/* Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB & MySQL Finland AB & TCX DataKonsult AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* mysql_select and join optimization */ #ifdef __GNUC__ #pragma implementation // gcc: Class implementation #endif #include "mysql_priv.h" #include "sql_select.h" #include "opt_ft.h" #include #include #include #include const char *join_type_str[]={ "UNKNOWN","system","const","eq_ref","ref", "MAYBE_REF","ALL","range","index","fulltext" }; static bool make_join_statistics(JOIN *join,TABLE_LIST *tables,COND *conds, DYNAMIC_ARRAY *keyuse); static bool update_ref_and_keys(THD *thd, DYNAMIC_ARRAY *keyuse, JOIN_TAB *join_tab, uint tables,COND *conds,table_map table_map); static int sort_keyuse(KEYUSE *a,KEYUSE *b); static void set_position(JOIN *join,uint index,JOIN_TAB *table,KEYUSE *key); static bool create_ref_for_key(JOIN *join, JOIN_TAB *j, KEYUSE *org_keyuse, table_map used_tables); static void find_best_combination(JOIN *join,table_map rest_tables); static void find_best(JOIN *join,table_map rest_tables,uint index, double record_count,double read_time); static uint cache_record_length(JOIN *join,uint index); static double prev_record_reads(JOIN *join,table_map found_ref); static bool get_best_combination(JOIN *join); static store_key *get_store_key(THD *thd, KEYUSE *keyuse, table_map used_tables, KEY_PART_INFO *key_part, char *key_buff, uint maybe_null); static bool make_simple_join(JOIN *join,TABLE *tmp_table); static bool make_join_select(JOIN *join,SQL_SELECT *select,COND *item); static void make_join_readinfo(JOIN *join,uint options); static void join_free(JOIN *join); static bool only_eq_ref_tables(JOIN *join,ORDER *order,table_map tables); static void update_depend_map(JOIN *join); static void update_depend_map(JOIN *join, ORDER *order); static ORDER *remove_const(JOIN *join,ORDER *first_order,COND *cond, bool *simple_order); static int return_zero_rows(select_result *res,TABLE_LIST *tables, List &fields, bool send_row, uint select_options, const char *info, Item *having, Procedure *proc); static COND *optimize_cond(COND *conds,Item::cond_result *cond_value); static COND *remove_eq_conds(COND *cond,Item::cond_result *cond_value); static bool const_expression_in_where(COND *conds,Item *item, Item **comp_item); static bool open_tmp_table(TABLE *table); static bool create_myisam_tmp_table(TABLE *table,TMP_TABLE_PARAM *param, ulong options); static int do_select(JOIN *join,List *fields,TABLE *tmp_table, Procedure *proc); static int sub_select_cache(JOIN *join,JOIN_TAB *join_tab,bool end_of_records); static int sub_select(JOIN *join,JOIN_TAB *join_tab,bool end_of_records); static int flush_cached_records(JOIN *join,JOIN_TAB *join_tab,bool skipp_last); static int end_send(JOIN *join, JOIN_TAB *join_tab, bool end_of_records); static int end_send_group(JOIN *join, JOIN_TAB *join_tab,bool end_of_records); static int end_write(JOIN *join, JOIN_TAB *join_tab, bool end_of_records); static int end_update(JOIN *join, JOIN_TAB *join_tab, bool end_of_records); static int end_unique_update(JOIN *join,JOIN_TAB *join_tab, bool end_of_records); static int end_write_group(JOIN *join, JOIN_TAB *join_tab, bool end_of_records); static int test_if_group_changed(List &list); static int join_read_const_table(JOIN_TAB *tab, POSITION *pos); static int join_read_system(JOIN_TAB *tab); static int join_read_const(JOIN_TAB *tab); static int join_read_key(JOIN_TAB *tab); static int join_read_always_key(JOIN_TAB *tab); static int join_read_last_key(JOIN_TAB *tab); static int join_no_more_records(READ_RECORD *info); static int join_read_next(READ_RECORD *info); static int join_init_quick_read_record(JOIN_TAB *tab); static int test_if_quick_select(JOIN_TAB *tab); static int join_init_read_record(JOIN_TAB *tab); static int join_read_first(JOIN_TAB *tab); static int join_read_next(READ_RECORD *info); static int join_read_next_same(READ_RECORD *info); static int join_read_last(JOIN_TAB *tab); static int join_read_prev_same(READ_RECORD *info); static int join_read_prev(READ_RECORD *info); static int join_ft_read_first(JOIN_TAB *tab); static int join_ft_read_next(READ_RECORD *info); static COND *make_cond_for_table(COND *cond,table_map table, table_map used_table); static Item* part_of_refkey(TABLE *form,Field *field); static uint find_shortest_key(TABLE *table, key_map usable_keys); static bool test_if_skip_sort_order(JOIN_TAB *tab,ORDER *order, ha_rows select_limit, bool no_changes); static int create_sort_index(JOIN_TAB *tab,ORDER *order,ha_rows select_limit); static int remove_duplicates(JOIN *join,TABLE *entry,List &fields, Item *having); static int remove_dup_with_compare(THD *thd, TABLE *entry, Field **field, ulong offset,Item *having); static int remove_dup_with_hash_index(THD *thd, TABLE *table, uint field_count, Field **first_field, ulong key_length,Item *having); static int join_init_cache(THD *thd,JOIN_TAB *tables,uint table_count); static ulong used_blob_length(CACHE_FIELD **ptr); static bool store_record_in_cache(JOIN_CACHE *cache); static void reset_cache(JOIN_CACHE *cache); static void read_cached_record(JOIN_TAB *tab); static bool cmp_buffer_with_ref(JOIN_TAB *tab); static int setup_group(THD *thd,TABLE_LIST *tables,List &fields, List &all_fields, ORDER *order, bool *hidden); static bool setup_new_fields(THD *thd,TABLE_LIST *tables,List &fields, List &all_fields,ORDER *new_order); static ORDER *create_distinct_group(ORDER *order, List &fields); static bool test_if_subpart(ORDER *a,ORDER *b); static TABLE *get_sort_by_table(ORDER *a,ORDER *b,TABLE_LIST *tables); static void calc_group_buffer(JOIN *join,ORDER *group); static bool alloc_group_fields(JOIN *join,ORDER *group); static bool make_sum_func_list(JOIN *join,List &fields); static bool change_to_use_tmp_fields(List &func); static bool change_refs_to_tmp_fields(THD *thd, List &func); static void init_tmptable_sum_functions(Item_sum **func); static void update_tmptable_sum_func(Item_sum **func,TABLE *tmp_table); static void copy_sum_funcs(Item_sum **func_ptr); static bool add_ref_to_table_cond(THD *thd, JOIN_TAB *join_tab); static void init_sum_functions(Item_sum **func); static bool update_sum_func(Item_sum **func); static void select_describe(JOIN *join, bool need_tmp_table, bool need_order, bool distinct, const char *message=NullS); static void describe_info(THD *thd, const char *info); /* This handles SELECT with and without UNION */ int handle_select(THD *thd, LEX *lex, select_result *result) { int res; register SELECT_LEX *select_lex = &lex->select_lex; if (select_lex->next) res=mysql_union(thd,lex,result); else res=mysql_select(thd,(TABLE_LIST*) select_lex->table_list.first, select_lex->item_list, select_lex->where, (ORDER*) select_lex->order_list.first, (ORDER*) select_lex->group_list.first, select_lex->having, (ORDER*) lex->proc_list.first, select_lex->options | thd->options, result); if (res && result) result->abort(); delete result; return res; } /***************************************************************************** Check fields, find best join, do the select and output fields. mysql_select assumes that all tables are already opened *****************************************************************************/ int mysql_select(THD *thd,TABLE_LIST *tables,List &fields,COND *conds, ORDER *order, ORDER *group,Item *having,ORDER *proc_param, ulong select_options,select_result *result) { TABLE *tmp_table; int error, tmp_error; bool need_tmp,hidden_group_fields; bool simple_order,simple_group,no_order, skip_sort_order, buffer_result; Item::cond_result cond_value; SQL_SELECT *select; DYNAMIC_ARRAY keyuse; JOIN join; Procedure *procedure; List all_fields(fields); bool select_distinct; SELECT_LEX *select_lex = &(thd->lex.select_lex); SELECT_LEX *cur_sel = thd->lex.select; DBUG_ENTER("mysql_select"); /* Check that all tables, fields, conds and order are ok */ select_distinct=test(select_options & SELECT_DISTINCT); buffer_result=test(select_options & OPTION_BUFFER_RESULT) && !test(select_options & OPTION_FOUND_ROWS); tmp_table=0; select=0; no_order=skip_sort_order=0; bzero((char*) &keyuse,sizeof(keyuse)); thd->proc_info="init"; thd->used_tables=0; // Updated by setup_fields if (setup_tables(tables) || setup_fields(thd,tables,fields,1,&all_fields,1) || setup_conds(thd,tables,&conds) || setup_order(thd,tables,fields,all_fields,order) || setup_group(thd,tables,fields,all_fields,group,&hidden_group_fields)) DBUG_RETURN(-1); /* purecov: inspected */ if (having) { thd->where="having clause"; thd->allow_sum_func=1; if (having->fix_fields(thd,tables) || thd->fatal_error) DBUG_RETURN(-1); /* purecov: inspected */ if (having->with_sum_func) having->split_sum_func(all_fields); } if (setup_ftfuncs(thd)) /* should be after having->fix_fields */ DBUG_RETURN(-1); /* Check if one one uses a not constant column with group functions and no GROUP BY. TODO: Add check of calculation of GROUP functions and fields: SELECT COUNT(*)+table.col1 from table1; */ join.table=0; join.tables=0; { if (!group) { uint flag=0; List_iterator_fast it(fields); Item *item; while ((item= it++)) { if (item->with_sum_func) flag|=1; else if (!(flag & 2) && !item->const_item()) flag|=2; } if (flag == 3) { my_error(ER_MIX_OF_GROUP_FUNC_AND_FIELDS,MYF(0)); DBUG_RETURN(-1); } } TABLE_LIST *table; for (table=tables ; table ; table=table->next) join.tables++; } procedure=setup_procedure(thd,proc_param,result,fields,&error); if (error) DBUG_RETURN(-1); /* purecov: inspected */ if (procedure) { if (setup_new_fields(thd,tables,fields,all_fields,procedure->param_fields)) { /* purecov: inspected */ delete procedure; /* purecov: inspected */ DBUG_RETURN(-1); /* purecov: inspected */ } if (procedure->group) { if (!test_if_subpart(procedure->group,group)) { /* purecov: inspected */ my_message(0,"Can't handle procedures with differents groups yet", MYF(0)); /* purecov: inspected */ delete procedure; /* purecov: inspected */ DBUG_RETURN(-1); /* purecov: inspected */ } } #ifdef NOT_NEEDED else if (!group && procedure->flags & PROC_GROUP) { my_message(0,"Select must have a group with this procedure",MYF(0)); delete procedure; DBUG_RETURN(-1); } #endif if (order && (procedure->flags & PROC_NO_SORT)) { /* purecov: inspected */ my_message(0,"Can't use order with this procedure",MYF(0)); /* purecov: inspected */ delete procedure; /* purecov: inspected */ DBUG_RETURN(-1); /* purecov: inspected */ } } /* Init join struct */ join.thd=thd; join.lock=thd->lock; join.join_tab=0; join.tmp_table_param.copy_field=0; join.sum_funcs=0; join.send_records=join.found_records=join.examined_rows=0; join.tmp_table_param.end_write_records= HA_POS_ERROR; join.first_record=join.sort_and_group=0; join.select_options=select_options; join.result=result; count_field_types(&join.tmp_table_param,all_fields,0); join.const_tables=0; join.having=0; join.do_send_rows = 1; join.group= group != 0; join.row_limit= ((select_distinct || order || group) ? HA_POS_ERROR : thd->select_limit); #ifdef RESTRICTED_GROUP if (join.sum_func_count && !group && (join.func_count || join.field_count)) { my_message(ER_WRONG_SUM_SELECT,ER(ER_WRONG_SUM_SELECT),MYF(0)); delete procedure; DBUG_RETURN(-1); } #endif if (!procedure && result->prepare(fields)) { /* purecov: inspected */ DBUG_RETURN(-1); /* purecov: inspected */ } #ifdef HAVE_REF_TO_FIELDS // Not done yet /* Add HAVING to WHERE if possible */ if (having && !group && ! join.sum_func_count) { if (!conds) { conds=having; having=0; } else if ((conds=new Item_cond_and(conds,having))) { conds->fix_fields(thd,tables); conds->change_ref_to_fields(thd,tables); having=0; } } #endif conds=optimize_cond(conds,&cond_value); if (thd->fatal_error) // Out of memory { delete procedure; DBUG_RETURN(0); } if (cond_value == Item::COND_FALSE || !thd->select_limit) { /* Impossible cond */ if (select_options & SELECT_DESCRIBE && select_lex->next) select_describe(&join,false,false,false,"Impossible WHERE"); else error=return_zero_rows(result, tables, fields, join.tmp_table_param.sum_func_count != 0 && !group, select_options,"Impossible WHERE",having, procedure); delete procedure; DBUG_RETURN(error); } /* Optimize count(*), min() and max() */ if (tables && join.tmp_table_param.sum_func_count && ! group) { int res; if ((res=opt_sum_query(tables, all_fields, conds))) { if (res < 0) { if (select_options & SELECT_DESCRIBE && select_lex->next) select_describe(&join,false,false,false,"No matching min/max row"); else error=return_zero_rows(result, tables, fields, !group, select_options,"No matching min/max row", having,procedure); delete procedure; DBUG_RETURN(error); } if (select_options & SELECT_DESCRIBE) { if (select_lex->next) select_describe(&join,false,false,false,"Select tables optimized away"); else describe_info(thd,"Select tables optimized away"); delete procedure; DBUG_RETURN(error); } tables=0; // All tables resolved } } if (!tables) { // Only test of functions error=0; if (select_options & SELECT_DESCRIBE) { if (select_lex->next) select_describe(&join,false,false,false,"No tables used"); else describe_info(thd,"No tables used"); } else { result->send_fields(fields,1); if (!having || having->val_int()) { if (join.do_send_rows && result->send_data(fields)) { result->send_error(0,NullS); /* purecov: inspected */ error=1; } else error=(int) result->send_eof(); } else error=(int) result->send_eof(); } delete procedure; DBUG_RETURN(error); } error = -1; join.sort_by_table=get_sort_by_table(order,group,tables); /* Calculate how to do the join */ thd->proc_info="statistics"; if (make_join_statistics(&join,tables,conds,&keyuse) || thd->fatal_error) goto err; thd->proc_info="preparing"; result->initialize_tables(&join); if (join.const_table_map != join.found_const_table_map && !(select_options & SELECT_DESCRIBE)) { error=return_zero_rows(result,tables,fields, join.tmp_table_param.sum_func_count != 0 && !group,0,"",having,procedure); goto err; } if (!(thd->options & OPTION_BIG_SELECTS) && join.best_read > (double) thd->max_join_size && !(select_options & SELECT_DESCRIBE)) { /* purecov: inspected */ result->send_error(ER_TOO_BIG_SELECT,ER(ER_TOO_BIG_SELECT)); /* purecov: inspected */ error= 1; /* purecov: inspected */ goto err; /* purecov: inspected */ } if (join.const_tables && !thd->locked_tables && !(select_options & SELECT_NO_UNLOCK)) { TABLE **table, **end; for (table=join.table, end=table + join.const_tables ; table != end; table++) { /* BDB tables require that we call index_end() before doing an unlock */ if ((*table)->key_read) { (*table)->key_read=0; (*table)->file->extra(HA_EXTRA_NO_KEYREAD); } (*table)->file->index_end(); } mysql_unlock_some_tables(thd, join.table,join.const_tables); } if (!conds && join.outer_join) { /* Handle the case where we have an OUTER JOIN without a WHERE */ conds=new Item_int((longlong) 1,1); // Always true } select=make_select(*join.table, join.const_table_map, join.const_table_map,conds,&error); if (error) { /* purecov: inspected */ error= -1; /* purecov: inspected */ goto err; /* purecov: inspected */ } if (make_join_select(&join,select,conds)) { if (select_options & SELECT_DESCRIBE && select_lex->next) select_describe(&join,false,false,false,"Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables"); else error=return_zero_rows(result,tables,fields, join.tmp_table_param.sum_func_count != 0 && !group, select_options, "Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables", having,procedure); goto err; } error= -1; /* if goto err */ /* Optimize distinct away if possible */ order=remove_const(&join,order,conds,&simple_order); if (group || join.tmp_table_param.sum_func_count) { if (! hidden_group_fields) select_distinct=0; } else if (select_distinct && join.tables - join.const_tables == 1 && (thd->select_limit == HA_POS_ERROR || (join.select_options & OPTION_FOUND_ROWS) || order && !(skip_sort_order= test_if_skip_sort_order(&join.join_tab[join.const_tables], order, thd->select_limit,1)))) { if ((group=create_distinct_group(order,fields))) { select_distinct=0; no_order= !order; join.group=1; // For end_write_group } else if (thd->fatal_error) // End of memory goto err; } group=remove_const(&join,group,conds,&simple_group); if (!group && join.group) { order=0; // The output has only one row simple_order=1; } calc_group_buffer(&join,group); join.send_group_parts=join.tmp_table_param.group_parts; /* Save org parts */ if (procedure && procedure->group) { group=procedure->group=remove_const(&join,procedure->group,conds, &simple_group); calc_group_buffer(&join,group); } if (test_if_subpart(group,order) || (!group && join.tmp_table_param.sum_func_count)) order=0; // Can't use sort on head table if using row cache if (join.full_join) { if (group) simple_group=0; if (order) simple_order=0; } need_tmp= (join.const_tables != join.tables && ((select_distinct || !simple_order || !simple_group) || (group && order) || buffer_result)); // No cache for MATCH make_join_readinfo(&join, (select_options & (SELECT_DESCRIBE | SELECT_NO_JOIN_CACHE)) | (cur_sel->ftfunc_list.elements ? SELECT_NO_JOIN_CACHE : 0)); /* Need to tell Innobase that to play it safe, it should fetch all columns of the tables: this is because MySQL may build row pointers for the rows, and for all columns of the primary key the field->query_id has not necessarily been set to thd->query_id by MySQL. */ #ifdef HAVE_INNOBASE_DB if (need_tmp || select_distinct || group || order) { for (uint i_h = join.const_tables; i_h < join.tables; i_h++) { TABLE* table_h = join.join_tab[i_h].table; if (table_h->db_type == DB_TYPE_INNODB) table_h->file->extra(HA_EXTRA_DONT_USE_CURSOR_TO_UPDATE); } } #endif DBUG_EXECUTE("info",TEST_join(&join);); /* Because filesort always does a full table scan or a quick range scan we must add the removed reference to the select for the table. We only need to do this when we have a simple_order or simple_group as in other cases the join is done before the sort. */ if ((order || group) && join.join_tab[join.const_tables].type != JT_ALL && join.join_tab[join.const_tables].type != JT_FT && (order && simple_order || group && simple_group)) { if (add_ref_to_table_cond(thd,&join.join_tab[join.const_tables])) goto err; } if (!(select_options & SELECT_BIG_RESULT) && ((group && join.const_tables != join.tables && (!simple_group || !test_if_skip_sort_order(&join.join_tab[join.const_tables], group, thd->select_limit,0))) || select_distinct) && join.tmp_table_param.quick_group && !procedure) { need_tmp=1; simple_order=simple_group=0; // Force tmp table without sort } if (select_options & SELECT_DESCRIBE) { if (!order && !no_order) order=group; if (order && (join.const_tables == join.tables || (simple_order && test_if_skip_sort_order(&join.join_tab[join.const_tables], order, (join.const_tables != join.tables - 1 || (join.select_options & OPTION_FOUND_ROWS)) ? HA_POS_ERROR : thd->select_limit,0)))) order=0; select_describe(&join,need_tmp, order != 0 && !skip_sort_order, select_distinct); error=0; goto err; } /* Perform FULLTEXT search before all regular searches */ init_ftfuncs(thd,test(order)); /* Create a tmp table if distinct or if the sort is too complicated */ if (need_tmp) { DBUG_PRINT("info",("Creating tmp table")); thd->proc_info="Creating tmp table"; if (!(tmp_table = create_tmp_table(thd,&join.tmp_table_param,all_fields, ((!simple_group && !procedure && !(test_flags & TEST_NO_KEY_GROUP)) ? group : (ORDER*) 0), group ? 0 : select_distinct, group && simple_group, (order == 0 || skip_sort_order) && !(join.select_options & OPTION_FOUND_ROWS), join.select_options))) goto err; /* purecov: inspected */ if (having && (join.sort_and_group || (tmp_table->distinct && !group))) join.having=having; /* if group or order on first table, sort first */ if (group && simple_group) { DBUG_PRINT("info",("Sorting for group")); thd->proc_info="Sorting for group"; if (create_sort_index(&join.join_tab[join.const_tables],group, HA_POS_ERROR) || make_sum_func_list(&join,all_fields) || alloc_group_fields(&join,group)) goto err; group=0; } else { if (make_sum_func_list(&join,all_fields)) goto err; if (!group && ! tmp_table->distinct && order && simple_order) { DBUG_PRINT("info",("Sorting for order")); thd->proc_info="Sorting for order"; if (create_sort_index(&join.join_tab[join.const_tables],order, HA_POS_ERROR)) goto err; /* purecov: inspected */ order=0; } } /* Optimize distinct when used on some of the tables SELECT DISTINCT t1.a FROM t1,t2 WHERE t1.b=t2.b In this case we can stop scanning t2 when we have found one t1.a */ if (tmp_table->distinct) { table_map used_tables= thd->used_tables; JOIN_TAB *join_tab=join.join_tab+join.tables-1; do { if (used_tables & join_tab->table->map) break; join_tab->not_used_in_distinct=1; } while (join_tab-- != join.join_tab); /* Optimize "select distinct b from t1 order by key_part_1 limit #" */ if (order && skip_sort_order) { (void) test_if_skip_sort_order(&join.join_tab[join.const_tables], order, thd->select_limit,0); order=0; } } /* Copy data to the temporary table */ thd->proc_info="Copying to tmp table"; if ((tmp_error=do_select(&join,(List *) 0,tmp_table,0))) { error=tmp_error; goto err; /* purecov: inspected */ } if (join.having) join.having=having=0; // Allready done /* Change sum_fields reference to calculated fields in tmp_table */ if (join.sort_and_group || tmp_table->group) { if (change_to_use_tmp_fields(all_fields)) goto err; join.tmp_table_param.field_count+=join.tmp_table_param.sum_func_count+ join.tmp_table_param.func_count; join.tmp_table_param.sum_func_count=join.tmp_table_param.func_count=0; } else { if (change_refs_to_tmp_fields(thd,all_fields)) goto err; join.tmp_table_param.field_count+=join.tmp_table_param.func_count; join.tmp_table_param.func_count=0; } if (procedure) procedure->update_refs(); if (tmp_table->group) { // Already grouped if (!order && !no_order) order=group; /* order by group */ group=0; } /* If we have different sort & group then we must sort the data by group and copy it to another tmp table This code is also used if we are using distinct something we haven't been able to store in the temporary table yet like SEC_TO_TIME(SUM(...)). */ if (group && (!test_if_subpart(group,order) || select_distinct) || (select_distinct && join.tmp_table_param.using_indirect_summary_function)) { /* Must copy to another table */ TABLE *tmp_table2; DBUG_PRINT("info",("Creating group table")); /* Free first data from old join */ join_free(&join); if (make_simple_join(&join,tmp_table)) goto err; calc_group_buffer(&join,group); count_field_types(&join.tmp_table_param,all_fields, select_distinct && !group); join.tmp_table_param.hidden_field_count=(all_fields.elements- fields.elements); /* group data to new table */ if (!(tmp_table2 = create_tmp_table(thd,&join.tmp_table_param,all_fields, (ORDER*) 0, select_distinct && !group, 1, 0, join.select_options))) goto err; /* purecov: inspected */ if (group) { thd->proc_info="Creating sort index"; if (create_sort_index(join.join_tab,group,HA_POS_ERROR) || alloc_group_fields(&join,group)) { free_tmp_table(thd,tmp_table2); /* purecov: inspected */ goto err; /* purecov: inspected */ } group=0; } thd->proc_info="Copying to group table"; tmp_error= -1; if (make_sum_func_list(&join,all_fields) || (tmp_error=do_select(&join,(List *) 0,tmp_table2,0))) { error=tmp_error; free_tmp_table(thd,tmp_table2); goto err; /* purecov: inspected */ } end_read_record(&join.join_tab->read_record); free_tmp_table(thd,tmp_table); join.const_tables=join.tables; // Mark free for join_free() tmp_table=tmp_table2; join.join_tab[0].table=0; // Table is freed if (change_to_use_tmp_fields(all_fields)) // No sum funcs anymore goto err; join.tmp_table_param.field_count+=join.tmp_table_param.sum_func_count; join.tmp_table_param.sum_func_count=0; } if (tmp_table->distinct) select_distinct=0; /* Each row is unique */ join_free(&join); /* Free quick selects */ if (select_distinct && ! group) { thd->proc_info="Removing duplicates"; if (having) having->update_used_tables(); if (remove_duplicates(&join,tmp_table,fields, having)) goto err; /* purecov: inspected */ having=0; select_distinct=0; } tmp_table->reginfo.lock_type=TL_UNLOCK; if (make_simple_join(&join,tmp_table)) goto err; calc_group_buffer(&join,group); count_field_types(&join.tmp_table_param,all_fields,0); } if (procedure) { if (procedure->change_columns(fields) || result->prepare(fields)) goto err; count_field_types(&join.tmp_table_param,all_fields,0); } if (join.group || join.tmp_table_param.sum_func_count || (procedure && (procedure->flags & PROC_GROUP))) { alloc_group_fields(&join,group); setup_copy_fields(thd, &join.tmp_table_param,all_fields); if (make_sum_func_list(&join,all_fields) || thd->fatal_error) goto err; /* purecov: inspected */ } if (group || order) { DBUG_PRINT("info",("Sorting for send_fields")); thd->proc_info="Sorting result"; /* If we have already done the group, add HAVING to sorted table */ if (having && ! group && ! join.sort_and_group) { having->update_used_tables(); // Some tables may have been const JOIN_TAB *table=&join.join_tab[join.const_tables]; table_map used_tables= join.const_table_map | table->table->map; Item* sort_table_cond=make_cond_for_table(having,used_tables,used_tables); if (sort_table_cond) { if (!table->select) if (!(table->select=new SQL_SELECT)) goto err; if (!table->select->cond) table->select->cond=sort_table_cond; else // This should never happen if (!(table->select->cond=new Item_cond_and(table->select->cond, sort_table_cond))) goto err; table->select_cond=table->select->cond; DBUG_EXECUTE("where",print_where(table->select->cond, "select and having");); having=make_cond_for_table(having,~ (table_map) 0,~used_tables); DBUG_EXECUTE("where",print_where(conds,"having after sort");); } } if (create_sort_index(&join.join_tab[join.const_tables], group ? group : order, (having || group || join.const_tables != join.tables - 1 || (join.select_options & OPTION_FOUND_ROWS)) ? HA_POS_ERROR : thd->select_limit)) goto err; /* purecov: inspected */ } join.having=having; // Actually a parameter thd->proc_info="Sending data"; error=do_select(&join,&fields,NULL,procedure); err: thd->limit_found_rows = join.send_records; thd->examined_row_count = join.examined_rows; thd->proc_info="end"; join.lock=0; // It's faster to unlock later join_free(&join); thd->proc_info="end2"; // QQ if (tmp_table) free_tmp_table(thd,tmp_table); thd->proc_info="end3"; // QQ delete select; delete_dynamic(&keyuse); delete procedure; thd->proc_info="end4"; // QQ DBUG_RETURN(error); } /***************************************************************************** Create JOIN_TABS, make a guess about the table types, Approximate how many records will be used in each table *****************************************************************************/ static ha_rows get_quick_record_count(SQL_SELECT *select,TABLE *table, key_map keys,ha_rows limit) { int error; DBUG_ENTER("get_quick_record_count"); if (select) { select->head=table; table->reginfo.impossible_range=0; if ((error=select->test_quick_select(keys,(table_map) 0,limit)) == 1) DBUG_RETURN(select->quick->records); if (error == -1) { table->reginfo.impossible_range=1; DBUG_RETURN(0); } DBUG_PRINT("warning",("Couldn't use record count on const keypart")); } DBUG_RETURN(HA_POS_ERROR); /* This shouldn't happend */ } static bool make_join_statistics(JOIN *join,TABLE_LIST *tables,COND *conds, DYNAMIC_ARRAY *keyuse_array) { int error; uint i,table_count,const_count,found_ref,refs,key,const_ref,eq_part; table_map const_table_map,found_const_table_map,all_table_map; TABLE **table_vector; JOIN_TAB *stat,*stat_end,*s,**stat_ref; SQL_SELECT *select; KEYUSE *keyuse,*start_keyuse; table_map outer_join=0; JOIN_TAB *stat_vector[MAX_TABLES+1]; DBUG_ENTER("make_join_statistics"); table_count=join->tables; stat=(JOIN_TAB*) join->thd->calloc(sizeof(JOIN_TAB)*table_count); stat_ref=(JOIN_TAB**) join->thd->alloc(sizeof(JOIN_TAB*)*MAX_TABLES); table_vector=(TABLE**) join->thd->alloc(sizeof(TABLE*)*(table_count*2)); if (!stat || !stat_ref || !table_vector) DBUG_RETURN(1); // Eom /* purecov: inspected */ select=0; join->best_ref=stat_vector; stat_end=stat+table_count; const_table_map=found_const_table_map=all_table_map=0; const_count=0; for (s=stat,i=0 ; tables ; s++,tables=tables->next,i++) { TABLE *table; stat_vector[i]=s; table_vector[i]=s->table=table=tables->table; table->file->info(HA_STATUS_VARIABLE | HA_STATUS_NO_LOCK);// record count table->quick_keys=0; table->reginfo.join_tab=s; table->reginfo.not_exists_optimize=0; bzero((char*) table->const_key_parts, sizeof(key_part_map)*table->keys); all_table_map|= table->map; s->join=join; s->info=0; // For describe if ((s->on_expr=tables->on_expr)) { /* Left join */ if (!table->file->records) { // Empty table s->key_dependent=s->dependent=0; // Ignore LEFT JOIN depend. set_position(join,const_count++,s,(KEYUSE*) 0); continue; } s->key_dependent=s->dependent= s->on_expr->used_tables() & ~(table->map); if (table->outer_join & JOIN_TYPE_LEFT) s->dependent|=stat_vector[i-1]->dependent | table_vector[i-1]->map; if (tables->outer_join & JOIN_TYPE_RIGHT) s->dependent|=tables->next->table->map; outer_join|=table->map; continue; } if (tables->straight) // We don't have to move this s->dependent= table_vector[i-1]->map | stat_vector[i-1]->dependent; else s->dependent=(table_map) 0; s->key_dependent=(table_map) 0; if ((table->system || table->file->records <= 1) && ! s->dependent && !(table->file->table_flags() & HA_NOT_EXACT_COUNT) && !table->fulltext_searched) { set_position(join,const_count++,s,(KEYUSE*) 0); } } stat_vector[i]=0; join->outer_join=outer_join; /* If outer join: Re-arrange tables in stat_vector so that outer join tables are after all tables it is dependent of. For example: SELECT * from A LEFT JOIN B ON B.c=C.c, C WHERE A.C=C.C Will shift table B after table C. */ if (outer_join) { table_map used_tables=0L; for (i=0 ; i < join->tables-1 ; i++) { if (stat_vector[i]->dependent & ~used_tables) { JOIN_TAB *save= stat_vector[i]; uint j; for (j=i+1; j < join->tables && stat_vector[j]->dependent & ~used_tables; j++) { JOIN_TAB *tmp=stat_vector[j]; // Move element up stat_vector[j]=save; save=tmp; } if (j == join->tables) { join->tables=0; // Don't use join->table my_error(ER_WRONG_OUTER_JOIN,MYF(0)); DBUG_RETURN(1); } stat_vector[i]=stat_vector[j]; stat_vector[j]=save; } used_tables|= stat_vector[i]->table->map; } } if (conds || outer_join) if (update_ref_and_keys(join->thd,keyuse_array,stat,join->tables, conds,~outer_join)) DBUG_RETURN(1); /* Read tables with 0 or 1 rows (system tables) */ join->const_table_map=const_table_map; for (POSITION *p_pos=join->positions, *p_end=p_pos+const_count; p_pos < p_end ; p_pos++) { int tmp; s= p_pos->table; s->type=JT_SYSTEM; join->const_table_map|=s->table->map; if ((tmp=join_read_const_table(s, p_pos))) { if (tmp > 0) DBUG_RETURN(1); // Fatal error } else found_const_table_map|= s->table->map; } /* loop until no more const tables are found */ int ref_changed; do { ref_changed = 0; found_ref=0; /* We only have to loop from stat_vector + const_count as set_position() will move all const_tables first in stat_vector */ for (JOIN_TAB **pos=stat_vector+const_count ; (s= *pos) ; pos++) { TABLE *table=s->table; if (s->dependent) // If dependent on some table { // All dep. must be constants if (s->dependent & ~(join->const_table_map)) continue; if (table->file->records <= 1L && !(table->file->table_flags() & HA_NOT_EXACT_COUNT)) { // system table int tmp; s->type=JT_SYSTEM; join->const_table_map|=table->map; set_position(join,const_count++,s,(KEYUSE*) 0); if ((tmp=join_read_const_table(s,join->positions+const_count-1))) { if (tmp > 0) DBUG_RETURN(1); // Fatal error } else found_const_table_map|= table->map; continue; } } /* check if table can be read by key or table only uses const refs */ if ((keyuse=s->keyuse)) { s->type= JT_REF; while (keyuse->table == table) { start_keyuse=keyuse; key=keyuse->key; s->keys|= (key_map) 1 << key; // QQ: remove this ? refs=const_ref=eq_part=0; do { if (keyuse->val->type() != Item::NULL_ITEM) { if (!((~join->const_table_map) & keyuse->used_tables)) const_ref|= (key_map) 1 << keyuse->keypart; else refs|=keyuse->used_tables; eq_part|= (uint) 1 << keyuse->keypart; } keyuse++; } while (keyuse->table == table && keyuse->key == key); if (eq_part == PREV_BITS(uint,table->key_info[key].key_parts) && (table->key_info[key].flags & HA_NOSAME) && !table->fulltext_searched) { if (const_ref == eq_part) { // Found everything for ref. int tmp; ref_changed = 1; s->type=JT_CONST; join->const_table_map|=table->map; set_position(join,const_count++,s,start_keyuse); if (create_ref_for_key(join, s, start_keyuse, join->const_table_map)) DBUG_RETURN(1); if ((tmp=join_read_const_table(s, join->positions+const_count-1))) { if (tmp > 0) DBUG_RETURN(1); // Fatal error } else found_const_table_map|= table->map; break; } else found_ref|= refs; // Table is const if all refs are const } } } } } while (join->const_table_map & found_ref && ref_changed); /* Calc how many (possible) matched records in each table */ for (s=stat ; s < stat_end ; s++) { if (s->type == JT_SYSTEM || s->type == JT_CONST) { /* Only one matching row */ s->found_records=s->records=s->read_time=1; s->worst_seeks=1.0; continue; } /* Approximate found rows and time to read them */ s->found_records=s->records=s->table->file->records; s->read_time=(ha_rows) s->table->file->scan_time(); /* Set a max range of how many seeks we can expect when using keys This was (s->read_time*5), but this was too low with small rows */ s->worst_seeks= (double) s->found_records / 5; if (s->worst_seeks < 2.0) // Fix for small tables s->worst_seeks=2.0; /* if (s->type == JT_EQ_REF) continue; */ if (s->const_keys) { ha_rows records; if (!select) select=make_select(s->table, join->const_table_map, join->const_table_map, and_conds(conds,s->on_expr),&error); records=get_quick_record_count(select,s->table, s->const_keys, join->row_limit); s->quick=select->quick; s->needed_reg=select->needed_reg; select->quick=0; if (records != HA_POS_ERROR) { s->found_records=records; s->read_time= (ha_rows) (s->quick ? s->quick->read_time : 0.0); } } } delete select; /* Find best combination and return it */ join->join_tab=stat; join->map2table=stat_ref; join->table= join->all_tables=table_vector; join->const_tables=const_count; join->found_const_table_map=found_const_table_map; if (join->const_tables != join->tables) find_best_combination(join,all_table_map & ~join->const_table_map); else { memcpy((gptr) join->best_positions,(gptr) join->positions, sizeof(POSITION)*join->const_tables); join->best_read=1.0; } DBUG_RETURN(get_best_combination(join)); } /***************************************************************************** Check with keys are used and with tables references with tables Updates in stat: keys Bitmap of all used keys const_keys Bitmap of all keys with may be used with quick_select keyuse Pointer to possible keys *****************************************************************************/ typedef struct key_field_t { // Used when finding key fields Field *field; Item *val; // May be empty if diff constant uint level,const_level; // QQ: Remove const_level bool eq_func; bool exists_optimize; } KEY_FIELD; /* merge new key definitions to old ones, remove those not used in both */ static KEY_FIELD * merge_key_fields(KEY_FIELD *start,KEY_FIELD *new_fields,KEY_FIELD *end, uint and_level) { if (start == new_fields) return start; // Impossible or if (new_fields == end) return start; // No new fields, skip all KEY_FIELD *first_free=new_fields; /* Mark all found fields in old array */ for (; new_fields != end ; new_fields++) { for (KEY_FIELD *old=start ; old != first_free ; old++) { if (old->field == new_fields->field) { if (new_fields->val->used_tables()) { if (old->val->eq(new_fields->val, old->field->binary())) { old->level=old->const_level=and_level; old->exists_optimize&=new_fields->exists_optimize; } } else if (old->val->eq(new_fields->val, old->field->binary()) && old->eq_func && new_fields->eq_func) { old->level=old->const_level=and_level; old->exists_optimize&=new_fields->exists_optimize; } else // Impossible; remove it { if (old == --first_free) // If last item break; *old= *first_free; // Remove old value old--; // Retry this value } } } } /* Remove all not used items */ for (KEY_FIELD *old=start ; old != first_free ;) { if (old->level != and_level && old->const_level != and_level) { // Not used in all levels if (old == --first_free) break; *old= *first_free; // Remove old value continue; } old++; } return first_free; } static void add_key_field(KEY_FIELD **key_fields,uint and_level, Field *field,bool eq_func,Item *value, table_map usable_tables) { bool exists_optimize=0; if (!(field->flags & PART_KEY_FLAG)) { // Don't remove column IS NULL on a LEFT JOIN table if (!eq_func || !value || value->type() != Item::NULL_ITEM || !field->table->maybe_null || field->null_ptr) return; // Not a key. Skip it exists_optimize=1; } else { table_map used_tables=0; if (value && (used_tables=value->used_tables()) & (field->table->map | RAND_TABLE_BIT)) return; if (!(usable_tables & field->table->map)) { if (!eq_func || !value || value->type() != Item::NULL_ITEM || !field->table->maybe_null || field->null_ptr) return; // Can't use left join optimize exists_optimize=1; } else { JOIN_TAB *stat=field->table->reginfo.join_tab; key_map possible_keys= (field->key_start & field->table->keys_in_use_for_query); stat[0].keys|= possible_keys; // Add possible keys if (!value) { // Probably BETWEEN or IN stat[0].const_keys |= possible_keys; return; // Can't be used as eq key } /* Save the following cases: Field op constant Field LIKE constant where constant doesn't start with a wildcard Field = field2 where field2 is in a different table Field op formula Field IS NULL Field IS NOT NULL */ stat[0].key_dependent|=used_tables; if (value->const_item()) stat[0].const_keys |= possible_keys; /* We can't always use indexes when comparing a string index to a number. cmp_type() is checked to allow compare of dates to numbers */ if (!eq_func || field->result_type() == STRING_RESULT && value->result_type() != STRING_RESULT && field->cmp_type() != value->result_type()) return; } } /* Store possible eq field */ (*key_fields)->field=field; (*key_fields)->eq_func=eq_func; (*key_fields)->val=value; (*key_fields)->level=(*key_fields)->const_level=and_level; (*key_fields)->exists_optimize=exists_optimize; (*key_fields)++; } static void add_key_fields(JOIN_TAB *stat,KEY_FIELD **key_fields,uint *and_level, COND *cond, table_map usable_tables) { if (cond->type() == Item_func::COND_ITEM) { List_iterator_fast li(*((Item_cond*) cond)->argument_list()); KEY_FIELD *org_key_fields= *key_fields; if (((Item_cond*) cond)->functype() == Item_func::COND_AND_FUNC) { Item *item; while ((item=li++)) add_key_fields(stat,key_fields,and_level,item,usable_tables); for (; org_key_fields != *key_fields ; org_key_fields++) { if (org_key_fields->const_level == org_key_fields->level) org_key_fields->const_level=org_key_fields->level= *and_level; else org_key_fields->const_level= *and_level; } } else { (*and_level)++; add_key_fields(stat,key_fields,and_level,li++,usable_tables); Item *item; while ((item=li++)) { KEY_FIELD *start_key_fields= *key_fields; (*and_level)++; add_key_fields(stat,key_fields,and_level,item,usable_tables); *key_fields=merge_key_fields(org_key_fields,start_key_fields, *key_fields,++(*and_level)); } } return; } /* If item is of type 'field op field/constant' add it to key_fields */ if (cond->type() != Item::FUNC_ITEM) return; Item_func *cond_func= (Item_func*) cond; switch (cond_func->select_optimize()) { case Item_func::OPTIMIZE_NONE: break; case Item_func::OPTIMIZE_KEY: if (cond_func->key_item()->type() == Item::FIELD_ITEM) add_key_field(key_fields,*and_level, ((Item_field*) (cond_func->key_item()))->field, 0,(Item*) 0,usable_tables); break; case Item_func::OPTIMIZE_OP: { bool equal_func=(cond_func->functype() == Item_func::EQ_FUNC || cond_func->functype() == Item_func::EQUAL_FUNC); if (cond_func->arguments()[0]->type() == Item::FIELD_ITEM) { add_key_field(key_fields,*and_level, ((Item_field*) (cond_func->arguments()[0]))->field, equal_func, (cond_func->arguments()[1]),usable_tables); } if (cond_func->arguments()[1]->type() == Item::FIELD_ITEM && cond_func->functype() != Item_func::LIKE_FUNC) { add_key_field(key_fields,*and_level, ((Item_field*) (cond_func->arguments()[1]))->field, equal_func, (cond_func->arguments()[0]),usable_tables); } break; } case Item_func::OPTIMIZE_NULL: /* column_name IS [NOT] NULL */ if (cond_func->arguments()[0]->type() == Item::FIELD_ITEM) { add_key_field(key_fields,*and_level, ((Item_field*) (cond_func->arguments()[0]))->field, cond_func->functype() == Item_func::ISNULL_FUNC, new Item_null, usable_tables); } break; } return; } /* Add all keys with uses 'field' for some keypart If field->and_level != and_level then only mark key_part as const_part */ static uint max_part_bit(key_map bits) { uint found; for (found=0; bits & 1 ; found++,bits>>=1) ; return found; } static void add_key_part(DYNAMIC_ARRAY *keyuse_array,KEY_FIELD *key_field) { Field *field=key_field->field; TABLE *form= field->table; KEYUSE keyuse; if (key_field->eq_func && !key_field->exists_optimize) { for (uint key=0 ; key < form->keys ; key++) { if (!(form->keys_in_use_for_query & (((key_map) 1) << key))) continue; if (form->key_info[key].flags & HA_FULLTEXT) continue; // ToDo: ft-keys in non-ft queries. SerG uint key_parts= (uint) form->key_info[key].key_parts; for (uint part=0 ; part < key_parts ; part++) { if (field->eq(form->key_info[key].key_part[part].field)) { keyuse.table= field->table; keyuse.val = key_field->val; keyuse.key = key; keyuse.keypart=part; keyuse.used_tables=key_field->val->used_tables(); VOID(insert_dynamic(keyuse_array,(gptr) &keyuse)); } } } } /* Mark that we can optimize LEFT JOIN */ if (key_field->val->type() == Item::NULL_ITEM && !key_field->field->real_maybe_null()) key_field->field->table->reginfo.not_exists_optimize=1; } static void add_ft_keys(DYNAMIC_ARRAY *keyuse_array, JOIN_TAB *stat,COND *cond,table_map usable_tables) { Item_func_match *cond_func=NULL; if (!cond) return; if (cond->type() == Item::FUNC_ITEM) { Item_func *func=(Item_func *)cond; Item_func::Functype functype= func->functype(); if (functype == Item_func::FT_FUNC) cond_func=(Item_func_match *)cond; else if (func->arg_count == 2) { Item_func *arg0=(Item_func *)(func->arguments()[0]), *arg1=(Item_func *)(func->arguments()[1]); if ((functype == Item_func::GE_FUNC || functype == Item_func::GT_FUNC) && arg0->type() == Item::FUNC_ITEM && arg0->functype() == Item_func::FT_FUNC && arg1->const_item() && arg1->val()>0) cond_func=(Item_func_match *) arg0; else if ((functype == Item_func::LE_FUNC || functype == Item_func::LT_FUNC) && arg1->type() == Item::FUNC_ITEM && arg1->functype() == Item_func::FT_FUNC && arg0->const_item() && arg0->val()>0) cond_func=(Item_func_match *) arg1; } } else if (cond->type() == Item::COND_ITEM) { List_iterator_fast li(*((Item_cond*) cond)->argument_list()); if (((Item_cond*) cond)->functype() == Item_func::COND_AND_FUNC) { Item *item; /* I'm (Sergei) too lazy to implement proper recursive descent here, and anyway, nobody will use such a stupid queries that will require it :-) May be later... */ while ((item=li++)) { if (item->type() == Item::FUNC_ITEM && ((Item_func *)item)->functype() == Item_func::FT_FUNC) { cond_func=(Item_func_match *)item; break; } } } } if (!cond_func || cond_func->key == NO_SUCH_KEY) return; KEYUSE keyuse; keyuse.table= cond_func->table; keyuse.val = cond_func; keyuse.key = cond_func->key; #define FT_KEYPART (MAX_REF_PARTS+10) keyuse.keypart=FT_KEYPART; keyuse.used_tables=cond_func->key_item()->used_tables(); VOID(insert_dynamic(keyuse_array,(gptr) &keyuse)); } static int sort_keyuse(KEYUSE *a,KEYUSE *b) { if (a->table->tablenr != b->table->tablenr) return (int) (a->table->tablenr - b->table->tablenr); if (a->key != b->key) return (int) (a->key - b->key); if (a->keypart != b->keypart) return (int) (a->keypart - b->keypart); return test(a->used_tables) - test(b->used_tables); // Place const first } /* Update keyuse array with all possible keys we can use to fetch rows join_tab is a array in tablenr_order stat is a reference array in 'prefered' order. */ static bool update_ref_and_keys(THD *thd, DYNAMIC_ARRAY *keyuse,JOIN_TAB *join_tab, uint tables, COND *cond, table_map normal_tables) { uint and_level,i,found_eq_constant; { KEY_FIELD *key_fields,*end; if (!(key_fields=(KEY_FIELD*) thd->alloc(sizeof(key_fields[0])*(thd->cond_count+1)*2))) return TRUE; /* purecov: inspected */ and_level=0; end=key_fields; if (cond) add_key_fields(join_tab,&end,&and_level,cond,normal_tables); for (i=0 ; i < tables ; i++) { if (join_tab[i].on_expr) { add_key_fields(join_tab,&end,&and_level,join_tab[i].on_expr, join_tab[i].table->map); } } if (my_init_dynamic_array(keyuse,sizeof(KEYUSE),20,64)) return TRUE; /* fill keyuse with found key parts */ for (KEY_FIELD *field=key_fields ; field != end ; field++) add_key_part(keyuse,field); } if (thd->lex.select->ftfunc_list.elements) { add_ft_keys(keyuse,join_tab,cond,normal_tables); } /* Remove ref if there is a keypart which is a ref and a const. Remove keyparts without previous keyparts. Special treatment for ft-keys. */ if (keyuse->elements) { KEYUSE end,*prev,*save_pos,*use; qsort(keyuse->buffer,keyuse->elements,sizeof(KEYUSE), (qsort_cmp) sort_keyuse); bzero((char*) &end,sizeof(end)); /* Add for easy testing */ VOID(insert_dynamic(keyuse,(gptr) &end)); use=save_pos=dynamic_element(keyuse,0,KEYUSE*); prev=&end; found_eq_constant=0; for (i=0 ; i < keyuse->elements-1 ; i++,use++) { if (!use->used_tables) use->table->const_key_parts[use->key] |= (key_part_map) 1 << use->keypart; if (use->keypart != FT_KEYPART) { if (use->key == prev->key && use->table == prev->table) { if (prev->keypart+1 < use->keypart || prev->keypart == use->keypart && found_eq_constant) continue; /* remove */ } else if (use->keypart != 0) // First found must be 0 continue; } *save_pos= *use; prev=use; found_eq_constant= !use->used_tables; /* Save ptr to first use */ if (!use->table->reginfo.join_tab->keyuse) use->table->reginfo.join_tab->keyuse=save_pos; use->table->reginfo.join_tab->checked_keys|= (key_map) 1 << use->key; save_pos++; } i=(uint) (save_pos-(KEYUSE*) keyuse->buffer); VOID(set_dynamic(keyuse,(gptr) &end,i)); keyuse->elements=i; } return FALSE; } /***************************************************************************** Go through all combinations of not marked tables and find the one which uses least records *****************************************************************************/ /* Save const tables first as used tables */ static void set_position(JOIN *join,uint idx,JOIN_TAB *table,KEYUSE *key) { join->positions[idx].table= table; join->positions[idx].key=key; join->positions[idx].records_read=1.0; /* This is a const table */ /* Move the const table as down as possible in best_ref */ JOIN_TAB **pos=join->best_ref+idx+1; JOIN_TAB *next=join->best_ref[idx]; for (;next != table ; pos++) { JOIN_TAB *tmp=pos[0]; pos[0]=next; next=tmp; } join->best_ref[idx]=table; } static void find_best_combination(JOIN *join, table_map rest_tables) { DBUG_ENTER("find_best_combination"); join->best_read=DBL_MAX; find_best(join,rest_tables, join->const_tables,1.0,0.0); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } static void find_best(JOIN *join,table_map rest_tables,uint idx,double record_count, double read_time) { ulong rec; double tmp; if (!rest_tables) { DBUG_PRINT("best",("read_time: %g record_count: %g",read_time, record_count)); read_time+=record_count/(double) TIME_FOR_COMPARE; if (join->sort_by_table && join->sort_by_table != join->positions[join->const_tables].table->table) read_time+=record_count; // We have to make a temp table if (read_time < join->best_read) { memcpy((gptr) join->best_positions,(gptr) join->positions, sizeof(POSITION)*idx); join->best_read=read_time; } return; } if (read_time+record_count/(double) TIME_FOR_COMPARE >= join->best_read) return; /* Found better before */ JOIN_TAB *s; double best_record_count=DBL_MAX,best_read_time=DBL_MAX; for (JOIN_TAB **pos=join->best_ref+idx ; (s=*pos) ; pos++) { table_map real_table_bit=s->table->map; if ((rest_tables & real_table_bit) && !(rest_tables & s->dependent)) { double best,best_time,records; best=best_time=records=DBL_MAX; KEYUSE *best_key=0; uint best_max_key_part=0; if (s->keyuse) { /* Use key if possible */ TABLE *table=s->table; KEYUSE *keyuse,*start_key=0; double best_records=DBL_MAX; uint max_key_part=0; /* Test how we can use keys */ rec= s->records/MATCHING_ROWS_IN_OTHER_TABLE; /* Assumed records/key */ for (keyuse=s->keyuse ; keyuse->table == table ;) { key_map found_part=0; table_map found_ref=0; uint key=keyuse->key; KEY *keyinfo=table->key_info+key; bool ft_key=(keyuse->keypart == FT_KEYPART); start_key=keyuse; do { uint keypart=keyuse->keypart; do { if (!ft_key) { table_map map; if (!(rest_tables & keyuse->used_tables)) { found_part|= (key_part_map) 1 << keypart; found_ref|= keyuse->used_tables; } /* If we find a ref, assume this table matches a proportional part of this table. For example 100 records matching a table with 5000 records gives 5000/100 = 50 records per key Constant tables are ignored and to avoid bad matches, we don't make rec less than 100. */ if (keyuse->used_tables & (map=(keyuse->used_tables & ~join->const_table_map))) { uint tablenr; for (tablenr=0 ; ! (map & 1) ; map>>=1, tablenr++) ; if (map == 1) // Only one table { TABLE *tmp_table=join->all_tables[tablenr]; if (rec > tmp_table->file->records && rec > 100) rec=max(tmp_table->file->records,100); } } } keyuse++; } while (keyuse->table == table && keyuse->key == key && keyuse->keypart == keypart); } while (keyuse->table == table && keyuse->key == key); /* Assume that that each key matches a proportional part of table. */ if (!found_part && !ft_key) continue; // Nothing usable found if (rec == 0) rec=1L; // Fix for small tables /* ft-keys require special treatment */ if (ft_key) { /* Really, there should be records=0.0 (yes!) but 1.0 would be probably safer */ tmp=prev_record_reads(join,found_ref); records=1.0; } else { /* Check if we found full key */ if (found_part == PREV_BITS(uint,keyinfo->key_parts)) { /* use eq key */ max_key_part= (uint) ~0; if ((keyinfo->flags & (HA_NOSAME | HA_NULL_PART_KEY)) == HA_NOSAME) { tmp=prev_record_reads(join,found_ref); records=1.0; } else { if (!found_ref) { // We found a const key if (table->quick_keys & ((key_map) 1 << key)) records= (double) table->quick_rows[key]; else records= (double) s->records/rec; // quick_range couldn't use key! } else { if (!(records=keyinfo->rec_per_key[keyinfo->key_parts-1])) { // Prefere longer keys records= ((double) s->records / (double) rec * (1.0 + ((double) (table->max_key_length-keyinfo->key_length) / (double) table->max_key_length))); if (records < 2.0) records=2.0; // Can't be as good as a unique } } if (table->used_keys & ((key_map) 1 << key)) { /* we can use only index tree */ uint keys_per_block= table->file->block_size/2/ (keyinfo->key_length+table->file->ref_length)+1; tmp=(record_count*(records+keys_per_block-1)/ keys_per_block); } else tmp=record_count*min(records,s->worst_seeks); } } else { /* Use as much key-parts as possible and a uniq key is better than a not unique key Set tmp to (previous record count) * (records / combination) */ if ((found_part & 1) && !(table->file->index_flags(key) & HA_ONLY_WHOLE_INDEX)) { max_key_part=max_part_bit(found_part); /* Check if quick_range could determinate how many rows we will match */ if (table->quick_keys & ((key_map) 1 << key) && table->quick_key_parts[key] <= max_key_part) tmp=records= (double) table->quick_rows[key]; else { /* Check if we have statistic about the distribution */ if ((records=keyinfo->rec_per_key[max_key_part-1])) tmp=records; else { /* Assume that the first key part matches 1% of the file and that the hole key matches 10 (dupplicates) or 1 (unique) records. Assume also that more key matches proportionally more records This gives the formula: records= (x * (b-a) + a*c-b)/(c-1) b = records matched by whole key a = records matched by first key part (10% of all records?) c = number of key parts in key x = used key parts (1 <= x <= c) */ double rec_per_key; if (!(rec_per_key=(double) keyinfo->rec_per_key[keyinfo->key_parts-1])) rec_per_key=(double) s->records/rec+1; if (!s->records) tmp=0; else if (rec_per_key/(double) s->records >= 0.01) tmp=rec_per_key; else { double a=s->records*0.01; tmp=(max_key_part * (rec_per_key - a) + a*keyinfo->key_parts - rec_per_key)/ (keyinfo->key_parts-1); set_if_bigger(tmp,1.0); } records=(ulong) tmp; } } if (table->used_keys & ((key_map) 1 << key)) { /* we can use only index tree */ uint keys_per_block= table->file->block_size/2/ (keyinfo->key_length+table->file->ref_length)+1; tmp=record_count*(tmp+keys_per_block-1)/keys_per_block; } else tmp=record_count*min(tmp,s->worst_seeks); } else tmp=best_time; // Do nothing } } /* not ft_key */ if (tmp < best_time - records/(double) TIME_FOR_COMPARE) { best_time=tmp + records/(double) TIME_FOR_COMPARE; best=tmp; best_records=records; best_key=start_key; best_max_key_part=max_key_part; } } records=best_records; } /* Don't test table scan if it can't be better. Prefer key lookup if we would use the same key for scanning. Don't do a table scan on InnoDB tables, if we can read the used parts of the row from any of the used index. This is because table scans uses index and we would not win anything by using a table scan. */ if ((records >= s->found_records || best > s->read_time) && !(s->quick && best_key && s->quick->index == best_key->key && best_max_key_part >= s->table->quick_key_parts[best_key->key]) && !((s->table->file->table_flags() & HA_TABLE_SCAN_ON_INDEX) && s->table->used_keys && best_key)) { // Check full join if (s->on_expr) { tmp=s->found_records; // Can't use read cache } else { tmp=(double) s->read_time; /* Calculate time to read through cache */ tmp*=(1.0+floor((double) cache_record_length(join,idx)* record_count/(double) join_buff_size)); } if (best == DBL_MAX || (tmp + record_count/(double) TIME_FOR_COMPARE*s->found_records < best + record_count/(double) TIME_FOR_COMPARE*records)) { /* If the table has a range (s->quick is set) make_join_select() will ensure that this will be used */ best=tmp; records=s->found_records; best_key=0; } } join->positions[idx].records_read=(double) records; join->positions[idx].key=best_key; join->positions[idx].table= s; if (!best_key && idx == join->const_tables && s->table == join->sort_by_table) join->sort_by_table= (TABLE*) 1; // Must use temporary table /* Go to the next level only if there hasn't been a better key on this level! This will cut down the search for a lot simple cases! */ double current_record_count=record_count*records; double current_read_time=read_time+best; if (best_record_count > current_record_count || best_read_time > current_read_time || idx == join->const_tables && s->table == join->sort_by_table) { if (best_record_count >= current_record_count && best_read_time >= current_read_time && (!(s->key_dependent & rest_tables) || records < 2.0)) { best_record_count=current_record_count; best_read_time=current_read_time; } swap(JOIN_TAB*,join->best_ref[idx],*pos); find_best(join,rest_tables & ~real_table_bit,idx+1, current_record_count,current_read_time); swap(JOIN_TAB*,join->best_ref[idx],*pos); } if (join->select_options & SELECT_STRAIGHT_JOIN) break; // Don't test all combinations } } } /* Find how much space the prevous read not const tables takes in cache */ static void calc_used_field_length(THD *thd, JOIN_TAB *join_tab) { uint null_fields,blobs,fields,rec_length; null_fields=blobs=fields=rec_length=0; Field **f_ptr,*field; for (f_ptr=join_tab->table->field ; (field= *f_ptr) ; f_ptr++) { if (field->query_id == thd->query_id) { uint flags=field->flags; fields++; rec_length+=field->pack_length(); if (flags & BLOB_FLAG) blobs++; if (!(flags & NOT_NULL_FLAG)) null_fields++; } } if (null_fields) rec_length+=(join_tab->table->null_fields+7)/8; if (join_tab->table->maybe_null) rec_length+=sizeof(my_bool); if (blobs) { uint blob_length=(uint) (join_tab->table->file->mean_rec_length- (join_tab->table->reclength- rec_length)); rec_length+=(uint) max(4,blob_length); } join_tab->used_fields=fields; join_tab->used_fieldlength=rec_length; join_tab->used_blobs=blobs; } static uint cache_record_length(JOIN *join,uint idx) { uint length=0; JOIN_TAB **pos,**end; THD *thd=join->thd; for (pos=join->best_ref+join->const_tables,end=join->best_ref+idx ; pos != end ; pos++) { JOIN_TAB *join_tab= *pos; if (!join_tab->used_fieldlength) /* Not calced yet */ calc_used_field_length(thd, join_tab); length+=join_tab->used_fieldlength; } return length; } static double prev_record_reads(JOIN *join,table_map found_ref) { double found=1.0; for (POSITION *pos=join->positions ; found_ref ; pos++) { if (pos->table->table->map & found_ref) { found_ref&= ~pos->table->table->map; found*=pos->records_read; } } return found; } /***************************************************************************** Set up join struct according to best position. *****************************************************************************/ static bool get_best_combination(JOIN *join) { uint i,tablenr; table_map used_tables; JOIN_TAB *join_tab,*j; KEYUSE *keyuse; uint table_count; THD *thd=join->thd; table_count=join->tables; if (!(join->join_tab=join_tab= (JOIN_TAB*) thd->alloc(sizeof(JOIN_TAB)*table_count))) return TRUE; join->full_join=0; used_tables=0; for (j=join_tab, tablenr=0 ; tablenr < table_count ; tablenr++,j++) { TABLE *form; *j= *join->best_positions[tablenr].table; form=join->table[tablenr]=j->table; used_tables|= form->map; form->reginfo.join_tab=j; if (!j->on_expr) form->reginfo.not_exists_optimize=0; // Only with LEFT JOIN if (j->type == JT_CONST) continue; // Handled in make_join_stat.. j->ref.key = -1; j->ref.key_parts=0; if (j->type == JT_SYSTEM) continue; if (!j->keys || !(keyuse= join->best_positions[tablenr].key)) { j->type=JT_ALL; if (tablenr != join->const_tables) join->full_join=1; } else if (create_ref_for_key(join, j, keyuse, used_tables)) return TRUE; // Something went wrong } for (i=0 ; i < table_count ; i++) join->map2table[join->join_tab[i].table->tablenr]=join->join_tab+i; update_depend_map(join); return 0; } static bool create_ref_for_key(JOIN *join, JOIN_TAB *j, KEYUSE *org_keyuse, table_map used_tables) { KEYUSE *keyuse=org_keyuse; bool ftkey=(keyuse->keypart == FT_KEYPART); THD *thd= join->thd; uint keyparts,length,key; TABLE *table; KEY *keyinfo; /* Use best key from find_best */ table=j->table; key=keyuse->key; keyinfo=table->key_info+key; if (ftkey) { Item_func_match *ifm=(Item_func_match *)keyuse->val; length=0; keyparts=1; ifm->join_key=1; } else { keyparts=length=0; do { if (!((~used_tables) & keyuse->used_tables)) { if (keyparts == keyuse->keypart) { keyparts++; length+=keyinfo->key_part[keyuse->keypart].store_length; } } keyuse++; } while (keyuse->table == table && keyuse->key == key); } /* not ftkey */ /* set up fieldref */ keyinfo=table->key_info+key; j->ref.key_parts=keyparts; j->ref.key_length=length; j->ref.key=(int) key; if (!(j->ref.key_buff= (byte*) thd->calloc(ALIGN_SIZE(length)*2)) || !(j->ref.key_copy= (store_key**) thd->alloc((sizeof(store_key*) * (keyparts+1)))) || !(j->ref.items= (Item**) thd->alloc(sizeof(Item*)*keyparts))) { return TRUE; } j->ref.key_buff2=j->ref.key_buff+ALIGN_SIZE(length); j->ref.key_err=1; keyuse=org_keyuse; store_key **ref_key=j->ref.key_copy; byte *key_buff=j->ref.key_buff; if (ftkey) { j->ref.items[0]=((Item_func*)(keyuse->val))->key_item(); if (keyuse->used_tables) return TRUE; // not supported yet. SerG j->type=JT_FT; } else { uint i; for (i=0 ; i < keyparts ; keyuse++,i++) { while (keyuse->keypart != i || ((~used_tables) & keyuse->used_tables)) keyuse++; /* Skip other parts */ uint maybe_null= test(keyinfo->key_part[i].null_bit); j->ref.items[i]=keyuse->val; // Save for cond removal if (!keyuse->used_tables && !(join->select_options & SELECT_DESCRIBE)) { // Compare against constant store_key_item *tmp=new store_key_item(thd, keyinfo->key_part[i].field, (char*)key_buff + maybe_null, maybe_null ? (char*) key_buff : 0, keyinfo->key_part[i].length, keyuse->val); if (thd->fatal_error) { return TRUE; } tmp->copy(); } else *ref_key++= get_store_key(thd, keyuse,join->const_table_map, &keyinfo->key_part[i], (char*) key_buff,maybe_null); key_buff+=keyinfo->key_part[i].store_length; } } /* not ftkey */ *ref_key=0; // end_marker if (j->type == JT_FT) /* no-op */; else if (j->type == JT_CONST) j->table->const_table=1; else if (((keyinfo->flags & (HA_NOSAME | HA_NULL_PART_KEY)) != HA_NOSAME) || keyparts != keyinfo->key_parts) j->type=JT_REF; /* Must read with repeat */ else if (ref_key == j->ref.key_copy) { /* Should never be reached */ /* This happen if we are using a constant expression in the ON part of an LEFT JOIN. SELECT * FROM a LEFT JOIN b ON b.key=30 Here we should not mark the table as a 'const' as a field may have a 'normal' value or a NULL value. */ j->type=JT_CONST; } else j->type=JT_EQ_REF; return 0; } static store_key * get_store_key(THD *thd, KEYUSE *keyuse, table_map used_tables, KEY_PART_INFO *key_part, char *key_buff, uint maybe_null) { if (!((~used_tables) & keyuse->used_tables)) // if const item { return new store_key_const_item(thd, key_part->field, key_buff + maybe_null, maybe_null ? key_buff : 0, key_part->length, keyuse->val); } else if (keyuse->val->type() == Item::FIELD_ITEM) return new store_key_field(thd, key_part->field, key_buff + maybe_null, maybe_null ? key_buff : 0, key_part->length, ((Item_field*) keyuse->val)->field, keyuse->val->full_name()); return new store_key_item(thd, key_part->field, key_buff + maybe_null, maybe_null ? key_buff : 0, key_part->length, keyuse->val); } /* This function is only called for const items on fields which are keys returns 1 if there was some conversion made when the field was stored. */ bool store_val_in_field(Field *field,Item *item) { THD *thd=current_thd; ulong cuted_fields=thd->cuted_fields; thd->count_cuted_fields=1; item->save_in_field(field); thd->count_cuted_fields=0; return cuted_fields != thd->cuted_fields; } static bool make_simple_join(JOIN *join,TABLE *tmp_table) { TABLE **tableptr; JOIN_TAB *join_tab; if (!(tableptr=(TABLE**) join->thd->alloc(sizeof(TABLE*))) || !(join_tab=(JOIN_TAB*) join->thd->alloc(sizeof(JOIN_TAB)))) return TRUE; join->join_tab=join_tab; join->table=tableptr; tableptr[0]=tmp_table; join->tables=1; join->const_tables=0; join->const_table_map=0; join->tmp_table_param.field_count= join->tmp_table_param.sum_func_count= join->tmp_table_param.func_count=0; join->tmp_table_param.copy_field=join->tmp_table_param.copy_field_end=0; join->first_record=join->sort_and_group=0; join->sum_funcs=0; join->send_records=(ha_rows) 0; join->group=0; join->do_send_rows = 1; join->row_limit=join->thd->select_limit; join_tab->cache.buff=0; /* No cacheing */ join_tab->table=tmp_table; join_tab->select=0; join_tab->select_cond=0; join_tab->quick=0; join_tab->type= JT_ALL; /* Map through all records */ join_tab->keys= (uint) ~0; /* test everything in quick */ join_tab->info=0; join_tab->on_expr=0; join_tab->ref.key = -1; join_tab->not_used_in_distinct=0; join_tab->read_first_record= join_init_read_record; join_tab->join=join; bzero((char*) &join_tab->read_record,sizeof(join_tab->read_record)); tmp_table->status=0; tmp_table->null_row=0; return FALSE; } static bool make_join_select(JOIN *join,SQL_SELECT *select,COND *cond) { DBUG_ENTER("make_join_select"); if (select) { table_map used_tables; if (join->tables > 1) cond->update_used_tables(); // Tablenr may have changed { // Check const tables COND *const_cond= make_cond_for_table(cond,join->const_table_map,(table_map) 0); DBUG_EXECUTE("where",print_where(const_cond,"constants");); if (const_cond && !const_cond->val_int()) { DBUG_PRINT("info",("Found impossible WHERE condition")); DBUG_RETURN(1); // Impossible const condition } } used_tables=(select->const_tables=join->const_table_map) | RAND_TABLE_BIT; for (uint i=join->const_tables ; i < join->tables ; i++) { JOIN_TAB *tab=join->join_tab+i; table_map current_map= tab->table->map; bool use_quick_range=0; used_tables|=current_map; if (tab->type == JT_REF && tab->quick && (uint) tab->ref.key == tab->quick->index && tab->ref.key_length < tab->quick->max_used_key_length) { /* Range uses longer key; Use this instead of ref on key */ tab->type=JT_ALL; use_quick_range=1; tab->use_quick=1; tab->ref.key_parts=0; // Don't use ref key. join->best_positions[i].records_read=tab->quick->records; } COND *tmp=make_cond_for_table(cond,used_tables,current_map); if (!tmp && tab->quick) { // Outer join /* Hack to handle the case where we only refer to a table in the ON part of an OUTER JOIN. */ tmp=new Item_int((longlong) 1,1); // Always true } if (tmp) { DBUG_EXECUTE("where",print_where(tmp,tab->table->table_name);); SQL_SELECT *sel=tab->select=(SQL_SELECT*) join->thd->memdup((gptr) select, sizeof(SQL_SELECT)); if (!sel) DBUG_RETURN(1); // End of memory tab->select_cond=sel->cond=tmp; sel->head=tab->table; if (tab->quick) { /* Use quick key read if it's a constant and it's not used with key reading */ if (tab->needed_reg == 0 && tab->type != JT_EQ_REF && tab->type != JT_FT && (tab->type != JT_REF || (uint) tab->ref.key == tab->quick->index)) { sel->quick=tab->quick; // Use value from get_quick_... sel->quick_keys=0; sel->needed_reg=0; } else { delete tab->quick; } tab->quick=0; } uint ref_key=(uint) sel->head->reginfo.join_tab->ref.key+1; if (i == join->const_tables && ref_key) { if (tab->const_keys && tab->table->reginfo.impossible_range) DBUG_RETURN(1); } else if (tab->type == JT_ALL && ! use_quick_range) { if (tab->const_keys && tab->table->reginfo.impossible_range) DBUG_RETURN(1); // Impossible range /* We plan to scan all rows. Check again if we should use an index. We could have used an column from a previous table in the index if we are using limit and this is the first table */ if ((tab->keys & ~ tab->const_keys && i > 0) || (tab->const_keys && i == join->const_tables && join->thd->select_limit < join->best_positions[i].records_read && !(join->select_options & OPTION_FOUND_ROWS))) { /* Join with outer join condition */ COND *orig_cond=sel->cond; sel->cond=and_conds(sel->cond,tab->on_expr); if (sel->test_quick_select(tab->keys, used_tables & ~ current_map, (join->select_options & OPTION_FOUND_ROWS ? HA_POS_ERROR : join->thd->select_limit)) < 0) DBUG_RETURN(1); // Impossible range sel->cond=orig_cond; } else { sel->needed_reg=tab->needed_reg; sel->quick_keys=0; } if ((sel->quick_keys | sel->needed_reg) & ~tab->checked_keys) { tab->keys=sel->quick_keys | sel->needed_reg; tab->use_quick= (sel->needed_reg && (!select->quick_keys || (select->quick && (select->quick->records >= 100L)))) ? 2 : 1; sel->read_tables= used_tables; } if (i != join->const_tables && tab->use_quick != 2) { /* Read with cache */ if ((tmp=make_cond_for_table(cond, join->const_table_map | current_map, current_map))) { DBUG_EXECUTE("where",print_where(tmp,"cache");); tab->cache.select=(SQL_SELECT*) join->thd->memdup((gptr) sel, sizeof(SQL_SELECT)); tab->cache.select->cond=tmp; tab->cache.select->read_tables=join->const_table_map; } } } } } } DBUG_RETURN(0); } static void make_join_readinfo(JOIN *join,uint options) { uint i; SELECT_LEX *select_lex = &(join->thd->lex.select_lex); DBUG_ENTER("make_join_readinfo"); for (i=join->const_tables ; i < join->tables ; i++) { JOIN_TAB *tab=join->join_tab+i; TABLE *table=tab->table; tab->read_record.table= table; tab->read_record.file=table->file; tab->next_select=sub_select; /* normal select */ switch (tab->type) { case JT_SYSTEM: // Only happens with left join table->status=STATUS_NO_RECORD; tab->read_first_record= join_read_system; tab->read_record.read_record= join_no_more_records; break; case JT_CONST: // Only happens with left join table->status=STATUS_NO_RECORD; tab->read_first_record= join_read_const; tab->read_record.read_record= join_no_more_records; break; case JT_EQ_REF: table->status=STATUS_NO_RECORD; if (tab->select) { delete tab->select->quick; tab->select->quick=0; } delete tab->quick; tab->quick=0; table->file->index_init(tab->ref.key); tab->read_first_record= join_read_key; tab->read_record.read_record= join_no_more_records; if (table->used_keys & ((key_map) 1 << tab->ref.key) && !table->no_keyread) { table->key_read=1; table->file->extra(HA_EXTRA_KEYREAD); } break; case JT_REF: table->status=STATUS_NO_RECORD; if (tab->select) { delete tab->select->quick; tab->select->quick=0; } delete tab->quick; tab->quick=0; table->file->index_init(tab->ref.key); tab->read_first_record= join_read_always_key; tab->read_record.read_record= join_read_next_same; if (table->used_keys & ((key_map) 1 << tab->ref.key) && !table->no_keyread) { table->key_read=1; table->file->extra(HA_EXTRA_KEYREAD); } break; case JT_FT: table->status=STATUS_NO_RECORD; table->file->index_init(tab->ref.key); tab->read_first_record= join_ft_read_first; tab->read_record.read_record= join_ft_read_next; break; case JT_ALL: /* If previous table use cache */ table->status=STATUS_NO_RECORD; if (i != join->const_tables && !(options & SELECT_NO_JOIN_CACHE) && tab->use_quick != 2 && !tab->on_expr) { if ((options & SELECT_DESCRIBE) || !join_init_cache(join->thd,join->join_tab+join->const_tables, i-join->const_tables)) { tab[-1].next_select=sub_select_cache; /* Patch previous */ } } /* These init changes read_record */ if (tab->use_quick == 2) { select_lex->options|=QUERY_NO_GOOD_INDEX_USED; tab->read_first_record= join_init_quick_read_record; statistic_increment(select_range_check_count, &LOCK_status); } else { tab->read_first_record= join_init_read_record; if (i == join->const_tables) { if (tab->select && tab->select->quick) { statistic_increment(select_range_count, &LOCK_status); } else { select_lex->options|=QUERY_NO_INDEX_USED; statistic_increment(select_scan_count, &LOCK_status); } } else { if (tab->select && tab->select->quick) { statistic_increment(select_full_range_join_count, &LOCK_status); } else { select_lex->options|=QUERY_NO_INDEX_USED; statistic_increment(select_full_join_count, &LOCK_status); } } if (!table->no_keyread) { if (tab->select && tab->select->quick && table->used_keys & ((key_map) 1 << tab->select->quick->index)) { table->key_read=1; table->file->extra(HA_EXTRA_KEYREAD); } else if (table->used_keys && ! (tab->select && tab->select->quick)) { // Only read index tree tab->index=find_shortest_key(table, table->used_keys); tab->table->file->index_init(tab->index); tab->read_first_record= join_read_first; tab->type=JT_NEXT; // Read with index_first / index_next } } } break; default: DBUG_PRINT("error",("Table type %d found",tab->type)); /* purecov: deadcode */ break; /* purecov: deadcode */ case JT_UNKNOWN: case JT_MAYBE_REF: abort(); /* purecov: deadcode */ } } join->join_tab[join->tables-1].next_select=0; /* Set by do_select */ DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } static void join_free(JOIN *join) { JOIN_TAB *tab,*end; DBUG_ENTER("join_free"); if (join->table) { /* Only a sorted table may be cached. This sorted table is always the first non const table in join->table */ if (join->tables > join->const_tables) // Test for not-const tables free_io_cache(join->table[join->const_tables]); for (tab=join->join_tab,end=tab+join->tables ; tab != end ; tab++) { delete tab->select; delete tab->quick; x_free(tab->cache.buff); if (tab->table) { if (tab->table->key_read) { tab->table->key_read=0; tab->table->file->extra(HA_EXTRA_NO_KEYREAD); } /* Don't free index if we are using read_record */ if (!tab->read_record.table) tab->table->file->index_end(); } end_read_record(&tab->read_record); } join->table=0; } /* We are not using tables anymore Unlock all tables. We may be in an INSERT .... SELECT statement. */ if (join->lock && join->thd->lock && !(join->select_options & SELECT_NO_UNLOCK)) { mysql_unlock_read_tables(join->thd, join->lock);// Don't free join->lock join->lock=0; } join->group_fields.delete_elements(); join->tmp_table_param.copy_funcs.delete_elements(); if (join->tmp_table_param.copy_field) // Because of bug in ecc delete [] join->tmp_table_param.copy_field; join->tmp_table_param.copy_field=0; DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /***************************************************************************** Remove the following expressions from ORDER BY and GROUP BY: Constant expressions Expression that only uses tables that are of type EQ_REF and the reference is in the ORDER list or if all refereed tables are of the above type. In the following, the X field can be removed: SELECT * FROM t1,t2 WHERE t1.a=t2.a ORDER BY t1.a,t2.X SELECT * FROM t1,t2,t3 WHERE t1.a=t2.a AND t2.b=t3.b ORDER BY t1.a,t3.X These can't be optimized: SELECT * FROM t1,t2 WHERE t1.a=t2.a ORDER BY t2.X,t1.a SELECT * FROM t1,t2 WHERE t1.a=t2.a AND t1.b=t2.b ORDER BY t1.a,t2.c SELECT * FROM t1,t2 WHERE t1.a=t2.a ORDER BY t2.b,t1.a *****************************************************************************/ static bool eq_ref_table(JOIN *join, ORDER *start_order, JOIN_TAB *tab) { if (tab->cached_eq_ref_table) // If cached return tab->eq_ref_table; tab->cached_eq_ref_table=1; if (tab->type == JT_CONST) // We can skip const tables return (tab->eq_ref_table=1); /* purecov: inspected */ if (tab->type != JT_EQ_REF) return (tab->eq_ref_table=0); // We must use this Item **ref_item=tab->ref.items; Item **end=ref_item+tab->ref.key_parts; uint found=0; table_map map=tab->table->map; for (; ref_item != end ; ref_item++) { if (! (*ref_item)->const_item()) { // Not a const ref ORDER *order; for (order=start_order ; order ; order=order->next) { if ((*ref_item)->eq(order->item[0],0)) break; } if (order) { found++; DBUG_ASSERT(!(order->used & map)); order->used|=map; continue; // Used in ORDER BY } if (!only_eq_ref_tables(join,start_order, (*ref_item)->used_tables())) return (tab->eq_ref_table=0); } } /* Check that there was no reference to table before sort order */ for (; found && start_order ; start_order=start_order->next) { if (start_order->used & map) { found--; continue; } if (start_order->depend_map & map) return (tab->eq_ref_table=0); } return tab->eq_ref_table=1; } static bool only_eq_ref_tables(JOIN *join,ORDER *order,table_map tables) { if (specialflag & SPECIAL_SAFE_MODE) return 0; // skip this optimize /* purecov: inspected */ for (JOIN_TAB **tab=join->map2table ; tables ; tab++, tables>>=1) { if (tables & 1 && !eq_ref_table(join, order, *tab)) return 0; } return 1; } /* Update the dependency map for the tables */ static void update_depend_map(JOIN *join) { JOIN_TAB *join_tab=join->join_tab, *end=join_tab+join->tables; for (; join_tab != end ; join_tab++) { TABLE_REF *ref= &join_tab->ref; table_map depend_map=0; Item **item=ref->items; uint i; for (i=0 ; i < ref->key_parts ; i++,item++) depend_map|=(*item)->used_tables(); ref->depend_map=depend_map; for (JOIN_TAB **tab=join->map2table; depend_map ; tab++,depend_map>>=1 ) { if (depend_map & 1) ref->depend_map|=(*tab)->ref.depend_map; } } } /* Update the dependency map for the sort order */ static void update_depend_map(JOIN *join, ORDER *order) { for (; order ; order=order->next) { table_map depend_map; order->item[0]->update_used_tables(); order->depend_map=depend_map=order->item[0]->used_tables(); if (!(order->depend_map & RAND_TABLE_BIT)) // Not item_sum() or RAND() { for (JOIN_TAB **tab=join->map2table; depend_map ; tab++, depend_map>>=1) { if (depend_map & 1) order->depend_map|=(*tab)->ref.depend_map; } } } } /* simple_order is set to 1 if sort_order only uses fields from head table and the head table is not a LEFT JOIN table */ static ORDER * remove_const(JOIN *join,ORDER *first_order, COND *cond, bool *simple_order) { if (join->tables == join->const_tables) return 0; // No need to sort DBUG_ENTER("remove_const"); ORDER *order,**prev_ptr; table_map first_table= join->join_tab[join->const_tables].table->map; table_map not_const_tables= ~join->const_table_map; table_map ref; prev_ptr= &first_order; *simple_order= join->join_tab[join->const_tables].on_expr ? 0 : 1; /* NOTE: A variable of not_const_tables ^ first_table; breaks gcc 2.7 */ update_depend_map(join, first_order); for (order=first_order; order ; order=order->next) { table_map order_tables=order->item[0]->used_tables(); if (order->item[0]->with_sum_func) *simple_order=0; // Must do a temp table to sort else if (!(order_tables & not_const_tables)) { DBUG_PRINT("info",("removing: %s", order->item[0]->full_name())); continue; // skip const item } else { if (order_tables & RAND_TABLE_BIT) *simple_order=0; else { Item *comp_item=0; if (cond && const_expression_in_where(cond,order->item[0], &comp_item)) { DBUG_PRINT("info",("removing: %s", order->item[0]->full_name())); continue; } if ((ref=order_tables & (not_const_tables ^ first_table))) { if (only_eq_ref_tables(join,first_order,ref)) { DBUG_PRINT("info",("removing: %s", order->item[0]->full_name())); continue; } *simple_order=0; // Must do a temp table to sort } } } *prev_ptr= order; // use this entry prev_ptr= &order->next; } *prev_ptr=0; if (!first_order) // Nothing to sort/group *simple_order=1; DBUG_PRINT("exit",("simple_order: %d",(int) *simple_order)); DBUG_RETURN(first_order); } static int return_zero_rows(select_result *result,TABLE_LIST *tables,List &fields, bool send_row, uint select_options,const char *info, Item *having, Procedure *procedure) { DBUG_ENTER("return_zero_rows"); if (select_options & SELECT_DESCRIBE) { describe_info(current_thd, info); DBUG_RETURN(0); } if (procedure) { if (result->prepare(fields)) // This hasn't been done yet DBUG_RETURN(-1); } if (send_row) { for (TABLE_LIST *table=tables; table ; table=table->next) mark_as_null_row(table->table); // All fields are NULL if (having && having->val_int() == 0) send_row=0; } if (!(result->send_fields(fields,1))) { if (send_row) result->send_data(fields); if (tables) // Not from do_select() { /* Close open cursors */ for (TABLE_LIST *table=tables; table ; table=table->next) table->table->file->index_end(); } result->send_eof(); // Should be safe } DBUG_RETURN(0); } static void clear_tables(JOIN *join) { for (uint i=0 ; i < join->tables ; i++) mark_as_null_row(join->table[i]); // All fields are NULL } /***************************************************************************** Make som simple condition optimization: If there is a test 'field = const' change all refs to 'field' to 'const' Remove all dummy tests 'item = item', 'const op const'. Remove all 'item is NULL', when item can never be null! item->marker should be 0 for all items on entry Return in cond_value FALSE if condition is impossible (1 = 2) *****************************************************************************/ class COND_CMP :public ilink { public: static void *operator new(size_t size) {return (void*) sql_alloc((uint) size); } static void operator delete(void *ptr __attribute__((unused)), size_t size __attribute__((unused))) {} /*lint -e715 */ Item *and_level; Item_func *cmp_func; COND_CMP(Item *a,Item_func *b) :and_level(a),cmp_func(b) {} }; #ifdef __GNUC__ template class I_List; template class I_List_iterator; template class List; template class List_iterator; #endif /* change field = field to field = const for each found field = const in the and_level */ static void change_cond_ref_to_const(I_List *save_list,Item *and_father, Item *cond, Item *field, Item *value) { if (cond->type() == Item::COND_ITEM) { bool and_level= ((Item_cond*) cond)->functype() == Item_func::COND_AND_FUNC; List_iterator li(*((Item_cond*) cond)->argument_list()); Item *item; while ((item=li++)) change_cond_ref_to_const(save_list,and_level ? cond : item, item, field, value); return; } if (cond->eq_cmp_result() == Item::COND_OK) return; // Not a boolean function Item_bool_func2 *func= (Item_bool_func2*) cond; Item *left_item= func->arguments()[0]; Item *right_item= func->arguments()[1]; Item_func::Functype functype= func->functype(); if (right_item->eq(field,0) && left_item != value) { Item *tmp=value->new_item(); if (tmp) { func->arguments()[1] = tmp; func->update_used_tables(); if ((functype == Item_func::EQ_FUNC || functype == Item_func::EQUAL_FUNC) && and_father != cond && !left_item->const_item()) { cond->marker=1; COND_CMP *tmp2; if ((tmp2=new COND_CMP(and_father,func))) save_list->push_back(tmp2); } func->set_cmp_func(item_cmp_type(func->arguments()[0]->result_type(), func->arguments()[1]->result_type())); } } else if (left_item->eq(field,0) && right_item != value) { Item *tmp=value->new_item(); if (tmp) { func->arguments()[0] = value = tmp; func->update_used_tables(); if ((functype == Item_func::EQ_FUNC || functype == Item_func::EQUAL_FUNC) && and_father != cond && !right_item->const_item()) { func->arguments()[0] = func->arguments()[1]; // For easy check func->arguments()[1] = value; cond->marker=1; COND_CMP *tmp2; if ((tmp2=new COND_CMP(and_father,func))) save_list->push_back(tmp2); } func->set_cmp_func(item_cmp_type(func->arguments()[0]->result_type(), func->arguments()[1]->result_type())); } } } static void propagate_cond_constants(I_List *save_list,COND *and_level, COND *cond) { if (cond->type() == Item::COND_ITEM) { bool and_level= ((Item_cond*) cond)->functype() == Item_func::COND_AND_FUNC; List_iterator_fast li(*((Item_cond*) cond)->argument_list()); Item *item; I_List save; while ((item=li++)) { propagate_cond_constants(&save,and_level ? cond : item, item); } if (and_level) { // Handle other found items I_List_iterator cond_itr(save); COND_CMP *cond_cmp; while ((cond_cmp=cond_itr++)) if (!cond_cmp->cmp_func->arguments()[0]->const_item()) change_cond_ref_to_const(&save,cond_cmp->and_level, cond_cmp->and_level, cond_cmp->cmp_func->arguments()[0], cond_cmp->cmp_func->arguments()[1]); } } else if (and_level != cond && !cond->marker) // In a AND group { if (cond->type() == Item::FUNC_ITEM && (((Item_func*) cond)->functype() == Item_func::EQ_FUNC || ((Item_func*) cond)->functype() == Item_func::EQUAL_FUNC)) { Item_func_eq *func=(Item_func_eq*) cond; bool left_const= func->arguments()[0]->const_item(); bool right_const=func->arguments()[1]->const_item(); if (!(left_const && right_const) && (func->arguments()[0]->result_type() == (func->arguments()[1]->result_type()))) { if (right_const) { func->arguments()[1]=resolve_const_item(func->arguments()[1], func->arguments()[0]); func->update_used_tables(); change_cond_ref_to_const(save_list,and_level,and_level, func->arguments()[0], func->arguments()[1]); } else if (left_const) { func->arguments()[0]=resolve_const_item(func->arguments()[0], func->arguments()[1]); func->update_used_tables(); change_cond_ref_to_const(save_list,and_level,and_level, func->arguments()[1], func->arguments()[0]); } } } } } static COND * optimize_cond(COND *conds,Item::cond_result *cond_value) { if (!conds) { *cond_value= Item::COND_TRUE; return conds; } /* change field = field to field = const for each found field = const */ DBUG_EXECUTE("where",print_where(conds,"original");); propagate_cond_constants((I_List *) 0,conds,conds); /* Remove all instances of item == item Remove all and-levels where CONST item != CONST item */ DBUG_EXECUTE("where",print_where(conds,"after const change");); conds=remove_eq_conds(conds,cond_value) ; DBUG_EXECUTE("info",print_where(conds,"after remove");); return conds; } /* Remove const and eq items. Return new item, or NULL if no condition cond_value is set to according: COND_OK query is possible (field = constant) COND_TRUE always true ( 1 = 1 ) COND_FALSE always false ( 1 = 2 ) */ static COND * remove_eq_conds(COND *cond,Item::cond_result *cond_value) { if (cond->type() == Item::COND_ITEM) { bool and_level= ((Item_cond*) cond)->functype() == Item_func::COND_AND_FUNC; List_iterator li(*((Item_cond*) cond)->argument_list()); Item::cond_result tmp_cond_value; *cond_value=Item::COND_UNDEF; Item *item; while ((item=li++)) { Item *new_item=remove_eq_conds(item,&tmp_cond_value); if (!new_item) { #ifdef DELETE_ITEMS delete item; // This may be shared #endif li.remove(); } else if (item != new_item) { #ifdef DELETE_ITEMS delete item; // This may be shared #endif VOID(li.replace(new_item)); } if (*cond_value == Item::COND_UNDEF) *cond_value=tmp_cond_value; switch (tmp_cond_value) { case Item::COND_OK: // Not TRUE or FALSE if (and_level || *cond_value == Item::COND_FALSE) *cond_value=tmp_cond_value; break; case Item::COND_FALSE: if (and_level) { *cond_value=tmp_cond_value; return (COND*) 0; // Always false } break; case Item::COND_TRUE: if (!and_level) { *cond_value= tmp_cond_value; return (COND*) 0; // Always true } break; case Item::COND_UNDEF: // Impossible break; /* purecov: deadcode */ } } if (!((Item_cond*) cond)->argument_list()->elements || *cond_value != Item::COND_OK) return (COND*) 0; if (((Item_cond*) cond)->argument_list()->elements == 1) { // Remove list item= ((Item_cond*) cond)->argument_list()->head(); ((Item_cond*) cond)->argument_list()->empty(); return item; } } else if (cond->type() == Item::FUNC_ITEM && ((Item_func*) cond)->functype() == Item_func::ISNULL_FUNC) { /* Handles this special case for some ODBC applications: The are requesting the row that was just updated with a auto_increment value with this construct: SELECT * from table_name where auto_increment_column IS NULL This will be changed to: SELECT * from table_name where auto_increment_column = LAST_INSERT_ID */ Item_func_isnull *func=(Item_func_isnull*) cond; Item **args= func->arguments(); THD *thd=current_thd; if (args[0]->type() == Item::FIELD_ITEM) { Field *field=((Item_field*) args[0])->field; if (field->flags & AUTO_INCREMENT_FLAG && !field->table->maybe_null && (thd->options & OPTION_AUTO_IS_NULL) && thd->insert_id()) { query_cache_abort(&thd->net); COND *new_cond; if ((new_cond= new Item_func_eq(args[0], new Item_int("last_insert_id()", thd->insert_id(), 21)))) { cond=new_cond; cond->fix_fields(thd,0); } thd->insert_id(0); // Clear for next request } /* fix to replace 'NULL' dates with '0' (shreeve@uci.edu) */ else if (((field->type() == FIELD_TYPE_DATE) || (field->type() == FIELD_TYPE_DATETIME)) && (field->flags & NOT_NULL_FLAG) && !field->table->maybe_null) { COND *new_cond; if ((new_cond= new Item_func_eq(args[0],new Item_int("0", 0, 2)))) { cond=new_cond; cond->fix_fields(thd,0); } } } } else if (cond->const_item()) { *cond_value= eval_const_cond(cond) ? Item::COND_TRUE : Item::COND_FALSE; return (COND*) 0; } else if ((*cond_value= cond->eq_cmp_result()) != Item::COND_OK) { // boolan compare function Item *left_item= ((Item_func*) cond)->arguments()[0]; Item *right_item= ((Item_func*) cond)->arguments()[1]; if (left_item->eq(right_item,1)) { if (!left_item->maybe_null || ((Item_func*) cond)->functype() == Item_func::EQUAL_FUNC) return (COND*) 0; // Compare of identical items } } *cond_value=Item::COND_OK; return cond; // Point at next and level } /* Return 1 if the item is a const value in all the WHERE clause */ static bool const_expression_in_where(COND *cond, Item *comp_item, Item **const_item) { if (cond->type() == Item::COND_ITEM) { bool and_level= (((Item_cond*) cond)->functype() == Item_func::COND_AND_FUNC); List_iterator_fast li(*((Item_cond*) cond)->argument_list()); Item *item; while ((item=li++)) { bool res=const_expression_in_where(item, comp_item, const_item); if (res) // Is a const value { if (and_level) return 1; } else if (!and_level) return 0; } return and_level ? 0 : 1; } else if (cond->eq_cmp_result() != Item::COND_OK) { // boolan compare function Item_func* func= (Item_func*) cond; if (func->functype() != Item_func::EQUAL_FUNC && func->functype() != Item_func::EQ_FUNC) return 0; Item *left_item= ((Item_func*) cond)->arguments()[0]; Item *right_item= ((Item_func*) cond)->arguments()[1]; if (left_item->eq(comp_item,1)) { if (right_item->const_item()) { if (*const_item) return right_item->eq(*const_item, 1); *const_item=right_item; return 1; } } else if (right_item->eq(comp_item,1)) { if (left_item->const_item()) { if (*const_item) return left_item->eq(*const_item, 1); *const_item=left_item; return 1; } } } return 0; } /**************************************************************************** Create a temp table according to a field list. Set distinct if duplicates could be removed Given fields field pointers are changed to point at tmp_table for send_fields ****************************************************************************/ Field *create_tmp_field(THD *thd, TABLE *table,Item *item, Item::Type type, Item_result_field ***copy_func, Field **from_field, bool group, bool modify_item) { switch (type) { case Item::SUM_FUNC_ITEM: { Item_sum *item_sum=(Item_sum*) item; bool maybe_null=item_sum->maybe_null; switch (item_sum->sum_func()) { case Item_sum::AVG_FUNC: /* Place for sum & count */ if (group) return new Field_string(sizeof(double)+sizeof(longlong), maybe_null, item->name,table,1); else return new Field_double(item_sum->max_length,maybe_null, item->name, table, item_sum->decimals); case Item_sum::STD_FUNC: /* Place for sum & count */ if (group) return new Field_string(sizeof(double)*2+sizeof(longlong), maybe_null, item->name,table,1); else return new Field_double(item_sum->max_length, maybe_null, item->name,table,item_sum->decimals); case Item_sum::UNIQUE_USERS_FUNC: return new Field_long(9,maybe_null,item->name,table,1); default: switch (item_sum->result_type()) { case REAL_RESULT: return new Field_double(item_sum->max_length,maybe_null, item->name,table,item_sum->decimals); case INT_RESULT: return new Field_longlong(item_sum->max_length,maybe_null, item->name,table,item->unsigned_flag); case STRING_RESULT: if (item_sum->max_length > 255) return new Field_blob(item_sum->max_length,maybe_null, item->name,table,item->binary); return new Field_string(item_sum->max_length,maybe_null, item->name,table,item->binary); } } thd->fatal_error=1; return 0; // Error } case Item::FIELD_ITEM: { Field *org_field=((Item_field*) item)->field,*new_field; *from_field=org_field; // The following should always be true if ((new_field= org_field->new_field(&thd->mem_root,table))) { if (modify_item) ((Item_field*) item)->result_field= new_field; else new_field->field_name=item->name; if (org_field->maybe_null()) new_field->flags&= ~NOT_NULL_FLAG; // Because of outer join } return new_field; } case Item::PROC_ITEM: case Item::FUNC_ITEM: case Item::COND_ITEM: case Item::FIELD_AVG_ITEM: case Item::FIELD_STD_ITEM: /* The following can only happen with 'CREATE TABLE ... SELECT' */ case Item::INT_ITEM: case Item::REAL_ITEM: case Item::STRING_ITEM: case Item::REF_ITEM: case Item::NULL_ITEM: { bool maybe_null=item->maybe_null; Field *new_field; LINT_INIT(new_field); switch (item->result_type()) { case REAL_RESULT: new_field=new Field_double(item->max_length,maybe_null, item->name,table,item->decimals); break; case INT_RESULT: new_field=new Field_longlong(item->max_length,maybe_null, item->name,table, item->unsigned_flag); break; case STRING_RESULT: if (item->max_length > 255) new_field= new Field_blob(item->max_length,maybe_null, item->name,table,item->binary); else new_field= new Field_string(item->max_length,maybe_null, item->name,table,item->binary); break; } if (copy_func) *((*copy_func)++) = (Item_result_field*) item; // Save for copy_funcs if (modify_item) ((Item_result_field*) item)->result_field=new_field; return new_field; } default: // Dosen't have to be stored return 0; } } TABLE * create_tmp_table(THD *thd,TMP_TABLE_PARAM *param,List &fields, ORDER *group, bool distinct, bool save_sum_fields, bool allow_distinct_limit, ulong select_options) { TABLE *table; uint i,field_count,reclength,null_count,null_pack_length, hidden_null_count, hidden_null_pack_length, hidden_field_count, blob_count,group_null_items; bool using_unique_constraint=0; bool not_all_columns= !(select_options & TMP_TABLE_ALL_COLUMNS); char *tmpname,path[FN_REFLEN]; byte *pos,*group_buff; uchar *null_flags; Field **reg_field,**from_field; Copy_field *copy=0; KEY *keyinfo; KEY_PART_INFO *key_part_info; Item_result_field **copy_func; MI_COLUMNDEF *recinfo; uint temp_pool_slot=MY_BIT_NONE; DBUG_ENTER("create_tmp_table"); DBUG_PRINT("enter",("distinct: %d save_sum_fields: %d allow_distinct_limit: %d group: %d", (int) distinct, (int) save_sum_fields, (int) allow_distinct_limit,test(group))); statistic_increment(created_tmp_tables, &LOCK_status); if (use_temp_pool) temp_pool_slot = bitmap_set_next(&temp_pool); if (temp_pool_slot != MY_BIT_NONE) // we got a slot sprintf(path, "%s%s_%lx_%i", mysql_tmpdir, tmp_file_prefix, current_pid, temp_pool_slot); else // if we run out of slots or we are not using tempool sprintf(path,"%s%s%lx_%lx_%x",mysql_tmpdir,tmp_file_prefix,current_pid, thd->thread_id, thd->tmp_table++); if (group) { if (!param->quick_group) group=0; // Can't use group key else for (ORDER *tmp=group ; tmp ; tmp=tmp->next) { (*tmp->item)->marker=4; // Store null in key if ((*tmp->item)->max_length >= MAX_CHAR_WIDTH) using_unique_constraint=1; } if (param->group_length >= MAX_BLOB_WIDTH) using_unique_constraint=1; if (group) distinct=0; // Can't use distinct } field_count=param->field_count+param->func_count+param->sum_func_count; hidden_field_count=param->hidden_field_count; if (!my_multi_malloc(MYF(MY_WME), &table,sizeof(*table), ®_field,sizeof(Field*)*(field_count+1), &from_field,sizeof(Field*)*field_count, ©_func,sizeof(*copy_func)*(param->func_count+1), ¶m->keyinfo,sizeof(*param->keyinfo), &key_part_info, sizeof(*key_part_info)*(param->group_parts+1), ¶m->start_recinfo, sizeof(*param->recinfo)*(field_count*2+4), &tmpname,(uint) strlen(path)+1, &group_buff,group && ! using_unique_constraint ? param->group_length : 0, NullS)) { bitmap_clear_bit(&temp_pool, temp_pool_slot); DBUG_RETURN(NULL); /* purecov: inspected */ } if (!(param->copy_field=copy=new Copy_field[field_count])) { bitmap_clear_bit(&temp_pool, temp_pool_slot); my_free((gptr) table,MYF(0)); /* purecov: inspected */ DBUG_RETURN(NULL); /* purecov: inspected */ } param->funcs=copy_func; strmov(tmpname,path); /* make table according to fields */ bzero((char*) table,sizeof(*table)); bzero((char*) reg_field,sizeof(Field*)*(field_count+1)); bzero((char*) from_field,sizeof(Field*)*field_count); table->field=reg_field; table->real_name=table->path=tmpname; table->table_name=base_name(tmpname); table->reginfo.lock_type=TL_WRITE; /* Will be updated */ table->db_stat=HA_OPEN_KEYFILE+HA_OPEN_RNDFILE; table->blob_ptr_size=mi_portable_sizeof_char_ptr; table->map=1; table->tmp_table= TMP_TABLE; table->db_low_byte_first=1; // True for HEAP and MyISAM table->temp_pool_slot = temp_pool_slot; /* Calculate which type of fields we will store in the temporary table */ reclength=blob_count=null_count=hidden_null_count=group_null_items=0; param->using_indirect_summary_function=0; List_iterator_fast li(fields); Item *item; Field **tmp_from_field=from_field; while ((item=li++)) { Item::Type type=item->type(); if (not_all_columns) { if (item->with_sum_func && type != Item::SUM_FUNC_ITEM) { /* Mark that the we have ignored an item that refers to a summary function. We need to know this if someone is going to use DISTINCT on the result. */ param->using_indirect_summary_function=1; continue; } if (item->const_item()) // We don't have to store this continue; } if (type == Item::SUM_FUNC_ITEM && !group && !save_sum_fields) { /* Can't calc group yet */ ((Item_sum*) item)->result_field=0; for (i=0 ; i < ((Item_sum*) item)->arg_count ; i++) { Item *arg= ((Item_sum*) item)->args[i]; if (!arg->const_item()) { Field *new_field= create_tmp_field(thd, table,arg,arg->type(),©_func, tmp_from_field, group != 0,not_all_columns); if (!new_field) goto err; // Should be OOM tmp_from_field++; *(reg_field++)= new_field; reclength+=new_field->pack_length(); if (!(new_field->flags & NOT_NULL_FLAG)) null_count++; if (new_field->flags & BLOB_FLAG) blob_count++; ((Item_sum*) item)->args[i]= new Item_field(new_field); } } } else { Field *new_field=create_tmp_field(thd, table, item,type, ©_func, tmp_from_field, group != 0, not_all_columns); if (!new_field) { if (thd->fatal_error) goto err; // Got OOM continue; // Some kindf of const item } if (type == Item::SUM_FUNC_ITEM) ((Item_sum *) item)->result_field= new_field; tmp_from_field++; reclength+=new_field->pack_length(); if (!(new_field->flags & NOT_NULL_FLAG)) null_count++; if (new_field->flags & BLOB_FLAG) blob_count++; if (item->marker == 4 && item->maybe_null) { group_null_items++; new_field->flags|= GROUP_FLAG; } *(reg_field++) =new_field; } if (!--hidden_field_count) hidden_null_count=null_count; } field_count= (uint) (reg_field - table->field); /* If result table is small; use a heap */ if (blob_count || using_unique_constraint || (select_options & (OPTION_BIG_TABLES | SELECT_SMALL_RESULT)) == OPTION_BIG_TABLES) { table->file=get_new_handler(table,table->db_type=DB_TYPE_MYISAM); if (group && (param->group_parts > table->file->max_key_parts() || param->group_length > table->file->max_key_length())) using_unique_constraint=1; } else { table->file=get_new_handler(table,table->db_type=DB_TYPE_HEAP); } if (!using_unique_constraint) reclength+= group_null_items; // null flag is stored separately table->blob_fields=blob_count; if (blob_count == 0) { /* We need to ensure that first byte is not 0 for the delete link */ if (param->hidden_field_count) hidden_null_count++; else null_count++; } hidden_null_pack_length=(hidden_null_count+7)/8; null_pack_length=hidden_null_count+(null_count+7)/8; reclength+=null_pack_length; if (!reclength) reclength=1; // Dummy select table->fields=field_count; table->reclength=reclength; { uint alloc_length=ALIGN_SIZE(reclength+MI_UNIQUE_HASH_LENGTH+1); table->rec_buff_length=alloc_length; if (!(table->record[0]= (byte *) my_malloc(alloc_length*3, MYF(MY_WME)))) goto err; table->record[1]= table->record[0]+alloc_length; table->record[2]= table->record[1]+alloc_length; } copy_func[0]=0; // End marker recinfo=param->start_recinfo; null_flags=(uchar*) table->record[0]; pos=table->record[0]+ null_pack_length; if (null_pack_length) { bzero((byte*) recinfo,sizeof(*recinfo)); recinfo->type=FIELD_NORMAL; recinfo->length=null_pack_length; recinfo++; bfill(null_flags,null_pack_length,255); // Set null fields } null_count= (blob_count == 0) ? 1 : 0; hidden_field_count=param->hidden_field_count; for (i=0,reg_field=table->field; i < field_count; i++,reg_field++,recinfo++) { Field *field= *reg_field; uint length; bzero((byte*) recinfo,sizeof(*recinfo)); if (!(field->flags & NOT_NULL_FLAG)) { if (field->flags & GROUP_FLAG && !using_unique_constraint) { /* We have to reserve one byte here for NULL bits, as this is updated by 'end_update()' */ *pos++=0; // Null is stored here recinfo->length=1; recinfo->type=FIELD_NORMAL; recinfo++; bzero((byte*) recinfo,sizeof(*recinfo)); } else { recinfo->null_bit= 1 << (null_count & 7); recinfo->null_pos= null_count/8; } field->move_field((char*) pos,null_flags+null_count/8, 1 << (null_count & 7)); null_count++; } else field->move_field((char*) pos,(uchar*) 0,0); field->reset(); if (from_field[i]) { /* Not a table Item */ copy->set(field,from_field[i],save_sum_fields); copy++; } length=field->pack_length(); pos+= length; /* Make entry for create table */ recinfo->length=length; if (field->flags & BLOB_FLAG) recinfo->type= (int) FIELD_BLOB; else if (!field->zero_pack() && (field->type() == FIELD_TYPE_STRING || field->type() == FIELD_TYPE_VAR_STRING) && length >= 10 && blob_count) recinfo->type=FIELD_SKIP_ENDSPACE; else recinfo->type=FIELD_NORMAL; if (!--hidden_field_count) null_count=(null_count+7) & ~7; // move to next byte } param->copy_field_end=copy; param->recinfo=recinfo; store_record(table,2); // Make empty default record if (tmp_table_size == ~(ulong) 0) // No limit table->max_rows= ~(ha_rows) 0; else table->max_rows=(((table->db_type == DB_TYPE_HEAP) ? min(tmp_table_size, max_heap_table_size) : tmp_table_size)/ table->reclength); set_if_bigger(table->max_rows,1); // For dummy start options keyinfo=param->keyinfo; if (group) { DBUG_PRINT("info",("Creating group key in temporary table")); table->group=group; /* Table is grouped by key */ param->group_buff=group_buff; table->keys=1; table->uniques= test(using_unique_constraint); table->key_info=keyinfo; keyinfo->key_part=key_part_info; keyinfo->flags=HA_NOSAME; keyinfo->usable_key_parts=keyinfo->key_parts= param->group_parts; keyinfo->key_length=0; keyinfo->rec_per_key=0; for (; group ; group=group->next,key_part_info++) { Field *field=(*group->item)->tmp_table_field(); bool maybe_null=(*group->item)->maybe_null; key_part_info->null_bit=0; key_part_info->field= field; key_part_info->offset= field->offset(); key_part_info->length= (uint16) field->pack_length(); key_part_info->type= (uint8) field->key_type(); key_part_info->key_type = ((ha_base_keytype) key_part_info->type == HA_KEYTYPE_TEXT || (ha_base_keytype) key_part_info->type == HA_KEYTYPE_VARTEXT) ? 0 : FIELDFLAG_BINARY; if (!using_unique_constraint) { group->buff=(char*) group_buff; if (!(group->field=field->new_field(&thd->mem_root,table))) goto err; /* purecov: inspected */ if (maybe_null) { /* To be able to group on NULL, we reserve place in group_buff for the NULL flag just before the column. The field data is after this flag. The NULL flag is updated by 'end_update()' and 'end_write()' */ keyinfo->flags|= HA_NULL_ARE_EQUAL; // def. that NULL == NULL key_part_info->null_bit=field->null_bit; key_part_info->null_offset= (uint) (field->null_ptr - (uchar*) table->record[0]); group->field->move_field((char*) ++group->buff); group_buff++; } else group->field->move_field((char*) group_buff); group_buff+= key_part_info->length; } keyinfo->key_length+= key_part_info->length; } } if (distinct) { /* Create an unique key or an unique constraint over all columns that should be in the result. In the temporary table, there are 'param->hidden_field_count' extra columns, whose null bits are stored in the first 'hidden_null_pack_length' bytes of the row. */ null_pack_length-=hidden_null_pack_length; keyinfo->key_parts= ((field_count-param->hidden_field_count)+ test(null_pack_length)); if (allow_distinct_limit) { set_if_smaller(table->max_rows,thd->select_limit); param->end_write_records=thd->select_limit; } else param->end_write_records= HA_POS_ERROR; table->distinct=1; table->keys=1; if (blob_count) { using_unique_constraint=1; table->uniques=1; } if (!(key_part_info= (KEY_PART_INFO*) sql_calloc((keyinfo->key_parts)*sizeof(KEY_PART_INFO)))) goto err; table->key_info=keyinfo; keyinfo->key_part=key_part_info; keyinfo->flags=HA_NOSAME; keyinfo->key_length=(uint16) reclength; keyinfo->name=(char*) "tmp"; if (null_pack_length) { key_part_info->null_bit=0; key_part_info->offset=hidden_null_pack_length; key_part_info->length=null_pack_length; key_part_info->field=new Field_string((char*) table->record[0], (uint32) key_part_info->length, (uchar*) 0, (uint) 0, Field::NONE, NullS, table, (bool) 1); key_part_info->key_type=FIELDFLAG_BINARY; key_part_info->type= HA_KEYTYPE_BINARY; key_part_info++; } /* Create a distinct key over the columns we are going to return */ for (i=param->hidden_field_count, reg_field=table->field + i ; i < field_count; i++, reg_field++, key_part_info++) { key_part_info->null_bit=0; key_part_info->field= *reg_field; key_part_info->offset= (*reg_field)->offset(); key_part_info->length= (uint16) (*reg_field)->pack_length(); key_part_info->type= (uint8) (*reg_field)->key_type(); key_part_info->key_type = ((ha_base_keytype) key_part_info->type == HA_KEYTYPE_TEXT || (ha_base_keytype) key_part_info->type == HA_KEYTYPE_VARTEXT) ? 0 : FIELDFLAG_BINARY; } } if (thd->fatal_error) // If end of memory goto err; /* purecov: inspected */ table->db_record_offset=1; if (table->db_type == DB_TYPE_MYISAM) { if (create_myisam_tmp_table(table,param,select_options)) goto err; } if (!open_tmp_table(table)) DBUG_RETURN(table); err: free_tmp_table(thd,table); /* purecov: inspected */ bitmap_clear_bit(&temp_pool, temp_pool_slot); DBUG_RETURN(NULL); /* purecov: inspected */ } static bool open_tmp_table(TABLE *table) { int error; if ((error=table->file->ha_open(table->real_name,O_RDWR,HA_OPEN_TMP_TABLE))) { table->file->print_error(error,MYF(0)); /* purecov: inspected */ table->db_stat=0; return(1); } /* VOID(ha_lock(table,F_WRLCK)); */ /* Single thread table */ (void) table->file->extra(HA_EXTRA_QUICK); /* Faster */ return(0); } static bool create_myisam_tmp_table(TABLE *table,TMP_TABLE_PARAM *param, ulong options) { int error; MI_KEYDEF keydef; MI_UNIQUEDEF uniquedef; KEY *keyinfo=param->keyinfo; DBUG_ENTER("create_myisam_tmp_table"); if (table->keys) { // Get keys for ni_create bool using_unique_constraint=0; MI_KEYSEG *seg= (MI_KEYSEG*) sql_calloc(sizeof(*seg) * keyinfo->key_parts); if (!seg) goto err; if (keyinfo->key_length >= table->file->max_key_length() || keyinfo->key_parts > table->file->max_key_parts() || table->uniques) { /* Can't create a key; Make a unique constraint instead of a key */ table->keys=0; table->uniques=1; using_unique_constraint=1; bzero((char*) &uniquedef,sizeof(uniquedef)); uniquedef.keysegs=keyinfo->key_parts; uniquedef.seg=seg; uniquedef.null_are_equal=1; /* Create extra column for hash value */ bzero((byte*) param->recinfo,sizeof(*param->recinfo)); param->recinfo->type= FIELD_CHECK; param->recinfo->length=MI_UNIQUE_HASH_LENGTH; param->recinfo++; table->reclength+=MI_UNIQUE_HASH_LENGTH; } else { /* Create an unique key */ bzero((char*) &keydef,sizeof(keydef)); keydef.flag=HA_NOSAME | HA_BINARY_PACK_KEY | HA_PACK_KEY; keydef.keysegs= keyinfo->key_parts; keydef.seg= seg; } for (uint i=0; i < keyinfo->key_parts ; i++,seg++) { Field *field=keyinfo->key_part[i].field; seg->flag= 0; seg->language= MY_CHARSET_CURRENT; seg->length= keyinfo->key_part[i].length; seg->start= keyinfo->key_part[i].offset; if (field->flags & BLOB_FLAG) { seg->type= ((keyinfo->key_part[i].key_type & FIELDFLAG_BINARY) ? HA_KEYTYPE_VARBINARY : HA_KEYTYPE_VARTEXT); seg->bit_start=seg->length - table->blob_ptr_size; seg->flag= HA_BLOB_PART; seg->length=0; // Whole blob in unique constraint } else { seg->type= ((keyinfo->key_part[i].key_type & FIELDFLAG_BINARY) ? HA_KEYTYPE_BINARY : HA_KEYTYPE_TEXT); if (!(field->flags & ZEROFILL_FLAG) && (field->type() == FIELD_TYPE_STRING || field->type() == FIELD_TYPE_VAR_STRING) && keyinfo->key_part[i].length > 4) seg->flag|=HA_SPACE_PACK; } if (!(field->flags & NOT_NULL_FLAG)) { seg->null_bit= field->null_bit; seg->null_pos= (uint) (field->null_ptr - (uchar*) table->record[0]); /* We are using a GROUP BY on something that contains NULL In this case we have to tell MyISAM that two NULL should on INSERT be compared as equal */ if (!using_unique_constraint) keydef.flag|= HA_NULL_ARE_EQUAL; } } } MI_CREATE_INFO create_info; bzero((char*) &create_info,sizeof(create_info)); if ((options & (OPTION_BIG_TABLES | SELECT_SMALL_RESULT)) == OPTION_BIG_TABLES) create_info.data_file_length= ~(ulonglong) 0; if ((error=mi_create(table->real_name,table->keys,&keydef, (uint) (param->recinfo-param->start_recinfo), param->start_recinfo, table->uniques, &uniquedef, &create_info, HA_CREATE_TMP_TABLE))) { table->file->print_error(error,MYF(0)); /* purecov: inspected */ table->db_stat=0; goto err; } statistic_increment(created_tmp_disk_tables, &LOCK_status); table->db_record_offset=1; DBUG_RETURN(0); err: DBUG_RETURN(1); } void free_tmp_table(THD *thd, TABLE *entry) { const char *save_proc_info; DBUG_ENTER("free_tmp_table"); DBUG_PRINT("enter",("table: %s",entry->table_name)); save_proc_info=thd->proc_info; thd->proc_info="removing tmp table"; if (entry->db_stat && entry->file) { (void) entry->file->close(); delete entry->file; } if (!(test_flags & TEST_KEEP_TMP_TABLES) || entry->db_type == DB_TYPE_HEAP) (void) ha_delete_table(entry->db_type,entry->real_name); /* free blobs */ for (Field **ptr=entry->field ; *ptr ; ptr++) delete *ptr; my_free((gptr) entry->record[0],MYF(0)); free_io_cache(entry); bitmap_clear_bit(&temp_pool, entry->temp_pool_slot); my_free((gptr) entry,MYF(0)); thd->proc_info=save_proc_info; DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /* * If a HEAP table gets full, create a MyISAM table and copy all rows to this */ bool create_myisam_from_heap(TABLE *table, TMP_TABLE_PARAM *param, int error, bool ignore_last_dupp_key_error) { TABLE new_table; const char *save_proc_info; THD *thd=current_thd; int write_err; DBUG_ENTER("create_myisam_from_heap"); if (table->db_type != DB_TYPE_HEAP || error != HA_ERR_RECORD_FILE_FULL) { table->file->print_error(error,MYF(0)); DBUG_RETURN(1); } new_table= *table; new_table.db_type=DB_TYPE_MYISAM; if (!(new_table.file=get_new_handler(&new_table,DB_TYPE_MYISAM))) DBUG_RETURN(1); // End of memory save_proc_info=thd->proc_info; thd->proc_info="converting HEAP to MyISAM"; if (create_myisam_tmp_table(&new_table,param, thd->lex.select_lex.options | thd->options)) goto err2; if (open_tmp_table(&new_table)) goto err1; table->file->index_end(); table->file->rnd_init(); if (table->no_rows) { new_table.file->extra(HA_EXTRA_NO_ROWS); new_table.no_rows=1; } /* copy all old rows */ while (!table->file->rnd_next(new_table.record[1])) { if ((write_err=new_table.file->write_row(new_table.record[1]))) goto err; } /* copy row that filled HEAP table */ if ((write_err=new_table.file->write_row(table->record[0]))) { if (write_err != HA_ERR_FOUND_DUPP_KEY && write_err != HA_ERR_FOUND_DUPP_UNIQUE || !ignore_last_dupp_key_error) goto err; } /* remove heap table and change to use myisam table */ (void) table->file->rnd_end(); (void) table->file->close(); (void) table->file->delete_table(table->real_name); delete table->file; table->file=0; *table =new_table; table->file->change_table_ptr(table); thd->proc_info= (!strcmp(save_proc_info,"Copying to tmp table") ? "Copying to tmp table on disk" : save_proc_info); DBUG_RETURN(0); err: DBUG_PRINT("error",("Got error: %d",write_err)); table->file->print_error(error,MYF(0)); // Give table is full error (void) table->file->rnd_end(); (void) new_table.file->close(); err1: new_table.file->delete_table(new_table.real_name); delete new_table.file; err2: thd->proc_info=save_proc_info; DBUG_RETURN(1); } /**************************************************************************** Make a join of all tables and write it on socket or to table Return: 0 if ok 1 if error is sent -1 if error should be sent ****************************************************************************/ static int do_select(JOIN *join,List *fields,TABLE *table,Procedure *procedure) { int error; JOIN_TAB *join_tab; int (*end_select)(JOIN *, struct st_join_table *,bool); DBUG_ENTER("do_select"); join->procedure=procedure; /* Tell the client how many fields there are in a row */ if (!table) join->result->send_fields(*fields,1); else { VOID(table->file->extra(HA_EXTRA_WRITE_CACHE)); empty_record(table); } join->tmp_table=table; /* Save for easy recursion */ join->fields= fields; /* Set up select_end */ if (table) { if (table->group && join->tmp_table_param.sum_func_count) { if (table->keys) { DBUG_PRINT("info",("Using end_update")); end_select=end_update; table->file->index_init(0); } else { DBUG_PRINT("info",("Using end_unique_update")); end_select=end_unique_update; } } else if (join->sort_and_group) { DBUG_PRINT("info",("Using end_write_group")); end_select=end_write_group; } else { DBUG_PRINT("info",("Using end_write")); end_select=end_write; } } else { if (join->sort_and_group || (join->procedure && join->procedure->flags & PROC_GROUP)) end_select=end_send_group; else end_select=end_send; } join->join_tab[join->tables-1].next_select=end_select; join_tab=join->join_tab+join->const_tables; join->send_records=0; if (join->tables == join->const_tables) { if (!(error=(*end_select)(join,join_tab,0)) || error == -3) error=(*end_select)(join,join_tab,1); } else { error=sub_select(join,join_tab,0); if (error >= 0) error=sub_select(join,join_tab,1); if (error == -3) error=0; /* select_limit used */ } /* Return 1 if error is sent; -1 if error should be sent */ if (error < 0) { join->result->send_error(0,NullS); /* purecov: inspected */ error=1; // Error sent } else { error=0; if (!table) // If sending data to client { join_free(join); // Unlock all cursors if (join->result->send_eof()) error= 1; // Don't send error } DBUG_PRINT("info",("%ld records output",join->send_records)); } if (table) { int old_error=error,tmp; if ((tmp=table->file->extra(HA_EXTRA_NO_CACHE))) { my_errno=tmp; error= -1; } if ((tmp=table->file->index_end())) { my_errno=tmp; error= -1; } if (error == -1) table->file->print_error(my_errno,MYF(0)); } DBUG_RETURN(error); } static int sub_select_cache(JOIN *join,JOIN_TAB *join_tab,bool end_of_records) { int error; if (end_of_records) { if ((error=flush_cached_records(join,join_tab,FALSE)) < 0) return error; /* purecov: inspected */ return sub_select(join,join_tab,end_of_records); } if (join->thd->killed) // If aborted by user { my_error(ER_SERVER_SHUTDOWN,MYF(0)); /* purecov: inspected */ return -2; /* purecov: inspected */ } if (join_tab->use_quick != 2 || test_if_quick_select(join_tab) <= 0) { if (!store_record_in_cache(&join_tab->cache)) return 0; // There is more room in cache return flush_cached_records(join,join_tab,FALSE); } if ((error=flush_cached_records(join,join_tab,TRUE)) < 0) return error; /* purecov: inspected */ return sub_select(join,join_tab,end_of_records); /* Use ordinary select */ } static int sub_select(JOIN *join,JOIN_TAB *join_tab,bool end_of_records) { join_tab->table->null_row=0; if (end_of_records) return (*join_tab->next_select)(join,join_tab+1,end_of_records); /* Cache variables for faster loop */ int error; bool found=0; COND *on_expr=join_tab->on_expr, *select_cond=join_tab->select_cond; if (!(error=(*join_tab->read_first_record)(join_tab))) { bool not_exists_optimize= join_tab->table->reginfo.not_exists_optimize; bool not_used_in_distinct=join_tab->not_used_in_distinct; ha_rows found_records=join->found_records; READ_RECORD *info= &join_tab->read_record; do { if (join->thd->killed) // Aborted by user { my_error(ER_SERVER_SHUTDOWN,MYF(0)); /* purecov: inspected */ return -2; /* purecov: inspected */ } join->examined_rows++; if (!on_expr || on_expr->val_int()) { found=1; if (not_exists_optimize) break; // Searching after not null columns if (!select_cond || select_cond->val_int()) { if ((error=(*join_tab->next_select)(join,join_tab+1,0)) < 0) return error; if (not_used_in_distinct && found_records != join->found_records) return 0; } else info->file->unlock_row(); } } while (!(error=info->read_record(info))); } if (error > 0) // Fatal error return -1; if (!found && on_expr) { // OUTER JOIN restore_record(join_tab->table,2); // Make empty record mark_as_null_row(join_tab->table); // For group by without error if (!select_cond || select_cond->val_int()) { if ((error=(*join_tab->next_select)(join,join_tab+1,0)) < 0) return error; /* purecov: inspected */ } } return 0; } static int flush_cached_records(JOIN *join,JOIN_TAB *join_tab,bool skipp_last) { int error; READ_RECORD *info; if (!join_tab->cache.records) return 0; /* Nothing to do */ if (skipp_last) (void) store_record_in_cache(&join_tab->cache); // Must save this for later if (join_tab->use_quick == 2) { if (join_tab->select->quick) { /* Used quick select last. reset it */ delete join_tab->select->quick; join_tab->select->quick=0; } } /* read through all records */ if ((error=join_init_read_record(join_tab))) { reset_cache(&join_tab->cache); join_tab->cache.records=0; join_tab->cache.ptr_record= (uint) ~0; return -error; /* No records or error */ } for (JOIN_TAB *tmp=join->join_tab; tmp != join_tab ; tmp++) { tmp->status=tmp->table->status; tmp->table->status=0; } info= &join_tab->read_record; do { if (join->thd->killed) { my_error(ER_SERVER_SHUTDOWN,MYF(0)); /* purecov: inspected */ return -2; // Aborted by user /* purecov: inspected */ } SQL_SELECT *select=join_tab->select; if (!error && (!join_tab->cache.select || !join_tab->cache.select->skipp_record())) { uint i; reset_cache(&join_tab->cache); for (i=(join_tab->cache.records- (skipp_last ? 1 : 0)) ; i-- > 0 ;) { read_cached_record(join_tab); if (!select || !select->skipp_record()) if ((error=(join_tab->next_select)(join,join_tab+1,0)) < 0) return error; /* purecov: inspected */ } } } while (!(error=info->read_record(info))); if (skipp_last) read_cached_record(join_tab); // Restore current record reset_cache(&join_tab->cache); join_tab->cache.records=0; join_tab->cache.ptr_record= (uint) ~0; if (error > 0) // Fatal error return -1; /* purecov: inspected */ for (JOIN_TAB *tmp2=join->join_tab; tmp2 != join_tab ; tmp2++) tmp2->table->status=tmp2->status; return 0; } /***************************************************************************** The different ways to read a record Returns -1 if row was not found, 0 if row was found and 1 on errors *****************************************************************************/ static int join_read_const_table(JOIN_TAB *tab, POSITION *pos) { int error; DBUG_ENTER("join_read_const_table"); TABLE *table=tab->table; table->const_table=1; table->null_row=0; table->status=STATUS_NO_RECORD; if (tab->type == JT_SYSTEM) { if ((error=join_read_system(tab))) { // Info for DESCRIBE tab->info="const row not found"; /* Mark for EXPLAIN that the row was not found */ pos->records_read=0.0; if (!table->outer_join || error > 0) DBUG_RETURN(error); } } else { if ((error=join_read_const(tab))) { tab->info="unique row not found"; /* Mark for EXPLAIN that the row was not found */ pos->records_read=0.0; if (!table->outer_join || error > 0) DBUG_RETURN(error); } } if (tab->on_expr && !table->null_row) { if ((table->null_row= test(tab->on_expr->val_int() == 0))) empty_record(table); } if (!table->null_row) table->maybe_null=0; DBUG_RETURN(0); } static int join_read_system(JOIN_TAB *tab) { TABLE *table= tab->table; int error; if (table->status & STATUS_GARBAGE) // If first read { if ((error=table->file->read_first_row(table->record[0], table->primary_key))) { if (error != HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE) { table->file->print_error(error,MYF(0)); return 1; } table->null_row=1; // This is ok. empty_record(table); // Make empty record return -1; } store_record(table,1); } else if (!table->status) // Only happens with left join restore_record(table,1); // restore old record table->null_row=0; return table->status ? -1 : 0; } static int join_read_const(JOIN_TAB *tab) { int error; TABLE *table= tab->table; if (table->status & STATUS_GARBAGE) // If first read { if (cp_buffer_from_ref(&tab->ref)) error=HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND; else { error=table->file->index_read_idx(table->record[0],tab->ref.key, (byte*) tab->ref.key_buff, tab->ref.key_length,HA_READ_KEY_EXACT); } if (error) { table->null_row=1; empty_record(table); if (error != HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND) { sql_print_error("read_const: Got error %d when reading table %s", error, table->path); table->file->print_error(error,MYF(0)); return 1; } return -1; } store_record(table,1); } else if (!(table->status & ~STATUS_NULL_ROW)) // Only happens with left join { table->status=0; restore_record(table,1); // restore old record } table->null_row=0; return table->status ? -1 : 0; } static int join_read_key(JOIN_TAB *tab) { int error; TABLE *table= tab->table; if (cmp_buffer_with_ref(tab) || (table->status & (STATUS_GARBAGE | STATUS_NO_PARENT | STATUS_NULL_ROW))) { if (tab->ref.key_err) { table->status=STATUS_NOT_FOUND; return -1; } error=table->file->index_read(table->record[0], tab->ref.key_buff, tab->ref.key_length,HA_READ_KEY_EXACT); if (error && error != HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND) { sql_print_error("read_key: Got error %d when reading table '%s'",error, table->path); table->file->print_error(error,MYF(0)); return 1; } } table->null_row=0; return table->status ? -1 : 0; } static int join_read_always_key(JOIN_TAB *tab) { int error; TABLE *table= tab->table; if (cp_buffer_from_ref(&tab->ref)) return -1; if ((error=table->file->index_read(table->record[0], tab->ref.key_buff, tab->ref.key_length,HA_READ_KEY_EXACT))) { if (error != HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND) { sql_print_error("read_const: Got error %d when reading table %s",error, table->path); table->file->print_error(error,MYF(0)); return 1; } return -1; /* purecov: inspected */ } return 0; } /* This function is used when optimizing away ORDER BY in SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a=1 ORDER BY a DESC,b DESC */ static int join_read_last_key(JOIN_TAB *tab) { int error; TABLE *table= tab->table; if (cp_buffer_from_ref(&tab->ref)) return -1; if ((error=table->file->index_read_last(table->record[0], tab->ref.key_buff, tab->ref.key_length))) { if (error != HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND) { sql_print_error("read_const: Got error %d when reading table %s",error, table->path); table->file->print_error(error,MYF(0)); return 1; } return -1; /* purecov: inspected */ } return 0; } /* ARGSUSED */ static int join_no_more_records(READ_RECORD *info __attribute__((unused))) { return -1; } static int join_read_next_same(READ_RECORD *info) { int error; TABLE *table= info->table; JOIN_TAB *tab=table->reginfo.join_tab; if ((error=table->file->index_next_same(table->record[0], tab->ref.key_buff, tab->ref.key_length))) { if (error != HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE) { sql_print_error("read_next: Got error %d when reading table %s",error, table->path); table->file->print_error(error,MYF(0)); return 1; } table->status= STATUS_GARBAGE; return -1; } return 0; } static int join_read_prev_same(READ_RECORD *info) { int error; TABLE *table= info->table; JOIN_TAB *tab=table->reginfo.join_tab; if ((error=table->file->index_prev(table->record[0]))) { if (error != HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE) { sql_print_error("read_next: Got error %d when reading table %s",error, table->path); table->file->print_error(error,MYF(0)); error= 1; } else { table->status= STATUS_GARBAGE; error= -1; } } else if (key_cmp(table, tab->ref.key_buff, tab->ref.key, tab->ref.key_length)) { table->status=STATUS_NOT_FOUND; error= -1; } return error; } static int join_init_quick_read_record(JOIN_TAB *tab) { if (test_if_quick_select(tab) == -1) return -1; /* No possible records */ return join_init_read_record(tab); } static int test_if_quick_select(JOIN_TAB *tab) { delete tab->select->quick; tab->select->quick=0; return tab->select->test_quick_select(tab->keys,(table_map) 0,HA_POS_ERROR); } static int join_init_read_record(JOIN_TAB *tab) { if (tab->select && tab->select->quick) tab->select->quick->reset(); init_read_record(&tab->read_record, tab->join->thd, tab->table, tab->select,1,1); return (*tab->read_record.read_record)(&tab->read_record); } static int join_read_first(JOIN_TAB *tab) { int error; TABLE *table=tab->table; if (!table->key_read && (table->used_keys & ((key_map) 1 << tab->index)) && !table->no_keyread) { table->key_read=1; table->file->extra(HA_EXTRA_KEYREAD); } tab->table->status=0; tab->read_record.read_record=join_read_next; tab->read_record.table=table; tab->read_record.file=table->file; tab->read_record.index=tab->index; tab->read_record.record=table->record[0]; error=tab->table->file->index_first(tab->table->record[0]); if (error) { if (error != HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND && error != HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE) { sql_print_error("read_first_with_key: Got error %d when reading table", error); table->file->print_error(error,MYF(0)); return 1; } return -1; } return 0; } static int join_read_next(READ_RECORD *info) { int error=info->file->index_next(info->record); if (error) { if (error != HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE) { sql_print_error("read_next_with_key: Got error %d when reading table %s", error, info->table->path); info->file->print_error(error,MYF(0)); return 1; } return -1; } return 0; } static int join_read_last(JOIN_TAB *tab) { TABLE *table=tab->table; int error; if (!table->key_read && (table->used_keys & ((key_map) 1 << tab->index))) { table->key_read=1; table->file->extra(HA_EXTRA_KEYREAD); } tab->table->status=0; tab->read_record.read_record=join_read_prev; tab->read_record.table=table; tab->read_record.file=table->file; tab->read_record.index=tab->index; tab->read_record.record=table->record[0]; error=tab->table->file->index_last(tab->table->record[0]); if (error) { if (error != HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE) { sql_print_error("read_last_with_key: Got error %d when reading table", error, table->path); table->file->print_error(error,MYF(0)); return 1; } return -1; } return 0; } static int join_read_prev(READ_RECORD *info) { int error=info->file->index_prev(info->record); if (error) { if (error != HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE) { sql_print_error("read_prev_with_key: Got error %d when reading table: %s", error,info->table->path); info->file->print_error(error,MYF(0)); return 1; } return -1; } return 0; } static int join_ft_read_first(JOIN_TAB *tab) { int error; TABLE *table= tab->table; #if NOT_USED_YET if (cp_buffer_from_ref(&tab->ref)) // as ft-key doesn't use store_key's return -1; // see also FT_SELECT::init() #endif table->file->ft_init(); error=table->file->ft_read(table->record[0]); if (error) { if (error != HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE) { sql_print_error("ft_read_first: Got error %d when reading table %s", error, table->path); table->file->print_error(error,MYF(0)); return 1; } return -1; } return 0; } static int join_ft_read_next(READ_RECORD *info) { int error=info->file->ft_read(info->table->record[0]); if (error) { if (error != HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE) { sql_print_error("ft_read_next: Got error %d when reading table %s", error, info->table->path); info->file->print_error(error,MYF(0)); return 1; } return -1; } return 0; } /***************************************************************************** The different end of select functions These functions returns < 0 when end is reached, 0 on ok and > 0 if a fatal error (like table corruption) was detected *****************************************************************************/ /* ARGSUSED */ static int end_send(JOIN *join, JOIN_TAB *join_tab __attribute__((unused)), bool end_of_records) { DBUG_ENTER("end_send"); if (!end_of_records) { int error; if (join->having && join->having->val_int() == 0) DBUG_RETURN(0); // Didn't match having error=0; if (join->procedure) error=join->procedure->send_row(*join->fields); else if (join->do_send_rows) error=join->result->send_data(*join->fields); if (error) DBUG_RETURN(-1); /* purecov: inspected */ if (++join->send_records >= join->thd->select_limit && join->do_send_rows) { if (join->select_options & OPTION_FOUND_ROWS) { JOIN_TAB *jt=join->join_tab; if ((join->tables == 1) && !join->tmp_table && !join->sort_and_group && !join->send_group_parts && !join->having && !jt->select_cond && !(jt->select && jt->select->quick) && !(jt->table->file->table_flags() & HA_NOT_EXACT_COUNT)) { /* Join over all rows in table; Return number of found rows */ TABLE *table=jt->table; join->select_options ^= OPTION_FOUND_ROWS; if (table->record_pointers || (table->io_cache && my_b_inited(table->io_cache))) { /* Using filesort */ join->send_records= table->found_records; } else { table->file->info(HA_STATUS_VARIABLE); join->send_records = table->file->records; } } else { join->do_send_rows=0; join->thd->select_limit = HA_POS_ERROR; DBUG_RETURN(0); } } DBUG_RETURN(-3); // Abort nicely } } else { if (join->procedure && join->procedure->end_of_records()) DBUG_RETURN(-1); } DBUG_RETURN(0); } /* ARGSUSED */ static int end_send_group(JOIN *join, JOIN_TAB *join_tab __attribute__((unused)), bool end_of_records) { int idx= -1; DBUG_ENTER("end_send_group"); if (!join->first_record || end_of_records || (idx=test_if_group_changed(join->group_fields)) >= 0) { if (join->first_record || (end_of_records && !join->group)) { if (join->procedure) join->procedure->end_group(); if (idx < (int) join->send_group_parts) { int error=0; if (join->procedure) { if (join->having && join->having->val_int() == 0) error= -1; // Didn't satisfy having else if (join->do_send_rows) error=join->procedure->send_row(*join->fields) ? 1 : 0; if (end_of_records && join->procedure->end_of_records()) error= 1; // Fatal error } else { if (!join->first_record) { /* No matching rows for group function */ clear_tables(join); copy_fields(&join->tmp_table_param); } if (join->having && join->having->val_int() == 0) error= -1; // Didn't satisfy having else if (join->do_send_rows) error=join->result->send_data(*join->fields) ? 1 : 0; } if (error > 0) DBUG_RETURN(-1); /* purecov: inspected */ if (end_of_records) { join->send_records++; DBUG_RETURN(0); } if (!error && ++join->send_records >= join->thd->select_limit && join->do_send_rows) { if (!(join->select_options & OPTION_FOUND_ROWS)) DBUG_RETURN(-3); // Abort nicely join->do_send_rows=0; join->thd->select_limit = HA_POS_ERROR; } } } else { if (end_of_records) DBUG_RETURN(0); join->first_record=1; VOID(test_if_group_changed(join->group_fields)); } if (idx < (int) join->send_group_parts) { copy_fields(&join->tmp_table_param); init_sum_functions(join->sum_funcs); if (join->procedure) join->procedure->add(); DBUG_RETURN(0); } } if (update_sum_func(join->sum_funcs)) DBUG_RETURN(-1); if (join->procedure) join->procedure->add(); DBUG_RETURN(0); } /* ARGSUSED */ static int end_write(JOIN *join, JOIN_TAB *join_tab __attribute__((unused)), bool end_of_records) { TABLE *table=join->tmp_table; int error; DBUG_ENTER("end_write"); if (join->thd->killed) // Aborted by user { my_error(ER_SERVER_SHUTDOWN,MYF(0)); /* purecov: inspected */ DBUG_RETURN(-2); /* purecov: inspected */ } if (!end_of_records) { copy_fields(&join->tmp_table_param); copy_funcs(join->tmp_table_param.funcs); #ifdef TO_BE_DELETED if (!table->uniques) // If not unique handling { /* Copy null values from group to row */ ORDER *group; for (group=table->group ; group ; group=group->next) { Item *item= *group->item; if (item->maybe_null) { Field *field=item->tmp_table_field(); field->ptr[-1]= (byte) (field->is_null() ? 1 : 0); } } } #endif if (!join->having || join->having->val_int()) { join->found_records++; if ((error=table->file->write_row(table->record[0]))) { if (error == HA_ERR_FOUND_DUPP_KEY || error == HA_ERR_FOUND_DUPP_UNIQUE) goto end; if (create_myisam_from_heap(table, &join->tmp_table_param, error,1)) DBUG_RETURN(1); // Not a table_is_full error table->uniques=0; // To ensure rows are the same } if (++join->send_records >= join->tmp_table_param.end_write_records && join->do_send_rows) { if (!(join->select_options & OPTION_FOUND_ROWS)) DBUG_RETURN(-3); join->do_send_rows=0; join->thd->select_limit = HA_POS_ERROR; DBUG_RETURN(0); } } } end: DBUG_RETURN(0); } /* Group by searching after group record and updating it if possible */ /* ARGSUSED */ static int end_update(JOIN *join, JOIN_TAB *join_tab __attribute__((unused)), bool end_of_records) { TABLE *table=join->tmp_table; ORDER *group; int error; DBUG_ENTER("end_update"); if (end_of_records) DBUG_RETURN(0); if (join->thd->killed) // Aborted by user { my_error(ER_SERVER_SHUTDOWN,MYF(0)); /* purecov: inspected */ DBUG_RETURN(-2); /* purecov: inspected */ } join->found_records++; copy_fields(&join->tmp_table_param); // Groups are copied twice. /* Make a key of group index */ for (group=table->group ; group ; group=group->next) { Item *item= *group->item; item->save_org_in_field(group->field); /* Store in the used key if the field was 0 */ if (item->maybe_null) group->buff[-1]=item->null_value ? 1 : 0; } // table->file->index_init(0); if (!table->file->index_read(table->record[1], join->tmp_table_param.group_buff,0, HA_READ_KEY_EXACT)) { /* Update old record */ restore_record(table,1); update_tmptable_sum_func(join->sum_funcs,table); if ((error=table->file->update_row(table->record[1], table->record[0]))) { table->file->print_error(error,MYF(0)); /* purecov: inspected */ DBUG_RETURN(-1); /* purecov: inspected */ } DBUG_RETURN(0); } /* The null bits are already set */ KEY_PART_INFO *key_part; for (group=table->group,key_part=table->key_info[0].key_part; group ; group=group->next,key_part++) memcpy(table->record[0]+key_part->offset, group->buff, key_part->length); init_tmptable_sum_functions(join->sum_funcs); copy_funcs(join->tmp_table_param.funcs); if ((error=table->file->write_row(table->record[0]))) { if (create_myisam_from_heap(table, &join->tmp_table_param, error, 0)) DBUG_RETURN(-1); // Not a table_is_full error /* Change method to update rows */ table->file->index_init(0); join->join_tab[join->tables-1].next_select=end_unique_update; } join->send_records++; DBUG_RETURN(0); } /* Like end_update, but this is done with unique constraints instead of keys */ static int end_unique_update(JOIN *join, JOIN_TAB *join_tab __attribute__((unused)), bool end_of_records) { TABLE *table=join->tmp_table; int error; DBUG_ENTER("end_unique_update"); if (end_of_records) DBUG_RETURN(0); if (join->thd->killed) // Aborted by user { my_error(ER_SERVER_SHUTDOWN,MYF(0)); /* purecov: inspected */ DBUG_RETURN(-2); /* purecov: inspected */ } init_tmptable_sum_functions(join->sum_funcs); copy_fields(&join->tmp_table_param); // Groups are copied twice. copy_funcs(join->tmp_table_param.funcs); if (!(error=table->file->write_row(table->record[0]))) join->send_records++; // New group else { if ((int) table->file->get_dup_key(error) < 0) { table->file->print_error(error,MYF(0)); /* purecov: inspected */ DBUG_RETURN(-1); /* purecov: inspected */ } if (table->file->rnd_pos(table->record[1],table->file->dupp_ref)) { table->file->print_error(error,MYF(0)); /* purecov: inspected */ DBUG_RETURN(-1); /* purecov: inspected */ } restore_record(table,1); update_tmptable_sum_func(join->sum_funcs,table); if ((error=table->file->update_row(table->record[1], table->record[0]))) { table->file->print_error(error,MYF(0)); /* purecov: inspected */ DBUG_RETURN(-1); /* purecov: inspected */ } } DBUG_RETURN(0); } /* ARGSUSED */ static int end_write_group(JOIN *join, JOIN_TAB *join_tab __attribute__((unused)), bool end_of_records) { TABLE *table=join->tmp_table; int error; int idx= -1; DBUG_ENTER("end_write_group"); if (join->thd->killed) { // Aborted by user my_error(ER_SERVER_SHUTDOWN,MYF(0)); /* purecov: inspected */ DBUG_RETURN(-2); /* purecov: inspected */ } if (!join->first_record || end_of_records || (idx=test_if_group_changed(join->group_fields)) >= 0) { if (join->first_record || (end_of_records && !join->group)) { if (join->procedure) join->procedure->end_group(); if (idx < (int) join->send_group_parts) { if (!join->first_record) { /* No matching rows for group function */ clear_tables(join); copy_fields(&join->tmp_table_param); } copy_sum_funcs(join->sum_funcs); if (!join->having || join->having->val_int()) { if ((error=table->file->write_row(table->record[0]))) { if (create_myisam_from_heap(table, &join->tmp_table_param, error, 0)) DBUG_RETURN(1); // Not a table_is_full error } else join->send_records++; } if (end_of_records) DBUG_RETURN(0); } } else { join->first_record=1; VOID(test_if_group_changed(join->group_fields)); } if (idx < (int) join->send_group_parts) { copy_fields(&join->tmp_table_param); copy_funcs(join->tmp_table_param.funcs); init_sum_functions(join->sum_funcs); if (join->procedure) join->procedure->add(); DBUG_RETURN(0); } } if (update_sum_func(join->sum_funcs)) DBUG_RETURN(-1); if (join->procedure) join->procedure->add(); DBUG_RETURN(0); } /***************************************************************************** Remove calculation with tables that aren't yet read. Remove also tests against fields that are read through key where the table is not a outer join table. We can't remove tests that are made against columns which are stored in sorted order. *****************************************************************************/ /* Return 1 if right_item is used removable reference key on left_item */ static bool test_if_ref(Item_field *left_item,Item *right_item) { Field *field=left_item->field; // No need to change const test. We also have to keep tests on LEFT JOIN if (!field->table->const_table && !field->table->maybe_null) { Item *ref_item=part_of_refkey(field->table,field); if (ref_item && ref_item->eq(right_item,1)) { if (right_item->type() == Item::FIELD_ITEM) return (field->eq_def(((Item_field *) right_item)->field)); if (right_item->const_item() && !(right_item->is_null())) { /* We can remove binary fields and numerical fields except float, as float comparison isn't 100 % secure */ if (field->binary() && (field->type() != FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT || field->decimals() == 0)) { return !store_val_in_field(field,right_item); } } } } return 0; // keep test } static COND * make_cond_for_table(COND *cond,table_map tables,table_map used_table) { if (used_table && !(cond->used_tables() & used_table)) return (COND*) 0; // Already checked if (cond->type() == Item::COND_ITEM) { if (((Item_cond*) cond)->functype() == Item_func::COND_AND_FUNC) { Item_cond_and *new_cond=new Item_cond_and; if (!new_cond) return (COND*) 0; // OOM /* purecov: inspected */ List_iterator li(*((Item_cond*) cond)->argument_list()); Item *item; while ((item=li++)) { Item *fix=make_cond_for_table(item,tables,used_table); if (fix) new_cond->argument_list()->push_back(fix); } switch (new_cond->argument_list()->elements) { case 0: return (COND*) 0; // Always true case 1: return new_cond->argument_list()->head(); default: new_cond->used_tables_cache=((Item_cond*) cond)->used_tables_cache & tables; return new_cond; } } else { // Or list Item_cond_or *new_cond=new Item_cond_or; if (!new_cond) return (COND*) 0; // OOM /* purecov: inspected */ List_iterator li(*((Item_cond*) cond)->argument_list()); Item *item; while ((item=li++)) { Item *fix=make_cond_for_table(item,tables,0L); if (!fix) return (COND*) 0; // Always true new_cond->argument_list()->push_back(fix); } new_cond->used_tables_cache=((Item_cond_or*) cond)->used_tables_cache; return new_cond; } } /* Because the following test takes a while and it can be done table_count times, we mark each item that we have examined with the result of the test */ if (cond->marker == 3 || (cond->used_tables() & ~tables)) return (COND*) 0; // Can't check this yet if (cond->marker == 2 || cond->eq_cmp_result() == Item::COND_OK) return cond; // Not boolean op if (((Item_func*) cond)->functype() == Item_func::EQ_FUNC) { Item *left_item= ((Item_func*) cond)->arguments()[0]; Item *right_item= ((Item_func*) cond)->arguments()[1]; if (left_item->type() == Item::FIELD_ITEM && test_if_ref((Item_field*) left_item,right_item)) { cond->marker=3; // Checked when read return (COND*) 0; } if (right_item->type() == Item::FIELD_ITEM && test_if_ref((Item_field*) right_item,left_item)) { cond->marker=3; // Checked when read return (COND*) 0; } } cond->marker=2; return cond; } static Item * part_of_refkey(TABLE *table,Field *field) { uint ref_parts=table->reginfo.join_tab->ref.key_parts; if (ref_parts) { KEY_PART_INFO *key_part= table->key_info[table->reginfo.join_tab->ref.key].key_part; for (uint part=0 ; part < ref_parts ; part++,key_part++) if (field->eq(key_part->field) && !(key_part->key_part_flag & HA_PART_KEY)) return table->reginfo.join_tab->ref.items[part]; } return (Item*) 0; } /***************************************************************************** Test if one can use the key to resolve ORDER BY Returns: 1 if key is ok. 0 if key can't be used -1 if reverse key can be used used_key_parts is set to key parts used if length != 0 *****************************************************************************/ static int test_if_order_by_key(ORDER *order, TABLE *table, uint idx, uint *used_key_parts) { KEY_PART_INFO *key_part,*key_part_end; key_part=table->key_info[idx].key_part; key_part_end=key_part+table->key_info[idx].key_parts; key_part_map const_key_parts=table->const_key_parts[idx]; int reverse=0; for (; order ; order=order->next, const_key_parts>>=1) { Field *field=((Item_field*) (*order->item))->field; int flag; /* Skip key parts that are constants in the WHERE clause. These are already skipped in the ORDER BY by const_expression_in_where() */ while (const_key_parts & 1) { key_part++; const_key_parts>>=1; } if (key_part == key_part_end || key_part->field != field) return 0; /* set flag to 1 if we can use read-next on key, else to -1 */ flag=(order->asc == !(key_part->key_part_flag & HA_REVERSE_SORT)) ? 1 : -1; if (reverse && flag != reverse) return 0; reverse=flag; // Remember if reverse key_part++; } *used_key_parts= (uint) (key_part - table->key_info[idx].key_part); return reverse; } static uint find_shortest_key(TABLE *table, key_map usable_keys) { uint min_length= (uint) ~0; uint best= MAX_KEY; for (uint nr=0; usable_keys ; usable_keys>>=1, nr++) { if (usable_keys & 1) { if (table->key_info[nr].key_length < min_length) { min_length=table->key_info[nr].key_length; best=nr; } } } return best; } /* Test if we can skip the ORDER BY by using an index. If we can use an index, the JOIN_TAB / tab->select struct is changed to use the index. Return: 0 We have to use filesort to do the sorting 1 We can use an index. */ static bool test_if_skip_sort_order(JOIN_TAB *tab,ORDER *order,ha_rows select_limit, bool no_changes) { int ref_key; TABLE *table=tab->table; SQL_SELECT *select=tab->select; key_map usable_keys; DBUG_ENTER("test_if_skip_sort_order"); /* Check which keys can be used to resolve ORDER BY */ usable_keys= ~(key_map) 0; for (ORDER *tmp_order=order; tmp_order ; tmp_order=tmp_order->next) { if ((*tmp_order->item)->type() != Item::FIELD_ITEM) { usable_keys=0; break; } usable_keys&=((Item_field*) (*tmp_order->item))->field->part_of_sortkey; } ref_key= -1; if (tab->ref.key >= 0) // Constant range in WHERE ref_key=tab->ref.key; else if (select && select->quick) // Range found by opt_range ref_key=select->quick->index; if (ref_key >= 0) { /* We come here when there is a REF key. */ int order_direction; uint used_key_parts; /* Check if we get the rows in requested sorted order by using the key */ if ((usable_keys & ((key_map) 1 << ref_key)) && (order_direction = test_if_order_by_key(order,table,ref_key, &used_key_parts))) { if (order_direction == -1) // If ORDER BY ... DESC { if (select && select->quick) { /* Don't reverse the sort order, if it's already done. (In some cases test_if_order_by_key() can be called multiple times */ if (!select->quick->reverse_sorted()) { // ORDER BY range_key DESC QUICK_SELECT_DESC *tmp=new QUICK_SELECT_DESC(select->quick, used_key_parts); if (!tmp || tmp->error) { delete tmp; DBUG_RETURN(0); // Reverse sort not supported } select->quick=tmp; } DBUG_RETURN(1); } if (tab->ref.key_parts < used_key_parts) { /* SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a=1 ORDER BY a DESC,b DESC Use a traversal function that starts by reading the last row with key part (A) and then traverse the index backwards. */ if (table->file->table_flags() & HA_NOT_READ_PREFIX_LAST) DBUG_RETURN(1); tab->read_first_record= join_read_last_key; tab->read_record.read_record= join_read_prev_same; /* fall through */ } } DBUG_RETURN(1); /* No need to sort */ } } else { /* check if we can use a key to resolve the group */ /* Tables using JT_NEXT are handled here */ uint nr; key_map keys=usable_keys; /* If not used with LIMIT, only use keys if the whole query can be resolved with a key; This is because filesort() is usually faster than retrieving all rows through an index. */ if (select_limit >= table->file->records) keys&= (table->used_keys | table->file->keys_to_use_for_scanning()); for (nr=0; keys ; keys>>=1, nr++) { uint not_used; if (keys & 1) { int flag; if ((flag=test_if_order_by_key(order, table, nr, ¬_used))) { if (!no_changes) { tab->index=nr; tab->read_first_record= (flag > 0 ? join_read_first: join_read_last); table->file->index_init(nr); tab->type=JT_NEXT; // Read with index_first(), index_next() if (table->used_keys & ((key_map) 1 << nr)) { table->key_read=1; table->file->extra(HA_EXTRA_KEYREAD); } } DBUG_RETURN(1); } } } } DBUG_RETURN(0); // Can't use index. } /***************************************************************************** If not selecting by given key, create an index how records should be read return: 0 ok -1 some fatal error 1 no records *****************************************************************************/ static int create_sort_index(JOIN_TAB *tab,ORDER *order,ha_rows select_limit) { SORT_FIELD *sortorder; uint length; ha_rows examined_rows; TABLE *table=tab->table; SQL_SELECT *select=tab->select; DBUG_ENTER("create_sort_index"); if (test_if_skip_sort_order(tab,order,select_limit,0)) DBUG_RETURN(0); if (!(sortorder=make_unireg_sortorder(order,&length))) goto err; /* purecov: inspected */ /* It's not fatal if the following alloc fails */ table->io_cache=(IO_CACHE*) my_malloc(sizeof(IO_CACHE), MYF(MY_WME | MY_ZEROFILL)); table->status=0; // May be wrong if quick_select // If table has a range, move it to select if (select && !select->quick && tab->ref.key >= 0) { if (tab->quick) { select->quick=tab->quick; tab->quick=0; /* We can only use 'Only index' if quick key is same as ref_key */ if (table->key_read && (uint) tab->ref.key != select->quick->index) { table->key_read=0; table->file->extra(HA_EXTRA_NO_KEYREAD); } } else { /* We have a ref on a const; Change this to a range that filesort can use. */ if (!(select->quick=get_ft_or_quick_select_for_ref(table, tab))) goto err; } } if (table->tmp_table) table->file->info(HA_STATUS_VARIABLE); // Get record count table->found_records=filesort(table,sortorder,length, select, 0L, select_limit, &examined_rows); tab->records=table->found_records; // For SQL_CALC_ROWS delete select; // filesort did select tab->select=0; tab->select_cond=0; tab->type=JT_ALL; // Read with normal read_record tab->read_first_record= join_init_read_record; tab->join->examined_rows+=examined_rows; if (table->key_read) // Restore if we used indexes { table->key_read=0; table->file->extra(HA_EXTRA_NO_KEYREAD); } DBUG_RETURN(table->found_records == HA_POS_ERROR); err: DBUG_RETURN(-1); } /* Add the HAVING criteria to table->select */ #ifdef NOT_YET static bool fix_having(JOIN *join, Item **having) { (*having)->update_used_tables(); // Some tables may have been const JOIN_TAB *table=&join->join_tab[join->const_tables]; table_map used_tables= join->const_table_map | table->table->map; DBUG_EXECUTE("where",print_where(*having,"having");); Item* sort_table_cond=make_cond_for_table(*having,used_tables,used_tables); if (sort_table_cond) { if (!table->select) if (!(table->select=new SQL_SELECT)) return 1; if (!table->select->cond) table->select->cond=sort_table_cond; else // This should never happen if (!(table->select->cond=new Item_cond_and(table->select->cond, sort_table_cond))) return 1; table->select_cond=table->select->cond; DBUG_EXECUTE("where",print_where(table->select_cond, "select and having");); *having=make_cond_for_table(*having,~ (table_map) 0,~used_tables); DBUG_EXECUTE("where",print_where(*having,"having after make_cond");); } return 0; } #endif /***************************************************************************** Remove duplicates from tmp table This should be recoded to add a unique index to the table and remove duplicates Table is a locked single thread table fields is the number of fields to check (from the end) *****************************************************************************/ static bool compare_record(TABLE *table, Field **ptr) { for (; *ptr ; ptr++) { if ((*ptr)->cmp_offset(table->rec_buff_length)) return 1; } return 0; } static bool copy_blobs(Field **ptr) { for (; *ptr ; ptr++) { if ((*ptr)->flags & BLOB_FLAG) if (((Field_blob *) (*ptr))->copy()) return 1; // Error } return 0; } static void free_blobs(Field **ptr) { for (; *ptr ; ptr++) { if ((*ptr)->flags & BLOB_FLAG) ((Field_blob *) (*ptr))->free(); } } static int remove_duplicates(JOIN *join, TABLE *entry,List &fields, Item *having) { int error; ulong reclength,offset; uint field_count; DBUG_ENTER("remove_duplicates"); entry->reginfo.lock_type=TL_WRITE; /* Calculate how many saved fields there is in list */ field_count=0; List_iterator it(fields); Item *item; while ((item=it++)) { if (item->tmp_table_field() && ! item->const_item()) field_count++; } if (!field_count) { // only const items join->thd->select_limit=1; // Only send first row DBUG_RETURN(0); } Field **first_field=entry->field+entry->fields - field_count; offset=entry->field[entry->fields - field_count]->offset(); reclength=entry->reclength-offset; free_io_cache(entry); // Safety entry->file->info(HA_STATUS_VARIABLE); if (entry->db_type == DB_TYPE_HEAP || (!entry->blob_fields && ((ALIGN_SIZE(reclength) +sizeof(HASH_LINK)) * entry->file->records < sortbuff_size))) error=remove_dup_with_hash_index(join->thd, entry, field_count, first_field, reclength, having); else error=remove_dup_with_compare(join->thd, entry, first_field, offset, having); free_blobs(first_field); DBUG_RETURN(error); } static int remove_dup_with_compare(THD *thd, TABLE *table, Field **first_field, ulong offset, Item *having) { handler *file=table->file; char *org_record,*new_record; byte *record; int error; ulong reclength=table->reclength-offset; DBUG_ENTER("remove_dup_with_compare"); org_record=(char*) (record=table->record[0])+offset; new_record=(char*) table->record[1]+offset; file->rnd_init(); error=file->rnd_next(record); for (;;) { if (thd->killed) { my_error(ER_SERVER_SHUTDOWN,MYF(0)); error=0; goto err; } if (error) { if (error == HA_ERR_RECORD_DELETED) continue; if (error == HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE) break; goto err; } if (having && !having->val_int()) { if ((error=file->delete_row(record))) goto err; error=file->rnd_next(record); continue; } if (copy_blobs(first_field)) { my_error(ER_OUT_OF_SORTMEMORY,MYF(0)); error=0; goto err; } memcpy(new_record,org_record,reclength); /* Read through rest of file and mark duplicated rows deleted */ bool found=0; for (;;) { if ((error=file->rnd_next(record))) { if (error == HA_ERR_RECORD_DELETED) continue; if (error == HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE) break; goto err; } if (compare_record(table, first_field) == 0) { if ((error=file->delete_row(record))) goto err; } else if (!found) { found=1; file->position(record); // Remember position } } if (!found) break; // End of file /* Restart search on next row */ error=file->restart_rnd_next(record,file->ref); } file->extra(HA_EXTRA_NO_CACHE); DBUG_RETURN(0); err: file->extra(HA_EXTRA_NO_CACHE); if (error) file->print_error(error,MYF(0)); DBUG_RETURN(1); } /* Generate a hash index for each row to quickly find duplicate rows Note that this will not work on tables with blobs! */ static int remove_dup_with_hash_index(THD *thd, TABLE *table, uint field_count, Field **first_field, ulong key_length, Item *having) { byte *key_buffer, *key_pos, *record=table->record[0]; int error; handler *file=table->file; ulong extra_length=ALIGN_SIZE(key_length)-key_length; uint *field_lengths,*field_length; HASH hash; DBUG_ENTER("remove_dup_with_hash_index"); if (!my_multi_malloc(MYF(MY_WME), &key_buffer, (uint) ((key_length + extra_length) * (long) file->records), &field_lengths, (uint) (field_count*sizeof(*field_lengths)), NullS)) DBUG_RETURN(1); if (hash_init(&hash, (uint) file->records, 0, key_length, (hash_get_key) 0, 0, 0)) { my_free((char*) key_buffer,MYF(0)); DBUG_RETURN(1); } { Field **ptr; for (ptr= first_field, field_length=field_lengths ; *ptr ; ptr++) (*field_length++)= (*ptr)->pack_length(); } file->rnd_init(); key_pos=key_buffer; for (;;) { if (thd->killed) { my_error(ER_SERVER_SHUTDOWN,MYF(0)); error=0; goto err; } if ((error=file->rnd_next(record))) { if (error == HA_ERR_RECORD_DELETED) continue; if (error == HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE) break; goto err; } if (having && !having->val_int()) { if ((error=file->delete_row(record))) goto err; continue; } /* copy fields to key buffer */ field_length=field_lengths; for (Field **ptr= first_field ; *ptr ; ptr++) { (*ptr)->sort_string((char*) key_pos,*field_length); key_pos+= *field_length++; } /* Check if it exists before */ if (hash_search(&hash,key_pos-key_length,key_length)) { /* Duplicated found ; Remove the row */ if ((error=file->delete_row(record))) goto err; } else (void) hash_insert(&hash, key_pos-key_length); key_pos+=extra_length; } my_free((char*) key_buffer,MYF(0)); hash_free(&hash); file->extra(HA_EXTRA_NO_CACHE); (void) file->rnd_end(); DBUG_RETURN(0); err: my_free((char*) key_buffer,MYF(0)); hash_free(&hash); file->extra(HA_EXTRA_NO_CACHE); (void) file->rnd_end(); if (error) file->print_error(error,MYF(0)); DBUG_RETURN(1); } SORT_FIELD *make_unireg_sortorder(ORDER *order, uint *length) { uint count; SORT_FIELD *sort,*pos; DBUG_ENTER("make_unireg_sortorder"); count=0; for (ORDER *tmp = order; tmp; tmp=tmp->next) count++; pos=sort=(SORT_FIELD*) sql_alloc(sizeof(SORT_FIELD)*(count+1)); if (!pos) return 0; for (;order;order=order->next,pos++) { pos->field=0; pos->item=0; if (order->item[0]->type() == Item::FIELD_ITEM) pos->field= ((Item_field*) (*order->item))->field; else if (order->item[0]->type() == Item::SUM_FUNC_ITEM && !order->item[0]->const_item()) pos->field= ((Item_sum*) order->item[0])->tmp_table_field(); else if (order->item[0]->type() == Item::COPY_STR_ITEM) { // Blob patch pos->item= ((Item_copy_string*) (*order->item))->item; } else pos->item= *order->item; pos->reverse=! order->asc; } *length=count; DBUG_RETURN(sort); } /***************************************************************************** Fill join cache with packed records Records are stored in tab->cache.buffer and last record in last record is stored with pointers to blobs to support very big records ******************************************************************************/ static int join_init_cache(THD *thd,JOIN_TAB *tables,uint table_count) { reg1 uint i; uint length,blobs,size; CACHE_FIELD *copy,**blob_ptr; JOIN_CACHE *cache; JOIN_TAB *join_tab; DBUG_ENTER("join_init_cache"); cache= &tables[table_count].cache; cache->fields=blobs=0; join_tab=tables; for (i=0 ; i < table_count ; i++,join_tab++) { if (!join_tab->used_fieldlength) /* Not calced yet */ calc_used_field_length(thd, join_tab); cache->fields+=join_tab->used_fields; blobs+=join_tab->used_blobs; } if (!(cache->field=(CACHE_FIELD*) sql_alloc(sizeof(CACHE_FIELD)*(cache->fields+table_count*2)+(blobs+1)* sizeof(CACHE_FIELD*)))) { my_free((gptr) cache->buff,MYF(0)); /* purecov: inspected */ cache->buff=0; /* purecov: inspected */ DBUG_RETURN(1); /* purecov: inspected */ } copy=cache->field; blob_ptr=cache->blob_ptr=(CACHE_FIELD**) (cache->field+cache->fields+table_count*2); length=0; for (i=0 ; i < table_count ; i++) { uint null_fields=0,used_fields; Field **f_ptr,*field; for (f_ptr=tables[i].table->field,used_fields=tables[i].used_fields ; used_fields ; f_ptr++) { field= *f_ptr; if (field->query_id == thd->query_id) { used_fields--; length+=field->fill_cache_field(copy); if (copy->blob_field) (*blob_ptr++)=copy; if (field->maybe_null()) null_fields++; copy++; } } /* Copy null bits from table */ if (null_fields && tables[i].table->null_fields) { /* must copy null bits */ copy->str=(char*) tables[i].table->null_flags; copy->length=tables[i].table->null_bytes; copy->strip=0; copy->blob_field=0; length+=copy->length; copy++; cache->fields++; } /* If outer join table, copy null_row flag */ if (tables[i].table->maybe_null) { copy->str= (char*) &tables[i].table->null_row; copy->length=sizeof(tables[i].table->null_row); copy->strip=0; copy->blob_field=0; length+=copy->length; copy++; cache->fields++; } } cache->records=0; cache->ptr_record= (uint) ~0; cache->length=length+blobs*sizeof(char*); cache->blobs=blobs; *blob_ptr=0; /* End sequentel */ size=max(join_buff_size,cache->length); if (!(cache->buff=(uchar*) my_malloc(size,MYF(0)))) DBUG_RETURN(1); /* Don't use cache */ /* purecov: inspected */ cache->end=cache->buff+size; reset_cache(cache); DBUG_RETURN(0); } static ulong used_blob_length(CACHE_FIELD **ptr) { uint length,blob_length; for (length=0 ; *ptr ; ptr++) { (*ptr)->blob_length=blob_length=(*ptr)->blob_field->get_length(); length+=blob_length; (*ptr)->blob_field->get_ptr(&(*ptr)->str); } return length; } static bool store_record_in_cache(JOIN_CACHE *cache) { ulong length; uchar *pos; CACHE_FIELD *copy,*end_field; bool last_record; pos=cache->pos; end_field=cache->field+cache->fields; length=cache->length; if (cache->blobs) length+=used_blob_length(cache->blob_ptr); if ((last_record=(length+cache->length > (uint) (cache->end - pos)))) cache->ptr_record=cache->records; /* There is room in cache. Put record there */ cache->records++; for (copy=cache->field ; copy < end_field; copy++) { if (copy->blob_field) { if (last_record) { copy->blob_field->get_image((char*) pos,copy->length+sizeof(char*)); pos+=copy->length+sizeof(char*); } else { copy->blob_field->get_image((char*) pos,copy->length); // blob length memcpy(pos+copy->length,copy->str,copy->blob_length); // Blob data pos+=copy->length+copy->blob_length; } } else { if (copy->strip) { char *str,*end; for (str=copy->str,end= str+copy->length; end > str && end[-1] == ' ' ; end--) ; length=(uint) (end-str); memcpy(pos+1,str,length); *pos=(uchar) length; pos+=length+1; } else { memcpy(pos,copy->str,copy->length); pos+=copy->length; } } } cache->pos=pos; return last_record || (uint) (cache->end -pos) < cache->length; } static void reset_cache(JOIN_CACHE *cache) { cache->record_nr=0; cache->pos=cache->buff; } static void read_cached_record(JOIN_TAB *tab) { uchar *pos; uint length; bool last_record; CACHE_FIELD *copy,*end_field; last_record=tab->cache.record_nr++ == tab->cache.ptr_record; pos=tab->cache.pos; for (copy=tab->cache.field,end_field=copy+tab->cache.fields ; copy < end_field; copy++) { if (copy->blob_field) { if (last_record) { copy->blob_field->set_image((char*) pos,copy->length+sizeof(char*)); pos+=copy->length+sizeof(char*); } else { copy->blob_field->set_ptr((char*) pos,(char*) pos+copy->length); pos+=copy->length+copy->blob_field->get_length(); } } else { if (copy->strip) { memcpy(copy->str,pos+1,length=(uint) *pos); memset(copy->str+length,' ',copy->length-length); pos+=1+length; } else { memcpy(copy->str,pos,copy->length); pos+=copy->length; } } } tab->cache.pos=pos; return; } static bool cmp_buffer_with_ref(JOIN_TAB *tab) { bool diff; if (!(diff=tab->ref.key_err)) { memcpy(tab->ref.key_buff2, tab->ref.key_buff, tab->ref.key_length); } if ((tab->ref.key_err=cp_buffer_from_ref(&tab->ref)) || diff) return 1; return memcmp(tab->ref.key_buff2, tab->ref.key_buff, tab->ref.key_length) != 0; } bool cp_buffer_from_ref(TABLE_REF *ref) { for (store_key **copy=ref->key_copy ; *copy ; copy++) if ((*copy)->copy()) return 1; // Something went wrong return 0; } /***************************************************************************** Group and order functions *****************************************************************************/ /* Find order/group item in requested columns and change the item to point at it. If item doesn't exists, add it first in the field list Return 0 if ok. */ static int find_order_in_list(THD *thd,TABLE_LIST *tables,ORDER *order,List &fields, List &all_fields) { if ((*order->item)->type() == Item::INT_ITEM) { /* Order by position */ Item *item=0; List_iterator li(fields); for (uint count= (uint) ((Item_int*) (*order->item))->value ; count-- && (item=li++) ;) ; if (!item) { my_printf_error(ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR,ER(ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR), MYF(0),(*order->item)->full_name(), thd->where); return 1; } order->item=li.ref(); order->in_field_list=1; return 0; } const char *save_where=thd->where; thd->where=0; // No error if not found Item **item=find_item_in_list(*order->item,fields); thd->where=save_where; if (item) { order->item=item; // use it order->in_field_list=1; return 0; } order->in_field_list=0; if ((*order->item)->fix_fields(thd,tables) || thd->fatal_error) return 1; // Wrong field all_fields.push_front(*order->item); // Add new field to field list order->item=(Item**) all_fields.head_ref(); return 0; } /* Change order to point at item in select list. If item isn't a number and doesn't exits in the select list, add it the the field list. */ int setup_order(THD *thd,TABLE_LIST *tables,List &fields, List &all_fields, ORDER *order) { thd->where="order clause"; for (; order; order=order->next) { if (find_order_in_list(thd,tables,order,fields,all_fields)) return 1; } return 0; } static int setup_group(THD *thd,TABLE_LIST *tables,List &fields, List &all_fields, ORDER *order, bool *hidden_group_fields) { *hidden_group_fields=0; if (!order) return 0; /* Everything is ok */ if (thd->sql_mode & MODE_ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY) { Item *item; List_iterator li(fields); while ((item=li++)) item->marker=0; /* Marker that field is not used */ } uint org_fields=all_fields.elements; thd->where="group statement"; for (; order; order=order->next) { if (find_order_in_list(thd,tables,order,fields,all_fields)) return 1; (*order->item)->marker=1; /* Mark found */ if ((*order->item)->with_sum_func) { my_printf_error(ER_WRONG_GROUP_FIELD, ER(ER_WRONG_GROUP_FIELD),MYF(0), (*order->item)->full_name()); return 1; } } if (thd->sql_mode & MODE_ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY) { /* Don't allow one to use fields that is not used in GROUP BY */ Item *item; List_iterator li(fields); while ((item=li++)) { if (item->type() != Item::SUM_FUNC_ITEM && !item->marker) { my_printf_error(ER_WRONG_FIELD_WITH_GROUP, ER(ER_WRONG_FIELD_WITH_GROUP), MYF(0),item->full_name()); return 1; } } } if (org_fields != all_fields.elements) *hidden_group_fields=1; // group fields is not used return 0; } /* Add fields with aren't used at start of field list. Return FALSE if ok */ static bool setup_new_fields(THD *thd,TABLE_LIST *tables,List &fields, List &all_fields, ORDER *new_field) { Item **item; DBUG_ENTER("setup_new_fields"); thd->set_query_id=1; // Not really needed, but... thd->where=0; // Don't give error for (; new_field ; new_field=new_field->next) { if ((item=find_item_in_list(*new_field->item,fields))) new_field->item=item; /* Change to shared Item */ else { thd->where="procedure list"; if ((*new_field->item)->fix_fields(thd,tables)) DBUG_RETURN(1); /* purecov: inspected */ thd->where=0; all_fields.push_front(*new_field->item); new_field->item=all_fields.head_ref(); } } DBUG_RETURN(0); } /* Create a group by that consist of all non const fields. Try to use the fields in the order given by 'order' to allow one to optimize away 'order by'. */ static ORDER * create_distinct_group(ORDER *order_list,List &fields) { List_iterator li(fields); Item *item; ORDER *order,*group,**prev; while ((item=li++)) item->marker=0; /* Marker that field is not used */ prev= &group; group=0; for (order=order_list ; order; order=order->next) { if (order->in_field_list) { ORDER *ord=(ORDER*) sql_memdup(order,sizeof(ORDER)); if (!ord) return 0; *prev=ord; prev= &ord->next; (*ord->item)->marker=1; } } li.rewind(); while ((item=li++)) { if (item->const_item() || item->with_sum_func) continue; if (!item->marker) { ORDER *ord=(ORDER*) sql_calloc(sizeof(ORDER)); if (!ord) return 0; ord->item=li.ref(); ord->asc=1; *prev=ord; prev= &ord->next; } } *prev=0; return group; } /***************************************************************************** Update join with count of the different type of fields *****************************************************************************/ void count_field_types(TMP_TABLE_PARAM *param, List &fields, bool reset_with_sum_func) { List_iterator li(fields); Item *field; param->field_count=param->sum_func_count=param->func_count= param->hidden_field_count=0; param->quick_group=1; while ((field=li++)) { Item::Type type=field->type(); if (type == Item::FIELD_ITEM) param->field_count++; else if (type == Item::SUM_FUNC_ITEM) { if (! field->const_item()) { Item_sum *sum_item=(Item_sum*) field; if (!sum_item->quick_group) param->quick_group=0; // UDF SUM function param->sum_func_count++; for (uint i=0 ; i < sum_item->arg_count ; i++) { if (sum_item->args[0]->type() == Item::FIELD_ITEM) param->field_count++; else param->func_count++; } } } else { param->func_count++; if (reset_with_sum_func) field->with_sum_func=0; } } } /* Return 1 if second is a subpart of first argument If first parts has different direction, change it to second part (group is sorted like order) */ static bool test_if_subpart(ORDER *a,ORDER *b) { for (; a && b; a=a->next,b=b->next) { if ((*a->item)->eq(*b->item,1)) a->asc=b->asc; else return 0; } return test(!b); } /* Return table number if there is only one table in sort order and group and order is compatible else return 0; */ static TABLE * get_sort_by_table(ORDER *a,ORDER *b,TABLE_LIST *tables) { table_map map= (table_map) 0; DBUG_ENTER("get_sort_by_table"); if (!a) a=b; // Only one need to be given else if (!b) b=a; for (; a && b; a=a->next,b=b->next) { if (!(*a->item)->eq(*b->item,1)) DBUG_RETURN(0); map|=a->item[0]->used_tables(); } if (!map || (map & RAND_TABLE_BIT)) DBUG_RETURN(0); for (; !(map & tables->table->map) ; tables=tables->next) ; if (map != tables->table->map) DBUG_RETURN(0); // More than one table DBUG_PRINT("exit",("sort by table: %d",tables->table->tablenr)); DBUG_RETURN(tables->table); } /* calc how big buffer we need for comparing group entries */ static void calc_group_buffer(JOIN *join,ORDER *group) { uint key_length=0, parts=0, null_parts=0; if (group) join->group= 1; for (; group ; group=group->next) { Field *field=(*group->item)->tmp_table_field(); if (field) { if (field->type() == FIELD_TYPE_BLOB) key_length+=MAX_BLOB_WIDTH; // Can't be used as a key else key_length+=field->pack_length(); } else if ((*group->item)->result_type() == REAL_RESULT) key_length+=sizeof(double); else if ((*group->item)->result_type() == INT_RESULT) key_length+=sizeof(longlong); else key_length+=(*group->item)->max_length; parts++; if ((*group->item)->maybe_null) null_parts++; } join->tmp_table_param.group_length=key_length+null_parts; join->tmp_table_param.group_parts=parts; join->tmp_table_param.group_null_parts=null_parts; } /* Get a list of buffers for saveing last group Groups are saved in reverse order for easyer check loop */ static bool alloc_group_fields(JOIN *join,ORDER *group) { if (group) { for (; group ; group=group->next) { Item_buff *tmp=new_Item_buff(*group->item); if (!tmp || join->group_fields.push_front(tmp)) return TRUE; } } join->sort_and_group=1; /* Mark for do_select */ return FALSE; } static int test_if_group_changed(List &list) { List_iterator li(list); int idx= -1,i; Item_buff *buff; for (i=(int) list.elements-1 ; (buff=li++) ; i--) { if (buff->cmp()) idx=i; } return idx; } /* Setup copy_fields to save fields at start of new group Only FIELD_ITEM:s and FUNC_ITEM:s needs to be saved between groups. Change old item_field to use a new field with points at saved fieldvalue This function is only called before use of send_fields */ bool setup_copy_fields(THD *thd, TMP_TABLE_PARAM *param, List &fields) { Item *pos; List_iterator li(fields); Copy_field *copy; DBUG_ENTER("setup_copy_fields"); if (!(copy=param->copy_field= new Copy_field[param->field_count])) goto err2; param->copy_funcs.empty(); while ((pos=li++)) { if (pos->type() == Item::FIELD_ITEM) { Item_field *item=(Item_field*) pos; if (item->field->flags & BLOB_FLAG) { if (!(pos=new Item_copy_string(pos))) goto err; VOID(li.replace(pos)); if (param->copy_funcs.push_back(pos)) goto err; continue; } /* set up save buffer and change result_field to point at saved value */ Field *field= item->field; item->result_field=field->new_field(&thd->mem_root,field->table); char *tmp=(char*) sql_alloc(field->pack_length()+1); if (!tmp) goto err; copy->set(tmp, item->result_field); item->result_field->move_field(copy->to_ptr,copy->to_null_ptr,1); copy++; } else if ((pos->type() == Item::FUNC_ITEM || pos->type() == Item::COND_ITEM) && !pos->with_sum_func) { // Save for send fields /* TODO: In most cases this result will be sent to the user. This should be changed to use copy_int or copy_real depending on how the value is to be used: In some cases this may be an argument in a group function, like: IF(ISNULL(col),0,COUNT(*)) */ if (!(pos=new Item_copy_string(pos))) goto err; VOID(li.replace(pos)); if (param->copy_funcs.push_back(pos)) goto err; } } param->copy_field_end= copy; DBUG_RETURN(0); err: delete [] param->copy_field; // This is never 0 param->copy_field=0; err2: DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } /* Copy fields and null values between two tables */ void copy_fields(TMP_TABLE_PARAM *param) { Copy_field *ptr=param->copy_field; Copy_field *end=param->copy_field_end; for (; ptr != end; ptr++) (*ptr->do_copy)(ptr); List_iterator_fast &it=param->copy_funcs_it; it.rewind(); Item_copy_string *item; while ((item = (Item_copy_string*) it++)) item->copy(); } /***************************************************************************** Make an array of pointer to sum_functions to speed up sum_func calculation *****************************************************************************/ static bool make_sum_func_list(JOIN *join,List &fields) { DBUG_ENTER("make_sum_func_list"); Item_sum **func = (Item_sum**) sql_alloc(sizeof(Item_sum*)* (join->tmp_table_param.sum_func_count+1)); if (!func) DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); List_iterator it(fields); join->sum_funcs=func; Item *field; while ((field=it++)) { if (field->type() == Item::SUM_FUNC_ITEM && !field->const_item()) { *func++=(Item_sum*) field; /* let COUNT(DISTINCT) create the temporary table */ if (((Item_sum*) field)->setup(join->thd)) DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } } *func=0; // End marker DBUG_RETURN(FALSE); } /* Change all funcs and sum_funcs to fields in tmp table */ static bool change_to_use_tmp_fields(List &items) { List_iterator it(items); Item *item_field,*item; while ((item=it++)) { Field *field; if (item->with_sum_func && item->type() != Item::SUM_FUNC_ITEM) continue; if (item->type() == Item::FIELD_ITEM) { ((Item_field*) item)->field= ((Item_field*) item)->result_field; } else if ((field=item->tmp_table_field())) { if (item->type() == Item::SUM_FUNC_ITEM && field->table->group) item_field=((Item_sum*) item)->result_item(field); else item_field=(Item*) new Item_field(field); if (!item_field) return TRUE; // Fatal error item_field->name=item->name; /*lint -e613 */ #ifndef DBUG_OFF if (_db_on_ && !item_field->name) { char buff[256]; String str(buff,sizeof(buff)); str.length(0); item->print(&str); item_field->name=sql_strmake(str.ptr(),str.length()); } #endif #ifdef DELETE_ITEMS delete it.replace(item_field); /*lint -e613 */ #else (void) it.replace(item_field); /*lint -e613 */ #endif } } return FALSE; } /* Change all sum_func refs to fields to point at fields in tmp table Change all funcs to be fields in tmp table */ static bool change_refs_to_tmp_fields(THD *thd,List &items) { List_iterator it(items); Item *item; while ((item= it++)) { if (item->type() == Item::SUM_FUNC_ITEM) { if (!item->const_item()) { Item_sum *sum_item= (Item_sum*) item; if (sum_item->result_field) // If not a const sum func { Field *result_field=sum_item->result_field; for (uint i=0 ; i < sum_item->arg_count ; i++) { Item *arg= sum_item->args[i]; if (!arg->const_item()) { if (arg->type() == Item::FIELD_ITEM) ((Item_field*) arg)->field= result_field++; else sum_item->args[i]= new Item_field(result_field++); } } } } } else if (item->with_sum_func) continue; else if ((item->type() == Item::FUNC_ITEM || item->type() == Item::COND_ITEM) && !item->const_item()) { /* All funcs are stored */ #ifdef DELETE_ITEMS delete it.replace(new Item_field(((Item_func*) item)->result_field)); #else (void) it.replace(new Item_field(((Item_func*) item)->result_field)); #endif } else if (item->type() == Item::FIELD_ITEM) /* Change refs */ { ((Item_field*)item)->field=((Item_field*) item)->result_field; } } return thd->fatal_error; } /****************************************************************************** Code for calculating functions ******************************************************************************/ static void init_tmptable_sum_functions(Item_sum **func_ptr) { Item_sum *func; while ((func= *(func_ptr++))) func->reset_field(); } /* Update record 0 in tmp_table from record 1 */ static void update_tmptable_sum_func(Item_sum **func_ptr, TABLE *tmp_table __attribute__((unused))) { Item_sum *func; while ((func= *(func_ptr++))) func->update_field(0); } /* Copy result of sum functions to record in tmp_table */ static void copy_sum_funcs(Item_sum **func_ptr) { Item_sum *func; for (; (func = *func_ptr) ; func_ptr++) (void) func->save_in_field(func->result_field); return; } static void init_sum_functions(Item_sum **func_ptr) { Item_sum *func; for (; (func= (Item_sum*) *func_ptr) ; func_ptr++) func->reset(); } static bool update_sum_func(Item_sum **func_ptr) { Item_sum *func; for (; (func= (Item_sum*) *func_ptr) ; func_ptr++) if (func->add()) return 1; return 0; } /* Copy result of functions to record in tmp_table */ void copy_funcs(Item_result_field **func_ptr) { Item_result_field *func; for (; (func = *func_ptr) ; func_ptr++) (void) func->save_in_field(func->result_field); return; } /***************************************************************************** Create a condition for a const reference and add this to the currenct select for the table *****************************************************************************/ static bool add_ref_to_table_cond(THD *thd, JOIN_TAB *join_tab) { DBUG_ENTER("add_ref_to_table_cond"); if (!join_tab->ref.key_parts) DBUG_RETURN(FALSE); Item_cond_and *cond=new Item_cond_and(); TABLE *table=join_tab->table; int error; if (!cond) DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); for (uint i=0 ; i < join_tab->ref.key_parts ; i++) { Field *field=table->field[table->key_info[join_tab->ref.key].key_part[i].fieldnr-1]; Item *value=join_tab->ref.items[i]; cond->add(new Item_func_equal(new Item_field(field),value)); } if (thd->fatal_error) DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); /* Here we pass 0 as the first argument to fix_fields that don't need to do any stack checking (This is already done in the initial fix_fields). */ cond->fix_fields((THD *) 0,(TABLE_LIST *) 0); if (join_tab->select) { error=(int) cond->add(join_tab->select->cond); join_tab->select_cond=join_tab->select->cond=cond; } else if ((join_tab->select=make_select(join_tab->table, 0, 0, cond,&error))) join_tab->select_cond=cond; DBUG_RETURN(error ? TRUE : FALSE); } /**************************************************************************** Send a description about what how the select will be done to stdout ****************************************************************************/ static void select_describe(JOIN *join, bool need_tmp_table, bool need_order, bool distinct,const char *message) { List field_list; Item *item; List item_list; THD *thd=join->thd; MYSQL_LOCK *save_lock; SELECT_LEX *select_lex = &(join->thd->lex.select_lex); select_result *result=join->result; DBUG_ENTER("select_describe"); /* Don't log this into the slow query log */ select_lex->options&= ~(QUERY_NO_INDEX_USED | QUERY_NO_GOOD_INDEX_USED); thd->offset_limit=0; if (thd->lex.select == select_lex) { field_list.push_back(new Item_empty_string("table",NAME_LEN)); field_list.push_back(new Item_empty_string("type",10)); field_list.push_back(item=new Item_empty_string("possible_keys", NAME_LEN*MAX_KEY)); item->maybe_null=1; field_list.push_back(item=new Item_empty_string("key",NAME_LEN)); item->maybe_null=1; field_list.push_back(item=new Item_int("key_len",0,3)); item->maybe_null=1; field_list.push_back(item=new Item_empty_string("ref", NAME_LEN*MAX_REF_PARTS)); item->maybe_null=1; field_list.push_back(new Item_real("rows",0.0,0,10)); field_list.push_back(new Item_empty_string("Extra",255)); if (result->send_fields(field_list,1)) return; } if (message) { item_list.push_back(new Item_empty_string("",0)); item_list.push_back(new Item_empty_string("",0)); item_list.push_back(new Item_empty_string("",0)); item_list.push_back(new Item_empty_string("",0)); item_list.push_back(new Item_empty_string("",0)); item_list.push_back(new Item_empty_string("",0)); item_list.push_back(new Item_empty_string("",0)); item_list.push_back(new Item_string(message,strlen(message))); if (result->send_data(item_list)) result->send_error(0,NullS); } else { table_map used_tables=0; for (uint i=0 ; i < join->tables ; i++) { JOIN_TAB *tab=join->join_tab+i; TABLE *table=tab->table; char buff[512],*buff_ptr=buff; char buff1[512], buff2[512], bufff[512]; String tmp1(buff1,sizeof(buff1)); String tmp2(buff2,sizeof(buff2)); item_list.empty(); if (tab->type == JT_ALL && tab->select && tab->select->quick) tab->type= JT_RANGE; item_list.push_back(new Item_string(table->table_name,strlen(table->table_name))); item_list.push_back(new Item_string(join_type_str[tab->type],strlen(join_type_str[tab->type]))); tmp1.length(0); tmp2.length(0); key_map bits; uint j; for (j=0,bits=tab->keys ; bits ; j++,bits>>=1) { if (bits & 1) { if (tmp1.length()) tmp1.append(','); tmp1.append(table->key_info[j].name); } } if (tmp1.length()) item_list.push_back(new Item_string(tmp1.ptr(),tmp1.length())); else item_list.push_back(new Item_null()); if (tab->ref.key_parts) { item_list.push_back(new Item_string(table->key_info[tab->ref.key].name, strlen(table->key_info[tab->ref.key].name))); item_list.push_back(new Item_int((int32) tab->ref.key_length)); for (store_key **ref=tab->ref.key_copy ; *ref ; ref++) { if (tmp2.length()) tmp2.append(','); tmp2.append((*ref)->name()); } item_list.push_back(new Item_string(tmp2.ptr(),tmp2.length())); } else if (tab->type == JT_NEXT) { item_list.push_back(new Item_string(table->key_info[tab->index].name,strlen(table->key_info[tab->index].name))); item_list.push_back(new Item_int((int32) table->key_info[tab->index].key_length)); item_list.push_back(new Item_null()); } else if (tab->select && tab->select->quick) { item_list.push_back(new Item_string(table->key_info[tab->select->quick->index].name,strlen(table->key_info[tab->select->quick->index].name))); item_list.push_back(new Item_int((int32) tab->select->quick->max_used_key_length)); item_list.push_back(new Item_null()); } else { item_list.push_back(new Item_null()); item_list.push_back(new Item_null()); item_list.push_back(new Item_null()); } sprintf(bufff,"%.0f",join->best_positions[i].records_read); item_list.push_back(new Item_string(bufff,strlen(bufff))); my_bool key_read=table->key_read; if (tab->type == JT_NEXT && ((table->used_keys & ((key_map) 1 << tab->index)))) key_read=1; if (tab->info) item_list.push_back(new Item_string(tab->info,strlen(tab->info))); else if (tab->select) { if (tab->use_quick == 2) { sprintf(buff_ptr,"range checked for each record (index map: %u)", tab->keys); buff_ptr=strend(buff_ptr); } else buff_ptr=strmov(buff_ptr,"where used"); } if (key_read) { if (buff != buff_ptr) { buff_ptr[0]=';' ; buff_ptr[1]=' '; buff_ptr+=2; } buff_ptr=strmov(buff_ptr,"Using index"); } if (table->reginfo.not_exists_optimize) { if (buff != buff_ptr) { buff_ptr[0]=';' ; buff_ptr[1]=' '; buff_ptr+=2; } buff_ptr=strmov(buff_ptr,"Not exists"); } if (need_tmp_table) { need_tmp_table=0; if (buff != buff_ptr) { buff_ptr[0]=';' ; buff_ptr[1]=' '; buff_ptr+=2; } buff_ptr=strmov(buff_ptr,"Using temporary"); } if (need_order) { need_order=0; if (buff != buff_ptr) { buff_ptr[0]=';' ; buff_ptr[1]=' '; buff_ptr+=2; } buff_ptr=strmov(buff_ptr,"Using filesort"); } if (distinct & test_all_bits(used_tables,thd->used_tables)) { if (buff != buff_ptr) { buff_ptr[0]=';' ; buff_ptr[1]=' '; buff_ptr+=2; } buff_ptr=strmov(buff_ptr,"Distinct"); } item_list.push_back(new Item_string(buff,(uint) (buff_ptr - buff))); // For next iteration used_tables|=table->map; if (result->send_data(item_list)) result->send_error(0,NullS); } } if (!join->thd->lex.select->next) { save_lock=thd->lock; thd->lock=(MYSQL_LOCK *)0; result->send_eof(); thd->lock=save_lock; } DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } static void describe_info(THD *thd, const char *info) { List field_list; String *packet= &thd->packet; /* Don't log this into the slow query log */ thd->lex.select_lex.options&= ~(QUERY_NO_INDEX_USED | QUERY_NO_GOOD_INDEX_USED); field_list.push_back(new Item_empty_string("Comment",80)); if (send_fields(thd,field_list,1)) return; /* purecov: inspected */ packet->length(0); net_store_data(packet,info); if (!my_net_write(&thd->net,(char*) packet->ptr(),packet->length())) send_eof(&thd->net); }