#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __linux__ #include typedef struct epoll_event native_event; #endif #if defined (__FreeBSD__) || defined (__APPLE__) #include typedef struct kevent native_event; #endif #if defined (__sun) #include typedef port_event_t native_event; #endif static PSI_mutex_key key_group_mutex; static PSI_mutex_key key_timer_mutex; static PSI_mutex_info mutex_list[]= { { &key_group_mutex, "group_mutex", 0}, { &key_timer_mutex, "timer_mutex", PSI_FLAG_GLOBAL} }; static PSI_cond_key key_worker_cond; static PSI_cond_key key_timer_cond; static PSI_cond_info cond_list[]= { { &key_worker_cond, "worker_cond", 0}, { &key_timer_cond, "timer_cond", PSI_FLAG_GLOBAL} }; static PSI_thread_key key_worker_thread; static PSI_thread_key key_timer_thread; static PSI_thread_info thread_list[] = { {&key_worker_thread, "worker_thread", 0}, {&key_timer_thread, "timer_thread", PSI_FLAG_GLOBAL} }; TP_STATISTICS tp_stats; struct thread_group_t; /* Per-thread structure for workers */ struct worker_thread_t { mysql_cond_t cond; bool woken; thread_group_t* thread_group; ulonglong event_count; /* Stats: number of executed requests */ SLIST_ENTRY(worker_thread_t) ptr; }; /* Data associated with an io event (also can be sent with with explicit post_event()) */ struct pool_event_t { STAILQ_ENTRY (pool_event_t) next; void *data; }; static pool_event_t POOL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT; struct thread_group_t { mysql_mutex_t mutex; STAILQ_HEAD(queue_listhead, pool_event_t) queue; SLIST_HEAD(wait_listhead, worker_thread_t) waiting_threads; int pollfd; int thread_count; int active_thread_count; int pending_thread_start_count; int connection_count; bool shutdown; bool stalled; int shutdown_pipe[2]; worker_thread_t *listener; pthread_attr_t *pthread_attr; ulonglong last_thread_creation_time; /* Stats for the deadlock detection timer routine.*/ ulonglong io_event_count; ulonglong queue_event_count; } MY_ALIGNED(512); static thread_group_t all_groups[128]; /* Global timer for all groups */ struct pool_timer_t { mysql_mutex_t mutex; mysql_cond_t cond; int tick_interval; volatile ulonglong current_microtime; volatile ulonglong next_timeout_check; bool shutdown; }; static pool_timer_t pool_timer; struct connection_t { pool_event_t event; THD *thd; thread_group_t *thread_group; ulonglong abs_wait_timeout; bool logged_in; bool waiting; }; /* Externals functions and variables we use */ extern void scheduler_init(); extern pthread_attr_t *get_connection_attrib(void); extern int skip_net_wait_timeout; static void post_event(thread_group_t *thread_group, pool_event_t* ev); static int wake_thread(thread_group_t *thread_group); static void handle_event(pool_event_t *ev); static int wake_or_create_thread(thread_group_t *thread_group); static int create_worker(thread_group_t *thread_group); static void *worker_main(void *param); static void check_stall(thread_group_t *thread_group); static void connection_abort(connection_t *connection); void tp_post_kill_notification(THD *thd); static void set_wait_timeout(connection_t *connection); static void set_next_timeout_check(ulonglong abstime); /** Asynchronous network IO. We use native edge-triggered network IO multiplexing facility. This maps to different APIs on different Unixes. Supported are currently Linux with epoll, Solaris with event ports, OSX and BSD with kevent. All those API's are used with one-shot flags (the event is signalled once client has written something into the socket, then socket is removed from the "poll-set" until the command is finished, and we need to re-arm/re-register socket) No implementation for poll/select/AIO is currently provided. The API closely resembles all of the above mentioned platform APIs and consists of following functions. - io_poll_create() Creates an io_poll descriptor On Linux: epoll_create() - io_poll_associate_fd(int poll_fd, int fd, void *data) Associate file descriptor with io poll descriptor On Linux : epoll_ctl(..EPOLL_CTL_ADD)) - io_poll_disassociate_fd(int pollfd, int fd) Associate file descriptor with io poll descriptor On Linux: epoll_ctl(..EPOLL_CTL_DEL) - io_poll_start_read(int poll_fd,int fd, void *data) The same as io_poll_associate_fd(), but cannot be used before io_poll_associate_fd() was called. On Linux : epoll_ctl(..EPOLL_CTL_MOD) - io_poll_wait (int pollfd, native_event *native_events, int maxevents, int timeout_ms) wait until one or more descriptors added with io_poll_associate_fd() or io_poll_start_read() becomes readable. Data associated with descriptors can be retrieved from native_events array, using native_event_get_userdata() function. On Linux: epoll_wait() */ #if defined (__linux__) static int io_poll_create() { return epoll_create(1); } int io_poll_associate_fd(int pollfd, int fd, void *data) { struct epoll_event ev; ev.data.ptr= data; ev.events= EPOLLIN|EPOLLET|EPOLLERR|EPOLLRDHUP|EPOLLONESHOT; return epoll_ctl(pollfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, fd, &ev); } int io_poll_start_read(int pollfd, int fd, void *data) { struct epoll_event ev; ev.data.ptr= data; ev.events= EPOLLIN|EPOLLET|EPOLLERR|EPOLLRDHUP|EPOLLONESHOT; return epoll_ctl(pollfd, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, fd, &ev); } void io_poll_disassociate_fd(int pollfd, int fd) { struct epoll_event ev; epoll_ctl(pollfd, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, fd, &ev); } int io_poll_wait(int pollfd, native_event *native_events, int maxevents, int timeout_ms) { int ret; do { ret = epoll_wait(pollfd, native_events, maxevents, timeout_ms); } while(ret == -1 && errno == EINTR); return ret; } static void *native_event_get_userdata(native_event *event) { return event->data.ptr; } #elif defined (__FreeBSD__) || defined (__APPLE__) int io_poll_create() { return kqueue(); } int io_poll_start_read(int pollfd, int fd, void *data) { struct kevent ke; EV_SET(&ke, fd, EVFILT_READ, EV_ADD|EV_ENABLE|EV_CLEAR, 0, 0, data); return kevent(pollfd, &ke, 1, 0, 0, 0); } int io_poll_associate_fd(int pollfd, int fd, void *data) { return io_poll_start_read(poolfd,fd, data); } int io_poll_disassociate_fd(thread_group_t *thread_group, int fd) { struct kevent ke; EV_SET(&ke,fd, EVFILT_READ, EV_DELETE, 0, 0, NULL); return kevent(thread_group->pollfd, &ke, 1, 0, 0, 0); } int io_poll_wait(int pollfd, struct kevent *events, int maxevents, int timeout_ms) { struct timespec ts; int ret; if (timeout_ms >= 0) { ts.tv_sec= timeout_ms/1000; ts.tv_nsec= (timeout_ms%1000)*1000000; } do { ret= kevent(pollfd, 0, 0, events, maxevents, (timeout_ms >= 0)?&ts:NULL); } while (ret == -1 && errno == EINTR); if (ret > 0) { /* Disable monitoring for the events we that we dequeued */ for (int i=0; i < ret; i++) { struct kevent *ke = &events[i]; EV_SET(ke, ke->ident, EVFILT_READ, EV_ADD|EV_DISABLE, 0, 0, ke->udata); } kevent(pollfd, events, ret, 0, 0, 0); } return ret; } static void* native_event_get_userdata(native_event *event) { return event->udata; } #elif defined (__sun) static int io_poll_create() { return port_create(); } int io_poll_start_read(int pollfd, int fd, void *data) { return port_associate(pollfd, PORT_SOURCE_FD, fd, POLLIN, data); } static int io_poll_associate_fd(int pollfd, int fd, void *data) { return io_poll_start_read(pollfd, fd, data); } int io_poll_wait(int pollfd, native_event *events, int maxevents, int timeout_ms) { struct timespec ts; int ret; uint_t nget= 1; if (timeout_ms >= 0) { ts.tv_sec= timeout_ms/1000; ts.tv_nsec= (timeout_ms%1000)*1000000; } do { ret= port_getn(pollfd, events, maxevents, &nget, (timeout_ms >= 0)?&ts:NULL); } while (ret == -1 && errno == EINTR); return nget; } static void* native_event_get_userdata(native_event *event) { return event->portev_user; } #else #error not ported yet to this OS #endif /* Dequeue element from a workqueue */ static pool_event_t *queue_get(thread_group_t *thread_group) { DBUG_ENTER("queue_get"); pool_event_t *ev= NULL; thread_group->queue_event_count++; ev= STAILQ_FIRST(&thread_group->queue); if (ev) { STAILQ_REMOVE_HEAD(&thread_group->queue,next); } DBUG_RETURN(ev); } /* Check if workqueue is empty. */ static bool queue_is_empty(thread_group_t* thread_group) { DBUG_ENTER("queue_is_empty"); bool empty= (STAILQ_FIRST(&thread_group->queue) == NULL); DBUG_RETURN(empty); } static void queue_put(thread_group_t *thread_group, pool_event_t *event) { DBUG_ENTER("queue_put"); STAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&thread_group->queue, event, next); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } static void increment_active_threads(thread_group_t *thread_group) { my_atomic_add32(&tp_stats.num_waiting_threads,-1); thread_group->active_thread_count++; } static void decrement_active_threads(thread_group_t *thread_group) { my_atomic_add32(&tp_stats.num_waiting_threads,1); thread_group->active_thread_count--; } /* Handle wait timeout : Find connections that have been idle for too long and kill them. Also, recalculate time when next timeout check should run. */ static void timeout_check(pool_timer_t *timer) { DBUG_ENTER("timeout_check"); mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_thread_count); I_List_iterator it(threads); /* Reset next timeout check, it will be recalculated in the loop below */ my_atomic_fas64((volatile int64*)&timer->next_timeout_check, ULONGLONG_MAX); THD *thd; while ((thd=it++)) { if (thd->net.reading_or_writing != 1) continue; connection_t *connection= (connection_t *)thd->event_scheduler.data; if (!connection) continue; if(connection->abs_wait_timeout < timer->current_microtime) { /* Wait timeout exceeded, kill connection. */ mysql_mutex_lock(&thd->LOCK_thd_data); thd->killed = KILL_CONNECTION; tp_post_kill_notification(thd); mysql_mutex_unlock(&thd->LOCK_thd_data); } else { set_next_timeout_check(connection->abs_wait_timeout); } } mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_thread_count); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /* Timer thread. Periodically, check if one of the thread groups is stalled. Stalls happen if events are not being dequeued from the queue, or from the network, Primary reason for stall can be a lengthy executing non-blocking request. It could also happen that thread is waiting but wait_begin/wait_end is forgotten by storage engine. Timer thread will create a new thread in group in case of a stall. Besides checking for stalls, timer thread is also responsible for terminating clients that have been idle for longer than wait_timeout seconds. */ static void* timer_thread(void *param) { uint i; pool_timer_t* timer=(pool_timer_t *)param; timer->next_timeout_check= ULONGLONG_MAX; timer->current_microtime= microsecond_interval_timer(); my_thread_init(); DBUG_ENTER("timer_thread"); for(;;) { struct timespec ts; set_timespec_nsec(ts,timer->tick_interval*1000000); mysql_mutex_lock(&timer->mutex); int err = mysql_cond_timedwait(&timer->cond, &timer->mutex, &ts); if (timer->shutdown) break; if (err == ETIMEDOUT) { timer->current_microtime= microsecond_interval_timer(); /* Check stallls in thread groups */ for(i=0; i< threadpool_size;i++) { if(all_groups[i].connection_count) check_stall(&all_groups[i]); } /* Check if any client exceeded wait_timeout */ if (timer->next_timeout_check <= timer->current_microtime) timeout_check(timer); } mysql_mutex_unlock(&timer->mutex); } DBUG_POP(); my_thread_end(); return NULL; } void check_stall(thread_group_t *thread_group) { if (mysql_mutex_trylock(&thread_group->mutex) != 0) { /* Something happens. Don't disturb */ return; } /* Check if listener is present. If not, check whether any IO events were dequeued since last time. If not, this means listener is either in tight loop or thd_wait_begin() was forgotten. Create a new worker(it will make itself listener). */ if (!thread_group->listener && !thread_group->io_event_count) { wake_or_create_thread(thread_group); mysql_mutex_unlock(&thread_group->mutex); return; } /* Reset io event count */ thread_group->io_event_count= 0; /* Check whether requests from the workqueue are being dequeued. */ if (!queue_is_empty(thread_group) && !thread_group->queue_event_count) { thread_group->stalled= true; wake_or_create_thread(thread_group); } /* Reset queue event count */ thread_group->queue_event_count= 0; mysql_mutex_unlock(&thread_group->mutex); } static void start_timer(pool_timer_t* timer) { pthread_t thread_id; DBUG_ENTER("start_timer"); mysql_mutex_init(key_timer_mutex,&timer->mutex, NULL); mysql_cond_init(key_timer_cond, &timer->cond, NULL); timer->shutdown = false; mysql_thread_create(key_timer_thread,&thread_id, NULL, timer_thread, timer); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } static void stop_timer(pool_timer_t *timer) { DBUG_ENTER("stop_timer"); mysql_mutex_lock(&timer->mutex); timer->shutdown = true; mysql_cond_signal(&timer->cond); mysql_mutex_unlock(&timer->mutex); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } #define MAX_EVENTS 1024 /* Poll for socket events and distribute them to worker threads. In many case current thread will handle single event itself. */ static pool_event_t * listener(worker_thread_t *current_thread, thread_group_t *thread_group) { DBUG_ENTER("listener"); for(;;) { native_event ev[MAX_EVENTS]; int cnt; if (thread_group->shutdown) { DBUG_RETURN(&POOL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT); } do { cnt = io_poll_wait(thread_group->pollfd, ev, MAX_EVENTS, -1); } while(cnt <= 0 && errno == EINTR); if (cnt <=0) { DBUG_ASSERT(thread_group->shutdown); DBUG_RETURN(&POOL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT); } /* Put events to queue, maybe wakeup workers. If queue is currently empty, listener will return so the current thread handles query itself, this avoids wakeups and context switches. But if queue is not empty this smells like a flood of queries, and the listener stays. */ mysql_mutex_lock(&thread_group->mutex); if (thread_group->shutdown) { mysql_mutex_unlock(&thread_group->mutex); DBUG_RETURN(&POOL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT); } thread_group->io_event_count += cnt; bool pick_event= queue_is_empty(thread_group); for(int i=(pick_event)?1:0; i < cnt ; i++) { pool_event_t *e= (pool_event_t *)native_event_get_userdata(&ev[i]); queue_put(thread_group, e); } /* Wake at most one worker thread */ if(thread_group->active_thread_count==0 && /*!queue_is_empty(thread_group)*/ !pick_event) { if(wake_thread(thread_group)) { if(thread_group->thread_count == 1) create_worker(thread_group); } } mysql_mutex_unlock(&thread_group->mutex); if (pick_event) DBUG_RETURN((pool_event_t *)(native_event_get_userdata(&ev[0]))); } } /* Creates a new worker thread. thread_mutex must be held when calling this function NOTE: in rare cases, the number of threads can exceed threadpool_max_threads, because we need at least 2 threads per group to prevent deadlocks (one listener + one worker) */ static int create_worker(thread_group_t *thread_group) { pthread_t thread_id; int err; DBUG_ENTER("create_worker"); if (tp_stats.num_worker_threads >= (int)threadpool_max_threads && thread_group->thread_count >= 2) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Cannot create new thread (maximum allowed threads reached)")); DBUG_RETURN(-1); } err= pthread_create(&thread_id, thread_group->pthread_attr, worker_main, thread_group); if (!err) { thread_group->pending_thread_start_count++; thread_group->last_thread_creation_time=microsecond_interval_timer(); } DBUG_RETURN(err); } /* Wakes a worker thread, or creates a new one. Worker creation is throttled, so we avoid too many threads to be created during the short time. */ static int wake_or_create_thread(thread_group_t *thread_group) { ulonglong now; ulonglong time_since_last_thread_created; DBUG_ENTER("wake_or_create_thread"); if (wake_thread(thread_group) == 0) DBUG_RETURN(0); if (thread_group->pending_thread_start_count > 0) DBUG_RETURN(-1); if (thread_group->thread_count > thread_group->connection_count) DBUG_RETURN(-1); if (thread_group->thread_count < 4) { DBUG_RETURN(create_worker(thread_group)); } now = microsecond_interval_timer(); time_since_last_thread_created = (now - thread_group->last_thread_creation_time)/1000; if (thread_group->active_thread_count == 0) { /* We're better off creating a new thread here with no delay, as others threads (at least 4) are all blocking and there was no sleeping thread to wakeup. It smells like deadlock or very slowly executing requests, e.g sleeps or user locks. */ DBUG_RETURN(create_worker(thread_group)); } /* Throttle thread creation. */ if ((thread_group->thread_count < 8 && time_since_last_thread_created > 50) || (thread_group->thread_count < 16 && time_since_last_thread_created > 100) || (time_since_last_thread_created > 200)) { DBUG_RETURN(create_worker(thread_group)); } DBUG_RETURN(-1); } /* Initialize thread group */ int thread_group_init(thread_group_t *thread_group, pthread_attr_t* thread_attr) { DBUG_ENTER("thread_group_init"); memset(thread_group, 0, sizeof(thread_group_t)); thread_group->pthread_attr = thread_attr; mysql_mutex_init(key_group_mutex, &thread_group->mutex, NULL); STAILQ_INIT(&thread_group->queue); SLIST_INIT(&thread_group->waiting_threads); thread_group->pending_thread_start_count= 0; thread_group->pollfd= io_poll_create(); thread_group->stalled= false; if (thread_group->pollfd < 0) { DBUG_RETURN(-1); } if (pipe(thread_group->shutdown_pipe)) { DBUG_RETURN(-1); } if (io_poll_associate_fd(thread_group->pollfd, thread_group->shutdown_pipe[0], &POOL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT)) { DBUG_RETURN(-1); } DBUG_RETURN(0); } /* Wake single sleeping thread in pool. Optionally, tell this thread to listen to socket io notification. */ static int wake_thread(thread_group_t *thread_group) { DBUG_ENTER("wake_thread"); worker_thread_t *thread = SLIST_FIRST(&thread_group->waiting_threads); if(thread) { thread->woken= true; SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD(&thread_group->waiting_threads, ptr); if (mysql_cond_signal(&thread->cond)) abort(); DBUG_RETURN(0); } DBUG_RETURN(-1); /* no thread- missed wakeup*/ } /* Shutdown thread group. */ static void thread_group_close(thread_group_t *thread_group) { DBUG_ENTER("thread_group_close"); char c= 0; mysql_mutex_lock(&thread_group->mutex); thread_group->shutdown= true; thread_group->listener= NULL; /* Wake listener. */ if (write(thread_group->shutdown_pipe[1], &c, 1) < 0) DBUG_VOID_RETURN; /* Wake all workers. */ while(wake_thread(thread_group) == 0) {}; mysql_mutex_unlock(&thread_group->mutex); #if 0 /* Wait until workers terminate */ while(thread_group->thread_count) usleep(1000); #endif DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /* Post a task to the workqueue, maybe wake a worker so it picks the task. */ static void post_event(thread_group_t *thread_group, pool_event_t* ev) { DBUG_ENTER("post_event"); mysql_mutex_lock(&thread_group->mutex); STAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&thread_group->queue, ev, next); if (thread_group->active_thread_count == 0) { wake_or_create_thread(thread_group); } mysql_mutex_unlock(&thread_group->mutex); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /* Check if pool is already overcommited. This is used to prevent too many threads executing at the same time, if the workload is not CPU bound. */ static bool too_many_threads(thread_group_t *thread_group) { return (thread_group->active_thread_count > 4 && !thread_group->stalled); } /* Dequeue a work item. If it is not immediately available, thread will sleep until work is available (it also can become IO listener for a while). */ int get_event(worker_thread_t *current_thread, thread_group_t *thread_group, pool_event_t **ev, struct timespec *ts) { DBUG_ENTER("get_event"); pool_event_t *first_event = NULL; int err=0; mysql_mutex_lock(&thread_group->mutex); decrement_active_threads(thread_group); DBUG_ASSERT(thread_group->active_thread_count >= 0); do { if (thread_group->shutdown) break; /* Check if queue is not empty */ if (!too_many_threads(thread_group)) { first_event= queue_get(thread_group); if(first_event) break; } /* If there is currently no listener in the group, become one. */ if(!thread_group->listener) { thread_group->listener= current_thread; mysql_mutex_unlock(&thread_group->mutex); first_event= listener(current_thread, thread_group); mysql_mutex_lock(&thread_group->mutex); /* There is no listener anymore, it just returned. */ thread_group->listener= NULL; break; } /* Last thing we try before going to sleep is to pick a single event via epoll, without waiting (timeout 0) */ if (!too_many_threads(thread_group)) { native_event nev; if (io_poll_wait(thread_group->pollfd,&nev,1, 0) == 1) { thread_group->io_event_count++; first_event = (pool_event_t *)native_event_get_userdata(&nev); break; } } /* And now, finally sleep */ current_thread->woken = false; /* wake() sets this to true */ /* Add current thread to the head of the waiting list and wait. It is important to add thread to the head rather than tail as it ensures LIFO wakeup order (hot caches, working inactivity timeout) */ SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&thread_group->waiting_threads, current_thread, ptr); if(ts) err = mysql_cond_timedwait(¤t_thread->cond, &thread_group->mutex, ts); else err = mysql_cond_wait(¤t_thread->cond, &thread_group->mutex); if (!current_thread->woken) { /* Thread was not signalled by wake(), it might be a spurious wakeup or a timeout. Anyhow, we need to remove ourselves from the list now. If thread was explicitly woken, than caller removed us from the list. */ SLIST_REMOVE(&thread_group->waiting_threads, current_thread, worker_thread_t, ptr); } if(err) break; } while(true); thread_group->stalled= false; increment_active_threads(thread_group); mysql_mutex_unlock(&thread_group->mutex); if (first_event) *ev = first_event; else *ev = &POOL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT; DBUG_RETURN(err); } /* Tells the pool that thread starts waiting on IO, lock, condition, sleep() or similar. Will wake another worker, and if there is no listener will promote a listener, */ void wait_begin(thread_group_t *thread_group) { DBUG_ENTER("wait_begin"); mysql_mutex_lock(&thread_group->mutex); decrement_active_threads(thread_group); DBUG_ASSERT(thread_group->active_thread_count >=0); DBUG_ASSERT(thread_group->connection_count > 0); if((thread_group->active_thread_count == 0) && (!queue_is_empty(thread_group) || !thread_group->listener)) { wake_or_create_thread(thread_group); } mysql_mutex_unlock(&thread_group->mutex); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /* Tells the pool current thread finished waiting. */ void wait_end(thread_group_t *thread_group) { DBUG_ENTER("wait_end"); mysql_mutex_lock(&thread_group->mutex); increment_active_threads(thread_group); mysql_mutex_unlock(&thread_group->mutex); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /* Scheduler */ connection_t *alloc_connection(THD *thd) { DBUG_ENTER("alloc_connection"); connection_t* connection = (connection_t *)my_malloc(sizeof(connection_t),0); if (connection) { connection->thd = thd; connection->waiting= false; connection->logged_in= false; connection->abs_wait_timeout= ULONGLONG_MAX; } DBUG_RETURN(connection); } /* Add a new connection to thread pool.. */ void tp_add_connection(THD *thd) { DBUG_ENTER("tp_add_connection"); threads.append(thd); mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_thread_count); connection_t *c= alloc_connection(thd); if(c) { c->thread_group= &all_groups[c->thd->thread_id%threadpool_size]; mysql_mutex_lock(&c->thread_group->mutex); c->thread_group->connection_count++; mysql_mutex_unlock(&c->thread_group->mutex); c->thd->event_scheduler.data = c; post_event(c->thread_group,&c->event); } DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } static void connection_abort(connection_t *c) { DBUG_ENTER("connection_abort"); mysql_mutex_lock(&c->thread_group->mutex); c->thread_group->connection_count--; mysql_mutex_unlock(&c->thread_group->mutex); threadpool_remove_connection(c->thd); my_free(c); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } void tp_post_kill_notification(THD *thd) { DBUG_ENTER("tp_post_kill_notification"); if (current_thd == thd || thd->system_thread) DBUG_VOID_RETURN; if (thd->net.vio) vio_shutdown(thd->net.vio, SHUT_RD); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } void tp_wait_begin(THD *thd, int type) { DBUG_ENTER("tp_wait_begin"); if (!thd) DBUG_VOID_RETURN; connection_t *connection = (connection_t *)thd->event_scheduler.data; if(connection) { DBUG_ASSERT(!connection->waiting); connection->waiting= true; wait_begin(connection->thread_group); } DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } void tp_wait_end(THD *thd) { DBUG_ENTER("tp_wait_end"); if (!thd) DBUG_VOID_RETURN; connection_t *connection = (connection_t *)thd->event_scheduler.data; if(connection) { DBUG_ASSERT(connection->waiting); connection->waiting = false; wait_end(connection->thread_group); } DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } static void set_next_timeout_check(ulonglong abstime) { DBUG_ENTER("set_next_timeout_check"); while(abstime < pool_timer.next_timeout_check) { longlong old= (longlong)pool_timer.next_timeout_check; my_atomic_cas64((volatile int64*)&pool_timer.next_timeout_check, &old, abstime); } DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } static void set_wait_timeout(connection_t *c) { DBUG_ENTER("set_wait_timeout"); /* Calculate wait deadline for this connection. Instead of using microsecond_interval_timer() which has a syscall overhead, use pool_timer.current_microtime and take into account that its value could be off by at most one tick interval. */ c->abs_wait_timeout= pool_timer.current_microtime + 1000LL*pool_timer.tick_interval + 1000000LL*c->thd->variables.net_wait_timeout; set_next_timeout_check(c->abs_wait_timeout); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } static void handle_event(pool_event_t *ev) { DBUG_ENTER("handle_event"); /* Normal case, handle query on connection */ connection_t *c = (connection_t*)(void *)ev; bool do_login = (!c->logged_in); int ret; if (do_login) { ret= threadpool_add_connection(c->thd); c->logged_in= true; } else { ret= threadpool_process_request(c->thd); } if(!ret) { set_wait_timeout(c); int fd = c->thd->net.vio->sd; if (do_login) { ret= io_poll_associate_fd(c->thread_group->pollfd, fd, c); } else ret= io_poll_start_read(c->thread_group->pollfd, fd, c); } if (ret) { connection_abort(c); } DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } static void *worker_main(void *param) { worker_thread_t this_thread; thread_created++; pthread_detach_this_thread(); my_thread_init(); DBUG_ENTER("worker_main"); thread_group_t *thread_group = (thread_group_t *)param; /* Init per-thread structure */ mysql_cond_init(key_worker_cond, &this_thread.cond, NULL); this_thread.thread_group= thread_group; this_thread.event_count=0; mysql_mutex_lock(&thread_group->mutex); tp_stats.num_worker_threads++; thread_group->thread_count++; thread_group->active_thread_count++; thread_group->pending_thread_start_count--; mysql_mutex_unlock(&thread_group->mutex); /* Run event loop */ for(;;) { struct pool_event_t *ev; struct timespec ts; set_timespec(ts,threadpool_idle_timeout); if (get_event(&this_thread, thread_group, &ev, &ts) || ev == &POOL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT) { break; } this_thread.event_count++; handle_event(ev); } /* Thread shutdown: cleanup per-worker-thread structure. */ mysql_cond_destroy(&this_thread.cond); mysql_mutex_lock(&thread_group->mutex); thread_group->active_thread_count--; thread_group->thread_count--; tp_stats.num_worker_threads--; mysql_mutex_unlock(&thread_group->mutex); /* If it is the last thread in pool and pool is terminating, destroy pool.*/ if (thread_group->shutdown && (thread_group->thread_count == 0)) { /* last thread existing, cleanup the pool structure */ mysql_mutex_destroy(&thread_group->mutex); } DBUG_POP(); my_thread_end(); return NULL; } static bool started=false; bool tp_init() { DBUG_ENTER("tp_init"); started = true; scheduler_init(); if (threadpool_size == 0) { threadpool_size= my_getncpus(); } for(uint i=0; i < threadpool_size; i++) { thread_group_init(&all_groups[i], get_connection_attrib()); } #define PSI_register(X) \ if(PSI_server) PSI_server->register_ ## X("threadpool", X ## _list, array_elements(X ## _list)) PSI_register(mutex); PSI_register(cond); PSI_register(thread); pool_timer.tick_interval= threadpool_stall_limit; start_timer(&pool_timer); DBUG_RETURN(0); } void tp_end() { DBUG_ENTER("tp_end"); if (!started) DBUG_VOID_RETURN; stop_timer(&pool_timer); for(uint i=0; i< threadpool_size; i++) { thread_group_close(&all_groups[i]); } DBUG_VOID_RETURN; }