/************** PlgDBSem H Declares Source Code File (.H) **************/ /* Name: PLGDBSEM.H Version 3.6 */ /* */ /* (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND 1998-2014 */ /* */ /* This file contains the PlugDB++ application type definitions. */ /***********************************************************************/ /***********************************************************************/ /* Include required application header files */ /***********************************************************************/ #include "checklvl.h" /***********************************************************************/ /* DB Constant definitions. */ /***********************************************************************/ #if defined(FRENCH) #define DEFAULT_LOCALE "French" #else // !FRENCH #define DEFAULT_LOCALE "English" #endif // !FRENCH #define DOS_MAX_PATH 144 /* Must be the same across systems */ #define DOS_BUFF_LEN 100 /* Number of lines in binary file buffer */ #undef DOMAIN /* For Unix version */ enum BLKTYP {TYPE_TABLE = 50, /* Table Name/Srcdef/... Block */ TYPE_COLUMN = 51, /* Column Name/Qualifier Block */ TYPE_TDB = 53, /* Table Description Block */ TYPE_COLBLK = 54, /* Column Description Block */ TYPE_FILTER = 55, /* Filter Description Block */ TYPE_ARRAY = 63, /* General array type */ TYPE_PSZ = 64, /* Pointer to String ended by 0 */ TYPE_SQL = 65, /* Pointer to SQL block */ TYPE_XOBJECT = 69, /* Extended DB object */ TYPE_COLCRT = 71, /* Column creation block */ TYPE_CONST = 72, /* Constant */ /*-------------------- type tokenized string --------------------------*/ TYPE_DATE = 8, /* Timestamp */ /*-------------------- additional values used by LNA ------------------*/ TYPE_COLIST = 14, /* Column list */ TYPE_COL = 41, /* Column */ /*-------------------- types used by scalar functions -----------------*/ TYPE_NUM = 12, TYPE_UNDEF = 13, /*-------------------- file blocks used when closing ------------------*/ TYPE_FB_FILE = 22, /* File block (stream) */ TYPE_FB_MAP = 23, /* Mapped file block (storage) */ TYPE_FB_HANDLE = 24, /* File block (handle) */ TYPE_FB_XML = 21, /* DOM XML file block */ TYPE_FB_XML2 = 27}; /* libxml2 XML file block */ enum TABTYPE {TAB_UNDEF = 0, /* Table of undefined type */ TAB_DOS = 1, /* Fixed column offset, variable LRECL */ TAB_FIX = 2, /* Fixed column offset, fixed LRECL */ TAB_BIN = 3, /* Like FIX but can have binary fields */ TAB_CSV = 4, /* DOS files with CSV records */ TAB_FMT = 5, /* DOS files with formatted recordss */ TAB_DBF = 6, /* DBF Dbase or Foxpro files */ TAB_XML = 7, /* XML or HTML files */ TAB_INI = 8, /* INI or CFG files */ TAB_VEC = 9, /* Vector column arrangement */ TAB_ODBC = 10, /* Table accessed via (unix)ODBC */ TAB_MYSQL = 11, /* MySQL table accessed via MySQL API */ TAB_DIR = 12, /* Returns a list of files */ TAB_MAC = 13, /* MAC address (Windows only) */ TAB_WMI = 14, /* WMI tables (Windows only) */ TAB_TBL = 15, /* Collection of CONNECT tables */ TAB_OEM = 16, /* OEM implemented table */ TAB_XCL = 17, /* XCL table */ TAB_OCCUR = 18, /* OCCUR table */ TAB_PRX = 19, /* Proxy (catalog) table */ TAB_PLG = 20, /* PLG NIY */ TAB_PIVOT = 21, /* PIVOT table */ TAB_VIR = 22, /* Virtual tables */ TAB_JSON = 23, /* JSON tables */ TAB_JCT = 24, /* Junction tables NIY */ TAB_DMY = 25, /* DMY Dummy tables NIY */ TAB_NIY = 26}; /* Table not implemented yet */ enum AMT {TYPE_AM_ERROR = 0, /* Type not defined */ TYPE_AM_ROWID = 1, /* ROWID type (special column) */ TYPE_AM_FILID = 2, /* FILEID type (special column) */ TYPE_AM_TAB = 3, /* Table (any type) */ TYPE_AM_VIEW = 4, /* VIEW (any type) */ TYPE_AM_SRVID = 5, /* SERVID type (special column) */ TYPE_AM_TABID = 6, /* TABID type (special column) */ TYPE_AM_CNSID = 7, /* CONSTID type (special column) */ TYPE_AM_PRTID = 8, /* PARTID type (special column) */ TYPE_AM_COUNT = 10, /* CPT AM type no (count table) */ TYPE_AM_DCD = 20, /* Decode access method type no */ TYPE_AM_CMS = 30, /* CMS access method type no */ TYPE_AM_MAP = 32, /* MAP access method type no */ TYPE_AM_FMT = 33, /* DOS files with formatted recs */ TYPE_AM_CSV = 34, /* DOS files with CSV records */ TYPE_AM_MCV = 35, /* MAP files with CSV records */ TYPE_AM_DOS = 36, /* DOS am with Lrecl = V */ TYPE_AM_FIX = 38, /* DOS am with Lrecl = F */ TYPE_AM_BIN = 39, /* DOS am with Lrecl = B */ TYPE_AM_VCT = 40, /* VCT access method type no */ TYPE_AM_VMP = 43, /* VMP access method type no */ TYPE_AM_QRY = 50, /* QRY access method type no */ TYPE_AM_QRS = 51, /* QRYRES access method type no */ TYPE_AM_SQL = 60, /* SQL VIEW access method type */ TYPE_AM_PLG = 70, /* PLG access method type no */ TYPE_AM_PLM = 71, /* PDM access method type no */ TYPE_AM_DOM = 80, /* DOM access method type no */ TYPE_AM_DIR = 90, /* DIR access method type no */ TYPE_AM_ODBC = 100, /* ODBC access method type no */ TYPE_AM_XDBC = 101, /* XDBC access method type no */ TYPE_AM_OEM = 110, /* OEM access method type no */ TYPE_AM_TBL = 115, /* TBL access method type no */ TYPE_AM_PIVOT = 120, /* PIVOT access method type no */ TYPE_AM_SRC = 121, /* PIVOT multiple column type no */ TYPE_AM_FNC = 122, /* PIVOT source column type no */ TYPE_AM_XCOL = 124, /* XCOL access method type no */ TYPE_AM_XML = 127, /* XML access method type no */ TYPE_AM_OCCUR = 128, /* OCCUR access method type no */ TYPE_AM_PRX = 129, /* PROXY access method type no */ TYPE_AM_XTB = 130, /* SYS table access method type */ TYPE_AM_BLK = 131, /* BLK access method type no */ TYPE_AM_ZIP = 132, /* ZIP access method type no */ TYPE_AM_ZLIB = 133, /* ZLIB access method type no */ TYPE_AM_JSON = 134, /* JSON access method type no */ TYPE_AM_JSN = 135, /* JSN access method type no */ TYPE_AM_MAC = 137, /* MAC table access method type */ TYPE_AM_WMI = 139, /* WMI table access method type */ TYPE_AM_XCL = 140, /* SYS column access method type */ TYPE_AM_INI = 150, /* INI files access method */ TYPE_AM_TFC = 155, /* TFC (Circa) (Fuzzy compare) */ TYPE_AM_DBF = 160, /* DBF Dbase files am type no */ TYPE_AM_JCT = 170, /* Junction tables am type no */ TYPE_AM_VIR = 171, /* Virtual tables am type no */ TYPE_AM_DMY = 172, /* DMY Dummy tables am type no */ TYPE_AM_SET = 180, /* SET Set tables am type no */ TYPE_AM_MYSQL = 192, /* MYSQL access method type no */ TYPE_AM_MYX = 193, /* MYSQL EXEC access method type */ TYPE_AM_CAT = 195, /* Catalog access method type no */ TYPE_AM_OUT = 200}; /* Output relations (storage) */ enum RECFM {RECFM_NAF = -2, /* Not a file */ RECFM_OEM = -1, /* OEM file access method */ RECFM_VAR = 0, /* Varying length DOS files */ RECFM_FIX = 1, /* Fixed length DOS files */ RECFM_BIN = 2, /* Binary DOS files (also fixed) */ RECFM_VCT = 3, /* VCT formatted files */ RECFM_ODBC = 4, /* Table accessed via ODBC */ RECFM_PLG = 5, /* Table accessed via PLGconn */ RECFM_DBF = 6}; /* DBase formatted file */ enum MISC {DB_TABNO = 1, /* DB routines in Utility Table */ MAX_MULT_KEY = 10, /* Max multiple key number */ NAM_LEN = 128, /* Length of col and tab names */ ARRAY_SIZE = 50, /* Default array block size */ // MAXRES = 500, /* Default maximum result lines */ // MAXLIN = 10000, /* Default maximum data lines */ MAXBMP = 32}; /* Default XDB2 max bitmap size */ #if 0 enum ALGMOD {AMOD_AUTO = 0, /* PLG chooses best algorithm */ AMOD_SQL = 1, /* Use SQL algorithm */ AMOD_QRY = 2}; /* Use QUERY algorithm */ #endif // 0 enum MODE {MODE_ERROR = -1, /* Invalid mode */ MODE_ANY = 0, /* Unspecified mode */ MODE_READ = 10, /* Input/Output mode */ MODE_READX = 11, /* Read indexed mode */ MODE_WRITE = 20, /* Input/Output mode */ MODE_UPDATE = 30, /* Input/Output mode */ MODE_INSERT = 40, /* Input/Output mode */ MODE_DELETE = 50, /* Input/Output mode */ MODE_ALTER = 60}; /* alter mode */ #if !defined(RC_OK_DEFINED) #define RC_OK_DEFINED enum RCODE {RC_OK = 0, /* No error return code */ RC_NF = 1, /* Not found return code */ RC_EF = 2, /* End of file return code */ RC_FX = 3, /* Error return code */ RC_INFO = 4}; /* Success with info */ #endif // !RC_OK_DEFINED enum OPVAL {OP_EQ = 1, /* Filtering operator = */ OP_NE = 2, /* Filtering operator != */ OP_GT = 3, /* Filtering operator > */ OP_GE = 4, /* Filtering operator >= */ OP_LT = 5, /* Filtering operator < */ OP_LE = 6, /* Filtering operator <= */ OP_IN = 7, /* Filtering operator IN */ OP_NULL = 8, /* Filtering operator IS NULL */ OP_EXIST = 9, /* Filtering operator EXISTS */ OP_LIKE = 10, /* Filtering operator LIKE */ OP_LOJ = -1, /* Filter op LEFT OUTER JOIN */ OP_ROJ = -2, /* Filter op RIGHT OUTER JOIN */ OP_DTJ = -3, /* Filter op DISTINCT JOIN */ OP_XX = 11, /* Filtering operator unknown */ OP_AND = 12, /* Filtering operator AND */ OP_OR = 13, /* Filtering operator OR */ OP_CNC = 14, /* Expression Concat operator */ OP_NOT = 15, /* Filtering operator NOT */ OP_SEP = 20, /* Filtering separator */ OP_ADD = 16, /* Expression Add operator */ OP_SUB = 17, /* Expression Substract operator */ OP_MULT = 18, /* Expression Multiply operator */ OP_DIV = 19, /* Expression Divide operator */ OP_NOP = 21, /* Scalar function is nopped */ OP_NUM = 22, /* Scalar function Op Num */ OP_ABS = 23, /* Scalar function Op Abs */ OP_MAX = 24, /* Scalar function Op Max */ OP_MIN = 25, /* Scalar function Op Min */ OP_CEIL = 26, /* Scalar function Op Ceil */ OP_FLOOR = 27, /* Scalar function Op Floor */ OP_MOD = 28, /* Scalar function Op Mod */ OP_ROUND = 29, /* Scalar function Op Round */ OP_SIGN = 30, /* Scalar function Op Sign */ OP_LEN = 31, /* Scalar function Op Len */ OP_INSTR = 32, /* Scalar function Op Instr */ OP_LEFT = 33, /* Scalar function Op Left */ OP_RIGHT = 34, /* Scalar function Op Right */ OP_ASCII = 35, /* Scalar function Op Ascii */ OP_EXP = 36, /* Scalar function Op Exp */ OP_LN = 37, /* Scalar function Op Ln */ OP_LOG = 38, /* Scalar function Op Log */ OP_POWER = 39, /* Scalar function Op Power */ OP_SQRT = 40, /* Scalar function Op Sqrt */ OP_COS = 41, /* Scalar function Op Cos */ OP_COSH = 42, /* Scalar function Op Cosh */ OP_SIN = 43, /* Scalar function Op Sin */ OP_SINH = 44, /* Scalar function Op Sinh */ OP_TAN = 45, /* Scalar function Op Tan */ OP_TANH = 46, /* Scalar function Op Tanh */ OP_USER = 47, /* Scalar function Op User */ OP_CHAR = 48, /* Scalar function Op Char */ OP_UPPER = 49, /* Scalar function Op Upper */ OP_LOWER = 50, /* Scalar function Op Lower */ OP_RPAD = 51, /* Scalar function Op Rpad */ OP_LPAD = 52, /* Scalar function Op Lpad */ OP_LTRIM = 53, /* Scalar function Op Ltrim */ OP_RTRIM = 54, /* Scalar function Op Rtrim */ OP_REPL = 55, /* Scalar function Op Replace */ OP_SUBST = 56, /* Scalar function Op Substr */ OP_LJUST = 57, /* Scalar function Op Ljustify */ OP_RJUST = 58, /* Scalar function Op Rjustify */ OP_CJUST = 59, /* Scalar function Op Cjustify */ OP_ENCODE = 60, /* Scalar function Op Encode */ OP_DECODE = 61, /* Scalar function Op Decode */ OP_SEQU = 62, /* Scalar function Op Sequence */ OP_IF = 63, /* Scalar function Op If */ OP_STRING = 64, /* Scalar function Op String */ OP_TOKEN = 65, /* Scalar function Op Token */ OP_SNDX = 66, /* Scalar function Op Soundex */ OP_DATE = 67, /* Scalar function Op Date */ OP_MDAY = 68, /* Scalar function Op Month Day */ OP_MONTH = 69, /* Scalar function Op Month of */ OP_YEAR = 70, /* Scalar function Op Year of */ OP_WDAY = 71, /* Scalar function Op Week Day */ OP_YDAY = 72, /* Scalar function Op Year Day */ OP_DBTWN = 73, /* Scalar function Op Days betwn */ OP_MBTWN = 74, /* Scalar function Op Months btw */ OP_YBTWN = 75, /* Scalar function Op Years btwn */ OP_ADDAY = 76, /* Scalar function Op Add Days */ OP_ADDMTH = 77, /* Scalar function Op Add Months */ OP_ADDYR = 78, /* Scalar function Op Add Years */ OP_NXTDAY = 79, /* Scalar function Op Next Day */ OP_SYSDT = 80, /* Scalar function Op SysDate */ OP_DELTA = 81, /* Scalar function Op Delta */ OP_LAST = 82, /* Scalar function Op Last */ OP_IFF = 83, /* Scalar function Op Iff */ OP_MAVG = 84, /* Scalar function Op Moving Avg */ OP_VWAP = 85, /* Scalar function Op VWAP */ OP_TIME = 86, /* Scalar function Op TIME */ OP_SETLEN = 87, /* Scalar function Op Set Length */ OP_TRANSL = 88, /* Scalar function Op Translate */ OP_BITAND = 89, /* Expression BitAnd operator */ OP_BITOR = 90, /* Expression BitOr operator */ OP_BITXOR = 91, /* Expression XOR operator */ OP_BITNOT = 92, /* Expression Complement operator*/ OP_CNTIN = 93, /* Scalar function Count In */ OP_FDISK = 94, /* Scalar function Disk of fileid*/ OP_FPATH = 95, /* Scalar function Path of fileid*/ OP_FNAME = 96, /* Scalar function Name of fileid*/ OP_FTYPE = 97, /* Scalar function Type of fileid*/ OP_XDATE = 98, /* Scalar function Op Fmt Date */ OP_SWITCH = 99, /* Scalar function Op Switch */ OP_EXIT = 100, /* Scalar function Op Exit */ OP_LIT = 101, /* Scalar function Op Literal */ OP_LOCALE = 102, /* Scalar function Op Locale */ OP_FRNCH = 103, /* Scalar function Op French */ OP_ENGLSH = 104, /* Scalar function Op English */ OP_RAND = 105, /* Scalar function Op Rand(om) */ OP_FIRST = 106, /* Index operator Find First */ OP_NEXT = 107, /* Index operator Find Next */ OP_SAME = 108, /* Index operator Find Next Same */ OP_FSTDIF = 109, /* Index operator Find First dif */ OP_NXTDIF = 110, /* Index operator Find Next dif */ OP_VAL = 111, /* Scalar function Op Valist */ OP_QUART = 112, /* Scalar function Op QUARTER */ OP_CURDT = 113, /* Scalar function Op CurDate */ OP_NWEEK = 114, /* Scalar function Op Week number*/ OP_ROW = 115, /* Scalar function Op Row */ OP_PREV = 116, /* Index operator Find Previous */ OP_SYSTEM = 200, /* Scalar function Op System */ OP_REMOVE = 201, /* Scalar function Op Remove */ OP_RENAME = 202, /* Scalar function Op Rename */ OP_FCOMP = 203}; /* Scalar function Op Compare */ enum TUSE {USE_NO = 0, /* Table is not yet linearized */ USE_LIN = 1, /* Table is linearized */ USE_READY = 2, /* Column buffers are allocated */ USE_OPEN = 3, /* Table is open */ USE_CNT = 4, /* Specific to LNA */ USE_NOKEY = 5}; /* Specific to SqlToHql */ /***********************************************************************/ /* Following definitions are used to indicate the status of a column. */ /***********************************************************************/ enum STATUS {BUF_NO = 0x00, /* Column buffer not allocated */ BUF_EMPTY = 0x01, /* Column buffer is empty */ BUF_READY = 0x02, /* Column buffer is ready */ BUF_READ = 0x04, /* Column buffer has read value */ BUF_MAPPED = 0x08}; /* Used by the VMPFAM class */ /***********************************************************************/ /* Following definitions are used to indicate how a column is used. */ /* Corresponding bits are ON if the column is used in: */ /***********************************************************************/ enum COLUSE {U_P = 0x01, /* the projection list. */ U_J_EXT = 0x02, /* a join filter. */ U_J_INT = 0x04, /* a join after linearisation. */ /*-- Such a column have a constant value throughout a subquery eval. --*/ U_CORREL = 0x08, /* a correlated sub-query */ /*-------------------- additional values used by CONNECT --------------*/ U_VAR = 0x10, /* a VARCHAR column */ U_VIRTUAL = 0x20, /* a VIRTUAL column */ U_NULLS = 0x40, /* The column may have nulls */ U_IS_NULL = 0x80, /* The column has a null value */ U_SPECIAL = 0x100, /* The column is special */ U_UNSIGNED = 0x200, /* The column type is unsigned */ U_ZEROFILL = 0x400}; /* The column is zero filled */ /***********************************************************************/ /* DB description class and block pointer definitions. */ /***********************************************************************/ typedef class XTAB *PTABLE; typedef class COLUMN *PCOLUMN; typedef class XOBJECT *PXOB; typedef class COLBLK *PCOL; typedef class TDB *PTDB; typedef class TDBASE *PTDBASE; typedef class TDBDOS *PTDBDOS; typedef class TDBFIX *PTDBFIX; typedef class TDBFMT *PTDBFMT; typedef class TDBCSV *PTDBCSV; typedef class TDBDOM *PTDBDOM; typedef class TDBDIR *PTDBDIR; typedef class DOSCOL *PDOSCOL; typedef class CSVCOL *PCSVCOL; typedef class MAPCOL *PMAPCOL; typedef class TDBMFT *PTDBMFT; typedef class TDBMCV *PTDBMCV; typedef class MCVCOL *PMCVCOL; typedef class RESCOL *PRESCOL; typedef class XXBASE *PKXBASE; typedef class KXYCOL *PXCOL; typedef class CATALOG *PCATLG; typedef class RELDEF *PRELDEF; typedef class TABDEF *PTABDEF; typedef class DOSDEF *PDOSDEF; typedef class CSVDEF *PCSVDEF; typedef class VCTDEF *PVCTDEF; typedef class PIVOTDEF *PPIVOTDEF; typedef class DOMDEF *PDOMDEF; typedef class DIRDEF *PDIRDEF; typedef class OEMDEF *POEMDEF; typedef class COLCRT *PCOLCRT; typedef class COLDEF *PCOLDEF; typedef class CONSTANT *PCONST; typedef class VALUE *PVAL; typedef class VALBLK *PVBLK; typedef class FILTER *PFIL; typedef struct _fblock *PFBLOCK; typedef struct _mblock *PMBLOCK; typedef struct _cblock *PCBLOCK; typedef struct _tabs *PTABS; typedef struct _qryres *PQRYRES; typedef struct _colres *PCOLRES; typedef struct _datpar *PDTP; typedef struct indx_used *PXUSED; /***********************************************************************/ /* Utility blocks for file and storage. */ /***********************************************************************/ typedef struct _fblock { /* Opened (mapped) file block */ struct _fblock *Next; LPCSTR Fname; /* Point on file name */ size_t Length; /* File length (<4GB) */ short Count; /* Nb of times map is used */ short Type; /* TYPE_FB_FILE or TYPE_FB_MAP */ MODE Mode; /* Open mode */ char *Memory; /* Pointer to file mapping view */ void *File; /* FILE pointer */ HANDLE Handle; /* File handle */ } FBLOCK; typedef struct _mblock { /* Memory block */ PMBLOCK Next; bool Inlist; /* True if in mblock list */ size_t Size; /* Size of allocation */ bool Sub; /* True if suballocated */ void *Memp; /* Memory pointer */ } MBLOCK; /***********************************************************************/ /* The QUERY application User Block. */ /***********************************************************************/ typedef struct { /* User application block */ NAME Name; /* User application name */ char Server[17]; /* Server name */ char DBName[17]; /* Current database name */ PCATLG Catalog; /* To CATALOG class */ PQRYRES Result; /* To query result blocks */ PFBLOCK Openlist; /* To file/map open list */ PMBLOCK Memlist; /* To memory block list */ PXUSED Xlist; /* To used index list */ int Maxbmp; /* Maximum XDB2 bitmap size */ int Check; /* General level of checking */ int Numlines; /* Number of lines involved */ //USETEMP UseTemp; /* Use temporary file */ int Vtdbno; /* Used for TDB number setting */ bool Remote; /* true: if remotely called */ bool Proginfo; /* true: return progress info */ bool Subcor; /* Used for Progress info */ size_t ProgMax; /* Used for Progress info */ size_t ProgCur; /* Used for Progress info */ size_t ProgSav; /* Used for Progress info */ LPCSTR Step; /* Execution step name */ } DBUSERBLK, *PDBUSER; /***********************************************************************/ /* Column output format. */ /***********************************************************************/ typedef struct _format { /* Format descriptor block */ char Type[2]; /* C:char, F:double, N:int, Dx: date */ ushort Length; /* Output length */ short Prec; /* Output precision */ } FORMAT, *PFORMAT; /***********************************************************************/ /* Definition of blocks used in type and copy routines. */ /***********************************************************************/ typedef struct _tabptr { /* start=P1 */ struct _tabptr *Next; int Num; /* alignement */ void *Old[50]; void *New[50]; /* old and new values of copied ptrs */ } TABPTR, *PTABPTR; typedef struct _tabadr { /* start=P3 */ struct _tabadr *Next; int Num; void *Adx[50]; /* addr of pointers to be reset */ } TABADR, *PTABADR; typedef struct _tabs { PGLOBAL G; PTABPTR P1; PTABADR P3; } TABS; /***********************************************************************/ /* Argument of expression, function, filter etc. (Xobject) */ /***********************************************************************/ typedef struct _arg { /* Argument */ PXOB To_Obj; /* To the argument object */ PVAL Value; /* Argument value */ bool Conv; /* TRUE if conversion is required */ } ARGBLK, *PARG; typedef struct _oper { /* Operator */ PSZ Name; /* The input/output operator name */ OPVAL Val; /* Operator numeric value */ int Mod; /* The modificator */ } OPER, *POPER; /***********************************************************************/ /* Following definitions are used to define table fields (columns). */ /***********************************************************************/ enum XFLD {FLD_NO = 0, /* Not a field definition item */ FLD_NAME = 1, /* Item name */ FLD_TYPE = 2, /* Field type */ FLD_TYPENAME = 3, /* Field type name */ FLD_PREC = 4, /* Field precision (length?) */ FLD_LENGTH = 5, /* Field length (?) */ FLD_SCALE = 6, /* Field scale (precision) */ FLD_RADIX = 7, /* Field radix */ FLD_NULL = 8, /* Field nullable property */ FLD_REM = 9, /* Field comment (remark) */ FLD_CHARSET = 10, /* Field collation */ FLD_KEY = 11, /* Field key property */ FLD_DEFAULT = 12, /* Field default value */ FLD_EXTRA = 13, /* Field extra info */ FLD_PRIV = 14, /* Field priviledges */ FLD_DATEFMT = 15, /* Field date format */ FLD_CAT = 16, /* Table catalog */ FLD_SCHEM = 17, /* Table schema */ FLD_TABNAME = 18}; /* Column Table name */ /***********************************************************************/ /* Result of last SQL noconv query. */ /***********************************************************************/ typedef struct _qryres { PCOLRES Colresp; /* Points to columns of result */ bool Continued; /* true when more rows to fetch */ bool Truncated; /* true when truncated by maxres */ bool Suball; /* true when entirely suballocated */ bool Info; /* true when info msg generated */ int Maxsize; /* Max query number of lines */ int Maxres; /* Allocation size */ int Nblin; /* Number of rows in result set */ int Nbcol; /* Number of columns in result set */ int Cursor; /* Starting position to get data */ int BadLines; /* Skipped bad lines in table file */ } QRYRES, *PQRYRES; typedef struct _colres { PCOLRES Next; /* To next result column */ PCOL Colp; /* To matching column block */ PSZ Name; /* Column header */ PVBLK Kdata; /* Column block of values */ char *Nulls; /* Column null value array */ int Type; /* Internal type */ int Datasize; /* Overall data size */ int Ncol; /* Column number */ int Clen; /* Data individual internal size */ int Length; /* Data individual print length */ int Prec; /* Precision */ int Flag; /* Flag option value */ XFLD Fld; /* Type of field info */ char Var; /* Type added information */ } COLRES; #if defined(WIN32) && !defined(NOEX) #define DllExport __declspec( dllexport ) #else // !WIN32 #define DllExport #endif // !WIN32 /***********************************************************************/ /* Utility routines. */ /***********************************************************************/ PPARM Vcolist(PGLOBAL, PTDB, PSZ, bool); void PlugPutOut(PGLOBAL, FILE *, short, void *, uint); void PlugLineDB(PGLOBAL, PSZ, short, void *, uint); //ar *PlgGetDataPath(PGLOBAL g); char *SetPath(PGLOBAL g, const char *path); char *ExtractFromPath(PGLOBAL, char *, char *, OPVAL); void AddPointer(PTABS, void *); PDTP MakeDateFormat(PGLOBAL, PSZ, bool, bool, int); int ExtractDate(char *, PDTP, int, int val[6]); /**************************************************************************/ /* Allocate the result structure that will contain result data. */ /**************************************************************************/ DllExport PQRYRES PlgAllocResult(PGLOBAL g, int ncol, int maxres, int ids, int *buftyp, XFLD *fldtyp, unsigned int *length, bool blank, bool nonull); /***********************************************************************/ /* Exported utility routines. */ /***********************************************************************/ DllExport FILE *PlugOpenFile(PGLOBAL, LPCSTR, LPCSTR); DllExport FILE *PlugReopenFile(PGLOBAL, PFBLOCK, LPCSTR); DllExport int PlugCloseFile(PGLOBAL, PFBLOCK, bool all = false); DllExport void PlugCleanup(PGLOBAL, bool); DllExport bool GetPromptAnswer(PGLOBAL, char *); DllExport char *GetAmName(PGLOBAL g, AMT am, void *memp = NULL); DllExport PDBUSER PlgMakeUser(PGLOBAL g); DllExport PDBUSER PlgGetUser(PGLOBAL g); DllExport PCATLG PlgGetCatalog(PGLOBAL g, bool jump = true); DllExport bool PlgSetXdbPath(PGLOBAL g, PSZ, PSZ, char *, int, char *, int); DllExport void PlgDBfree(MBLOCK&); DllExport void *PlgDBSubAlloc(PGLOBAL g, void *memp, size_t size); DllExport void *PlgDBalloc(PGLOBAL, void *, MBLOCK&); DllExport void *PlgDBrealloc(PGLOBAL, void *, MBLOCK&, size_t); DllExport void NewPointer(PTABS, void *, void *); //lExport char *GetIni(int n= 0); // Not used anymore DllExport void SetTrc(void); DllExport char *GetListOption(PGLOBAL, const char *, const char *, const char *def=NULL); #define MSGID_NONE 0 #define MSGID_CANNOT_OPEN 1 #define MSGID_OPEN_MODE_ERROR 2 #define MSGID_OPEN_STRERROR 3 #define MSGID_OPEN_ERROR_AND_STRERROR 4 #define MSGID_OPEN_MODE_STRERROR 5 #define MSGID_OPEN_EMPTY_FILE 6 FILE *global_fopen(GLOBAL *g, int msgid, const char *path, const char *mode); int global_open(GLOBAL *g, int msgid, const char *filename, int flags); int global_open(GLOBAL *g, int msgid, const char *filename, int flags, int mode); DllExport LPCSTR PlugSetPath(LPSTR to, LPCSTR name, LPCSTR dir); char *MakeEscape(PGLOBAL g, char* str, char q); DllExport bool PushWarning(PGLOBAL, PTDBASE, int level = 1);