/* Copyright(C) 2019 MariaDB This program is free software; you can redistribute itand /or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111 - 1301 USA*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Show { static ST_FIELD_INFO groups_fields_info[] = { Column("GROUP_ID", SLong(6), NOT_NULL), Column("CONNECTIONS", SLong(6), NOT_NULL), Column("THREADS", SLong(6), NOT_NULL), Column("ACTIVE_THREADS", SLong(6), NOT_NULL), Column("STANDBY_THREADS", SLong(6), NOT_NULL), Column("QUEUE_LENGTH", SLong(6), NOT_NULL), Column("HAS_LISTENER", STiny(1), NOT_NULL), Column("IS_STALLED", STiny(1), NOT_NULL), CEnd() }; } // namespace Show static int groups_fill_table(THD* thd, TABLE_LIST* tables, COND*) { if (!all_groups) return 0; TABLE* table = tables->table; for (uint i = 0; i < threadpool_max_size && all_groups[i].pollfd != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; i++) { thread_group_t* group = &all_groups[i]; /* ID */ table->field[0]->store(i, true); /* CONNECTION_COUNT */ table->field[1]->store(group->connection_count, true); /* THREAD_COUNT */ table->field[2]->store(group->thread_count, true); /* ACTIVE_THREAD_COUNT */ table->field[3]->store(group->active_thread_count, true); /* STANDBY_THREAD_COUNT */ table->field[4]->store(group->waiting_threads.elements(), true); /* QUEUE LENGTH */ uint queue_len = group->queues[TP_PRIORITY_LOW].elements() + group->queues[TP_PRIORITY_HIGH].elements(); table->field[5]->store(queue_len, true); /* HAS_LISTENER */ table->field[6]->store((longlong)(group->listener != 0), true); /* IS_STALLED */ table->field[7]->store(group->stalled, true); if (schema_table_store_record(thd, table)) return 1; } return 0; } static int groups_init(void* p) { ST_SCHEMA_TABLE* schema = (ST_SCHEMA_TABLE*)p; schema->fields_info = Show::groups_fields_info; schema->fill_table = groups_fill_table; return 0; } namespace Show { static ST_FIELD_INFO queues_field_info[] = { Column("GROUP_ID", SLong(6), NOT_NULL), Column("POSITION", SLong(6), NOT_NULL), Column("PRIORITY", SLong(1), NOT_NULL), Column("CONNECTION_ID", ULonglong(19), NOT_NULL), Column("QUEUEING_TIME_MICROSECONDS", SLonglong(19), NOT_NULL), CEnd() }; } // namespace Show typedef connection_queue_t::Iterator connection_queue_iterator; static int queues_fill_table(THD* thd, TABLE_LIST* tables, COND*) { if (!all_groups) return 0; TABLE* table = tables->table; for (uint group_id = 0; group_id < threadpool_max_size && all_groups[group_id].pollfd != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; group_id++) { thread_group_t* group = &all_groups[group_id]; mysql_mutex_lock(&group->mutex); bool err = false; int pos = 0; ulonglong now = microsecond_interval_timer(); for (uint prio = 0; prio < NQUEUES && !err; prio++) { connection_queue_iterator it(group->queues[prio]); TP_connection_generic* c; while ((c = it++) != 0) { /* GROUP_ID */ table->field[0]->store(group_id, true); /* POSITION */ table->field[1]->store(pos++, true); /* PRIORITY */ table->field[2]->store(prio, true); /* CONNECTION_ID */ table->field[3]->store(c->thd->thread_id, true); /* QUEUEING_TIME */ table->field[4]->store(now - c->enqueue_time, true); err = schema_table_store_record(thd, table); if (err) break; } } mysql_mutex_unlock(&group->mutex); if (err) return 1; } return 0; } static int queues_init(void* p) { ST_SCHEMA_TABLE* schema = (ST_SCHEMA_TABLE*)p; schema->fields_info = Show::queues_field_info; schema->fill_table = queues_fill_table; return 0; } namespace Show { static ST_FIELD_INFO stats_fields_info[] = { Column("GROUP_ID", SLong(6), NOT_NULL), Column("THREAD_CREATIONS", SLonglong(19), NOT_NULL), Column("THREAD_CREATIONS_DUE_TO_STALL", SLonglong(19), NOT_NULL), Column("WAKES", SLonglong(19), NOT_NULL), Column("WAKES_DUE_TO_STALL", SLonglong(19), NOT_NULL), Column("THROTTLES", SLonglong(19), NOT_NULL), Column("STALLS", SLonglong(19), NOT_NULL), Column("POLLS_BY_LISTENER", SLonglong(19), NOT_NULL), Column("POLLS_BY_WORKER", SLonglong(19), NOT_NULL), Column("DEQUEUES_BY_LISTENER", SLonglong(19), NOT_NULL), Column("DEQUEUES_BY_WORKER", SLonglong(19), NOT_NULL), CEnd() }; } // namespace Show static int stats_fill_table(THD* thd, TABLE_LIST* tables, COND*) { if (!all_groups) return 0; TABLE* table = tables->table; for (uint i = 0; i < threadpool_max_size && all_groups[i].pollfd != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; i++) { table->field[0]->store(i, true); thread_group_t* group = &all_groups[i]; mysql_mutex_lock(&group->mutex); thread_group_counters_t* counters = &group->counters; table->field[1]->store(counters->thread_creations, true); table->field[2]->store(counters->thread_creations_due_to_stall, true); table->field[3]->store(counters->wakes, true); table->field[4]->store(counters->wakes_due_to_stall, true); table->field[5]->store(counters->throttles, true); table->field[6]->store(counters->stalls, true); table->field[7]->store(counters->polls[(int)operation_origin::LISTENER], true); table->field[8]->store(counters->polls[(int)operation_origin::WORKER], true); table->field[9]->store(counters->dequeues[(int)operation_origin::LISTENER], true); table->field[10]->store(counters->dequeues[(int)operation_origin::WORKER], true); mysql_mutex_unlock(&group->mutex); if (schema_table_store_record(thd, table)) return 1; } return 0; } static int stats_reset_table() { if (!all_groups) return 0; for (uint i = 0; i < threadpool_max_size && all_groups[i].pollfd != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; i++) { thread_group_t* group = &all_groups[i]; mysql_mutex_lock(&group->mutex); memset(&group->counters, 0, sizeof(group->counters)); mysql_mutex_unlock(&group->mutex); } return 0; } static int stats_init(void* p) { ST_SCHEMA_TABLE* schema = (ST_SCHEMA_TABLE*)p; schema->fields_info = Show::stats_fields_info; schema->fill_table = stats_fill_table; schema->reset_table = stats_reset_table; return 0; } namespace Show { static ST_FIELD_INFO waits_fields_info[] = { Column("REASON", Varchar(16), NOT_NULL), Column("COUNT", SLonglong(19), NOT_NULL), CEnd() }; } // namespace Show /* See thd_wait_type enum for explanation*/ static const LEX_CSTRING wait_reasons[THD_WAIT_LAST] = { {STRING_WITH_LEN("UNKNOWN")}, {STRING_WITH_LEN("SLEEP")}, {STRING_WITH_LEN("DISKIO")}, {STRING_WITH_LEN("ROW_LOCK")}, {STRING_WITH_LEN("GLOBAL_LOCK")}, {STRING_WITH_LEN("META_DATA_LOCK")}, {STRING_WITH_LEN("TABLE_LOCK")}, {STRING_WITH_LEN("USER_LOCK")}, {STRING_WITH_LEN("BINLOG")}, {STRING_WITH_LEN("GROUP_COMMIT")}, {STRING_WITH_LEN("SYNC")}, {STRING_WITH_LEN("NET")} }; extern Atomic_counter tp_waits[THD_WAIT_LAST]; static int waits_fill_table(THD* thd, TABLE_LIST* tables, COND*) { if (!all_groups) return 0; TABLE* table = tables->table; for (auto i = 0; i < THD_WAIT_LAST; i++) { table->field[0]->store(wait_reasons[i].str, wait_reasons[i].length, system_charset_info); table->field[1]->store(tp_waits[i], true); if (schema_table_store_record(thd, table)) return 1; } return 0; } static int waits_reset_table() { for (auto i = 0; i < THD_WAIT_LAST; i++) tp_waits[i] = 0; return 0; } static int waits_init(void* p) { ST_SCHEMA_TABLE* schema = (ST_SCHEMA_TABLE*)p; schema->fields_info = Show::waits_fields_info; schema->fill_table = waits_fill_table; schema->reset_table = waits_reset_table; return 0; } static struct st_mysql_information_schema plugin_descriptor = { MYSQL_INFORMATION_SCHEMA_INTERFACE_VERSION }; maria_declare_plugin(thread_pool_info) { MYSQL_INFORMATION_SCHEMA_PLUGIN, &plugin_descriptor, "THREAD_POOL_GROUPS", "Vladislav Vaintroub", "Provides information about threadpool groups.", PLUGIN_LICENSE_GPL, groups_init, 0, 0x0100, NULL, NULL, "1.0", MariaDB_PLUGIN_MATURITY_STABLE }, { MYSQL_INFORMATION_SCHEMA_PLUGIN, &plugin_descriptor, "THREAD_POOL_QUEUES", "Vladislav Vaintroub", "Provides information about threadpool queues.", PLUGIN_LICENSE_GPL, queues_init, 0, 0x0100, NULL, NULL, "1.0", MariaDB_PLUGIN_MATURITY_STABLE }, { MYSQL_INFORMATION_SCHEMA_PLUGIN, &plugin_descriptor, "THREAD_POOL_STATS", "Vladislav Vaintroub", "Provides performance counter information for threadpool.", PLUGIN_LICENSE_GPL, stats_init, 0, 0x0100, NULL, NULL, "1.0", MariaDB_PLUGIN_MATURITY_STABLE }, { MYSQL_INFORMATION_SCHEMA_PLUGIN, &plugin_descriptor, "THREAD_POOL_WAITS", "Vladislav Vaintroub", "Provides wait counters for threadpool.", PLUGIN_LICENSE_GPL, waits_init, 0, 0x0100, NULL, NULL, "1.0", MariaDB_PLUGIN_MATURITY_STABLE } maria_declare_plugin_end;