/************ Javaconn C++ Functions Source Code File (.CPP) ***********/ /* Name: JAVAConn.CPP Version 1.0 */ /* */ /* (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND 2017 */ /* */ /* This file contains the JAVA connection classes functions. */ /***********************************************************************/ #if defined(__WIN__) // This is needed for RegGetValue #define _WINVER 0x0601 #undef _WIN32_WINNT #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0601 #endif // __WIN__ /***********************************************************************/ /* Include relevant MariaDB header file. */ /***********************************************************************/ #include //#include #if defined(__WIN__) #include // for getcwd #if defined(__BORLANDC__) #define __MFC_COMPAT__ // To define min/max as macro #endif // __BORLANDC__ #else // !__WIN__ #if defined(UNIX) #include #else // !UNIX #endif // !UNIX #include #include // for getenv #define NODW #endif // !__WIN__ /***********************************************************************/ /* Required objects includes. */ /***********************************************************************/ #include "global.h" #include "plgdbsem.h" #include "colblk.h" #include "xobject.h" #include "xtable.h" #include "tabext.h" #include "javaconn.h" #include "resource.h" #include "valblk.h" #include "osutil.h" #if defined(__WIN__) extern "C" HINSTANCE s_hModule; // Saved module handle #endif // __WIN__ #define nullptr 0 //TYPCONV GetTypeConv(); //int GetConvSize(); extern char *JvmPath; // The connect_jvm_path global variable value extern char *ClassPath; // The connect_class_path global variable value char *GetPluginDir(void); char *GetJavaWrapper(void); // The connect_java_wrapper variable value /***********************************************************************/ /* Static JAVAConn objects. */ /***********************************************************************/ void *JAVAConn::LibJvm = NULL; CRTJVM JAVAConn::CreateJavaVM = NULL; GETJVM JAVAConn::GetCreatedJavaVMs = NULL; #if defined(_DEBUG) GETDEF JAVAConn::GetDefaultJavaVMInitArgs = NULL; #endif // _DEBUG /***********************************************************************/ /* Some macro's (should be defined elsewhere to be more accessible) */ /***********************************************************************/ #if defined(_DEBUG) #define ASSERT(f) assert(f) #define DEBUG_ONLY(f) (f) #else // !_DEBUG #define ASSERT(f) ((void)0) #define DEBUG_ONLY(f) ((void)0) #endif // !_DEBUG /***********************************************************************/ /* JAVAConn construction/destruction. */ /***********************************************************************/ JAVAConn::JAVAConn(PGLOBAL g, PCSZ wrapper) { m_G = g; jvm = nullptr; // Pointer to the JVM (Java Virtual Machine) env = nullptr; // Pointer to native interface jdi = nullptr; // Pointer to the java wrapper class job = nullptr; // The java wrapper class object errid = nullptr; DiscFunc = "Disconnect"; Msg = NULL; m_Wrap = (wrapper) ? wrapper : GetJavaWrapper(); if (!strchr(m_Wrap, '/')) { // Add the wrapper package name char *wn = (char*)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, strlen(m_Wrap) + 10); m_Wrap = strcat(strcpy(wn, "wrappers/"), m_Wrap); } // endif m_Wrap fp = NULL; m_Opened = false; m_Connected = false; m_Rows = 0; //*m_ErrMsg = '\0'; } // end of JAVAConn //JAVAConn::~JAVAConn() // { //if (Connected()) // EndCom(); // } // end of ~JAVAConn char *JAVAConn::GetUTFString(jstring s) { char *str; const char *utf = env->GetStringUTFChars(s, nullptr); str = PlugDup(m_G, utf); env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(s, utf); env->DeleteLocalRef(s); return str; } // end of GetUTFString /***********************************************************************/ /* Screen for errors. */ /***********************************************************************/ bool JAVAConn::Check(jint rc) { jstring s; if (env->ExceptionCheck()) { jthrowable exc = env->ExceptionOccurred(); jmethodID tid = env->GetMethodID(env->FindClass("java/lang/Object"), "toString", "()Ljava/lang/String;"); if (exc != nullptr && tid != nullptr) { s = (jstring)env->CallObjectMethod(exc, tid); Msg = GetUTFString(s); } else Msg = "Exception occured"; env->ExceptionClear(); } else if (rc < 0) { s = (jstring)env->CallObjectMethod(job, errid); Msg = GetUTFString(s); } else Msg = NULL; return (Msg != NULL); } // end of Check /***********************************************************************/ /* Get MethodID if not exists yet. */ /***********************************************************************/ bool JAVAConn::gmID(PGLOBAL g, jmethodID& mid, const char *name, const char *sig) { if (mid == nullptr) { mid = env->GetMethodID(jdi, name, sig); if (Check()) { strcpy(g->Message, Msg); return true; } else return false; } else return false; } // end of gmID #if 0 /***********************************************************************/ /* Utility routine. */ /***********************************************************************/ int JAVAConn::GetMaxValue(int n) { jint m; jmethodID maxid = nullptr; if (gmID(m_G, maxid, "GetMaxValue", "(I)I")) return -1; // call method if (Check(m = env->CallIntMethod(job, maxid, n))) htrc("GetMaxValue: %s", Msg); return (int)m; } // end of GetMaxValue #endif // 0 /***********************************************************************/ /* Reset the JVM library. */ /***********************************************************************/ void JAVAConn::ResetJVM(void) { if (LibJvm) { #if defined(__WIN__) FreeLibrary((HMODULE)LibJvm); #else // !__WIN__ dlclose(LibJvm); #endif // !__WIN__ LibJvm = NULL; CreateJavaVM = NULL; GetCreatedJavaVMs = NULL; #if defined(_DEBUG) GetDefaultJavaVMInitArgs = NULL; #endif // _DEBUG } // endif LibJvm } // end of ResetJVM /***********************************************************************/ /* Dynamically link the JVM library. */ /* The purpose of this function is to allow using the CONNECT plugin */ /* for other table types when the Java JDK is not installed. */ /***********************************************************************/ bool JAVAConn::GetJVM(PGLOBAL g) { int ntry; if (!LibJvm) { char soname[512]; #if defined(__WIN__) for (ntry = 0; !LibJvm && ntry < 3; ntry++) { if (!ntry && JvmPath) { strcat(strcpy(soname, JvmPath), "\\jvm.dll"); ntry = 3; // No other try } else if (ntry < 2 && getenv("JAVA_HOME")) { strcpy(soname, getenv("JAVA_HOME")); if (ntry == 1) strcat(soname, "\\jre"); strcat(soname, "\\bin\\client\\jvm.dll"); } else { // Try to find it through the registry char version[16]; char javaKey[64] = "SOFTWARE\\JavaSoft\\Java Runtime Environment"; LONG rc; DWORD BufferSize = 16; strcpy(soname, "jvm.dll"); // In case it fails if ((rc = RegGetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, javaKey, "CurrentVersion", RRF_RT_ANY, NULL, (PVOID)&version, &BufferSize)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { strcat(strcat(javaKey, "\\"), version); BufferSize = sizeof(soname); if ((rc = RegGetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, javaKey, "RuntimeLib", RRF_RT_ANY, NULL, (PVOID)&soname, &BufferSize)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) printf("RegGetValue: rc=%ld\n", rc); } // endif rc ntry = 3; // Try this only once } // endelse // Load the desired shared library LibJvm = LoadLibrary(soname); } // endfor ntry // Get the needed entries if (!LibJvm) { char buf[256]; DWORD rc = GetLastError(); sprintf(g->Message, MSG(DLL_LOAD_ERROR), rc, soname); FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, rc, 0, (LPTSTR)buf, sizeof(buf), NULL); strcat(strcat(g->Message, ": "), buf); } else if (!(CreateJavaVM = (CRTJVM)GetProcAddress((HINSTANCE)LibJvm, "JNI_CreateJavaVM"))) { sprintf(g->Message, MSG(PROCADD_ERROR), GetLastError(), "JNI_CreateJavaVM"); FreeLibrary((HMODULE)LibJvm); LibJvm = NULL; } else if (!(GetCreatedJavaVMs = (GETJVM)GetProcAddress((HINSTANCE)LibJvm, "JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs"))) { sprintf(g->Message, MSG(PROCADD_ERROR), GetLastError(), "JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs"); FreeLibrary((HMODULE)LibJvm); LibJvm = NULL; #if defined(_DEBUG) } else if (!(GetDefaultJavaVMInitArgs = (GETDEF)GetProcAddress((HINSTANCE)LibJvm, "JNI_GetDefaultJavaVMInitArgs"))) { sprintf(g->Message, MSG(PROCADD_ERROR), GetLastError(), "JNI_GetDefaultJavaVMInitArgs"); FreeLibrary((HMODULE)LibJvm); LibJvm = NULL; #endif // _DEBUG } // endif LibJvm #else // !__WIN__ const char *error = NULL; for (ntry = 0; !LibJvm && ntry < 2; ntry++) { if (!ntry && JvmPath) { strcat(strcpy(soname, JvmPath), "/libjvm.so"); ntry = 2; } else if (!ntry && getenv("JAVA_HOME")) { // TODO: Replace i386 by a better guess strcat(strcpy(soname, getenv("JAVA_HOME")), "/jre/lib/i386/client/libjvm.so"); } else { // Will need LD_LIBRARY_PATH to be set strcpy(soname, "libjvm.so"); ntry = 2; } // endelse LibJvm = dlopen(soname, RTLD_LAZY); } // endfor ntry // Load the desired shared library if (!LibJvm) { error = dlerror(); sprintf(g->Message, MSG(SHARED_LIB_ERR), soname, SVP(error)); } else if (!(CreateJavaVM = (CRTJVM)dlsym(LibJvm, "JNI_CreateJavaVM"))) { error = dlerror(); sprintf(g->Message, MSG(GET_FUNC_ERR), "JNI_CreateJavaVM", SVP(error)); dlclose(LibJvm); LibJvm = NULL; } else if (!(GetCreatedJavaVMs = (GETJVM)dlsym(LibJvm, "JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs"))) { error = dlerror(); sprintf(g->Message, MSG(GET_FUNC_ERR), "JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs", SVP(error)); dlclose(LibJvm); LibJvm = NULL; #if defined(_DEBUG) } else if (!(GetDefaultJavaVMInitArgs = (GETDEF)dlsym(LibJvm, "JNI_GetDefaultJavaVMInitArgs"))) { error = dlerror(); sprintf(g->Message, MSG(GET_FUNC_ERR), "JNI_GetDefaultJavaVMInitArgs", SVP(error)); dlclose(LibJvm); LibJvm = NULL; #endif // _DEBUG } // endif LibJvm #endif // !__WIN__ } // endif LibJvm return LibJvm == NULL; } // end of GetJVM /***********************************************************************/ /* Open: connect to a data source. */ /***********************************************************************/ bool JAVAConn::Open(PGLOBAL g) { bool brc = true, err = false; jboolean jt = (trace(1)); // Link or check whether jvm library was linked if (GetJVM(g)) return true; // Firstly check whether the jvm was already created JavaVM* jvms[1]; jsize jsz; jint rc = GetCreatedJavaVMs(jvms, 1, &jsz); if (rc == JNI_OK && jsz == 1) { // jvm already existing jvm = jvms[0]; rc = jvm->AttachCurrentThread((void**)&env, nullptr); if (rc != JNI_OK) { strcpy(g->Message, "Cannot attach jvm to the current thread"); return true; } // endif rc } else { /*******************************************************************/ /* Create a new jvm */ /*******************************************************************/ PSTRG jpop = new(g)STRING(g, 512, "-Djava.class.path=."); char *cp = NULL; char sep; #if defined(__WIN__) sep = ';'; #define N 1 //#define N 2 //#define N 3 #else sep = ':'; #define N 1 #endif // Add wrappers jar files AddJars(jpop, sep); //================== prepare loading of Java VM ============================ JavaVMInitArgs vm_args; // Initialization arguments JavaVMOption* options = new JavaVMOption[N]; // JVM invocation options // where to find java .class if (ClassPath && *ClassPath) { jpop->Append(sep); jpop->Append(ClassPath); } // endif ClassPath // Java source will be compiled as a jar file installed in the plugin dir jpop->Append(sep); jpop->Append(GetPluginDir()); jpop->Append("JdbcInterface.jar"); // All wrappers are pre-compiled in JavaWrappers.jar in the plugin dir jpop->Append(sep); jpop->Append(GetPluginDir()); jpop->Append("JavaWrappers.jar"); if ((cp = getenv("CLASSPATH"))) { jpop->Append(sep); jpop->Append(cp); } // endif cp if (trace(1)) { htrc("ClassPath=%s\n", ClassPath); htrc("CLASSPATH=%s\n", cp); htrc("%s\n", jpop->GetStr()); } // endif trace options[0].optionString = jpop->GetStr(); #if N == 2 options[1].optionString = "-Xcheck:jni"; #endif #if N == 3 options[1].optionString = "-Xms256M"; options[2].optionString = "-Xmx512M"; #endif #if defined(_DEBUG) vm_args.version = JNI_VERSION_1_2; // minimum Java version rc = GetDefaultJavaVMInitArgs(&vm_args); #else vm_args.version = JNI_VERSION_1_6; // minimum Java version #endif // _DEBUG vm_args.nOptions = N; // number of options vm_args.options = options; vm_args.ignoreUnrecognized = false; // invalid options make the JVM init fail //=============== load and initialize Java VM and JNI interface ============= rc = CreateJavaVM(&jvm, (void**)&env, &vm_args); // YES !! delete options; // we then no longer need the initialisation options. switch (rc) { case JNI_OK: strcpy(g->Message, "VM successfully created"); brc = false; break; case JNI_ERR: strcpy(g->Message, "Initialising JVM failed: unknown error"); break; case JNI_EDETACHED: strcpy(g->Message, "Thread detached from the VM"); break; case JNI_EVERSION: strcpy(g->Message, "JNI version error"); break; case JNI_ENOMEM: strcpy(g->Message, "Not enough memory"); break; case JNI_EEXIST: strcpy(g->Message, "VM already created"); break; case JNI_EINVAL: strcpy(g->Message, "Invalid arguments"); break; default: sprintf(g->Message, "Unknown return code %d", (int)rc); break; } // endswitch rc if (trace(1)) htrc("%s\n", g->Message); if (brc) return true; //=============== Display JVM version =============== jint ver = env->GetVersion(); printf("JVM Version %d.%d\n", ((ver >> 16) & 0x0f), (ver & 0x0f)); } // endif rc // try to find the java wrapper class jdi = env->FindClass(m_Wrap); if (jdi == nullptr) { sprintf(g->Message, "ERROR: class %s not found!", m_Wrap); return true; } // endif jdi #if 0 // Suppressed because it does not make any usable change if (b && jpath && *jpath) { // Try to add that path the the jvm class path jmethodID alp = env->GetStaticMethodID(jdi, "addLibraryPath", "(Ljava/lang/String;)I"); if (alp == nullptr) { env->ExceptionDescribe(); env->ExceptionClear(); } else { char *msg; jstring path = env->NewStringUTF(jpath); rc = env->CallStaticIntMethod(jdi, alp, path); if ((msg = Check(rc))) { strcpy(g->Message, msg); env->DeleteLocalRef(path); return RC_FX; } else switch (rc) { case JNI_OK: printf("jpath added\n"); break; case JNI_EEXIST: printf("jpath already exist\n"); break; case JNI_ERR: default: strcpy(g->Message, "Error adding jpath"); env->DeleteLocalRef(path); return RC_FX; } // endswitch rc env->DeleteLocalRef(path); } // endif alp } // endif jpath #endif // 0 // if class found, continue jmethodID ctor = env->GetMethodID(jdi, "", "(Z)V"); if (ctor == nullptr) { sprintf(g->Message, "ERROR: %s constructor not found!", m_Wrap); return true; } else job = env->NewObject(jdi, ctor, jt); if (job == nullptr) { sprintf(g->Message, "%s class object not constructed!", m_Wrap); return true; } // endif job // If the object is successfully constructed, // we can then search for the method we want to call, // and invoke it for the object: errid = env->GetMethodID(jdi, "GetErrmsg", "()Ljava/lang/String;"); if (env->ExceptionCheck()) { strcpy(g->Message, "ERROR: method GetErrmsg() not found!"); env->ExceptionDescribe(); env->ExceptionClear(); return true; } // endif Check /*********************************************************************/ /* Link a Fblock. This make possible to automatically close it */ /* in case of error (throw). */ /*********************************************************************/ PDBUSER dbuserp = (PDBUSER)g->Activityp->Aptr; fp = (PFBLOCK)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, sizeof(FBLOCK)); fp->Type = TYPE_FB_JAVA; fp->Fname = NULL; fp->Next = dbuserp->Openlist; dbuserp->Openlist = fp; fp->Count = 1; fp->Length = 0; fp->Memory = NULL; fp->Mode = MODE_ANY; fp->File = this; fp->Handle = 0; m_Opened = true; return false; } // end of Open /***********************************************************************/ /* Disconnect connection */ /***********************************************************************/ void JAVAConn::Close() { jint rc; if (m_Connected) { jmethodID did = nullptr; // Could have been detached in case of join rc = jvm->AttachCurrentThread((void**)&env, nullptr); if (gmID(m_G, did, DiscFunc, "()I")) printf("%s\n", Msg); else if (Check(env->CallIntMethod(job, did))) printf("%s: %s\n", DiscFunc, Msg); m_Connected = false; } // endif m_Connected if ((rc = jvm->DetachCurrentThread()) != JNI_OK) printf("DetachCurrentThread: rc=%d\n", (int)rc); if (fp) fp->Count = 0; m_Opened = false; } // end of Close