURN(0); // Empty table is ok! } grant_option= TRUE; t_table->file->index_end(); MEM_ROOT *old_root=my_pthread_getspecific_ptr(MEM_ROOT*,THR_MALLOC); my_pthread_setspecific_ptr(THR_MALLOC,&memex); while (!error) { GRANT_TABLE *mem_check; if (!(mem_check=new GRANT_TABLE(t_table,c_table)) || mem_check->ok() && hash_insert(&hash_tables,(byte*) mem_check)) { /* This could only happen if we are out memory */ my_pthread_setspecific_ptr(THR_MALLOC,old_root); /* purecov: deadcode */ grant_option = FALSE; /* purecov: deadcode */ mysql_unlock_tables(thd, lock); /* purecov: deadcode */ close_thread_tables(thd); /* purecov: deadcode */ delete thd; /* purecov: deadcode */ DBUG_RETURN(1); /* purecov: deadcode */ } error = t_table->file->index_next(t_table->record[0]); } my_pthread_setspecific_ptr(THR_MALLOC,old_root); mysql_unlock_tables(thd, lock); thd->version--; // Force close to free memory close_thread_tables(thd); delete thd; DBUG_RETURN(0); } /* Reload grant array if possible */ void grant_reload(void) { HASH old_hash_tables;bool old_grant_option; MEM_ROOT old_mem; DBUG_ENTER("grant_reload"); // Locked tables are checked by acl_init and doesn't have to be checked here pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_grant); grant_version++; old_hash_tables=hash_tables; old_grant_option = grant_option; old_mem = memex; if (grant_init()) { // Error. Revert to old hash grant_free(); /* purecov: deadcode */ hash_tables=old_hash_tables; /* purecov: deadcode */ grant_option = old_grant_option; /* purecov: deadcode */ memex = old_mem; /* purecov: deadcode */ } else { hash_free(&old_hash_tables); free_root(&old_mem,MYF(0)); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_grant); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /**************************************************************************** ** Check grants ** All errors are written directly to the client if command name is given ! ****************************************************************************/ bool check_grant(THD *thd, uint want_access, TABLE_LIST *tables, uint show_table, bool no_errors) { TABLE_LIST *table; char *user = thd->priv_user; want_access &= ~thd->master_access; if (!want_access) return 0; // ok pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_grant); for (table=tables; table ;table=table->next) { if (!(~table->grant.privilege & want_access)) { table->grant.want_privilege=0; continue; // Already checked } GRANT_TABLE *grant_table = table_hash_search(thd->host,thd->ip, table->db,user, table->real_name,0); if (!grant_table) { want_access &= ~table->grant.privilege; goto err; // No grants } if (show_table) continue; // We have some priv on this table->grant.grant_table=grant_table; // Remember for column test table->grant.version=grant_version; table->grant.privilege|= grant_table->privs; table->grant.want_privilege= ((want_access & COL_ACLS) & ~table->grant.privilege); if (!(~table->grant.privilege & want_access)) continue; if (want_access & ~(grant_table->cols | table->grant.privilege)) { want_access &= ~(grant_table->cols | table->grant.privilege); goto err; // impossible } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_grant); return 0; err: pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_grant); if (!no_errors) // Not a silent skip of table { const char *command=""; if (want_access & SELECT_ACL) command ="select"; else if (want_access & INSERT_ACL) command = "insert"; else if (want_access & UPDATE_ACL) command = "update"; else if (want_access & DELETE_ACL) command = "delete"; else if (want_access & DROP_ACL) command = "drop"; else if (want_access & CREATE_ACL) command = "create"; else if (want_access & ALTER_ACL) command = "alter"; else if (want_access & INDEX_ACL) command = "index"; else if (want_access & GRANT_ACL) command = "grant"; net_printf(&thd->net,ER_TABLEACCESS_DENIED_ERROR, command, thd->priv_user, thd->host_or_ip, table ? table->real_name : "unknown"); } return 1; } bool check_grant_column (THD *thd,TABLE *table, const char *name, uint length, uint show_tables) { GRANT_TABLE *grant_table; GRANT_COLUMN *grant_column; uint want_access=table->grant.want_privilege; if (!want_access) return 0; // Already checked pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_grant); // reload table if someone has modified any grants if (table->grant.version != grant_version) { table->grant.grant_table= table_hash_search(thd->host,thd->ip,thd->db, thd->priv_user, table->real_name,0); /* purecov: inspected */ table->grant.version=grant_version; /* purecov: inspected */ } if (!(grant_table=table->grant.grant_table)) goto err; /* purecov: deadcode */ grant_column=column_hash_search(grant_table, name, length); if (grant_column && !(~grant_column->rights & want_access)) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_grant); return 0; } #ifdef NOT_USED if (show_tables && (grant_column || table->grant.privilege & COL_ACLS)) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_grant); /* purecov: deadcode */ return 0; /* purecov: deadcode */ } #endif /* We must use my_printf_error() here! */ err: pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_grant); if (!show_tables) { const char *command=""; if (want_access & SELECT_ACL) command ="select"; else if (want_access & INSERT_ACL) command = "insert"; else if (want_access & UPDATE_ACL) command = "update"; my_printf_error(ER_COLUMNACCESS_DENIED_ERROR, ER(ER_COLUMNACCESS_DENIED_ERROR), MYF(0), command, thd->priv_user, thd->host_or_ip, name, table ? table->real_name : "unknown"); } return 1; } bool check_grant_all_columns(THD *thd,uint want_access, TABLE *table) { GRANT_TABLE *grant_table; GRANT_COLUMN *grant_column; Field *field=0,**ptr; want_access &= ~table->grant.privilege; if (!want_access) return 0; // Already checked pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_grant); // reload table if someone has modified any grants if (table->grant.version != grant_version) { table->grant.grant_table= table_hash_search(thd->host,thd->ip,thd->db, thd->priv_user, table->real_name,0); /* purecov: inspected */ table->grant.version=grant_version; /* purecov: inspected */ } // The following should always be true if (!(grant_table=table->grant.grant_table)) goto err; /* purecov: inspected */ for (ptr=table->field; (field= *ptr) ; ptr++) { grant_column=column_hash_search(grant_table, field->field_name, (uint) strlen(field->field_name)); if (!grant_column || (~grant_column->rights & want_access)) goto err; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_grant); return 0; /* We must use my_printf_error() here! */ err: pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_grant); const char *command=""; if (want_access & SELECT_ACL) command ="select"; else if (want_access & INSERT_ACL) command = "insert"; my_printf_error(ER_COLUMNACCESS_DENIED_ERROR, ER(ER_COLUMNACCESS_DENIED_ERROR), MYF(0), command, thd->priv_user, thd->host_or_ip, field ? field->field_name : "unknown", table->real_name); return 1; } /**************************************************************************** ** Check if a user has the right to access a database ** Access is accepted if he has a grant for any table in the database ** Return 1 if access is denied ****************************************************************************/ bool check_grant_db(THD *thd,const char *db) { char helping [NAME_LEN+USERNAME_LENGTH+2]; uint len; bool error=1; len = (uint) (strmov(strmov(helping,thd->priv_user)+1,db)-helping)+ 1; pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_grant); for (uint idx=0 ; idx < hash_tables.records ; idx++) { GRANT_TABLE *grant_table = (GRANT_TABLE*) hash_element(&hash_tables,idx); if (len < grant_table->key_length && !memcmp(grant_table->hash_key,helping,len) && (thd->host && !wild_case_compare(thd->host,grant_table->host) || (thd->ip && !wild_case_compare(thd->ip,grant_table->host)))) { error=0; // Found match break; } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_grant); return error; } /***************************************************************************** ** Functions to retrieve the grant for a table/column (for SHOW functions) *****************************************************************************/ uint get_table_grant(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *table) { char *user = thd->priv_user; const char *db = table->db ? table->db : thd->db; GRANT_TABLE *grant_table; pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_grant); grant_table = table_hash_search(thd->host,thd->ip,db,user, table->real_name,0); table->grant.grant_table=grant_table; // Remember for column test table->grant.version=grant_version; if (grant_table) table->grant.privilege|= grant_table->privs; pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_grant); return table->grant.privilege; } uint get_column_grant(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *table, Field *field) { GRANT_TABLE *grant_table; GRANT_COLUMN *grant_column; uint priv; pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_grant); // reload table if someone has modified any grants if (table->grant.version != grant_version) { table->grant.grant_table= table_hash_search(thd->host,thd->ip,thd->db, thd->priv_user, table->real_name,0); /* purecov: inspected */ table->grant.version=grant_version; /* purecov: inspected */ } if (!(grant_table=table->grant.grant_table)) priv=table->grant.privilege; else { grant_column=column_hash_search(grant_table, field->field_name, (uint) strlen(field->field_name)); if (!grant_column) priv=table->grant.privilege; else priv=table->grant.privilege | grant_column->rights; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_grant); return priv; } /***************************************************************************** ** SHOW GRANTS : send to client grant-like strings depicting user@host ** privileges *****************************************************************************/ static const char *command_array[]= {"SELECT", "INSERT","UPDATE","DELETE","CREATE", "DROP","RELOAD","SHUTDOWN", "PROCESS","FILE","GRANT","REFERENCES","INDEX","ALTER"}; static int command_lengths[]={6,6,6,6,6,4,6,8,7,4,5,10,5,5}; int mysql_show_grants(THD *thd,LEX_USER *lex_user) { uint counter, want_access,index; int error = 0; int ssl_options = 0; ACL_USER *acl_user; ACL_DB *acl_db; char buff[1024]; DBUG_ENTER("mysql_show_grants"); LINT_INIT(acl_user); if (!initialized) { send_error(&(thd->net), ER_UNKNOWN_COM_ERROR); DBUG_RETURN(-1); } if (!lex_user->host.str) { lex_user->host.str=(char*) "%"; lex_user->host.length=1; } if (lex_user->host.length > HOSTNAME_LENGTH || lex_user->user.length > USERNAME_LENGTH) { my_error(ER_GRANT_WRONG_HOST_OR_USER,MYF(0)); DBUG_RETURN(-1); } for (counter=0 ; counter < acl_users.elements ; counter++) { const char *user,*host; acl_user=dynamic_element(&acl_users,counter,ACL_USER*); if (!(user=acl_user->user)) user=""; if (!(host=acl_user->host.hostname)) host="%"; if (!strcmp(lex_user->user.str,user) && !strcmp(lex_user->host.str,host)) break; } if (counter == acl_users.elements) { my_printf_error(ER_NONEXISTING_GRANT,ER(ER_NONEXISTING_GRANT), MYF(0),lex_user->user.str,lex_user->host.str); DBUG_RETURN(-1); } Item_string *field=new Item_string("",0); List field_list; field->name=buff; field->max_length=1024; strxmov(buff,"Grants for ",lex_user->user.str,"@", lex_user->host.str,NullS); field_list.push_back(field); if (send_fields(thd,field_list,1)) DBUG_RETURN(-1); VOID(pthread_mutex_lock(&acl_cache->lock)); /* Add first global access grants */ if (acl_user->access || acl_user->password) { want_access=acl_user->access; String global(buff,sizeof(buff)); global.length(0); global.append("GRANT ",6); if (test_all_bits(want_access, (GLOBAL_ACLS & ~ GRANT_ACL))) global.append("ALL PRIVILEGES",14); else if (!(want_access & ~GRANT_ACL)) global.append("USAGE",5); else { bool found=0; uint j,test_access= want_access & ~GRANT_ACL; for (counter=0, j = SELECT_ACL;j <= GLOBAL_ACLS;counter++,j <<= 1) { if (test_access & j) { if (found) global.append(", ",2); found=1; global.append(command_array[counter],command_lengths[counter]); } } } global.append (" ON *.* TO '",12); global.append(lex_user->user.str,lex_user->user.length); global.append ("'@'",3); global.append(lex_user->host.str,lex_user->host.length); global.append ('\''); if (acl_user->password) { char passd_buff[HASH_PASSWORD_LENGTH+1]; make_password_from_salt(passd_buff,acl_user->salt); global.append(" IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD '",25); global.append(passd_buff); global.append('\''); } #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL /* "show grants" SSL related stuff */ if (acl_user->ssl_type == SSL_TYPE_ANY) global.append(" REQUIRE SSL",12); else if (acl_user->ssl_type==SSL_TYPE_X509) global.append(" REQUIRE X509",13); else if (acl_user->ssl_type==SSL_TYPE_SPECIFIED) { global.append(" REQUIRE ",9); if (acl_user->x509_issuer) { if (ssl_options++) global.append(" AND ",5); global.append("ISSUER \"",8); global.append(acl_user->x509_issuer,strlen(acl_user->x509_issuer)); global.append("\"",1); } if (acl_user->x509_subject) { if (ssl_options++) global.append(" AND ",5); global.append("SUBJECT \"",9); global.append(acl_user->x509_subject,strlen(acl_user->x509_subject)); global.append("\"",1); } if (acl_user->ssl_cipher) { if (ssl_options++) global.append(" AND ",5); global.append("CIPHER \"",8); global.append(acl_user->ssl_cipher,strlen(acl_user->ssl_cipher)); global.append("\"",1); } } #endif /* HAVE_OPENSSL */ if (want_access & GRANT_ACL) global.append(" WITH GRANT OPTION",18); thd->packet.length(0); net_store_data(&thd->packet,global.ptr(),global.length()); if (my_net_write(&thd->net,(char*) thd->packet.ptr(), thd->packet.length())) { error=-1; goto end; } } /* Add database access */ for (counter=0 ; counter < acl_dbs.elements ; counter++) { const char *user,*host; acl_db=dynamic_element(&acl_dbs,counter,ACL_DB*); if (!(user=acl_db->user)) user=""; if (!(host=acl_db->host.hostname)) host=""; if (!strcmp(lex_user->user.str,user) && !strcmp(lex_user->host.str,host)) { want_access=acl_db->access; if (want_access) { String db(buff,sizeof(buff)); db.length(0); db.append("GRANT ",6); if (test_all_bits(want_access,(DB_ACLS & ~GRANT_ACL))) db.append("ALL PRIVILEGES",14); else { int found=0, cnt; uint j,test_access= want_access & ~GRANT_ACL; for (cnt=0, j = SELECT_ACL; j <= DB_ACLS; cnt++,j <<= 1) { if (test_access & j) { if (found) db.append(", ",2); found = 1; db.append(command_array[cnt],command_lengths[cnt]); } } } db.append (" ON ",4); db.append(acl_db->db); db.append (".* TO '",7); db.append(lex_user->user.str,lex_user->user.length); db.append ("'@'",3); db.append(lex_user->host.str, lex_user->host.length); db.append ('\''); if (want_access & GRANT_ACL) db.append(" WITH GRANT OPTION",18); thd->packet.length(0); net_store_data(&thd->packet,db.ptr(),db.length()); if (my_net_write(&thd->net,(char*) thd->packet.ptr(), thd->packet.length())) { error=-1; goto end; } } } } /* Add column access */ for (index=0 ; index < hash_tables.records ; index++) { const char *user,*host; GRANT_TABLE *grant_table= (GRANT_TABLE*) hash_element(&hash_tables,index); if (!(user=grant_table->user)) user=""; if (!(host=grant_table->host)) host=""; if (!strcmp(lex_user->user.str,user) && !strcmp(lex_user->host.str,host)) { want_access=grant_table->privs; if ((want_access | grant_table->cols) != 0) { String global(buff,sizeof(buff)); global.length(0); global.append("GRANT ",6); if (test_all_bits(grant_table->privs,(TABLE_ACLS & ~GRANT_ACL))) global.append("ALL PRIVILEGES",14); else { int found=0; uint j,test_access= (want_access | grant_table->cols) & ~GRANT_ACL; for (counter=0, j = SELECT_ACL;j <= TABLE_ACLS; counter++,j <<= 1) { if (test_access & j) { if (found) global.append(", ",2); found = 1; global.append(command_array[counter],command_lengths[counter]); if (grant_table->cols) { uint found_col=0; for (uint col_index=0 ; col_index < grant_table->hash_columns.records ; col_index++) { GRANT_COLUMN *grant_column = (GRANT_COLUMN*) hash_element(&grant_table->hash_columns,col_index); if (grant_column->rights & j) { if (!found_col) { global.append(" (",2); found_col=1; } else global.append(", ",2); global.append(grant_column->column, grant_column->key_length); } } if (found_col) global.append(')'); } } } } global.append(" ON ",4); global.append(grant_table->db); global.append(".",1); global.append(grant_table->tname); global.append(" TO '",5); global.append(lex_user->user.str,lex_user->user.length); global.append("'@'",3); global.append(lex_user->host.str,lex_user->host.length); global.append('\''); if (want_access & GRANT_ACL) global.append(" WITH GRANT OPTION",18); thd->packet.length(0); net_store_data(&thd->packet,global.ptr(),global.length()); if (my_net_write(&thd->net,(char*) thd->packet.ptr(), thd->packet.length())) { error=-1; goto end; } } } } end: VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&acl_cache->lock)); send_eof(&thd->net); DBUG_RETURN(error); } uint get_mqh(const char *user, const char *host) { if (!initialized) return 0; ACL_USER *acl_user; acl_user= find_acl_user(host,user); return (acl_user) ? acl_user->questions : 0; } /***************************************************************************** ** Instantiate used templates *****************************************************************************/ #ifdef __GNUC__ template class List_iterator; template class List_iterator; template class List; template class List; #endif