/*************** json CPP Declares Source Code File (.H) ***************/ /* Name: json.cpp Version 1.2 */ /* */ /* (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND 2014 - 2015 */ /* */ /* This file contains the JSON classes functions. */ /***********************************************************************/ /***********************************************************************/ /* Include relevant sections of the MariaDB header file. */ /***********************************************************************/ #include /***********************************************************************/ /* Include application header files: */ /* global.h is header containing all global declarations. */ /* plgdbsem.h is header containing the DB application declarations. */ /* xjson.h is header containing the JSON classes declarations. */ /***********************************************************************/ #include "global.h" #include "plgdbsem.h" #include "json.h" #define ARGS MY_MIN(24,len-i),s+MY_MAX(i-3,0) #if defined(__WIN__) #define EL "\r\n" #else #define EL "\n" #endif /***********************************************************************/ /* Parse a json string. */ /* Note: when pretty is not known, the caller set pretty to 3. */ /***********************************************************************/ PJSON ParseJson(PGLOBAL g, char *s, int len, int *ptyp, bool *comma) { int i, rc, pretty = (ptyp) ? *ptyp : 3; bool b = false, pty[3] = {true, true, true}; PJSON jsp = NULL; STRG src; if (!s || !len) { strcpy(g->Message, "Void JSON object"); return NULL; } else if (comma) *comma = false; src.str = s; src.len = len; // Trying to guess the pretty format if (s[0] == '[' && (s[1] == '\n' || (s[1] == '\r' && s[2] == '\n'))) pty[0] = false; // Save stack and allocation environment and prepare error return if (g->jump_level == MAX_JUMP) { strcpy(g->Message, MSG(TOO_MANY_JUMPS)); return NULL; } // endif jump_level if ((rc= setjmp(g->jumper[++g->jump_level])) != 0) { goto err; } // endif rc for (i = 0; i < len; i++) switch (s[i]) { case '[': if (jsp) goto tryit; else if (!(jsp = ParseArray(g, ++i, src, pty))) goto err; break; case '{': if (jsp) goto tryit; else if (!(jsp = ParseObject(g, ++i, src, pty))) goto err; break; case ' ': case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': break; case ',': if (jsp && (pretty == 1 || pretty == 3)) { if (comma) *comma = true; pty[0] = pty[2] = false; break; } // endif pretty sprintf(g->Message, "Unexpected ',' (pretty=%d)", pretty); goto err; case '(': b = true; break; case ')': if (b) { b = false; break; } // endif b default: if (jsp) goto tryit; else if (!(jsp = ParseValue(g, i, src, pty))) goto err; break; }; // endswitch s[i] if (!jsp) sprintf(g->Message, "Invalid Json string '%.*s'", 50, s); else if (ptyp && pretty == 3) { *ptyp = 3; // Not recognized pretty for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) if (pty[i]) { *ptyp = i; break; } // endif pty } // endif ptyp g->jump_level--; return jsp; tryit: if (pty[0] && (!pretty || pretty > 2)) { if ((jsp = ParseArray(g, (i = 0), src, pty)) && ptyp && pretty == 3) *ptyp = (pty[0]) ? 0 : 3; g->jump_level--; return jsp; } else strcpy(g->Message, "More than one item in file"); err: g->jump_level--; return NULL; } // end of ParseJson /***********************************************************************/ /* Parse a JSON Array. */ /***********************************************************************/ PJAR ParseArray(PGLOBAL g, int& i, STRG& src, bool *pty) { char *s = src.str; int len = src.len; int level = 0; bool b = (!i); PJAR jarp = new(g) JARRAY; PJVAL jvp = NULL; for (; i < len; i++) switch (s[i]) { case ',': if (level < 2) { sprintf(g->Message, "Unexpected ',' near %.*s",ARGS); return NULL; } else level = 1; break; case ']': if (level == 1) { sprintf(g->Message, "Unexpected ',]' near %.*s", ARGS); return NULL; } // endif level jarp->InitArray(g); return jarp; case '\n': if (!b) pty[0] = pty[1] = false; case '\r': case ' ': case '\t': break; default: if (level == 2) { sprintf(g->Message, "Unexpected value near %.*s", ARGS); return NULL; } else if ((jvp = ParseValue(g, i, src, pty))) jarp->AddValue(g, jvp); else return NULL; level = (b) ? 1 : 2; break; }; // endswitch s[i] if (b) { // Case of Pretty == 0 jarp->InitArray(g); return jarp; } // endif b strcpy(g->Message, "Unexpected EOF in array"); return NULL; } // end of ParseArray /***********************************************************************/ /* Parse a JSON Object. */ /***********************************************************************/ PJOB ParseObject(PGLOBAL g, int& i, STRG& src, bool *pty) { PSZ key; char *s = src.str; int len = src.len; int level = 0; PJOB jobp = new(g) JOBJECT; PJPR jpp = NULL; for (; i < len; i++) switch (s[i]) { case '"': if (level < 2) { if ((key = ParseString(g, ++i, src))) { jpp = jobp->AddPair(g, key); level = 1; } else return NULL; } else { sprintf(g->Message, "misplaced string near %.*s", ARGS); return NULL; } // endif level break; case ':': if (level == 1) { if (!(jpp->Val = ParseValue(g, ++i, src, pty))) return NULL; level = 2; } else { sprintf(g->Message, "Unexpected ':' near %.*s", ARGS); return NULL; } // endif level break; case ',': if (level < 2) { sprintf(g->Message, "Unexpected ',' near %.*s", ARGS); return NULL; } else level = 1; break; case '}': if (level == 1) { sprintf(g->Message, "Unexpected '}' near %.*s", ARGS); return NULL; } // endif level return jobp; case '\n': pty[0] = pty[1] = false; case '\r': case ' ': case '\t': break; default: sprintf(g->Message, "Unexpected character '%c' near %.*s", s[i], ARGS); return NULL; }; // endswitch s[i] strcpy(g->Message, "Unexpected EOF in Object"); return NULL; } // end of ParseObject /***********************************************************************/ /* Parse a JSON Value. */ /***********************************************************************/ PJVAL ParseValue(PGLOBAL g, int& i, STRG& src, bool *pty) { char *strval, *s = src.str; int n, len = src.len; PJVAL jvp = new(g) JVALUE; for (; i < len; i++) switch (s[i]) { case '\n': pty[0] = pty[1] = false; case '\r': case ' ': case '\t': break; default: goto suite; } // endswitch suite: switch (s[i]) { case '[': if (!(jvp->Jsp = ParseArray(g, ++i, src, pty))) return NULL; break; case '{': if (!(jvp->Jsp = ParseObject(g, ++i, src, pty))) return NULL; break; case '"': if ((strval = ParseString(g, ++i, src))) jvp->Value = AllocateValue(g, strval, TYPE_STRING); else return NULL; break; case 't': if (!strncmp(s + i, "true", 4)) { n = 1; jvp->Value = AllocateValue(g, &n, TYPE_TINY); i += 3; } else goto err; break; case 'f': if (!strncmp(s + i, "false", 5)) { n = 0; jvp->Value = AllocateValue(g, &n, TYPE_TINY); i += 4; } else goto err; break; case 'n': if (!strncmp(s + i, "null", 4)) i += 3; else goto err; break; case '-': default: if (s[i] == '-' || isdigit(s[i])) { if (!(jvp->Value = ParseNumeric(g, i, src))) goto err; } else goto err; }; // endswitch s[i] return jvp; err: sprintf(g->Message, "Unexpected character '%c' near %.*s", s[i], ARGS); return NULL; } // end of ParseValue /***********************************************************************/ /* Unescape and parse a JSON string. */ /***********************************************************************/ char *ParseString(PGLOBAL g, int& i, STRG& src) { char *s = src.str; uchar *p; int n = 0, len = src.len; // Be sure of memory availability if (len + 1 - i > (signed)((PPOOLHEADER)g->Sarea)->FreeBlk) { strcpy(g->Message, "ParseString: Out of memory"); return NULL; } // endif len // The size to allocate is not known yet p = (uchar*)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, 0); for (; i < len; i++) switch (s[i]) { case '"': p[n++] = 0; PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, n); return (char*)p; case '\\': if (++i < len) { if (s[i] == 'u') { if (len - i > 5) { // if (charset == utf8) { char xs[5]; uint hex; xs[0] = s[++i]; xs[1] = s[++i]; xs[2] = s[++i]; xs[3] = s[++i]; xs[4] = 0; hex = strtoul(xs, NULL, 16); if (hex < 0x80) { p[n] = (uchar)hex; } else if (hex < 0x800) { p[n++] = (uchar)(0xC0 | (hex >> 6)); p[n] = (uchar)(0x80 | (hex & 0x3F)); } else if (hex < 0x10000) { p[n++] = (uchar)(0xE0 | (hex >> 12)); p[n++] = (uchar)(0x80 | ((hex >> 6) & 0x3f)); p[n] = (uchar)(0x80 | (hex & 0x3f)); } else p[n] = '?'; #if 0 } else { char xs[3]; UINT hex; i += 2; xs[0] = s[++i]; xs[1] = s[++i]; xs[2] = 0; hex = strtoul(xs, NULL, 16); p[n] = (char)hex; } // endif charset #endif // 0 } else goto err; } else switch(s[i]) { case 't': p[n] = '\t'; break; case 'n': p[n] = '\n'; break; case 'r': p[n] = '\r'; break; case 'b': p[n] = '\b'; break; case 'f': p[n] = '\f'; break; default: p[n] = s[i]; break; } // endswitch n++; } else goto err; break; default: p[n++] = s[i]; break; }; // endswitch s[i] err: strcpy(g->Message, "Unexpected EOF in String"); return NULL; } // end of ParseString /***********************************************************************/ /* Parse a JSON numeric value. */ /***********************************************************************/ PVAL ParseNumeric(PGLOBAL g, int& i, STRG& src) { char *s = src.str, buf[50]; int n = 0, len = src.len; short nd = 0; bool has_dot = false; bool has_e = false; bool found_digit = false; PVAL valp = NULL; for (; i < len; i++) { switch (s[i]) { case '.': if (!found_digit || has_dot || has_e) goto err; has_dot = true; break; case 'e': case 'E': if (!found_digit || has_e) goto err; has_e = true; found_digit = false; break; case '+': if (!has_e) goto err; // passthru case '-': if (found_digit) goto err; break; default: if (isdigit(s[i])) { if (has_dot && !has_e) nd++; // Number of decimals found_digit = true; } else goto fin; }; // endswitch s[i] buf[n++] = s[i]; } // endfor i fin: if (found_digit) { buf[n] = 0; if (has_dot || has_e) { double dv = strtod(buf, NULL); valp = AllocateValue(g, &dv, TYPE_DOUBLE, nd); } else { long long iv = strtoll(buf, NULL, 10); valp = AllocateValue(g, &iv, TYPE_BIGINT); } // endif has i--; // Unstack following character return valp; } else { strcpy(g->Message, "No digit found"); return NULL; } // endif found_digit err: strcpy(g->Message, "Unexpected EOF in number"); return NULL; } // end of ParseNumeric /***********************************************************************/ /* Serialize a JSON tree: */ /***********************************************************************/ PSZ Serialize(PGLOBAL g, PJSON jsp, char *fn, int pretty) { PSZ str = NULL; bool b = false, err = true; JOUT *jp; FILE *fs = NULL; g->Message[0] = 0; // Save stack and allocation environment and prepare error return if (g->jump_level == MAX_JUMP) { strcpy(g->Message, MSG(TOO_MANY_JUMPS)); return NULL; } // endif jump_level if (setjmp(g->jumper[++g->jump_level])) { str = NULL; goto fin; } // endif jmp if (!jsp) { strcpy(g->Message, "Null json tree"); goto fin; } else if (!fn) { // Serialize to a string jp = new(g) JOUTSTR(g); b = pretty == 1; } else { if (!(fs = fopen(fn, "wb"))) { sprintf(g->Message, MSG(OPEN_MODE_ERROR), "w", (int)errno, fn); strcat(strcat(g->Message, ": "), strerror(errno)); goto fin;; } else if (pretty >= 2) { // Serialize to a pretty file jp = new(g)JOUTPRT(g, fs); } else { // Serialize to a flat file b = true; jp = new(g)JOUTFILE(g, fs, pretty); } // endif's } // endif's switch (jsp->GetType()) { case TYPE_JAR: err = SerializeArray(jp, (PJAR)jsp, b); break; case TYPE_JOB: err = ((b && jp->Prty()) && jp->WriteChr('\t')); err |= SerializeObject(jp, (PJOB)jsp); break; case TYPE_JVAL: err = SerializeValue(jp, (PJVAL)jsp); break; default: strcpy(g->Message, "Invalid json tree"); } // endswitch Type if (fs) { fputs(EL, fs); fclose(fs); str = (err) ? NULL : strcpy(g->Message, "Ok"); } else if (!err) { str = ((JOUTSTR*)jp)->Strp; jp->WriteChr('\0'); PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, ((JOUTSTR*)jp)->N); } else { if (!g->Message[0]) strcpy(g->Message, "Error in Serialize"); } // endif's fin: g->jump_level--; return str; } // end of Serialize /***********************************************************************/ /* Serialize a JSON Array. */ /***********************************************************************/ bool SerializeArray(JOUT *js, PJAR jarp, bool b) { bool first = true; if (b) { if (js->Prty()) { if (js->WriteChr('[')) return true; else if (js->Prty() == 1 && (js->WriteStr(EL) || js->WriteChr('\t'))) return true; } // endif Prty } else if (js->WriteChr('[')) return true; for (int i = 0; i < jarp->size(); i++) { if (first) first = false; else if ((!b || js->Prty()) && js->WriteChr(',')) return true; else if (b) { if (js->Prty() < 2 && js->WriteStr(EL)) return true; else if (js->Prty() == 1 && js->WriteChr('\t')) return true; } // endif b if (SerializeValue(js, jarp->GetValue(i))) return true; } // endfor i if (b && js->Prty() == 1 && js->WriteStr(EL)) return true; return ((!b || js->Prty()) && js->WriteChr(']')); } // end of SerializeArray /***********************************************************************/ /* Serialize a JSON Object. */ /***********************************************************************/ bool SerializeObject(JOUT *js, PJOB jobp) { bool first = true; if (js->WriteChr('{')) return true; for (PJPR pair = jobp->First; pair; pair = pair->Next) { if (first) first = false; else if (js->WriteChr(',')) return true; if (js->WriteChr('"') || js->WriteStr(pair->Key) || js->WriteChr('"') || js->WriteChr(':') || SerializeValue(js, pair->Val)) return true; } // endfor i return js->WriteChr('}'); } // end of SerializeObject /***********************************************************************/ /* Serialize a JSON Value. */ /***********************************************************************/ bool SerializeValue(JOUT *js, PJVAL jvp) { PJAR jap; PJOB jop; PVAL valp; if ((jap = jvp->GetArray())) return SerializeArray(js, jap, false); else if ((jop = jvp->GetObject())) return SerializeObject(js, jop); else if (!(valp = jvp->Value) || valp->IsNull()) return js->WriteStr("null"); else switch (valp->GetType()) { case TYPE_TINY: return js->WriteStr(valp->GetTinyValue() ? "true" : "false"); case TYPE_STRING: return js->Escape(valp->GetCharValue()); default: if (valp->IsTypeNum()) { char buf[32]; return js->WriteStr(valp->GetCharString(buf)); } // endif valp } // endswitch Type strcpy(js->g->Message, "Unrecognized value"); return true; } // end of SerializeValue /* -------------------------- Class JOUTSTR -------------------------- */ /***********************************************************************/ /* JOUTSTR constructor. */ /***********************************************************************/ JOUTSTR::JOUTSTR(PGLOBAL g) : JOUT(g) { PPOOLHEADER pph = (PPOOLHEADER)g->Sarea; N = 0; Max = pph->FreeBlk; Max = (Max > 32) ? Max - 32 : Max; Strp = (char*)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, 0); // Size not know yet } // end of JOUTSTR constructor /***********************************************************************/ /* Concatenate a string to the Serialize string. */ /***********************************************************************/ bool JOUTSTR::WriteStr(const char *s) { if (s) { size_t len = strlen(s); if (N + len > Max) return true; memcpy(Strp + N, s, len); N += len; return false; } else return true; } // end of WriteStr /***********************************************************************/ /* Concatenate a character to the Serialize string. */ /***********************************************************************/ bool JOUTSTR::WriteChr(const char c) { if (N + 1 > Max) return true; Strp[N++] = c; return false; } // end of WriteChr /***********************************************************************/ /* Escape and Concatenate a string to the Serialize string. */ /***********************************************************************/ bool JOUTSTR::Escape(const char *s) { WriteChr('"'); for (unsigned int i = 0; s[i]; i++) switch (s[i]) { case '"': case '\\': case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': case '\b': case '\f': WriteChr('\\'); // passthru default: WriteChr(s[i]); break; } // endswitch s[i] WriteChr('"'); return false; } // end of Escape /* ------------------------- Class JOUTFILE -------------------------- */ /***********************************************************************/ /* Write a string to the Serialize file. */ /***********************************************************************/ bool JOUTFILE::WriteStr(const char *s) { // This is temporary fputs(s, Stream); return false; } // end of WriteStr /***********************************************************************/ /* Write a character to the Serialize file. */ /***********************************************************************/ bool JOUTFILE::WriteChr(const char c) { // This is temporary fputc(c, Stream); return false; } // end of WriteChr /***********************************************************************/ /* Escape and Concatenate a string to the Serialize string. */ /***********************************************************************/ bool JOUTFILE::Escape(const char *s) { // This is temporary fputc('"', Stream); for (unsigned int i = 0; s[i]; i++) switch (s[i]) { case '"': fputs("\\\"", Stream); break; case '\\': fputs("\\\\", Stream); break; case '\t': fputs("\\t", Stream); break; case '\n': fputs("\\n", Stream); break; case '\r': fputs("\\r", Stream); break; case '\b': fputs("\\b", Stream); break; case '\f': fputs("\\f", Stream); break; default: fputc(s[i], Stream); break; } // endswitch s[i] fputc('"', Stream); return false; } // end of Escape /* ------------------------- Class JOUTPRT --------------------------- */ /***********************************************************************/ /* Write a string to the Serialize pretty file. */ /***********************************************************************/ bool JOUTPRT::WriteStr(const char *s) { // This is temporary if (B) { fputs(EL, Stream); M--; for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) fputc('\t', Stream); B = false; } // endif B fputs(s, Stream); return false; } // end of WriteStr /***********************************************************************/ /* Write a character to the Serialize pretty file. */ /***********************************************************************/ bool JOUTPRT::WriteChr(const char c) { switch (c) { case ':': fputs(": ", Stream); break; case '{': case '[': #if 0 if (M) fputs(EL, Stream); for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) fputc('\t', Stream); #endif // 0 fputc(c, Stream); fputs(EL, Stream); M++; for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) fputc('\t', Stream); break; case '}': case ']': M--; fputs(EL, Stream); for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) fputc('\t', Stream); fputc(c, Stream); B = true; break; case ',': fputc(c, Stream); fputs(EL, Stream); for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) fputc('\t', Stream); B = false; break; default: fputc(c, Stream); } // endswitch c return false; } // end of WriteChr /* -------------------------- Class JOBJECT -------------------------- */ /***********************************************************************/ /* Add a new pair to an Object. */ /***********************************************************************/ PJPR JOBJECT::AddPair(PGLOBAL g, PSZ key) { PJPR jpp = new(g) JPAIR(key); if (Last) Last->Next = jpp; else First = jpp; Last = jpp; Size++; return jpp; } // end of AddPair /***********************************************************************/ /* Return all keys as an array. */ /***********************************************************************/ PJAR JOBJECT::GetKeyList(PGLOBAL g) { PJAR jarp = new(g) JARRAY(); for (PJPR jpp = First; jpp; jpp = jpp->Next) jarp->AddValue(g, new(g) JVALUE(g, jpp->GetKey())); jarp->InitArray(g); return jarp; } // end of GetKeyList /***********************************************************************/ /* Get the value corresponding to the given key. */ /***********************************************************************/ PJVAL JOBJECT::GetValue(const char* key) { for (PJPR jp = First; jp; jp = jp->Next) if (!strcmp(jp->Key, key)) return jp->Val; return NULL; } // end of GetValue; /***********************************************************************/ /* Return the text corresponding to all keys (XML like). */ /***********************************************************************/ PSZ JOBJECT::GetText(PGLOBAL g, PSZ text) { int n; if (!text) { text = (char*)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, 0); text[0] = 0; n = 1; } else n = 0; if (!First && n) return NULL; else for (PJPR jp = First; jp; jp = jp->Next) jp->Val->GetText(g, text); if (n) PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, strlen(text) + 1); return text + n; } // end of GetValue; /***********************************************************************/ /* Merge two objects. */ /***********************************************************************/ bool JOBJECT::Merge(PGLOBAL g, PJSON jsp) { if (jsp->GetType() != TYPE_JOB) { strcpy(g->Message, "Second argument is not an object"); return true; } // endif Type PJOB jobp = (PJOB)jsp; for (PJPR jpp = jobp->First; jpp; jpp = jpp->Next) SetValue(g, jpp->GetVal(), jpp->GetKey()); return false; } // end of Marge; /***********************************************************************/ /* Set or add a value corresponding to the given key. */ /***********************************************************************/ void JOBJECT::SetValue(PGLOBAL g, PJVAL jvp, PSZ key) { PJPR jp; for (jp = First; jp; jp = jp->Next) if (!strcmp(jp->Key, key)) { jp->Val = jvp; break; } // endif key if (!jp) { jp = AddPair(g, key); jp->Val = jvp; } // endif jp } // end of SetValue /***********************************************************************/ /* Delete a value corresponding to the given key. */ /***********************************************************************/ void JOBJECT::DeleteKey(PSZ key) { PJPR jp, *pjp = &First; for (jp = First; jp; jp = jp->Next) if (!strcmp(jp->Key, key)) { *pjp = jp->Next; Size--; break; } else pjp = &jp->Next; } // end of DeleteKey /***********************************************************************/ /* True if void or if all members are nulls. */ /***********************************************************************/ bool JOBJECT::IsNull(void) { for (PJPR jp = First; jp; jp = jp->Next) if (!jp->Val->IsNull()) return false; return true; } // end of IsNull /* -------------------------- Class JARRAY --------------------------- */ /***********************************************************************/ /* Make the array of values from the values list. */ /***********************************************************************/ void JARRAY::InitArray(PGLOBAL g) { int i; PJVAL jvp, *pjvp = &First; for (Size = 0, jvp = First; jvp; jvp = jvp->Next) if (!jvp->Del) Size++; if (Size > Alloc) { // No need to realloc after deleting values Mvals = (PJVAL*)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, Size * sizeof(PJVAL)); Alloc = Size; } // endif Size for (i = 0, jvp = First; jvp; jvp = jvp->Next) if (!jvp->Del) { Mvals[i++] = jvp; pjvp = &jvp->Next; Last = jvp; } else *pjvp = jvp->Next; } // end of InitArray /***********************************************************************/ /* Get the Nth value of an Array. */ /***********************************************************************/ PJVAL JARRAY::GetValue(int i) { if (Mvals && i >= 0 && i < Size) return Mvals[i]; else return NULL; } // end of GetValue /***********************************************************************/ /* Add a Value to the Array Value list. */ /***********************************************************************/ PJVAL JARRAY::AddValue(PGLOBAL g, PJVAL jvp, int *x) { if (!jvp) jvp = new(g) JVALUE; if (x) { int i = 0, n = *x; PJVAL jp, *jpp = &First; for (jp = First; jp && i < n; i++, jp = *(jpp = &jp->Next)); (*jpp) = jvp; if (!(jvp->Next = jp)) Last = jvp; } else { if (!First) First = jvp; else if (Last == First) First->Next = Last = jvp; else Last->Next = jvp; Last = jvp; } // endif x return jvp; } // end of AddValue /***********************************************************************/ /* Merge two arrays. */ /***********************************************************************/ bool JARRAY::Merge(PGLOBAL g, PJSON jsp) { if (jsp->GetType() != TYPE_JAR) { strcpy(g->Message, "Second argument is not an array"); return true; } // endif Type PJAR arp = (PJAR)jsp; for (int i = 0; i < jsp->size(); i++) AddValue(g, arp->GetValue(i)); InitArray(g); return false; } // end of Merge /***********************************************************************/ /* Set the nth Value of the Array Value list. */ /***********************************************************************/ bool JARRAY::SetValue(PGLOBAL g, PJVAL jvp, int n) { int i = 0; PJVAL jp, *jpp = &First; for (jp = First; i < n; i++, jp = *(jpp = &jp->Next)) if (!jp) *jpp = jp = new(g) JVALUE; *jpp = jvp; jvp->Next = (jp ? jp->Next : NULL); return false; } // end of SetValue /***********************************************************************/ /* Delete a Value from the Arrays Value list. */ /***********************************************************************/ bool JARRAY::DeleteValue(int n) { PJVAL jvp = GetValue(n); if (jvp) { jvp->Del = true; return false; } else return true; } // end of DeleteValue /***********************************************************************/ /* True if void or if all members are nulls. */ /***********************************************************************/ bool JARRAY::IsNull(void) { for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++) if (!Mvals[i]->IsNull()) return false; return true; } // end of IsNull /* -------------------------- Class JVALUE- -------------------------- */ /***********************************************************************/ /* Constructor for a Value with a given string or numeric value. */ /***********************************************************************/ JVALUE::JVALUE(PGLOBAL g, PVAL valp) : JSON() { Jsp = NULL; Value = AllocateValue(g, valp); Next = NULL; Del = false; } // end of JVALUE constructor /***********************************************************************/ /* Constructor for a given string. */ /***********************************************************************/ JVALUE::JVALUE(PGLOBAL g, PSZ strp) : JSON() { Jsp = NULL; Value = AllocateValue(g, strp, TYPE_STRING); Next = NULL; Del = false; } // end of JVALUE constructor /***********************************************************************/ /* Returns the type of the Value's value. */ /***********************************************************************/ JTYP JVALUE::GetValType(void) { if (Jsp) return Jsp->GetType(); else if (Value) return (JTYP)Value->GetType(); else return (JTYP)TYPE_VOID; } // end of GetValType /***********************************************************************/ /* Return the Value's Object value. */ /***********************************************************************/ PJOB JVALUE::GetObject(void) { if (Jsp && Jsp->GetType() == TYPE_JOB) return (PJOB)Jsp; return NULL; } // end of GetObject /***********************************************************************/ /* Return the Value's Array value. */ /***********************************************************************/ PJAR JVALUE::GetArray(void) { if (Jsp && Jsp->GetType() == TYPE_JAR) return (PJAR)Jsp; return NULL; } // end of GetArray /***********************************************************************/ /* Return the Value's Integer value. */ /***********************************************************************/ int JVALUE::GetInteger(void) { return (Value) ? Value->GetIntValue() : 0; } // end of GetInteger /***********************************************************************/ /* Return the Value's Big integer value. */ /***********************************************************************/ long long JVALUE::GetBigint(void) { return (Value) ? Value->GetBigintValue() : 0; } // end of GetBigint /***********************************************************************/ /* Return the Value's Double value. */ /***********************************************************************/ double JVALUE::GetFloat(void) { return (Value) ? Value->GetFloatValue() : 0.0; } // end of GetFloat /***********************************************************************/ /* Return the Value's String value. */ /***********************************************************************/ PSZ JVALUE::GetString(void) { char buf[32]; return (Value) ? Value->GetCharString(buf) : NULL; } // end of GetString /***********************************************************************/ /* Return the Value's String value. */ /***********************************************************************/ PSZ JVALUE::GetText(PGLOBAL g, PSZ text) { if (Jsp && Jsp->GetType() == TYPE_JOB) return Jsp->GetText(g, text); char buf[32]; PSZ s = (Value) ? Value->GetCharString(buf) : NULL; if (s) strcat(strcat(text, " "), s); else strcat(text, " ???"); return text; } // end of GetText void JVALUE::SetValue(PJSON jsp) { if (jsp && jsp->GetType() == TYPE_JVAL) { Jsp = jsp->GetJsp(); Value = jsp->GetValue(); } else { Jsp = jsp; Value = NULL; } // endif Type } // end of SetValue; /***********************************************************************/ /* Set the Value's value as the given integer. */ /***********************************************************************/ void JVALUE::SetInteger(PGLOBAL g, int n) { Value = AllocateValue(g, &n, TYPE_INT); Jsp = NULL; } // end of SetInteger /***********************************************************************/ /* Set the Value's Boolean value as a tiny integer. */ /***********************************************************************/ void JVALUE::SetTiny(PGLOBAL g, char n) { Value = AllocateValue(g, &n, TYPE_TINY); Jsp = NULL; } // end of SetInteger /***********************************************************************/ /* Set the Value's value as the given big integer. */ /***********************************************************************/ void JVALUE::SetBigint(PGLOBAL g, long long ll) { Value = AllocateValue(g, &ll, TYPE_BIGINT); Jsp = NULL; } // end of SetBigint /***********************************************************************/ /* Set the Value's value as the given DOUBLE. */ /***********************************************************************/ void JVALUE::SetFloat(PGLOBAL g, double f) { Value = AllocateValue(g, &f, TYPE_DOUBLE, 6); Jsp = NULL; } // end of SetFloat /***********************************************************************/ /* Set the Value's value as the given string. */ /***********************************************************************/ void JVALUE::SetString(PGLOBAL g, PSZ s, short c) { Value = AllocateValue(g, s, TYPE_STRING, c); Jsp = NULL; } // end of SetString /***********************************************************************/ /* True when its JSON or normal value is null. */ /***********************************************************************/ bool JVALUE::IsNull(void) { return (Jsp) ? Jsp->IsNull() : (Value) ? Value->IsZero() : true; } // end of IsNull