--disable_warnings --disable_query_log --disable_result_log --source test_init.inc --enable_result_log --enable_query_log --echo --echo drop and create databases --connection master_1 DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS auto_test_local; CREATE DATABASE auto_test_local; USE auto_test_local; if ($USE_CHILD_GROUP2) { --connection child2_1 DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS auto_test_remote; CREATE DATABASE auto_test_remote; USE auto_test_remote; } --enable_warnings --echo --echo create table select test if ($USE_CHILD_GROUP2) { if (!$OUTPUT_CHILD_GROUP2) { --disable_query_log --disable_result_log } --connection child2_1 if ($OUTPUT_CHILD_GROUP2) { --disable_query_log echo CHILD2_1_DROP_TABLES; echo CHILD2_1_CREATE_TABLES; } --disable_warnings eval $CHILD2_1_DROP_TABLES; --enable_warnings eval $CHILD2_1_CREATE_TABLES; if ($OUTPUT_CHILD_GROUP2) { --enable_query_log } if ($USE_GENERAL_LOG) { SET @old_log_output = @@global.log_output; TRUNCATE TABLE mysql.general_log; set global log_output = 'TABLE'; } if (!$OUTPUT_CHILD_GROUP2) { --enable_query_log --enable_result_log } } --connection master_1 --disable_warnings DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ta_l; --enable_warnings --disable_query_log echo CREATE TABLE ta_l ( a INT, b CHAR(1), c DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY(a) ) MASTER_1_ENGINE MASTER_1_CHARSET MASTER_1_COMMENT_2_1; eval CREATE TABLE ta_l ( a INT, b CHAR(1), c DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY(a) ) $MASTER_1_ENGINE $MASTER_1_CHARSET $MASTER_1_COMMENT_2_1; --enable_query_log INSERT INTO ta_l (a, b, c) VALUES (1, 'a', '2018-11-01 10:21:39'), (2, 'b', '2015-06-30 23:59:59'), (3, 'c', '2013-11-01 01:01:01'); --echo --echo spider not like bug fix test if ($USE_CHILD_GROUP2) { if (!$OUTPUT_CHILD_GROUP2) { --disable_query_log --disable_result_log } --connection child2_1 if ($USE_GENERAL_LOG) { TRUNCATE TABLE mysql.general_log; } if (!$OUTPUT_CHILD_GROUP2) { --enable_query_log --enable_result_log } } --connection master_1 select * from ta_l where b not like 'a%'; if ($USE_CHILD_GROUP2) { --connection child2_1 if ($USE_GENERAL_LOG) { SELECT argument FROM mysql.general_log WHERE command_type != 'Execute' AND argument LIKE '%select%'; } } --echo --echo deinit --disable_warnings --connection master_1 DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS auto_test_local; if ($USE_CHILD_GROUP2) { --connection child2_1 DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS auto_test_remote; SET GLOBAL log_output = @old_log_output; } --disable_query_log --disable_result_log --source test_deinit.inc --enable_result_log --enable_query_log --enable_warnings --echo --echo end of test