--disable_warnings DROP TABLE IF EXISTS graph_base; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS graph; --enable_warnings # Create the backing store CREATE TABLE graph_base ( from_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, to_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (from_id,to_id), INDEX (to_id) ) ENGINE=MyISAM; CREATE TABLE graph ( latch VARCHAR(32) NULL, origid BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL, destid BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL, weight DOUBLE NULL, seq BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL, linkid BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL, KEY (latch, origid, destid) USING HASH, KEY (latch, destid, origid) USING HASH ) ENGINE=OQGRAPH DATA_TABLE='graph_base' ORIGID='from_id', DESTID='to_id'; INSERT INTO graph_base(from_id, to_id) VALUES (1,2), (2,1); INSERT INTO graph_base(from_id, to_id) VALUES (3,2), (2,3); INSERT INTO graph_base(from_id, to_id) VALUES (1,3), (3,1); # The following line crashes when MTR run with --gdb, see bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/oqgraph/+bug/1233113 --error 1036 update graph set origid=123; # Otherwise, MTR hangs on the next line DROP TABLE graph_base; DROP TABLE graph;