/* Copyright (C) 2000-2003 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* UNION of select's UNION's were introduced by Monty and Sinisa */ #include "mysql_priv.h" #include "sql_select.h" #include "sql_cursor.h" bool mysql_union(THD *thd, LEX *lex, select_result *result, SELECT_LEX_UNIT *unit, ulong setup_tables_done_option) { DBUG_ENTER("mysql_union"); bool res; if (!(res= unit->prepare(thd, result, SELECT_NO_UNLOCK | setup_tables_done_option))) res= unit->exec(); if (res || !thd->cursor || !thd->cursor->is_open()) res|= unit->cleanup(); DBUG_RETURN(res); } /*************************************************************************** ** store records in temporary table for UNION ***************************************************************************/ int select_union::prepare(List &list, SELECT_LEX_UNIT *u) { unit= u; return 0; } bool select_union::send_data(List &values) { int error= 0; if (unit->offset_limit_cnt) { // using limit offset,count unit->offset_limit_cnt--; return 0; } fill_record(thd, table->field, values, 1); if (thd->net.report_error) return 1; if ((error= table->file->ha_write_row(table->record[0]))) { /* create_myisam_from_heap will generate error if needed */ if (table->file->is_fatal_error(error, HA_CHECK_DUP) && create_myisam_from_heap(thd, table, &tmp_table_param, error, 1)) return 1; } return 0; } bool select_union::send_eof() { return 0; } bool select_union::flush() { int error; if ((error=table->file->extra(HA_EXTRA_NO_CACHE))) { table->file->print_error(error, MYF(0)); return 1; } return 0; } /* Create a temporary table to store the result of select_union. SYNOPSIS select_union::create_result_table() thd thread handle column_types a list of items used to define columns of the temporary table is_union_distinct if set, the temporary table will eliminate duplicates on insert options create options DESCRIPTION Create a temporary table that is used to store the result of a UNION, derived table, or a materialized cursor. RETURN VALUE 0 The table has been created successfully. 1 create_tmp_table failed. */ bool select_union::create_result_table(THD *thd, List *column_types, bool is_union_distinct, ulonglong options, const char *alias) { DBUG_ASSERT(table == 0); tmp_table_param.init(); tmp_table_param.field_count= column_types->elements; if (! (table= create_tmp_table(thd, &tmp_table_param, *column_types, (ORDER*) 0, is_union_distinct, 1, options, HA_POS_ERROR, (char*) alias))) return TRUE; table->file->extra(HA_EXTRA_WRITE_CACHE); table->file->extra(HA_EXTRA_IGNORE_DUP_KEY); return FALSE; } /* initialization procedures before fake_select_lex preparation() SYNOPSIS st_select_lex_unit::init_prepare_fake_select_lex() thd - thread handler RETURN options of SELECT */ void st_select_lex_unit::init_prepare_fake_select_lex(THD *thd) { thd->lex->current_select= fake_select_lex; fake_select_lex->table_list.link_in_list((byte *)&result_table_list, (byte **) &result_table_list.next_local); for (ORDER *order= (ORDER *)global_parameters->order_list.first; order; order=order->next) { (*order->item)->walk(&Item::change_context_processor, 0, (byte*) &fake_select_lex->context); } } bool st_select_lex_unit::prepare(THD *thd_arg, select_result *sel_result, ulong additional_options) { SELECT_LEX *lex_select_save= thd_arg->lex->current_select; SELECT_LEX *sl, *first_sl= first_select(); select_result *tmp_result; bool is_union; TABLE *empty_table= 0; DBUG_ENTER("st_select_lex_unit::prepare"); describe= test(additional_options & SELECT_DESCRIBE); /* result object should be reassigned even if preparing already done for max/min subquery (ALL/ANY optimization) */ result= sel_result; if (prepared) { if (describe) { /* fast reinit for EXPLAIN */ for (sl= first_sl; sl; sl= sl->next_select()) { sl->join->result= result; select_limit_cnt= HA_POS_ERROR; offset_limit_cnt= 0; if (!sl->join->procedure && result->prepare(sl->join->fields_list, this)) { DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } sl->join->select_options|= SELECT_DESCRIBE; sl->join->reinit(); } } DBUG_RETURN(FALSE); } prepared= 1; res= FALSE; thd_arg->lex->current_select= sl= first_sl; found_rows_for_union= first_sl->options & OPTION_FOUND_ROWS; is_union= first_sl->next_select() || fake_select_lex; /* Global option */ if (is_union) { if (!(tmp_result= union_result= new select_union)) goto err; if (describe) tmp_result= sel_result; } else tmp_result= sel_result; sl->context.resolve_in_select_list= TRUE; for (;sl; sl= sl->next_select()) { bool can_skip_order_by; sl->options|= SELECT_NO_UNLOCK; JOIN *join= new JOIN(thd_arg, sl->item_list, sl->options | thd_arg->options | additional_options, tmp_result); /* setup_tables_done_option should be set only for very first SELECT, because it protect from secont setup_tables call for select-like non select commands (DELETE/INSERT/...) and they use only very first SELECT (for union it can be only INSERT ... SELECT). */ additional_options&= ~OPTION_SETUP_TABLES_DONE; if (!join) goto err; thd_arg->lex->current_select= sl; can_skip_order_by= is_union && !(sl->braces && sl->explicit_limit); res= join->prepare(&sl->ref_pointer_array, (TABLE_LIST*) sl->table_list.first, sl->with_wild, sl->where, (can_skip_order_by ? 0 : sl->order_list.elements) + sl->group_list.elements, can_skip_order_by ? (ORDER*) 0 : (ORDER *)sl->order_list.first, (ORDER*) sl->group_list.first, sl->having, (is_union ? (ORDER*) 0 : (ORDER*) thd_arg->lex->proc_list.first), sl, this); /* There are no * in the statement anymore (for PS) */ sl->with_wild= 0; last_procedure= join->procedure; if ((res= (res || thd_arg->is_fatal_error))) goto err; /* Use items list of underlaid select for derived tables to preserve information about fields lengths and exact types */ if (!is_union) types= first_sl->item_list; else if (sl == first_sl) { /* We need to create an empty table object. It is used to create tmp_table fields in Item_type_holder. The main reason of this is that we can't create field object without table. */ DBUG_ASSERT(!empty_table); empty_table= (TABLE*) thd->calloc(sizeof(TABLE)); types.empty(); List_iterator_fast it(sl->item_list); Item *item_tmp; while ((item_tmp= it++)) { /* Error's in 'new' will be detected after loop */ types.push_back(new Item_type_holder(thd_arg, item_tmp)); } if (thd_arg->is_fatal_error) goto err; // out of memory } else { if (types.elements != sl->item_list.elements) { my_message(ER_WRONG_NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS_IN_SELECT, ER(ER_WRONG_NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS_IN_SELECT),MYF(0)); goto err; } List_iterator_fast it(sl->item_list); List_iterator_fast tp(types); Item *type, *item_tmp; while ((type= tp++, item_tmp= it++)) { if (((Item_type_holder*)type)->join_types(thd_arg, item_tmp)) DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } } } if (is_union) { /* Check that it was possible to aggregate all collations together for UNION. */ List_iterator_fast tp(types); Item *type; ulonglong create_options; while ((type= tp++)) { if (type->result_type() == STRING_RESULT && type->collation.derivation == DERIVATION_NONE) { my_error(ER_CANT_AGGREGATE_NCOLLATIONS, MYF(0), "UNION"); goto err; } } create_options= (first_sl->options | thd_arg->options | TMP_TABLE_ALL_COLUMNS); /* Force the temporary table to be a MyISAM table if we're going to use fullext functions (MATCH ... AGAINST .. IN BOOLEAN MODE) when reading from it (this should be removed in 5.2 when fulltext search is moved out of MyISAM). */ if (global_parameters->ftfunc_list->elements) create_options= create_options | TMP_TABLE_FORCE_MYISAM; if (union_result->create_result_table(thd, &types, test(union_distinct), create_options, "")) goto err; bzero((char*) &result_table_list, sizeof(result_table_list)); result_table_list.db= (char*) ""; result_table_list.table_name= result_table_list.alias= (char*) "union"; result_table_list.table= table= union_result->table; thd_arg->lex->current_select= lex_select_save; if (!item_list.elements) { Query_arena *arena, backup_arena; arena= thd->activate_stmt_arena_if_needed(&backup_arena); res= table->fill_item_list(&item_list); if (arena) thd->restore_active_arena(arena, &backup_arena); if (res) goto err; if (thd->stmt_arena->is_stmt_prepare()) { /* Validate the global parameters of this union */ init_prepare_fake_select_lex(thd); /* Should be done only once (the only item_list per statement) */ DBUG_ASSERT(fake_select_lex->join == 0); if (!(fake_select_lex->join= new JOIN(thd, item_list, thd->options, result))) { fake_select_lex->table_list.empty(); DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } fake_select_lex->item_list= item_list; thd_arg->lex->current_select= fake_select_lex; res= fake_select_lex->join-> prepare(&fake_select_lex->ref_pointer_array, (TABLE_LIST*) fake_select_lex->table_list.first, 0, 0, fake_select_lex->order_list.elements, (ORDER*) fake_select_lex->order_list.first, (ORDER*) NULL, NULL, (ORDER*) NULL, fake_select_lex, this); fake_select_lex->table_list.empty(); } } else { DBUG_ASSERT(!thd->stmt_arena->is_conventional()); /* We're in execution of a prepared statement or stored procedure: reset field items to point at fields from the created temporary table. */ table->reset_item_list(&item_list); } } thd_arg->lex->current_select= lex_select_save; DBUG_RETURN(res || thd_arg->is_fatal_error); err: thd_arg->lex->current_select= lex_select_save; DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } bool st_select_lex_unit::exec() { SELECT_LEX *lex_select_save= thd->lex->current_select; SELECT_LEX *select_cursor=first_select(); ulonglong add_rows=0; ha_rows examined_rows= 0; DBUG_ENTER("st_select_lex_unit::exec"); if (executed && !uncacheable && !describe) DBUG_RETURN(FALSE); executed= 1; if (uncacheable || !item || !item->assigned() || describe) { if (item) item->reset_value_registration(); if (optimized && item) { if (item->assigned()) { item->assigned(0); // We will reinit & rexecute unit item->reset(); table->file->delete_all_rows(); } /* re-enabling indexes for next subselect iteration */ if (union_distinct && table->file->enable_indexes(HA_KEY_SWITCH_ALL)) DBUG_ASSERT(0); } for (SELECT_LEX *sl= select_cursor; sl; sl= sl->next_select()) { ha_rows records_at_start= 0; thd->lex->current_select= sl; if (optimized) res= sl->join->reinit(); else { set_limit(sl); if (sl == global_parameters || describe) { offset_limit_cnt= 0; /* We can't use LIMIT at this stage if we are using ORDER BY for the whole query */ if (sl->order_list.first || describe) select_limit_cnt= HA_POS_ERROR; } /* When using braces, SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS affects the whole query: we don't calculate found_rows() per union part. Otherwise, SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS should be done on all sub parts. */ sl->join->select_options= (select_limit_cnt == HA_POS_ERROR || sl->braces) ? sl->options & ~OPTION_FOUND_ROWS : sl->options | found_rows_for_union; res= sl->join->optimize(); } if (!res) { records_at_start= table->file->stats.records; sl->join->exec(); if (sl == union_distinct) { if (table->file->disable_indexes(HA_KEY_SWITCH_ALL)) DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); table->no_keyread=1; } res= sl->join->error; offset_limit_cnt= (ha_rows)(sl->offset_limit ? sl->offset_limit->val_uint() : 0); if (!res) { examined_rows+= thd->examined_row_count; if (union_result->flush()) { thd->lex->current_select= lex_select_save; DBUG_RETURN(1); } } } if (res) { thd->lex->current_select= lex_select_save; DBUG_RETURN(res); } /* Needed for the following test and for records_at_start in next loop */ int error= table->file->info(HA_STATUS_VARIABLE); if(error) { table->file->print_error(error, MYF(0)); DBUG_RETURN(1); } if (found_rows_for_union && !sl->braces && select_limit_cnt != HA_POS_ERROR) { /* This is a union without braces. Remember the number of rows that could also have been part of the result set. We get this from the difference of between total number of possible rows and actual rows added to the temporary table. */ add_rows+= (ulonglong) (thd->limit_found_rows - (ulonglong) ((table->file->stats.records - records_at_start))); } } } optimized= 1; /* Send result to 'result' */ res= TRUE; { List empty_list; empty_list.empty(); if (!thd->is_fatal_error) // Check if EOM { set_limit(global_parameters); init_prepare_fake_select_lex(thd); JOIN *join= fake_select_lex->join; if (!join) { /* allocate JOIN for fake select only once (prevent mysql_select automatic allocation) */ if (!(fake_select_lex->join= new JOIN(thd, item_list, fake_select_lex->options, result))) { fake_select_lex->table_list.empty(); DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } /* Fake st_select_lex should have item list for correctref_array allocation. */ fake_select_lex->item_list= item_list; } else { JOIN_TAB *tab,*end; for (tab=join->join_tab, end=tab+join->tables ; tab && tab != end ; tab++) { delete tab->select; delete tab->quick; } join->init(thd, item_list, fake_select_lex->options, result); } res= mysql_select(thd, &fake_select_lex->ref_pointer_array, &result_table_list, 0, item_list, NULL, global_parameters->order_list.elements, (ORDER*)global_parameters->order_list.first, (ORDER*) NULL, NULL, (ORDER*) NULL, fake_select_lex->options | SELECT_NO_UNLOCK, result, this, fake_select_lex); fake_select_lex->table_list.empty(); if (!res) { thd->limit_found_rows = (ulonglong)table->file->stats.records + add_rows; thd->examined_row_count+= examined_rows; } /* Mark for slow query log if any of the union parts didn't use indexes efficiently */ } } thd->lex->current_select= lex_select_save; DBUG_RETURN(res); } bool st_select_lex_unit::cleanup() { int error= 0; DBUG_ENTER("st_select_lex_unit::cleanup"); if (cleaned) { DBUG_RETURN(FALSE); } cleaned= 1; if (union_result) { delete union_result; union_result=0; // Safety if (table) free_tmp_table(thd, table); table= 0; // Safety } for (SELECT_LEX *sl= first_select(); sl; sl= sl->next_select()) error|= sl->cleanup(); if (fake_select_lex) { JOIN *join; if ((join= fake_select_lex->join)) { join->tables_list= 0; join->tables= 0; } error|= fake_select_lex->cleanup(); } DBUG_RETURN(error); } void st_select_lex_unit::reinit_exec_mechanism() { prepared= optimized= executed= 0; #ifndef DBUG_OFF if (first_select()->next_select()) { List_iterator_fast it(item_list); Item *field; while ((field= it++)) { /* we can't cleanup here, because it broke link to temporary table field, but have to drop fixed flag to allow next fix_field of this field during re-executing */ field->fixed= 0; } } #endif } /* change select_result object of unit SYNOPSIS st_select_lex_unit::change_result() result new select_result object old_result old select_result object RETURN FALSE - OK TRUE - error */ bool st_select_lex_unit::change_result(select_subselect *result, select_subselect *old_result) { bool res= FALSE; for (SELECT_LEX *sl= first_select(); sl; sl= sl->next_select()) { if (sl->join && sl->join->result == old_result) if (sl->join->change_result(result)) return TRUE; } if (fake_select_lex && fake_select_lex->join) res= fake_select_lex->join->change_result(result); return (res); } /* Get column type information for this unit. SYNOPSIS st_select_lex_unit::get_unit_column_types() DESCRIPTION For a single-select the column types are taken from the list of selected items. For a union this function assumes that st_select_lex_unit::prepare has been called and returns the type holders that were created for unioned column types of all selects. NOTES The implementation of this function should be in sync with st_select_lex_unit::prepare() */ List *st_select_lex_unit::get_unit_column_types() { SELECT_LEX *sl= first_select(); bool is_union= test(sl->next_select()); bool is_procedure= test(sl->join->procedure); if (is_procedure) { /* Types for "SELECT * FROM t1 procedure analyse()" are generated during execute */ return &sl->join->procedure_fields_list; } if (is_union) { DBUG_ASSERT(prepared); /* Types are generated during prepare */ return &types; } return &sl->item_list; } bool st_select_lex::cleanup() { bool error= FALSE; DBUG_ENTER("st_select_lex::cleanup()"); if (join) { DBUG_ASSERT((st_select_lex*)join->select_lex == this); error= join->destroy(); delete join; join= 0; } for (SELECT_LEX_UNIT *lex_unit= first_inner_unit(); lex_unit ; lex_unit= lex_unit->next_unit()) { error= (bool) ((uint) error | (uint) lex_unit->cleanup()); } DBUG_RETURN(error); } void st_select_lex::cleanup_all_joins(bool full) { SELECT_LEX_UNIT *unit; SELECT_LEX *sl; if (join) join->cleanup(full); for (unit= first_inner_unit(); unit; unit= unit->next_unit()) for (sl= unit->first_select(); sl; sl= sl->next_select()) sl->cleanup_all_joins(full); }