/* Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB & MySQL Finland AB & TCX DataKonsult AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* Write some debug info */ #include "mysql_priv.h" #include "sql_select.h" #include #include #if defined(HAVE_MALLINFO) && defined(HAVE_MALLOC_H) #include #elif defined(HAVE_MALLINFO) && defined(HAVE_SYS_MALLOC_H) #include #endif static const char *lock_descriptions[] = { "No lock", "Low priority read lock", "Shared Read lock", "High priority read lock", "Read lock without concurrent inserts", "Write lock that allows other writers", "Write lock, but allow reading", "Concurrent insert lock", "Lock Used by delayed insert", "Low priority write lock", "High priority write lock", "Highest priority write lock" }; #ifndef DBUG_OFF void print_where(COND *cond,const char *info) { if (cond) { char buff[256]; String str(buff,(uint32) sizeof(buff), system_charset_info); str.length(0); cond->print(&str); str.append('\0'); DBUG_LOCK_FILE; (void) fprintf(DBUG_FILE,"\nWHERE:(%s) ",info); (void) fputs(str.ptr(),DBUG_FILE); (void) fputc('\n',DBUG_FILE); DBUG_UNLOCK_FILE; } } /* This is for debugging purposes */ void print_cached_tables(void) { uint idx,count,unused; TABLE *start_link,*lnk; VOID(pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_open)); puts("DB Table Version Thread L.thread Open Lock"); for (idx=unused=0 ; idx < open_cache.records ; idx++) { TABLE *entry=(TABLE*) hash_element(&open_cache,idx); printf("%-14.14s %-32s%6ld%8ld%10ld%6d %s\n", entry->table_cache_key,entry->real_name,entry->version, entry->in_use ? entry->in_use->thread_id : 0L, entry->in_use ? entry->in_use->dbug_thread_id : 0L, entry->db_stat ? 1 : 0, entry->in_use ? lock_descriptions[(int)entry->reginfo.lock_type] : "Not in use"); if (!entry->in_use) unused++; } count=0; if ((start_link=lnk=unused_tables)) { do { if (lnk != lnk->next->prev || lnk != lnk->prev->next) { printf("unused_links isn't linked properly\n"); return; } } while (count++ < open_cache.records && (lnk=lnk->next) != start_link); if (lnk != start_link) { printf("Unused_links aren't connected\n"); } } if (count != unused) printf("Unused_links (%d) doesn't match open_cache: %d\n", count,unused); printf("\nCurrent refresh version: %ld\n",refresh_version); if (hash_check(&open_cache)) printf("Error: File hash table is corrupted\n"); fflush(stdout); VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_open)); return; } void TEST_filesort(SORT_FIELD *sortorder,uint s_length) { char buff[256],buff2[256]; String str(buff,sizeof(buff),system_charset_info); String out(buff2,sizeof(buff2),system_charset_info); const char *sep; DBUG_ENTER("TEST_filesort"); out.length(0); for (sep=""; s_length-- ; sortorder++, sep=" ") { out.append(sep); if (sortorder->reverse) out.append('-'); if (sortorder->field) { if (sortorder->field->table_name) { out.append(sortorder->field->table_name); out.append('.'); } out.append(sortorder->field->field_name ? sortorder->field->field_name: "tmp_table_column"); } else { str.length(0); sortorder->item->print(&str); out.append(str); } } out.append('\0'); // Purify doesn't like c_ptr() DBUG_LOCK_FILE; VOID(fputs("\nInfo about FILESORT\n",DBUG_FILE)); fprintf(DBUG_FILE,"Sortorder: %s\n",out.ptr()); DBUG_UNLOCK_FILE; DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } void TEST_join(JOIN *join) { uint i,ref; DBUG_ENTER("TEST_join"); DBUG_LOCK_FILE; VOID(fputs("\nInfo about JOIN\n",DBUG_FILE)); for (i=0 ; i < join->tables ; i++) { JOIN_TAB *tab=join->join_tab+i; TABLE *form=tab->table; char key_map_buff[128]; fprintf(DBUG_FILE,"%-16.16s type: %-7s q_keys: %s refs: %d key: %d len: %d\n", form->table_name, join_type_str[tab->type], tab->keys.print(key_map_buff), tab->ref.key_parts, tab->ref.key, tab->ref.key_length); if (tab->select) { char buf[MAX_KEY/8+1]; if (tab->use_quick == 2) fprintf(DBUG_FILE, " quick select checked for each record (keys: %s)\n", tab->select->quick_keys.print(buf)); else if (tab->select->quick) { fprintf(DBUG_FILE, " quick select used:\n"); tab->select->quick->dbug_dump(18, false); } else VOID(fputs(" select used\n",DBUG_FILE)); } if (tab->ref.key_parts) { VOID(fputs(" refs: ",DBUG_FILE)); for (ref=0 ; ref < tab->ref.key_parts ; ref++) { Item *item=tab->ref.items[ref]; fprintf(DBUG_FILE,"%s ", item->full_name()); } VOID(fputc('\n',DBUG_FILE)); } } DBUG_UNLOCK_FILE; DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /* Print the current state during query optimization. SYNOPSIS print_plan() join pointer to the structure providing all context info for the query read_time the cost of the best partial plan record_count estimate for the number of records returned by the best partial plan idx length of the partial QEP in 'join->positions'; also an index in the array 'join->best_ref'; info comment string to appear above the printout DESCRIPTION This function prints to the log file DBUG_FILE the members of 'join' that are used during query optimization (join->positions, join->best_positions, and join->best_ref) and few other related variables (read_time, record_count). Useful to trace query optimizer functions. RETURN None */ void print_plan(JOIN* join, double read_time, double record_count, uint idx, const char *info) { uint i; POSITION pos; JOIN_TAB *join_table; JOIN_TAB **plan_nodes; TABLE* table; if (info == 0) info= ""; DBUG_LOCK_FILE; if (join->best_read == DBL_MAX) { fprintf(DBUG_FILE,"%s; idx:%u, best: DBL_MAX, current:%g\n", info, idx, read_time); } else { fprintf(DBUG_FILE,"%s; idx: %u, best: %g, current: %g\n", info, idx, join->best_read, read_time); } /* Print the tables in JOIN->positions */ fputs(" POSITIONS: ", DBUG_FILE); for (i= 0; i < idx ; i++) { pos = join->positions[i]; table= pos.table->table; if (table) fputs(table->real_name, DBUG_FILE); fputc(' ', DBUG_FILE); } fputc('\n', DBUG_FILE); /* Print the tables in JOIN->best_positions only if at least one complete plan has been found. An indicator for this is the value of 'join->best_read'. */ fputs("BEST_POSITIONS: ", DBUG_FILE); if (join->best_read < DBL_MAX) { for (i= 0; i < idx ; i++) { pos= join->best_positions[i]; table= pos.table->table; if (table) fputs(table->real_name, DBUG_FILE); fputc(' ', DBUG_FILE); } } fputc('\n', DBUG_FILE); /* Print the tables in JOIN->best_ref */ fputs(" BEST_REF: ", DBUG_FILE); for (plan_nodes= join->best_ref ; *plan_nodes ; plan_nodes++) { join_table= (*plan_nodes); fputs(join_table->table->real_name, DBUG_FILE); fprintf(DBUG_FILE, "(%u,%u,%u)", join_table->found_records, join_table->records, join_table->read_time); fputc(' ', DBUG_FILE); } fputc('\n', DBUG_FILE); DBUG_UNLOCK_FILE; } #endif typedef struct st_debug_lock { ulong thread_id; char table_name[FN_REFLEN]; bool waiting; const char *lock_text; enum thr_lock_type type; } TABLE_LOCK_INFO; static int dl_compare(TABLE_LOCK_INFO *a,TABLE_LOCK_INFO *b) { if (a->thread_id > b->thread_id) return 1; if (a->thread_id < b->thread_id) return -1; if (a->waiting == b->waiting) return 0; else if (a->waiting) return -1; return 1; } static void push_locks_into_array(DYNAMIC_ARRAY *ar, THR_LOCK_DATA *data, bool wait, const char *text) { if (data) { TABLE *table=(TABLE *)data->debug_print_param; if (table && table->tmp_table == NO_TMP_TABLE) { TABLE_LOCK_INFO table_lock_info; table_lock_info.thread_id=table->in_use->thread_id; memcpy(table_lock_info.table_name, table->table_cache_key, table->key_length); table_lock_info.table_name[strlen(table_lock_info.table_name)]='.'; table_lock_info.waiting=wait; table_lock_info.lock_text=text; // lock_type is also obtainable from THR_LOCK_DATA table_lock_info.type=table->reginfo.lock_type; VOID(push_dynamic(ar,(gptr) &table_lock_info)); } } } /* Regarding MERGE tables: For now, the best option is to use the common TABLE *pointer for all cases; The drawback is that for MERGE tables we will see many locks for the merge tables even if some of them are for individual tables. The way to solve this is to add to 'THR_LOCK' structure a pointer to the filename and use this when printing the data. (We can for now ignore this and just print the same name for all merge table parts; Please add the above as a comment to the display_lock function so that we can easily add this if we ever need this. */ static void display_table_locks(void) { LIST *list; DYNAMIC_ARRAY saved_table_locks; VOID(my_init_dynamic_array(&saved_table_locks,sizeof(TABLE_LOCK_INFO),open_cache.records + 20,50)); VOID(pthread_mutex_lock(&THR_LOCK_lock)); for (list=thr_lock_thread_list ; list ; list=rest(list)) { THR_LOCK *lock=(THR_LOCK*) list->data; VOID(pthread_mutex_lock(&lock->mutex)); push_locks_into_array(&saved_table_locks, lock->write.data, FALSE, "Locked - write"); push_locks_into_array(&saved_table_locks, lock->write_wait.data, TRUE, "Waiting - write"); push_locks_into_array(&saved_table_locks, lock->read.data, FALSE, "Locked - read"); push_locks_into_array(&saved_table_locks, lock->read_wait.data, TRUE, "Waiting - read"); VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock->mutex)); } VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&THR_LOCK_lock)); if (!saved_table_locks.elements) goto end; qsort((gptr) dynamic_element(&saved_table_locks,0,TABLE_LOCK_INFO *),saved_table_locks.elements,sizeof(TABLE_LOCK_INFO),(qsort_cmp) dl_compare); freeze_size(&saved_table_locks); puts("\nThread database.table_name Locked/Waiting Lock_type\n"); unsigned int i; for (i=0 ; i < saved_table_locks.elements ; i++) { TABLE_LOCK_INFO *dl_ptr=dynamic_element(&saved_table_locks,i,TABLE_LOCK_INFO*); printf("%-8ld%-28.28s%-22s%s\n", dl_ptr->thread_id,dl_ptr->table_name,dl_ptr->lock_text,lock_descriptions[(int)dl_ptr->type]); } puts("\n\n"); end: delete_dynamic(&saved_table_locks); } static int print_key_cache_status(const char *name, KEY_CACHE *key_cache) { if (!key_cache->key_cache_inited) { printf("%s: Not in use\n", name); } else { printf("%s\n\ Buffer_size: %10lu\n\ Block_size: %10lu\n\ Division_limit: %10lu\n\ Age_limit: %10lu\n\ blocks used: %10lu\n\ not flushed: %10lu\n\ w_requests: %10lu\n\ writes: %10lu\n\ r_requests: %10lu\n\ reads: %10lu\n\n", name, (ulong) key_cache->param_buff_size, key_cache->param_block_size, key_cache->param_division_limit, key_cache->param_age_threshold, key_cache->global_blocks_used,key_cache->global_blocks_changed, key_cache->global_cache_w_requests,key_cache->global_cache_write, key_cache->global_cache_r_requests,key_cache->global_cache_read); } return 0; } void mysql_print_status(THD *thd) { char current_dir[FN_REFLEN]; printf("\nStatus information:\n\n"); my_getwd(current_dir, sizeof(current_dir),MYF(0)); printf("Current dir: %s\n", current_dir); printf("Running threads: %d Stack size: %ld\n", thread_count, (long) thread_stack); if (thd) thd->proc_info="locks"; thr_print_locks(); // Write some debug info #ifndef DBUG_OFF if (thd) thd->proc_info="table cache"; print_cached_tables(); #endif /* Print key cache status */ if (thd) thd->proc_info="key cache"; puts("\nKey caches:"); process_key_caches(print_key_cache_status); if (thd) thd->proc_info="status"; pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_status); printf("\nhandler status:\n\ read_key: %10lu\n\ read_next: %10lu\n\ read_rnd %10lu\n\ read_first: %10lu\n\ write: %10lu\n\ delete %10lu\n\ update: %10lu\n", ha_read_key_count, ha_read_next_count, ha_read_rnd_count, ha_read_first_count, ha_write_count, ha_delete_count, ha_update_count); pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_status); printf("\nTable status:\n\ Opened tables: %10lu\n\ Open tables: %10lu\n\ Open files: %10lu\n\ Open streams: %10lu\n", opened_tables, (ulong) cached_tables(), (ulong) my_file_opened, (ulong) my_stream_opened); ALARM_INFO alarm_info; #ifndef DONT_USE_THR_ALARM thr_alarm_info(&alarm_info); printf("\nAlarm status:\n\ Active alarms: %u\n\ Max used alarms: %u\n\ Next alarm time: %lu\n", alarm_info.active_alarms, alarm_info.max_used_alarms, alarm_info.next_alarm_time); #endif display_table_locks(); fflush(stdout); if (thd) thd->proc_info="malloc"; my_checkmalloc(); TERMINATE(stdout); // Write malloc information #ifdef HAVE_MALLINFO struct mallinfo info= mallinfo(); printf("\nMemory status:\n\ Non-mmapped space allocated from system: %d\n\ Number of free chunks: %d\n\ Number of fastbin blocks: %d\n\ Number of mmapped regions: %d\n\ Space in mmapped regions: %d\n\ Maximum total allocated space: %d\n\ Space available in freed fastbin blocks: %d\n\ Total allocated space: %d\n\ Total free space: %d\n\ Top-most, releasable space: %d\n\ Estimated memory (with thread stack): %ld\n", (int) info.arena , (int) info.ordblks, (int) info.smblks, (int) info.hblks, (int) info.hblkhd, (int) info.usmblks, (int) info.fsmblks, (int) info.uordblks, (int) info.fordblks, (int) info.keepcost, (long) (thread_count * thread_stack + info.hblkhd + info.arena)); #endif puts(""); if (thd) thd->proc_info=0; }