# Copyright (C) 2010-2018 Kentoku Shiba # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # This SQL script creates system tables for SPIDER # or fixes incompatibilities if ones already exist. -- Create system tables if not exist create table if not exists mysql.spider_xa( format_id int not null default 0, gtrid_length int not null default 0, bqual_length int not null default 0, data char(128) charset binary not null default '', status char(8) not null default '', primary key (data, format_id, gtrid_length), key idx1 (status) ) engine=MyISAM default charset=utf8 collate=utf8_bin; create table if not exists mysql.spider_xa_member( format_id int not null default 0, gtrid_length int not null default 0, bqual_length int not null default 0, data char(128) charset binary not null default '', scheme char(64) not null default '', host char(64) not null default '', port char(5) not null default '', socket text not null, username char(64) not null default '', password char(64) not null default '', ssl_ca text, ssl_capath text, ssl_cert text, ssl_cipher char(64) default null, ssl_key text, ssl_verify_server_cert tinyint not null default 0, default_file text, default_group char(64) default null, key idx1 (data, format_id, gtrid_length, host) ) engine=MyISAM default charset=utf8 collate=utf8_bin; create table if not exists mysql.spider_xa_failed_log( format_id int not null default 0, gtrid_length int not null default 0, bqual_length int not null default 0, data char(128) charset binary not null default '', scheme char(64) not null default '', host char(64) not null default '', port char(5) not null default '', socket text not null, username char(64) not null default '', password char(64) not null default '', ssl_ca text, ssl_capath text, ssl_cert text, ssl_cipher char(64) default null, ssl_key text, ssl_verify_server_cert tinyint not null default 0, default_file text, default_group char(64) default null, thread_id int default null, status char(8) not null default '', failed_time timestamp not null default current_timestamp, key idx1 (data, format_id, gtrid_length, host) ) engine=MyISAM default charset=utf8 collate=utf8_bin; create table if not exists mysql.spider_tables( db_name char(64) not null default '', table_name char(199) not null default '', link_id int not null default 0, priority bigint not null default 0, server char(64) default null, scheme char(64) default null, host char(64) default null, port char(5) default null, socket text, username char(64) default null, password char(64) default null, ssl_ca text, ssl_capath text, ssl_cert text, ssl_cipher char(64) default null, ssl_key text, ssl_verify_server_cert tinyint not null default 0, monitoring_binlog_pos_at_failing tinyint not null default 0, default_file text, default_group char(64) default null, tgt_db_name char(64) default null, tgt_table_name char(64) default null, link_status tinyint not null default 1, block_status tinyint not null default 0, static_link_id char(64) default null, primary key (db_name, table_name, link_id), key idx1 (priority), unique key uidx1 (db_name, table_name, static_link_id) ) engine=MyISAM default charset=utf8 collate=utf8_bin; create table if not exists mysql.spider_link_mon_servers( db_name char(64) not null default '', table_name char(199) not null default '', link_id char(64) not null default '', sid int unsigned not null default 0, server char(64) default null, scheme char(64) default null, host char(64) default null, port char(5) default null, socket text, username char(64) default null, password char(64) default null, ssl_ca text, ssl_capath text, ssl_cert text, ssl_cipher char(64) default null, ssl_key text, ssl_verify_server_cert tinyint not null default 0, default_file text, default_group char(64) default null, primary key (db_name, table_name, link_id, sid) ) engine=MyISAM default charset=utf8 collate=utf8_bin; create table if not exists mysql.spider_link_failed_log( db_name char(64) not null default '', table_name char(199) not null default '', link_id char(64) not null default '', failed_time timestamp not null default current_timestamp ) engine=MyISAM default charset=utf8 collate=utf8_bin; create table if not exists mysql.spider_table_position_for_recovery( db_name char(64) not null default '', table_name char(199) not null default '', failed_link_id int not null default 0, source_link_id int not null default 0, file text, position text, gtid text, primary key (db_name, table_name, failed_link_id, source_link_id) ) engine=MyISAM default charset=utf8 collate=utf8_bin; create table if not exists mysql.spider_table_sts( db_name char(64) not null default '', table_name char(199) not null default '', data_file_length bigint unsigned not null default 0, max_data_file_length bigint unsigned not null default 0, index_file_length bigint unsigned not null default 0, records bigint unsigned not null default 0, mean_rec_length bigint unsigned not null default 0, check_time datetime not null default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', create_time datetime not null default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', update_time datetime not null default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', primary key (db_name, table_name) ) engine=MyISAM default charset=utf8 collate=utf8_bin; create table if not exists mysql.spider_table_crd( db_name char(64) not null default '', table_name char(199) not null default '', key_seq int unsigned not null default 0, cardinality bigint not null default 0, primary key (db_name, table_name, key_seq) ) engine=MyISAM default charset=utf8 collate=utf8_bin; -- If tables already exist and their definition differ from the latest ones, -- we fix them here. drop procedure if exists mysql.spider_fix_one_table; drop procedure if exists mysql.spider_fix_system_tables; delimiter // create procedure mysql.spider_fix_one_table (tab_name char(255) charset utf8 collate utf8_bin, test_col_name char(255) charset utf8 collate utf8_bin, _sql text charset utf8 collate utf8_bin) begin set @col_exists := 0; select 1 into @col_exists from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA = 'mysql' AND TABLE_NAME = tab_name AND COLUMN_NAME = test_col_name; if @col_exists = 0 then select @stmt := _sql; prepare sp_stmt1 from @stmt; execute sp_stmt1; end if; end;// create procedure mysql.spider_fix_system_tables() begin select substring_index(substring_index(version(), '-', 2), '-', -1) into @server_name; select substring_index(version(), '.', 1) into @server_major_version; select substring_index(substring_index(version(), '.', 2), '.', -1) into @server_minor_version; -- Fix for 0.5 call mysql.spider_fix_one_table('spider_tables', 'server', 'alter table mysql.spider_tables add server char(64) default null, add scheme char(64) default null, add host char(64) default null, add port char(5) default null, add socket char(64) default null, add username char(64) default null, add password char(64) default null, add tgt_db_name char(64) default null, add tgt_table_name char(64) default null'); -- Fix for version 0.17 select COLUMN_TYPE INTO @col_type from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA = 'mysql' AND TABLE_NAME = 'spider_xa' AND COLUMN_NAME = 'data'; if @col_type != 'binary(128)' then alter table mysql.spider_xa modify data binary(128) not null default ''; end if; select COLUMN_TYPE INTO @col_type from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA = 'mysql' AND TABLE_NAME = 'spider_xa_member' AND COLUMN_NAME = 'data'; if @col_type != 'binary(128)' then alter table mysql.spider_xa_member modify data binary(128) not null default ''; end if; -- Fix for version 2.7 call mysql.spider_fix_one_table('spider_tables', 'link_id', 'alter table mysql.spider_tables add column link_id int not null default 0 after table_name, drop primary key, add primary key (db_name, table_name, link_id)'); -- Fix for version 2.8 call mysql.spider_fix_one_table('spider_tables', 'link_status', 'alter table mysql.spider_tables add column link_status tinyint not null default 1'); -- Fix for version 2.10 call mysql.spider_fix_one_table('spider_xa_member', 'ssl_ca', 'alter table mysql.spider_xa_member add column ssl_ca char(64) default null after password, add column ssl_capath char(64) default null after ssl_ca, add column ssl_cert char(64) default null after ssl_capath, add column ssl_cipher char(64) default null after ssl_cert, add column ssl_key char(64) default null after ssl_cipher, add column ssl_verify_server_cert tinyint not null default 0 after ssl_key, add column default_file char(64) default null after ssl_verify_server_cert, add column default_group char(64) default null after default_file'); call mysql.spider_fix_one_table('spider_tables', 'ssl_ca', 'alter table mysql.spider_tables add column ssl_ca char(64) default null after password, add column ssl_capath char(64) default null after ssl_ca, add column ssl_cert char(64) default null after ssl_capath, add column ssl_cipher char(64) default null after ssl_cert, add column ssl_key char(64) default null after ssl_cipher, add column ssl_verify_server_cert tinyint not null default 0 after ssl_key, add column default_file char(64) default null after ssl_verify_server_cert, add column default_group char(64) default null after default_file'); call mysql.spider_fix_one_table('spider_link_mon_servers', 'ssl_ca', 'alter table mysql.spider_link_mon_servers add column ssl_ca char(64) default null after password, add column ssl_capath char(64) default null after ssl_ca, add column ssl_cert char(64) default null after ssl_capath, add column ssl_cipher char(64) default null after ssl_cert, add column ssl_key char(64) default null after ssl_cipher, add column ssl_verify_server_cert tinyint not null default 0 after ssl_key, add column default_file char(64) default null after ssl_verify_server_cert, add column default_group char(64) default null after default_file'); -- Fix for version 2.25 -- select COLUMN_TYPE INTO @col_type from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS -- where TABLE_SCHEMA = 'mysql' -- AND TABLE_NAME = 'spider_link_mon_servers' -- AND COLUMN_NAME = 'link_id'; -- if @col_type != 'char(5)' then -- alter table mysql.spider_link_mon_servers -- modify link_id char(5) not null default ''; -- end if; -- Fix for version 2.28 select COLUMN_TYPE INTO @col_type from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA = 'mysql' AND TABLE_NAME = 'spider_link_mon_servers' AND COLUMN_NAME = 'sid'; if @col_type != 'int(10) unsigned' then alter table mysql.spider_link_mon_servers modify sid int unsigned not null default 0; end if; -- Fix for version 3.1 select COLUMN_TYPE INTO @col_type from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA = 'mysql' AND TABLE_NAME = 'spider_xa_member' AND COLUMN_NAME = 'socket'; if @col_type = 'char(64)' then alter table mysql.spider_xa_member drop primary key, add index idx1 (data, format_id, gtrid_length, host), modify socket text not null, modify ssl_ca text, modify ssl_capath text, modify ssl_cert text, modify ssl_key text, modify default_file text; end if; select COLUMN_TYPE INTO @col_type from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA = 'mysql' AND TABLE_NAME = 'spider_tables' AND COLUMN_NAME = 'socket'; if @col_type = 'char(64)' then alter table mysql.spider_tables modify socket text, modify ssl_ca text, modify ssl_capath text, modify ssl_cert text, modify ssl_key text, modify default_file text; end if; select COLUMN_TYPE INTO @col_type from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA = 'mysql' AND TABLE_NAME = 'spider_link_mon_servers' AND COLUMN_NAME = 'socket'; if @col_type = 'char(64)' then alter table mysql.spider_link_mon_servers modify socket text, modify ssl_ca text, modify ssl_capath text, modify ssl_cert text, modify ssl_key text, modify default_file text; end if; -- Fix for version 3.3.0 call mysql.spider_fix_one_table('spider_tables', 'monitoring_binlog_pos_at_failing', 'alter table mysql.spider_tables add monitoring_binlog_pos_at_failing tinyint not null default 0 after ssl_verify_server_cert'); -- Fix for version 3.3.6 call mysql.spider_fix_one_table('spider_tables', 'block_status', 'alter table mysql.spider_tables add column block_status tinyint not null default 0 after link_status'); call mysql.spider_fix_one_table('spider_tables', 'static_link_id', 'alter table mysql.spider_tables add column static_link_id char(64) default null after block_status, add unique index uidx1 (db_name, table_name, static_link_id)'); select COLUMN_TYPE INTO @col_type from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA = 'mysql' AND TABLE_NAME = 'spider_link_mon_servers' AND COLUMN_NAME = 'link_id'; if @col_type != 'char(64)' then alter table mysql.spider_link_mon_servers modify link_id char(64) not null default ''; end if; select COLUMN_TYPE INTO @col_type from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA = 'mysql' AND TABLE_NAME = 'spider_link_failed_log' AND COLUMN_NAME = 'link_id'; if @col_type != 'char(64)' then alter table mysql.spider_link_failed_log modify link_id char(64) not null default ''; end if; -- Fix for version 3.3.10 select COLUMN_TYPE INTO @col_type from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA = 'mysql' AND TABLE_NAME = 'spider_tables' AND COLUMN_NAME = 'table_name'; if @col_type != 'char(199)' then alter table mysql.spider_tables modify table_name char(199) not null default ''; end if; select COLUMN_TYPE INTO @col_type from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA = 'mysql' AND TABLE_NAME = 'spider_link_mon_servers' AND COLUMN_NAME = 'table_name'; if @col_type != 'char(199)' then alter table mysql.spider_link_mon_servers modify table_name char(199) not null default ''; end if; select COLUMN_TYPE INTO @col_type from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA = 'mysql' AND TABLE_NAME = 'spider_link_failed_log' AND COLUMN_NAME = 'table_name'; if @col_type != 'char(199)' then alter table mysql.spider_link_failed_log modify table_name char(199) not null default ''; end if; select COLUMN_TYPE INTO @col_type from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA = 'mysql' AND TABLE_NAME = 'spider_table_position_for_recovery' AND COLUMN_NAME = 'table_name'; if @col_type != 'char(199)' then alter table mysql.spider_table_position_for_recovery modify table_name char(199) not null default ''; end if; select COLUMN_TYPE INTO @col_type from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA = 'mysql' AND TABLE_NAME = 'spider_table_sts' AND COLUMN_NAME = 'table_name'; if @col_type != 'char(199)' then alter table mysql.spider_table_sts modify table_name char(199) not null default ''; end if; select COLUMN_TYPE INTO @col_type from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA = 'mysql' AND TABLE_NAME = 'spider_table_crd' AND COLUMN_NAME = 'table_name'; if @col_type != 'char(199)' then alter table mysql.spider_table_crd modify table_name char(199) not null default ''; end if; -- Fix for MariaDB 10.4: Crash-Safe system tables if @server_name = 'MariaDB' and ( @server_major_version > 10 or ( @server_major_version = 10 and @server_minor_version >= 4 ) ) then select ENGINE INTO @engine_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA = 'mysql' AND TABLE_NAME = 'spider_link_failed_log'; if @engine_name != 'Aria' then alter table mysql.spider_link_failed_log engine=Aria transactional=1; end if; select ENGINE INTO @engine_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA = 'mysql' AND TABLE_NAME = 'spider_link_mon_servers'; if @engine_name != 'Aria' then alter table mysql.spider_link_mon_servers engine=Aria transactional=1; end if; select ENGINE INTO @engine_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA = 'mysql' AND TABLE_NAME = 'spider_table_crd'; if @engine_name != 'Aria' then alter table mysql.spider_table_crd engine=Aria transactional=1; end if; select ENGINE INTO @engine_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA = 'mysql' AND TABLE_NAME = 'spider_table_position_for_recovery'; if @engine_name != 'Aria' then alter table mysql.spider_table_position_for_recovery engine=Aria transactional=1; end if; select ENGINE INTO @engine_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA = 'mysql' AND TABLE_NAME = 'spider_table_sts'; if @engine_name != 'Aria' then alter table mysql.spider_table_sts engine=Aria transactional=1; end if; select ENGINE INTO @engine_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA = 'mysql' AND TABLE_NAME = 'spider_tables'; if @engine_name != 'Aria' then alter table mysql.spider_tables engine=Aria transactional=1; end if; select ENGINE INTO @engine_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA = 'mysql' AND TABLE_NAME = 'spider_xa'; if @engine_name != 'Aria' then alter table mysql.spider_xa engine=Aria transactional=1; end if; select ENGINE INTO @engine_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA = 'mysql' AND TABLE_NAME = 'spider_xa_failed_log'; if @engine_name != 'Aria' then alter table mysql.spider_xa_failed_log engine=Aria transactional=1; end if; select ENGINE INTO @engine_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA = 'mysql' AND TABLE_NAME = 'spider_xa_member'; if @engine_name != 'Aria' then alter table mysql.spider_xa_member engine=Aria transactional=1; end if; end if; end;// delimiter ; call mysql.spider_fix_system_tables; drop procedure mysql.spider_fix_one_table; drop procedure mysql.spider_fix_system_tables; -- Install a plugin and UDFs drop procedure if exists mysql.spider_plugin_installer; delimiter // create procedure mysql.spider_plugin_installer() begin set @win_plugin := IF(@@version_compile_os like 'Win%', 1, 0); set @have_spider_i_s_plugin := 0; select @have_spider_i_s_plugin := 1 from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.plugins where PLUGIN_NAME = 'SPIDER'; set @have_spider_plugin := 0; select @have_spider_plugin := 1 from mysql.plugin where name = 'spider'; if @have_spider_i_s_plugin = 0 then if @have_spider_plugin = 1 then -- spider plugin is present in mysql.plugin but not in -- information_schema.plugins. Remove spider plugin entry -- in mysql.plugin first. delete from mysql.plugin where name = 'spider'; end if; -- Install spider plugin if @win_plugin = 0 then install plugin spider soname 'ha_spider.so'; else install plugin spider soname 'ha_spider.dll'; end if; end if; set @have_spider_i_s_alloc_mem_plugin := 0; select @have_spider_i_s_alloc_mem_plugin := 1 from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.plugins where PLUGIN_NAME = 'SPIDER_ALLOC_MEM'; set @have_spider_alloc_mem_plugin := 0; select @have_spider_alloc_mem_plugin := 1 from mysql.plugin where name = 'spider_alloc_mem'; if @have_spider_i_s_alloc_mem_plugin = 0 then if @have_spider_alloc_mem_plugin = 1 then -- spider_alloc_mem plugin is present in mysql.plugin but not in -- information_schema.plugins. Remove spider_alloc_mem plugin entry -- in mysql.plugin first. delete from mysql.plugin where name = 'spider_alloc_mem'; end if; -- Install spider_alloc_mem plugin if @win_plugin = 0 then install plugin spider_alloc_mem soname 'ha_spider.so'; else install plugin spider_alloc_mem soname 'ha_spider.dll'; end if; end if; set @have_spider_direct_sql_udf := 0; select @have_spider_direct_sql_udf := 1 from mysql.func where name = 'spider_direct_sql'; if @have_spider_direct_sql_udf = 0 then if @win_plugin = 0 then create function spider_direct_sql returns int soname 'ha_spider.so'; else create function spider_direct_sql returns int soname 'ha_spider.dll'; end if; end if; set @have_spider_bg_direct_sql_udf := 0; select @have_spider_bg_direct_sql_udf := 1 from mysql.func where name = 'spider_bg_direct_sql'; if @have_spider_bg_direct_sql_udf = 0 then if @win_plugin = 0 then create aggregate function spider_bg_direct_sql returns int soname 'ha_spider.so'; else create aggregate function spider_bg_direct_sql returns int soname 'ha_spider.dll'; end if; end if; set @have_spider_ping_table_udf := 0; select @have_spider_ping_table_udf := 1 from mysql.func where name = 'spider_ping_table'; if @have_spider_ping_table_udf = 0 then if @win_plugin = 0 then create function spider_ping_table returns int soname 'ha_spider.so'; else create function spider_ping_table returns int soname 'ha_spider.dll'; end if; end if; set @have_spider_copy_tables_udf := 0; select @have_spider_copy_tables_udf := 1 from mysql.func where name = 'spider_copy_tables'; if @have_spider_copy_tables_udf = 0 then if @win_plugin = 0 then create function spider_copy_tables returns int soname 'ha_spider.so'; else create function spider_copy_tables returns int soname 'ha_spider.dll'; end if; end if; set @have_spider_flush_table_mon_cache_udf := 0; select @have_spider_flush_table_mon_cache_udf := 1 from mysql.func where name = 'spider_flush_table_mon_cache'; if @have_spider_flush_table_mon_cache_udf = 0 then if @win_plugin = 0 then create function spider_flush_table_mon_cache returns int soname 'ha_spider.so'; else create function spider_flush_table_mon_cache returns int soname 'ha_spider.dll'; end if; end if; end;// delimiter ; call mysql.spider_plugin_installer; drop procedure mysql.spider_plugin_installer;