/* Copyright 2006-2008 MySQL AB, 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifndef SQL_STATISTICS_H #define SQL_STATISTICS_H typedef enum enum_use_stat_tables_mode { NEVER, COMPLEMENTARY, PEFERABLY, } Use_stat_tables_mode; typedef enum enum_histogram_type { SINGLE_PREC_HB, DOUBLE_PREC_HB } Histogram_type; enum enum_stat_tables { TABLE_STAT, COLUMN_STAT, INDEX_STAT, }; /* These enumeration types comprise the dictionary of three statistical tables table_stat, column_stat and index_stat as they defined in ../scripts/mysql_system_tables.sql. It would be nice if the declarations of these types were generated automatically by the table definitions. */ enum enum_table_stat_col { TABLE_STAT_DB_NAME, TABLE_STAT_TABLE_NAME, TABLE_STAT_CARDINALITY }; enum enum_column_stat_col { COLUMN_STAT_DB_NAME, COLUMN_STAT_TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_STAT_COLUMN_NAME, COLUMN_STAT_MIN_VALUE, COLUMN_STAT_MAX_VALUE, COLUMN_STAT_NULLS_RATIO, COLUMN_STAT_AVG_LENGTH, COLUMN_STAT_AVG_FREQUENCY, COLUMN_STAT_HIST_SIZE, COLUMN_STAT_HIST_TYPE, COLUMN_STAT_HISTOGRAM }; enum enum_index_stat_col { INDEX_STAT_DB_NAME, INDEX_STAT_TABLE_NAME, INDEX_STAT_INDEX_NAME, INDEX_STAT_PREFIX_ARITY, INDEX_STAT_AVG_FREQUENCY }; inline Use_stat_tables_mode get_use_stat_tables_mode(THD *thd) { return (Use_stat_tables_mode) (thd->variables.use_stat_tables); } int read_statistics_for_tables_if_needed(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables); int collect_statistics_for_table(THD *thd, TABLE *table); int alloc_statistics_for_table_share(THD* thd, TABLE_SHARE *share, bool is_safe); int alloc_statistics_for_table(THD *thd, TABLE *table); int update_statistics_for_table(THD *thd, TABLE *table); int delete_statistics_for_table(THD *thd, LEX_STRING *db, LEX_STRING *tab); int delete_statistics_for_column(THD *thd, TABLE *tab, Field *col); int delete_statistics_for_index(THD *thd, TABLE *tab, KEY *key_info, bool ext_prefixes_only); int rename_table_in_stat_tables(THD *thd, LEX_STRING *db, LEX_STRING *tab, LEX_STRING *new_db, LEX_STRING *new_tab); int rename_column_in_stat_tables(THD *thd, TABLE *tab, Field *col, const char *new_name); void set_statistics_for_table(THD *thd, TABLE *table); double get_column_avg_frequency(Field * field); double get_column_range_cardinality(Field *field, key_range *min_endp, key_range *max_endp, uint range_flag); class Histogram { private: Histogram_type type; uint8 size; /* Size of values array, in bytes */ uchar *values; uint prec_factor() { switch (type) { case SINGLE_PREC_HB: return ((uint) (1 << 8) - 1); case DOUBLE_PREC_HB: return ((uint) (1 << 16) - 1); } return 1; } public: uint get_width() { switch (type) { case SINGLE_PREC_HB: return size; case DOUBLE_PREC_HB: return size / 2; } return 0; } private: uint get_value(uint i) { DBUG_ASSERT(i < get_width()); switch (type) { case SINGLE_PREC_HB: return (uint) (((uint8 *) values)[i]); case DOUBLE_PREC_HB: return (uint) uint2korr(values + i * 2); } return 0; } /* Find the bucket which value 'pos' falls into. */ uint find_bucket(double pos, bool first) { uint val= (uint) (pos * prec_factor()); int lp= 0; int rp= get_width() - 1; int d= get_width() / 2; uint i= lp + d; for ( ; d; d= (rp - lp) / 2, i= lp + d) { if (val == get_value(i)) break; if (val < get_value(i)) rp= i; else if (val > get_value(i + 1)) lp= i + 1; else break; } if (val > get_value(i) && i < (get_width() - 1)) i++; if (val == get_value(i)) { if (first) { while(i && val == get_value(i - 1)) i--; } else { while(i + 1 < get_width() && val == get_value(i + 1)) i++; } } return i; } public: uint get_size() { return (uint) size; } Histogram_type get_type() { return type; } uchar *get_values() { return (uchar *) values; } void set_size (ulonglong sz) { size= (uint8) sz; } void set_type (Histogram_type t) { type= t; } void set_values (uchar *vals) { values= (uchar *) vals; } bool is_available() { return get_size() > 0 && get_values(); } void set_value(uint i, double val) { switch (type) { case SINGLE_PREC_HB: ((uint8 *) values)[i]= (uint8) (val * prec_factor()); return; case DOUBLE_PREC_HB: int2store(values + i * 2, val * prec_factor()); return; } } void set_prev_value(uint i) { switch (type) { case SINGLE_PREC_HB: ((uint8 *) values)[i]= ((uint8 *) values)[i-1]; return; case DOUBLE_PREC_HB: int2store(values + i * 2, uint2korr(values + i * 2 - 2)); return; } } double range_selectivity(double min_pos, double max_pos) { double sel; double bucket_sel= 1.0/(get_width() + 1); uint min= find_bucket(min_pos, TRUE); uint max= find_bucket(max_pos, FALSE); sel= bucket_sel * (max - min + 1); return sel; } /* Estimate selectivity of "col=const" using a histogram */ double point_selectivity(double pos, double avg_sel); }; class Columns_statistics; class Index_statistics; static inline int rename_table_in_stat_tables(THD *thd, const char *db, const char *tab, const char *new_db, const char *new_tab) { LEX_STRING od= { const_cast(db), strlen(db) }; LEX_STRING ot= { const_cast(tab), strlen(tab) }; LEX_STRING nd= { const_cast(new_db), strlen(new_db) }; LEX_STRING nt= { const_cast(new_tab), strlen(new_tab) }; return rename_table_in_stat_tables(thd, &od, &ot, &nd, &nt); } /* Statistical data on a table */ class Table_statistics { public: my_bool cardinality_is_null; /* TRUE if the cardinality is unknown */ ha_rows cardinality; /* Number of rows in the table */ uchar *min_max_record_buffers; /* Record buffers for min/max values */ Column_statistics *column_stats; /* Array of statistical data for columns */ Index_statistics *index_stats; /* Array of statistical data for indexes */ ulong *idx_avg_frequency; /* Array of records per key for index prefixes */ ulong total_hist_size; /* Total size of all histograms */ uchar *histograms; /* Sequence of histograms */ }; /* Statistical data on a column Note: objects of this class may be "empty", where they have almost all fields as zeros, for example, get_avg_frequency() will return 0. objects are allocated in alloc_statistics_for_table[_share]. */ class Column_statistics { private: static const uint Scale_factor_nulls_ratio= 100000; static const uint Scale_factor_avg_length= 100000; static const uint Scale_factor_avg_frequency= 100000; public: /* Bitmap indicating what statistical characteristics are available for the column */ uint32 column_stat_nulls; /* For the below two, see comments in get_column_range_cardinality() */ /* Minimum value for the column */ Field *min_value; /* Maximum value for the column */ Field *max_value; private: /* The ratio Z/N multiplied by the scale factor Scale_factor_nulls_ratio, where N is the total number of rows, Z is the number of nulls in the column */ ulong nulls_ratio; /* Average number of bytes occupied by the representation of a value of the column in memory buffers such as join buffer multiplied by the scale factor Scale_factor_avg_length. CHAR values are stripped of trailing spaces. Flexible values are stripped of their length prefixes. */ ulong avg_length; /* The ratio N/D multiplied by the scale factor Scale_factor_avg_frequency, where N is the number of rows with not null value in the column, D the number of distinct values among them */ ulong avg_frequency; public: Histogram histogram; void set_all_nulls() { column_stat_nulls= ((1 << (COLUMN_STAT_HISTOGRAM-COLUMN_STAT_COLUMN_NAME))-1) << (COLUMN_STAT_COLUMN_NAME+1); } void set_not_null(uint stat_field_no) { column_stat_nulls&= ~(1 << stat_field_no); } bool is_null(uint stat_field_no) { return MY_TEST(column_stat_nulls & (1 << stat_field_no)); } double get_nulls_ratio() { return (double) nulls_ratio / Scale_factor_nulls_ratio; } double get_avg_length() { return (double) avg_length / Scale_factor_avg_length; } double get_avg_frequency() { return (double) avg_frequency / Scale_factor_avg_frequency; } void set_nulls_ratio (double val) { nulls_ratio= (ulong) (val * Scale_factor_nulls_ratio); } void set_avg_length (double val) { avg_length= (ulong) (val * Scale_factor_avg_length); } void set_avg_frequency (double val) { avg_frequency= (ulong) (val * Scale_factor_avg_frequency); } }; /* Statistical data on an index prefixes */ class Index_statistics { private: static const uint Scale_factor_avg_frequency= 100000; /* The k-th element of this array contains the ratio N/D multiplied by the scale factor Scale_factor_avg_frequency, where N is the number of index entries without nulls in the first k components, and D is the number of distinct k-component prefixes among them */ ulong *avg_frequency; public: void init_avg_frequency(ulong *ptr) { avg_frequency= ptr; } bool avg_frequency_is_inited() { return avg_frequency != NULL; } double get_avg_frequency(uint i) { return (double) avg_frequency[i] / Scale_factor_avg_frequency; } void set_avg_frequency(uint i, double val) { avg_frequency[i]= (ulong) (val * Scale_factor_avg_frequency); } }; #endif /* SQL_STATISTICS_H */