/* Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB & MySQL Finland AB & TCX DataKonsult AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* YACC and LEX Definitions */ /* These may not be declared yet */ class Table_ident; class sql_exchange; class LEX_COLUMN; /* The following hack is needed because mysql_yacc.cc does not define YYSTYPE before including this file */ #include "set_var.h" #ifdef MYSQL_YACC #define LEX_YYSTYPE void * #else #include "lex_symbol.h" #include "sql_yacc.h" #define LEX_YYSTYPE YYSTYPE * #endif enum enum_sql_command { SQLCOM_SELECT, SQLCOM_CREATE_TABLE, SQLCOM_CREATE_INDEX, SQLCOM_ALTER_TABLE, SQLCOM_UPDATE, SQLCOM_INSERT, SQLCOM_INSERT_SELECT, SQLCOM_DELETE, SQLCOM_TRUNCATE, SQLCOM_DROP_TABLE, SQLCOM_DROP_INDEX, SQLCOM_SHOW_DATABASES, SQLCOM_SHOW_TABLES, SQLCOM_SHOW_FIELDS, SQLCOM_SHOW_KEYS, SQLCOM_SHOW_VARIABLES, SQLCOM_SHOW_LOGS, SQLCOM_SHOW_STATUS, SQLCOM_SHOW_INNODB_STATUS, SQLCOM_SHOW_PROCESSLIST, SQLCOM_SHOW_MASTER_STAT, SQLCOM_SHOW_SLAVE_STAT, SQLCOM_SHOW_GRANTS, SQLCOM_SHOW_CREATE, SQLCOM_SHOW_CHARSETS, SQLCOM_SHOW_CREATE_DB, SQLCOM_LOAD,SQLCOM_SET_OPTION,SQLCOM_LOCK_TABLES,SQLCOM_UNLOCK_TABLES, SQLCOM_GRANT, SQLCOM_CHANGE_DB, SQLCOM_CREATE_DB, SQLCOM_DROP_DB, SQLCOM_ALTER_DB, SQLCOM_REPAIR, SQLCOM_REPLACE, SQLCOM_REPLACE_SELECT, SQLCOM_CREATE_FUNCTION, SQLCOM_DROP_FUNCTION, SQLCOM_REVOKE,SQLCOM_OPTIMIZE, SQLCOM_CHECK, SQLCOM_FLUSH, SQLCOM_KILL, SQLCOM_ANALYZE, SQLCOM_ROLLBACK, SQLCOM_COMMIT, SQLCOM_SLAVE_START, SQLCOM_SLAVE_STOP, SQLCOM_BEGIN, SQLCOM_LOAD_MASTER_TABLE, SQLCOM_CHANGE_MASTER, SQLCOM_RENAME_TABLE, SQLCOM_BACKUP_TABLE, SQLCOM_RESTORE_TABLE, SQLCOM_RESET, SQLCOM_PURGE, SQLCOM_SHOW_BINLOGS, SQLCOM_SHOW_OPEN_TABLES, SQLCOM_LOAD_MASTER_DATA, SQLCOM_HA_OPEN, SQLCOM_HA_CLOSE, SQLCOM_HA_READ, SQLCOM_SHOW_SLAVE_HOSTS, SQLCOM_DELETE_MULTI, SQLCOM_MULTI_UPDATE, SQLCOM_SHOW_BINLOG_EVENTS, SQLCOM_SHOW_NEW_MASTER, SQLCOM_DO, SQLCOM_SHOW_WARNS, SQLCOM_EMPTY_QUERY, SQLCOM_SHOW_ERRORS, SQLCOM_SHOW_COLUMN_TYPES, SQLCOM_SHOW_TABLE_TYPES, SQLCOM_SHOW_PRIVILEGES, SQLCOM_END }; enum lex_states { STATE_START, STATE_CHAR, STATE_IDENT, STATE_IDENT_SEP, STATE_IDENT_START, STATE_FOUND_IDENT, STATE_SIGNED_NUMBER, STATE_REAL, STATE_HEX_NUMBER, STATE_CMP_OP, STATE_LONG_CMP_OP, STATE_STRING, STATE_COMMENT, STATE_END, STATE_OPERATOR_OR_IDENT, STATE_NUMBER_IDENT, STATE_INT_OR_REAL, STATE_REAL_OR_POINT, STATE_BOOL, STATE_EOL, STATE_ESCAPE, STATE_LONG_COMMENT, STATE_END_LONG_COMMENT, STATE_COLON, STATE_SET_VAR, STATE_USER_END, STATE_HOSTNAME, STATE_SKIP, STATE_USER_VARIABLE_DELIMITER, STATE_SYSTEM_VAR, STATE_IDENT_OR_KEYWORD }; typedef List List_item; typedef struct st_lex_master_info { char *host, *user, *password, *log_file_name; uint port, connect_retry; ulonglong pos; ulong server_id; char *relay_log_name; ulong relay_log_pos; } LEX_MASTER_INFO; enum sub_select_type { UNSPECIFIED_TYPE,UNION_TYPE, INTERSECT_TYPE, EXCEPT_TYPE, GLOBAL_OPTIONS_TYPE, DERIVED_TABLE_TYPE, OLAP_TYPE }; enum olap_type { UNSPECIFIED_OLAP_TYPE, CUBE_TYPE, ROLLUP_TYPE }; /* The state of the lex parsing for selects All select describing structures linked with following pointers: - list of neighbors (next/prev) (prev of first element point to slave pointer of upper structure) - one level units for unit (union) structure - member of one union(unit) for ordinary select_lex - pointer to master - outer select_lex for unit (union) - unit structure for ordinary select_lex - pointer to slave - first list element of select_lex belonged to this unit for unit - first unit in list of units that belong to this select_lex (as subselects or derived tables) for ordinary select_lex - list of all select_lex (for group operation like correcting list of opened tables) for example for following query: select * from table1 where table1.field IN (select * from table1_1_1 union select * from table1_1_2) union select * from table2 where table2.field=(select (select f1 from table2_1_1_1_1 where table2_1_1_1_1.f2=table2_1_1.f3) from table2_1_1 where table2_1_1.f1=table2.f2) union select * from table3; we will have following structure: main unit select1 select2 select3 |^^ |^ s||| ||master l||| |+---------------------------------+ a||| +---------------------------------+| v|||master slave || e||+-------------------------+ || V| neighbor | V| unit 1.1<==================>unit1.2 unit2.1 select1.1.1 select 1.1.2 select1.2.1 select2.1.1 select2.1.2 |^ || V| unit2.1.1.1 select2. relation in main unit will be following: main unit |^^^ |||| |||+------------------------------+ ||+--------------+ | slave||master | | V| neighbor | neighbor | select1<========>select2<========>select3 list of all select_lex will be following (as it will be constructed by parser): select1->select2->select3->select2.1.1->select 2.1.2->select2. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +->select1.1.1->select1.1.2 */ /* Base class for st_select_lex (SELECT_LEX) & st_select_lex_unit (SELECT_LEX_UNIT) */ class st_select_lex_node { protected: st_select_lex_node *next, **prev, /* neighbor list */ *master, *slave, /* vertical links */ *link_next, **link_prev; /* list of whole SELECT_LEX */ public: ulong options; enum sub_select_type linkage; SQL_LIST order_list; /* ORDER clause */ ha_rows select_limit, offset_limit; /* LIMIT clause parameters */ void init_query(); void init_select(); void include_down(st_select_lex_node *upper); void include_neighbour(st_select_lex_node *before); void include_global(st_select_lex_node **plink); void exclude(); private: void fast_exclude(); }; /* SELECT_LEX_UNIT - unit of selects (UNION, INTERSECT, ...) group SELECT_LEXs */ struct st_lex; class st_select_lex; class THD; class select_result; class JOIN; class select_union; class st_select_lex_unit: public st_select_lex_node { protected: List item_list; List joins; /* list of *JOINs, to delete it in cleanup() */ TABLE_LIST result_table_list; select_union *union_result; TABLE *table; /* temporary table using for appending UNION results */ THD *thd; select_result *result; int res; bool describe, found_rows_for_union, prepared, //prepare phase already performed for UNION (unit) optimized; // optimize phase already performed for UNION (unit) public: /* Pointer to 'last' select or pointer to unit where stored global parameters for union */ st_select_lex_node *global_parameters; /* LIMIT clause runtime counters */ ha_rows select_limit_cnt, offset_limit_cnt; bool depended; /* depended from outer select subselect */ /* not NULL if union used in subselect, point to subselect item */ Item_subselect *item; uint union_option; void init_query(); bool create_total_list(THD *thd, st_lex *lex, TABLE_LIST **result); st_select_lex* outer_select() { return (st_select_lex*) master; } st_select_lex* first_select() { return (st_select_lex*) slave; } st_select_lex_unit* next_unit() { return (st_select_lex_unit*) next; } /* UNION methods */ int prepare(THD *thd, select_result *result); int exec(); int cleanup(); friend void mysql_init_query(THD *thd); private: bool create_total_list_n_last_return(THD *thd, st_lex *lex, TABLE_LIST ***result); }; typedef class st_select_lex_unit SELECT_LEX_UNIT; /* SELECT_LEX - store information of parsed SELECT_LEX statment */ class st_select_lex: public st_select_lex_node { public: char *db, *db1, *table1, *db2, *table2; /* For outer join using .. */ Item *where, *having; /* WHERE & HAVING clauses */ enum olap_type olap; List expr_list; List when_list; /* WHEN clause */ SQL_LIST table_list, group_list; /* FROM & GROUP BY clauses */ List item_list; /* list of fields & expressions */ List interval_list, use_index, *use_index_ptr, ignore_index, *ignore_index_ptr; /* Usualy it is pointer to ftfunc_list_alloc, but in union used to create fake select_lex for calling mysql_select under results of union */ List *ftfunc_list; List ftfunc_list_alloc; JOIN *join; /* after JOIN::prepare it is pointer to corresponding JOIN */ const char *type; /* type of select for EXPLAIN */ uint in_sum_expr; uint select_number; /* number of select (used for EXPLAIN) */ bool create_refs; bool braces; /* SELECT ... UNION (SELECT ... ) <- this braces */ bool depended; /* depended from outer select subselect */ /* TRUE when having fix field called in processing of this SELECT */ bool having_fix_field; void init_query(); void init_select(); st_select_lex_unit* master_unit() { return (st_select_lex_unit*) master; } st_select_lex_unit* first_inner_unit() { return (st_select_lex_unit*) slave; } st_select_lex* outer_select() { return (st_select_lex*) master_unit()->outer_select(); } st_select_lex* next_select() { return (st_select_lex*) next; } st_select_lex* next_select_in_list() { return (st_select_lex*) link_next; } st_select_lex_node** next_select_in_list_addr() { return &link_next; } friend void mysql_init_query(THD *thd); }; typedef class st_select_lex SELECT_LEX; /* The state of the lex parsing. This is saved in the THD struct */ typedef struct st_lex { uint yylineno,yytoklen; /* Simulate lex */ LEX_YYSTYPE yylval; SELECT_LEX_UNIT unit; /* most upper unit */ SELECT_LEX select_lex, /* first SELECT_LEX */ /* current SELECT_LEX in parsing */ *select; uchar *ptr,*tok_start,*tok_end,*end_of_query; char *length,*dec,*change,*name; char *backup_dir; /* For RESTORE/BACKUP */ char* to_log; /* For PURGE MASTER LOGS TO */ char* x509_subject,*x509_issuer,*ssl_cipher; enum SSL_type ssl_type; /* defined in violite.h */ String *wild; sql_exchange *exchange; select_result *result; List col_list; List ref_list; List drop_list; List alter_list; List interval_list; List users_list; List columns; List key_list; List create_list; List *insert_list,field_list,value_list; List many_values; List var_list; List param_list; SQL_LIST proc_list, auxilliary_table_list; TYPELIB *interval; create_field *last_field; Item *default_value, *comment; CONVERT *convert_set; CONVERT *thd_convert_set; // Set with SET CHAR SET LEX_USER *grant_user; gptr yacc_yyss,yacc_yyvs; THD *thd; udf_func udf; HA_CHECK_OPT check_opt; // check/repair options HA_CREATE_INFO create_info; LEX_MASTER_INFO mi; // used by CHANGE MASTER USER_RESOURCES mqh; ulong thread_id,type; enum_sql_command sql_command; thr_lock_type lock_option; enum lex_states next_state; enum enum_duplicates duplicates; enum enum_tx_isolation tx_isolation; enum enum_ha_read_modes ha_read_mode; enum ha_rkey_function ha_rkey_mode; enum enum_enable_or_disable alter_keys_onoff; enum enum_var_type option_type; uint grant, grant_tot_col, which_columns; uint fk_delete_opt, fk_update_opt, fk_match_option; uint param_count; bool drop_primary, drop_if_exists, local_file, olap; bool in_comment, ignore_space, verbose, simple_alter; bool derived_tables, describe; uint slave_thd_opt; CHARSET_INFO *charset; } LEX; void lex_init(void); void lex_free(void); LEX *lex_start(THD *thd, uchar *buf,uint length); void lex_end(LEX *lex); extern pthread_key(LEX*,THR_LEX); extern LEX_STRING tmp_table_alias; #define current_lex (¤t_thd->lex)