/* Copyright (c) 2008, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include PFS_global_param param; void test_no_instruments() { int rc; memset(& param, 0xFF, sizeof(param)); param.m_enabled= true; param.m_mutex_class_sizing= 0; param.m_rwlock_class_sizing= 0; param.m_cond_class_sizing= 0; param.m_thread_class_sizing= 0; param.m_table_share_sizing= 0; param.m_file_class_sizing= 0; param.m_socket_class_sizing= 0; param.m_mutex_sizing= 0; param.m_rwlock_sizing= 0; param.m_cond_sizing= 0; param.m_thread_sizing= 0; param.m_table_sizing= 0; param.m_file_sizing= 0; param.m_file_handle_sizing= 0; param.m_socket_sizing= 0; param.m_events_waits_history_sizing= 0; param.m_events_waits_history_long_sizing= 0; param.m_setup_actor_sizing= 0; param.m_setup_object_sizing= 0; param.m_host_sizing= 0; param.m_user_sizing= 0; param.m_account_sizing= 0; param.m_stage_class_sizing= 0; param.m_events_stages_history_sizing= 0; param.m_events_stages_history_long_sizing= 0; param.m_statement_class_sizing= 0; param.m_events_statements_history_sizing= 0; param.m_events_statements_history_long_sizing= 0; param.m_digest_sizing= 0; param.m_session_connect_attrs_sizing= 0; param.m_max_digest_length= 0; init_event_name_sizing(& param); rc= init_instruments(& param); ok(rc == 0, "zero init"); cleanup_instruments(); } void test_no_instances() { int rc; PFS_mutex_class dummy_mutex_class; PFS_rwlock_class dummy_rwlock_class; PFS_cond_class dummy_cond_class; PFS_thread_class dummy_thread_class; PFS_file_class dummy_file_class; PFS_table_share dummy_table_share; PFS_socket_class dummy_socket_class; PFS_mutex *mutex; PFS_rwlock *rwlock; PFS_cond *cond; PFS_thread *thread; PFS_file *file; PFS_socket *socket; PFS_table *table; memset(& param, 0xFF, sizeof(param)); param.m_enabled= true; param.m_mutex_class_sizing= 1; param.m_rwlock_class_sizing= 1; param.m_cond_class_sizing= 1; param.m_thread_class_sizing= 1; param.m_table_share_sizing= 1; param.m_file_class_sizing= 1; param.m_socket_class_sizing= 0; param.m_mutex_sizing= 0; param.m_rwlock_sizing= 0; param.m_cond_sizing= 0; param.m_thread_sizing= 0; param.m_table_sizing= 0; param.m_file_sizing= 0; param.m_file_handle_sizing= 0; param.m_socket_sizing= 0; param.m_events_waits_history_sizing= 0; param.m_events_waits_history_long_sizing= 0; param.m_setup_actor_sizing= 0; param.m_setup_object_sizing= 0; param.m_host_sizing= 0; param.m_user_sizing= 0; param.m_account_sizing= 0; param.m_stage_class_sizing= 0; param.m_events_stages_history_sizing= 0; param.m_events_stages_history_long_sizing= 0; param.m_statement_class_sizing= 0; param.m_events_statements_history_sizing= 0; param.m_events_statements_history_long_sizing= 0; param.m_digest_sizing= 0; param.m_session_connect_attrs_sizing= 0; param.m_max_digest_length= 0; init_event_name_sizing(& param); rc= init_instruments(& param); ok(rc == 0, "no instances init"); mutex= create_mutex(& dummy_mutex_class, NULL); ok(mutex == NULL, "no mutex"); ok(mutex_lost == 1, "lost 1"); mutex= create_mutex(& dummy_mutex_class, NULL); ok(mutex == NULL, "no mutex"); ok(mutex_lost == 2, "lost 2"); rwlock= create_rwlock(& dummy_rwlock_class, NULL); ok(rwlock == NULL, "no rwlock"); ok(rwlock_lost == 1, "lost 1"); rwlock= create_rwlock(& dummy_rwlock_class, NULL); ok(rwlock == NULL, "no rwlock"); ok(rwlock_lost == 2, "lost 2"); cond= create_cond(& dummy_cond_class, NULL); ok(cond == NULL, "no cond"); ok(cond_lost == 1, "lost 1"); cond= create_cond(& dummy_cond_class, NULL); ok(cond == NULL, "no cond"); ok(cond_lost == 2, "lost 2"); thread= create_thread(& dummy_thread_class, NULL, 0); ok(thread == NULL, "no thread"); ok(thread_lost == 1, "lost 1"); thread= create_thread(& dummy_thread_class, NULL, 0); ok(thread == NULL, "no thread"); ok(thread_lost == 2, "lost 2"); PFS_thread fake_thread; fake_thread.m_filename_hash_pins= NULL; file= find_or_create_file(& fake_thread, & dummy_file_class, "dummy", 5, true); ok(file == NULL, "no file"); ok(file_lost == 1, "lost 1"); file= find_or_create_file(& fake_thread, & dummy_file_class, "dummy", 5, true); ok(file == NULL, "no file"); ok(file_lost == 2, "lost 2"); init_file_hash(); file= find_or_create_file(& fake_thread, & dummy_file_class, "dummy", 5, true); ok(file == NULL, "no file"); ok(file_lost == 3, "lost 3"); file= find_or_create_file(& fake_thread, & dummy_file_class, "dummy", 5, true); ok(file == NULL, "no file"); ok(file_lost == 4, "lost 4"); char long_file_name[10000]; int size= sizeof(long_file_name); memset(long_file_name, 'X', size); file= find_or_create_file(& fake_thread, & dummy_file_class, long_file_name, size, true); ok(file == NULL, "no file"); ok(file_lost == 5, "lost 5"); table= create_table(& dummy_table_share, & fake_thread, NULL); ok(table == NULL, "no table"); ok(table_lost == 1, "lost 1"); table= create_table(& dummy_table_share, & fake_thread, NULL); ok(table == NULL, "no table"); ok(table_lost == 2, "lost 2"); socket= create_socket(& dummy_socket_class, NULL, NULL, 0); ok(socket == NULL, "no socket"); ok(socket_lost == 1, "lost 1"); socket= create_socket(& dummy_socket_class, NULL, NULL, 0); ok(socket == NULL, "no socket"); ok(socket_lost == 2, "lost 2"); /* No result to test, just make sure it does not crash */ reset_events_waits_by_instance(); reset_events_waits_by_thread(); cleanup_file_hash(); cleanup_instruments(); } void test_with_instances() { int rc; PFS_mutex_class dummy_mutex_class; PFS_rwlock_class dummy_rwlock_class; PFS_cond_class dummy_cond_class; PFS_thread_class dummy_thread_class; PFS_file_class dummy_file_class; PFS_socket_class dummy_socket_class; PFS_table_share dummy_table_share; PFS_mutex *mutex_1; PFS_mutex *mutex_2; PFS_rwlock *rwlock_1; PFS_rwlock *rwlock_2; PFS_cond *cond_1; PFS_cond *cond_2; PFS_thread *thread_1; PFS_thread *thread_2; PFS_file *file_1; PFS_file *file_2; PFS_socket *socket_1; PFS_socket *socket_2; PFS_table *table_1; PFS_table *table_2; memset(& param, 0xFF, sizeof(param)); param.m_enabled= true; param.m_mutex_class_sizing= 1; param.m_rwlock_class_sizing= 1; param.m_cond_class_sizing= 1; param.m_thread_class_sizing= 1; param.m_table_share_sizing= 1; param.m_file_class_sizing= 1; param.m_socket_class_sizing= 1; param.m_mutex_sizing= 2; param.m_rwlock_sizing= 2; param.m_cond_sizing= 2; param.m_thread_sizing= 2; param.m_table_sizing= 2; param.m_file_sizing= 2; param.m_file_handle_sizing= 100; param.m_socket_sizing= 2; param.m_events_waits_history_sizing= 10; param.m_events_waits_history_long_sizing= 10000; param.m_setup_actor_sizing= 0; param.m_setup_object_sizing= 0; param.m_host_sizing= 0; param.m_user_sizing= 0; param.m_account_sizing= 0; param.m_stage_class_sizing= 0; param.m_events_stages_history_sizing= 0; param.m_events_stages_history_long_sizing= 0; param.m_statement_class_sizing= 0; param.m_events_statements_history_sizing= 0; param.m_events_statements_history_long_sizing= 0; param.m_digest_sizing= 0; param.m_session_connect_attrs_sizing= 0; param.m_max_digest_length= 0; init_event_name_sizing(& param); rc= init_instruments(& param); ok(rc == 0, "instances init"); dummy_mutex_class.m_event_name_index= 0; dummy_rwlock_class.m_event_name_index= 1; dummy_cond_class.m_event_name_index= 2; dummy_file_class.m_event_name_index= 3; dummy_socket_class.m_event_name_index= 4; mutex_1= create_mutex(& dummy_mutex_class, NULL); ok(mutex_1 != NULL, "mutex"); ok(mutex_lost == 0, "not lost"); mutex_2= create_mutex(& dummy_mutex_class, NULL); ok(mutex_2 != NULL, "mutex"); ok(mutex_lost == 0, "not lost"); mutex_2= create_mutex(& dummy_mutex_class, NULL); ok(mutex_2 == NULL, "no mutex"); ok(mutex_lost == 1, "lost 1"); destroy_mutex(mutex_1); mutex_2= create_mutex(& dummy_mutex_class, NULL); ok(mutex_2 != NULL, "mutex"); ok(mutex_lost == 1, "no new loss"); rwlock_1= create_rwlock(& dummy_rwlock_class, NULL); ok(rwlock_1 != NULL, "rwlock"); ok(rwlock_lost == 0, "not lost"); rwlock_2= create_rwlock(& dummy_rwlock_class, NULL); ok(rwlock_2 != NULL, "rwlock"); ok(rwlock_lost == 0, "not lost"); rwlock_2= create_rwlock(& dummy_rwlock_class, NULL); ok(rwlock_2 == NULL, "no rwlock"); ok(rwlock_lost == 1, "lost 1"); destroy_rwlock(rwlock_1); rwlock_2= create_rwlock(& dummy_rwlock_class, NULL); ok(rwlock_2 != NULL, "rwlock"); ok(rwlock_lost == 1, "no new loss"); cond_1= create_cond(& dummy_cond_class, NULL); ok(cond_1 != NULL, "cond"); ok(cond_lost == 0, "not lost"); cond_2= create_cond(& dummy_cond_class, NULL); ok(cond_2 != NULL, "cond"); ok(cond_lost == 0, "not lost"); cond_2= create_cond(& dummy_cond_class, NULL); ok(cond_2 == NULL, "no cond"); ok(cond_lost == 1, "lost 1"); destroy_cond(cond_1); cond_2= create_cond(& dummy_cond_class, NULL); ok(cond_2 != NULL, "cond"); ok(cond_lost == 1, "no new loss"); thread_1= create_thread(& dummy_thread_class, NULL, 0); ok(thread_1 != NULL, "thread"); ok(thread_lost == 0, "not lost"); thread_2= create_thread(& dummy_thread_class, NULL, 0); ok(thread_2 != NULL, "thread"); ok(thread_lost == 0, "not lost"); thread_2= create_thread(& dummy_thread_class, NULL, 0); ok(thread_2 == NULL, "no thread"); ok(thread_lost == 1, "lost 1"); destroy_thread(thread_1); thread_2= create_thread(& dummy_thread_class, NULL, 0); ok(thread_2 != NULL, "thread"); ok(thread_lost == 1, "no new loss"); PFS_thread fake_thread; fake_thread.m_filename_hash_pins= NULL; file_1= find_or_create_file(& fake_thread, & dummy_file_class, "dummy", 5, true); ok(file_1 == NULL, "no file"); ok(file_lost == 1, "lost 1"); file_1= find_or_create_file(& fake_thread, & dummy_file_class, "dummy", 5, true); ok(file_1 == NULL, "no file"); ok(file_lost == 2, "lost 2"); init_file_hash(); file_lost= 0; file_1= find_or_create_file(& fake_thread, & dummy_file_class, "dummy_A", 7, true); ok(file_1 != NULL, "file"); ok(file_1->m_file_stat.m_open_count == 1, "open count 1"); ok(file_lost == 0, "not lost"); file_2= find_or_create_file(& fake_thread, & dummy_file_class, "dummy_A", 7, true); ok(file_1 == file_2, "same file"); ok(file_1->m_file_stat.m_open_count == 2, "open count 2"); ok(file_lost == 0, "not lost"); release_file(file_2); ok(file_1->m_file_stat.m_open_count == 1, "open count 1"); file_2= find_or_create_file(& fake_thread, & dummy_file_class, "dummy_B", 7, true); ok(file_2 != NULL, "file"); ok(file_lost == 0, "not lost"); file_2= find_or_create_file(& fake_thread, & dummy_file_class, "dummy_C", 7, true); ok(file_2 == NULL, "no file"); ok(file_lost == 1, "lost"); release_file(file_1); /* the file still exists, not destroyed */ ok(file_1->m_file_stat.m_open_count == 0, "open count 0"); file_2= find_or_create_file(& fake_thread, & dummy_file_class, "dummy_D", 7, true); ok(file_2 == NULL, "no file"); ok(file_lost == 2, "lost"); socket_1= create_socket(& dummy_socket_class, NULL, NULL, 0); ok(socket_1 != NULL, "socket"); ok(socket_lost == 0, "not lost"); socket_2= create_socket(& dummy_socket_class, NULL, NULL, 0); ok(socket_2 != NULL, "socket"); ok(socket_lost == 0, "not lost"); socket_2= create_socket(& dummy_socket_class, NULL, NULL, 0); ok(socket_2 == NULL, "no socket"); ok(socket_lost == 1, "lost 1"); destroy_socket(socket_1); socket_2= create_socket(& dummy_socket_class, NULL, NULL, 0); ok(socket_2 != NULL, "socket"); ok(socket_lost == 1, "no new loss"); table_1= create_table(& dummy_table_share, & fake_thread, NULL); ok(table_1 != NULL, "table"); ok(table_lost == 0, "not lost"); table_2= create_table(& dummy_table_share, & fake_thread, NULL); ok(table_2 != NULL, "table"); ok(table_lost == 0, "not lost"); table_2= create_table(& dummy_table_share, & fake_thread, NULL); ok(table_2 == NULL, "no table"); ok(table_lost == 1, "lost 1"); destroy_table(table_1); table_2= create_table(& dummy_table_share, & fake_thread, NULL); ok(table_2 != NULL, "table"); ok(table_lost == 1, "no new loss"); //TODO: test that cleanup works reset_events_waits_by_instance(); reset_events_waits_by_thread(); cleanup_file_hash(); cleanup_instruments(); } void do_all_tests() { test_no_instruments(); test_no_instances(); test_with_instances(); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { plan(103); MY_INIT(argv[0]); do_all_tests(); my_end(0); return (exit_status()); }