/* -*- c-basic-offset: 2; coding: utf-8 -*- */ /* Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Kouhei Sutou This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA */ /* Groonga: c4379140c02699e3c74b94cd9e7b88d372202aa5 CFLAGS: -O0 -g3 % make --quiet -C benchmark run-bench-query-optimizer run-bench-query-optimizer: Process 100 times in each pattern (time) 1 condition: with mruby: (0.0362s) 1 condition: without mruby: (0.0216s) 4 conditions: with mruby: (0.0864s) 4 conditions: without mruby: (0.0271s) CFLAGS: -O2 -g % make --quiet -C benchmark run-bench-query-optimizer run-bench-query-optimizer: Process 100 times in each pattern (time) 1 condition: with mruby: (0.0243s) 1 condition: without mruby: (0.0159s) 4 conditions: with mruby: (0.0452s) 4 conditions: without mruby: (0.0188s) */ #include #include #include #include #include "lib/benchmark.h" typedef struct _BenchmarkData { grn_ctx context; grn_obj *database; grn_bool use_mruby; GString *command; } BenchmarkData; static void bench(gpointer user_data) { BenchmarkData *data = user_data; grn_ctx *context = &(data->context); char *response; unsigned int response_length; int flags; grn_ctx_send(context, data->command->str, data->command->len, 0); grn_ctx_recv(context, &response, &response_length, &flags); } static void bench_setup(gpointer user_data) { BenchmarkData *data = user_data; if (data->use_mruby) { g_setenv("GRN_MRUBY_ENABLED", "yes", TRUE); } else { g_setenv("GRN_MRUBY_ENABLED", "no", TRUE); } grn_ctx_init(&(data->context), 0); grn_ctx_use(&(data->context), data->database); } static void bench_teardown(gpointer user_data) { BenchmarkData *data = user_data; grn_ctx_fin(&(data->context)); } static gchar * get_tmp_dir(void) { gchar *current_dir; gchar *tmp_dir; current_dir = g_get_current_dir(); tmp_dir = g_build_filename(current_dir, "tmp", NULL); g_free(current_dir); return tmp_dir; } static grn_obj * setup_database(grn_ctx *context) { gchar *tmp_dir; gchar *database_path; grn_obj *database; const gchar *warmup_command = "dump"; gchar *response; unsigned int response_length; int flags; tmp_dir = get_tmp_dir(); database_path = g_build_filename(tmp_dir, "query-optimizer", "db", NULL); database = grn_db_open(context, database_path); grn_ctx_send(context, warmup_command, strlen(warmup_command), 0); grn_ctx_recv(context, &response, &response_length, &flags); g_free(database_path); return database; } static void teardown_database(grn_ctx *context, grn_obj *database) { grn_obj_close(context, database); } int main(int argc, gchar **argv) { grn_rc rc; grn_ctx context; grn_obj *database; BenchReporter *reporter; gint n = 100; rc = grn_init(); if (rc != GRN_SUCCESS) { g_print("failed to initialize Groonga: <%d>: %s\n", rc, grn_get_global_error_message()); return EXIT_FAILURE; } bench_init(&argc, &argv); grn_ctx_init(&context, 0); database = setup_database(&context); reporter = bench_reporter_new(); g_print("Process %d times in each pattern\n", n); { BenchmarkData data_one_condition_with_mruby; BenchmarkData data_one_condition_without_mruby; BenchmarkData data_multiple_conditions_with_mruby; BenchmarkData data_multiple_conditions_without_mruby; #define REGISTER(label, data, use_mruby_, command_) \ data.database = database; \ data.use_mruby = use_mruby_; \ data.command = g_string_new(command_); \ bench_reporter_register(reporter, label, \ n, \ bench_setup, \ bench, \ bench_teardown, \ &data) REGISTER("1 condition: with mruby", data_one_condition_with_mruby, GRN_TRUE, "select Entries --cache no --query 'name:@Groonga'"); REGISTER("1 condition: without mruby", data_one_condition_without_mruby, GRN_FALSE, "select Entries --cache no --query 'name:@Groonga'"); REGISTER("4 conditions: with mruby", data_multiple_conditions_with_mruby, GRN_TRUE, "select Entries --cache no --filter '" "name @ \"Groonga\" && " "description @ \"search\" && " "last_modified >= \"2014-2-9 00:00:00\" && " "last_modified <= \"2014-11-29 00:00:00\"" "'"); REGISTER("4 conditions: without mruby", data_multiple_conditions_without_mruby, GRN_FALSE, "select Entries --cache no --filter '" "name @ \"Groonga\" && " "description @ \"search\" && " "last_modified >= \"2014-2-9 00:00:00\" && " "last_modified <= \"2014-11-29 00:00:00\"" "'"); #undef REGISTER bench_reporter_run(reporter); } g_object_unref(reporter); teardown_database(&context, database); grn_ctx_fin(&context); grn_fin(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }