/* Copyright (C) 2013 Codership Oy <info@codership.com> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "wsrep_thd.h" #include "transaction.h" #include "rpl_rli.h" #include "log_event.h" #include "sql_parse.h" //#include "global_threads.h" // LOCK_thread_count, etc. #include "sql_base.h" // close_thread_tables() #include "mysqld.h" // start_wsrep_THD(); #include "slave.h" // opt_log_slave_updates #include "rpl_filter.h" #include "rpl_rli.h" #include "rpl_mi.h" #if (__LP64__) static volatile int64 wsrep_bf_aborts_counter(0); #define WSREP_ATOMIC_LOAD_LONG my_atomic_load64 #define WSREP_ATOMIC_ADD_LONG my_atomic_add64 #else static volatile int32 wsrep_bf_aborts_counter(0); #define WSREP_ATOMIC_LOAD_LONG my_atomic_load32 #define WSREP_ATOMIC_ADD_LONG my_atomic_add32 #endif int wsrep_show_bf_aborts (THD *thd, SHOW_VAR *var, char *buff) { wsrep_local_bf_aborts = WSREP_ATOMIC_LOAD_LONG(&wsrep_bf_aborts_counter); var->type = SHOW_LONGLONG; var->value = (char*)&wsrep_local_bf_aborts; return 0; } /* must have (&thd->LOCK_wsrep_thd) */ void wsrep_client_rollback(THD *thd) { WSREP_DEBUG("client rollback due to BF abort for (%ld), query: %s", thd->thread_id, thd->query()); WSREP_ATOMIC_ADD_LONG(&wsrep_bf_aborts_counter, 1); thd->wsrep_conflict_state= ABORTING; mysql_mutex_unlock(&thd->LOCK_wsrep_thd); trans_rollback(thd); if (thd->locked_tables_mode && thd->lock) { WSREP_DEBUG("unlocking tables for BF abort (%ld)", thd->thread_id); thd->locked_tables_list.unlock_locked_tables(thd); thd->variables.option_bits&= ~(OPTION_TABLE_LOCK); } if (thd->global_read_lock.is_acquired()) { WSREP_DEBUG("unlocking GRL for BF abort (%ld)", thd->thread_id); thd->global_read_lock.unlock_global_read_lock(thd); } /* Release transactional metadata locks. */ thd->mdl_context.release_transactional_locks(); /* release explicit MDL locks */ thd->mdl_context.release_explicit_locks(); if (thd->get_binlog_table_maps()) { WSREP_DEBUG("clearing binlog table map for BF abort (%ld)", thd->thread_id); thd->clear_binlog_table_maps(); } mysql_mutex_lock(&thd->LOCK_wsrep_thd); thd->wsrep_conflict_state= ABORTED; } #define NUMBER_OF_FIELDS_TO_IDENTIFY_COORDINATOR 1 #define NUMBER_OF_FIELDS_TO_IDENTIFY_WORKER 2 //#include "rpl_info_factory.h" static Relay_log_info* wsrep_relay_log_init(const char* log_fname) { /* MySQL 5.6 version has rli factory: */ #ifdef MYSQL_56 uint rli_option = INFO_REPOSITORY_DUMMY; Relay_log_info *rli= NULL; rli = Rpl_info_factory::create_rli(rli_option, false); rli->set_rli_description_event( new Format_description_log_event(BINLOG_VERSION)); #endif Relay_log_info* rli= new Relay_log_info(false); rli->sql_driver_thd= current_thd; rli->no_storage= true; rli->relay_log.description_event_for_exec= new Format_description_log_event(4); return rli; } class Master_info; static rpl_group_info* wsrep_relay_group_init(const char* log_fname) { Relay_log_info* rli= new Relay_log_info(false); rli->no_storage= true; if (!rli->relay_log.description_event_for_exec) { rli->relay_log.description_event_for_exec= new Format_description_log_event(4); } static LEX_STRING dbname= { C_STRING_WITH_LEN("mysql") }; rli->mi = new Master_info( &dbname, false); //rli->mi = new Master_info( &(C_STRING_WITH_LEN("wsrep")), false); rli->mi->rpl_filter = new Rpl_filter; copy_filter_setting(rli->mi->rpl_filter, get_or_create_rpl_filter("", 0)); rli->sql_driver_thd= current_thd; struct rpl_group_info *rgi= new rpl_group_info(rli); rgi->thd= current_thd; return rgi; } static void wsrep_prepare_bf_thd(THD *thd, struct wsrep_thd_shadow* shadow) { shadow->options = thd->variables.option_bits; shadow->server_status = thd->server_status; shadow->wsrep_exec_mode = thd->wsrep_exec_mode; shadow->vio = thd->net.vio; if (opt_log_slave_updates) thd->variables.option_bits|= OPTION_BIN_LOG; else thd->variables.option_bits&= ~(OPTION_BIN_LOG); //if (!thd->wsrep_rli) thd->wsrep_rli= wsrep_relay_log_init("wsrep_relay"); if (!thd->wsrep_rgi) thd->wsrep_rgi= wsrep_relay_group_init("wsrep_relay"); // thd->wsrep_rli->info_thd = thd; thd->wsrep_exec_mode= REPL_RECV; thd->net.vio= 0; thd->clear_error(); shadow->tx_isolation = thd->variables.tx_isolation; thd->variables.tx_isolation = ISO_READ_COMMITTED; thd->tx_isolation = ISO_READ_COMMITTED; shadow->db = thd->db; shadow->db_length = thd->db_length; thd->reset_db(NULL, 0); } static void wsrep_return_from_bf_mode(THD *thd, struct wsrep_thd_shadow* shadow) { thd->variables.option_bits = shadow->options; thd->server_status = shadow->server_status; thd->wsrep_exec_mode = shadow->wsrep_exec_mode; thd->net.vio = shadow->vio; thd->variables.tx_isolation = shadow->tx_isolation; thd->reset_db(shadow->db, shadow->db_length); delete thd->wsrep_rgi->rli->mi->rpl_filter; delete thd->wsrep_rgi->rli->mi; delete thd->wsrep_rgi->rli; delete thd->wsrep_rgi; thd->wsrep_rgi = NULL; ; } void wsrep_replay_transaction(THD *thd) { /* checking if BF trx must be replayed */ if (thd->wsrep_conflict_state== MUST_REPLAY) { DBUG_ASSERT(wsrep_thd_trx_seqno(thd)); if (thd->wsrep_exec_mode!= REPL_RECV) { if (thd->get_stmt_da()->is_sent()) { WSREP_ERROR("replay issue, thd has reported status already"); } thd->get_stmt_da()->reset_diagnostics_area(); thd->wsrep_conflict_state= REPLAYING; mysql_mutex_unlock(&thd->LOCK_wsrep_thd); mysql_reset_thd_for_next_command(thd); thd->killed= NOT_KILLED; close_thread_tables(thd); if (thd->locked_tables_mode && thd->lock) { WSREP_DEBUG("releasing table lock for replaying (%ld)", thd->thread_id); thd->locked_tables_list.unlock_locked_tables(thd); thd->variables.option_bits&= ~(OPTION_TABLE_LOCK); } thd->mdl_context.release_transactional_locks(); /* Replaying will call MYSQL_START_STATEMENT when handling BEGIN Query_log_event so end statement must be called before replaying. */ MYSQL_END_STATEMENT(thd->m_statement_psi, thd->get_stmt_da()); thd->m_statement_psi= NULL; thd_proc_info(thd, "wsrep replaying trx"); WSREP_DEBUG("replay trx: %s %lld", thd->query() ? thd->query() : "void", (long long)wsrep_thd_trx_seqno(thd)); struct wsrep_thd_shadow shadow; wsrep_prepare_bf_thd(thd, &shadow); /* From trans_begin() */ thd->variables.option_bits|= OPTION_BEGIN; thd->server_status|= SERVER_STATUS_IN_TRANS; int rcode = wsrep->replay_trx(wsrep, &thd->wsrep_ws_handle, (void *)thd); wsrep_return_from_bf_mode(thd, &shadow); if (thd->wsrep_conflict_state!= REPLAYING) WSREP_WARN("lost replaying mode: %d", thd->wsrep_conflict_state ); mysql_mutex_lock(&thd->LOCK_wsrep_thd); switch (rcode) { case WSREP_OK: thd->wsrep_conflict_state= NO_CONFLICT; wsrep->post_commit(wsrep, &thd->wsrep_ws_handle); WSREP_DEBUG("trx_replay successful for: %ld %llu", thd->thread_id, (long long)thd->real_id); if (thd->get_stmt_da()->is_sent()) { WSREP_WARN("replay ok, thd has reported status"); } else if (thd->get_stmt_da()->is_set()) { if (thd->get_stmt_da()->status() != Diagnostics_area::DA_OK) { WSREP_WARN("replay ok, thd has error status %d", thd->get_stmt_da()->status()); } } else { my_ok(thd); } break; case WSREP_TRX_FAIL: if (thd->get_stmt_da()->is_sent()) { WSREP_ERROR("replay failed, thd has reported status"); } else { WSREP_DEBUG("replay failed, rolling back"); //my_error(ER_LOCK_DEADLOCK, MYF(0), "wsrep aborted transaction"); } thd->wsrep_conflict_state= ABORTED; wsrep->post_rollback(wsrep, &thd->wsrep_ws_handle); break; default: WSREP_ERROR("trx_replay failed for: %d, query: %s", rcode, thd->query() ? thd->query() : "void"); /* we're now in inconsistent state, must abort */ unireg_abort(1); break; } wsrep_cleanup_transaction(thd); mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_wsrep_replaying); wsrep_replaying--; WSREP_DEBUG("replaying decreased: %d, thd: %lu", wsrep_replaying, thd->thread_id); mysql_cond_broadcast(&COND_wsrep_replaying); mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_wsrep_replaying); } } } static void wsrep_replication_process(THD *thd) { int rcode; DBUG_ENTER("wsrep_replication_process"); struct wsrep_thd_shadow shadow; wsrep_prepare_bf_thd(thd, &shadow); /* From trans_begin() */ thd->variables.option_bits|= OPTION_BEGIN; thd->server_status|= SERVER_STATUS_IN_TRANS; rcode = wsrep->recv(wsrep, (void *)thd); DBUG_PRINT("wsrep",("wsrep_repl returned: %d", rcode)); WSREP_INFO("applier thread exiting (code:%d)", rcode); switch (rcode) { case WSREP_OK: case WSREP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED: case WSREP_CONN_FAIL: /* provider does not support slave operations / disconnected from group, * just close applier thread */ break; case WSREP_NODE_FAIL: /* data inconsistency => SST is needed */ /* Note: we cannot just blindly restart replication here, * SST might require server restart if storage engines must be * initialized after SST */ WSREP_ERROR("node consistency compromised, aborting"); wsrep_kill_mysql(thd); break; case WSREP_WARNING: case WSREP_TRX_FAIL: case WSREP_TRX_MISSING: /* these suggests a bug in provider code */ WSREP_WARN("bad return from recv() call: %d", rcode); /* fall through to node shutdown */ case WSREP_FATAL: /* Cluster connectivity is lost. * * If applier was killed on purpose (KILL_CONNECTION), we * avoid mysql shutdown. This is because the killer will then handle * shutdown processing (or replication restarting) */ if (thd->killed != KILL_CONNECTION) { wsrep_kill_mysql(thd); } break; } mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_thread_count); wsrep_close_applier(thd); mysql_cond_broadcast(&COND_thread_count); mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_thread_count); TABLE *tmp; while ((tmp = thd->temporary_tables)) { WSREP_WARN("Applier %lu, has temporary tables at exit: %s.%s", thd->thread_id, (tmp->s) ? tmp->s->db.str : "void", (tmp->s) ? tmp->s->table_name.str : "void"); } wsrep_return_from_bf_mode(thd, &shadow); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } void wsrep_create_appliers(long threads) { if (!wsrep_connected) { /* see wsrep_replication_start() for the logic */ if (wsrep_cluster_address && strlen(wsrep_cluster_address) && wsrep_provider && strcasecmp(wsrep_provider, "none")) { WSREP_ERROR("Trying to launch slave threads before creating " "connection at '%s'", wsrep_cluster_address); assert(0); } return; } long wsrep_threads=0; pthread_t hThread; while (wsrep_threads++ < threads) { if (pthread_create( &hThread, &connection_attrib, start_wsrep_THD, (void*)wsrep_replication_process)) WSREP_WARN("Can't create thread to manage wsrep replication"); } } static void wsrep_rollback_process(THD *thd) { DBUG_ENTER("wsrep_rollback_process"); mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_wsrep_rollback); wsrep_aborting_thd= NULL; while (thd->killed == NOT_KILLED) { thd_proc_info(thd, "wsrep aborter idle"); thd->mysys_var->current_mutex= &LOCK_wsrep_rollback; thd->mysys_var->current_cond= &COND_wsrep_rollback; mysql_cond_wait(&COND_wsrep_rollback,&LOCK_wsrep_rollback); WSREP_DEBUG("WSREP rollback thread wakes for signal"); mysql_mutex_lock(&thd->mysys_var->mutex); thd_proc_info(thd, "wsrep aborter active"); thd->mysys_var->current_mutex= 0; thd->mysys_var->current_cond= 0; mysql_mutex_unlock(&thd->mysys_var->mutex); /* check for false alarms */ if (!wsrep_aborting_thd) { WSREP_DEBUG("WSREP rollback thread has empty abort queue"); } /* process all entries in the queue */ while (wsrep_aborting_thd) { THD *aborting; wsrep_aborting_thd_t next = wsrep_aborting_thd->next; aborting = wsrep_aborting_thd->aborting_thd; my_free(wsrep_aborting_thd); wsrep_aborting_thd= next; /* * must release mutex, appliers my want to add more * aborting thds in our work queue, while we rollback */ mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_wsrep_rollback); mysql_mutex_lock(&aborting->LOCK_wsrep_thd); if (aborting->wsrep_conflict_state== ABORTED) { WSREP_DEBUG("WSREP, thd already aborted: %llu state: %d", (long long)aborting->real_id, aborting->wsrep_conflict_state); mysql_mutex_unlock(&aborting->LOCK_wsrep_thd); mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_wsrep_rollback); continue; } aborting->wsrep_conflict_state= ABORTING; mysql_mutex_unlock(&aborting->LOCK_wsrep_thd); set_current_thd(aborting); aborting->store_globals(); mysql_mutex_lock(&aborting->LOCK_wsrep_thd); wsrep_client_rollback(aborting); WSREP_DEBUG("WSREP rollbacker aborted thd: (%lu %llu)", aborting->thread_id, (long long)aborting->real_id); mysql_mutex_unlock(&aborting->LOCK_wsrep_thd); set_current_thd(thd); thd->store_globals(); mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_wsrep_rollback); } } mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_wsrep_rollback); sql_print_information("WSREP: rollbacker thread exiting"); DBUG_PRINT("wsrep",("wsrep rollbacker thread exiting")); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } void wsrep_create_rollbacker() { if (wsrep_provider && strcasecmp(wsrep_provider, "none")) { pthread_t hThread; /* create rollbacker */ if (pthread_create( &hThread, &connection_attrib, start_wsrep_THD, (void*)wsrep_rollback_process)) WSREP_WARN("Can't create thread to manage wsrep rollback"); } } void wsrep_thd_set_PA_safe(void *thd_ptr, my_bool safe) { if (thd_ptr) { THD* thd = (THD*)thd_ptr; thd->wsrep_PA_safe = safe; } } int wsrep_thd_conflict_state(void *thd_ptr, my_bool sync) { int state = -1; if (thd_ptr) { THD* thd = (THD*)thd_ptr; if (sync) mysql_mutex_lock(&thd->LOCK_wsrep_thd); state = thd->wsrep_conflict_state; if (sync) mysql_mutex_unlock(&thd->LOCK_wsrep_thd); } return state; } my_bool wsrep_thd_is_wsrep(void *thd_ptr) { my_bool status = FALSE; if (thd_ptr) { THD* thd = (THD*)thd_ptr; status = (WSREP(thd) && WSREP_PROVIDER_EXISTS); } return status; } my_bool wsrep_thd_is_BF(void *thd_ptr, my_bool sync) { my_bool status = FALSE; if (thd_ptr) { THD* thd = (THD*)thd_ptr; // THD can be BF only if provider exists if (wsrep_thd_is_wsrep(thd_ptr)) { if (sync) mysql_mutex_lock(&thd->LOCK_wsrep_thd); status = ((thd->wsrep_exec_mode == REPL_RECV) || (thd->wsrep_exec_mode == TOTAL_ORDER)); if (sync) mysql_mutex_unlock(&thd->LOCK_wsrep_thd); } } return status; } extern "C" my_bool wsrep_thd_is_BF_or_commit(void *thd_ptr, my_bool sync) { bool status = FALSE; if (thd_ptr) { THD* thd = (THD*)thd_ptr; if (sync) mysql_mutex_lock(&thd->LOCK_wsrep_thd); status = ((thd->wsrep_exec_mode == REPL_RECV) || (thd->wsrep_exec_mode == TOTAL_ORDER) || (thd->wsrep_exec_mode == LOCAL_COMMIT)); if (sync) mysql_mutex_unlock(&thd->LOCK_wsrep_thd); } return status; } extern "C" my_bool wsrep_thd_is_local(void *thd_ptr, my_bool sync) { bool status = FALSE; if (thd_ptr) { THD* thd = (THD*)thd_ptr; if (sync) mysql_mutex_lock(&thd->LOCK_wsrep_thd); status = (thd->wsrep_exec_mode == LOCAL_STATE); if (sync) mysql_mutex_unlock(&thd->LOCK_wsrep_thd); } return status; } int wsrep_abort_thd(void *bf_thd_ptr, void *victim_thd_ptr, my_bool signal) { THD *victim_thd = (THD *) victim_thd_ptr; THD *bf_thd = (THD *) bf_thd_ptr; DBUG_ENTER("wsrep_abort_thd"); if ( (WSREP(bf_thd) || ( (WSREP_ON || wsrep_OSU_method_options == WSREP_OSU_RSU) && bf_thd->wsrep_exec_mode == TOTAL_ORDER) ) && victim_thd) { WSREP_DEBUG("wsrep_abort_thd, by: %llu, victim: %llu", (bf_thd) ? (long long)bf_thd->real_id : 0, (long long)victim_thd->real_id); ha_abort_transaction(bf_thd, victim_thd, signal); } else { WSREP_DEBUG("wsrep_abort_thd not effective: %p %p", bf_thd, victim_thd); } DBUG_RETURN(1); } extern "C" int wsrep_thd_in_locking_session(void *thd_ptr) { if (thd_ptr && ((THD *)thd_ptr)->in_lock_tables) { return 1; } return 0; }