/* Copyright (c) 2017, MariaDB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "mariadb.h" #include "sql_list.h" #include "sql_tvc.h" #include "sql_class.h" #include "opt_range.h" #include "sql_select.h" #include "sql_explain.h" #include "sql_parse.h" #include "sql_cte.h" /** @brief Fix fields for TVC values @param @param thd The context of the statement @param li The iterator on the list of lists @details Call fix_fields procedure for TVC values. @retval true if an error was reported false otherwise */ bool fix_fields_for_tvc(THD *thd, List_iterator_fast &li) { DBUG_ENTER("fix_fields_for_tvc"); List_item *lst; li.rewind(); while ((lst= li++)) { List_iterator_fast it(*lst); Item *item; while ((item= it++)) { if (item->fix_fields(thd, 0)) DBUG_RETURN(true); } } DBUG_RETURN(false); } /** @brief Defines types of matrix columns elements where matrix rows are defined by some lists of values. @param @param thd The context of the statement @param li The iterator on the list of lists @param holders The structure where types of matrix columns are stored @param first_list_el_count Count of the list values. It should be the same for each list of lists elements. It contains number of elements of the first list from list of lists. @details For each list list_a from list of lists the procedure gets its elements types and aggregates them with the previous ones stored in holders. If list_a is the first one in the list of lists its elements types are put in holders. The errors can be reported when count of list_a elements is different from the first_list_el_count. Also error can be reported whe n aggregation can't be made. @retval true if an error was reported false otherwise */ bool join_type_handlers_for_tvc(THD *thd, List_iterator_fast &li, Type_holder *holders, uint first_list_el_count) { DBUG_ENTER("join_type_handlers_for_tvc"); List_item *lst; li.rewind(); bool first= true; while ((lst= li++)) { List_iterator_fast it(*lst); Item *item; if (first_list_el_count != lst->elements) { my_message(ER_WRONG_NUMBER_OF_VALUES_IN_TVC, ER_THD(thd, ER_WRONG_NUMBER_OF_VALUES_IN_TVC), MYF(0)); DBUG_RETURN(true); } for (uint pos= 0; (item=it++); pos++) { const Type_handler *item_type_handler= item->real_type_handler(); if (first) holders[pos].set_handler(item_type_handler); else if (holders[pos].aggregate_for_result(item_type_handler)) { my_error(ER_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER_DATA_TYPES2_FOR_OPERATION, MYF(0), holders[pos].type_handler()->name().ptr(), item_type_handler->name().ptr(), "TABLE VALUE CONSTRUCTOR"); DBUG_RETURN(true); } } first= false; } DBUG_RETURN(false); } /** @brief Define attributes of matrix columns elements where matrix rows are defined by some lists of values. @param @param thd The context of the statement @param li The iterator on the list of lists @param holders The structure where names of matrix columns are stored @param count_of_lists Count of list of lists elements @param first_list_el_count Count of the list values. It should be the same for each list of lists elements. It contains number of elements of the first list from list of lists. @details For each list list_a from list of lists the procedure gets its elements attributes and aggregates them with the previous ones stored in holders. The errors can be reported when aggregation can't be made. @retval true if an error was reported false otherwise */ bool get_type_attributes_for_tvc(THD *thd, List_iterator_fast &li, Type_holder *holders, uint count_of_lists, uint first_list_el_count) { DBUG_ENTER("get_type_attributes_for_tvc"); List_item *lst; li.rewind(); for (uint pos= 0; pos < first_list_el_count; pos++) { if (holders[pos].alloc_arguments(thd, count_of_lists)) DBUG_RETURN(true); } while ((lst= li++)) { List_iterator_fast it(*lst); Item *item; for (uint holder_pos= 0 ; (item= it++); holder_pos++) { DBUG_ASSERT(item->is_fixed()); holders[holder_pos].add_argument(item); } } for (uint pos= 0; pos < first_list_el_count; pos++) { if (holders[pos].aggregate_attributes(thd)) DBUG_RETURN(true); } DBUG_RETURN(false); } /** @brief Prepare of TVC @param @param thd The context of the statement @param sl The select where this TVC is defined @param tmp_result Structure that contains the information about where to send the result of the query @param unit_arg The union where sl is defined @details Gets types and attributes of values of this TVC that will be used for temporary table creation for this TVC. It creates Item_type_holders for each element of the first list from list of lists (VALUES from tvc), using its elements name, defined type and attribute. @retval true if an error was reported false otherwise */ bool table_value_constr::prepare(THD *thd, SELECT_LEX *sl, select_result *tmp_result, st_select_lex_unit *unit_arg) { DBUG_ENTER("table_value_constr::prepare"); select_lex->in_tvc= true; List_iterator_fast li(lists_of_values); List_item *first_elem= li++; uint cnt= first_elem->elements; Type_holder *holders; if (cnt == 0) { my_error(ER_EMPTY_ROW_IN_TVC, MYF(0)); DBUG_RETURN(true); } if (fix_fields_for_tvc(thd, li)) DBUG_RETURN(true); if (!(holders= new (thd->mem_root) Type_holder[cnt]) || join_type_handlers_for_tvc(thd, li, holders, cnt) || get_type_attributes_for_tvc(thd, li, holders, lists_of_values.elements, cnt)) DBUG_RETURN(true); List_iterator_fast it(*first_elem); Item *item; sl->item_list.empty(); for (uint pos= 0; (item= it++); pos++) { /* Error's in 'new' will be detected after loop */ Item_type_holder *new_holder= new (thd->mem_root) Item_type_holder(thd, item, holders[pos].type_handler(), &holders[pos]/*Type_all_attributes*/, holders[pos].get_maybe_null()); sl->item_list.push_back(new_holder); } if (unlikely(thd->is_fatal_error)) DBUG_RETURN(true); // out of memory result= tmp_result; if (result && result->prepare(sl->item_list, unit_arg)) DBUG_RETURN(true); select_lex->in_tvc= false; DBUG_RETURN(false); } /** Save Query Plan Footprint */ int table_value_constr::save_explain_data_intern(THD *thd, Explain_query *output) { const char *message= "No tables used"; DBUG_ENTER("table_value_constr::save_explain_data_intern"); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Select %p, type %s, message %s", select_lex, select_lex->type, message)); DBUG_ASSERT(have_query_plan == QEP_AVAILABLE); /* There should be no attempts to save query plans for merged selects */ DBUG_ASSERT(!select_lex->master_unit()->derived || select_lex->master_unit()->derived->is_materialized_derived() || select_lex->master_unit()->derived->is_with_table()); explain= new (output->mem_root) Explain_select(output->mem_root, thd->lex->analyze_stmt); if (!explain) DBUG_RETURN(1); select_lex->set_explain_type(true); explain->select_id= select_lex->select_number; explain->select_type= select_lex->type; explain->linkage= select_lex->get_linkage(); explain->using_temporary= false; explain->using_filesort= false; /* Setting explain->message means that all other members are invalid */ explain->message= message; if (select_lex->master_unit()->derived) explain->connection_type= Explain_node::EXPLAIN_NODE_DERIVED; output->add_node(explain); if (select_lex->is_top_level_node()) output->query_plan_ready(); DBUG_RETURN(0); } /** Optimization of TVC */ bool table_value_constr::optimize(THD *thd) { create_explain_query_if_not_exists(thd->lex, thd->mem_root); have_query_plan= QEP_AVAILABLE; if (select_lex->select_number != UINT_MAX && select_lex->select_number != INT_MAX /* this is not a UNION's "fake select */ && have_query_plan != QEP_NOT_PRESENT_YET && thd->lex->explain && // for "SET" command in SPs. (!thd->lex->explain->get_select(select_lex->select_number))) { return save_explain_data_intern(thd, thd->lex->explain); } return 0; } /** Execute of TVC */ bool table_value_constr::exec(SELECT_LEX *sl) { DBUG_ENTER("table_value_constr::exec"); List_iterator_fast li(lists_of_values); List_item *elem; if (select_options & SELECT_DESCRIBE) DBUG_RETURN(false); if (result->send_result_set_metadata(sl->item_list, Protocol::SEND_NUM_ROWS | Protocol::SEND_EOF)) { DBUG_RETURN(true); } while ((elem= li++)) { result->send_data(*elem); } if (result->send_eof()) DBUG_RETURN(true); DBUG_RETURN(false); } /** @brief Print list @param str The reference on the string representation of the list @param list The list that needed to be print @param query_type The mode of printing @details The method saves a string representation of list in the string str. */ void print_list_item(String *str, List_item *list, enum_query_type query_type) { bool is_first_elem= true; List_iterator_fast it(*list); Item *item; str->append('('); while ((item= it++)) { if (is_first_elem) is_first_elem= false; else str->append(','); item->print(str, query_type); } str->append(')'); } /** @brief Print this TVC @param thd The context of the statement @param str The reference on the string representation of this TVC @param query_type The mode of printing @details The method saves a string representation of this TVC in the string str. */ void table_value_constr::print(THD *thd, String *str, enum_query_type query_type) { DBUG_ASSERT(thd); str->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("values ")); bool is_first_elem= true; List_iterator_fast li(lists_of_values); List_item *list; while ((list= li++)) { if (is_first_elem) is_first_elem= false; else str->append(','); print_list_item(str, list, query_type); } } /** @brief Create list of lists for TVC from the list of this IN predicate @param thd The context of the statement @param values TVC list of values @details The method uses the list of values of this IN predicate to build an equivalent list of values that can be used in TVC. E.g.: = 5,2,7 = (5),(2),(7) = (5,2),(7,1) = (5,2),(7,1) @retval false if the method succeeds true otherwise */ bool Item_func_in::create_value_list_for_tvc(THD *thd, List< List > *values) { bool is_list_of_rows= args[1]->type() == Item::ROW_ITEM; for (uint i=1; i < arg_count; i++) { List *tvc_value; if (!(tvc_value= new (thd->mem_root) List())) return true; if (is_list_of_rows) { Item_row *row_list= (Item_row *)(args[i]); for (uint j=0; j < row_list->cols(); j++) { if (tvc_value->push_back(row_list->element_index(j), thd->mem_root)) return true; } } else if (tvc_value->push_back(args[i]->real_item())) return true; if (values->push_back(tvc_value, thd->mem_root)) return true; } return false; } /** @brief Create name for the derived table defined by TVC @param thd The context of the statement @param parent_select The SELECT where derived table is used @param alias The returned created name @details Create name for the derived table using current TVC number for this parent_select stored in parent_select @retval true if creation fails false otherwise */ static bool create_tvc_name(THD *thd, st_select_lex *parent_select, LEX_CSTRING *alias) { char buff[6]; alias->length= my_snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "tvc_%u", parent_select->curr_tvc_name); alias->str= thd->strmake(buff, alias->length); if (!alias->str) return true; return false; } bool Item_subselect::wrap_tvc_in_derived_table(THD *thd, st_select_lex *tvc_sl) { LEX *lex= thd->lex; /* SELECT_LEX object where the transformation is performed */ SELECT_LEX *parent_select= lex->current_select; uint8 save_derived_tables= lex->derived_tables; Query_arena backup; Query_arena *arena= thd->activate_stmt_arena_if_needed(&backup); /* Create SELECT_LEX of the subquery SQ used in the result of transformation */ lex->current_select= tvc_sl; if (mysql_new_select(lex, 0, NULL)) goto err; mysql_init_select(lex); /* Create item list as '*' for the subquery SQ */ Item *item; SELECT_LEX *sq_select; // select for IN subquery; sq_select= lex->current_select; sq_select->set_linkage(tvc_sl->get_linkage()); sq_select->parsing_place= SELECT_LIST; item= new (thd->mem_root) Item_field(thd, &sq_select->context, NULL, NULL, &star_clex_str); if (item == NULL || add_item_to_list(thd, item)) goto err; (sq_select->with_wild)++; /* Exclude SELECT with TVC */ tvc_sl->exclude(); /* Create derived table DT that will wrap TVC in the result of transformation */ SELECT_LEX *tvc_select; // select for tvc SELECT_LEX_UNIT *derived_unit; // unit for tvc_select if (mysql_new_select(lex, 1, tvc_sl)) goto err; tvc_select= lex->current_select; derived_unit= tvc_select->master_unit(); tvc_select->set_linkage(DERIVED_TABLE_TYPE); lex->current_select= sq_select; /* Create the name of the wrapping derived table and add it to the FROM list of the subquery SQ */ Table_ident *ti; LEX_CSTRING alias; TABLE_LIST *derived_tab; if (!(ti= new (thd->mem_root) Table_ident(derived_unit)) || create_tvc_name(thd, parent_select, &alias)) goto err; if (!(derived_tab= sq_select->add_table_to_list(thd, ti, &alias, 0, TL_READ, MDL_SHARED_READ))) goto err; sq_select->add_joined_table(derived_tab); sq_select->add_where_field(derived_unit->first_select()); sq_select->context.table_list= sq_select->table_list.first; sq_select->context.first_name_resolution_table= sq_select->table_list.first; sq_select->table_list.first->derived_type= DTYPE_TABLE | DTYPE_MATERIALIZE; lex->derived_tables|= DERIVED_SUBQUERY; sq_select->where= 0; sq_select->set_braces(false); derived_unit->set_with_clause(0); if (engine->engine_type() == subselect_engine::SINGLE_SELECT_ENGINE) ((subselect_single_select_engine *) engine)->change_select(sq_select); if (arena) thd->restore_active_arena(arena, &backup); lex->current_select= sq_select; return false; err: if (arena) thd->restore_active_arena(arena, &backup); lex->derived_tables= save_derived_tables; lex->current_select= parent_select; return true; } /** @brief Transform IN predicate into IN subquery @param thd The context of the statement @param arg Not used @details The method transforms this IN predicate into in equivalent IN subquery: IN () => IN (SELECT * FROM (VALUES ) AS tvc_#) E.g.: = 5,2,7 = (5),(2),(7) = (5,2),(7,1) = (5,2),(7,1) If the transformation succeeds the method returns the result IN subquery, otherwise this IN predicate is returned. @retval pointer to the result of transformation if succeeded pointer to this IN predicate otherwise */ Item *Item_func_in::in_predicate_to_in_subs_transformer(THD *thd, uchar *arg) { if (!transform_into_subq) return this; transform_into_subq= false; List values; LEX *lex= thd->lex; /* SELECT_LEX object where the transformation is performed */ SELECT_LEX *parent_select= lex->current_select; uint8 save_derived_tables= lex->derived_tables; for (uint i=1; i < arg_count; i++) { if (!args[i]->const_item()) return this; } Query_arena backup; Query_arena *arena= thd->activate_stmt_arena_if_needed(&backup); /* Create SELECT_LEX of the subquery SQ used in the result of transformation */ if (mysql_new_select(lex, 1, NULL)) goto err; mysql_init_select(lex); /* Create item list as '*' for the subquery SQ */ Item *item; SELECT_LEX *sq_select; // select for IN subquery; sq_select= lex->current_select; sq_select->parsing_place= SELECT_LIST; item= new (thd->mem_root) Item_field(thd, &sq_select->context, NULL, NULL, &star_clex_str); if (item == NULL || add_item_to_list(thd, item)) goto err; (sq_select->with_wild)++; /* Create derived table DT that will wrap TVC in the result of transformation */ SELECT_LEX *tvc_select; // select for tvc SELECT_LEX_UNIT *derived_unit; // unit for tvc_select if (mysql_new_select(lex, 1, NULL)) goto err; mysql_init_select(lex); tvc_select= lex->current_select; derived_unit= tvc_select->master_unit(); tvc_select->set_linkage(DERIVED_TABLE_TYPE); /* Create TVC used in the transformation */ if (create_value_list_for_tvc(thd, &values)) goto err; if (!(tvc_select->tvc= new (thd->mem_root) table_value_constr(values, tvc_select, tvc_select->options))) goto err; lex->current_select= sq_select; /* Create the name of the wrapping derived table and add it to the FROM list of the subquery SQ */ Table_ident *ti; LEX_CSTRING alias; TABLE_LIST *derived_tab; if (!(ti= new (thd->mem_root) Table_ident(derived_unit)) || create_tvc_name(thd, parent_select, &alias)) goto err; if (!(derived_tab= sq_select->add_table_to_list(thd, ti, &alias, 0, TL_READ, MDL_SHARED_READ))) goto err; sq_select->add_joined_table(derived_tab); sq_select->add_where_field(derived_unit->first_select()); sq_select->context.table_list= sq_select->table_list.first; sq_select->context.first_name_resolution_table= sq_select->table_list.first; sq_select->table_list.first->derived_type= DTYPE_TABLE | DTYPE_MATERIALIZE; lex->derived_tables|= DERIVED_SUBQUERY; sq_select->where= 0; sq_select->set_braces(false); derived_unit->set_with_clause(0); /* Create IN subquery predicate */ sq_select->parsing_place= parent_select->parsing_place; Item_in_subselect *in_subs; Item *sq; if (!(in_subs= new (thd->mem_root) Item_in_subselect(thd, args[0], sq_select))) goto err; sq= in_subs; if (negated) sq= negate_expression(thd, in_subs); else in_subs->emb_on_expr_nest= emb_on_expr_nest; if (arena) thd->restore_active_arena(arena, &backup); thd->lex->current_select= parent_select; if (sq->fix_fields(thd, (Item **)&sq)) goto err; parent_select->curr_tvc_name++; return sq; err: if (arena) thd->restore_active_arena(arena, &backup); lex->derived_tables= save_derived_tables; thd->lex->current_select= parent_select; return NULL; } /** @brief Check if this IN-predicate can be transformed in IN-subquery with TVC @param thd The context of the statement @details Compare the number of elements in the list of values in this IN-predicate with the in_subquery_conversion_threshold special variable @retval true if transformation can be made false otherwise */ bool Item_func_in::to_be_transformed_into_in_subq(THD *thd) { uint values_count= arg_count-1; if (args[1]->type() == Item::ROW_ITEM) values_count*= ((Item_row *)(args[1]))->cols(); if (values_count < thd->variables.in_subquery_conversion_threshold) return false; return true; } /** @brief Transform IN predicates into IN subqueries in WHERE and ON expressions @param thd The context of the statement @details For each IN predicate from AND parts of the WHERE condition and/or ON expressions of the SELECT for this join the method performs the intransformation into an equivalent IN sunquery if it's needed. @retval false always */ bool JOIN::transform_in_predicates_into_in_subq(THD *thd) { DBUG_ENTER("JOIN::transform_in_predicates_into_in_subq"); if (!select_lex->in_funcs.elements) DBUG_RETURN(false); SELECT_LEX *save_current_select= thd->lex->current_select; enum_parsing_place save_parsing_place= select_lex->parsing_place; thd->lex->current_select= select_lex; if (conds) { select_lex->parsing_place= IN_WHERE; conds= conds->transform(thd, &Item::in_predicate_to_in_subs_transformer, (uchar*) 0); if (!conds) DBUG_RETURN(true); select_lex->prep_where= conds ? conds->copy_andor_structure(thd) : 0; select_lex->where= conds; } if (join_list) { TABLE_LIST *table; List_iterator li(*join_list); select_lex->parsing_place= IN_ON; while ((table= li++)) { if (table->on_expr) { table->on_expr= table->on_expr->transform(thd, &Item::in_predicate_to_in_subs_transformer, (uchar*) 0); if (!table->on_expr) DBUG_RETURN(true); table->prep_on_expr= table->on_expr ? table->on_expr->copy_andor_structure(thd) : 0; } } } select_lex->in_funcs.empty(); select_lex->parsing_place= save_parsing_place; thd->lex->current_select= save_current_select; DBUG_RETURN(false); }