for master_1 for child2 child2_1 child2_2 child2_3 for child3 for slave1_1 connection slave1_1; set @old_spider_slave_trx_isolation= @@spider_slave_trx_isolation; set global spider_slave_trx_isolation= 1; drop and create databases connection master_1; CREATE DATABASE auto_test_local; USE auto_test_local; connection slave1_1; CREATE DATABASE auto_test_local; USE auto_test_local; connection child2_1; SET @old_log_output = @@global.log_output; SET GLOBAL log_output = 'TABLE,FILE'; CREATE DATABASE auto_test_remote; USE auto_test_remote; create table and insert connection child2_1; CHILD2_1_CREATE_TABLES TRUNCATE TABLE mysql.general_log; connection master_1; connection slave1_1; connection master_1; SET SESSION sql_log_bin= 0; CREATE TABLE tbl_a ( pkey int NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (pkey) ) MASTER_1_ENGINE2 MASTER_1_CHARSET MASTER_1_COMMENT_2_1 SET SESSION sql_log_bin= 1; connection slave1_1; CREATE TABLE tbl_a ( pkey int NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (pkey) ) MASTER_1_ENGINE MASTER_1_CHARSET MASTER_1_COMMENT_2_1 connection master_1; INSERT INTO tbl_a (pkey) VALUES (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9); connection slave1_1; connection master_1; SET SESSION sql_log_bin= 0; connection child2_1; SELECT argument FROM mysql.general_log WHERE command_type != 'Execute' AND argument LIKE '%set %'; argument set session time_zone = '+00:00';set @`spider_lc_./auto_test_remote/tbl_a` = '-xxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxx-./auto_test_local/tbl_a-' SET NAMES utf8mb3 set @old_lock_wait_timeout=@@session.lock_wait_timeout;set session lock_wait_timeout=1 set session lock_wait_timeout=@old_lock_wait_timeout set @old_lock_wait_timeout=@@session.lock_wait_timeout;set session lock_wait_timeout=1 set session lock_wait_timeout=@old_lock_wait_timeout set session transaction isolation level read committed;set session autocommit = 1;set session wait_timeout = 604800;set session sql_mode = 'strict_trans_tables,error_for_division_by_zero,no_auto_create_user,no_engine_substitution';start transaction SELECT argument FROM mysql.general_log WHERE command_type != 'Execute' AND argument LIKE '%set %' SELECT pkey FROM tbl_a ORDER BY pkey; pkey 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 connection slave1_1; SELECT pkey FROM tbl_a ORDER BY pkey; pkey 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 deinit connection master_1; DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS auto_test_local; connection slave1_1; DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS auto_test_local; connection child2_1; DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS auto_test_remote; SET GLOBAL log_output = @old_log_output; connection slave1_1; set global spider_slave_trx_isolation= @old_spider_slave_trx_isolation; for slave1_1 for master_1 for child2 child2_1 child2_2 child2_3 for child3 end of test