drop table if exists t1; SET @ORIG_PCT = @@ROCKSDB_TABLE_STATS_SAMPLING_PCT; SET @@global.ROCKSDB_TABLE_STATS_SAMPLING_PCT = 100; create table t1 (pk int primary key) engine=rocksdb; set global rocksdb_force_flush_memtable_now = true; select table_rows from information_schema.tables where table_schema = database() and table_name = 't1'; table_rows 10000 drop table t1; drop table if exists t2; SET @@global.ROCKSDB_TABLE_STATS_SAMPLING_PCT = 10; create table t2 (pk int primary key) engine=rocksdb; set global rocksdb_force_flush_memtable_now = true; select table_rows from information_schema.tables where table_schema = database() and table_name = 't2'; table_rows 10000 select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema = database() and table_name = 't2'; table_name t2 drop table t2; SET GLOBAL ROCKSDB_TABLE_STATS_SAMPLING_PCT = @ORIG_PCT;