/* Copyright (C) 1995-2002 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /********************************************************************** This file contains the implementation of prepare and executes. Prepare: - Server gets the query from client with command 'COM_PREPARE'; in the following format: [COM_PREPARE:1] [query] - Parse the query and recognize any parameter markers '?' and store its information list in lex->param_list - Allocate a new statement for this prepare; and keep this in 'thd->prepared_statements' pool. - Without executing the query, return back to client the total number of parameters along with result-set metadata information (if any) in the following format: [STMT_ID:4] [Column_count:2] [Param_count:2] [Columns meta info] (if Column_count > 0) [Params meta info] (if Param_count > 0 ) (TODO : 4.1.1) Prepare-execute: - Server gets the command 'COM_EXECUTE' to execute the previously prepared query. If there is any param markers; then client will send the data in the following format: [COM_EXECUTE:1] [STMT_ID:4] [NULL_BITS:(param_count+7)/8)] [TYPES_SUPPLIED_BY_CLIENT(0/1):1] [[length]data] [[length]data] .. [[length]data]. (Note: Except for string/binary types; all other types will not be supplied with length field) - Replace the param items with this new data. If it is a first execute or types altered by client; then setup the conversion routines. - Execute the query without re-parsing and send back the results to client Long data handling: - Server gets the long data in pieces with command type 'COM_LONG_DATA'. - The packet recieved will have the format as: [COM_LONG_DATA:1][STMT_ID:4][parameter_number:2][type:2][data] - Checks if the type is specified by client, and if yes reads the type, and stores the data in that format. - It's up to the client to check for read data ended. The server doesn't care; and also server doesn't notify to the client that it got the data or not; if there is any error; then during execute; the error will be returned ***********************************************************************/ #include "mysql_priv.h" #include "sql_acl.h" #include "sql_select.h" // for JOIN #include // for isspace() #ifdef EMBEDDED_LIBRARY /* include MYSQL_BIND headers */ #include #endif const String my_null_string("NULL", 4, default_charset_info); /****************************************************************************** Prepared_statement: statement which can contain placeholders ******************************************************************************/ class Prepared_statement: public Statement { public: THD *thd; Item_param **param; /* array of all placeholders */ uint param_count; uint last_errno; char last_error[MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE]; bool error_in_prepare, long_data_used; bool log_full_query; #ifndef EMBEDDED_LIBRARY bool (*setup_params)(Prepared_statement *st, uchar *pos, uchar *read_pos); #else bool (*setup_params_data)(Prepared_statement *st); #endif public: Prepared_statement(THD *thd_arg); virtual ~Prepared_statement(); virtual Statement::Type type() const; }; /****************************************************************************** Implementation ******************************************************************************/ inline bool is_param_null(const uchar *pos, ulong param_no) { return pos[param_no/8] & (1 << (param_no & 7)); } enum { STMT_QUERY_LOG_LENGTH= 8192 }; #ifdef EMBEDDED_LIBRARY #define SETUP_PARAM_FUNCTION(fn_name) \ static void fn_name(Item_param *param, uchar **pos, ulong data_len) #else #define SETUP_PARAM_FUNCTION(fn_name) \ static void fn_name(Item_param *param, uchar **pos) #endif /* Seek prepared statement in statement map by id: returns zero if statement was not found, pointer otherwise. */ static Prepared_statement * find_prepared_statement(THD *thd, ulong id, const char *where) { Statement *stmt= thd->stmt_map.find(id); if (stmt == 0 || stmt->type() != Statement::PREPARED_STATEMENT) { my_error(ER_UNKNOWN_STMT_HANDLER, MYF(0), id, where); send_error(thd); return 0; } return (Prepared_statement *) stmt; } /* Send prepared stmt info to client after prepare */ #ifndef EMBEDDED_LIBRARY static bool send_prep_stmt(Prepared_statement *stmt, uint columns) { NET *net= &stmt->thd->net; char buff[9]; buff[0]= 0; int4store(buff+1, stmt->id); int2store(buff+5, columns); int2store(buff+7, stmt->param_count); /* This should be fixed to work with prepared statements */ return (my_net_write(net, buff, sizeof(buff)) || net_flush(net)); } #else static bool send_prep_stmt(Prepared_statement *stmt, uint columns __attribute__((unused))) { THD *thd= stmt->thd; thd->client_stmt_id= stmt->id; thd->client_param_count= stmt->param_count; thd->net.last_errno= 0; return 0; } #endif /*!EMBEDDED_LIBRARY*/ /* Read the length of the parameter data and retun back to caller by positing the pointer to param data */ #ifndef EMBEDDED_LIBRARY static ulong get_param_length(uchar **packet) { reg1 uchar *pos= *packet; if (*pos < 251) { (*packet)++; return (ulong) *pos; } if (*pos == 252) { (*packet)+=3; return (ulong) uint2korr(pos+1); } if (*pos == 253) { (*packet)+=4; return (ulong) uint3korr(pos+1); } (*packet)+=9; // Must be 254 when here return (ulong) uint4korr(pos+1); } #else #define get_param_length(A) data_len #endif /*!EMBEDDED_LIBRARY*/ /* Setup param conversion routines setup_param_xx() param Parameter Item pos Input data buffer All these functions reads the data from pos and sets up that data through 'param' and advances the buffer position to predifined length position. Make a note that the NULL handling is examined at first execution (i.e. when input types altered) and for all subsequent executions we don't read any values for this. RETURN VALUES */ SETUP_PARAM_FUNCTION(setup_param_tiny) { param->set_int((longlong)(**pos)); *pos+= 1; } SETUP_PARAM_FUNCTION(setup_param_short) { param->set_int((longlong)sint2korr(*pos)); *pos+= 2; } SETUP_PARAM_FUNCTION(setup_param_int32) { param->set_int((longlong)sint4korr(*pos)); *pos+= 4; } SETUP_PARAM_FUNCTION(setup_param_int64) { param->set_int((longlong)sint8korr(*pos)); *pos+= 8; } SETUP_PARAM_FUNCTION(setup_param_float) { float data; float4get(data,*pos); param->set_double((double) data); *pos+= 4; } SETUP_PARAM_FUNCTION(setup_param_double) { double data; float8get(data,*pos); param->set_double((double) data); *pos+= 8; } SETUP_PARAM_FUNCTION(setup_param_time) { ulong length; if ((length= get_param_length(pos))) { uchar *to= *pos; TIME tm; tm.second_part= (length > 8 ) ? (ulong) sint4korr(to+7): 0; tm.day= (ulong) sint4korr(to+1); tm.hour= (uint) to[5]; tm.minute= (uint) to[6]; tm.second= (uint) to[7]; tm.year= tm.month= 0; tm.neg= (bool)to[0]; param->set_time(&tm, TIMESTAMP_TIME); } *pos+= length; } SETUP_PARAM_FUNCTION(setup_param_datetime) { uint length= get_param_length(pos); if (length) { uchar *to= *pos; TIME tm; tm.second_part= (length > 7 ) ? (ulong) sint4korr(to+7): 0; if (length > 4) { tm.hour= (uint) to[4]; tm.minute= (uint) to[5]; tm.second= (uint) to[6]; } else tm.hour= tm.minute= tm.second= 0; tm.year= (uint) sint2korr(to); tm.month= (uint) to[2]; tm.day= (uint) to[3]; tm.neg= 0; param->set_time(&tm, TIMESTAMP_DATETIME); } *pos+= length; } SETUP_PARAM_FUNCTION(setup_param_date) { ulong length; if ((length= get_param_length(pos))) { uchar *to= *pos; TIME tm; tm.year= (uint) sint2korr(to); tm.month= (uint) to[2]; tm.day= (uint) to[3]; tm.hour= tm.minute= tm.second= 0; tm.second_part= 0; tm.neg= 0; param->set_time(&tm, TIMESTAMP_DATE); } *pos+= length; } SETUP_PARAM_FUNCTION(setup_param_str) { ulong len= get_param_length(pos); param->set_value((const char *)*pos, len); *pos+= len; } void setup_param_functions(Item_param *param, uchar param_type) { switch (param_type) { case FIELD_TYPE_TINY: param->setup_param_func= setup_param_tiny; param->item_result_type= INT_RESULT; break; case FIELD_TYPE_SHORT: param->setup_param_func= setup_param_short; param->item_result_type= INT_RESULT; break; case FIELD_TYPE_LONG: param->setup_param_func= setup_param_int32; param->item_result_type= INT_RESULT; break; case FIELD_TYPE_LONGLONG: param->setup_param_func= setup_param_int64; param->item_result_type= INT_RESULT; break; case FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT: param->setup_param_func= setup_param_float; param->item_result_type= REAL_RESULT; break; case FIELD_TYPE_DOUBLE: param->setup_param_func= setup_param_double; param->item_result_type= REAL_RESULT; break; case FIELD_TYPE_TIME: param->setup_param_func= setup_param_time; param->item_result_type= STRING_RESULT; break; case FIELD_TYPE_DATE: param->setup_param_func= setup_param_date; param->item_result_type= STRING_RESULT; break; case MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME: case MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP: param->setup_param_func= setup_param_datetime; param->item_result_type= STRING_RESULT; break; default: param->setup_param_func= setup_param_str; param->item_result_type= STRING_RESULT; } } #ifndef EMBEDDED_LIBRARY /* Update the parameter markers by reading data from client packet and if binary/update log is set, generate the valid query. */ static bool insert_params_withlog(Prepared_statement *stmt, uchar *pos, uchar *read_pos) { THD *thd= stmt->thd; List ¶ms= stmt->lex->param_list; List_iterator param_iterator(params); Item_param *param; String str, query; const String *res; DBUG_ENTER("insert_params_withlog"); if (query.copy(stmt->query, stmt->query_length, default_charset_info)) DBUG_RETURN(1); ulong param_no= 0; uint32 length= 0; while ((param= (Item_param *)param_iterator++)) { if (param->long_data_supplied) res= param->query_val_str(&str); else { if (is_param_null(pos,param_no)) { param->maybe_null= param->null_value= 1; res= &my_null_string; } else { param->maybe_null= param->null_value= 0; param->setup_param_func(param,&read_pos); res= param->query_val_str(&str); } } if (query.replace(param->pos_in_query+length, 1, *res)) DBUG_RETURN(1); length+= res->length()-1; param_no++; } if (alloc_query(thd, (char *)query.ptr(), query.length()+1)) DBUG_RETURN(1); DBUG_RETURN(0); } static bool insert_params(Prepared_statement *stmt, uchar *pos, uchar *read_pos) { List ¶ms= stmt->lex->param_list; List_iterator param_iterator(params); Item_param *param; ulong param_no= 0; DBUG_ENTER("insert_params"); while ((param= (Item_param *)param_iterator++)) { if (!param->long_data_supplied) { if (is_param_null(pos,param_no)) param->maybe_null= param->null_value= 1; else { param->maybe_null= param->null_value= 0; param->setup_param_func(param,&read_pos); } } param_no++; } DBUG_RETURN(0); } static bool setup_params_data(Prepared_statement *stmt) { List ¶ms= stmt->lex->param_list; List_iterator param_iterator(params); Item_param *param; uchar *pos= (uchar*) stmt->thd->net.read_pos + 1 + MYSQL_STMT_HEADER; //skip header uchar *read_pos= pos+(stmt->param_count+7) / 8; //skip null bits DBUG_ENTER("setup_params_data"); if (*read_pos++) //types supplied / first execute { /* First execute or types altered by the client, setup the conversion routines for all parameters (one time) */ while ((param= (Item_param *)param_iterator++)) { setup_param_functions(param,*read_pos); read_pos+= 2; } param_iterator.rewind(); } stmt->setup_params(stmt,pos,read_pos); DBUG_RETURN(0); } #else bool setup_params_data(Prepared_statement *stmt) { List ¶ms= stmt->lex->param_list; List_iterator param_iterator(params); Item_param *param; MYSQL_BIND *client_param= stmt->thd->client_params; DBUG_ENTER("setup_params_data"); for (;(param= (Item_param *)param_iterator++); client_param++) { setup_param_functions(param, client_param->buffer_type); if (!param->long_data_supplied) { if (*client_param->is_null) param->maybe_null= param->null_value= 1; else { uchar *buff= (uchar*)client_param->buffer; param->maybe_null= param->null_value= 0; param->setup_param_func(param,&buff, client_param->length ? *client_param->length : client_param->buffer_length); } } } DBUG_RETURN(0); } bool setup_params_data_withlog(Prepared_statement *stmt) { THD *thd= stmt->thd; List ¶ms= stmt->lex->param_list; List_iterator param_iterator(params); Item_param *param; MYSQL_BIND *client_param= thd->client_params; String str, query; const String *res; DBUG_ENTER("setup_params_data_withlog"); if (query.copy(stmt->query, stmt->query_length, default_charset_info)) DBUG_RETURN(1); uint32 length= 0; for (;(param= (Item_param *)param_iterator++); client_param++) { setup_param_functions(param, client_param->buffer_type); if (param->long_data_supplied) res= param->query_val_str(&str); else { if (*client_param->is_null) { param->maybe_null= param->null_value= 1; res= &my_null_string; } else { uchar *buff= (uchar*)client_param->buffer; param->maybe_null= param->null_value= 0; param->setup_param_func(param,&buff, client_param->length ? *client_param->length : client_param->buffer_length); res= param->query_val_str(&str); } } if (query.replace(param->pos_in_query+length, 1, *res)) DBUG_RETURN(1); length+= res->length()-1; } if (alloc_query(thd, (char *) query.ptr(), query.length()+1)) DBUG_RETURN(1); DBUG_RETURN(0); } #endif /*!EMBEDDED_LIBRARY*/ /* Validate the following information for INSERT statement: - field existance - fields count */ static bool mysql_test_insert_fields(Prepared_statement *stmt, TABLE_LIST *table_list, List &fields, List &values_list) { THD *thd= stmt->thd; TABLE *table; List_iterator_fast its(values_list); List_item *values; DBUG_ENTER("mysql_test_insert_fields"); #ifndef NO_EMBEDDED_ACCESS_CHECKS my_bool update=(stmt->lex->value_list.elements ? UPDATE_ACL : 0); ulong privilege= (stmt->lex->duplicates == DUP_REPLACE ? INSERT_ACL | DELETE_ACL : INSERT_ACL | update); if (check_access(thd,privilege,table_list->db, &table_list->grant.privilege,0,0) || (grant_option && check_grant(thd,privilege,table_list,0,0))) DBUG_RETURN(1); #endif if (open_and_lock_tables(thd, table_list)) DBUG_RETURN(1); table= table_list->table; if ((values= its++)) { uint value_count; ulong counter= 0; if (check_insert_fields(thd,table,fields,*values,1)) DBUG_RETURN(1); value_count= values->elements; its.rewind(); while ((values= its++)) { counter++; if (values->elements != value_count) { my_printf_error(ER_WRONG_VALUE_COUNT_ON_ROW, ER(ER_WRONG_VALUE_COUNT_ON_ROW), MYF(0), counter); DBUG_RETURN(1); } } } if (send_prep_stmt(stmt, 0)) DBUG_RETURN(1); DBUG_RETURN(0); } /* Validate the following information UPDATE - set and where clause DELETE - where clause And send update-set clause column list fields info back to client. For DELETE, just validate where clause and return no fields information back to client. */ static bool mysql_test_upd_fields(Prepared_statement *stmt, TABLE_LIST *table_list, List &fields, List &values, COND *conds) { THD *thd= stmt->thd; DBUG_ENTER("mysql_test_upd_fields"); #ifndef NO_EMBEDDED_ACCESS_CHECKS if (check_access(thd,UPDATE_ACL,table_list->db, &table_list->grant.privilege,0,0) || (grant_option && check_grant(thd,UPDATE_ACL,table_list,0,0))) DBUG_RETURN(1); #endif if (open_and_lock_tables(thd, table_list)) DBUG_RETURN(1); if (setup_tables(table_list) || setup_fields(thd, 0, table_list, fields, 1, 0, 0) || setup_conds(thd, table_list, &conds) || thd->net.report_error) DBUG_RETURN(1); /* Currently return only column list info only, and we are not sending any info on where clause. */ if (send_prep_stmt(stmt, 0)) DBUG_RETURN(1); DBUG_RETURN(0); } /* Validate the following information: SELECT - column list - where clause - order clause - having clause - group by clause - if no column spec i.e. '*', then setup all fields And send column list fields info back to client. */ static bool mysql_test_select_fields(Prepared_statement *stmt, TABLE_LIST *tables, uint wild_num, List &fields, COND *conds, uint og_num, ORDER *order, ORDER *group, Item *having, ORDER *proc, ulong select_options, SELECT_LEX_UNIT *unit, SELECT_LEX *select_lex) { THD *thd= stmt->thd; LEX *lex= stmt->lex; select_result *result= lex->result; DBUG_ENTER("mysql_test_select_fields"); #ifndef NO_EMBEDDED_ACCESS_CHECKS ulong privilege= lex->exchange ? SELECT_ACL | FILE_ACL : SELECT_ACL; if (tables) { if (check_table_access(thd, privilege, tables,0)) DBUG_RETURN(1); } else if (check_access(thd, privilege, "*any*",0,0,0)) DBUG_RETURN(1); #endif if ((&lex->select_lex != lex->all_selects_list && lex->unit.create_total_list(thd, lex, &tables, 0))) DBUG_RETURN(1); if (open_and_lock_tables(thd, tables)) DBUG_RETURN(1); if (lex->describe) { if (send_prep_stmt(stmt, 0)) DBUG_RETURN(1); } else { fix_tables_pointers(lex->all_selects_list); if (!result && !(result= new select_send())) { send_error(thd, ER_OUT_OF_RESOURCES); DBUG_RETURN(1); } JOIN *join= new JOIN(thd, fields, select_options, result); thd->used_tables= 0; // Updated by setup_fields if (join->prepare(&select_lex->ref_pointer_array, tables, wild_num, conds, og_num, order, group, having, proc, select_lex, unit)) DBUG_RETURN(1); if (send_prep_stmt(stmt, fields.elements) || thd->protocol_simple.send_fields(&fields, 0) #ifndef EMBEDDED_LIBRARY || net_flush(&thd->net) #endif ) DBUG_RETURN(1); join->cleanup(); } DBUG_RETURN(0); } /* Send the prepare query results back to client */ static bool send_prepare_results(Prepared_statement *stmt) { THD *thd= stmt->thd; LEX *lex= stmt->lex; enum enum_sql_command sql_command= lex->sql_command; DBUG_ENTER("send_prepare_results"); DBUG_PRINT("enter",("command: %d, param_count: %ld", sql_command, lex->param_count)); /* Setup prepared stmt */ stmt->param_count= lex->param_count; SELECT_LEX *select_lex= &lex->select_lex; TABLE_LIST *tables=(TABLE_LIST*) select_lex->table_list.first; switch (sql_command) { case SQLCOM_INSERT: if (mysql_test_insert_fields(stmt, tables, lex->field_list, lex->many_values)) goto abort; break; case SQLCOM_UPDATE: if (mysql_test_upd_fields(stmt, tables, select_lex->item_list, lex->value_list, select_lex->where)) goto abort; break; case SQLCOM_DELETE: if (mysql_test_upd_fields(stmt, tables, select_lex->item_list, lex->value_list, select_lex->where)) goto abort; break; case SQLCOM_SELECT: if (mysql_test_select_fields(stmt, tables, select_lex->with_wild, select_lex->item_list, select_lex->where, select_lex->order_list.elements + select_lex->group_list.elements, (ORDER*) select_lex->order_list.first, (ORDER*) select_lex->group_list.first, select_lex->having, (ORDER*)lex->proc_list.first, select_lex->options | thd->options, &(lex->unit), select_lex)) goto abort; break; default: { /* Rest fall through to default category, no parsing for non-DML statements */ if (send_prep_stmt(stmt, 0)) goto abort; } } DBUG_RETURN(0); abort: send_error(thd,thd->killed ? ER_SERVER_SHUTDOWN : 0); DBUG_RETURN(1); } /* Initialize parameter items in statement */ static bool init_param_items(Prepared_statement *stmt) { Item_param **to; if (!stmt->param_count) stmt->param= (Item_param **)0; else { if (!(stmt->param= to= (Item_param **) my_malloc(sizeof(Item_param *)*(stmt->param_count+1), MYF(MY_WME)))) return 1; List_iterator param_iterator(stmt->lex->param_list); while ((*(to++)= (Item_param *)param_iterator++)); } return 0; } /* Parse the query and send the total number of parameters and resultset metadata information back to client (if any), without executing the query i.e. with out any log/disk writes. This will allow the queries to be re-executed without re-parsing during execute. If parameter markers are found in the query, then store the information using Item_param along with maintaining a list in lex->param_list, so that a fast and direct retrieval can be made without going through all field items. */ bool mysql_stmt_prepare(THD *thd, char *packet, uint packet_length) { LEX *lex; Prepared_statement *stmt= new Prepared_statement(thd); SELECT_LEX *sl; DBUG_ENTER("mysql_stmt_prepare"); if (stmt == 0) DBUG_RETURN(0); if (thd->stmt_map.insert(stmt)) goto insert_stmt_err; thd->stmt_backup.set_statement(thd); thd->set_statement(stmt); if (alloc_query(thd, packet, packet_length)) goto alloc_query_err; mysql_log.write(thd, COM_PREPARE, "%s", packet); lex= lex_start(thd, (uchar *) thd->query, thd->query_length); mysql_init_query(thd); lex->safe_to_cache_query= 0; lex->param_count= 0; if (yyparse((void *)thd) || thd->is_fatal_error || send_prepare_results(stmt)) goto yyparse_err; lex_end(lex); if (!(specialflag & SPECIAL_NO_PRIOR)) my_pthread_setprio(pthread_self(),WAIT_PRIOR); // save WHERE clause pointers to avoid damaging they by optimisation for (sl= thd->lex->all_selects_list; sl; sl= sl->next_select_in_list()) { sl->prep_where= sl->where; } stmt->set_statement(thd); thd->set_statement(&thd->stmt_backup); if (init_param_items(stmt)) goto init_param_err; stmt->command= COM_EXECUTE; // set it only once here DBUG_RETURN(0); yyparse_err: lex_end(lex); stmt->set_statement(thd); thd->set_statement(&thd->stmt_backup); init_param_err: alloc_query_err: /* Statement map deletes statement on erase */ thd->stmt_map.erase(stmt); DBUG_RETURN(1); insert_stmt_err: delete stmt; DBUG_RETURN(1); } /* Executes previously prepared query If there is any parameters (stmt->param_count), then replace markers with the data supplied from client, and then execute the query */ void mysql_stmt_execute(THD *thd, char *packet) { ulong stmt_id= uint4korr(packet); Prepared_statement *stmt; DBUG_ENTER("mysql_stmt_execute"); if (!(stmt= find_prepared_statement(thd, stmt_id, "execute"))) DBUG_VOID_RETURN; /* Check if we got an error when sending long data */ if (stmt->error_in_prepare) { send_error(thd, stmt->last_errno, stmt->last_error); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /* XXX: while thd->query_id is incremented for each command, stmt->query_id holds query_id of prepare stage. Keeping old query_id seems to be more natural, but differs from the way prepared statements work in 4.1: */ /* stmt->query_id= thd->query_id; */ thd->stmt_backup.set_statement(thd); thd->set_statement(stmt); /* To make sure that all runtime data is stored in its own memory root and does not interfere with data possibly present in thd->mem_root. This root is cleaned up in the end of execution. FIXME: to be replaced with more efficient approach, and verified why we can not use thd->mem_root safely. */ init_sql_alloc(&thd->mem_root, thd->variables.query_alloc_block_size, thd->variables.query_prealloc_size); for (SELECT_LEX *sl= stmt->lex->all_selects_list; sl; sl= sl->next_select_in_list()) { /* Copy WHERE clause pointers to avoid damaging they by optimisation */ if (sl->prep_where) sl->where= sl->prep_where->copy_andor_structure(thd); DBUG_ASSERT(sl->join == 0); } /* TODO: When the new table structure is ready, then have a status bit to indicate the table is altered, and re-do the setup_* and open the tables back. */ for (TABLE_LIST *tables= (TABLE_LIST*) stmt->lex->select_lex.table_list.first; tables; tables= tables->next) tables->table= 0; // safety - nasty init #ifndef EMBEDDED_LIBRARY if (stmt->param_count && setup_params_data(stmt)) DBUG_VOID_RETURN; #else if (stmt->param_count && (*stmt->setup_params_data)(stmt)) DBUG_VOID_RETURN; #endif if (!(specialflag & SPECIAL_NO_PRIOR)) my_pthread_setprio(pthread_self(),QUERY_PRIOR); /* TODO: Also, have checks on basic executions such as mysql_insert(), mysql_delete(), mysql_update() and mysql_select() to not to have re-check on setup_* and other things .. */ thd->protocol= &thd->protocol_prep; // Switch to binary protocol mysql_execute_command(thd); thd->protocol= &thd->protocol_simple; // Use normal protocol if (!(specialflag & SPECIAL_NO_PRIOR)) my_pthread_setprio(pthread_self(), WAIT_PRIOR); free_root(&thd->mem_root, MYF(0)); thd->set_statement(&thd->stmt_backup); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /* Reset a prepared statement SYNOPSIS mysql_stmt_reset() thd Thread handle packet Packet with stmt handle DESCRIPTION This function is useful when one gets an error after calling mysql_stmt_getlongdata() and one wants to reset the handle so that one can call execute again. */ void mysql_stmt_reset(THD *thd, char *packet) { ulong stmt_id= uint4korr(packet); Prepared_statement *stmt; DBUG_ENTER("mysql_stmt_reset"); if (!(stmt= find_prepared_statement(thd, stmt_id, "reset"))) DBUG_VOID_RETURN; stmt->error_in_prepare= 0; Item_param *item= *stmt->param, *end= item + stmt->param_count; /* Free long data if used */ if (stmt->long_data_used) { stmt->long_data_used= 0; for (; item < end ; item++) item->reset(); } DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /* Delete a prepared statement from memory */ void mysql_stmt_free(THD *thd, char *packet) { ulong stmt_id= uint4korr(packet); Prepared_statement *stmt; DBUG_ENTER("mysql_stmt_free"); if (!(stmt= find_prepared_statement(thd, stmt_id, "close"))) DBUG_VOID_RETURN; /* Statement map deletes statement on erase */ thd->stmt_map.erase(stmt); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /* Long data in pieces from client SYNOPSIS mysql_stmt_get_longdata() thd Thread handle pos String to append packet_length Length of string DESCRIPTION Get a part of a long data. To make the protocol efficient, we are not sending any return packages here. If something goes wrong, then we will send the error on 'execute' We assume that the client takes care of checking that all parts are sent to the server. (No checking that we get a 'end of column' in the server) */ void mysql_stmt_get_longdata(THD *thd, char *pos, ulong packet_length) { Prepared_statement *stmt; DBUG_ENTER("mysql_stmt_get_longdata"); #ifndef EMBEDDED_LIBRARY /* The following should never happen */ if (packet_length < MYSQL_LONG_DATA_HEADER+1) { my_error(ER_WRONG_ARGUMENTS, MYF(0), "get_longdata"); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } #endif ulong stmt_id= uint4korr(pos); uint param_number= uint2korr(pos+4); if (!(stmt=find_prepared_statement(thd, stmt_id, "get_longdata"))) DBUG_VOID_RETURN; #ifndef EMBEDDED_LIBRARY if (param_number >= stmt->param_count) { /* Error will be sent in execute call */ stmt->error_in_prepare= 1; stmt->last_errno= ER_WRONG_ARGUMENTS; sprintf(stmt->last_error, ER(ER_WRONG_ARGUMENTS), "get_longdata"); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } pos+= MYSQL_LONG_DATA_HEADER; // Point to data #endif Item_param *param= *(stmt->param+param_number); #ifndef EMBEDDED_LIBRARY param->set_longdata(pos, packet_length-MYSQL_LONG_DATA_HEADER-1); #else param->set_longdata(thd->extra_data, thd->extra_length); #endif stmt->long_data_used= 1; DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } Prepared_statement::Prepared_statement(THD *thd_arg) :Statement(thd_arg), thd(thd_arg), param(0), param_count(0), last_errno(0), error_in_prepare(0), long_data_used(0), log_full_query(0) { *last_error= '\0'; if (mysql_bin_log.is_open()) { log_full_query= 1; #ifndef EMBEDDED_LIBRARY setup_params= insert_params_withlog; #else setup_params_data= setup_params_data_withlog; #endif } else #ifndef EMBEDDED_LIBRARY setup_params= insert_params; // not fully qualified query #else setup_params_data= ::setup_params_data; #endif } Prepared_statement::~Prepared_statement() { my_free((char *) param, MYF(MY_ALLOW_ZERO_PTR)); free_items(free_list); } Statement::Type Prepared_statement::type() const { return PREPARED_STATEMENT; }