/****************************************************** The server main program (c) 1995 Innobase Oy Created 10/10/1995 Heikki Tuuri *******************************************************/ #ifndef srv0srv_h #define srv0srv_h #include "univ.i" #include "sync0sync.h" #include "os0sync.h" #include "que0types.h" #include "trx0types.h" extern const char* srv_main_thread_op_info; /* When this event is set the lock timeout and InnoDB monitor thread starts running */ extern os_event_t srv_lock_timeout_thread_event; /* If the last data file is auto-extended, we add this many pages to it at a time */ #define SRV_AUTO_EXTEND_INCREMENT \ (srv_auto_extend_increment * ((1024 * 1024) / UNIV_PAGE_SIZE)) /* This is set to TRUE if the MySQL user has set it in MySQL */ extern ibool srv_lower_case_table_names; /* Mutex for locking srv_monitor_file */ extern mutex_t srv_monitor_file_mutex; /* Temporary file for innodb monitor output */ extern FILE* srv_monitor_file; /* Server parameters which are read from the initfile */ extern char* srv_data_home; #ifdef UNIV_LOG_ARCHIVE extern char* srv_arch_dir; #endif /* UNIV_LOG_ARCHIVE */ extern ibool srv_file_per_table; extern ibool srv_locks_unsafe_for_binlog; extern ulint srv_n_data_files; extern char** srv_data_file_names; extern ulint* srv_data_file_sizes; extern ulint* srv_data_file_is_raw_partition; extern ibool srv_auto_extend_last_data_file; extern ulint srv_last_file_size_max; extern ulong srv_auto_extend_increment; extern ibool srv_created_new_raw; #define SRV_NEW_RAW 1 #define SRV_OLD_RAW 2 extern char** srv_log_group_home_dirs; extern ulint srv_n_log_groups; extern ulint srv_n_log_files; extern ulint srv_log_file_size; extern ulint srv_log_buffer_size; extern ulint srv_flush_log_at_trx_commit; extern byte srv_latin1_ordering[256];/* The sort order table of the latin1 character set */ extern ulint srv_pool_size; extern ulint srv_awe_window_size; extern ulint srv_mem_pool_size; extern ulint srv_lock_table_size; extern ulint srv_n_file_io_threads; #ifdef UNIV_LOG_ARCHIVE extern ibool srv_log_archive_on; extern ibool srv_archive_recovery; extern dulint srv_archive_recovery_limit_lsn; #endif /* UNIV_LOG_ARCHIVE */ extern ulint srv_lock_wait_timeout; extern char* srv_file_flush_method_str; extern ulint srv_unix_file_flush_method; extern ulint srv_win_file_flush_method; extern ulint srv_max_n_open_files; extern ulint srv_max_dirty_pages_pct; extern ulint srv_force_recovery; extern ulong srv_thread_concurrency; extern ulong srv_commit_concurrency; extern ulint srv_max_n_threads; extern lint srv_conc_n_threads; extern ulint srv_fast_shutdown; /* If this is 1, do not do a purge and index buffer merge. If this 2, do not even flush the buffer pool to data files at the shutdown: we effectively 'crash' InnoDB (but lose no committed transactions). */ extern ibool srv_innodb_status; extern ibool srv_use_doublewrite_buf; extern ibool srv_use_checksums; extern ibool srv_set_thread_priorities; extern int srv_query_thread_priority; extern ulong srv_max_buf_pool_modified_pct; extern ulong srv_max_purge_lag; extern ibool srv_use_awe; extern ibool srv_use_adaptive_hash_indexes; /*-------------------------------------------*/ extern ulint srv_n_rows_inserted; extern ulint srv_n_rows_updated; extern ulint srv_n_rows_deleted; extern ulint srv_n_rows_read; extern ibool srv_print_innodb_monitor; extern ibool srv_print_innodb_lock_monitor; extern ibool srv_print_innodb_tablespace_monitor; extern ibool srv_print_verbose_log; extern ibool srv_print_innodb_table_monitor; extern ibool srv_lock_timeout_and_monitor_active; extern ibool srv_error_monitor_active; extern ulong srv_n_spin_wait_rounds; extern ulong srv_n_free_tickets_to_enter; extern ulong srv_thread_sleep_delay; extern ulint srv_spin_wait_delay; extern ibool srv_priority_boost; extern ulint srv_pool_size; extern ulint srv_mem_pool_size; extern ulint srv_lock_table_size; extern ulint srv_sim_disk_wait_pct; extern ulint srv_sim_disk_wait_len; extern ibool srv_sim_disk_wait_by_yield; extern ibool srv_sim_disk_wait_by_wait; extern ibool srv_measure_contention; extern ibool srv_measure_by_spin; extern ibool srv_print_thread_releases; extern ibool srv_print_lock_waits; extern ibool srv_print_buf_io; extern ibool srv_print_log_io; extern ibool srv_print_parsed_sql; extern ibool srv_print_latch_waits; extern ibool srv_test_nocache; extern ibool srv_test_cache_evict; extern ibool srv_test_extra_mutexes; extern ibool srv_test_sync; extern ulint srv_test_n_threads; extern ulint srv_test_n_loops; extern ulint srv_test_n_free_rnds; extern ulint srv_test_n_reserved_rnds; extern ulint srv_test_n_mutexes; extern ulint srv_test_array_size; extern ulint srv_activity_count; extern ulint srv_fatal_semaphore_wait_threshold; extern ulint srv_dml_needed_delay; extern mutex_t* kernel_mutex_temp;/* mutex protecting the server, trx structs, query threads, and lock table: we allocate it from dynamic memory to get it to the same DRAM page as other hotspot semaphores */ #define kernel_mutex (*kernel_mutex_temp) #define SRV_MAX_N_IO_THREADS 100 #define SRV_CONCURRENCY_THRESHOLD 20 /* Array of English strings describing the current state of an i/o handler thread */ extern const char* srv_io_thread_op_info[]; extern const char* srv_io_thread_function[]; /* the number of the log write requests done */ extern ulint srv_log_write_requests; /* the number of physical writes to the log performed */ extern ulint srv_log_writes; /* amount of data written to the log files in bytes */ extern ulint srv_os_log_written; /* amount of writes being done to the log files */ extern ulint srv_os_log_pending_writes; /* we increase this counter, when there we don't have enough space in the log buffer and have to flush it */ extern ulint srv_log_waits; /* variable that counts amount of data read in total (in bytes) */ extern ulint srv_data_read; /* here we count the amount of data written in total (in bytes) */ extern ulint srv_data_written; /* this variable counts the amount of times, when the doublewrite buffer was flushed */ extern ulint srv_dblwr_writes; /* here we store the number of pages that have been flushed to the doublewrite buffer */ extern ulint srv_dblwr_pages_written; /* in this variable we store the number of write requests issued */ extern ulint srv_buf_pool_write_requests; /* here we store the number of times when we had to wait for a free page in the buffer pool. It happens when the buffer pool is full and we need to make a flush, in order to be able to read or create a page. */ extern ulint srv_buf_pool_wait_free; /* variable to count the number of pages that were written from the buffer pool to disk */ extern ulint srv_buf_pool_flushed; /* variable to count the number of buffer pool reads that led to the reading of a disk page */ extern ulint srv_buf_pool_reads; /* variable to count the number of sequential read-aheads were done */ extern ulint srv_read_ahead_seq; /* variable to count the number of random read-aheads were done */ extern ulint srv_read_ahead_rnd; /* In this structure we store status variables to be passed to MySQL */ typedef struct export_var_struct export_struc; extern export_struc export_vars; typedef struct srv_sys_struct srv_sys_t; /* The server system */ extern srv_sys_t* srv_sys; /* Alternatives for the file flush option in Unix; see the InnoDB manual about what these mean */ #define SRV_UNIX_FDATASYNC 1 /* This is the default; it is currently mapped to a call of fsync() because fdatasync() seemed to corrupt files in Linux and Solaris */ #define SRV_UNIX_O_DSYNC 2 #define SRV_UNIX_LITTLESYNC 3 #define SRV_UNIX_NOSYNC 4 #define SRV_UNIX_O_DIRECT 5 /* Alternatives for file i/o in Windows */ #define SRV_WIN_IO_NORMAL 1 #define SRV_WIN_IO_UNBUFFERED 2 /* This is the default */ /* Alternatives for srv_force_recovery. Non-zero values are intended to help the user get a damaged database up so that he can dump intact tables and rows with SELECT INTO OUTFILE. The database must not otherwise be used with these options! A bigger number below means that all precautions of lower numbers are included. */ #define SRV_FORCE_IGNORE_CORRUPT 1 /* let the server run even if it detects a corrupt page */ #define SRV_FORCE_NO_BACKGROUND 2 /* prevent the main thread from running: if a crash would occur in purge, this prevents it */ #define SRV_FORCE_NO_TRX_UNDO 3 /* do not run trx rollback after recovery */ #define SRV_FORCE_NO_IBUF_MERGE 4 /* prevent also ibuf operations: if they would cause a crash, better not do them */ #define SRV_FORCE_NO_UNDO_LOG_SCAN 5 /* do not look at undo logs when starting the database: InnoDB will treat even incomplete transactions as committed */ #define SRV_FORCE_NO_LOG_REDO 6 /* do not do the log roll-forward in connection with recovery */ /************************************************************************* Boots Innobase server. */ ulint srv_boot(void); /*==========*/ /* out: DB_SUCCESS or error code */ /************************************************************************* Initializes the server. */ void srv_init(void); /*==========*/ /************************************************************************* Frees the OS fast mutex created in srv_boot(). */ void srv_free(void); /*==========*/ /************************************************************************* Initializes the synchronization primitives, memory system, and the thread local storage. */ void srv_general_init(void); /*==================*/ /************************************************************************* Gets the number of threads in the system. */ ulint srv_get_n_threads(void); /*===================*/ /************************************************************************* Returns the calling thread type. */ ulint srv_get_thread_type(void); /*=====================*/ /* out: SRV_COM, ... */ /************************************************************************* Sets the info describing an i/o thread current state. */ void srv_set_io_thread_op_info( /*======================*/ ulint i, /* in: the 'segment' of the i/o thread */ const char* str); /* in: constant char string describing the state */ /************************************************************************* Releases threads of the type given from suspension in the thread table. NOTE! The server mutex has to be reserved by the caller! */ ulint srv_release_threads( /*================*/ /* out: number of threads released: this may be < n if not enough threads were suspended at the moment */ ulint type, /* in: thread type */ ulint n); /* in: number of threads to release */ /************************************************************************* The master thread controlling the server. */ #ifndef __WIN__ void* #else ulint #endif srv_master_thread( /*==============*/ /* out: a dummy parameter */ void* arg); /* in: a dummy parameter required by os_thread_create */ /*********************************************************************** Tells the Innobase server that there has been activity in the database and wakes up the master thread if it is suspended (not sleeping). Used in the MySQL interface. Note that there is a small chance that the master thread stays suspended (we do not protect our operation with the kernel mutex, for performace reasons). */ void srv_active_wake_master_thread(void); /*===============================*/ /*********************************************************************** Wakes up the master thread if it is suspended or being suspended. */ void srv_wake_master_thread(void); /*========================*/ /************************************************************************* Puts an OS thread to wait if there are too many concurrent threads (>= srv_thread_concurrency) inside InnoDB. The threads wait in a FIFO queue. */ void srv_conc_enter_innodb( /*==================*/ trx_t* trx); /* in: transaction object associated with the thread */ /************************************************************************* This lets a thread enter InnoDB regardless of the number of threads inside InnoDB. This must be called when a thread ends a lock wait. */ void srv_conc_force_enter_innodb( /*========================*/ trx_t* trx); /* in: transaction object associated with the thread */ /************************************************************************* This must be called when a thread exits InnoDB in a lock wait or at the end of an SQL statement. */ void srv_conc_force_exit_innodb( /*=======================*/ trx_t* trx); /* in: transaction object associated with the thread */ /************************************************************************* This must be called when a thread exits InnoDB. */ void srv_conc_exit_innodb( /*=================*/ trx_t* trx); /* in: transaction object associated with the thread */ /******************************************************************* Puts a MySQL OS thread to wait for a lock to be released. If an error occurs during the wait trx->error_state associated with thr is != DB_SUCCESS when we return. DB_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT and DB_DEADLOCK are possible errors. DB_DEADLOCK is returned if selective deadlock resolution chose this transaction as a victim. */ void srv_suspend_mysql_thread( /*=====================*/ que_thr_t* thr); /* in: query thread associated with the MySQL OS thread */ /************************************************************************ Releases a MySQL OS thread waiting for a lock to be released, if the thread is already suspended. */ void srv_release_mysql_thread_if_suspended( /*==================================*/ que_thr_t* thr); /* in: query thread associated with the MySQL OS thread */ /************************************************************************* A thread which wakes up threads whose lock wait may have lasted too long. This also prints the info output by various InnoDB monitors. */ #ifndef __WIN__ void* #else ulint #endif srv_lock_timeout_and_monitor_thread( /*================================*/ /* out: a dummy parameter */ void* arg); /* in: a dummy parameter required by os_thread_create */ /************************************************************************* A thread which prints warnings about semaphore waits which have lasted too long. These can be used to track bugs which cause hangs. */ #ifndef __WIN__ void* #else ulint #endif srv_error_monitor_thread( /*=====================*/ /* out: a dummy parameter */ void* arg); /* in: a dummy parameter required by os_thread_create */ /********************************************************************** Outputs to a file the output of the InnoDB Monitor. */ void srv_printf_innodb_monitor( /*======================*/ FILE* file, /* in: output stream */ ulint* trx_start, /* out: file position of the start of the list of active transactions */ ulint* trx_end); /* out: file position of the end of the list of active transactions */ /********************************************************************** Function to pass InnoDB status variables to MySQL */ void srv_export_innodb_status(void); /*=====================*/ /* Types for the threads existing in the system. Threads of types 4 - 9 are called utility threads. Note that utility threads are mainly disk bound, except that version threads 6 - 7 may also be CPU bound, if cleaning versions from the buffer pool. */ #define SRV_COM 1 /* threads serving communication and queries */ #define SRV_CONSOLE 2 /* thread serving console */ #define SRV_WORKER 3 /* threads serving parallelized queries and queries released from lock wait */ #define SRV_BUFFER 4 /* thread flushing dirty buffer blocks, not currently in use */ #define SRV_RECOVERY 5 /* threads finishing a recovery, not currently in use */ #define SRV_INSERT 6 /* thread flushing the insert buffer to disk, not currently in use */ #define SRV_MASTER 7 /* the master thread, (whose type number must be biggest) */ /* Thread slot in the thread table */ typedef struct srv_slot_struct srv_slot_t; /* Thread table is an array of slots */ typedef srv_slot_t srv_table_t; /* In this structure we store status variables to be passed to MySQL */ struct export_var_struct{ ulint innodb_data_pending_reads; ulint innodb_data_pending_writes; ulint innodb_data_pending_fsyncs; ulint innodb_data_fsyncs; ulint innodb_data_read; ulint innodb_data_writes; ulint innodb_data_written; ulint innodb_data_reads; ulint innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total; ulint innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data; ulint innodb_buffer_pool_pages_dirty; ulint innodb_buffer_pool_pages_misc; ulint innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free; ulint innodb_buffer_pool_pages_latched; ulint innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests; ulint innodb_buffer_pool_reads; ulint innodb_buffer_pool_wait_free; ulint innodb_buffer_pool_pages_flushed; ulint innodb_buffer_pool_write_requests; ulint innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_seq; ulint innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_rnd; ulint innodb_dblwr_pages_written; ulint innodb_dblwr_writes; ulint innodb_log_waits; ulint innodb_log_write_requests; ulint innodb_log_writes; ulint innodb_os_log_written; ulint innodb_os_log_fsyncs; ulint innodb_os_log_pending_writes; ulint innodb_os_log_pending_fsyncs; ulint innodb_page_size; ulint innodb_pages_created; ulint innodb_pages_read; ulint innodb_pages_written; ulint innodb_row_lock_waits; ulint innodb_row_lock_current_waits; ib_longlong innodb_row_lock_time; ulint innodb_row_lock_time_avg; ulint innodb_row_lock_time_max; ulint innodb_rows_read; ulint innodb_rows_inserted; ulint innodb_rows_updated; ulint innodb_rows_deleted; }; /* The server system struct */ struct srv_sys_struct{ os_event_t operational; /* created threads must wait for the server to become operational by waiting for this event */ srv_table_t* threads; /* server thread table */ UT_LIST_BASE_NODE_T(que_thr_t) tasks; /* task queue */ dict_index_t* dummy_ind1; /* dummy index for old-style supremum and infimum records */ dict_index_t* dummy_ind2; /* dummy index for new-style supremum and infimum records */ }; extern ulint srv_n_threads_active[]; #endif