# Copyright (C) 2007 MySQL AB # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA INCLUDE(CMakeDependentOption) SET(ARIA_SOURCES ma_init.c ma_open.c ma_extra.c ma_info.c ma_rkey.c ma_rnext.c ma_rnext_same.c ma_search.c ma_page.c ma_key_recover.c ma_key.c ma_locking.c ma_state.c ma_rrnd.c ma_scan.c ma_cache.c ma_statrec.c ma_packrec.c ma_dynrec.c ma_blockrec.c ma_bitmap.c ma_update.c ma_write.c ma_unique.c ma_delete.c ma_rprev.c ma_rfirst.c ma_rlast.c ma_rsame.c ma_rsamepos.c ma_panic.c ma_close.c ma_create.c ma_range.c ma_dbug.c ma_checksum.c ma_changed.c ma_static.c ma_delete_all.c ma_delete_table.c ma_rename.c ma_check.c ma_keycache.c ma_preload.c ma_ft_parser.c ma_ft_update.c ma_ft_boolean_search.c ma_ft_nlq_search.c ft_maria.c ma_sort.c ha_maria.cc trnman.c lockman.c ma_rt_index.c ma_rt_key.c ma_rt_mbr.c ma_rt_split.c ma_sp_key.c ma_control_file.c ma_loghandler.c ma_pagecache.c ma_pagecaches.c ma_checkpoint.c ma_recovery.c ma_commit.c ma_pagecrc.c ha_maria.h maria_def.h ma_recovery_util.c ma_servicethread.c ma_norec.c ) IF(APPLE) # Workaround linker bug on OSX 10.7 ADD_DEFINITIONS(-fno-common) ENDIF() MYSQL_ADD_PLUGIN(aria ${ARIA_SOURCES} STORAGE_ENGINE STATIC_ONLY DEFAULT RECOMPILE_FOR_EMBEDDED) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(aria myisam) MYSQL_ADD_EXECUTABLE(aria_ftdump maria_ftdump.c COMPONENT Server) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(aria_ftdump aria) MYSQL_ADD_EXECUTABLE(aria_chk maria_chk.c COMPONENT Server) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(aria_chk aria) MYSQL_ADD_EXECUTABLE(aria_read_log maria_read_log.c COMPONENT Server) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(aria_read_log aria) MYSQL_ADD_EXECUTABLE(aria_dump_log maria_dump_log.c unittest/ma_loghandler_examples.c COMPONENT Server) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(aria_dump_log aria) SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(aria_dump_log PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-DMARIA_DUMP_LOG") MYSQL_ADD_EXECUTABLE(aria_pack maria_pack.c COMPONENT Server) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(aria_pack aria) IF(WITH_UNIT_TESTS AND FALSE) ADD_EXECUTABLE(ma_test1 ma_test1.c) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(ma_test1 aria) ADD_EXECUTABLE(ma_test2 ma_test2.c) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(ma_test2 aria) ADD_EXECUTABLE(ma_test3 ma_test3.c) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(ma_test3 aria) ADD_EXECUTABLE(ma_rt_test ma_rt_test.c) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(ma_rt_test aria) ADD_EXECUTABLE(ma_sp_test ma_sp_test.c) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(ma_sp_test aria) ENDIF() IF (MSVC) SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(aria_chk aria_pack PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS "setargv.obj") ENDIF() CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(USE_ARIA_FOR_TMP_TABLES "Use Aria for temporary tables" ON "WITH_ARIA_STORAGE_ENGINE" OFF) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(unittest)