/* Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* Description of the query cache: 1. Query_cache object consists of - query cache memory pool (cache) - queries hash (queries) - tables hash (tables) - list of blocks ordered as they allocated in memory (first_block) - list of queries block (queries_blocks) - list of used tables (tables_blocks) 2. Query cache memory pool (cache) consists of - table of steps of memory bins allocation - table of free memory bins - blocks of memory 3. Memory blocks Every memory block has the following structure: +----------------------------------------------------------+ | Block header (Query_cache_block structure) | +----------------------------------------------------------+ |Table of database table lists (used for queries & tables) | +----------------------------------------------------------+ | Type depended header | |(Query_cache_query, Query_cache_table, Query_cache_result)| +----------------------------------------------------------+ | Data ... | +----------------------------------------------------------+ Block header consists of: - type: FREE Free memory block QUERY Query block RESULT Ready to send result RES_CONT Result's continuation RES_BEG First block of results, that is not yet complete, written to cache RES_INCOMPLETE Allocated for results data block TABLE Block with database table description INCOMPLETE The destroyed block - length of block (length) - length of data & headers (used) - physical list links (pnext/pprev) - used for the list of blocks ordered as they are allocated in physical memory - logical list links (next/prev) - used for queries block list, tables block list, free memory block lists and list of results block in query - number of elements in table of database table list (n_tables) 4. Query & results blocks Query stored in cache consists of following blocks: more more recent+-------------+ old <-----|Query block 1|------> double linked list of queries block prev | | next +-------------+ <-| table 0 |-> (see "Table of database table lists" description) <-| table 1 |-> | ... | +--------------------------+ +-------------+ +-------------------------+ | NET | | | V V | struct| | +-+------------+ +------------+ | <-----|query header |----->|Result block|-->|Result block|-+ doublelinked writer| |result| |<--| | list of results +-------------+ +------------+ +------------+ |charset | +------------+ +------------+ no table of dbtables |encoding + | | result | | result | |query text |<-----| header | | header |------+ +-------------+parent| | | |parent| ^ +------------+ +------------+ | | |result data | |result data | | | +------------+ +------------+ | +---------------------------------------------------+ First query is registered. During the registration query block is allocated. This query block is included in query hash and is linked with appropriate database tables lists (if there is no appropriate list exists it will be created). Later when query has performed results is written into the result blocks. A result block cannot be smaller then QUERY_CACHE_MIN_RESULT_DATA_SIZE. When new result is written to cache it is appended to the last result block, if no more free space left in the last block, new block is allocated. 5. Table of database table lists. For quick invalidation of queries all query are linked in lists on used database tables basis (when table will be changed (insert/delete/...) this queries will be removed from cache). Root of such list is table block: +------------+ list of used tables (used while invalidation of <----| Table |-----> whole database) prev| block |next +-----------+ | | +-----------+ |Query block| | | |Query block| +-----------+ +------------+ +-----------+ | ... | +->| table 0 |------>|table 0 |----->| table N |---+ |+-| |<------| |<-----| |<-+| || +------------+ | ... | | ... | || || |table header| +-----------+ +-----------+ || || +------------+ | ... | | ... | || || |db name + | +-----------+ +-----------+ || || |table name | || || +------------+ || |+--------------------------------------------------------+| +----------------------------------------------------------+ Table block is included into the tables hash (tables). 6. Free blocks, free blocks bins & steps of freeblock bins. When we just started only one free memory block existed. All query cache memory (that will be used for block allocation) were containing in this block. When a new block is allocated we find most suitable memory block (minimal of >= required size). If such a block can not be found, we try to find max block < required size (if we allocate block for results). If there is no free memory, oldest query is removed from cache, and then we try to allocate memory. Last step should be repeated until we find suitable block or until there is no unlocked query found. If the block is found and its length more then we need, it should be split into 2 blocks. New blocks cannot be smaller then min_allocation_unit_bytes. When a block becomes free, its neighbor-blocks should be tested and if there are free blocks among them, they should be joined into one block. Free memory blocks are stored in bins according to their sizes. The bins are stored in size-descending order. These bins are distributed (by size) approximately logarithmically. First bin (number 0) stores free blocks with size <= query_cache_size>>QUERY_CACHE_MEM_BIN_FIRST_STEP_PWR2. It is first (number 0) step. On the next step distributed (1 + QUERY_CACHE_MEM_BIN_PARTS_INC) * QUERY_CACHE_MEM_BIN_PARTS_MUL bins. This bins allocated in interval from query_cache_size>>QUERY_CACHE_MEM_BIN_FIRST_STEP_PWR2 to query_cache_size>>QUERY_CACHE_MEM_BIN_FIRST_STEP_PWR2 >> QUERY_CACHE_MEM_BIN_STEP_PWR2 ... On each step interval decreases in 2 power of QUERY_CACHE_MEM_BIN_STEP_PWR2 times, number of bins (that distributed on this step) increases. If on the previous step there were N bins distributed , on the current there would be distributed (N + QUERY_CACHE_MEM_BIN_PARTS_INC) * QUERY_CACHE_MEM_BIN_PARTS_MUL bins. Last distributed bin stores blocks with size near min_allocation_unit bytes. For example: query_cache_size>>QUERY_CACHE_MEM_BIN_FIRST_STEP_PWR2 = 100, min_allocation_unit = 17, QUERY_CACHE_MEM_BIN_STEP_PWR2 = 1, QUERY_CACHE_MEM_BIN_PARTS_INC = 1, QUERY_CACHE_MEM_BIN_PARTS_MUL = 1 (in followed picture showed right (low) bound of bin): | 100>>1 50>>1 |25>>1| | | | | | | | 100 75 50 41 33 25 21 18 15| 12 | - bins right (low) bounds |\---/\-----/\--------/\--------|---/ | | 0 1 2 3 | | - steps \-----------------------------/ \---/ bins that we store in cache this bin showed for example only Calculation of steps/bins distribution is performed only when query cache is resized. When we need to find appropriate bin, first we should find appropriate step, then we should calculate number of bins that are using data stored in Query_cache_memory_bin_step structure. Free memory blocks are sorted in bins in lists with size-ascending order (more small blocks needed frequently then bigger one). 7. Packing cache. Query cache packing is divided into two operation: - pack_cache - join_results pack_cache moved all blocks to "top" of cache and create one block of free space at the "bottom": before pack_cache after pack_cache +-------------+ +-------------+ | query 1 | | query 1 | +-------------+ +-------------+ | table 1 | | table 1 | +-------------+ +-------------+ | results 1.1 | | results 1.1 | +-------------+ +-------------+ | free | | query 2 | +-------------+ +-------------+ | query 2 | | table 2 | +-------------+ ---> +-------------+ | table 2 | | results 1.2 | +-------------+ +-------------+ | results 1.2 | | results 2 | +-------------+ +-------------+ | free | | free | +-------------+ | | | results 2 | | | +-------------+ | | | free | | | +-------------+ +-------------+ pack_cache scan blocks in physical address order and move every non-free block "higher". pack_cach remove every free block it finds. The length of the deleted block is accumulated to the "gap". All non free blocks should be shifted with the "gap" step. join_results scans all complete queries. If the results of query are not stored in the same block, join_results tries to move results so, that they are stored in one block. before join_results after join_results +-------------+ +-------------+ | query 1 | | query 1 | +-------------+ +-------------+ | table 1 | | table 1 | +-------------+ +-------------+ | results 1.1 | | free | +-------------+ +-------------+ | query 2 | | query 2 | +-------------+ +-------------+ | table 2 | | table 2 | +-------------+ ---> +-------------+ | results 1.2 | | free | +-------------+ +-------------+ | results 2 | | results 2 | +-------------+ +-------------+ | free | | results 1 | | | | | | | +-------------+ | | | free | | | | | +-------------+ +-------------+ If join_results allocated new block(s) then we need call pack_cache again. 7. Interface The query cache interfaces with the rest of the server code through 7 functions: 1. Query_cache::send_result_to_client - Called before parsing and used to match a statement with the stored queries hash. If a match is found the cached result set is sent through repeated calls to net_real_write. (note: calling thread doesn't have a regis- tered result set writer: thd->net.query_cache_query=0) 2. Query_cache::store_query - Called just before handle_select() and is used to register a result set writer to the statement currently being processed (thd->net.query_cache_query). 3. query_cache_insert - Called from net_real_write to append a result set to a cached query if (and only if) this query has a registered result set writer (thd->net.query_cache_query). 4. Query_cache::invalidate - Called from various places to invalidate query cache based on data- base, table and myisam file name. During an on going invalidation the query cache is temporarily disabled. 5. Query_cache::flush - Used when a RESET QUERY CACHE is issued. This clears the entire cache block by block. 6. Query_cache::resize - Used to change the available memory used by the query cache. This will also invalidate the entrie query cache in one free operation. 7. Query_cache::pack - Used when a FLUSH QUERY CACHE is issued. This changes the order of the used memory blocks in physical memory order and move all avail- able memory to the 'bottom' of the memory. TODO list: - Delayed till after-parsing qache answer (for column rights processing) - Optimize cache resizing - if new_size < old_size then pack & shrink - if new_size > old_size copy cached query to new cache - Move MRG_MYISAM table type processing to handlers, something like: tables_used->table->file->register_used_filenames(callback, first_argument); - QC improvement suggested by Monty: - Add a counter in open_table() for how many MERGE (ISAM or MyISAM) tables are cached in the table cache. (This will be trivial when we have the new table cache in place I have been working on) - After this we can add the following test around the for loop in is_cacheable:: if (thd->temp_tables || global_merge_table_count) - Another option would be to set thd->lex->safe_to_cache_query to 0 in 'get_lock_data' if any of the tables was a tmp table or a MRG_ISAM table. (This could be done with almost no speed penalty) */ #include "mysql_priv.h" #ifdef HAVE_QUERY_CACHE #include #include #include #include "../storage/myisammrg/ha_myisammrg.h" #include "../storage/myisammrg/myrg_def.h" #ifdef EMBEDDED_LIBRARY #include "emb_qcache.h" #endif #if !defined(EXTRA_DBUG) && !defined(DBUG_OFF) #define MUTEX_LOCK(M) { DBUG_PRINT("lock", ("mutex lock 0x%lx", (ulong)(M))); \ pthread_mutex_lock(M);} #define MUTEX_UNLOCK(M) {DBUG_PRINT("lock", ("mutex unlock 0x%lx",\ (ulong)(M))); pthread_mutex_unlock(M);} #define RW_WLOCK(M) {DBUG_PRINT("lock", ("rwlock wlock 0x%lx",(ulong)(M))); \ if (!rw_wrlock(M)) DBUG_PRINT("lock", ("rwlock wlock ok")); \ else DBUG_PRINT("lock", ("rwlock wlock FAILED %d", errno)); } #define RW_RLOCK(M) {DBUG_PRINT("lock", ("rwlock rlock 0x%lx", (ulong)(M))); \ if (!rw_rdlock(M)) DBUG_PRINT("lock", ("rwlock rlock ok")); \ else DBUG_PRINT("lock", ("rwlock wlock FAILED %d", errno)); } #define RW_UNLOCK(M) {DBUG_PRINT("lock", ("rwlock unlock 0x%lx",(ulong)(M))); \ if (!rw_unlock(M)) DBUG_PRINT("lock", ("rwlock unlock ok")); \ else DBUG_PRINT("lock", ("rwlock unlock FAILED %d", errno)); } #define STRUCT_LOCK(M) {DBUG_PRINT("lock", ("%d struct lock...",__LINE__)); \ pthread_mutex_lock(M);DBUG_PRINT("lock", ("struct lock OK"));} #define STRUCT_UNLOCK(M) { \ DBUG_PRINT("lock", ("%d struct unlock...",__LINE__)); \ pthread_mutex_unlock(M);DBUG_PRINT("lock", ("struct unlock OK"));} #define BLOCK_LOCK_WR(B) {DBUG_PRINT("lock", ("%d LOCK_WR 0x%lx",\ __LINE__,(ulong)(B))); \ B->query()->lock_writing();} #define BLOCK_LOCK_RD(B) {DBUG_PRINT("lock", ("%d LOCK_RD 0x%lx",\ __LINE__,(ulong)(B))); \ B->query()->lock_reading();} #define BLOCK_UNLOCK_WR(B) { \ DBUG_PRINT("lock", ("%d UNLOCK_WR 0x%lx",\ __LINE__,(ulong)(B)));B->query()->unlock_writing();} #define BLOCK_UNLOCK_RD(B) { \ DBUG_PRINT("lock", ("%d UNLOCK_RD 0x%lx",\ __LINE__,(ulong)(B)));B->query()->unlock_reading();} #define DUMP(C) DBUG_EXECUTE("qcache", {\ (C)->cache_dump(); (C)->queries_dump();(C)->tables_dump();}) /** Causes the thread to wait in a spin lock for a query kill signal. This function is used by the test frame work to identify race conditions. The signal is caught and ignored and the thread is not killed. */ static void debug_wait_for_kill(const char *info) { DBUG_ENTER("debug_wait_for_kill"); const char *prev_info; THD *thd; thd= current_thd; prev_info= thd->proc_info; thd->proc_info= info; sql_print_information(info); while(!thd->killed) my_sleep(1000); thd->killed= THD::NOT_KILLED; sql_print_information("Exit debug_wait_for_kill"); thd->proc_info= prev_info; DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } #else #define MUTEX_LOCK(M) pthread_mutex_lock(M) #define MUTEX_UNLOCK(M) pthread_mutex_unlock(M) #define RW_WLOCK(M) rw_wrlock(M) #define RW_RLOCK(M) rw_rdlock(M) #define RW_UNLOCK(M) rw_unlock(M) #define STRUCT_LOCK(M) pthread_mutex_lock(M) #define STRUCT_UNLOCK(M) pthread_mutex_unlock(M) #define BLOCK_LOCK_WR(B) B->query()->lock_writing() #define BLOCK_LOCK_RD(B) B->query()->lock_reading() #define BLOCK_UNLOCK_WR(B) B->query()->unlock_writing() #define BLOCK_UNLOCK_RD(B) B->query()->unlock_reading() #define DUMP(C) #endif const char *query_cache_type_names[]= { "OFF", "ON", "DEMAND",NullS }; TYPELIB query_cache_type_typelib= { array_elements(query_cache_type_names)-1,"", query_cache_type_names, NULL }; /***************************************************************************** Query_cache_block_table method(s) *****************************************************************************/ inline Query_cache_block * Query_cache_block_table::block() { return (Query_cache_block *)(((uchar*)this) - ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(Query_cache_block_table)*n) - ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(Query_cache_block))); } /***************************************************************************** Query_cache_block method(s) *****************************************************************************/ void Query_cache_block::init(ulong block_length) { DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache_block::init"); DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("init block: 0x%lx length: %lu", (ulong) this, block_length)); length = block_length; used = 0; type = Query_cache_block::FREE; n_tables = 0; DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } void Query_cache_block::destroy() { DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache_block::destroy"); DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("destroy block 0x%lx, type %d", (ulong) this, type)); type = INCOMPLETE; DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } inline uint Query_cache_block::headers_len() { return (ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(Query_cache_block_table)*n_tables) + ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(Query_cache_block))); } inline uchar* Query_cache_block::data(void) { return (uchar*)( ((uchar*)this) + headers_len() ); } inline Query_cache_query * Query_cache_block::query() { #ifndef DBUG_OFF if (type != QUERY) query_cache.wreck(__LINE__, "incorrect block type"); #endif return (Query_cache_query *) data(); } inline Query_cache_table * Query_cache_block::table() { #ifndef DBUG_OFF if (type != TABLE) query_cache.wreck(__LINE__, "incorrect block type"); #endif return (Query_cache_table *) data(); } inline Query_cache_result * Query_cache_block::result() { #ifndef DBUG_OFF if (type != RESULT && type != RES_CONT && type != RES_BEG && type != RES_INCOMPLETE) query_cache.wreck(__LINE__, "incorrect block type"); #endif return (Query_cache_result *) data(); } inline Query_cache_block_table * Query_cache_block::table(TABLE_COUNTER_TYPE n) { return ((Query_cache_block_table *) (((uchar*)this)+ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(Query_cache_block)) + n*sizeof(Query_cache_block_table))); } /***************************************************************************** * Query_cache_table method(s) *****************************************************************************/ extern "C" { uchar *query_cache_table_get_key(const uchar *record, size_t *length, my_bool not_used __attribute__((unused))) { Query_cache_block* table_block = (Query_cache_block*) record; *length = (table_block->used - table_block->headers_len() - ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(Query_cache_table))); return (((uchar *) table_block->data()) + ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(Query_cache_table))); } } /***************************************************************************** Query_cache_query methods *****************************************************************************/ /* Following methods work for block read/write locking only in this particular case and in interaction with structure_guard_mutex. Lock for write prevents any other locking. (exclusive use) Lock for read prevents only locking for write. */ inline void Query_cache_query::lock_writing() { RW_WLOCK(&lock); } /* Needed for finding queries, that we may delete from cache. We don't want to wait while block become unlocked. In addition, block locking means that query is now used and we don't need to remove it. */ my_bool Query_cache_query::try_lock_writing() { DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache_block::try_lock_writing"); if (rw_trywrlock(&lock)!=0) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("can't lock rwlock")); DBUG_RETURN(0); } DBUG_PRINT("info", ("rwlock 0x%lx locked", (ulong) &lock)); DBUG_RETURN(1); } inline void Query_cache_query::lock_reading() { RW_RLOCK(&lock); } inline void Query_cache_query::unlock_writing() { RW_UNLOCK(&lock); } inline void Query_cache_query::unlock_reading() { RW_UNLOCK(&lock); } void Query_cache_query::init_n_lock() { DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache_query::init_n_lock"); res=0; wri = 0; len = 0; my_rwlock_init(&lock, NULL); lock_writing(); DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("inited & locked query for block 0x%lx", (long) (((uchar*) this) - ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(Query_cache_block))))); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } void Query_cache_query::unlock_n_destroy() { DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache_query::unlock_n_destroy"); DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("destroyed & unlocked query for block 0x%lx", (long) (((uchar*) this) - ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(Query_cache_block))))); /* The following call is not needed on system where one can destroy an active semaphore */ this->unlock_writing(); rwlock_destroy(&lock); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } extern "C" { uchar *query_cache_query_get_key(const uchar *record, size_t *length, my_bool not_used) { Query_cache_block *query_block = (Query_cache_block*) record; *length = (query_block->used - query_block->headers_len() - ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(Query_cache_query))); return (((uchar *) query_block->data()) + ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(Query_cache_query))); } } /***************************************************************************** Functions to store things into the query cache *****************************************************************************/ /* Note on double-check locking (DCL) usage. Below, in query_cache_insert(), query_cache_abort() and query_cache_end_of_result() we use what is called double-check locking (DCL) for NET::query_cache_query. I.e. we test it first without a lock, and, if positive, test again under the lock. This means that if we see 'NET::query_cache_query == 0' without a lock we will skip the operation. But this is safe here: when we started to cache a query, we called Query_cache::store_query(), and NET::query_cache_query was set to non-zero in this thread (and the thread always sees results of its memory operations, mutex or not). If later we see 'NET::query_cache_query == 0' without locking a mutex, that may only mean that some other thread have reset it by invalidating the query. Skipping the operation in this case is the right thing to do, as NET::query_cache_query won't get non-zero for this query again. See also comments in Query_cache::store_query() and Query_cache::send_result_to_client(). NOTE, however, that double-check locking is not applicable in 'invalidate' functions, as we may erroneously skip invalidation, because the thread doing invalidation may never see non-zero NET::query_cache_query. */ void query_cache_init_query(NET *net) { /* It is safe to initialize 'NET::query_cache_query' without a lock here, because before it will be accessed from different threads it will be set in this thread under a lock, and access from the same thread is always safe. */ net->query_cache_query= 0; } /* Insert the packet into the query cache. */ void query_cache_insert(NET *net, const char *packet, ulong length) { DBUG_ENTER("query_cache_insert"); /* See the comment on double-check locking usage above. */ if (net->query_cache_query == 0) DBUG_VOID_RETURN; DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("wait_in_query_cache_insert", debug_wait_for_kill("wait_in_query_cache_insert"); ); STRUCT_LOCK(&query_cache.structure_guard_mutex); bool interrupt; query_cache.wait_while_table_flush_is_in_progress(&interrupt); if (interrupt) { STRUCT_UNLOCK(&query_cache.structure_guard_mutex); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } Query_cache_block *query_block= (Query_cache_block*)net->query_cache_query; if (!query_block) { /* We lost the writer and the currently processed query has been invalidated; there is nothing left to do. */ STRUCT_UNLOCK(&query_cache.structure_guard_mutex); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } BLOCK_LOCK_WR(query_block); Query_cache_query *header= query_block->query(); Query_cache_block *result= header->result(); DUMP(&query_cache); DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("insert packet %lu bytes long",length)); /* On success, STRUCT_UNLOCK is done by append_result_data. Otherwise, we still need structure_guard_mutex to free the query, and therefore unlock it later in this function. */ if (!query_cache.append_result_data(&result, length, (uchar*) packet, query_block)) { DBUG_PRINT("warning", ("Can't append data")); header->result(result); DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("free query 0x%lx", (ulong) query_block)); // The following call will remove the lock on query_block query_cache.free_query(query_block); query_cache.refused++; // append_result_data no success => we need unlock STRUCT_UNLOCK(&query_cache.structure_guard_mutex); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } header->result(result); header->last_pkt_nr= net->pkt_nr; BLOCK_UNLOCK_WR(query_block); DBUG_EXECUTE("check_querycache",query_cache.check_integrity(0);); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } void query_cache_abort(NET *net) { DBUG_ENTER("query_cache_abort"); THD *thd= current_thd; /* See the comment on double-check locking usage above. */ if (net->query_cache_query == 0) DBUG_VOID_RETURN; STRUCT_LOCK(&query_cache.structure_guard_mutex); bool interrupt; query_cache.wait_while_table_flush_is_in_progress(&interrupt); if (interrupt) { STRUCT_UNLOCK(&query_cache.structure_guard_mutex); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /* While we were waiting another thread might have changed the status of the writer. Make sure the writer still exists before continue. */ Query_cache_block *query_block= ((Query_cache_block*) net->query_cache_query); if (query_block) { thd_proc_info(thd, "storing result in query cache"); DUMP(&query_cache); BLOCK_LOCK_WR(query_block); // The following call will remove the lock on query_block query_cache.free_query(query_block); net->query_cache_query= 0; DBUG_EXECUTE("check_querycache",query_cache.check_integrity(1);); } STRUCT_UNLOCK(&query_cache.structure_guard_mutex); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } void query_cache_end_of_result(THD *thd) { Query_cache_block *query_block; DBUG_ENTER("query_cache_end_of_result"); /* See the comment on double-check locking usage above. */ if (thd->net.query_cache_query == 0) DBUG_VOID_RETURN; if (thd->killed) { query_cache_abort(&thd->net); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } #ifdef EMBEDDED_LIBRARY query_cache_insert(&thd->net, (char*)thd, emb_count_querycache_size(thd)); #endif STRUCT_LOCK(&query_cache.structure_guard_mutex); bool interrupt; query_cache.wait_while_table_flush_is_in_progress(&interrupt); if (interrupt) { STRUCT_UNLOCK(&query_cache.structure_guard_mutex); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } query_block= ((Query_cache_block*) thd->net.query_cache_query); if (query_block) { /* The writer is still present; finish last result block by chopping it to suitable size if needed and setting block type. Since this is the last block, the writer should be dropped. */ thd_proc_info(thd, "storing result in query cache"); DUMP(&query_cache); BLOCK_LOCK_WR(query_block); Query_cache_query *header= query_block->query(); Query_cache_block *last_result_block; ulong allign_size; ulong len; if (header->result() == 0) { DBUG_PRINT("error", ("End of data with no result blocks; " "Query '%s' removed from cache.", header->query())); /* Extra safety: empty result should not happen in the normal call to this function. In the release version that query should be ignored and removed from QC. */ DBUG_ASSERT(0); query_cache.free_query(query_block); STRUCT_UNLOCK(&query_cache.structure_guard_mutex); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } last_result_block= header->result()->prev; allign_size= ALIGN_SIZE(last_result_block->used); len= max(query_cache.min_allocation_unit, allign_size); if (last_result_block->length >= query_cache.min_allocation_unit + len) query_cache.split_block(last_result_block,len); header->found_rows(current_thd->limit_found_rows); header->result()->type= Query_cache_block::RESULT; /* Drop the writer. */ header->writer(0); thd->net.query_cache_query= 0; BLOCK_UNLOCK_WR(query_block); DBUG_EXECUTE("check_querycache",query_cache.check_integrity(1);); } STRUCT_UNLOCK(&query_cache.structure_guard_mutex); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } void query_cache_invalidate_by_MyISAM_filename(const char *filename) { query_cache.invalidate_by_MyISAM_filename(filename); DBUG_EXECUTE("check_querycache",query_cache.check_integrity(0);); } /* The following function forms part of the C plugin API */ extern "C" void mysql_query_cache_invalidate4(THD *thd, const char *key, unsigned key_length, int using_trx) { query_cache.invalidate(thd, key, (uint32) key_length, (my_bool) using_trx); } /***************************************************************************** Query_cache methods *****************************************************************************/ Query_cache::Query_cache(ulong query_cache_limit_arg, ulong min_allocation_unit_arg, ulong min_result_data_size_arg, uint def_query_hash_size_arg, uint def_table_hash_size_arg) :query_cache_size(0), query_cache_limit(query_cache_limit_arg), queries_in_cache(0), hits(0), inserts(0), refused(0), total_blocks(0), lowmem_prunes(0), min_allocation_unit(ALIGN_SIZE(min_allocation_unit_arg)), min_result_data_size(ALIGN_SIZE(min_result_data_size_arg)), def_query_hash_size(ALIGN_SIZE(def_query_hash_size_arg)), def_table_hash_size(ALIGN_SIZE(def_table_hash_size_arg)), initialized(0) { ulong min_needed= (ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(Query_cache_block)) + ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(Query_cache_block_table)) + ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(Query_cache_query)) + 3); set_if_bigger(min_allocation_unit,min_needed); this->min_allocation_unit= ALIGN_SIZE(min_allocation_unit); set_if_bigger(this->min_result_data_size,min_allocation_unit); } ulong Query_cache::resize(ulong query_cache_size_arg) { ulong new_query_cache_size; DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache::resize"); DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("from %lu to %lu",query_cache_size, query_cache_size_arg)); DBUG_ASSERT(initialized); STRUCT_LOCK(&structure_guard_mutex); while (is_flushing()) pthread_cond_wait(&COND_cache_status_changed, &structure_guard_mutex); m_cache_status= Query_cache::FLUSH_IN_PROGRESS; STRUCT_UNLOCK(&structure_guard_mutex); /* Wait for all readers and writers to exit. When the list of all queries is iterated over with a block level lock, we are done. */ Query_cache_block *block= queries_blocks; if (block) { do { BLOCK_LOCK_WR(block); Query_cache_query *query= block->query(); if (query && query->writer()) { /* Drop the writer; this will cancel any attempts to store the processed statement associated with this writer. */ query->writer()->query_cache_query= 0; query->writer(0); refused++; } BLOCK_UNLOCK_WR(block); block= block->next; } while (block != queries_blocks); } free_cache(); query_cache_size= query_cache_size_arg; new_query_cache_size= init_cache(); STRUCT_LOCK(&structure_guard_mutex); m_cache_status= Query_cache::NO_FLUSH_IN_PROGRESS; pthread_cond_signal(&COND_cache_status_changed); if (new_query_cache_size) DBUG_EXECUTE("check_querycache",check_integrity(1);); STRUCT_UNLOCK(&structure_guard_mutex); DBUG_RETURN(new_query_cache_size); } ulong Query_cache::set_min_res_unit(ulong size) { if (size < min_allocation_unit) size= min_allocation_unit; return (min_result_data_size= ALIGN_SIZE(size)); } void Query_cache::store_query(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables_used) { TABLE_COUNTER_TYPE local_tables; ulong tot_length; DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache::store_query"); /* Testing 'query_cache_size' without a lock here is safe: the thing we may loose is that the query won't be cached, but we save on mutex locking in the case when query cache is disabled or the query is uncachable. See also a note on double-check locking usage above. */ if (thd->locked_tables || query_cache_size == 0) DBUG_VOID_RETURN; uint8 tables_type= 0; if ((local_tables= is_cacheable(thd, thd->query_length, thd->query, thd->lex, tables_used, &tables_type))) { NET *net= &thd->net; Query_cache_query_flags flags; // fill all gaps between fields with 0 to get repeatable key bzero(&flags, QUERY_CACHE_FLAGS_SIZE); flags.client_long_flag= test(thd->client_capabilities & CLIENT_LONG_FLAG); flags.client_protocol_41= test(thd->client_capabilities & CLIENT_PROTOCOL_41); /* Protocol influences result format, so statement results in the binary protocol (COM_EXECUTE) cannot be served to statements asking for results in the text protocol (COM_QUERY) and vice-versa. */ flags.result_in_binary_protocol= (unsigned int) thd->protocol->type(); flags.more_results_exists= test(thd->server_status & SERVER_MORE_RESULTS_EXISTS); flags.pkt_nr= net->pkt_nr; flags.character_set_client_num= thd->variables.character_set_client->number; flags.character_set_results_num= (thd->variables.character_set_results ? thd->variables.character_set_results->number : UINT_MAX); flags.collation_connection_num= thd->variables.collation_connection->number; flags.limit= thd->variables.select_limit; flags.time_zone= thd->variables.time_zone; flags.sql_mode= thd->variables.sql_mode; flags.max_sort_length= thd->variables.max_sort_length; flags.lc_time_names= thd->variables.lc_time_names; flags.group_concat_max_len= thd->variables.group_concat_max_len; flags.div_precision_increment= thd->variables.div_precincrement; flags.default_week_format= thd->variables.default_week_format; DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("\ long %d, 4.1: %d, bin_proto: %d, more results %d, pkt_nr: %d, \ CS client: %u, CS result: %u, CS conn: %u, limit: %lu, TZ: 0x%lx, \ sql mode: 0x%lx, sort len: %lu, conncat len: %lu, div_precision: %lu, \ def_week_frmt: %lu", (int)flags.client_long_flag, (int)flags.client_protocol_41, (int)flags.result_in_binary_protocol, (int)flags.more_results_exists, flags.pkt_nr, flags.character_set_client_num, flags.character_set_results_num, flags.collation_connection_num, (ulong) flags.limit, (ulong) flags.time_zone, flags.sql_mode, flags.max_sort_length, flags.group_concat_max_len, flags.div_precision_increment, flags.default_week_format)); /* Make InnoDB to release the adaptive hash index latch before acquiring the query cache mutex. */ ha_release_temporary_latches(thd); STRUCT_LOCK(&structure_guard_mutex); if (query_cache_size == 0 || is_flushing()) { /* A table- or a full flush operation can potentially take a long time to finish. We choose not to wait for them and skip caching statements instead. */ STRUCT_UNLOCK(&structure_guard_mutex); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } DUMP(this); if (ask_handler_allowance(thd, tables_used)) { refused++; STRUCT_UNLOCK(&structure_guard_mutex); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /* Key is query + database + flag */ if (thd->db_length) { memcpy(thd->query+thd->query_length+1, thd->db, thd->db_length); DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("database: %s length: %u", thd->db, thd->db_length)); } else { DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("No active database")); } tot_length= thd->query_length + thd->db_length + 1 + QUERY_CACHE_FLAGS_SIZE; /* We should only copy structure (don't use it location directly) because of alignment issue */ memcpy((void *)(thd->query + (tot_length - QUERY_CACHE_FLAGS_SIZE)), &flags, QUERY_CACHE_FLAGS_SIZE); /* Check if another thread is processing the same query? */ Query_cache_block *competitor = (Query_cache_block *) hash_search(&queries, (uchar*) thd->query, tot_length); DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("competitor 0x%lx", (ulong) competitor)); if (competitor == 0) { /* Query is not in cache and no one is working with it; Store it */ Query_cache_block *query_block; query_block= write_block_data(tot_length, (uchar*) thd->query, ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(Query_cache_query)), Query_cache_block::QUERY, local_tables); if (query_block != 0) { DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("query block 0x%lx allocated, %lu", (ulong) query_block, query_block->used)); Query_cache_query *header = query_block->query(); header->init_n_lock(); if (my_hash_insert(&queries, (uchar*) query_block)) { refused++; DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("insertion in query hash")); header->unlock_n_destroy(); free_memory_block(query_block); STRUCT_UNLOCK(&structure_guard_mutex); goto end; } if (!register_all_tables(query_block, tables_used, local_tables)) { refused++; DBUG_PRINT("warning", ("tables list including failed")); hash_delete(&queries, (uchar *) query_block); header->unlock_n_destroy(); free_memory_block(query_block); STRUCT_UNLOCK(&structure_guard_mutex); goto end; } double_linked_list_simple_include(query_block, &queries_blocks); inserts++; queries_in_cache++; net->query_cache_query= (uchar*) query_block; header->writer(net); header->tables_type(tables_type); STRUCT_UNLOCK(&structure_guard_mutex); // init_n_lock make query block locked BLOCK_UNLOCK_WR(query_block); } else { // We have not enough memory to store query => do nothing refused++; STRUCT_UNLOCK(&structure_guard_mutex); DBUG_PRINT("warning", ("Can't allocate query")); } } else { // Another thread is processing the same query => do nothing refused++; STRUCT_UNLOCK(&structure_guard_mutex); DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("Another thread process same query")); } } else if (thd->lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_SELECT) statistic_increment(refused, &structure_guard_mutex); end: DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /* Check if the query is in the cache. If it was cached, send it to the user. RESULTS 1 Query was not cached. 0 The query was cached and user was sent the result. -1 The query was cached but we didn't have rights to use it. No error is sent to the client yet. NOTE This method requires that sql points to allocated memory of size: tot_length= query_length + thd->db_length + 1 + QUERY_CACHE_FLAGS_SIZE; */ int Query_cache::send_result_to_client(THD *thd, char *sql, uint query_length) { ulonglong engine_data; Query_cache_query *query; Query_cache_block *first_result_block, *result_block; Query_cache_block_table *block_table, *block_table_end; ulong tot_length; Query_cache_query_flags flags; DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache::send_result_to_client"); /* Testing 'query_cache_size' without a lock here is safe: the thing we may loose is that the query won't be served from cache, but we save on mutex locking in the case when query cache is disabled. See also a note on double-check locking usage above. */ if (thd->locked_tables || thd->variables.query_cache_type == 0 || query_cache_size == 0) goto err; if (!thd->lex->safe_to_cache_query) { DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("SELECT is non-cacheable")); goto err; } { uint i= 0; /* Skip '(' characters in queries like following: (select a from t1) union (select a from t1); */ while (sql[i]=='(') i++; /* Test if the query is a SELECT (pre-space is removed in dispatch_command). First '/' looks like comment before command it is not frequently appeared in real life, consequently we can check all such queries, too. */ if ((my_toupper(system_charset_info, sql[i]) != 'S' || my_toupper(system_charset_info, sql[i + 1]) != 'E' || my_toupper(system_charset_info, sql[i + 2]) != 'L') && sql[i] != '/') { DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("The statement is not a SELECT; Not cached")); goto err; } } STRUCT_LOCK(&structure_guard_mutex); if (query_cache_size == 0) goto err_unlock; if (is_flushing()) { /* Return; Query cache is temporarily disabled while we flush. */ DBUG_PRINT("qcache",("query cache disabled")); goto err_unlock; } /* Check that we haven't forgot to reset the query cache variables; make sure there are no attached query cache writer to this thread. */ DBUG_ASSERT(thd->net.query_cache_query == 0); Query_cache_block *query_block; tot_length= query_length + thd->db_length + 1 + QUERY_CACHE_FLAGS_SIZE; if (thd->db_length) { memcpy(sql+query_length+1, thd->db, thd->db_length); DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("database: '%s' length: %u", thd->db, thd->db_length)); } else { DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("No active database")); } thd_proc_info(thd, "checking query cache for query"); // fill all gaps between fields with 0 to get repeatable key bzero(&flags, QUERY_CACHE_FLAGS_SIZE); flags.client_long_flag= test(thd->client_capabilities & CLIENT_LONG_FLAG); flags.client_protocol_41= test(thd->client_capabilities & CLIENT_PROTOCOL_41); flags.result_in_binary_protocol= (unsigned int)thd->protocol->type(); flags.more_results_exists= test(thd->server_status & SERVER_MORE_RESULTS_EXISTS); flags.pkt_nr= thd->net.pkt_nr; flags.character_set_client_num= thd->variables.character_set_client->number; flags.character_set_results_num= (thd->variables.character_set_results ? thd->variables.character_set_results->number : UINT_MAX); flags.collation_connection_num= thd->variables.collation_connection->number; flags.limit= thd->variables.select_limit; flags.time_zone= thd->variables.time_zone; flags.sql_mode= thd->variables.sql_mode; flags.max_sort_length= thd->variables.max_sort_length; flags.group_concat_max_len= thd->variables.group_concat_max_len; flags.div_precision_increment= thd->variables.div_precincrement; flags.default_week_format= thd->variables.default_week_format; flags.lc_time_names= thd->variables.lc_time_names; DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("\ long %d, 4.1: %d, bin_proto: %d, more results %d, pkt_nr: %d, \ CS client: %u, CS result: %u, CS conn: %u, limit: %lu, TZ: 0x%lx, \ sql mode: 0x%lx, sort len: %lu, conncat len: %lu, div_precision: %lu, \ def_week_frmt: %lu", (int)flags.client_long_flag, (int)flags.client_protocol_41, (int)flags.result_in_binary_protocol, (int)flags.more_results_exists, flags.pkt_nr, flags.character_set_client_num, flags.character_set_results_num, flags.collation_connection_num, (ulong) flags.limit, (ulong) flags.time_zone, flags.sql_mode, flags.max_sort_length, flags.group_concat_max_len, flags.div_precision_increment, flags.default_week_format)); memcpy((uchar *)(sql + (tot_length - QUERY_CACHE_FLAGS_SIZE)), (uchar*) &flags, QUERY_CACHE_FLAGS_SIZE); query_block = (Query_cache_block *) hash_search(&queries, (uchar*) sql, tot_length); /* Quick abort on unlocked data */ if (query_block == 0 || query_block->query()->result() == 0 || query_block->query()->result()->type != Query_cache_block::RESULT) { DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("No query in query hash or no results")); goto err_unlock; } DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("Query in query hash 0x%lx", (ulong)query_block)); /* Now lock and test that nothing changed while blocks was unlocked */ BLOCK_LOCK_RD(query_block); query = query_block->query(); result_block= first_result_block= query->result(); if (result_block == 0 || result_block->type != Query_cache_block::RESULT) { /* The query is probably yet processed */ DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("query found, but no data or data incomplete")); BLOCK_UNLOCK_RD(query_block); goto err_unlock; } DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("Query have result 0x%lx", (ulong) query)); if ((thd->options & (OPTION_NOT_AUTOCOMMIT | OPTION_BEGIN)) && (query->tables_type() & HA_CACHE_TBL_TRANSACT)) { DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("we are in transaction and have transaction tables in query")); BLOCK_UNLOCK_RD(query_block); goto err_unlock; } // Check access; thd_proc_info(thd, "checking privileges on cached query"); block_table= query_block->table(0); block_table_end= block_table+query_block->n_tables; for (; block_table != block_table_end; block_table++) { TABLE_LIST table_list; TABLE *tmptable; Query_cache_table *table = block_table->parent; /* Check that we have not temporary tables with same names of tables of this query. If we have such tables, we will not send data from query cache, because temporary tables hide real tables by which query in query cache was made. */ for (tmptable= thd->temporary_tables; tmptable ; tmptable= tmptable->next) { if (tmptable->s->table_cache_key.length - TMP_TABLE_KEY_EXTRA == table->key_length() && !memcmp(tmptable->s->table_cache_key.str, table->data(), table->key_length())) { DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("Temporary table detected: '%s.%s'", table_list.db, table_list.alias)); STRUCT_UNLOCK(&structure_guard_mutex); /* We should not store result of this query because it contain temporary tables => assign following variable to make check faster. */ thd->lex->safe_to_cache_query=0; BLOCK_UNLOCK_RD(query_block); DBUG_RETURN(-1); } } bzero((char*) &table_list,sizeof(table_list)); table_list.db = table->db(); table_list.alias= table_list.table_name= table->table(); #ifndef NO_EMBEDDED_ACCESS_CHECKS if (check_table_access(thd,SELECT_ACL,&table_list, 1, TRUE)) { DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("probably no SELECT access to %s.%s => return to normal processing", table_list.db, table_list.alias)); STRUCT_UNLOCK(&structure_guard_mutex); thd->lex->safe_to_cache_query=0; // Don't try to cache this BLOCK_UNLOCK_RD(query_block); DBUG_RETURN(-1); // Privilege error } if (table_list.grant.want_privilege) { DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("Need to check column privileges for %s.%s", table_list.db, table_list.alias)); BLOCK_UNLOCK_RD(query_block); thd->lex->safe_to_cache_query= 0; // Don't try to cache this goto err_unlock; // Parse query } #endif /*!NO_EMBEDDED_ACCESS_CHECKS*/ engine_data= table->engine_data(); if (table->callback() && !(*table->callback())(thd, table->db(), table->key_length(), &engine_data)) { DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("Handler does not allow caching for %s.%s", table_list.db, table_list.alias)); BLOCK_UNLOCK_RD(query_block); if (engine_data != table->engine_data()) { DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("Handler require invalidation queries of %s.%s %lu-%lu", table_list.db, table_list.alias, (ulong) engine_data, (ulong) table->engine_data())); invalidate_table_internal(thd, (uchar *) table->db(), table->key_length()); } else thd->lex->safe_to_cache_query= 0; // Don't try to cache this goto err_unlock; // Parse query } else DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("handler allow caching %s,%s", table_list.db, table_list.alias)); } move_to_query_list_end(query_block); hits++; STRUCT_UNLOCK(&structure_guard_mutex); /* Send cached result to client */ #ifndef EMBEDDED_LIBRARY thd_proc_info(thd, "sending cached result to client"); do { DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("Results (len: %lu used: %lu headers: %lu)", result_block->length, result_block->used, (ulong) (result_block->headers_len()+ ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(Query_cache_result))))); Query_cache_result *result = result_block->result(); if (net_real_write(&thd->net, result->data(), result_block->used - result_block->headers_len() - ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(Query_cache_result)))) break; // Client aborted result_block = result_block->next; thd->net.pkt_nr= query->last_pkt_nr; // Keep packet number updated } while (result_block != first_result_block); #else { Querycache_stream qs(result_block, result_block->headers_len() + ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(Query_cache_result))); emb_load_querycache_result(thd, &qs); } #endif /*!EMBEDDED_LIBRARY*/ thd->limit_found_rows = query->found_rows(); thd->status_var.last_query_cost= 0.0; thd->main_da.disable_status(); BLOCK_UNLOCK_RD(query_block); DBUG_RETURN(1); // Result sent to client err_unlock: STRUCT_UNLOCK(&structure_guard_mutex); err: DBUG_RETURN(0); // Query was not cached } /* Remove all cached queries that uses any of the tables in the list */ void Query_cache::invalidate(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables_used, my_bool using_transactions) { DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache::invalidate (table list)"); using_transactions= using_transactions && (thd->options & (OPTION_NOT_AUTOCOMMIT | OPTION_BEGIN)); for (; tables_used; tables_used= tables_used->next_local) { DBUG_ASSERT(!using_transactions || tables_used->table!=0); if (tables_used->derived) continue; if (using_transactions && (tables_used->table->file->table_cache_type() == HA_CACHE_TBL_TRANSACT)) /* tables_used->table can't be 0 in transaction. Only 'drop' invalidate not opened table, but 'drop' force transaction finish. */ thd->add_changed_table(tables_used->table); else invalidate_table(thd, tables_used); } DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } void Query_cache::invalidate(CHANGED_TABLE_LIST *tables_used) { DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache::invalidate (changed table list)"); THD *thd= current_thd; for (; tables_used; tables_used= tables_used->next) { thd_proc_info(thd, "invalidating query cache entries (table list)"); invalidate_table(thd, (uchar*) tables_used->key, tables_used->key_length); DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("db: %s table: %s", tables_used->key, tables_used->key+ strlen(tables_used->key)+1)); } DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /* Invalidate locked for write SYNOPSIS Query_cache::invalidate_locked_for_write() tables_used - table list NOTE can be used only for opened tables */ void Query_cache::invalidate_locked_for_write(TABLE_LIST *tables_used) { THD *thd= current_thd; DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache::invalidate_locked_for_write"); for (; tables_used; tables_used= tables_used->next_local) { thd_proc_info(thd, "invalidating query cache entries (table)"); if (tables_used->lock_type >= TL_WRITE_ALLOW_WRITE && tables_used->table) { invalidate_table(thd, tables_used->table); } } DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /* Remove all cached queries that uses the given table */ void Query_cache::invalidate(THD *thd, TABLE *table, my_bool using_transactions) { DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache::invalidate (table)"); using_transactions= using_transactions && (thd->options & (OPTION_NOT_AUTOCOMMIT | OPTION_BEGIN)); if (using_transactions && (table->file->table_cache_type() == HA_CACHE_TBL_TRANSACT)) thd->add_changed_table(table); else invalidate_table(thd, table); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } void Query_cache::invalidate(THD *thd, const char *key, uint32 key_length, my_bool using_transactions) { DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache::invalidate (key)"); using_transactions= using_transactions && (thd->options & (OPTION_NOT_AUTOCOMMIT | OPTION_BEGIN)); if (using_transactions) // used for innodb => has_transactions() is TRUE thd->add_changed_table(key, key_length); else invalidate_table(thd, (uchar*)key, key_length); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /** Synchronize the thread with any flushing operations. This helper function is called whenever a thread needs to operate on the query cache structure (example: during invalidation). If a table flush is in progress this function will wait for it to stop. If a full flush is in progress, the function will set the interrupt parameter to indicate that the current operation is redundant and should be interrupted. @param[out] interrupt This out-parameter will be set to TRUE if the calling function is redundant and should be interrupted. @return If the interrupt-parameter is TRUE then m_cache_status is set to NO_FLUSH_IN_PROGRESS. If the interrupt-parameter is FALSE then m_cache_status is set to FLUSH_IN_PROGRESS. The structure_guard_mutex will in any case be locked. */ void Query_cache::wait_while_table_flush_is_in_progress(bool *interrupt) { while (is_flushing()) { /* If there already is a full flush in progress query cache isn't enabled and additional flushes are redundant; just return instead. */ if (m_cache_status == Query_cache::FLUSH_IN_PROGRESS) { *interrupt= TRUE; return; } /* If a table flush is in progress; wait on cache status to change. */ if (m_cache_status == Query_cache::TABLE_FLUSH_IN_PROGRESS) pthread_cond_wait(&COND_cache_status_changed, &structure_guard_mutex); } *interrupt= FALSE; } /** Remove all cached queries that uses the given database. */ void Query_cache::invalidate(char *db) { bool restart= FALSE; DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache::invalidate (db)"); STRUCT_LOCK(&structure_guard_mutex); bool interrupt; wait_while_table_flush_is_in_progress(&interrupt); if (interrupt) { STRUCT_UNLOCK(&structure_guard_mutex); return; } THD *thd= current_thd; if (query_cache_size > 0) { if (tables_blocks) { Query_cache_block *table_block = tables_blocks; do { restart= FALSE; do { Query_cache_block *next= table_block->next; Query_cache_table *table = table_block->table(); if (strcmp(table->db(),db) == 0) { Query_cache_block_table *list_root= table_block->table(0); invalidate_query_block_list(thd,list_root); } table_block= next; /* If our root node to used tables became null then the last element in the table list was removed when a query was invalidated; Terminate the search. */ if (tables_blocks == 0) { table_block= tables_blocks; } /* If the iterated list has changed underlying structure; we need to restart the search. */ else if (table_block->type == Query_cache_block::FREE) { restart= TRUE; table_block= tables_blocks; } /* The used tables are linked in a circular list; loop until we return to the begining. */ } while (table_block != tables_blocks); /* Invalidating a table will also mean that all cached queries using this table also will be invalidated. This will in turn change the list of tables associated with these queries and the linked list of used table will be changed. Because of this we might need to restart the search when a table has been invalidated. */ } while (restart); } // end if( tables_blocks ) } STRUCT_UNLOCK(&structure_guard_mutex); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } void Query_cache::invalidate_by_MyISAM_filename(const char *filename) { DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache::invalidate_by_MyISAM_filename"); /* Calculate the key outside the lock to make the lock shorter */ char key[MAX_DBKEY_LENGTH]; uint32 db_length; uint key_length= filename_2_table_key(key, filename, &db_length); THD *thd= current_thd; invalidate_table(thd,(uchar *)key, key_length); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /* Remove all queries from cache */ void Query_cache::flush() { DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache::flush"); STRUCT_LOCK(&structure_guard_mutex); if (query_cache_size > 0) { DUMP(this); flush_cache(); DUMP(this); } DBUG_EXECUTE("check_querycache",query_cache.check_integrity(1);); STRUCT_UNLOCK(&structure_guard_mutex); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /** Rearrange the memory blocks and join result in cache in 1 block (if result length > join_limit) @param[in] join_limit If the minimum length of a result block to be joined. @param[in] iteration_limit The maximum number of packing and joining sequences. */ void Query_cache::pack(ulong join_limit, uint iteration_limit) { DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache::pack"); bool interrupt; STRUCT_LOCK(&structure_guard_mutex); wait_while_table_flush_is_in_progress(&interrupt); if (interrupt) { STRUCT_UNLOCK(&structure_guard_mutex); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } if (query_cache_size == 0) { STRUCT_UNLOCK(&structure_guard_mutex); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } uint i = 0; do { pack_cache(); } while ((++i < iteration_limit) && join_results(join_limit)); STRUCT_UNLOCK(&structure_guard_mutex); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } void Query_cache::destroy() { DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache::destroy"); if (!initialized) { DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("Query Cache not initialized")); } else { /* Underlying code expects the lock. */ STRUCT_LOCK(&structure_guard_mutex); free_cache(); STRUCT_UNLOCK(&structure_guard_mutex); pthread_cond_destroy(&COND_cache_status_changed); pthread_mutex_destroy(&structure_guard_mutex); initialized = 0; } DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /***************************************************************************** init/destroy *****************************************************************************/ void Query_cache::init() { DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache::init"); pthread_mutex_init(&structure_guard_mutex,MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); pthread_cond_init(&COND_cache_status_changed, NULL); m_cache_status= Query_cache::NO_FLUSH_IN_PROGRESS; initialized = 1; DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } ulong Query_cache::init_cache() { uint mem_bin_count, num, step; ulong mem_bin_size, prev_size, inc; ulong additional_data_size, max_mem_bin_size, approx_additional_data_size; int align; DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache::init_cache"); approx_additional_data_size = (sizeof(Query_cache) + sizeof(uchar*)*(def_query_hash_size+ def_table_hash_size)); if (query_cache_size < approx_additional_data_size) goto err; query_cache_size-= approx_additional_data_size; align= query_cache_size % ALIGN_SIZE(1); if (align) { query_cache_size-= align; approx_additional_data_size+= align; } /* Count memory bins number. Check section 6. in start comment for the used algorithm. */ max_mem_bin_size = query_cache_size >> QUERY_CACHE_MEM_BIN_FIRST_STEP_PWR2; mem_bin_count = (uint) ((1 + QUERY_CACHE_MEM_BIN_PARTS_INC) * QUERY_CACHE_MEM_BIN_PARTS_MUL); mem_bin_num = 1; mem_bin_steps = 1; mem_bin_size = max_mem_bin_size >> QUERY_CACHE_MEM_BIN_STEP_PWR2; prev_size = 0; if (mem_bin_size <= min_allocation_unit) { DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("too small query cache => query cache disabled")); // TODO here (and above) should be warning in 4.1 goto err; } while (mem_bin_size > min_allocation_unit) { mem_bin_num += mem_bin_count; prev_size = mem_bin_size; mem_bin_size >>= QUERY_CACHE_MEM_BIN_STEP_PWR2; mem_bin_steps++; mem_bin_count += QUERY_CACHE_MEM_BIN_PARTS_INC; mem_bin_count = (uint) (mem_bin_count * QUERY_CACHE_MEM_BIN_PARTS_MUL); // Prevent too small bins spacing if (mem_bin_count > (mem_bin_size >> QUERY_CACHE_MEM_BIN_SPC_LIM_PWR2)) mem_bin_count= (mem_bin_size >> QUERY_CACHE_MEM_BIN_SPC_LIM_PWR2); } inc = (prev_size - mem_bin_size) / mem_bin_count; mem_bin_num += (mem_bin_count - (min_allocation_unit - mem_bin_size)/inc); mem_bin_steps++; additional_data_size = ((mem_bin_num+1) * ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(Query_cache_memory_bin))+ (mem_bin_steps * ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(Query_cache_memory_bin_step)))); if (query_cache_size < additional_data_size) goto err; query_cache_size -= additional_data_size; if (!(cache= (uchar *) my_malloc_lock(query_cache_size+additional_data_size, MYF(0)))) goto err; DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("cache length %lu, min unit %lu, %u bins", query_cache_size, min_allocation_unit, mem_bin_num)); steps = (Query_cache_memory_bin_step *) cache; bins = ((Query_cache_memory_bin *) (cache + mem_bin_steps * ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(Query_cache_memory_bin_step)))); first_block = (Query_cache_block *) (cache + additional_data_size); first_block->init(query_cache_size); total_blocks++; first_block->pnext=first_block->pprev=first_block; first_block->next=first_block->prev=first_block; /* Prepare bins */ bins[0].init(max_mem_bin_size); steps[0].init(max_mem_bin_size,0,0); mem_bin_count = (uint) ((1 + QUERY_CACHE_MEM_BIN_PARTS_INC) * QUERY_CACHE_MEM_BIN_PARTS_MUL); num= step= 1; mem_bin_size = max_mem_bin_size >> QUERY_CACHE_MEM_BIN_STEP_PWR2; while (mem_bin_size > min_allocation_unit) { ulong incr = (steps[step-1].size - mem_bin_size) / mem_bin_count; unsigned long size = mem_bin_size; for (uint i= mem_bin_count; i > 0; i--) { bins[num+i-1].init(size); size += incr; } num += mem_bin_count; steps[step].init(mem_bin_size, num-1, incr); mem_bin_size >>= QUERY_CACHE_MEM_BIN_STEP_PWR2; step++; mem_bin_count += QUERY_CACHE_MEM_BIN_PARTS_INC; mem_bin_count = (uint) (mem_bin_count * QUERY_CACHE_MEM_BIN_PARTS_MUL); if (mem_bin_count > (mem_bin_size >> QUERY_CACHE_MEM_BIN_SPC_LIM_PWR2)) mem_bin_count=(mem_bin_size >> QUERY_CACHE_MEM_BIN_SPC_LIM_PWR2); } inc = (steps[step-1].size - mem_bin_size) / mem_bin_count; /* num + mem_bin_count > mem_bin_num, but index never be > mem_bin_num because block with size < min_allocated_unit never will be requested */ steps[step].init(mem_bin_size, num + mem_bin_count - 1, inc); { uint skiped = (min_allocation_unit - mem_bin_size)/inc; ulong size = mem_bin_size + inc*skiped; uint i = mem_bin_count - skiped; while (i-- > 0) { bins[num+i].init(size); size += inc; } } bins[mem_bin_num].number = 1; // For easy end test in get_free_block free_memory = free_memory_blocks = 0; insert_into_free_memory_list(first_block); DUMP(this); VOID(hash_init(&queries, &my_charset_bin, def_query_hash_size, 0, 0, query_cache_query_get_key, 0, 0)); #ifndef FN_NO_CASE_SENCE /* If lower_case_table_names!=0 then db and table names are already converted to lower case and we can use binary collation for their comparison (no matter if file system case sensitive or not). If we have case-sensitive file system (like on most Unixes) and lower_case_table_names == 0 then we should distinguish my_table and MY_TABLE cases and so again can use binary collation. */ VOID(hash_init(&tables, &my_charset_bin, def_table_hash_size, 0, 0, query_cache_table_get_key, 0, 0)); #else /* On windows, OS/2, MacOS X with HFS+ or any other case insensitive file system if lower_case_table_names!=0 we have same situation as in previous case, but if lower_case_table_names==0 then we should not distinguish cases (to be compatible in behavior with underlying file system) and so should use case insensitive collation for comparison. */ VOID(hash_init(&tables, lower_case_table_names ? &my_charset_bin : files_charset_info, def_table_hash_size, 0, 0,query_cache_table_get_key, 0, 0)); #endif queries_in_cache = 0; queries_blocks = 0; DBUG_RETURN(query_cache_size + additional_data_size + approx_additional_data_size); err: make_disabled(); DBUG_RETURN(0); } /* Disable the use of the query cache */ void Query_cache::make_disabled() { DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache::make_disabled"); query_cache_size= 0; queries_blocks= 0; free_memory= 0; free_memory_blocks= 0; bins= 0; steps= 0; cache= 0; mem_bin_num= mem_bin_steps= 0; queries_in_cache= 0; first_block= 0; total_blocks= 0; tables_blocks= 0; DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /** @class Query_cache Free all resources allocated by the cache. This function frees all resources allocated by the cache. You have to call init_cache() before using the cache again. This function requires the structure_guard_mutex to be locked. */ void Query_cache::free_cache() { DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache::free_cache"); my_free((uchar*) cache, MYF(MY_ALLOW_ZERO_PTR)); make_disabled(); hash_free(&queries); hash_free(&tables); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /***************************************************************************** Free block data *****************************************************************************/ /** Flush the cache. This function will flush cache contents. It assumes we have 'structure_guard_mutex' locked. The function sets the m_cache_status flag and releases the lock, so other threads may proceed skipping the cache as if it is disabled. Concurrent flushes are performed in turn. After flush_cache() call, the cache is flushed, all the freed memory is accumulated in bin[0], and the 'structure_guard_mutex' is locked. However, since we could release the mutex during execution, the rest of the cache state could have been changed, and should not be relied on. */ void Query_cache::flush_cache() { /* If there is flush in progress, wait for it to finish, and then do our flush. This is necessary because something could be added to the cache before we acquire the lock again, and some code (like Query_cache::free_cache()) depends on the fact that after the flush the cache is empty. */ while (is_flushing()) pthread_cond_wait(&COND_cache_status_changed, &structure_guard_mutex); /* Setting 'FLUSH_IN_PROGRESS' will prevent other threads from using the cache while we are in the middle of the flush, and we release the lock so that other threads won't block. */ m_cache_status= Query_cache::FLUSH_IN_PROGRESS; STRUCT_UNLOCK(&structure_guard_mutex); my_hash_reset(&queries); while (queries_blocks != 0) { BLOCK_LOCK_WR(queries_blocks); free_query_internal(queries_blocks); } STRUCT_LOCK(&structure_guard_mutex); m_cache_status= Query_cache::NO_FLUSH_IN_PROGRESS; pthread_cond_signal(&COND_cache_status_changed); } /* Free oldest query that is not in use by another thread. Returns 1 if we couldn't remove anything */ my_bool Query_cache::free_old_query() { DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache::free_old_query"); if (queries_blocks) { /* try_lock_writing used to prevent client because here lock sequence is breached. Also we don't need remove locked queries at this point. */ Query_cache_block *query_block= 0; if (queries_blocks != 0) { Query_cache_block *block = queries_blocks; /* Search until we find first query that we can remove */ do { Query_cache_query *header = block->query(); if (header->result() != 0 && header->result()->type == Query_cache_block::RESULT && block->query()->try_lock_writing()) { query_block = block; break; } } while ((block=block->next) != queries_blocks ); } if (query_block != 0) { free_query(query_block); lowmem_prunes++; DBUG_RETURN(0); } } DBUG_RETURN(1); // Nothing to remove } /* free_query_internal() - free query from query cache. SYNOPSIS free_query_internal() query_block Query_cache_block representing the query DESCRIPTION This function will remove the query from a cache, and place its memory blocks to the list of free blocks. 'query_block' must be locked for writing, this function will release (and destroy) this lock. NOTE 'query_block' should be removed from 'queries' hash _before_ calling this method, as the lock will be destroyed here. */ void Query_cache::free_query_internal(Query_cache_block *query_block) { DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache::free_query_internal"); DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("free query 0x%lx %lu bytes result", (ulong) query_block, query_block->query()->length() )); queries_in_cache--; Query_cache_query *query= query_block->query(); if (query->writer() != 0) { /* Tell MySQL that this query should not be cached anymore */ query->writer()->query_cache_query= 0; query->writer(0); } double_linked_list_exclude(query_block, &queries_blocks); Query_cache_block_table *table= query_block->table(0); for (TABLE_COUNTER_TYPE i= 0; i < query_block->n_tables; i++) unlink_table(table++); Query_cache_block *result_block= query->result(); /* The following is true when query destruction was called and no results in query . (query just registered and then abort/pack/flush called) */ if (result_block != 0) { if (result_block->type != Query_cache_block::RESULT) { // removing unfinished query refused++; inserts--; } Query_cache_block *block= result_block; do { Query_cache_block *current= block; block= block->next; free_memory_block(current); } while (block != result_block); } else { // removing unfinished query refused++; inserts--; } query->unlock_n_destroy(); free_memory_block(query_block); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /* free_query() - free query from query cache. SYNOPSIS free_query() query_block Query_cache_block representing the query DESCRIPTION This function will remove 'query_block' from 'queries' hash, and then call free_query_internal(), which see. */ void Query_cache::free_query(Query_cache_block *query_block) { DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache::free_query"); DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("free query 0x%lx %lu bytes result", (ulong) query_block, query_block->query()->length() )); hash_delete(&queries,(uchar *) query_block); free_query_internal(query_block); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /***************************************************************************** Query data creation *****************************************************************************/ Query_cache_block * Query_cache::write_block_data(ulong data_len, uchar* data, ulong header_len, Query_cache_block::block_type type, TABLE_COUNTER_TYPE ntab) { ulong all_headers_len = (ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(Query_cache_block)) + ALIGN_SIZE(ntab*sizeof(Query_cache_block_table)) + header_len); ulong len = data_len + all_headers_len; ulong align_len= ALIGN_SIZE(len); DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache::write_block_data"); DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("data: %ld, header: %ld, all header: %ld", data_len, header_len, all_headers_len)); Query_cache_block *block= allocate_block(max(align_len, min_allocation_unit),1, 0); if (block != 0) { block->type = type; block->n_tables = ntab; block->used = len; memcpy((uchar *) block+ all_headers_len, data, data_len); } DBUG_RETURN(block); } /* On success STRUCT_UNLOCK(&query_cache.structure_guard_mutex) will be done. */ my_bool Query_cache::append_result_data(Query_cache_block **current_block, ulong data_len, uchar* data, Query_cache_block *query_block) { DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache::append_result_data"); DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("append %lu bytes to 0x%lx query", data_len, (long) query_block)); if (query_block->query()->add(data_len) > query_cache_limit) { DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("size limit reached %lu > %lu", query_block->query()->length(), query_cache_limit)); DBUG_RETURN(0); } if (*current_block == 0) { DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("allocated first result data block %lu", data_len)); /* STRUCT_UNLOCK(&structure_guard_mutex) Will be done by write_result_data if success; */ DBUG_RETURN(write_result_data(current_block, data_len, data, query_block, Query_cache_block::RES_BEG)); } Query_cache_block *last_block = (*current_block)->prev; DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("lastblock 0x%lx len %lu used %lu", (ulong) last_block, last_block->length, last_block->used)); my_bool success = 1; ulong last_block_free_space= last_block->length - last_block->used; /* We will first allocate and write the 'tail' of data, that doesn't fit in the 'last_block'. Only if this succeeds, we will fill the last_block. This saves us a memcpy if the query doesn't fit in the query cache. */ // Try join blocks if physically next block is free... ulong tail = data_len - last_block_free_space; ulong append_min = get_min_append_result_data_size(); if (last_block_free_space < data_len && append_next_free_block(last_block, max(tail, append_min))) last_block_free_space = last_block->length - last_block->used; // If no space in last block (even after join) allocate new block if (last_block_free_space < data_len) { DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("allocate new block for %lu bytes", data_len-last_block_free_space)); Query_cache_block *new_block = 0; /* On success STRUCT_UNLOCK(&structure_guard_mutex) will be done by the next call */ success = write_result_data(&new_block, data_len-last_block_free_space, (uchar*)(((uchar*)data)+last_block_free_space), query_block, Query_cache_block::RES_CONT); /* new_block may be != 0 even !success (if write_result_data allocate a small block but failed to allocate continue) */ if (new_block != 0) double_linked_list_join(last_block, new_block); } else { // It is success (nobody can prevent us write data) STRUCT_UNLOCK(&structure_guard_mutex); } // Now finally write data to the last block if (success && last_block_free_space > 0) { ulong to_copy = min(data_len,last_block_free_space); DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("use free space %lub at block 0x%lx to copy %lub", last_block_free_space, (ulong)last_block, to_copy)); memcpy((uchar*) last_block + last_block->used, data, to_copy); last_block->used+=to_copy; } DBUG_RETURN(success); } my_bool Query_cache::write_result_data(Query_cache_block **result_block, ulong data_len, uchar* data, Query_cache_block *query_block, Query_cache_block::block_type type) { DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache::write_result_data"); DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("data_len %lu",data_len)); /* Reserve block(s) for filling During data allocation we must have structure_guard_mutex locked. As data copy is not a fast operation, it's better if we don't have structure_guard_mutex locked during data coping. Thus we first allocate space and lock query, then unlock structure_guard_mutex and copy data. */ my_bool success = allocate_data_chain(result_block, data_len, query_block, type == Query_cache_block::RES_BEG); if (success) { // It is success (nobody can prevent us write data) STRUCT_UNLOCK(&structure_guard_mutex); uint headers_len = (ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(Query_cache_block)) + ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(Query_cache_result))); #ifndef EMBEDDED_LIBRARY Query_cache_block *block= *result_block; uchar *rest= data; // Now fill list of blocks that created by allocate_data_chain do { block->type = type; ulong length = block->used - headers_len; DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("write %lu byte in block 0x%lx",length, (ulong)block)); memcpy((uchar*) block+headers_len, rest, length); rest += length; block = block->next; type = Query_cache_block::RES_CONT; } while (block != *result_block); #else /* Set type of first block, emb_store_querycache_result() will handle the others. */ (*result_block)->type= type; Querycache_stream qs(*result_block, headers_len); emb_store_querycache_result(&qs, (THD*)data); #endif /*!EMBEDDED_LIBRARY*/ } else { if (*result_block != 0) { // Destroy list of blocks that was created & locked by lock_result_data Query_cache_block *block = *result_block; do { Query_cache_block *current = block; block = block->next; free_memory_block(current); } while (block != *result_block); *result_block = 0; /* It is not success => not unlock structure_guard_mutex (we need it to free query) */ } } DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("success %d", (int) success)); DBUG_RETURN(success); } inline ulong Query_cache::get_min_first_result_data_size() { if (queries_in_cache < QUERY_CACHE_MIN_ESTIMATED_QUERIES_NUMBER) return min_result_data_size; ulong avg_result = (query_cache_size - free_memory) / queries_in_cache; avg_result = min(avg_result, query_cache_limit); return max(min_result_data_size, avg_result); } inline ulong Query_cache::get_min_append_result_data_size() { return min_result_data_size; } /* Allocate one or more blocks to hold data */ my_bool Query_cache::allocate_data_chain(Query_cache_block **result_block, ulong data_len, Query_cache_block *query_block, my_bool first_block_arg) { ulong all_headers_len = (ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(Query_cache_block)) + ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(Query_cache_result))); ulong min_size = (first_block_arg ? get_min_first_result_data_size(): get_min_append_result_data_size()); Query_cache_block *prev_block= NULL; Query_cache_block *new_block; DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache::allocate_data_chain"); DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("data_len %lu, all_headers_len %lu", data_len, all_headers_len)); do { ulong len= data_len + all_headers_len; ulong align_len= ALIGN_SIZE(len); if (!(new_block= allocate_block(max(min_size, align_len), min_result_data_size == 0, all_headers_len + min_result_data_size))) { DBUG_PRINT("warning", ("Can't allocate block for results")); DBUG_RETURN(FALSE); } new_block->n_tables = 0; new_block->used = min(len, new_block->length); new_block->type = Query_cache_block::RES_INCOMPLETE; new_block->next = new_block->prev = new_block; Query_cache_result *header = new_block->result(); header->parent(query_block); DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("Block len %lu used %lu", new_block->length, new_block->used)); if (prev_block) double_linked_list_join(prev_block, new_block); else *result_block= new_block; if (new_block->length >= len) break; /* We got less memory then we need (no big memory blocks) => Continue to allocated more blocks until we got everything we need. */ data_len= len - new_block->length; prev_block= new_block; } while (1); DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } /***************************************************************************** Tables management *****************************************************************************/ /* Invalidate the first table in the table_list */ void Query_cache::invalidate_table(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *table_list) { if (table_list->table != 0) invalidate_table(thd, table_list->table); // Table is open else { char key[MAX_DBKEY_LENGTH]; uint key_length; key_length=(uint) (strmov(strmov(key,table_list->db)+1, table_list->table_name) -key)+ 1; // We don't store temporary tables => no key_length+=4 ... invalidate_table(thd, (uchar *)key, key_length); } } void Query_cache::invalidate_table(THD *thd, TABLE *table) { invalidate_table(thd, (uchar*) table->s->table_cache_key.str, table->s->table_cache_key.length); } void Query_cache::invalidate_table(THD *thd, uchar * key, uint32 key_length) { bool interrupt; STRUCT_LOCK(&structure_guard_mutex); wait_while_table_flush_is_in_progress(&interrupt); if (interrupt) { STRUCT_UNLOCK(&structure_guard_mutex); return; } /* Setting 'TABLE_FLUSH_IN_PROGRESS' will temporarily disable the cache so that structural changes to cache won't block the entire server. However, threads requesting to change the query cache will still have to wait for the flush to finish. */ m_cache_status= Query_cache::TABLE_FLUSH_IN_PROGRESS; STRUCT_UNLOCK(&structure_guard_mutex); if (query_cache_size > 0) invalidate_table_internal(thd, key, key_length); STRUCT_LOCK(&structure_guard_mutex); m_cache_status= Query_cache::NO_FLUSH_IN_PROGRESS; /* net_real_write might be waiting on a change on the m_cache_status variable. */ pthread_cond_signal(&COND_cache_status_changed); STRUCT_UNLOCK(&structure_guard_mutex); } /** Try to locate and invalidate a table by name. The caller must ensure that no other thread is trying to work with the query cache when this function is executed. @pre structure_guard_mutex is acquired or TABLE_FLUSH_IN_PROGRESS is set. */ void Query_cache::invalidate_table_internal(THD *thd, uchar *key, uint32 key_length) { Query_cache_block *table_block= (Query_cache_block*)hash_search(&tables, key, key_length); if (table_block) { Query_cache_block_table *list_root= table_block->table(0); invalidate_query_block_list(thd, list_root); } } /** Invalidate a linked list of query cache blocks. Each block tries to aquire a block level lock before free_query is a called. This function will in turn affect related table- and result-blocks. @param[in,out] thd Thread context. @param[in,out] list_root A pointer to a circular list of query blocks. */ void Query_cache::invalidate_query_block_list(THD *thd, Query_cache_block_table *list_root) { while (list_root->next != list_root) { Query_cache_block *query_block= list_root->next->block(); BLOCK_LOCK_WR(query_block); free_query(query_block); DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("debug_cache_locks", sleep(10);); } } /* Register given table list begining with given position in tables table of block SYNOPSIS Query_cache::register_tables_from_list tables_used given table list counter number current position in table of tables of block block_table pointer to current position in tables table of block RETURN 0 error number of next position of table entry in table of tables of block */ TABLE_COUNTER_TYPE Query_cache::register_tables_from_list(TABLE_LIST *tables_used, TABLE_COUNTER_TYPE counter, Query_cache_block_table *block_table) { TABLE_COUNTER_TYPE n; DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache::register_tables_from_list"); for (n= counter; tables_used; tables_used= tables_used->next_global, n++, block_table++) { if (tables_used->is_anonymous_derived_table()) { DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("derived table skipped")); n--; block_table--; continue; } block_table->n= n; if (tables_used->view) { char key[MAX_DBKEY_LENGTH]; uint key_length; DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("view: %s db: %s", tables_used->view_name.str, tables_used->view_db.str)); key_length= (uint) (strmov(strmov(key, tables_used->view_db.str) + 1, tables_used->view_name.str) - key) + 1; /* There are not callback function for for VIEWs */ if (!insert_table(key_length, key, block_table, tables_used->view_db.length + 1, HA_CACHE_TBL_NONTRANSACT, 0, 0)) DBUG_RETURN(0); /* We do not need to register view tables here because they are already present in the global list. */ } else { DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("table: %s db: %s openinfo: 0x%lx keylen: %lu key: 0x%lx", tables_used->table->s->table_name.str, tables_used->table->s->table_cache_key.str, (ulong) tables_used->table, (ulong) tables_used->table->s->table_cache_key.length, (ulong) tables_used->table->s->table_cache_key.str)); if (!insert_table(tables_used->table->s->table_cache_key.length, tables_used->table->s->table_cache_key.str, block_table, tables_used->db_length, tables_used->table->file->table_cache_type(), tables_used->callback_func, tables_used->engine_data)) DBUG_RETURN(0); #ifdef WITH_MYISAMMRG_STORAGE_ENGINE /* XXX FIXME: Some generic mechanism is required here instead of this MYISAMMRG-specific implementation. */ if (tables_used->table->s->db_type()->db_type == DB_TYPE_MRG_MYISAM) { ha_myisammrg *handler = (ha_myisammrg *) tables_used->table->file; MYRG_INFO *file = handler->myrg_info(); for (MYRG_TABLE *table = file->open_tables; table != file->end_table ; table++) { char key[MAX_DBKEY_LENGTH]; uint32 db_length; uint key_length= filename_2_table_key(key, table->table->filename, &db_length); (++block_table)->n= ++n; /* There are not callback function for for MyISAM, and engine data */ if (!insert_table(key_length, key, block_table, db_length, tables_used->table->file->table_cache_type(), 0, 0)) DBUG_RETURN(0); } } #endif } } DBUG_RETURN(n - counter); } /* Store all used tables SYNOPSIS register_all_tables() block Store tables in this block tables_used List if used tables tables_arg Not used ? */ my_bool Query_cache::register_all_tables(Query_cache_block *block, TABLE_LIST *tables_used, TABLE_COUNTER_TYPE tables_arg) { TABLE_COUNTER_TYPE n; DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("register tables block 0x%lx, n %d, header %x", (ulong) block, (int) tables_arg, (int) ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(Query_cache_block)))); Query_cache_block_table *block_table = block->table(0); n= register_tables_from_list(tables_used, 0, block_table); if (n==0) { /* Unlink the tables we allocated above */ for (Query_cache_block_table *tmp = block->table(0) ; tmp != block_table; tmp++) unlink_table(tmp); } return test(n); } /** Insert used table name into the cache. @return Error status @retval FALSE On error @retval TRUE On success */ my_bool Query_cache::insert_table(uint key_len, char *key, Query_cache_block_table *node, uint32 db_length, uint8 cache_type, qc_engine_callback callback, ulonglong engine_data) { DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache::insert_table"); DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("insert table node 0x%lx, len %d", (ulong)node, key_len)); THD *thd= current_thd; Query_cache_block *table_block= (Query_cache_block *)hash_search(&tables, (uchar*) key, key_len); if (table_block && table_block->table()->engine_data() != engine_data) { DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("Handler require invalidation queries of %s.%s %lu-%lu", table_block->table()->db(), table_block->table()->table(), (ulong) engine_data, (ulong) table_block->table()->engine_data())); /* as far as we delete all queries with this table, table block will be deleted, too */ { Query_cache_block_table *list_root= table_block->table(0); invalidate_query_block_list(thd, list_root); } table_block= 0; } if (table_block == 0) { DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("new table block from 0x%lx (%u)", (ulong) key, (int) key_len)); table_block= write_block_data(key_len, (uchar*) key, ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(Query_cache_table)), Query_cache_block::TABLE, 1); if (table_block == 0) { DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("Can't write table name to cache")); DBUG_RETURN(0); } Query_cache_table *header= table_block->table(); double_linked_list_simple_include(table_block, &tables_blocks); /* First node in the Query_cache_block_table-chain is the table-type block. This block will only have one Query_cache_block_table (n=0). */ Query_cache_block_table *list_root= table_block->table(0); list_root->n= 0; /* The node list is circular in nature. */ list_root->next= list_root->prev= list_root; if (my_hash_insert(&tables, (const uchar *) table_block)) { DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("Can't insert table to hash")); // write_block_data return locked block free_memory_block(table_block); DBUG_RETURN(0); } char *db= header->db(); header->table(db + db_length + 1); header->key_length(key_len); header->type(cache_type); header->callback(callback); header->engine_data(engine_data); /* We insert this table without the assumption that it isn't refrenenced by any queries. */ header->m_cached_query_count= 0; } /* Table is now in the cache; link the table_block-node associated with the currently processed query into the chain of queries depending on the cached table. */ Query_cache_block_table *list_root= table_block->table(0); node->next= list_root->next; list_root->next= node; node->next->prev= node; node->prev= list_root; node->parent= table_block->table(); /* Increase the counter to keep track on how long this chain of queries is. */ Query_cache_table *table_block_data= table_block->table(); table_block_data->m_cached_query_count++; DBUG_RETURN(1); } void Query_cache::unlink_table(Query_cache_block_table *node) { DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache::unlink_table"); node->prev->next= node->next; node->next->prev= node->prev; Query_cache_block_table *neighbour= node->next; Query_cache_table *table_block_data= node->parent; table_block_data->m_cached_query_count--; DBUG_ASSERT(table_block_data->m_cached_query_count >= 0); if (neighbour->next == neighbour) { DBUG_ASSERT(table_block_data->m_cached_query_count == 0); /* If neighbor is root of list, the list is empty. The root of the list is always a table-type block which contain exactly one Query_cache_block_table node object, thus we can use the block() method to calculate the Query_cache_block address. */ Query_cache_block *table_block= neighbour->block(); double_linked_list_exclude(table_block, &tables_blocks); hash_delete(&tables,(uchar *) table_block); free_memory_block(table_block); } DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /***************************************************************************** Free memory management *****************************************************************************/ Query_cache_block * Query_cache::allocate_block(ulong len, my_bool not_less, ulong min) { DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache::allocate_block"); DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("len %lu, not less %d, min %lu", len, not_less,min)); if (len >= min(query_cache_size, query_cache_limit)) { DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("Query cache hase only %lu memory and limit %lu", query_cache_size, query_cache_limit)); DBUG_RETURN(0); // in any case we don't have such piece of memory } /* Free old queries until we have enough memory to store this block */ Query_cache_block *block; do { block= get_free_block(len, not_less, min); } while (block == 0 && !free_old_query()); if (block != 0) // If we found a suitable block { if (block->length >= ALIGN_SIZE(len) + min_allocation_unit) split_block(block,ALIGN_SIZE(len)); } DBUG_RETURN(block); } Query_cache_block * Query_cache::get_free_block(ulong len, my_bool not_less, ulong min) { Query_cache_block *block = 0, *first = 0; DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache::get_free_block"); DBUG_PRINT("qcache",("length %lu, not_less %d, min %lu", len, (int)not_less, min)); /* Find block with minimal size > len */ uint start = find_bin(len); // try matching bin if (bins[start].number != 0) { Query_cache_block *list = bins[start].free_blocks; if (list->prev->length >= len) // check block with max size { first = list; uint n = 0; while ( n < QUERY_CACHE_MEM_BIN_TRY && first->length < len) //we don't need irst->next != list { first=first->next; n++; } if (first->length >= len) block=first; else // we don't need if (first->next != list) { n = 0; block = list->prev; while (n < QUERY_CACHE_MEM_BIN_TRY && block->length > len) { block=block->prev; n++; } if (block->length < len) block=block->next; } } else first = list->prev; } if (block == 0 && start > 0) { DBUG_PRINT("qcache",("Try bins with bigger block size")); // Try more big bins int i = start - 1; while (i > 0 && bins[i].number == 0) i--; if (bins[i].number > 0) block = bins[i].free_blocks; } // If no big blocks => try less size (if it is possible) if (block == 0 && ! not_less) { DBUG_PRINT("qcache",("Try to allocate a smaller block")); if (first != 0 && first->length > min) block = first; else { uint i = start + 1; /* bins[mem_bin_num].number contains 1 for easy end test */ for (i= start+1 ; bins[i].number == 0 ; i++) ; if (i < mem_bin_num && bins[i].free_blocks->prev->length >= min) block = bins[i].free_blocks->prev; } } if (block != 0) exclude_from_free_memory_list(block); DBUG_PRINT("qcache",("getting block 0x%lx", (ulong) block)); DBUG_RETURN(block); } void Query_cache::free_memory_block(Query_cache_block *block) { DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache::free_memory_block"); block->used=0; block->type= Query_cache_block::FREE; // mark block as free in any case DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("first_block 0x%lx, block 0x%lx, pnext 0x%lx pprev 0x%lx", (ulong) first_block, (ulong) block, (ulong) block->pnext, (ulong) block->pprev)); if (block->pnext != first_block && block->pnext->is_free()) block = join_free_blocks(block, block->pnext); if (block != first_block && block->pprev->is_free()) block = join_free_blocks(block->pprev, block->pprev); insert_into_free_memory_list(block); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } void Query_cache::split_block(Query_cache_block *block, ulong len) { DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache::split_block"); Query_cache_block *new_block = (Query_cache_block*)(((uchar*) block)+len); new_block->init(block->length - len); total_blocks++; block->length=len; new_block->pnext = block->pnext; block->pnext = new_block; new_block->pprev = block; new_block->pnext->pprev = new_block; if (block->type == Query_cache_block::FREE) { // if block was free then it already joined with all free neighbours insert_into_free_memory_list(new_block); } else free_memory_block(new_block); DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("split 0x%lx (%lu) new 0x%lx", (ulong) block, len, (ulong) new_block)); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } Query_cache_block * Query_cache::join_free_blocks(Query_cache_block *first_block_arg, Query_cache_block *block_in_list) { Query_cache_block *second_block; DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache::join_free_blocks"); DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("join first 0x%lx, pnext 0x%lx, in list 0x%lx", (ulong) first_block_arg, (ulong) first_block_arg->pnext, (ulong) block_in_list)); exclude_from_free_memory_list(block_in_list); second_block = first_block_arg->pnext; // May be was not free block second_block->used=0; second_block->destroy(); total_blocks--; first_block_arg->length += second_block->length; first_block_arg->pnext = second_block->pnext; second_block->pnext->pprev = first_block_arg; DBUG_RETURN(first_block_arg); } my_bool Query_cache::append_next_free_block(Query_cache_block *block, ulong add_size) { Query_cache_block *next_block = block->pnext; DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache::append_next_free_block"); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("block 0x%lx, add_size %lu", (ulong) block, add_size)); if (next_block != first_block && next_block->is_free()) { ulong old_len = block->length; exclude_from_free_memory_list(next_block); next_block->destroy(); total_blocks--; block->length += next_block->length; block->pnext = next_block->pnext; next_block->pnext->pprev = block; if (block->length > ALIGN_SIZE(old_len + add_size) + min_allocation_unit) split_block(block,ALIGN_SIZE(old_len + add_size)); DBUG_PRINT("exit", ("block was appended")); DBUG_RETURN(1); } DBUG_RETURN(0); } void Query_cache::exclude_from_free_memory_list(Query_cache_block *free_block) { DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache::exclude_from_free_memory_list"); Query_cache_memory_bin *bin = *((Query_cache_memory_bin **) free_block->data()); double_linked_list_exclude(free_block, &bin->free_blocks); bin->number--; free_memory-=free_block->length; free_memory_blocks--; DBUG_PRINT("qcache",("exclude block 0x%lx, bin 0x%lx", (ulong) free_block, (ulong) bin)); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } void Query_cache::insert_into_free_memory_list(Query_cache_block *free_block) { DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache::insert_into_free_memory_list"); uint idx = find_bin(free_block->length); insert_into_free_memory_sorted_list(free_block, &bins[idx].free_blocks); /* We have enough memory in block for storing bin reference due to min_allocation_unit choice */ Query_cache_memory_bin **bin_ptr = ((Query_cache_memory_bin**) free_block->data()); *bin_ptr = bins+idx; (*bin_ptr)->number++; DBUG_PRINT("qcache",("insert block 0x%lx, bin[%d] 0x%lx", (ulong) free_block, idx, (ulong) *bin_ptr)); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } uint Query_cache::find_bin(ulong size) { DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache::find_bin"); // Binary search int left = 0, right = mem_bin_steps; do { int middle = (left + right) / 2; if (steps[middle].size > size) left = middle+1; else right = middle; } while (left < right); if (left == 0) { // first bin not subordinate of common rules DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("first bin (# 0), size %lu",size)); DBUG_RETURN(0); } uint bin = steps[left].idx - (uint)((size - steps[left].size)/steps[left].increment); DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("bin %u step %u, size %lu step size %lu", bin, left, size, steps[left].size)); DBUG_RETURN(bin); } /***************************************************************************** Lists management *****************************************************************************/ void Query_cache::move_to_query_list_end(Query_cache_block *query_block) { DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache::move_to_query_list_end"); double_linked_list_exclude(query_block, &queries_blocks); double_linked_list_simple_include(query_block, &queries_blocks); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } void Query_cache::insert_into_free_memory_sorted_list(Query_cache_block * new_block, Query_cache_block ** list) { DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache::insert_into_free_memory_sorted_list"); /* list sorted by size in ascendant order, because we need small blocks more frequently than bigger ones */ new_block->used = 0; new_block->n_tables = 0; new_block->type = Query_cache_block::FREE; if (*list == 0) { *list = new_block->next=new_block->prev=new_block; DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("inserted into empty list")); } else { Query_cache_block *point = *list; if (point->length >= new_block->length) { point = point->prev; *list = new_block; } else { /* Find right position in sorted list to put block */ while (point->next != *list && point->next->length < new_block->length) point=point->next; } new_block->prev = point; new_block->next = point->next; new_block->next->prev = new_block; point->next = new_block; } free_memory+=new_block->length; free_memory_blocks++; DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } void Query_cache::double_linked_list_simple_include(Query_cache_block *point, Query_cache_block ** list_pointer) { DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache::double_linked_list_simple_include"); DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("including block 0x%lx", (ulong) point)); if (*list_pointer == 0) *list_pointer=point->next=point->prev=point; else { // insert to the end of list point->next = (*list_pointer); point->prev = (*list_pointer)->prev; point->prev->next = point; (*list_pointer)->prev = point; } DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } void Query_cache::double_linked_list_exclude(Query_cache_block *point, Query_cache_block **list_pointer) { DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache::double_linked_list_exclude"); DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("excluding block 0x%lx, list 0x%lx", (ulong) point, (ulong) list_pointer)); if (point->next == point) *list_pointer = 0; // empty list else { point->next->prev = point->prev; point->prev->next = point->next; /* If the root is removed; select a new root */ if (point == *list_pointer) *list_pointer= point->next; } DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } void Query_cache::double_linked_list_join(Query_cache_block *head_tail, Query_cache_block *tail_head) { Query_cache_block *head_head = head_tail->next, *tail_tail = tail_head->prev; head_head->prev = tail_tail; head_tail->next = tail_head; tail_head->prev = head_tail; tail_tail->next = head_head; } /***************************************************************************** Query *****************************************************************************/ /* Collect information about table types, check that tables are cachable and count them SYNOPSIS process_and_count_tables() tables_used table list for processing tables_type pointer to variable for table types collection RETURN 0 error >0 number of tables */ TABLE_COUNTER_TYPE Query_cache::process_and_count_tables(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables_used, uint8 *tables_type) { DBUG_ENTER("process_and_count_tables"); TABLE_COUNTER_TYPE table_count = 0; for (; tables_used; tables_used= tables_used->next_global) { table_count++; #ifndef NO_EMBEDDED_ACCESS_CHECKS /* Disable any attempt to store this statement if there are column level grants on any referenced tables. The grant.want_privileges flag was set to 1 in the check_grant() function earlier if the TABLE_LIST object had any associated column privileges. We need to check that the TABLE_LIST object isn't part of a VIEW definition because we want to be able to cache views. TODO: Although it is possible to cache views, the privilege check on view tables always fall back on column privileges even if there are more generic table privileges. Thus it isn't currently possible to retrieve cached view-tables unless the client has the super user privileges. */ if (tables_used->grant.want_privilege && tables_used->belong_to_view == NULL) { DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("Don't cache statement as it refers to " "tables with column privileges.")); thd->lex->safe_to_cache_query= 0; DBUG_RETURN(0); } #endif if (tables_used->view) { DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("view: %s db: %s", tables_used->view_name.str, tables_used->view_db.str)); *tables_type|= HA_CACHE_TBL_NONTRANSACT; } else { DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("table: %s db: %s type: %u", tables_used->table->s->table_name.str, tables_used->table->s->db.str, tables_used->table->s->db_type()->db_type)); if (tables_used->derived) { table_count--; DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("derived table skipped")); continue; } *tables_type|= tables_used->table->file->table_cache_type(); /* table_alias_charset used here because it depends of lower_case_table_names variable */ if (tables_used->table->s->tmp_table != NO_TMP_TABLE || (*tables_type & HA_CACHE_TBL_NOCACHE) || (tables_used->db_length == 5 && my_strnncoll(table_alias_charset, (uchar*)tables_used->table->s->table_cache_key.str, 6, (uchar*)"mysql",6) == 0)) { DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("select not cacheable: temporary, system or " "other non-cacheable table(s)")); DBUG_RETURN(0); } #ifdef WITH_MYISAMMRG_STORAGE_ENGINE /* XXX FIXME: Some generic mechanism is required here instead of this MYISAMMRG-specific implementation. */ if (tables_used->table->s->db_type()->db_type == DB_TYPE_MRG_MYISAM) { ha_myisammrg *handler = (ha_myisammrg *)tables_used->table->file; MYRG_INFO *file = handler->myrg_info(); table_count+= (file->end_table - file->open_tables); } #endif } } DBUG_RETURN(table_count); } /* If query is cacheable return number tables in query (query without tables are not cached) */ TABLE_COUNTER_TYPE Query_cache::is_cacheable(THD *thd, uint32 query_len, char *query, LEX *lex, TABLE_LIST *tables_used, uint8 *tables_type) { TABLE_COUNTER_TYPE table_count; DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache::is_cacheable"); if (query_cache_is_cacheable_query(lex) && (thd->variables.query_cache_type == 1 || (thd->variables.query_cache_type == 2 && (lex->select_lex.options & OPTION_TO_QUERY_CACHE)))) { DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("options: %lx %lx type: %u", (long) OPTION_TO_QUERY_CACHE, (long) lex->select_lex.options, (int) thd->variables.query_cache_type)); if (!(table_count= process_and_count_tables(thd, tables_used, tables_type))) DBUG_RETURN(0); if ((thd->options & (OPTION_NOT_AUTOCOMMIT | OPTION_BEGIN)) && ((*tables_type)&HA_CACHE_TBL_TRANSACT)) { DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("not in autocommin mode")); DBUG_RETURN(0); } DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("select is using %d tables", table_count)); DBUG_RETURN(table_count); } DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("not interesting query: %d or not cacheable, options %lx %lx type: %u", (int) lex->sql_command, (long) OPTION_TO_QUERY_CACHE, (long) lex->select_lex.options, (int) thd->variables.query_cache_type)); DBUG_RETURN(0); } /* Check handler allowance to cache query with these tables SYNOPSYS Query_cache::ask_handler_allowance() thd - thread handlers tables_used - tables list used in query RETURN 0 - caching allowed 1 - caching disallowed */ my_bool Query_cache::ask_handler_allowance(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables_used) { DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache::ask_handler_allowance"); for (; tables_used; tables_used= tables_used->next_global) { TABLE *table; handler *handler; if (!(table= tables_used->table)) continue; handler= table->file; if (!handler->register_query_cache_table(thd, table->s->table_cache_key.str, table->s->table_cache_key.length, &tables_used->callback_func, &tables_used->engine_data)) { DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("Handler does not allow caching for %s.%s", tables_used->db, tables_used->alias)); thd->lex->safe_to_cache_query= 0; // Don't try to cache this DBUG_RETURN(1); } } DBUG_RETURN(0); } /***************************************************************************** Packing *****************************************************************************/ /** Rearrange all memory blocks so that free memory joins at the 'bottom' of the allocated memory block containing all cache data. @see Query_cache::pack(ulong join_limit, uint iteration_limit) */ void Query_cache::pack_cache() { DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache::pack_cache"); DBUG_EXECUTE("check_querycache",query_cache.check_integrity(1);); uchar *border = 0; Query_cache_block *before = 0; ulong gap = 0; my_bool ok = 1; Query_cache_block *block = first_block; DUMP(this); if (first_block) { do { Query_cache_block *next=block->pnext; ok = move_by_type(&border, &before, &gap, block); block = next; } while (ok && block != first_block); if (border != 0) { Query_cache_block *new_block = (Query_cache_block *) border; new_block->init(gap); total_blocks++; new_block->pnext = before->pnext; before->pnext = new_block; new_block->pprev = before; new_block->pnext->pprev = new_block; insert_into_free_memory_list(new_block); } DUMP(this); } DBUG_EXECUTE("check_querycache",query_cache.check_integrity(1);); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } my_bool Query_cache::move_by_type(uchar **border, Query_cache_block **before, ulong *gap, Query_cache_block *block) { DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache::move_by_type"); my_bool ok = 1; switch (block->type) { case Query_cache_block::FREE: { DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("block 0x%lx FREE", (ulong) block)); if (*border == 0) { *border = (uchar *) block; *before = block->pprev; DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("gap beginning here")); } exclude_from_free_memory_list(block); *gap +=block->length; block->pprev->pnext=block->pnext; block->pnext->pprev=block->pprev; block->destroy(); total_blocks--; DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("added to gap (%lu)", *gap)); break; } case Query_cache_block::TABLE: { HASH_SEARCH_STATE record_idx; DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("block 0x%lx TABLE", (ulong) block)); if (*border == 0) break; ulong len = block->length, used = block->used; Query_cache_block_table *list_root = block->table(0); Query_cache_block_table *tprev = list_root->prev, *tnext = list_root->next; Query_cache_block *prev = block->prev, *next = block->next, *pprev = block->pprev, *pnext = block->pnext, *new_block =(Query_cache_block *) *border; uint tablename_offset = block->table()->table() - block->table()->db(); char *data = (char*) block->data(); uchar *key; size_t key_length; key=query_cache_table_get_key((uchar*) block, &key_length, 0); hash_first(&tables, (uchar*) key, key_length, &record_idx); block->destroy(); new_block->init(len); new_block->type=Query_cache_block::TABLE; new_block->used=used; new_block->n_tables=1; memmove((char*) new_block->data(), data, len-new_block->headers_len()); relink(block, new_block, next, prev, pnext, pprev); if (tables_blocks == block) tables_blocks = new_block; Query_cache_block_table *nlist_root = new_block->table(0); nlist_root->n = 0; nlist_root->next = tnext; tnext->prev = nlist_root; nlist_root->prev = tprev; tprev->next = nlist_root; DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("list_root: 0x%lx tnext 0x%lx tprev 0x%lx tprev->next 0x%lx tnext->prev 0x%lx", (ulong) list_root, (ulong) tnext, (ulong) tprev, (ulong)tprev->next, (ulong)tnext->prev)); /* Go through all queries that uses this table and change them to point to the new table object */ Query_cache_table *new_block_table=new_block->table(); for (;tnext != nlist_root; tnext=tnext->next) tnext->parent= new_block_table; *border += len; *before = new_block; /* Fix pointer to table name */ new_block->table()->table(new_block->table()->db() + tablename_offset); /* Fix hash to point at moved block */ hash_replace(&tables, &record_idx, (uchar*) new_block); DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("moved %lu bytes to 0x%lx, new gap at 0x%lx", len, (ulong) new_block, (ulong) *border)); break; } case Query_cache_block::QUERY: { HASH_SEARCH_STATE record_idx; DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("block 0x%lx QUERY", (ulong) block)); if (*border == 0) break; BLOCK_LOCK_WR(block); ulong len = block->length, used = block->used; TABLE_COUNTER_TYPE n_tables = block->n_tables; Query_cache_block *prev = block->prev, *next = block->next, *pprev = block->pprev, *pnext = block->pnext, *new_block =(Query_cache_block*) *border; char *data = (char*) block->data(); Query_cache_block *first_result_block = ((Query_cache_query *) block->data())->result(); uchar *key; size_t key_length; key=query_cache_query_get_key((uchar*) block, &key_length, 0); hash_first(&queries, (uchar*) key, key_length, &record_idx); // Move table of used tables memmove((char*) new_block->table(0), (char*) block->table(0), ALIGN_SIZE(n_tables*sizeof(Query_cache_block_table))); block->query()->unlock_n_destroy(); block->destroy(); new_block->init(len); new_block->type=Query_cache_block::QUERY; new_block->used=used; new_block->n_tables=n_tables; memmove((char*) new_block->data(), data, len - new_block->headers_len()); relink(block, new_block, next, prev, pnext, pprev); if (queries_blocks == block) queries_blocks = new_block; Query_cache_block_table *beg_of_table_table= block->table(0), *end_of_table_table= block->table(n_tables); uchar *beg_of_new_table_table= (uchar*) new_block->table(0); for (TABLE_COUNTER_TYPE j=0; j < n_tables; j++) { Query_cache_block_table *block_table = new_block->table(j); // use aligment from begining of table if 'next' is in same block if ((beg_of_table_table <= block_table->next) && (block_table->next < end_of_table_table)) ((Query_cache_block_table *)(beg_of_new_table_table + (((uchar*)block_table->next) - ((uchar*)beg_of_table_table))))->prev= block_table; else block_table->next->prev= block_table; // use aligment from begining of table if 'prev' is in same block if ((beg_of_table_table <= block_table->prev) && (block_table->prev < end_of_table_table)) ((Query_cache_block_table *)(beg_of_new_table_table + (((uchar*)block_table->prev) - ((uchar*)beg_of_table_table))))->next= block_table; else block_table->prev->next = block_table; } DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("after circle tt")); *border += len; *before = new_block; new_block->query()->result(first_result_block); if (first_result_block != 0) { Query_cache_block *result_block = first_result_block; do { result_block->result()->parent(new_block); result_block = result_block->next; } while ( result_block != first_result_block ); } Query_cache_query *new_query= ((Query_cache_query *) new_block->data()); my_rwlock_init(&new_query->lock, NULL); /* If someone is writing to this block, inform the writer that the block has been moved. */ NET *net = new_block->query()->writer(); if (net != 0) { net->query_cache_query= (uchar*) new_block; } /* Fix hash to point at moved block */ hash_replace(&queries, &record_idx, (uchar*) new_block); DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("moved %lu bytes to 0x%lx, new gap at 0x%lx", len, (ulong) new_block, (ulong) *border)); break; } case Query_cache_block::RES_INCOMPLETE: case Query_cache_block::RES_BEG: case Query_cache_block::RES_CONT: case Query_cache_block::RESULT: { DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("block 0x%lx RES* (%d)", (ulong) block, (int) block->type)); if (*border == 0) break; Query_cache_block *query_block = block->result()->parent(), *next = block->next, *prev = block->prev; Query_cache_block::block_type type = block->type; BLOCK_LOCK_WR(query_block); ulong len = block->length, used = block->used; Query_cache_block *pprev = block->pprev, *pnext = block->pnext, *new_block =(Query_cache_block*) *border; char *data = (char*) block->data(); block->destroy(); new_block->init(len); new_block->type=type; new_block->used=used; memmove((char*) new_block->data(), data, len - new_block->headers_len()); relink(block, new_block, next, prev, pnext, pprev); new_block->result()->parent(query_block); Query_cache_query *query = query_block->query(); if (query->result() == block) query->result(new_block); *border += len; *before = new_block; /* If result writing complete && we have free space in block */ ulong free_space= new_block->length - new_block->used; free_space-= free_space % ALIGN_SIZE(1); if (query->result()->type == Query_cache_block::RESULT && new_block->length > new_block->used && *gap + free_space > min_allocation_unit && new_block->length - free_space > min_allocation_unit) { *border-= free_space; *gap+= free_space; DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("rest of result free space added to gap (%lu)", *gap)); new_block->length -= free_space; } BLOCK_UNLOCK_WR(query_block); DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("moved %lu bytes to 0x%lx, new gap at 0x%lx", len, (ulong) new_block, (ulong) *border)); break; } default: DBUG_PRINT("error", ("unexpected block type %d, block 0x%lx", (int)block->type, (ulong) block)); ok = 0; } DBUG_RETURN(ok); } void Query_cache::relink(Query_cache_block *oblock, Query_cache_block *nblock, Query_cache_block *next, Query_cache_block *prev, Query_cache_block *pnext, Query_cache_block *pprev) { if (prev == oblock) //check pointer to himself { nblock->prev = nblock; nblock->next = nblock; } else { nblock->prev = prev; prev->next=nblock; } if (next != oblock) { nblock->next = next; next->prev=nblock; } nblock->pprev = pprev; // Physical pointer to himself have only 1 free block nblock->pnext = pnext; pprev->pnext=nblock; pnext->pprev=nblock; } my_bool Query_cache::join_results(ulong join_limit) { my_bool has_moving = 0; DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache::join_results"); if (queries_blocks != 0) { DBUG_ASSERT(query_cache_size > 0); Query_cache_block *block = queries_blocks; do { Query_cache_query *header = block->query(); if (header->result() != 0 && header->result()->type == Query_cache_block::RESULT && header->length() > join_limit) { Query_cache_block *new_result_block = get_free_block(ALIGN_SIZE(header->length()) + ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(Query_cache_block)) + ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(Query_cache_result)), 1, 0); if (new_result_block != 0) { has_moving = 1; Query_cache_block *first_result = header->result(); ulong new_len = (header->length() + ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(Query_cache_block)) + ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(Query_cache_result))); if (new_result_block->length > ALIGN_SIZE(new_len) + min_allocation_unit) split_block(new_result_block, ALIGN_SIZE(new_len)); BLOCK_LOCK_WR(block); header->result(new_result_block); new_result_block->type = Query_cache_block::RESULT; new_result_block->n_tables = 0; new_result_block->used = new_len; new_result_block->next = new_result_block->prev = new_result_block; DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("new block %lu/%lu (%lu)", new_result_block->length, new_result_block->used, header->length())); Query_cache_result *new_result = new_result_block->result(); new_result->parent(block); uchar *write_to = (uchar*) new_result->data(); Query_cache_block *result_block = first_result; do { ulong len = (result_block->used - result_block->headers_len() - ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(Query_cache_result))); DBUG_PRINT("loop", ("add block %lu/%lu (%lu)", result_block->length, result_block->used, len)); memcpy((char *) write_to, (char*) result_block->result()->data(), len); write_to += len; Query_cache_block *old_result_block = result_block; result_block = result_block->next; free_memory_block(old_result_block); } while (result_block != first_result); BLOCK_UNLOCK_WR(block); } } block = block->next; } while ( block != queries_blocks ); } DBUG_RETURN(has_moving); } uint Query_cache::filename_2_table_key (char *key, const char *path, uint32 *db_length) { char tablename[FN_REFLEN+2], *filename, *dbname; DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache::filename_2_table_key"); /* Safety if filename didn't have a directory name */ tablename[0]= FN_LIBCHAR; tablename[1]= FN_LIBCHAR; /* Convert filename to this OS's format in tablename */ fn_format(tablename + 2, path, "", "", MY_REPLACE_EXT); filename= tablename + dirname_length(tablename + 2) + 2; /* Find start of databasename */ for (dbname= filename - 2 ; dbname[-1] != FN_LIBCHAR ; dbname--) ; *db_length= (filename - dbname) - 1; DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("table '%-.*s.%s'", *db_length, dbname, filename)); DBUG_RETURN((uint) (strmov(strmake(key, dbname, *db_length) + 1, filename) -key) + 1); } /**************************************************************************** Functions to be used when debugging ****************************************************************************/ #if defined(DBUG_OFF) && !defined(USE_QUERY_CACHE_INTEGRITY_CHECK) void wreck(uint line, const char *message) { query_cache_size = 0; } void bins_dump() {} void cache_dump() {} void queries_dump() {} void tables_dump() {} my_bool check_integrity(bool not_locked) { return 0; } my_bool in_list(Query_cache_block * root, Query_cache_block * point, const char *name) { return 0;} my_bool in_blocks(Query_cache_block * point) { return 0; } #else /* Debug method which switch query cache off but left content for investigation. SYNOPSIS Query_cache::wreck() line line of the wreck() call message message for logging */ void Query_cache::wreck(uint line, const char *message) { THD *thd=current_thd; DBUG_ENTER("Query_cache::wreck"); query_cache_size = 0; if (*message) DBUG_PRINT("error", (" %s", message)); DBUG_PRINT("warning", ("==================================")); DBUG_PRINT("warning", ("%5d QUERY CACHE WRECK => DISABLED",line)); DBUG_PRINT("warning", ("==================================")); if (thd) thd->killed= THD::KILL_CONNECTION; cache_dump(); /* check_integrity(0); */ /* Can't call it here because of locks */ bins_dump(); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } void Query_cache::bins_dump() { uint i; if (!initialized || query_cache_size == 0) { DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("Query Cache not initialized")); return; } DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("mem_bin_num=%u, mem_bin_steps=%u", mem_bin_num, mem_bin_steps)); DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("-------------------------")); DBUG_PRINT("qcache", (" size idx step")); DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("-------------------------")); for (i=0; i < mem_bin_steps; i++) { DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("%10lu %3d %10lu", steps[i].size, steps[i].idx, steps[i].increment)); } DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("-------------------------")); DBUG_PRINT("qcache", (" size num")); DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("-------------------------")); for (i=0; i < mem_bin_num; i++) { DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("%10lu %3d 0x%lx", bins[i].size, bins[i].number, (ulong)&(bins[i]))); if (bins[i].free_blocks) { Query_cache_block *block = bins[i].free_blocks; do{ DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("\\-- %lu 0x%lx 0x%lx 0x%lx 0x%lx 0x%lx", block->length, (ulong)block, (ulong)block->next, (ulong)block->prev, (ulong)block->pnext, (ulong)block->pprev)); block = block->next; } while ( block != bins[i].free_blocks ); } } DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("-------------------------")); } void Query_cache::cache_dump() { if (!initialized || query_cache_size == 0) { DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("Query Cache not initialized")); return; } DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("-------------------------------------")); DBUG_PRINT("qcache", (" length used t nt")); DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("-------------------------------------")); Query_cache_block *i = first_block; do { DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("%10lu %10lu %1d %2d 0x%lx 0x%lx 0x%lx 0x%lx 0x%lx", i->length, i->used, (int)i->type, i->n_tables, (ulong)i, (ulong)i->next, (ulong)i->prev, (ulong)i->pnext, (ulong)i->pprev)); i = i->pnext; } while ( i != first_block ); DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("-------------------------------------")); } void Query_cache::queries_dump() { if (!initialized) { DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("Query Cache not initialized")); return; } DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("------------------")); DBUG_PRINT("qcache", (" QUERIES")); DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("------------------")); if (queries_blocks != 0) { Query_cache_block *block = queries_blocks; do { size_t len; char *str = (char*) query_cache_query_get_key((uchar*) block, &len, 0); len-= QUERY_CACHE_FLAGS_SIZE; // Point at flags Query_cache_query_flags flags; memcpy(&flags, str+len, QUERY_CACHE_FLAGS_SIZE); str[len]= 0; // make zero ending DB name DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("F: %u C: %u L: %lu T: '%s' (%lu) '%s' '%s'", flags.client_long_flag, flags.character_set_client_num, (ulong)flags.limit, flags.time_zone->get_name()->ptr(), (ulong) len, str, strend(str)+1)); DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("-b- 0x%lx 0x%lx 0x%lx 0x%lx 0x%lx", (ulong) block, (ulong) block->next, (ulong) block->prev, (ulong)block->pnext, (ulong)block->pprev)); memcpy(str + len, &flags, QUERY_CACHE_FLAGS_SIZE); // restore flags for (TABLE_COUNTER_TYPE t= 0; t < block->n_tables; t++) { Query_cache_table *table= block->table(t)->parent; DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("-t- '%s' '%s'", table->db(), table->table())); } Query_cache_query *header = block->query(); if (header->result()) { Query_cache_block *result_block = header->result(); Query_cache_block *result_beg = result_block; do { DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("-r- %u %lu/%lu 0x%lx 0x%lx 0x%lx 0x%lx 0x%lx", (uint) result_block->type, result_block->length, result_block->used, (ulong) result_block, (ulong) result_block->next, (ulong) result_block->prev, (ulong) result_block->pnext, (ulong) result_block->pprev)); result_block = result_block->next; } while ( result_block != result_beg ); } } while ((block=block->next) != queries_blocks); } else { DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("no queries in list")); } DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("------------------")); } void Query_cache::tables_dump() { if (!initialized || query_cache_size == 0) { DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("Query Cache not initialized")); return; } DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("--------------------")); DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("TABLES")); DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("--------------------")); if (tables_blocks != 0) { Query_cache_block *table_block = tables_blocks; do { Query_cache_table *table = table_block->table(); DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("'%s' '%s'", table->db(), table->table())); table_block = table_block->next; } while (table_block != tables_blocks); } else DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("no tables in list")); DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("--------------------")); } /** Checks integrity of the various linked lists @return Error status code @retval FALSE Query cache is operational. @retval TRUE Query cache is broken. */ my_bool Query_cache::check_integrity(bool locked) { my_bool result = 0; uint i; DBUG_ENTER("check_integrity"); if (!locked) STRUCT_LOCK(&structure_guard_mutex); while (is_flushing()) pthread_cond_wait(&COND_cache_status_changed,&structure_guard_mutex); if (hash_check(&queries)) { DBUG_PRINT("error", ("queries hash is damaged")); result = 1; } if (hash_check(&tables)) { DBUG_PRINT("error", ("tables hash is damaged")); result = 1; } DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("physical address check ...")); ulong free=0, used=0; Query_cache_block * block = first_block; do { /* When checking at system start, there is no block. */ if (!block) break; DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("block 0x%lx, type %u...", (ulong) block, (uint) block->type)); // Check allignment if ((((long)block) % (long) ALIGN_SIZE(1)) != (((long)first_block) % (long)ALIGN_SIZE(1))) { DBUG_PRINT("error", ("block 0x%lx do not aligned by %d", (ulong) block, (int) ALIGN_SIZE(1))); result = 1; } // Check memory allocation if (block->pnext == first_block) // Is it last block? { if (((uchar*)block) + block->length != ((uchar*)first_block) + query_cache_size) { DBUG_PRINT("error", ("block 0x%lx, type %u, ended at 0x%lx, but cache ended at 0x%lx", (ulong) block, (uint) block->type, (ulong) (((uchar*)block) + block->length), (ulong) (((uchar*)first_block) + query_cache_size))); result = 1; } } else if (((uchar*)block) + block->length != ((uchar*)block->pnext)) { DBUG_PRINT("error", ("block 0x%lx, type %u, ended at 0x%lx, but next block begining at 0x%lx", (ulong) block, (uint) block->type, (ulong) (((uchar*)block) + block->length), (ulong) ((uchar*)block->pnext))); } if (block->type == Query_cache_block::FREE) free+= block->length; else used+= block->length; switch(block->type) { case Query_cache_block::FREE: { Query_cache_memory_bin *bin = *((Query_cache_memory_bin **) block->data()); //is it correct pointer? if (((uchar*)bin) < ((uchar*)bins) || ((uchar*)bin) >= ((uchar*)first_block)) { DBUG_PRINT("error", ("free block 0x%lx have bin pointer 0x%lx beyaond of bins array bounds [0x%lx,0x%lx]", (ulong) block, (ulong) bin, (ulong) bins, (ulong) first_block)); result = 1; } else { int idx = (((uchar*)bin) - ((uchar*)bins)) / sizeof(Query_cache_memory_bin); if (in_list(bins[idx].free_blocks, block, "free memory")) result = 1; } break; } case Query_cache_block::TABLE: if (in_list(tables_blocks, block, "tables")) result = 1; if (in_table_list(block->table(0), block->table(0), "table list root")) result = 1; break; case Query_cache_block::QUERY: { if (in_list(queries_blocks, block, "query")) result = 1; for (TABLE_COUNTER_TYPE j=0; j < block->n_tables; j++) { Query_cache_block_table *block_table = block->table(j); Query_cache_block_table *block_table_root = (Query_cache_block_table *) (((uchar*)block_table->parent) - ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(Query_cache_block_table))); if (in_table_list(block_table, block_table_root, "table list")) result = 1; } break; } case Query_cache_block::RES_INCOMPLETE: // This type of block can be not lincked yet (in multithread environment) break; case Query_cache_block::RES_BEG: case Query_cache_block::RES_CONT: case Query_cache_block::RESULT: { Query_cache_block * query_block = block->result()->parent(); if (((uchar*)query_block) < ((uchar*)first_block) || ((uchar*)query_block) >= (((uchar*)first_block) + query_cache_size)) { DBUG_PRINT("error", ("result block 0x%lx have query block pointer 0x%lx beyaond of block pool bounds [0x%lx,0x%lx]", (ulong) block, (ulong) query_block, (ulong) first_block, (ulong) (((uchar*)first_block) + query_cache_size))); result = 1; } else { BLOCK_LOCK_RD(query_block); if (in_list(queries_blocks, query_block, "query from results")) result = 1; if (in_list(query_block->query()->result(), block, "results")) result = 1; BLOCK_UNLOCK_RD(query_block); } break; } default: DBUG_PRINT("error", ("block 0x%lx have incorrect type %u", (long) block, block->type)); result = 1; } block = block->pnext; } while (block != first_block); if (used + free != query_cache_size) { DBUG_PRINT("error", ("used memory (%lu) + free memory (%lu) != query_cache_size (%lu)", used, free, query_cache_size)); result = 1; } if (free != free_memory) { DBUG_PRINT("error", ("free memory (%lu) != free_memory (%lu)", free, free_memory)); result = 1; } DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("check queries ...")); if ((block = queries_blocks)) { do { DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("block 0x%lx, type %u...", (ulong) block, (uint) block->type)); size_t length; uchar *key = query_cache_query_get_key((uchar*) block, &length, 0); uchar* val = hash_search(&queries, key, length); if (((uchar*)block) != val) { DBUG_PRINT("error", ("block 0x%lx found in queries hash like 0x%lx", (ulong) block, (ulong) val)); } if (in_blocks(block)) result = 1; Query_cache_block * results = block->query()->result(); if (results) { Query_cache_block * result_block = results; do { DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("block 0x%lx, type %u...", (ulong) block, (uint) block->type)); if (in_blocks(result_block)) result = 1; result_block = result_block->next; } while (result_block != results); } block = block->next; } while (block != queries_blocks); } DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("check tables ...")); if ((block = tables_blocks)) { do { DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("block 0x%lx, type %u...", (ulong) block, (uint) block->type)); size_t length; uchar *key = query_cache_table_get_key((uchar*) block, &length, 0); uchar* val = hash_search(&tables, key, length); if (((uchar*)block) != val) { DBUG_PRINT("error", ("block 0x%lx found in tables hash like 0x%lx", (ulong) block, (ulong) val)); } if (in_blocks(block)) result = 1; block=block->next; } while (block != tables_blocks); } DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("check free blocks")); for (i = 0; i < mem_bin_num; i++) { if ((block = bins[i].free_blocks)) { uint count = 0; do { DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("block 0x%lx, type %u...", (ulong) block, (uint) block->type)); if (in_blocks(block)) result = 1; count++; block=block->next; } while (block != bins[i].free_blocks); if (count != bins[i].number) { DBUG_PRINT("error", ("bins[%d].number= %d, but bin have %d blocks", i, bins[i].number, count)); result = 1; } } } DBUG_ASSERT(result == 0); if (!locked) STRUCT_UNLOCK(&structure_guard_mutex); DBUG_RETURN(result); } my_bool Query_cache::in_blocks(Query_cache_block * point) { my_bool result = 0; Query_cache_block *block = point; //back do { if (block->pprev->pnext != block) { DBUG_PRINT("error", ("block 0x%lx in physical list is incorrect linked, prev block 0x%lx refered as next to 0x%lx (check from 0x%lx)", (ulong) block, (ulong) block->pprev, (ulong) block->pprev->pnext, (ulong) point)); //back trace for (; block != point; block = block->pnext) DBUG_PRINT("error", ("back trace 0x%lx", (ulong) block)); result = 1; goto err1; } block = block->pprev; } while (block != first_block && block != point); if (block != first_block) { DBUG_PRINT("error", ("block 0x%lx (0x%lx<-->0x%lx) not owned by pysical list", (ulong) block, (ulong) block->pprev, (ulong )block->pnext)); return 1; } err1: //forward block = point; do { if (block->pnext->pprev != block) { DBUG_PRINT("error", ("block 0x%lx in physicel list is incorrect linked, next block 0x%lx refered as prev to 0x%lx (check from 0x%lx)", (ulong) block, (ulong) block->pnext, (ulong) block->pnext->pprev, (ulong) point)); //back trace for (; block != point; block = block->pprev) DBUG_PRINT("error", ("back trace 0x%lx", (ulong) block)); result = 1; goto err2; } block = block->pnext; } while (block != first_block); err2: return result; } my_bool Query_cache::in_list(Query_cache_block * root, Query_cache_block * point, const char *name) { my_bool result = 0; Query_cache_block *block = point; //back do { if (block->prev->next != block) { DBUG_PRINT("error", ("block 0x%lx in list '%s' 0x%lx is incorrect linked, prev block 0x%lx refered as next to 0x%lx (check from 0x%lx)", (ulong) block, name, (ulong) root, (ulong) block->prev, (ulong) block->prev->next, (ulong) point)); //back trace for (; block != point; block = block->next) DBUG_PRINT("error", ("back trace 0x%lx", (ulong) block)); result = 1; goto err1; } block = block->prev; } while (block != root && block != point); if (block != root) { DBUG_PRINT("error", ("block 0x%lx (0x%lx<-->0x%lx) not owned by list '%s' 0x%lx", (ulong) block, (ulong) block->prev, (ulong) block->next, name, (ulong) root)); return 1; } err1: // forward block = point; do { if (block->next->prev != block) { DBUG_PRINT("error", ("block 0x%lx in list '%s' 0x%lx is incorrect linked, next block 0x%lx refered as prev to 0x%lx (check from 0x%lx)", (ulong) block, name, (ulong) root, (ulong) block->next, (ulong) block->next->prev, (ulong) point)); //back trace for (; block != point; block = block->prev) DBUG_PRINT("error", ("back trace 0x%lx", (ulong) block)); result = 1; goto err2; } block = block->next; } while (block != root); err2: return result; } void dump_node(Query_cache_block_table * node, const char * call, const char * descr) { DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("%s: %s: node: 0x%lx", call, descr, (ulong) node)); DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("%s: %s: node block: 0x%lx", call, descr, (ulong) node->block())); DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("%s: %s: next: 0x%lx", call, descr, (ulong) node->next)); DBUG_PRINT("qcache", ("%s: %s: prev: 0x%lx", call, descr, (ulong) node->prev)); } my_bool Query_cache::in_table_list(Query_cache_block_table * root, Query_cache_block_table * point, const char *name) { my_bool result = 0; Query_cache_block_table *table = point; dump_node(root, name, "parameter root"); //back do { dump_node(table, name, "list element << "); if (table->prev->next != table) { DBUG_PRINT("error", ("table 0x%lx(0x%lx) in list '%s' 0x%lx(0x%lx) is incorrect linked, prev table 0x%lx(0x%lx) refered as next to 0x%lx(0x%lx) (check from 0x%lx(0x%lx))", (ulong) table, (ulong) table->block(), name, (ulong) root, (ulong) root->block(), (ulong) table->prev, (ulong) table->prev->block(), (ulong) table->prev->next, (ulong) table->prev->next->block(), (ulong) point, (ulong) point->block())); //back trace for (; table != point; table = table->next) DBUG_PRINT("error", ("back trace 0x%lx(0x%lx)", (ulong) table, (ulong) table->block())); result = 1; goto err1; } table = table->prev; } while (table != root && table != point); if (table != root) { DBUG_PRINT("error", ("table 0x%lx(0x%lx) (0x%lx(0x%lx)<-->0x%lx(0x%lx)) not owned by list '%s' 0x%lx(0x%lx)", (ulong) table, (ulong) table->block(), (ulong) table->prev, (ulong) table->prev->block(), (ulong) table->next, (ulong) table->next->block(), name, (ulong) root, (ulong) root->block())); return 1; } err1: // forward table = point; do { dump_node(table, name, "list element >> "); if (table->next->prev != table) { DBUG_PRINT("error", ("table 0x%lx(0x%lx) in list '%s' 0x%lx(0x%lx) is incorrect linked, next table 0x%lx(0x%lx) refered as prev to 0x%lx(0x%lx) (check from 0x%lx(0x%lx))", (ulong) table, (ulong) table->block(), name, (ulong) root, (ulong) root->block(), (ulong) table->next, (ulong) table->next->block(), (ulong) table->next->prev, (ulong) table->next->prev->block(), (ulong) point, (ulong) point->block())); //back trace for (; table != point; table = table->prev) DBUG_PRINT("error", ("back trace 0x%lx(0x%lx)", (ulong) table, (ulong) table->block())); result = 1; goto err2; } table = table->next; } while (table != root); err2: return result; } #endif /* DBUG_OFF */ #endif /*HAVE_QUERY_CACHE*/