# # MDEV-29644 a potential bug of null pointer dereference in spider_db_mbase::print_warnings() # for master_1 for child2 child2_1 child2_2 child2_3 for child3 connection child2_1; CREATE DATABASE auto_test_remote; USE auto_test_remote; CREATE TABLE tbl_a ( a CHAR(5) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; SET GLOBAL sql_mode=''; connection master_1; CREATE DATABASE auto_test_local; USE auto_test_local; CREATE TABLE tbl_a ( a CHAR(255) ) ENGINE=Spider DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='table "tbl_a", srv "s_2_1"'; SET sql_mode=''; INSERT INTO tbl_a VALUES ("this will be truncated"); NOT FOUND /\[WARN SPIDER RESULT\].* Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'a' at row 1.*/ in mysqld.1.1.err SET GLOBAL spider_log_result_errors=4; INSERT INTO tbl_a VALUES ("this will be truncated"); FOUND 1 /\[WARN SPIDER RESULT\].* Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'a' at row 1.*/ in mysqld.1.1.err connection master_1; SET GLOBAL spider_log_result_errors=DEFAULT; SET sql_mode=DEFAULT; DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS auto_test_local; connection child2_1; SET GLOBAL sql_mode=DEFAULT; DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS auto_test_remote; for master_1 for child2 child2_1 child2_2 child2_3 for child3