#define MSG_ACCESS_VIOLATN "Access violation" #define MSG_ACT_ALLOC_FAIL "PlugInitLang: Activity allocation failed" #define MSG_ADDVAL_ERROR "Error %d in AddValue" #define MSG_ADD_BAD_TYPE "Array add value type mismatch (%s -> %s)" #define MSG_ADD_NULL_DOM "Adding string %s to a null domain" #define MSG_ADPOS_IN_DICTP "ADPOS to work in User_Dictp" #define MSG_AFTER " after: " #define MSG_ALG_CHOICE_AUTO "Best algorithm choice is automatic" #define MSG_ALG_CHOICE_BAD "Bad algorithm choice value, reset to AUTO" #define MSG_ALG_CHOICE_QRY "Using Query algorithm" #define MSG_ALG_CURLY_BRK "Algorithm choice depends on outer curly brackets" #define MSG_ALLOC_ERROR "Error allocating %s" #define MSG_ALL_DELETED "All lines deleted in %.2lf sec" #define MSG_ALTER_DB_ERR "Cannot find the DB to alter" #define MSG_AMBIG_COL_QUAL "Ambiguous qualifier %s for column %s" #define MSG_AMBIG_CORREL "Select %s.* refers more than one table" #define MSG_AMBIG_SPEC_COL "Ambiguous special column %s" #define MSG_ANSWER_TYPE "Answer of type" #define MSG_API_CONF_ERROR "SQL Error: API_CONFORMANCE" #define MSG_APPL_ACCESSIBLE "Application %s accessible" #define MSG_APPL_ACTIVE "Application %s still active" #define MSG_APPL_BAD_SAVE "Application %s may be incorrectly saved" #define MSG_APPL_CREATED "Application %s created" #define MSG_APPL_IS_ACTIVE "Application already active" #define MSG_APPL_NOT_INIT "Application not initialized" #define MSG_APPL_NOT_LOADED "Application not loaded" #define MSG_APPL_QUIT "Application %s quit" #define MSG_APPL_SAVED "Application %s saved" #define MSG_APP_STILL_ACTIV "Application of language %s still active (not freed)" #define MSG_AREAFILE_NOTFND "Area file not found" #define MSG_ARGS_SYNTAX_ERR "?SetArgs syntax error: unexpected %s after %s" #define MSG_ARG_ALREADY_SET "Argument %d already set" #define MSG_ARG_NOT_AN_ATTR "Argument is not an attribute (wrong pos-type %d)" #define MSG_ARG_OUT_CONTEXT "@-type argument used out of context" #define MSG_ARG_OUT_RANGE "Phrase argument of value %d is out of range" #define MSG_ARG_PTR_NOSEM "Argument of value %d points to a nonterm having no Sem" #define MSG_ARG_PTR_NOSEMS "Argument of value %d points to a nonterm having no semantics" #define MSG_ARG_REF_LOOP "?Looping argument cross references" #define MSG_ARG_TWO_CONST "2nd argument of %s must be a constant" #define MSG_ARRAY_ALLOC_ERR "Memory allocation error in ARRAY" #define MSG_ARRAY_BNDS_EXCD "Array bounds exceeded" #define MSG_ARRAY_ERROR "Error while making array k=%d n=%d" #define MSG_ATTRIBUTE_ERROR "Error rule %u attribute %s: " #define MSG_ATT_NOT_CASE "Attribute has wrong value %d (not a casevalue)" #define MSG_ATT_POSCODE_BIG "Attribute poscode %d is too big (max=%d)" #define MSG_AVGLEN_ERROR "avglen should be between %d and %d" #define MSG_BAD_AGGREG_FUNC "Unsupported aggregate function %d" #define MSG_BAD_ARGTYPES "Argument type invalid for %s" #define MSG_BAD_ARGUMENTS "Argument not attached for %s" #define MSG_BAD_ARG_NUM "Invalid number of arguments %d" #define MSG_BAD_ARG_TYPE "Bad argument type %d" #define MSG_BAD_ARRAY_OPER "Arrays must be used with the IN operator" #define MSG_BAD_ARRAY_TYPE "Illegal array type %d" #define MSG_BAD_ARRAY_VAL "Arrays must have the same number of values" #define MSG_BAD_BIN_FMT "Invalid format %c for the %s BIN column" #define MSG_BAD_BLK_ESTIM "Number of blocks exceeds estimate" #define MSG_BAD_BLK_SIZE "No match in block %d size" #define MSG_BAD_BYTE_NUM "bad number of bytes written" #define MSG_BAD_BYTE_READ "bad number of bytes read" #define MSG_BAD_CARDINALITY "Invalid Cardinality call for multiple table" #define MSG_BAD_CASE_SPEC "Wrong case specification %c, enter new one: " #define MSG_BAD_CHAR_SPEC "Invalid character specification:'%s'" #define MSG_BAD_CHECK_TYPE "Invalid CheckColumn subtype %d" #define MSG_BAD_CHECK_VAL "Bad check setting '%s'" #define MSG_BAD_COLCRT_ARG "Bad COLCRT argument (type=%hd, domain=%hd)" #define MSG_BAD_COLDEF_TYPE "Coldefs: wrong type %d" #define MSG_BAD_COLIST_ITEM "Incorrect colist item" #define MSG_BAD_COLIST_TYPE "Bad Colist type=%d" #define MSG_BAD_COLSIZE "Colsize %d is too small for this database" #define MSG_BAD_COL_ENTRY "Invalid entry for column %s" #define MSG_BAD_COL_FORMAT "Invalid column format type %d" #define MSG_BAD_COL_IN_FILT "Incorrect column in filter" #define MSG_BAD_COL_QUALIF "Bad qualifier %s for column %s" #define MSG_BAD_COL_TYPE "Invalid type %s for column %s" #define MSG_BAD_COL_XPATH "Invalid Xpath in column %s for HTML table %s" #define MSG_BAD_COMPARE_OP "Bad compare op %d" #define MSG_BAD_CONST_TYPE "Bad constant type=%d" #define MSG_BAD_CONV_TYPE "Invalid convert type %d" #define MSG_BAD_CORREL "Select %s.* correlation refers no tables" #define MSG_BAD_DATETIME "Invalid datetime value" #define MSG_BAD_DATE_OPER "Unexpected date operator %d" #define MSG_BAD_DBF_FILE "DBF file %s is corrupted" #define MSG_BAD_DBF_REC "DBF file %s corrupted at record %d" #define MSG_BAD_DBF_TYPE "Unsupported DBF type %c" #define MSG_BAD_DEF_ARG "Bad INDEXDEF argument (type=%hd, domain=%hd)" #define MSG_BAD_DEF_READ "Unexpected EOF in deferred Read" #define MSG_BAD_DEF_TYPE "Invalid column definition type" #define MSG_BAD_DIRECTORY "Bad directory %s: %s" #define MSG_BAD_DIST_JN_FIL "Invalid Distinct Join filter" #define MSG_BAD_DIST_JOIN "Invalid Distinct Join specification" #define MSG_BAD_DOM_COL_DEF "Invalid column definitions for a domain" #define MSG_BAD_DOM_VALUE "%d is not a valid domain value" #define MSG_BAD_EDIT_INIT "Coparm: edition %s not properly initialized" #define MSG_BAD_EVAL_TYPE "Bad scalar function eval type=%d" #define MSG_BAD_EXEC_MODE "Bad execution mode '%s'" #define MSG_BAD_EXP_ARGTYPE "Invalid expression argument type=%d" #define MSG_BAD_EXP_OPER "Bad expression operator=%d" #define MSG_BAD_FETCH_RC "Unexpected Fetch return code %d" #define MSG_BAD_FIELD_FMT "Invalid field format %c for %s" #define MSG_BAD_FIELD_RANK "Invalid field rank %d for column %s" #define MSG_BAD_FIELD_TYPE "Bad type field %s" #define MSG_BAD_FILE_HANDLE "Invalid File Handle: %s" #define MSG_BAD_FILE_LIST "Bad Filelist section" #define MSG_BAD_FILTER "Bad filter: Opc=%d B_T=%d %d Type=%d %d" #define MSG_BAD_FILTER_CONV "Bad filter conversion, B_T=%d,%d" #define MSG_BAD_FILTER_LINK "Bad filter link operator %d" #define MSG_BAD_FILTER_OP "Invalid filter operator %d" #define MSG_BAD_FILTEST_OP "Invalid operator %d %d for FilTest" #define MSG_BAD_FLD_FORMAT "Bad format for field %d of %s" #define MSG_BAD_FLD_LENGTH "Field %s too long (%s --> %d) line %d of %s" #define MSG_BAD_FLOAT_CONV "Invalid convert of float array" #define MSG_BAD_FPARM_NEXT "Coparm: FPARM with non-null Next" #define MSG_BAD_FREQ_SET "Bad frequency setting for column %s" #define MSG_BAD_FUNC_ARG "Funcarg of type %d not implemented" #define MSG_BAD_FUNC_ARGTYP "Bad Function argument type=%d" #define MSG_BAD_FUNC_MODE "%s: invalid mode %d" #define MSG_BAD_GENRE "Genre is invalid" #define MSG_BAD_GETVIEW_RET "GetView: invalid return type %d" #define MSG_BAD_HANDLE_VAL "Invalid handle value" #define MSG_BAD_HAV_FILTER "Having filter found in a Vanilla query" #define MSG_BAD_HAV_FILTYPE "Bad filter type for Having Clause" #define MSG_BAD_HEADER "File %s: Header corrupted" #define MSG_BAD_HEADER_VAL "Invalid header value %d" #define MSG_BAD_HEAD_END "Can't read end of header" #define MSG_BAD_INDEX_COL "Bad column %s for index %s" #define MSG_BAD_INDEX_DEF "Bad index definition for %s" #define MSG_BAD_INDEX_FILE "Wrong index file %s" #define MSG_BAD_INDEX_PART "Bad index part for %s" #define MSG_BAD_INPUT "Incorrect input" #define MSG_BAD_IN_ARGTYPE "Bad argument type for IN operator" #define MSG_BAD_IN_ENDING "Error: wrong end of IN string" #define MSG_BAD_IN_STRING "IN string begins or ends with invalid char %c ... %c" #define MSG_BAD_JCOL_TYPE "Logical JCT error: Unmatched column types" #define MSG_BAD_JOIN_EXP "Invalid expression used in join" #define MSG_BAD_JOIN_FILTER "Improper join filter" #define MSG_BAD_JOIN_OP "Bad join operator %d" #define MSG_BAD_LANG_SIZE "Wrong Language file size %d" #define MSG_BAD_LINEFLD_FMT "Bad format line %d field %d of %s" #define MSG_BAD_LINE_LEN "Line length not equal to Lrecl" #define MSG_BAD_LIST_TYPE "Invalid list type=%d" #define MSG_BAD_LOCALE "Invalid locale %s" #define MSG_BAD_LOCDFON_ARG "Bad parameter for LOCDFON" #define MSG_BAD_LOCNODE_USE "Unexpected use of LOCNODE" #define MSG_BAD_LRECL "Table/File lrecl mismatch (%d,%hd)" #define MSG_BAD_MAX_HAVING "MAXTMP value too small for Having" #define MSG_BAD_MAX_NREC "MaxRec=%d doesn't match MaxBlk=%d Nrec=%d" #define MSG_BAD_MAX_PARAM "Bad parameters for setting max value" #define MSG_BAD_MAX_SETTING "Bad max setting '%c'" #define MSG_BAD_MERGE_TYPE "Type %d cannot be merged" #define MSG_BAD_NODE_TYPE "Bad type %d for table node" #define MSG_BAD_OFFSET_VAL "Invalid null offset value for a CSV table" #define MSG_BAD_OPEN_MODE "Invalid open mode %d" #define MSG_BAD_OPERATOR "Invalid operator %s" #define MSG_BAD_ORDER_MODE "Bad ordering mode %c" #define MSG_BAD_ORDER_TYPE "Type=%d invalid for order item" #define MSG_BAD_OUTER_JOIN "Invalid outer join on child table" #define MSG_BAD_PAD_ARGTYP "Bad argument type for Pad or Justify" #define MSG_BAD_PARAMETERS "%.8s: Bad parameters" #define MSG_BAD_PARAM_TYPE "%.8s: Bad parameter type=%d" #define MSG_BAD_PARM_COUNT "Parameter count mismatch" #define MSG_BAD_PHASE_NUM "Out of range phrase number %d" #define MSG_BAD_PHRASE_NB "out of range phrase number %d rc=%d\n" #define MSG_BAD_POS_CODE "Invalid POS code %d" #define MSG_BAD_POS_TYPE "Invalid POS code type %d" #define MSG_BAD_PROJNUM "Bad projnum %d for column %s" #define MSG_BAD_QUERY_OPEN "Query open invalid mode %d" #define MSG_BAD_QUERY_TYPE "Invalid query type %d for %s" #define MSG_BAD_QUOTE_FIELD "Missing ending quote in %s field %d line %d" #define MSG_BAD_READ_NUMBER "Wrong number %d of values read from %s" #define MSG_BAD_RECFM "Invalid recfm type %d for DOSCOL" #define MSG_BAD_RECFM_VAL "Bad Recfm value %d" #define MSG_BAD_RESULT_TYPE "Bad result type %d for %s" #define MSG_BAD_RETURN_TYPE "Bad returned type %d" #define MSG_BAD_ROW_VALIST "Invalid ROW list of values" #define MSG_BAD_ROW_VALNB "Number of values in list mismatch" #define MSG_BAD_SCF_ARGTYPE "Argument %d type=%s invalid for %s" #define MSG_BAD_SEM_DOMAIN "Invalid domain .%d" #define MSG_BAD_SETTINGS "Some settings do not match table type" #define MSG_BAD_SET_CASE "Cannot set sensitive an insensitive array" #define MSG_BAD_SET_STRING "Invalid SetValue from string" #define MSG_BAD_SET_TYPE "Bad set type %hd" #define MSG_BAD_SPECIAL_CMD "Ill formed special command" #define MSG_BAD_SPECIAL_COL "Bad special column %s" #define MSG_BAD_SPEC_COLUMN "Special column invalid for this table type" #define MSG_BAD_SQL_PARAM "Invalid SQL parameter for FindColblk" #define MSG_BAD_SUBLST_TYPE "Coparm: bad sub-list type %d" #define MSG_BAD_SUBSEL_IN_X "Bad sub-select in expression" #define MSG_BAD_SUBSEL_TYPE "Bad Sub-Select returned type %d" #define MSG_BAD_SUB_RESULT "Undefined Sub-Select function result" #define MSG_BAD_SUB_SELECT "Bad sub-select in function argument" #define MSG_BAD_TABLE_LINE "Illegal or truncated line '%s' in Tables section" #define MSG_BAD_TABLE_LIST "Table %s not found in table list" #define MSG_BAD_TABLE_TYPE "Bad type %s for table %s" #define MSG_BAD_TEST_TYPE "Array BlockTest type mismatch %s %s" #define MSG_BAD_TRIM_ARGTYP "Bad argument type for Trim" #define MSG_BAD_TYPE_FOR_IN "Arg type mismatch for IN function" #define MSG_BAD_TYPE_FOR_S "Incorrect type %d for %s(%d)" #define MSG_BAD_TYPE_LIKE "Bad operand(%d) type=%d for LIKE" #define MSG_BAD_UPD_COR "Qualifier %s of column %s not related to the updated table %s" #define MSG_BAD_USERBLK_LEN "User block write length error" #define MSG_BAD_USETEMP "Bad usetemp setting '%s'" #define MSG_BAD_USETEMP_VAL "Bad Usetemp value %d" #define MSG_BAD_VALBLK_INDX "Out of range valblock index value" #define MSG_BAD_VALBLK_TYPE "Invalid value block type %d" #define MSG_BAD_VALNODE "Bad type %d for column %s value node" #define MSG_BAD_VALUE_TYPE "Invalid value type %d" #define MSG_BAD_VAL_UPDATE "Don't know which %s value to update" #define MSG_BAD_VIEW_OPEN "View open invalid mode %d" #define MSG_BAD_XMODE_VAL "Bad execution mode %d" #define MSG_BAD_XOBJ_TYPE "Bad Xobject type %d" #define MSG_BAS_NS_LIST "Invalid namespaces list format" #define MSG_BIN_F_TOO_LONG "Value too long for field %s (%d --> %d)" #define MSG_BIN_MODE_FAIL "Set binary mode failed: %s" #define MSG_BLKTYPLEN_MISM "Non matching block types/lengths in SetValue" #define MSG_BLK_IS_NULL "Blk is NULL" #define MSG_BLOCK_NO_MATCH "Non matching block" #define MSG_BREAKPOINT "Breakpoint" #define MSG_BUFF_TOO_SMALL "GetColData: Buffer is too small" #define MSG_BUFSIZE_ERROR "Error getting screen buffer size" #define MSG_BUILDING_GROUPS "Building groups" #define MSG_BUILD_DIST_GRPS "Building groups distinct" #define MSG_BUILD_INDEX "Building index %s on %s" #define MSG_BXP_NULL "Bxp NULL in PUTFON" #define MSG_CANNOT_OPEN "Cannot open %s" #define MSG_CD_ONE_STEP "Count Distinct must be processed in one step" #define MSG_CD_ORDER_ERROR "Ordering error in Count Distinct" #define MSG_CHECKING_ROWS "Checking rows to update" #define MSG_CHECK_LEVEL "Checking level reset to %u" #define MSG_CHSIZE_ERROR "chsize error: %s" #define MSG_CLN_NOT_IN_JOIN "Column C%d not found in join" #define MSG_CNTDIS_COL_LOST "Count Distinct column lost" #define MSG_COLIST_BAD_TYPE "Invalid Colist element type=%d" #define MSG_COLNAM_TOO_LONG "Column name too long" #define MSG_COLSEC_TOO_BIG "Column section too big in table %s (%d)" #define MSG_COLS_REDUCED " (reduced by Maxcol)" #define MSG_COLUMN_ERROR "Column error" #define MSG_COLUMN_MISMATCH "Column %s mismatch" #define MSG_COLUMN_NOT_KEY "Join column R%d.%s is not a key" #define MSG_COL_ALLOC_ERR "Cannot allocate column node" #define MSG_COL_ALLOC_ERROR "Memory allocation error for column %d" #define MSG_COL_HAS_NO_DEF "Column %s has no definition" #define MSG_COL_INVAL_TABLE "Column %s.%s not found in table %s alias %s" #define MSG_COL_ISNOT_TABLE "Column %s is not in table %s" #define MSG_COL_NB_MISM "Number of columns mismatch" #define MSG_COL_NOTIN_GRPBY "Column %s not in Group By list" #define MSG_COL_NOTIN_TABLE "Column %s is not in any table" #define MSG_COL_NOTIN_UPDT "%s does not belong to the updated table %s" #define MSG_COL_NOT_CODED "Column %s is not coded" #define MSG_COL_NOT_EXIST "Column %s is not in table %s" #define MSG_COL_NOT_FOUND "Column %s does not exist in %s" #define MSG_COL_NOT_IN_DB "Column %s of table %s not in DB" #define MSG_COL_NOT_IN_JOIN "Column %s not found in join" #define MSG_COL_NOT_SORTED "Column %s of table %s is not sorted" #define MSG_COL_NUM_MISM "Number of columns mismatch" #define MSG_COL_USED_TWICE "Column %s linked twice ???" #define MSG_COMPUTE_ERROR "Error in Compute, op=%d" #define MSG_COMPUTE_NIY "Compute not implemented for token strings" #define MSG_COMPUTING "Computing" #define MSG_COMPUTING_DIST "Computing Distinct" #define MSG_COMPUTING_FUNC "Computing function(s)" #define MSG_COM_ERROR "Com error" #define MSG_CONCAT_SUBNODE "Cannot concatenate sub-nodes" #define MSG_CONNECTED "Connected" #define MSG_CONNECT_CANCEL "Connection cancelled by user" #define MSG_CONNECT_ERROR "Error %d connecting to %s" #define MSG_CONN_CLOSED "%s(%d) closed" #define MSG_CONN_CREATED "Connection %s created" #define MSG_CONN_DROPPED "Connection %s dropped" #define MSG_CONN_OPEN "%s(%d) open (%s)" #define MSG_CONN_SUC_OPEN "%s(%d) successfully open" #define MSG_CONTROL_C_EXIT "Control C exit" #define MSG_COPY_BAD_PHASE "List copy invalid in phase %d" #define MSG_COPY_INV_TYPE "Coparm: type not supported %d" #define MSG_CORREL_NO_QRY "Correlated subqueries cannot be of QRY type" #define MSG_CREATED_PLUGDB " Created by PlugDB %s " #define MSG_CURSOR_SET "Cursor set to %d" #define MSG_DATABASE_ACTIVE "Database %s activated" #define MSG_DATABASE_LOADED "Database %s loaded" #define MSG_DATA_IS_NULL "ExecSpecialCmd: data is NULL" #define MSG_DATA_MISALIGN "Datatype misalignment" #define MSG_DBASE_FILE "dBASE dbf file: " #define MSG_DB_ALREADY_DEF "Database %s already defined" #define MSG_DB_ALTERED "Database altered" #define MSG_DB_CREATED "Database %s created" #define MSG_DB_NOT_SPEC "Database not specified" #define MSG_DB_REMOVED "Database %s removed from DB list" #define MSG_DB_SORT_ERROR "Error in DB sort" #define MSG_DB_STOPPED "Database %s stopped" #define MSG_DEBUG_NOT_ACTIV "Debug is not active" #define MSG_DEBUG_SET_INV "Invalid Debug set %c" #define MSG_DEF_ALLOC_ERROR "Error allocating %s DEF class" #define MSG_DELETING_ROWS "Deleting rows" #define MSG_DEL_FILE_ERR "Error deleting %s" #define MSG_DEL_READ_ERROR "Delete: read error req=%d len=%d" #define MSG_DEL_WRITE_ERROR "Delete: write error: %s" #define MSG_DEPREC_FLAG "Deprecated option Flag, use Coltype" #define MSG_DICTIONARY "Dictionary " #define MSG_DIRECT_VARTOK "Direct access of variable token rules not implemented" #define MSG_DISCONNECTED "Disonnected" #define MSG_DISTINCT_ERROR "More than one DISTINCT functional item" #define MSG_DISTINCT_ROWS "Selecting distinct rows" #define MSG_DISTINCT_VALUES "Retrieving distinct values" #define MSG_DIS_NOHEAD_JOIN "Distinct join on not heading table" #define MSG_DLL_LOAD_ERROR "Error %d loading module %s" #define MSG_DOMAIN_EMPTY "Domain %s is empty" #define MSG_DOMAIN_ERROR "Column %s domain(%s)/value(%s) mismatch" #define MSG_DOMAIN_FULL "Domain %s is full (max=%d)" #define MSG_DOM_FILE_ERROR "Domain file %s not found" #define MSG_DOM_NOT_SUPP "MS-DOM not supported by this version" #define MSG_DOM_OPEN_ERROR "Domain open error: %s" #define MSG_DOM_READ_ERROR "Domain read error %d: %s" #define MSG_DOM_READ_ONLY "Domain table %s is read only" #define MSG_DOM_WRITE_ERROR "Domain write error %d: %s" #define MSG_DONE "Done, rc=%d" #define MSG_DOSALMEM_NOMEM "Memory Allocation failed, not enough memory" #define MSG_DROP_DB_ERR "Drop database %s failed" #define MSG_DSORT_LOG_ERROR "Logical error in Kindex distinct Sort" #define MSG_DUMMY_NO_COLS "Dummy tables must have no columns" #define MSG_DUPLICAT_COUNT "Count on more than one column" #define MSG_DUP_COL_NAME "Duplicate column name %s" #define MSG_DUP_PROJNUM "Duplicated projnum %d for column %s" #define MSG_DVAL_NOTIN_LIST "Value %s not found in distinct values list of column %s" #define MSG_EMPTY_DOC "Empty document" #define MSG_EMPTY_FILE "%s empty file %s: " #define MSG_ENDSTR_MISMATCH "No match between end of string and end of node" #define MSG_END_OF_DELETE "%d line(s) deleted in %.2lf sec" #define MSG_END_OF_INSERT "%d line(s) inserted in %.2lf sec" #define MSG_END_OF_QUERY "%d line(s) retrieved in %.2lf sec" #define MSG_END_OF_UPDATE "%d line(s) updated in %.2lf sec" #define MSG_EOF_AFTER_LINE "EOF after line %d" #define MSG_EOF_INDEX_FILE "EOF while reading index file" #define MSG_ERASED " and erased" #define MSG_ERASE_FAILED " (erase failed)" #define MSG_ERROR "Error" #define MSG_ERROR_IN_LSK "Error %d in lseek64" #define MSG_ERROR_IN_SFP "Error %d in SetFilePointer" #define MSG_ERROR_NO_PARM "No parameter (valid only with %.8s.1 and %.8s.5)" #define MSG_ERROR_OPENING "Error opening: " #define MSG_ERR_NUM_GT_MAX "Error: Numval (%d) greater than Maxnum (%d)" #define MSG_ERR_READING_REC "Error reading record %d of %s" #define MSG_ERR_RET_RULE "error return, rule=%u" #define MSG_ERR_RET_TYPE "error return, type=%d" #define MSG_EVAL_EXPIRED "Evaluation version expired" #define MSG_EVAL_ONLY "I agree to use this Dll for evaluation purpose only" #define MSG_EXECUTING "Executing" #define MSG_EXECUTION_ERROR "Execution error" #define MSG_EXEC_MODE_IS "Execution mode is %s" #define MSG_EXEC_MODE_RESET ". Mode reset to Execute" #define MSG_EXEC_MODE_SET "Execution mode set to %s" #define MSG_EXIT_EVAL_ERR "Error evaluating Exit" #define MSG_EXIT_FROM_LANG "Exit from language %s version %d.%d" #define MSG_FAIL_ADD_NODE "Failed to add %s table node" #define MSG_FETCHING_DATA "Fetching data" #define MSG_FETCHING_ROWS "Fetching rows" #define MSG_FETCH_NO_RES "Fetch: No Result Set" #define MSG_FIELD_TOO_LONG "Value too long for field %d line %d" #define MSG_FILELEN_ERROR "Error in %s for %s" #define MSG_FILE_CLOSE_ERR "Error %d occurred closing the file" #define MSG_FILE_IS_EMPTY "File %s is empty" #define MSG_FILE_MAP_ERR "File mapping error" #define MSG_FILE_MAP_ERROR "CreateFileMapping %s error rc=%d" #define MSG_FILE_NOT_FOUND "File %s cannot be found" #define MSG_FILE_OPEN_YET "File %s already open" #define MSG_FILE_UNFOUND "File %s not found" #define MSG_FILGRP_NO_TABLE "Missing table %d for a filter group" #define MSG_FILTER_ATTACH "Filter passed to Attach" #define MSG_FILTER_NO_TABLE "Missing first table for a filter" #define MSG_FIND_BAD_TYPE "Array Find type mismatch %s %s" #define MSG_FIX_OVFLW_ADD "Fixed Overflow on add" #define MSG_FIX_OVFLW_TIMES "Fixed Overflow on times" #define MSG_FIX_UNFLW_ADD "Fixed Underflow on add" #define MSG_FIX_UNFLW_TIMES "Fixed Underflow on times" #define MSG_FLD_TOO_LNG_FOR "Field %d too long for %s line %d of %s" #define MSG_FLTST_NO_CORREL "FilTest should be called only for correlated subqueries" #define MSG_FLT_BAD_RESULT "Float inexact result" #define MSG_FLT_DENORMAL_OP "Float denormal operand" #define MSG_FLT_INVALID_OP "Float invalid operation" #define MSG_FLT_OVERFLOW "Float overflow" #define MSG_FLT_STACK_CHECK "Float stack check" #define MSG_FLT_UNDERFLOW "Float underflow" #define MSG_FLT_ZERO_DIVIDE "Float divide by zero" #define MSG_FMT_WRITE_NIY "Writing %s files is not implemented yet" #define MSG_FNC_NOTIN_SLIST "Order aggregate function not in select list" #define MSG_FORMAT_ERROR "Formating error" #define MSG_FOXPRO_FILE "FoxPro file: " #define MSG_FPUTS_ERROR "fputs error: %s" #define MSG_FSBPARP_NULL "PUTFON: fsbparp is NULL" #define MSG_FSEEK_ERROR "fseek error: %s" #define MSG_FSETPOS_ERROR "fseek error for i=%d" #define MSG_FTELL_ERROR "ftell error for recd=%d: %s" #define MSG_FUNCTION_ERROR "%s error: %d" #define MSG_FUNC_ERRNO "Error %d in %s" #define MSG_FUNC_ERROR "Error in %s" #define MSG_FUNC_ERR_S "%s error: %s" #define MSG_FUNC_REF_DEL "Reference to a defined function (rule %d) which has been deleted" #define MSG_FWRITE_ERROR "fwrite error: %s" #define MSG_GETCWD_ERR_NO "?getcwd %s errno=%d" #define MSG_GETFILESIZE_ERR "Error %d in GetFileSize" #define MSG_GET_DIST_VALS "Retrieving distinct values from " #define MSG_GET_ERROR "Error in %s (column %d)" #define MSG_GET_FUNC_ERR "Error getting function %s: %s" #define MSG_GET_NAME_ERR "Error getting SYS table names" #define MSG_GLOBAL_ERROR "Cannot allocate Global (size=%d)\n" #define MSG_GRAM_ALLOC_ERR "Allocation error in Grammar Up" #define MSG_GRAM_MISMATCH "Warning: GRAMMAR version mismatch (saved under GRAMMAR v%u)" #define MSG_GRAM_SUBSET_ERR "Grammar dictionary Subset error" #define MSG_GRBY_TAB_NOTIMP "Group by filtered joined table not implemented" #define MSG_GROUPBY_NOT_ALL "Group By must include all non-functional select items" #define MSG_GROUP_ON_FUNC "Invalid group by on functional column" #define MSG_GRP_COL_MISM "Column mismatch in groups" #define MSG_GRP_LIST_MISMAT "Grouping does not match select list" #define MSG_GUARD_PAGE "Guard page violation" #define MSG_GZOPEN_ERROR "gzopen %s error %d on %s" #define MSG_GZPUTS_ERROR "gzputs error: %s" #define MSG_HANDLE_IS_NULL "%s is NULL: last error: %d" #define MSG_HARRY_COMP_NIY "Compute not implemented for coded strings" #define MSG_HAVING_FILTER "Filtering by Having" #define MSG_HBUF_TOO_SMALL "Buffer(%d) too small for header(%d)" #define MSG_HEAD_OPEN_ERROR "Error opening header file %s" #define MSG_HEAD_READ_ERROR "Error reading header file %s" #define MSG_HEAD_WRITE_ERR "Error writing header file %s" #define MSG_HI_OFFSET_ERR "High offet is not 0" #define MSG_HUGE_DEFAULT "Huge defaults to %d" #define MSG_HUGE_WARNING_1 "Huge memory not 16-bit compatible for %d\n" #define MSG_HUGE_WARNING_2 "Unpredictable results may occur\n" #define MSG_IDLE "Idle" #define MSG_ILLEGAL_INSTR "Illegal instruction" #define MSG_ILL_FILTER_CONV "Filtering implies an illegal conversion" #define MSG_INDEX_CREATED "Index %s created on %s" #define MSG_INDEX_DEF_ERR "Error storing index definition for %s" #define MSG_INDEX_DROPPED "Index %s dropped from %s" #define MSG_INDEX_INIT_ERR "Cannot initialize index %s" #define MSG_INDEX_NOT_DEF "Index %s has no definition" #define MSG_INDEX_NOT_UNIQ "Index is not unique" #define MSG_INDEX_ONE_SAVE "Indexes are saved in one unique file" #define MSG_INDEX_SEP_SAVE "Indexes are saved in separate files" #define MSG_INDEX_YET_ON "Index %s already exists on %s" #define MSG_INDX_ALL_DROP "All indexes dropped from %s" #define MSG_INDX_COL_NOTIN "Index column %s is not in table %s" #define MSG_INDX_EXIST_YET "Index entry already exists" #define MSG_INIT_ERROR "Error initializing %s" #define MSG_INIT_FAILED "Failed to initialize %s processing" #define MSG_INPUT "Input: " #define MSG_INPUT_KEYBD_YET "Input already from keyboard" #define MSG_INSERTING "Inserting: " #define MSG_INSERT_ERROR "Insert error: file %s in use" #define MSG_INSERT_MISMATCH "Column/Value list mismatch" #define MSG_INTERNAL "internal" #define MSG_INT_COL_ERROR "Internal error for index column %s" #define MSG_INT_OVERFLOW "Integer overflow" #define MSG_INT_ZERO_DIVIDE "Integer divide by zero" #define MSG_INVALID_BIP "Invalid Bip .%d" #define MSG_INVALID_DISP "Invalid disposition" #define MSG_INVALID_FTYPE "SBV: invalid Ftype %d" #define MSG_INVALID_HANDLE "Invalid handle" #define MSG_INVALID_OPER "Invalid operator %d for %s" #define MSG_INVALID_OPTION "Invalid option %s" #define MSG_INV_COLUMN_TYPE "Invalid type %d for column %s" #define MSG_INV_COL_DATATYP "Invalid Data Type %d for column %d" #define MSG_INV_COL_NUM "Invalid column %d" #define MSG_INV_COL_TYPE "Invalid column type %s" #define MSG_INV_CONC_BIP "Invalid bip (only valid are : %.8s.0 .1 and .5)" #define MSG_INV_DATA_PATH "Invalid database path %s" #define MSG_INV_DEF_READ "Invalid deferred Read rc=%d" #define MSG_INV_DIRCOL_OFST "Invalid DIRCOL offset %d" #define MSG_INV_DOMAIN_TYPE "Invalid type %d" #define MSG_INV_FILTER "Filter met in %s" #define MSG_INV_FNC_BUFTYPE "FNC: invalid argument type %d for %s" #define MSG_INV_INFO_TYPE "Invalid catalog info type %d" #define MSG_INV_INIPATH "Invalid inipath " #define MSG_INV_MAP_POS "Invalid map position" #define MSG_INV_OPERATOR "invalid operator %d\n" #define MSG_INV_PARAMETER "Invalid parameter %s" #define MSG_INV_PARM_TYPE "Invalid parameter type" #define MSG_INV_QUALIFIER "Invalid qualifier '%s'" #define MSG_INV_QUERY_TYPE "Invalid query type %d" #define MSG_INV_RAND_ACC "Invalid random access to non optimized table" #define MSG_INV_REC_POS "Invalid record position" #define MSG_INV_RESULT_TYPE "Invalid result type %s" #define MSG_INV_SET_SUBTYPE "Invalid SetFormat subtype %d" #define MSG_INV_SPECIAL_CMD "%s: Invalid special command" #define MSG_INV_SUBTYPE "Invalid subtype %s" #define MSG_INV_TOK_DOMAIN "Invalid token domain %s" #define MSG_INV_TOPSEM_CMD "Invalid TopSem command %c" #define MSG_INV_TRANSF_USE "Invalid use in transformation rule" #define MSG_INV_TYPE_SPEC "Invalid type specification (%.8s.%d)" #define MSG_INV_UPDT_TABLE "Table %s invalid for update" #define MSG_INV_VALUE_LIST "Invalid Insert value list" #define MSG_INV_WHERE_JOIN "Invalid where clause in join query" #define MSG_INV_WORK_PATH "Invalid work path %s" #define MSG_IN_ARGTYPE_MISM "Argument type mismatch for IN expression" #define MSG_IN_USE " and in use" #define MSG_IN_WITHOUT_SUB "IN or EXISTS without array or subquery" #define MSG_IS_NOT_CONN "%s is not a connection definition" #define MSG_JCT_MISS_COLS "Missing columns for a JCT table" #define MSG_JCT_MISS_TABLE "Missing joined table for JCT" #define MSG_JCT_NO_FILTER "Virtual JCT tables cannot be filtered" #define MSG_JCT_NO_KEY "Logical JCT error: no key" #define MSG_JOIN_KEY_NO_COL "Join key is not a column" #define MSG_KEY_ALLOC_ERR "Error allocating Key offset block" #define MSG_KEY_ALLOC_ERROR "Memory allocation error, Klen=%d n=%d" #define MSG_LANGUAGE_QUIT "%s quit" #define MSG_LANG_ACTIVE "Language %s active" #define MSG_LANG_ALLOC_FAIL "PlugInitLang: Lang block allocation failed" #define MSG_LANG_ALREADY_UP "Edited language is already there" #define MSG_LANG_BAD_SAVE "Language %s may be incorrectly saved" #define MSG_LANG_NOT_FREED "Language %s cannot be freed (not in main chain)" #define MSG_LANG_SAVED "Language %s saved" #define MSG_LANG_WR_LEN_ERR "Lang block write length error" #define MSG_LDF_ALLOC_ERROR "LdfBlock allocation error" #define MSG_LDF_RN_MISMATCH "LDF rule number mismatch" #define MSG_LDF_WLEN_ERROR "LdfData write length error" #define MSG_LDF_W_LEN_ERROR "LdfData write length error" #define MSG_LIC_NO_MYSQL "Your current license does not enable using the MySQL table type" #define MSG_LINEAR_ERROR "Linearization error" #define MSG_LINE_LENGTH "Output line length reset to %d" #define MSG_LINE_MAXLIN "Max number of work lines reset to %d" #define MSG_LINE_MAXRES "Max number of output lines reset to %d" #define MSG_LINE_MAXTMP "Max number of intermediate lines reset to %d" #define MSG_LINE_TOO_LONG "New line is too long" #define MSG_LINJOINDB_ERROR "System error: incorrect call to LinJoinDB" #define MSG_LIST "--List--" #define MSG_LNG_NOT_IN_LIST "Language %s not found in attached list" #define MSG_LOADING_DB "Loading DB Description" #define MSG_LOADING_FAILED "Loading of %s failed" #define MSG_LOAD_CDLL_ERROR "Error loading ConnDll: rc=%d" #define MSG_LOCSTRG_TOO_BIG "LOCSTRG: n too big ? (%d)\n" #define MSG_LOGICAL_ERROR "%s: Logical error" #define MSG_LRECL_TOO_SMALL "Lrecl too small (headlen = %d)" #define MSG_MAC_NO_DELETE "Delete not enabled for MAC tables" #define MSG_MAC_NO_INDEX "No direct access to MAC tables" #define MSG_MAC_READ_ONLY "MAC tables are read only" #define MSG_MAC_WIN_ONLY "MAC tables are Windows only" #define MSG_MAKE_EMPTY_FILE "Making empty file %s: %s" #define MSG_MAKING "Making" #define MSG_MAKING_DISTINCT "Making distinct groups" #define MSG_MALLOC_ERROR "Memory allocation failed: %s returned Null" #define MSG_MALLOC_NULL "malloc returned Null" #define MSG_MAP_NO_MORE "Type %s no more supported" #define MSG_MAP_OBJ_ERR "Error %d occurred closing the mapping object" #define MSG_MAP_VEC_ONLY "MAP Insert is for VEC Estimate tables only" #define MSG_MAP_VIEW_ERROR "MapViewOfFile %s error rc=%d" #define MSG_MAXSIZE_ERROR "Cannot calculate max size on open table" #define MSG_MAXTMP_TRUNCATE "Intermediate results truncated by maxtmp=%d" #define MSG_MAX_BITMAP "Max opt bitmap size reset to %d" #define MSG_MEMSIZE_TOO_BIG "Error: memsize (%d) too big for length (%d)" #define MSG_MEM_ALLOC_ERR "Memory allocation error, %s size=%d" #define MSG_MEM_ALLOC_ERROR "Memory allocation error" #define MSG_MEM_ALLOC_YET "Memory already allocated" #define MSG_METAFILE_NOTFND "Grammar Meta file not found" #define MSG_MISPLACED_QUOTE "Misplaced quote in line %d" #define MSG_MISSING "Missing: Value=%p Argval=%p Builtin=%d" #define MSG_MISSING_ARG "Missing argument for operator %d" #define MSG_MISSING_COL_DEF "Missing column definition" #define MSG_MISSING_CONNECT "Missing connect string" #define MSG_MISSING_EOL "Missing endline character in %s" #define MSG_MISSING_FIELD "Missing field %d in %s line %d" #define MSG_MISSING_FNAME "Missing file name" #define MSG_MISSING_NODE "Missing %s node in %s" #define MSG_MISSING_POS "Missing POS code" #define MSG_MISSING_ROWNODE "Can't find RowNode for row %d" #define MSG_MISSING_SERV_DB "Missing server and/or database string" #define MSG_MISS_LEAD_COL "Missing leading index column %s" #define MSG_MISS_NAME_LRECL "Missing file name and/or lrecl" #define MSG_MISS_TABLE_LIST "Missing table list" #define MSG_MISS_VCT_ELMT "Missing VCT block size (Elements)" #define MSG_MIS_TAG_LIST "Missing column tag list" #define MSG_MKEMPTY_NIY "MakeEmptyFile: not yet implemented for Huge and Unix" #define MSG_MOVE_INV_TYPE "MOVPARM: Invalid parameter type %d" #define MSG_MULT_DISTINCT "Distinct is specified more than once" #define MSG_MULT_KEY_ERROR "Multiple key error k=%d n=%d" #define MSG_MUL_MAKECOL_ERR "Tabmul MakeCol logical error" #define MSG_MYSQL_CNC_OFF "MySQL connection is closed" #define MSG_MYSQL_CNC_ON "MySQL connection is established" #define MSG_MYSQL_NOT_SUP "MySQL not supported by this version" #define MSG_MY_CNC_ALREADY "MySQL connection already active" #define MSG_NAME_CONV_ERR "Error converting node name" #define MSG_NAME_IS_USED "Name %s already in use" #define MSG_NCOL_GT_MAXCOL "Too many columns (%d > %d max)" #define MSG_NEW_CHAR_NULL "new char(%d) returned Null" #define MSG_NEW_DOC_FAILED "Cannot create new document" #define MSG_NEW_RETURN_NULL "New returned Null in PlugEvalLike" #define MSG_NEW_TABLE_ERR "Unable to retrieve new table %s" #define MSG_NEXT_FILE_ERROR "Couldn't find next file. rc=%d" #define MSG_NODEF_FROM_VIEW "Cannot define a table from a view" #define MSG_NODE_FOR_CHAR "Node %s found when looking for character" #define MSG_NODE_SUBSET_ERR "Node %d Subset error" #define MSG_NONCONT_EXCEPT "Noncontinuable exception" #define MSG_NON_DUP_HAVING "Having clause in non/dup functional query" #define MSG_NON_EVAL_SEM "Sem not evaluated: p_no=%d" #define MSG_NOP_ZLIB_INDEX "Cannot do indexing on non optimized zlib table" #define MSG_NOT_A_DBF_FILE "Not a dBASE dbf file " #define MSG_NOT_ENOUGH_COLS "Not enough columns in %s" #define MSG_NOT_ENOUGH_MEM "Not enough memory to perform this operation" #define MSG_NOT_FIXED_LEN "File %s is not fixed length, len=%d lrecl=%d" #define MSG_NOT_IMPLEMENTED "Not implemented: %.8s" #define MSG_NOT_IMPL_JOIN "Not implemented for Join" #define MSG_NOT_IMPL_SET "Not implemented for set operators" #define MSG_NOT_IMPL_YET "Not implemented yet" #define MSG_NOT_LINEARIZED "Table tree was not linearized" #define MSG_NOT_MODIFIABLE " (not modifiable)" #define MSG_NO_0DH_HEAD "No 0Dh at end of header (dbc=%d)" #define MSG_NO_ACTIVE_APPL "No active application" #define MSG_NO_ACTIVE_DB "No active database" #define MSG_NO_ACTIVE_UDIC "No active user dictionary" #define MSG_NO_AGGR_FUNC "Aggregated function %d not allowed here" #define MSG_NO_AREA_FILE "Area file not found" #define MSG_NO_AVAIL_RESULT "No result available" #define MSG_NO_BIG_DELETE "Partial delete not yet implemented for Huge files" #define MSG_NO_CHAR_FROM "Cannot return char value from type %d" #define MSG_NO_CLUSTER_COL "No clustered columns" #define MSG_NO_COL_ADDING "Cannot add new column(s) to old definition" #define MSG_NO_COL_DEF_AS "Column definitions cannot be used with AS Select" #define MSG_NO_COL_FOUND "No column found in section %s" #define MSG_NO_COL_IN_TABLE "Column %d not in table %s" #define MSG_NO_COL_SECTION "Missing column section for table %s" #define MSG_NO_CONNECT_ADDR "No connexion address provided" #define MSG_NO_CONST_FILTER "Constant filters not implemented" #define MSG_NO_CURLY_BRKT "No closing curly bracket" #define MSG_NO_DATABASE "Database %s not found" #define MSG_NO_DATE_FMT "No date format for valblock of type %d" #define MSG_NO_DBF_INSERT "Insert not supported yet for GDF files" #define MSG_NO_DEF_FNCCOL "Cannot find default function column" #define MSG_NO_DEF_PIVOTCOL "Cannot find default pivot column" #define MSG_NO_DIR_INDX_RD "No direct access of %s tables" #define MSG_NO_DMY_DIR_ACC "No direct access of virtual DUMMY tables" #define MSG_NO_DOM_DELETE "Partial delete not yet implemented for domains" #define MSG_NO_DOM_MATCH "Unmatched string %.8s... in domain %s" #define MSG_NO_EDITED_LANG "Coparm: No active edited language" #define MSG_NO_EXP_LINK "Cannot use expression to link a JCT table" #define MSG_NO_EXT_FILTER "Filtering cannot refer to another table" #define MSG_NO_EXT_UPDATE "Cannot update with reference to another table" #define MSG_NO_FEAT_SUPPORT "No %s support in this version" #define MSG_NO_FILE_LIST "Table %s has no file list" #define MSG_NO_FLD_FORMAT "Missing format for field %d of %s" #define MSG_NO_FORMAT_COL "Cannot format the type COLUMN" #define MSG_NO_FORMAT_TYPE "Cannot set format from type %d" #define MSG_NO_FULL_JOIN "Only Equi-join on key(s) is allowed by check setting" #define MSG_NO_FUL_OUT_JOIN "Full outer joins are not supported" #define MSG_NO_FUNC_ORDER "Unsupported ordering on functional item" #define MSG_NO_HEAD_JOIN "Join on not heading table" #define MSG_NO_HQL_CONV "Conversion to HQL not available" #define MSG_NO_INDEX "No indexes on table %s" #define MSG_NO_INDEX_GBX "No or improper index for SQLGBX" #define MSG_NO_INDEX_IN "No indexes found in %s" #define MSG_NO_INDEX_READ "No indexed read for multiple tables" #define MSG_NO_INIT_LANG "No initial language" #define MSG_NO_JOIN_TO_EXP "No join to expressions" #define MSG_NO_JOIN_UPDEL "Update/Delete on MySQL table cannot be joined" #define MSG_NO_KEY_COL "No key columns found" #define MSG_NO_KEY_UPDATE "Cannot update key names" #define MSG_NO_LANGUAGE "No language in operation\n" #define MSG_NO_LANG_TO_QUIT "No next language to quit" #define MSG_NO_LISTVAL_HERE "LSTBLK: List of values used out of context" #define MSG_NO_MAP_INSERT "MAP incompatible with Insert" #define MSG_NO_MATCHING_COL "No matching column %s in %s" #define MSG_NO_MATCH_COL "Cannot find matching column" #define MSG_NO_MEMORY "No memory" #define MSG_NO_MEM_CORR_SUB "In memory correlated subquery not implemented yet" #define MSG_NO_MODE_PADDED "Mode not supported for padded files" #define MSG_NO_MORE_COL "Column %s no more in pivot table" #define MSG_NO_MORE_LANG "No more language, exit from %s\n" #define MSG_NO_MORE_VAR "VAR files no more supported" #define MSG_NO_MULCOL_JOIN "No join yet on muticolumn index" #define MSG_NO_MULT_HAVING "Multiple having clauses not implemented" #define MSG_NO_MUL_DIR_ACC "Direct access of multiple tables not implemented yet" #define MSG_NO_MUL_VCT "VCT tables cannot be multiple" #define MSG_NO_MYSQL_CONN "No open MySQL connection" #define MSG_NO_MYSQL_DELETE "Delete should not be called for MySQL tables" #define MSG_NO_NBCOL "No NBcol" #define MSG_NO_NBLIN "No NBlin, MaxSize or Continued" #define MSG_NO_NBLIN_CONT "Fetch: No NBlin or Continued" #define MSG_NO_NULL_CONST "Cannot handle constant" #define MSG_NO_ODBC_COL "Automatic ODBC columns not supported in this version" #define MSG_NO_ODBC_DELETE "Delete should not be called for ODBC tables" #define MSG_NO_ODBC_DIRECT "Direct access of ODBC tables not implemented yet" #define MSG_NO_ODBC_MUL "Multiple(2) not supported for ODBC tables" #define MSG_NO_ODBC_SPECOL "No ODBC special columns" #define MSG_NO_OPT_COLUMN "Not optimizable or no optimized columns" #define MSG_NO_OP_MODIF "Modificators do not apply to %s" #define MSG_NO_PARAMETER "No parameter" #define MSG_NO_PART_DEL "No partial delete of %s files" #define MSG_NO_PART_MAP "Partial mapping not implemented for this OS" #define MSG_NO_PAR_BLK_INS "Cannot insert partial block yet" #define MSG_NO_PIV_DIR_ACC "No direct access to PIVOT tables" #define MSG_NO_POS_ADDED "No Pos_code added" #define MSG_NO_PROMPTING "Cannot handle prompting for distributed tables" #define MSG_NO_QRY_DELETE "Delete cannot be used for QRY views" #define MSG_NO_QUERY_ARRAY "Array from QUERY not implemented yet" #define MSG_NO_RCUR_DSK_YET "Recursive use of DISK not implemented yet" #define MSG_NO_READ_32 "Can't read 32 bytes" #define MSG_NO_RECOV_SPACE "Cannot recover space in index file" #define MSG_NO_REF_DELETE "Cannot delete with reference to another table" #define MSG_NO_REF_UPDATE "Cannot update with reference to another table" #define MSG_NO_REMOTE_FNC "Cannot process some functions remotely" #define MSG_NO_ROWID_FOR_AM "Can't get RowID in direct access for tables of type %s" #define MSG_NO_ROW_NODE "Row node name is not defined" #define MSG_NO_SECTION_NAME "Missing section name" #define MSG_NO_SEC_UPDATE "Cannot update section names" #define MSG_NO_SELECTED_DB "No selected database" #define MSG_NO_SELF_PIVOT "Cannot pivot oneself!" #define MSG_NO_SERVER_FOUND "No server found" #define MSG_NO_SETPOS_YET "%s SetPos not implemented yet" #define MSG_NO_SFEXIT_UNIX "Function %s not available on Unix" #define MSG_NO_SOURCE " (no source)" #define MSG_NO_SPEC_COL "No MySQL special columns" #define MSG_NO_SQL_DELETE "Delete cannot be currently used for SQL views" #define MSG_NO_SUB_VAL "No sub value for array of type %d" #define MSG_NO_SUCH_INDEX "No indexes %s on table %s" #define MSG_NO_SUCH_SERVER "cannot find the server %s" #define MSG_NO_SUCH_TABLE "Table %s not in DB" #define MSG_NO_TABCOL_DATA "No data found for table %s column %s" #define MSG_NO_TABLE_COL "No columns found for %s" #define MSG_NO_TABLE_DEL "Delete not enabled for %s tables " #define MSG_NO_TABLE_DESC "No Table Description Block" #define MSG_NO_TABLE_INDEX "Table %s has no index" #define MSG_NO_TABLE_LIST "No table list" #define MSG_NO_TAB_DATA "No data found for table %s" #define MSG_NO_TERM_IN_TOK "Non terminal cannot be used in token rules" #define MSG_NO_TOKEN_DB "Cannot find DB for Token column %s" #define MSG_NO_UNIX_CATINFO "No catalog info under Unix" #define MSG_NO_UPDEL_JOIN "Update/Delete on ODBC table cannot be joined" #define MSG_NO_VCT_DELETE "Partial delete not yet implemented for VCT files" #define MSG_NO_VIEW_COLDEF "No coldefs available for views" #define MSG_NO_VIEW_SORT "Cannot sort/join SQL functional view %s" #define MSG_NO_ZIP_DELETE "Delete Zip files not implemented yet" #define MSG_NO_ZIP_DIR_ACC "Direct access of ZDOS tables not implemented yet" #define MSG_NULL_COL_VALUE "Column Value block is NULL" #define MSG_NULL_ENTRY "InitLang, null entry %d %s" #define MSG_NULL_QUERY "Null query" #define MSG_NUMVAL_NOMATCH "Numval mismatch for %s" #define MSG_N_FULL_PARSES "%d full parses" #define MSG_ODBC_READ_ONLY "ODBC is currently read only" #define MSG_OFFSET_NOT_SUPP "Offset not implemented for this type of sub query" #define MSG_ONE_LANG_YET "Already one language in edition" #define MSG_ONE_PARAM_ONLY "Only one parameter allowed" #define MSG_ONLY_LOG10_IMPL "Only Log10 is implemented" #define MSG_ON_LANGUAGE "Language %.8s version %d.%d loaded for editing" #define MSG_OPENING "Opening" #define MSG_OPENING_QUERY "Opening query" #define MSG_OPEN_EMPTY_FILE "Opening empty file %s: %s" #define MSG_OPEN_ERROR "Open error %d in mode %d on %s: " #define MSG_OPEN_ERROR_IS "Open error on %s: %s" #define MSG_OPEN_ERROR_ON "Open error on %s" #define MSG_OPEN_MODE_ERROR "Open(%s) error %d on %s" #define MSG_OPEN_SORT_ERROR "Logical sort error in QUERY Open" #define MSG_OPEN_STRERROR "open error: %s" #define MSG_OPEN_W_ERROR "Couldn't open %s for writing" #define MSG_OPTBLK_RD_ERR "Error reading opt block values: %s" #define MSG_OPTBLK_WR_ERR "Error writing opt block values: %s" #define MSG_OPTIMIZING "Optimizing " #define MSG_OPT_BMAP_RD_ERR "Error reading opt bitmaps: %s" #define MSG_OPT_BMAP_WR_ERR "Error writing opt bitmaps: %s" #define MSG_OPT_CANCELLED "Optimize cancelled by User" #define MSG_OPT_DVAL_RD_ERR "Error reading distinct values: %s" #define MSG_OPT_DVAL_WR_ERR "Error writing distinct values: %s" #define MSG_OPT_HEAD_RD_ERR "Error reading opt file header: %s" #define MSG_OPT_HEAD_WR_ERR "Error writing opt file header: %s" #define MSG_OPT_INIT "Optimization initialized" #define MSG_OPT_LOGIC_ERR "Logical error in SetBitmap, i=%d" #define MSG_OPT_MAX_RD_ERR "Error reading opt max values: %s" #define MSG_OPT_MAX_WR_ERR "Error writing opt max values: %s" #define MSG_OPT_MIN_RD_ERR "Error reading opt min values: %s" #define MSG_OPT_MIN_WR_ERR "Error writing opt min values: %s" #define MSG_OPT_NOT_MATCH "Non-matching opt file %s" #define MSG_OP_RES_TOO_LONG "Result too long for operator=%d" #define MSG_ORDER_OUT_RANGE "Order %d out of range" #define MSG_ORDER_TWICE "Ordering twice the same select item" #define MSG_PAGE_ERROR "In page error" #define MSG_PARM_CNT_MISS "Parameter count mismatch" #define MSG_PARSE_NULL_SEM "Parse with null semantics" #define MSG_PARSING_QUERY "Parsing query" #define MSG_PIX_ERROR "Pix %s error Rule_no=%u\n" #define MSG_PIX_TEST_ERROR "Rule=%u: pix-TEST not in first node\n" #define MSG_PLG_READ_ONLY "PLG is currently Read Only" #define MSG_PLM_NULL_SFP "TABPLM ReadDB: Sfp is NULL" #define MSG_PLUG_NOT_INIT "Plug was not initialized\n" #define MSG_PLUG_NOT_RUN "Plug is not running" #define MSG_PNODE_RULE "(P_node %d rule %d) " #define MSG_POS_TOO_LONG "%s too long (>%d)" #define MSG_PREC_VBLP_NULL "ARRAY SetPrecision: Vblp is NULL" #define MSG_PRIV_INSTR "Privileged instruction" #define MSG_PROCADD_ERROR "Error %d getting address of %s" #define MSG_PROCESS_SUBQRY "Processing Sub-Query" #define MSG_PROC_WOULD_LOOP "Process would loop (maxres=%d maxlin=%d)" #define MSG_PROGRESS_INFO "Progress Information" #define MSG_PROMPT_CANCEL "Prompt was cancelled" #define MSG_PROMPT_NIY "Prompt not implemented for this configuration" #define MSG_PTR_NOT_FOUND "Pointer not found Num=%d ti1=%d" #define MSG_PXDEF_IS_NULL "Pxdef is NULL" #define MSG_QRY_READ_ONLY "QRY views are read only" #define MSG_QUERY_CANCELLED "Query Cancelled by User" #define MSG_QUERY_NOT_EXEC "Query not executed" #define MSG_QUERY_SAVED "Query %s saved" #define MSG_QUOTE_IN_QUOTE "Quote char inside quoted field in line %d" #define MSG_RANGE_NIY "Range NIY for %s" #define MSG_RANGE_NO_JOIN "Range is not meant for join index" #define MSG_RC_READING "rc=%d reading table %s" #define MSG_READB_BAD_INIT "%s ReadDB called with Init=0" #define MSG_READCOL_ERROR "SQLCOL ReadColumn error" #define MSG_READING "Reading" #define MSG_READING_FROM "Reading from %s" #define MSG_READING_RECORD "Error reading record %d of %s" #define MSG_READY "Ready" #define MSG_READ_ERROR "Error reading %s: %s" #define MSG_READ_ERROR_RC "Read error, rc=%d" #define MSG_READ_MEM_ERROR "Reading memory %d: size=%d" #define MSG_READ_ONLY "Cannot modify this read/only protected table" #define MSG_READ_SEEK_ERROR "Read seek error: %s" #define MSG_READ_SEG_ERROR "Reading segment %d: size=%d" #define MSG_RECEIVED "Received %c\n" #define MSG_RECORD_ERROR "Error reading record %d of %s" #define MSG_RECORD_NO_SEP "Record with no separator" #define MSG_REC_SKIPPED " (%d bad records skipped by MaxErr setting)" #define MSG_REDUCE_INDEX "Reducing index" #define MSG_REGISTER_ERR "Unable to register NS with prefix='%s' and href='%s'" #define MSG_REMOTE_CONN_ERR "Remote connection failed" #define MSG_REMOVE_ERROR "Error removing %s: %s" #define MSG_REMOVE_NOT_IMPL "Remove not implemented for non-table TDB" #define MSG_RENAME_ERROR "Error renaming %s to %s: %s" #define MSG_RENUM_RULES "Renumber rules and enter ADD again (rule saved in buffer)" #define MSG_REORDER_INDEX "Reordering index" #define MSG_REQU_ARG_NUM "Function %s requires %d arguments" #define MSG_RESET_TO "%s reset to %d" #define MSG_RES_NOT_UNIQUE "Result is not a unique value" #define MSG_RET_FROM_LANG "Return to language %s version %d.%d from language %s version %d.%d" #define MSG_ROWID_NOT_IMPL "RowNumber not implemented for tables of type %s" #define MSG_ROWS_SELECTED "%d rows selected in %.2lf sec" #define MSG_ROWS_TRUNCATED " (truncated by MAXRES, LIMIT, FREQ or AreaSize setting)" #define MSG_ROW_ARGNB_ERR "ROW arg number mismatch (%d,%d)" #define MSG_RPC_SERVER_ERR "RPC error, server not responding" #define MSG_RSC_ALLOC_ERROR "Memory allocation error in Rescol %s" #define MSG_RULE_ENTERED "Rule %d entered" #define MSG_RULE_SUBSET_ERR "Rules Subset error" #define MSG_SAVING_INDEX "Saving index file" #define MSG_SCAN_NOT_IMP "Scan not implemented" #define MSG_SEC_KEY_FIRST "Section and key names must come first on Insert" #define MSG_SEC_NAME_FIRST "Section name must come first on Insert" #define MSG_SEC_NOT_FOUND "Section %s not found in %s" #define MSG_SEEK_ERROR "Seek error in CopyHeader" #define MSG_SEMANTIC_TREE "Semantic Tree" #define MSG_SEM_BAD_REF "Sem name @%d refers to an argument of type not 0 or 1" #define MSG_SEM_UNKNOWN "unknown, rc=%d" #define MSG_SEP_IN_FIELD "Field %d contains the separator character" #define MSG_SEQUENCE_ERROR "Sequence error on statement allocation" #define MSG_SETEOF_ERROR "Error %d in SetEndOfFile" #define MSG_SETRECPOS_NIY "SetRecpos not implemented for this table type" #define MSG_SET_LOCALE "Locale set to %s" #define MSG_SET_NULL_DOM "Setting value %d to a null domain" #define MSG_SET_OP_NOT_IMPL "sorry - set operators not implemented" #define MSG_SET_STR_TRUNC "SetValue: String would be truncated" #define MSG_SEVERAL_TREES "Some tables are not properly joined" #define MSG_SFP_ERROR "SetFilePointer error: %s" #define MSG_SFUNC_NOT_IMPL "Scalar Function %s not implemented" #define MSG_SHARED_LIB_ERR "Error loading shared library %s: %s" #define MSG_SINGLE_STEP "Single step" #define MSG_SLEEP "I slept %d milliseconds" #define MSG_SMART_SORTING "Retrieving sorted rows (pass %d of %d)" #define MSG_SMART_SORT_ERR "Logical Smart Sort Error 1" #define MSG_SORTING "Sorting" #define MSG_SORTING_INDEX "Sorting index" #define MSG_SORTING_VAL "Sorting %d values" #define MSG_SORT_JOIN_INDEX "Sorting join index" #define MSG_SPCOL_READONLY "Special column %s is Read Only" #define MSG_SPEC_CMD_SEP "Special commands must be executed separately" #define MSG_SQL_BAD_TYPE "RephraseSQL: type %d not supported" #define MSG_SQL_BLOCK_MISM "CheckColumn: SQL current blocks mismatch" #define MSG_SQL_CONF_ERROR "SQL Error: SQL_CONFORMANCE" #define MSG_SQL_READ_ONLY "SQL views are currently read only" #define MSG_SRCH_CLOSE_ERR "Couldn't close search handle" #define MSG_SRC_TABLE_UNDEF "Source table is not defined" #define MSG_STACK_ERROR "stack error, i=%d\n" #define MSG_STACK_OVERFLOW "Parser: Stack overflow\n" #define MSG_STRG_NOT_FOUND "String not found" #define MSG_STRING_INV_LIST "List invalid for SemString" #define MSG_STRING_TOO_BIG "String too big for domain %s" #define MSG_SUBALLOC_ERROR "Not enough memory in area %p for request of %d (used=%d free=%d)" #define MSG_SUBAL_HUGE_ERR "Not enough memory in huge %p for request of %d" #define MSG_SUBARG_NOSEM "@ or sub-phrase arg of level %d points to a meaningless argument" #define MSG_SUBARG_OUTRANGE "Out of range @ or sub-phrase argument of level %d" #define MSG_SUBQRY_ONEITEM "Sub-Query must have exactly one select item" #define MSG_SUBSET_ERROR "SubSet error in LoadDB" #define MSG_SUB_OPEN_YET "Subquery already open" #define MSG_SUB_RES_TOO_LNG "Result too long for SUBSTR" #define MSG_SYNTAX_ERROR "Syntax error" #define MSG_SYSTEM_ERROR "System error %d" #define MSG_S_ACCESS_DENIED "%s: access denied" #define MSG_S_ERROR "%s error" #define MSG_S_ERROR_NUM "%s: error=%d" #define MSG_S_INTRUPT_ERROR "%s: interrupt error" #define MSG_S_INVALID_PARM "%s: invalid parameter" #define MSG_S_INV_ADDRESS "%s: invalid address" #define MSG_S_UNKNOWN_ERROR "%s: unknown error code %u" #define MSG_TABDIR_READONLY "DIR tables are read/only" #define MSG_TABLE_ALREADY "Table %s already exists" #define MSG_TABLE_ALTERED "%s table %s altered" #define MSG_TABLE_CREATED "%s table %s created" #define MSG_TABLE_DROPPED "Table %s dropped" #define MSG_TABLE_MULT_JOIN "Table %s used more than once for join" #define MSG_TABLE_NOT_IN_DB "Table %s does not exist in %s" #define MSG_TABLE_NOT_OPT "Not an optimizable table" #define MSG_TABLE_NO_INDEX "Table %s cannot be indexed" #define MSG_TABLE_NO_OPT "Table %s does not exist or type is not optimizable" #define MSG_TABLE_READ_ONLY "%s tables are read only " #define MSG_TABMUL_READONLY "Multiple tables are read/only" #define MSG_TAB_NOT_LOADED " (some tables could not be loaded)" #define MSG_TAB_NOT_SPEC "No table specified" #define MSG_TB_VW_NOTIN_DB "Table or view %s not in DB" #define MSG_TDB_NXT_NOT_NUL "Tdb.Next not NULL" #define MSG_TDB_USE_ERROR "Error, Tdbp->Use=%d" #define MSG_TOO_MANY_COLS "Too many columns" #define MSG_TOO_MANY_COLTAB "Too many columns in %s (%d)" #define MSG_TOO_MANY_FIELDS "Too many fields line %d of %s" #define MSG_TOO_MANY_JUMPS "Too many jump levels" #define MSG_TOO_MANY_KEYS "Too many keys (%d)" #define MSG_TOO_MANY_POS "Too many pos_codes" #define MSG_TOO_MANY_TABLES "Too many tables (%d)" #define MSG_TOPSEM_ERROR "Unknown error in TopSem" #define MSG_TO_BLK_IS_NULL "To Blk is NULL" #define MSG_TO_FTR_NOT_NULL "Set.To_Ftr is not null" #define MSG_TO_PIX_NOT_NULL "Set.To_Pix is not null" #define MSG_TO_SEM_NOT_NULL "Set.To_Sem is not null" #define MSG_TRUNCATE_ERROR "truncate error: %s" #define MSG_TRUNC_BY_ESTIM "truncated by Estimate" #define MSG_TYPES_ERROR "Error on Types(%d)" #define MSG_TYPE_CONV_ERROR "Type cannot be converted in expression" #define MSG_TYPE_DEF_MISM "type and definition do not match" #define MSG_TYPE_MISMATCH "Key and source are not of the same type" #define MSG_TYPE_RECFM_MISM "Type and Recfm mismatch" #define MSG_TYPE_TO_VERIFY "Type to verify: %d" #define MSG_TYPE_VALUE_ERR "Column %s type(%s)/value(%s) mismatch" #define MSG_UNBALANCE_QUOTE "Unbalanced quote in line %d" #define MSG_UNDEFINED_AM "COLBLK %s: undefined Access Method" #define MSG_UNDEFINED_PATH "Undefined Plgcnx.ini path" #define MSG_UNDEF_COL_COUNT "Count on undefined column" #define MSG_UNKNOWN_DOMAIN "Unknown domain %s" #define MSG_UNKNOWN_ERROR "Unknown error" #define MSG_UNKNOWN_EXCPT "Unknown exception" #define MSG_UNKNOWN_NAME "Unknown name: %.8s" #define MSG_UNKNOWN_PATH "Unknown Plgcnx.ini path" #define MSG_UNKNOWN_POS "Unknown pos name: %s" #define MSG_UNKNOWN_SEM "Unknown Sem %.8s, rc=%d" #define MSG_UNKNOWN_SYNONYM "Unknown synonym" #define MSG_UNKNW_QRY_TYPE "ReadDB: unknown query type" #define MSG_UNKN_ERR_CODE "Unknown error code %d" #define MSG_UNLOADABLE " unloadable: " #define MSG_UNLOADABLE_PRM "%s unloadable: %s" #define MSG_UNMATCH_FIL_ARG "Unmatched filter argument" #define MSG_UNQ_COL_SEV_TAB "Unqualified column %s is in several tables" #define MSG_UNRESOLVED_ARG "?Unresolved argument %s at %d line %d" #define MSG_UPDATE_ERROR "Error updating %s" #define MSG_UPDATING_ROWS "Updating rows" #define MSG_UPD_ZIP_NOT_IMP "Updating ZDOS tables not implemented yet" #define MSG_UP_LANGUAGE "Block language %.8s version %d level %d loaded" #define MSG_USED_FREE_MEM "%d used in sarea, %d free" #define MSG_USETEMP_IS "UseTemp is %s" #define MSG_USETEMP_RESET ". Usetemp reset to Auto" #define MSG_USETEMP_SET "UseTemp set to %s" #define MSG_USE_NO_MATCH "Use do not match : Use=%d, ti2=%d, ti3=%d" #define MSG_USING_INDEX " (Using index" #define MSG_VALIST_MISMATCH "List of values mismatch" #define MSG_VALSTR_TOO_LONG "Value %s too long for string of length %d" #define MSG_VALTYPE_NOMATCH "Non matching Value types" #define MSG_VALUE_ERROR "Column %s: value is null" #define MSG_VALUE_NOT_ALLOC "Value not allocated for column R%d %s" #define MSG_VALUE_TOO_BIG "Value %lld too big for column %s" #define MSG_VALUE_TOO_LONG "Value %s too long for column %s of length %d" #define MSG_VAL_ALLOC_ERR "Cannot allocate value node" #define MSG_VAL_TOO_LONG "Value field %s too long for %s" #define MSG_VIEW_ALREADY "View %s already exists" #define MSG_VIEW_CREATED "%s view %s created" #define MSG_VIEW_DROPPED "View %s dropped" #define MSG_VIEW_NOT_IN_DB "View %s does not exist in %s" #define MSG_VIR_NO_DELETE "Delete not allowed for %s tables" #define MSG_VIR_READ_ONLY "Virtual %s tables are read only" #define MSG_VM_LANG "Language has VM format, not supported" #define MSG_VOID_FIRST_ARG "First argument should not be void" #define MSG_VOID_IN_STRING "Error: void IN string" #define MSG_VOID_ORDER_LIST "Null ordering list, system error ?" #define MSG_VOID_POS_DICT "Void Pos dictionary" #define MSG_VOID_QUERY "Void query %s" #define MSG_WORK_AREA "Work area: %s" #define MSG_WORK_TOO_SMALL "Work area too small, increase AreaSize" #define MSG_WRITE_ERROR "Error writing to %s" #define MSG_WRITE_SEEK_ERR "Write seek error: %s" #define MSG_WRITE_STRERROR "Error writing %s: %s" #define MSG_WRITING "Writing" #define MSG_WRITING_ERROR "Error writing to %s: %s" #define MSG_WRITING_QUERY "Writing query: " #define MSG_WRONG_ARG_NUM "Function %s does not take %d arguments" #define MSG_WRONG_COL_NUM "Column number %d out of range in %s" #define MSG_WRONG_DB_LIST "Wrong or nul database list" #define MSG_WRONG_FUNCTION "Wrong function %d" #define MSG_WRONG_OP_PARM "Wrong operator or parameters for %s" #define MSG_WRONG_PARMS "Wrong parameters for %s" #define MSG_WRONG_PASSWORD "Illegal password for %s" #define MSG_WRONG_TYPE "unsupported type" #define MSG_WRONG_USERFILE "Wrong Userfile size=%d" #define MSG_WS_CONV_ERR "Error converting %s to WS" #define MSG_XCOL_MISMATCH "Column %s mismatch in index" #define MSG_XDB_DEL_ERROR "Error while deleting entries from XDB file" #define MSG_XFILE_READERR "Error %d reading index file" #define MSG_XFILE_TOO_SMALL "Index file is smaller than index length" #define MSG_XFILE_WRITERR "Error writing index file: %s" #define MSG_XMLTAB_INIT_ERR "Error initializing XML table" #define MSG_XML_INIT_ERROR "Error initializing new XML file" #define MSG_XPATH_CNTX_ERR "Unable to create new XPath context" #define MSG_XPATH_EVAL_ERR "Unable to evaluate xpath location '%s'" #define MSG_XPATH_NOT_SUPP "Unsupported Xpath for column %s" #define MSG_X_ARG_ADDED "%d arguments have been added" #define MSG_X_ARG_SET "%d arguments have been set" #define MSG_X_ON_TAB " %s on %s(" #define MSG_ZERO_DIVIDE "Zero divide in expression"