/************** mongo C++ Program Source Code File (.CPP) **************/ /* PROGRAM NAME: mongo Version 1.0 */ /* (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND 2017 */ /* These programs are the MGODEF class execution routines. */ /***********************************************************************/ /***********************************************************************/ /* Include relevant sections of the MariaDB header file. */ /***********************************************************************/ #include /***********************************************************************/ /* Include application header files: */ /* global.h is header containing all global declarations. */ /* plgdbsem.h is header containing the DB application declarations. */ /***********************************************************************/ #include "global.h" #include "plgdbsem.h" #include "xtable.h" #include "tabext.h" #include "filter.h" #if defined(CMGO_SUPPORT) #include "tabcmg.h" #endif // CMGO_SUPPORT #if defined(JAVA_SUPPORT) #include "tabjmg.h" #endif // JAVA_SUPPORT #include "resource.h" /***********************************************************************/ /* This should be an option. */ /***********************************************************************/ #define MAXCOL 200 /* Default max column nb in result */ #define TYPE_UNKNOWN 12 /* Must be greater than other types */ bool MakeSelector(PGLOBAL g, PFIL fp, PSTRG s); bool IsNum(PSZ s); /***********************************************************************/ /* Make selector json representation for Mongo tables. */ /***********************************************************************/ bool MakeSelector(PGLOBAL g, PFIL fp, PSTRG s) { OPVAL opc = fp->GetOpc(); s->Append('{'); if (opc == OP_AND || opc == OP_OR) { if (fp->GetArgType(0) != TYPE_FILTER || fp->GetArgType(1) != TYPE_FILTER) return true; s->Append("\"$"); s->Append(opc == OP_AND ? "and" : "or"); s->Append("\":["); if (MakeSelector(g, (PFIL)fp->Arg(0), s)) return true; s->Append(','); if (MakeSelector(g, (PFIL)fp->Arg(1), s)) return true; s->Append(']'); } else { if (fp->GetArgType(0) != TYPE_COLBLK) return true; s->Append('"'); s->Append(((PCOL)fp->Arg(0))->GetJpath(g, false)); s->Append("\":{\"$"); switch (opc) { case OP_EQ: s->Append("eq"); break; case OP_NE: s->Append("ne"); break; case OP_GT: s->Append("gt"); break; case OP_GE: s->Append("gte"); break; case OP_LT: s->Append("lt"); break; case OP_LE: s->Append("lte"); break; case OP_NULL: case OP_LIKE: case OP_EXIST: default: return true; } // endswitch Opc s->Append("\":"); if (fp->GetArgType(1) == TYPE_COLBLK) { s->Append("\"$"); s->Append(((PEXTCOL)fp->Arg(1))->GetJpath(g, false)); s->Append('"'); } else { char buf[501]; fp->Arg(1)->Prints(g, buf, 500); s->Append(buf); } // endif Type s->Append('}'); } // endif opc s->Append('}'); return false; } // end of MakeSelector /***********************************************************************/ /* MGOColumns: construct the result blocks containing the description */ /* of all the columns of a document contained inside MongoDB. */ /***********************************************************************/ PQRYRES MGOColumns(PGLOBAL g, PCSZ db, PCSZ uri, PTOS topt, bool info) { static int buftyp[] = {TYPE_STRING, TYPE_SHORT, TYPE_STRING, TYPE_INT, TYPE_INT, TYPE_SHORT, TYPE_SHORT, TYPE_STRING}; static XFLD fldtyp[] = {FLD_NAME, FLD_TYPE, FLD_TYPENAME, FLD_PREC, FLD_LENGTH, FLD_SCALE, FLD_NULL, FLD_FORMAT}; unsigned int length[] = {0, 6, 8, 10, 10, 6, 6, 0}; int ncol = sizeof(buftyp) / sizeof(int); int i, n = 0; PCSZ drv; PBCOL bcp; MGODISC *cmgd = NULL; PQRYRES qrp; PCOLRES crp; if (info) { length[0] = 128; length[7] = 256; goto skipit; } // endif info /*********************************************************************/ /* Open MongoDB. */ /*********************************************************************/ drv = GetStringTableOption(g, topt, "Driver", NULL); if (drv && toupper(*drv) == 'C') { #if defined(CMGO_SUPPORT) cmgd = new(g) CMGDISC(g, (int*)length); #else sprintf(g->Message, "Mongo %s Driver not available", "C"); goto err; #endif } else if (drv && toupper(*drv) == 'J') { #if defined(JAVA_SUPPORT) cmgd = new(g) JMGDISC(g, (int*)length); #else sprintf(g->Message, "Mongo %s Driver not available", "Java"); goto err; #endif } else { // Driver not specified #if defined(CMGO_SUPPORT) cmgd = new(g) CMGDISC(g, (int*)length); #else cmgd = new(g) JMGDISC(g, (int*)length); #endif } // endif drv if ((n = cmgd->GetColumns(g, db, uri, topt)) < 0) goto err; skipit: if (trace) htrc("MGOColumns: n=%d len=%d\n", n, length[0]); /*********************************************************************/ /* Allocate the structures used to refer to the result set. */ /*********************************************************************/ qrp = PlgAllocResult(g, ncol, n, IDS_COLUMNS + 3, buftyp, fldtyp, length, false, false); crp = qrp->Colresp->Next->Next->Next->Next->Next->Next; crp->Name = "Nullable"; crp->Next->Name = "Bpath"; if (info || !qrp) return qrp; qrp->Nblin = n; /*********************************************************************/ /* Now get the results into blocks. */ /*********************************************************************/ for (i = 0, bcp = cmgd->fbcp; bcp; i++, bcp = bcp->Next) { if (bcp->Type == TYPE_UNKNOWN) // Void column bcp->Type = TYPE_STRING; crp = qrp->Colresp; // Column Name crp->Kdata->SetValue(bcp->Name, i); crp = crp->Next; // Data Type crp->Kdata->SetValue(bcp->Type, i); crp = crp->Next; // Type Name crp->Kdata->SetValue(GetTypeName(bcp->Type), i); crp = crp->Next; // Precision crp->Kdata->SetValue(bcp->Len, i); crp = crp->Next; // Length crp->Kdata->SetValue(bcp->Len, i); crp = crp->Next; // Scale (precision) crp->Kdata->SetValue(bcp->Scale, i); crp = crp->Next; // Nullable crp->Kdata->SetValue(bcp->Cbn ? 1 : 0, i); crp = crp->Next; // Field format if (crp->Kdata) crp->Kdata->SetValue(bcp->Fmt, i); } // endfor i /*********************************************************************/ /* Return the result pointer. */ /*********************************************************************/ return qrp; err: if (cmgd && cmgd->tmgp) cmgd->tmgp->CloseDB(g); return NULL; } // end of MGOColumns /***********************************************************************/ /* Class used to get the columns of a mongo collection. */ /***********************************************************************/ MGODISC::MGODISC(PGLOBAL g, int *lg) { length = lg; fbcp = NULL; pbcp = NULL; tmgp = NULL; drv = NULL; i = ncol = lvl = 0; all = false; } // end of MGODISC constructor /***********************************************************************/ /* Class used to get the columns of a mongo collection. */ /***********************************************************************/ int MGODISC::GetColumns(PGLOBAL g, PCSZ db, PCSZ uri, PTOS topt) { PCSZ level = GetStringTableOption(g, topt, "Level", NULL); PMGODEF tdp; if (level) { lvl = atoi(level); lvl = (lvl > 16) ? 16 : lvl; } else lvl = 0; all = GetBooleanTableOption(g, topt, "Fullarray", false); /*********************************************************************/ /* Open the MongoDB collection. */ /*********************************************************************/ tdp = new(g) MGODEF; tdp->Uri = (uri && *uri) ? uri : "mongodb://localhost:27017"; tdp->Driver = drv; tdp->Tabname = GetStringTableOption(g, topt, "Name", NULL); tdp->Tabname = GetStringTableOption(g, topt, "Tabname", tdp->Tabname); tdp->Tabschema = GetStringTableOption(g, topt, "Dbname", db); tdp->Base = GetIntegerTableOption(g, topt, "Base", 0) ? 1 : 0; tdp->Colist = GetStringTableOption(g, topt, "Colist", "all"); tdp->Filter = GetStringTableOption(g, topt, "Filter", NULL); tdp->Pipe = GetBooleanTableOption(g, topt, "Pipeline", false); tdp->Version = GetIntegerTableOption(g, topt, "Version", 3); tdp->Wrapname = (PSZ)GetStringTableOption(g, topt, "Wrapper", (tdp->Version == 2) ? "Mongo2Interface" : "Mongo3Interface"); if (trace) htrc("Uri %s coll=%s db=%s colist=%s filter=%s lvl=%d\n", tdp->Uri, tdp->Tabname, tdp->Tabschema, tdp->Colist, tdp->Filter, lvl); tmgp = tdp->GetTable(g, MODE_READ); tmgp->SetMode(MODE_READ); if (tmgp->OpenDB(g)) return -1; bcol.Next = NULL; bcol.Name = bcol.Fmt = NULL; bcol.Type = TYPE_UNKNOWN; bcol.Len = bcol.Scale = 0; bcol.Found = true; bcol.Cbn = false; if (Init(g)) return -1; /*********************************************************************/ /* Analyse the BSON tree and define columns. */ /*********************************************************************/ for (i = 1; ; i++) { switch (tmgp->ReadDB(g)) { case RC_EF: return ncol; case RC_FX: return -1; default: GetDoc(); } // endswitch ReadDB if (Find(g)) return -1; // Missing columns can be null for (bcp = fbcp; bcp; bcp = bcp->Next) { bcp->Cbn |= !bcp->Found; bcp->Found = false; } // endfor bcp } // endfor i return ncol; } // end of GetColumns /***********************************************************************/ /* Add a new column in the column list. */ /***********************************************************************/ void MGODISC::AddColumn(PGLOBAL g, PCSZ colname, PCSZ fmt, int k) { // Check whether this column was already found for (bcp = fbcp; bcp; bcp = bcp->Next) if (!strcmp(colname, bcp->Name)) break; if (bcp) { if (bcp->Type != bcol.Type) bcp->Type = TYPE_STRING; if (k && *fmt && (!bcp->Fmt || strlen(bcp->Fmt) < strlen(fmt))) { bcp->Fmt = PlugDup(g, fmt); length[7] = MY_MAX(length[7], (signed)strlen(fmt)); } // endif *fmt bcp->Len = MY_MAX(bcp->Len, bcol.Len); bcp->Scale = MY_MAX(bcp->Scale, bcol.Scale); bcp->Cbn |= bcol.Cbn; bcp->Found = true; } else { // New column bcp = (PBCOL)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, sizeof(BCOL)); *bcp = bcol; bcp->Cbn |= (i > 1); bcp->Name = PlugDup(g, colname); length[0] = MY_MAX(length[0], (signed)strlen(colname)); if (k) { bcp->Fmt = PlugDup(g, fmt); length[7] = MY_MAX(length[7], (signed)strlen(fmt)); } else bcp->Fmt = NULL; if (pbcp) { bcp->Next = pbcp->Next; pbcp->Next = bcp; } else fbcp = bcp; ncol++; } // endif jcp pbcp = bcp; } // end of AddColumn /* -------------------------- Class MGODEF --------------------------- */ MGODEF::MGODEF(void) { Driver = NULL; Uri = NULL; Colist = NULL; Filter = NULL; Level = 0; Base = 0; Version = 0; Pipe = false; } // end of MGODEF constructor /***********************************************************************/ /* DefineAM: define specific AM block values. */ /***********************************************************************/ bool MGODEF::DefineAM(PGLOBAL g, LPCSTR, int poff) { if (EXTDEF::DefineAM(g, "MGO", poff)) return true; else if (!Tabschema) Tabschema = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Dbname", "*"); Driver = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Driver", NULL); Uri = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Connect", "mongodb://localhost:27017"); Colist = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Colist", NULL); Filter = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Filter", NULL); Base = GetIntCatInfo("Base", 0) ? 1 : 0; Version = GetIntCatInfo("Version", 3); if (Version == 2) Wrapname = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Wrapper", "Mongo2Interface"); else Wrapname = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Wrapper", "Mongo3Interface"); Pipe = GetBoolCatInfo("Pipeline", false); return false; } // end of DefineAM /***********************************************************************/ /* GetTable: makes a new Table Description Block. */ /***********************************************************************/ PTDB MGODEF::GetTable(PGLOBAL g, MODE m) { if (Driver && toupper(*Driver) == 'C') { #if defined(CMGO_SUPPORT) if (Catfunc == FNC_COL) return new(g) TDBGOL(this); else return new(g) TDBCMG(this); #else sprintf(g->Message, "Mongo %s Driver not available", "C"); return NULL; #endif } else if (Driver && toupper(*Driver) == 'J') { #if defined(JAVA_SUPPORT) if (Catfunc == FNC_COL) return new(g) TDBJGL(this); else return new(g) TDBJMG(this); #else sprintf(g->Message, "Mongo %s Driver not available", "Java"); return NULL; #endif } else { // Driver not specified #if defined(CMGO_SUPPORT) if (Catfunc == FNC_COL) return new(g) TDBGOL(this); else return new(g) TDBCMG(this); #else if (Catfunc == FNC_COL) return new(g) TDBJGL(this); else return new(g) TDBJMG(this); #endif } // endif Driver } // end of GetTable