/* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Will include restart testing in future phases #include #include */ /**** TOOL SECTION ****/ static uint urandom() { uint r = (uint)random(); return r; } static uint urandom(uint m) { if (m == 0) return NDBT_OK; uint r = urandom(); r = r % m; return r; } #define GETNDB(ps) ((NDBT_NdbApiStep*)ps)->getNdb() /* */ int syncSlaveWithMaster() { /* We need to look at the MAX epoch of the mysql.ndb_binlog_index table so we will know when the slave has caught up */ SqlResultSet result; unsigned int masterEpoch = 0; unsigned int slaveEpoch = 0; unsigned int slaveEpochOld = 0; int maxLoops = 100; int loopCnt = 0; //Create a DbUtil object for the master DbUtil master("mysql",""); //Login to Master if (!master.connect()) { return NDBT_FAILED; } //Get max epoch from master if(master.doQuery("SELECT MAX(epoch) FROM mysql.ndb_binlog_index", result)) { return NDBT_FAILED; } masterEpoch = result.columnAsInt("epoch"); /* Now we will pull current epoch from slave. If not the same as master, we will continue to retrieve the epoch and compare until it matches or we reach the max loops allowed. */ //Create a dbutil object for the slave DbUtil slave("mysql",".slave"); //Login to slave if (!slave.connect()) { return NDBT_FAILED; } while(slaveEpoch != masterEpoch && loopCnt < maxLoops) { if(slave.doQuery("SELECT epoch FROM mysql.ndb_apply_status",result)) { return NDBT_FAILED; } slaveEpoch = result.columnAsInt("epoch"); if(slaveEpoch != slaveEpochOld) { slaveEpochOld = slaveEpoch; if(loopCnt > 0) loopCnt--; sleep(3); } else { sleep(1); loopCnt++; } } if(slaveEpoch != masterEpoch) { g_err << "Slave not in sync with master!" << endl; return NDBT_FAILED; } return NDBT_OK; } int verifySlaveLoad(BaseString &table) { //BaseString sqlStm; BaseString db; unsigned int masterCount = 0; unsigned int slaveCount = 0; db.assign("TEST_DB"); //sqlStm.assfmt("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s", table); //First thing to do is sync slave if(syncSlaveWithMaster()) { g_err << "Verify Load -> Syncing with slave failed" << endl; return NDBT_FAILED; } //Now that slave is sync we can verify load DbUtil master(db.c_str()," "); //Login to Master if (!master.connect()) { return NDBT_FAILED; } if((masterCount = master.selectCountTable(table.c_str())) == 0 ) { return NDBT_FAILED; } //Create a DB Object for slave DbUtil slave(db.c_str(),".slave"); //Login to slave if (!slave.connect()) { return NDBT_FAILED; } if((slaveCount = slave.selectCountTable(table.c_str())) == 0 ) { return NDBT_FAILED; } if(slaveCount != masterCount) { g_err << "Verify Load -> Slave Count != Master Count " << endl; return NDBT_FAILED; } return NDBT_OK; } int createTEST_DB(NDBT_Context* ctx, NDBT_Step* step) { BaseString cdb; cdb.assign("TEST_DB"); //Create a dbutil object DbUtil master("mysql",""); if (master.connect()) { if (master.createDb(cdb) == NDBT_OK) { return NDBT_OK; } } return NDBT_FAILED; } int dropTEST_DB(NDBT_Context* ctx, NDBT_Step* step) { //Create an SQL Object DbUtil master("mysql",""); //Login to Master if (!master.connect()) { return NDBT_FAILED; } if(master.doQuery("DROP DATABASE TEST_DB") != NDBT_OK) { return NDBT_FAILED; } if(syncSlaveWithMaster() != NDBT_OK) { g_err << "Drop DB -> Syncing with slave failed" << endl; return NDBT_FAILED; } return NDBT_OK; } int verifySlave(BaseString& sqlStm, BaseString& db, BaseString& column) { SqlResultSet result; float masterSum; float slaveSum; //Create SQL Objects DbUtil master(db.c_str(),""); DbUtil slave(db.c_str(),".slave"); if(syncSlaveWithMaster() != NDBT_OK) { g_err << "Verify Slave rep1 -> Syncing with slave failed" << endl; return NDBT_FAILED; } //Login to Master if (!master.connect()) { return NDBT_FAILED; } if(master.doQuery(sqlStm.c_str(),result) != NDBT_OK) { return NDBT_FAILED; } masterSum = result.columnAsInt(column.c_str()); //Login to slave if (!slave.connect()) { return NDBT_FAILED; } if(slave.doQuery(sqlStm.c_str(),result) != NDBT_OK) { return NDBT_FAILED; } slaveSum = result.columnAsInt(column.c_str()); if(masterSum != slaveSum) { g_err << "VerifySlave -> masterSum != slaveSum..." << endl; return NDBT_FAILED; } return NDBT_OK; } /**** Test Section ****/ int createDB(NDBT_Context* ctx, NDBT_Step* step) { BaseString cdb; cdb.assign("TEST_DB"); //Create a dbutil object DbUtil master("mysql",""); if (master.connect()) { if (master.createDb(cdb) == NDBT_OK) { return NDBT_OK; } } return NDBT_FAILED; } int createTable_rep1(NDBT_Context* ctx, NDBT_Step* step) { BaseString table; BaseString db; table.assign("rep1"); db.assign("TEST_DB"); //Ensure slave is up and ready if(syncSlaveWithMaster() != NDBT_OK) { g_err << "Create Table -> Syncing with slave failed" << endl; return NDBT_FAILED; } //Create an SQL Object DbUtil master(db.c_str(),""); //Login to Master if (!master.connect()) { return NDBT_FAILED; } if (master.doQuery("CREATE TABLE rep1 (c1 MEDIUMINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT," " c2 FLOAT, c3 CHAR(5), c4 bit(8), c5 FLOAT, c6 INT," " c7 INT, PRIMARY KEY (c1))ENGINE=NDB")) { return NDBT_FAILED; } ctx->setProperty("TABLES",table.c_str()); HugoTransactions hugoTrans(*ctx->getTab()); if (hugoTrans.loadTable(GETNDB(step), ctx->getNumRecords(), 1, true, 0) != NDBT_OK) { g_err << "Create Table -> Load failed!" << endl; return NDBT_FAILED; } if(verifySlaveLoad(table)!= NDBT_OK) { g_err << "Create Table -> Failed on verify slave load!" << endl; return NDBT_FAILED; } //else everything is okay return NDBT_OK; } int stressNDB_rep1(NDBT_Context* ctx, NDBT_Step* step) { const NdbDictionary::Table * table= ctx->getTab(); HugoTransactions hugoTrans(* table); while(!ctx->isTestStopped()) { if (hugoTrans.pkUpdateRecords(GETNDB(step), ctx->getNumRecords(), 1, 30) != 0) { g_err << "pkUpdate Failed!" << endl; return NDBT_FAILED; } if (hugoTrans.scanUpdateRecords(GETNDB(step), ctx->getNumRecords(), 1, 30) != 0) { g_err << "scanUpdate Failed!" << endl; return NDBT_FAILED; } } return NDBT_OK; } int stressSQL_rep1(NDBT_Context* ctx, NDBT_Step* step) { BaseString sqlStm; DbUtil master("TEST_DB",""); int loops = ctx->getNumLoops(); uint record = 0; //Login to Master if (!master.connect()) { ctx->stopTest(); return NDBT_FAILED; } for (int j= 0; loops == 0 || j < loops; j++) { record = urandom(ctx->getNumRecords()); sqlStm.assfmt("UPDATE TEST_DB.rep1 SET c2 = 33.3221 where c1 = %u", record); if(master.doQuery(sqlStm.c_str())) { return NDBT_FAILED; } } ctx->stopTest(); return NDBT_OK; } int verifySlave_rep1(NDBT_Context* ctx, NDBT_Step* step) { BaseString sql; BaseString db; BaseString column; sql.assign("SELECT SUM(c3) FROM rep1"); db.assign("TEST_DB"); column.assign("c3"); if (verifySlave(sql,db,column) != NDBT_OK) return NDBT_FAILED; return NDBT_OK; } /* TOOLS LIST syncSlaveWithMaster() {ensures slave is at same epoch as master} verifySlaveLoad(BaseString *table) {ensures slave table has same record count as master} createTEST_DB() {Creates TEST_DB database on master} dropTEST_DB() {Drops TEST_DB database on master} verifySlave(BaseString& sql, BaseSting& db, BaseSting& column) {The SQL statement must sum a column and will verify that the sum of the column is equal on master & slave} */ NDBT_TESTSUITE(NdbRepStress); TESTCASE("PHASE_I_Stress","Basic Replication Stressing") { INITIALIZER(createDB); INITIALIZER(createTable_rep1); STEP(stressNDB_rep1); STEP(stressSQL_rep1); FINALIZER(verifySlave_rep1); FINALIZER(dropTEST_DB); } NDBT_TESTSUITE_END(NdbRepStress); int main(int argc, const char** argv){ ndb_init(); NdbRepStress.setCreateAllTables(true); return NdbRepStress.execute(argc, argv); }