create table mz(c int); affected rows: 0 insert into mz values(1); affected rows: 1 commit; affected rows: 0 SET debug= '+d,abort_with_io_write_error'; affected rows: 0 set global binlog_error_action=1; affected rows: 0 show session variables like 'debug'; Variable_name Value debug d,abort_with_io_write_error affected rows: 1 show global variables like 'binlog_error_action'; Variable_name Value binlog_error_action ABORT_SERVER affected rows: 1 show global variables like 'skip_core_dump_on_error'; Variable_name Value skip_core_dump_on_error ON affected rows: 1 # crash_during_update update mz set c=13; ERROR HY000: Binary logging not possible. Message: An error occurred during sync stage of the commit. 'binlog_error_action' is set to 'ABORT_SERVER'. Hence aborting the server. # server aborted Pattern "mysqld got signal 6" found # but no core written Pattern "Writing a core file" not found drop table mz; affected rows: 0