/******************************************************************/ /* Implementation of XML document processing using MS DOM */ /* Author: Olivier Bertrand 2007 - 2013 */ /******************************************************************/ #include "my_global.h" #include #if defined(__WIN__) //#include #if defined(MSX2) #import "msxml2.dll" //Does not exist on Vista #elif defined(MSX3) #import "msxml3.dll" //Causes error C2872: DOMNodeType: ambiguous symbol ?? #elif defined(MSX4) #import "msxml4.dll" //Causes error C2872: DOMNodeType: ambiguous symbol ?? #elif defined(MSX6) #import "msxml6.dll" //Causes error C2872: DOMNodeType: ambiguous symbol ?? #else // MSX4 #error MSX? is not defined #endif // MSX using namespace MSXML2; #else #error This is a Windows implementation only #endif #define NODE_TYPE_LIST #include "global.h" #include "plgdbsem.h" #include "xobject.h" #include "domdoc.h" inline bool TestHr(PGLOBAL g, HRESULT hr) { if FAILED(hr) { sprintf(g->Message, "%s, hr=%d", MSG(COM_ERROR), hr); return true; } else return false; } // end of TestHr /******************************************************************/ /* Return a DOMDOC as a XMLDOC. */ /******************************************************************/ PXDOC GetDomDoc(PGLOBAL g, char *nsl, char *nsdf, char *enc, PFBLOCK fp) { return (PXDOC) new(g) DOMDOC(nsl, nsdf, enc, fp); } // end of GetDomDoc /***********************************************************************/ /* Close a loaded DOM XML file. */ /***********************************************************************/ void CloseXMLFile(PGLOBAL g, PFBLOCK fp, bool all) { PXBLOCK xp = (PXBLOCK)fp; if (xp && xp->Count > 1 && !all) { xp->Count--; } else if (xp && xp->Count > 0) { try { if (xp->Docp) xp->Docp->Release(); } catch(_com_error e) { sprintf(g->Message, "%s %s", MSG(COM_ERROR), e.Description()); } catch(...) {} CoUninitialize(); xp->Count = 0; } // endif } // end of CloseXMLFile /* ------------------------ class DOMDOC ------------------------ */ /******************************************************************/ /* DOMDOC constructor. */ /******************************************************************/ DOMDOC::DOMDOC(char *nsl, char *nsdf, char *enc, PFBLOCK fp) : XMLDOCUMENT(nsl, nsdf, enc) { assert (!fp || fp->Type == TYPE_FB_XML); Docp = (fp) ? ((PXBLOCK)fp)->Docp : NULL; Nlist = NULL; Hr = 0; } // end of DOMDOC constructor /******************************************************************/ /* Initialize XML parser and check library compatibility. */ /******************************************************************/ bool DOMDOC::Initialize(PGLOBAL g, char *entry, bool zipped) { if (zipped && InitZip(g, entry)) return true; if (TestHr(g, CoInitialize(NULL))) return true; if (TestHr(g, Docp.CreateInstance("msxml2.domdocument"))) return true; return MakeNSlist(g); } // end of Initialize /******************************************************************/ /* Parse the XML file and construct node tree in memory. */ /******************************************************************/ bool DOMDOC::ParseFile(PGLOBAL g, char *fn) { bool b; Docp->async = false; if (zip) { // Parse an in memory document char *xdoc = GetMemDoc(g, fn); b = (xdoc) ? (bool)Docp->loadXML((_bstr_t)xdoc) : false; } else // Load the document b = (bool)Docp->load((_bstr_t)fn); if (!b) return true; return false; } // end of ParseFile /******************************************************************/ /* Create or reuse an Xblock for this document. */ /******************************************************************/ PFBLOCK DOMDOC::LinkXblock(PGLOBAL g, MODE m, int rc, char *fn) { PDBUSER dup = (PDBUSER)g->Activityp->Aptr; PXBLOCK xp = (PXBLOCK)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, sizeof(XBLOCK)); memset(xp, 0, sizeof(XBLOCK)); xp->Next = (PXBLOCK)dup->Openlist; dup->Openlist = (PFBLOCK)xp; xp->Type = TYPE_FB_XML; xp->Fname = (LPCSTR)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, strlen(fn) + 1); strcpy((char*)xp->Fname, fn); xp->Count = 1; xp->Length = (m == MODE_READ) ? 1 : 0; xp->Docp = Docp; xp->Retcode = rc; // Return xp as a fp return (PFBLOCK)xp; } // end of LinkXblock /******************************************************************/ /* Create the XML node. */ /******************************************************************/ bool DOMDOC::NewDoc(PGLOBAL g, char *ver) { char buf[64]; MSXML2::IXMLDOMProcessingInstructionPtr pip; sprintf(buf, "version=\"%s\" encoding=\"%s\"", ver, Encoding); pip = Docp->createProcessingInstruction("xml", buf); return(TestHr(g, Docp->appendChild(pip))); } // end of NewDoc /******************************************************************/ /* Add a comment to the document node. */ /******************************************************************/ void DOMDOC::AddComment(PGLOBAL g, char *com) { TestHr(g, Docp->appendChild(Docp->createComment(com))); } // end of AddComment /******************************************************************/ /* Return the node class of the root of the document. */ /******************************************************************/ PXNODE DOMDOC::GetRoot(PGLOBAL g) { MSXML2::IXMLDOMElementPtr root = Docp->documentElement; if (root == NULL) return NULL; return new(g) DOMNODE(this, root); } // end of GetRoot /******************************************************************/ /* Create a new root element and return its class node. */ /******************************************************************/ PXNODE DOMDOC::NewRoot(PGLOBAL g, char *name) { MSXML2::IXMLDOMElementPtr ep = Docp->createElement(name); if (ep == NULL || TestHr(g, Docp->appendChild(ep))) return NULL; return new(g) DOMNODE(this, ep); } // end of NewRoot /******************************************************************/ /* Return a void DOMNODE node class. */ /******************************************************************/ PXNODE DOMDOC::NewPnode(PGLOBAL g, char *name) { MSXML2::IXMLDOMElementPtr root = NULL; if (name) if ((root = Docp->createElement(name)) == NULL) return NULL; return new(g) DOMNODE(this, root); } // end of NewPnode /******************************************************************/ /* Return a void DOMATTR node class. */ /******************************************************************/ PXATTR DOMDOC::NewPattr(PGLOBAL g) { return new(g) DOMATTR(this, NULL); } // end of NewPattr /******************************************************************/ /* Return a void DOMATTR node class. */ /******************************************************************/ PXLIST DOMDOC::NewPlist(PGLOBAL g) { return new(g) DOMNODELIST(this, NULL); } // end of NewPlist /******************************************************************/ /* Dump the node tree to a new XML file. */ /******************************************************************/ int DOMDOC::DumpDoc(PGLOBAL g, char *ofn) { int rc = 0; try { Docp->save(ofn); } catch(_com_error e) { sprintf(g->Message, "%s: %s", MSG(COM_ERROR), _com_util::ConvertBSTRToString(e.Description())); rc = -1; } catch(...) {} return rc; } // end of Dump /******************************************************************/ /* Free the document, cleanup the XML library, and */ /* debug memory for regression tests. */ /******************************************************************/ void DOMDOC::CloseDoc(PGLOBAL g, PFBLOCK xp) { CloseXMLFile(g, xp, false); CloseZip(); } // end of Close /* ----------------------- class DOMNODE ------------------------ */ /******************************************************************/ /* DOMNODE constructor. */ /******************************************************************/ DOMNODE::DOMNODE(PXDOC dp, MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr np) : XMLNODE(dp) { Docp = ((PDOMDOC)dp)->Docp; Nodep = np; Ws = NULL; Len = 0; } // end of DOMNODE constructor /******************************************************************/ /* Return the node name. */ /******************************************************************/ char *DOMNODE::GetName(PGLOBAL g) { if (!WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, Nodep->nodeName, -1, Name, sizeof(Name), NULL, NULL)) { strcpy(g->Message, MSG(NAME_CONV_ERR)); return NULL; } // endif return Name; } // end of GetName /******************************************************************/ /* Return the node class of next sibling of the node. */ /******************************************************************/ PXNODE DOMNODE::GetNext(PGLOBAL g) { if (Nodep->nextSibling == NULL) Next = NULL; else // if (!Next) Next = new(g) DOMNODE(Doc, Nodep->nextSibling); return Next; } // end of GetNext /******************************************************************/ /* Return the node class of first children of the node. */ /******************************************************************/ PXNODE DOMNODE::GetChild(PGLOBAL g) { if (Nodep->firstChild == NULL) Children = NULL; else // if (!Children) Children = new(g) DOMNODE(Doc, Nodep->firstChild); return Children; } // end of GetChild /******************************************************************/ /* Return the content of a node and subnodes. */ /******************************************************************/ RCODE DOMNODE::GetContent(PGLOBAL g, char *buf, int len) { RCODE rc = RC_OK; // Nodep can be null for a missing HTML table column if (Nodep) { if (!WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, Nodep->text, -1, buf, len, NULL, NULL)) { DWORD lsr = GetLastError(); switch (lsr) { case 0: case ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER: // 122L sprintf(g->Message, "Truncated %s content", GetName(g)); rc = RC_INFO; break; case ERROR_NO_UNICODE_TRANSLATION: // 1113L sprintf(g->Message, "Invalid character(s) in %s content", GetName(g)); rc = RC_INFO; break; default: sprintf(g->Message, "System error getting %s content", GetName(g)); rc = RC_FX; break; } // endswitch } // endif } else *buf = '\0'; return rc; } // end of GetContent /******************************************************************/ /* Set the text content of an attribute. */ /******************************************************************/ bool DOMNODE::SetContent(PGLOBAL g, char *txtp, int len) { bool rc; BSTR val; if (len > Len || !Ws) { Ws = (WCHAR*)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, (len + 1) * 2); Len = len; } // endif len if (!MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, txtp, strlen(txtp) + 1, Ws, Len + 1)) { sprintf(g->Message, MSG(WS_CONV_ERR), txtp); return true; } // endif val = SysAllocString(Ws); rc = TestHr(g, Nodep->put_text(val)); SysFreeString(val); return rc; } // end of SetContent /******************************************************************/ /* Return a clone of this node. */ /******************************************************************/ PXNODE DOMNODE::Clone(PGLOBAL g, PXNODE np) { if (np) { ((PDOMNODE)np)->Nodep = Nodep; return np; } else return new(g) DOMNODE(Doc, Nodep); } // end of Clone /******************************************************************/ /* Return the list of all or matching children that are elements.*/ /******************************************************************/ PXLIST DOMNODE::GetChildElements(PGLOBAL g, char *xp, PXLIST lp) { MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodeListPtr dnlp; if (xp) { if (Nodep->nodeType == MSXML2::NODE_ELEMENT) { MSXML2::IXMLDOMElementPtr ep = Nodep; dnlp = ep->getElementsByTagName(xp); } else return NULL; } else dnlp = Nodep->childNodes; if (lp) { ((PDOMLIST)lp)->Listp = dnlp; return lp; } else return new(g) DOMNODELIST(Doc, dnlp); } // end of GetChildElements /******************************************************************/ /* Return the list of nodes verifying the passed Xapth. */ /******************************************************************/ PXLIST DOMNODE::SelectNodes(PGLOBAL g, char *xp, PXLIST lp) { MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodeListPtr dnlp = Nodep->selectNodes(xp); if (lp) { ((PDOMLIST)lp)->Listp = dnlp; return lp; } else return new(g) DOMNODELIST(Doc, dnlp); } // end of SelectNodes /******************************************************************/ /* Return the first node verifying the passed Xapth. */ /******************************************************************/ PXNODE DOMNODE::SelectSingleNode(PGLOBAL g, char *xp, PXNODE np) { try { MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr dnp = Nodep->selectSingleNode(xp); if (dnp) { if (np) { ((PDOMNODE)np)->Nodep = dnp; return np; } else return new(g) DOMNODE(Doc, dnp); } // endif dnp } catch(_com_error e) { sprintf(g->Message, "%s: %s", MSG(COM_ERROR), _com_util::ConvertBSTRToString(e.Description())); } catch(...) {} return NULL; } // end of SelectSingleNode /******************************************************************/ /* Return the node attribute with the specified name. */ /******************************************************************/ PXATTR DOMNODE::GetAttribute(PGLOBAL g, char *name, PXATTR ap) { MSXML2::IXMLDOMElementPtr ep; MSXML2::IXMLDOMNamedNodeMapPtr nmp; MSXML2::IXMLDOMAttributePtr atp; if (name) { ep = Nodep; atp = ep->getAttributeNode(name); nmp = NULL; } else { nmp = Nodep->Getattributes(); atp = nmp->Getitem(0); } // endif name if (atp) { if (ap) { ((PDOMATTR)ap)->Atrp = atp; ((PDOMATTR)ap)->Nmp = nmp; ((PDOMATTR)ap)->K = 0; return ap; } else return new(g) DOMATTR(Doc, atp, nmp); } else return NULL; } // end of GetAttribute /******************************************************************/ /* Add a new element child node to this node and return it. */ /******************************************************************/ PXNODE DOMNODE::AddChildNode(PGLOBAL g, char *name, PXNODE np) { char *p, *pn; // char *p, *pn, *epf, *pf = NULL; MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr ep; // _bstr_t uri((wchar_t*)NULL); #if 0 // Is a prefix specified ? if ((p = strchr(name, ':'))) { pf = BufAlloc(g, name, p - name); // Is it the pseudo default prefix if (Doc->DefNs && !strcmp(pf, Doc->DefNs)) { name = p + 1; // Suppress it from name pf = NULL; // No real prefix } // endif DefNs } // endif p // Look for matching namespace URI in context for (ep = Nodep; ep; ep = ep->parentNode) { epf = (_bstr_t)ep->prefix; if ((!pf && !epf) || (pf && epf && !strcmp(pf, epf))) { uri = Nodep->namespaceURI; break; } // endif } // endfor ep if ((wchar_t*)uri == NULL) { if (!pf) pf = Doc->DefNs; // Look for the namespace URI corresponding to this node if (pf) for (PNS nsp = Doc->Namespaces; nsp; nsp = nsp->Next) if (!strcmp(pf, nsp->Prefix)) { uri = nsp->Uri; break; } // endfor nsp } // endif pns #endif // 0 // If name has the format m[n] only m is taken as node name if ((p = strchr(name, '['))) pn = BufAlloc(g, name, p - name); else pn = name; // Construct the element node with eventual namespace // ep = Docp->createNode(_variant_t("Element"), pn, uri); ep = Docp->createElement(pn); _bstr_t pfx = ep->prefix; _bstr_t uri = ep->namespaceURI; if (ep == NULL || TestHr(g, Nodep->appendChild(ep))) return NULL; if (np) ((PDOMNODE)np)->Nodep = ep; else np = new(g) DOMNODE(Doc, ep); return NewChild(np); } // end of AddChildNode /******************************************************************/ /* Add a new property to this node and return it. */ /******************************************************************/ PXATTR DOMNODE::AddProperty(PGLOBAL g, char *name, PXATTR ap) { MSXML2::IXMLDOMAttributePtr atp = Docp->createAttribute(name); if (atp) { MSXML2::IXMLDOMElementPtr ep = Nodep; ep->setAttributeNode(atp); if (ap) { ((PDOMATTR)ap)->Atrp = atp; return ap; } else return new(g) DOMATTR(Doc, atp); } else return NULL; } // end of AddProperty /******************************************************************/ /* Add a new text node to this node. */ /******************************************************************/ void DOMNODE::AddText(PGLOBAL g, char *txtp) { MSXML2::IXMLDOMTextPtr tp= Docp->createTextNode((_bstr_t)txtp); if (tp != NULL) TestHr(g, Nodep->appendChild(tp)); } // end of AddText /******************************************************************/ /* Remove a child node from this node. */ /******************************************************************/ void DOMNODE::DeleteChild(PGLOBAL g, PXNODE dnp) { TestHr(g, Nodep->removeChild(((PDOMNODE)dnp)->Nodep)); // ((PDOMNODE)dnp)->Nodep->Release(); bad idea, causes a crash Delete(dnp); } // end of DeleteChild /* --------------------- class DOMNODELIST ---------------------- */ /******************************************************************/ /* DOMNODELIST constructor. */ /******************************************************************/ DOMNODELIST::DOMNODELIST(PXDOC dp, MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodeListPtr lp) : XMLNODELIST(dp) { Listp = lp; } // end of DOMNODELIST constructor /******************************************************************/ /* Return the nth element of the list. */ /******************************************************************/ PXNODE DOMNODELIST::GetItem(PGLOBAL g, int n, PXNODE np) { if (Listp == NULL || Listp->length <= n) return NULL; if (np) { ((PDOMNODE)np)->Nodep = Listp->item[n]; return np; } else return new(g) DOMNODE(Doc, Listp->item[n]); } // end of GetItem /******************************************************************/ /* Reset the pointer on the deleted item. */ /******************************************************************/ bool DOMNODELIST::DropItem(PGLOBAL g, int n) { if (Listp == NULL || Listp->length < n) return true; //Listp->item[n] = NULL; La propriété n'a pas de méthode 'set' return false; } // end of DeleteItem /* ----------------------- class DOMATTR ------------------------ */ /******************************************************************/ /* DOMATTR constructor. */ /******************************************************************/ DOMATTR::DOMATTR(PXDOC dp, MSXML2::IXMLDOMAttributePtr ap, MSXML2::IXMLDOMNamedNodeMapPtr nmp) : XMLATTRIBUTE(dp) { Atrp = ap; Nmp = nmp; Ws = NULL; Len = 0; K = 0; } // end of DOMATTR constructor /******************************************************************/ /* Return the attribute name. */ /******************************************************************/ char *DOMATTR::GetName(PGLOBAL g) { if (!WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, Atrp->nodeName, -1, Name, sizeof(Name), NULL, NULL)) { strcpy(g->Message, MSG(NAME_CONV_ERR)); return NULL; } // endif return Name; } // end of GetName /******************************************************************/ /* Return the next attribute node. */ /* This funtion is implemented as needed by XMLColumns. */ /******************************************************************/ PXATTR DOMATTR::GetNext(PGLOBAL g) { if (!Nmp) return NULL; if (++K >= Nmp->Getlength()) { Nmp->reset(); Nmp = NULL; K = 0; return NULL; } // endif K Atrp = Nmp->Getitem(K); return this; } // end of GetNext /******************************************************************/ /* Return the content of a node and subnodes. */ /******************************************************************/ RCODE DOMATTR::GetText(PGLOBAL g, char *buf, int len) { RCODE rc = RC_OK; if (!WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, Atrp->text, -1, buf, len, NULL, NULL)) { DWORD lsr = GetLastError(); switch (lsr) { case 0: case ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER: // 122L sprintf(g->Message, "Truncated %s content", GetName(g)); rc = RC_INFO; break; case ERROR_NO_UNICODE_TRANSLATION: // 1113L sprintf(g->Message, "Invalid character(s) in %s content", GetName(g)); rc = RC_INFO; break; default: sprintf(g->Message, "System error getting %s content", GetName(g)); rc = RC_FX; break; } // endswitch } // endif return rc; } // end of GetText /******************************************************************/ /* Set the text content of an attribute. */ /******************************************************************/ bool DOMATTR::SetText(PGLOBAL g, char *txtp, int len) { bool rc; BSTR val; if (len > Len || !Ws) { Ws = (WCHAR*)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, (len + 1) * 2); Len = len; } // endif len if (!MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, txtp, strlen(txtp) + 1, Ws, Len + 1)) { sprintf(g->Message, MSG(WS_CONV_ERR), txtp); return true; } // endif val = SysAllocString(Ws); rc = TestHr(g, Atrp->put_text(val)); SysFreeString(val); return rc; } // end of SetText