/* -*- mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ // vim: ft=cpp:expandtab:ts=8:sw=4:softtabstop=4: #ident "$Id$" /*====== This file is part of PerconaFT. Copyright (c) 2006, 2015, Percona and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. PerconaFT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. PerconaFT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PerconaFT. If not, see . ---------------------------------------- PerconaFT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation. PerconaFT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with PerconaFT. If not, see . ======= */ #ident "Copyright (c) 2006, 2015, Percona and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved." #include "test.h" // this mutex is used by some of the tests to serialize access to some // global data, especially between the test thread and the cachetable // writeback threads toku_mutex_t test_mutex; static inline void test_mutex_init(void) { toku_mutex_init(toku_uninstrumented, &test_mutex, nullptr); } static inline void test_mutex_destroy(void) { toku_mutex_destroy(&test_mutex); } static inline void test_mutex_lock(void) { toku_mutex_lock(&test_mutex); } static inline void test_mutex_unlock(void) { toku_mutex_unlock(&test_mutex); } // verify that cachetable creation and close works static void test_cachetable_create(void) { CACHETABLE ct = NULL; toku_cachetable_create(&ct, 0, ZERO_LSN, nullptr); toku_cachetable_close(&ct); } static const int test_object_size = 1; struct item { CACHEKEY key; const char *something; }; static CACHEFILE expect_f; static void maybe_flush(CACHETABLE t) { toku_cachetable_maybe_flush_some(t); } static void flush_n (CACHEFILE f __attribute__((__unused__)), int UU(fd), CACHEKEY key __attribute__((__unused__)), void *value, void** UU(dd), void *extra __attribute__((__unused__)), PAIR_ATTR size __attribute__((__unused__)), PAIR_ATTR* new_size __attribute__((__unused__)), bool write_me __attribute__((__unused__)), bool keep_me __attribute__((__unused__)), bool for_checkpoint __attribute__ ((__unused__)), bool UU(is_clone) ) { int *CAST_FROM_VOIDP(v, value); assert(*v==0); } static int fetch_n (CACHEFILE f __attribute__((__unused__)), PAIR UU(p), int UU(fd), CACHEKEY key __attribute__((__unused__)), uint32_t fullhash __attribute__((__unused__)), void**value, void** UU(dd), PAIR_ATTR *sizep __attribute__((__unused__)), int * dirtyp, void*extraargs) { assert((long)extraargs==42); *value=0; *dirtyp = 0; *sizep = make_pair_attr(0); return 0; } static void test_nested_pin (void) { void *f2=(void*)42; CACHETABLE t; CACHEFILE f; int i0, i1; int r; void *vv,*vv2; const char *fname = TOKU_TEST_FILENAME; if (verbose) printf("creating cachetable\n"); toku_cachetable_create(&t, 1, ZERO_LSN, nullptr); toku_os_recursive_delete(fname); r = toku_cachetable_openf(&f, t, fname, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO); assert(r==0); expect_f = f; i0=0; i1=0; uint32_t f1hash = toku_cachetable_hash(f, make_blocknum(1)); CACHETABLE_WRITE_CALLBACK wc = def_write_callback(f2); wc.flush_callback = flush_n; toku_cachetable_put(f, make_blocknum(1), f1hash, &i0, make_pair_attr(1), wc, put_callback_nop); r = toku_test_cachetable_unpin(f, make_blocknum(1), f1hash, CACHETABLE_CLEAN, make_pair_attr(test_object_size)); r = toku_cachetable_get_and_pin(f, make_blocknum(1), f1hash, &vv, NULL, wc, fetch_n, def_pf_req_callback, def_pf_callback, true, f2); assert(r==0); assert(vv==&i0); assert(i0==0); r = toku_test_cachetable_unpin(f, make_blocknum(1), f1hash, CACHETABLE_CLEAN, make_pair_attr(test_object_size)); assert(r==0); r = toku_cachetable_maybe_get_and_pin(f, make_blocknum(1), f1hash, PL_WRITE_EXPENSIVE, &vv2); assert(r==0); assert(vv2==vv); r = toku_test_cachetable_unpin(f, make_blocknum(1), f1hash, CACHETABLE_CLEAN, make_pair_attr(test_object_size)); assert(r==0); uint32_t f2hash = toku_cachetable_hash(f, make_blocknum(2)); toku_cachetable_put(f, make_blocknum(2), f2hash, &i1, make_pair_attr(test_object_size), wc, put_callback_nop); r = toku_test_cachetable_unpin(f, make_blocknum(2), f2hash, CACHETABLE_CLEAN, make_pair_attr(test_object_size)); assert(r==0); toku_cachefile_close(&f, false, ZERO_LSN); toku_cachetable_close(&t); } static void null_flush (CACHEFILE cf __attribute__((__unused__)), int UU(fd), CACHEKEY k __attribute__((__unused__)), void *v __attribute__((__unused__)), void** UU(dd), void *extra __attribute__((__unused__)), PAIR_ATTR size __attribute__((__unused__)), PAIR_ATTR* new_size __attribute__((__unused__)), bool write_me __attribute__((__unused__)), bool keep_me __attribute__((__unused__)), bool for_checkpoint __attribute__((__unused__)), bool UU(is_clone) ) { } static int add123_fetch (CACHEFILE cf, PAIR UU(p), int UU(fd), CACHEKEY key, uint32_t fullhash, void **value, void** UU(dd), PAIR_ATTR *sizep __attribute__((__unused__)), int * dirtyp, void*extraargs) { assert(fullhash==toku_cachetable_hash(cf,key)); assert((long)extraargs==123); *value = (void*)((unsigned long)key.b+123L); *dirtyp = 0; *sizep = make_pair_attr(0); return 0; } static int add222_fetch (CACHEFILE cf, PAIR UU(p), int UU(fd), CACHEKEY key, uint32_t fullhash, void **value, void** UU(dd), PAIR_ATTR *sizep __attribute__((__unused__)), int * dirtyp, void*extraargs) { assert(fullhash==toku_cachetable_hash(cf,key)); assert((long)extraargs==222); *value = (void*)((unsigned long)key.b+222L); *dirtyp = 0; *sizep = make_pair_attr(0); return 0; } static void test_multi_filehandles (void) { CACHETABLE t; CACHEFILE f1,f2,f3; toku_os_recursive_delete(TOKU_TEST_FILENAME); int r = toku_os_mkdir(TOKU_TEST_FILENAME, S_IRWXU); assert_zero(r); char fname1[TOKU_PATH_MAX+1]; char fname2[TOKU_PATH_MAX+1]; char fname3[TOKU_PATH_MAX+1]; toku_path_join(fname1, 2, TOKU_TEST_FILENAME, "test1_ct.dat"); toku_path_join(fname2, 2, TOKU_TEST_FILENAME, "test2_ct.dat"); toku_path_join(fname3, 2, TOKU_TEST_FILENAME, "test3_ct.dat"); void *v; unlink(fname1); unlink(fname2); toku_cachetable_create(&t, 4, ZERO_LSN, nullptr); r = toku_cachetable_openf(&f1, t, fname1, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO); assert(r==0); r = link(fname1, fname2); assert(r==0); r = toku_cachetable_openf(&f2, t, fname2, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO); assert(r==0); r = toku_cachetable_openf(&f3, t, fname3, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO); assert(r==0); assert(f1==f2); assert(f1!=f3); CACHETABLE_WRITE_CALLBACK wc = def_write_callback((void*)123); wc.flush_callback = null_flush; toku_cachetable_put(f1, make_blocknum(1), toku_cachetable_hash(f1, make_blocknum(1)), (void*)124, make_pair_attr(test_object_size), wc, put_callback_nop); r = toku_test_cachetable_unpin(f1, make_blocknum(1), toku_cachetable_hash(f1, make_blocknum(1)), CACHETABLE_DIRTY, make_pair_attr(0)); assert(r==0); r = toku_cachetable_get_and_pin(f2, make_blocknum(1), toku_cachetable_hash(f2, make_blocknum(1)), &v, NULL, wc, add123_fetch, def_pf_req_callback, def_pf_callback, true, (void*)123); assert(r==0); assert((unsigned long)v==124); r = toku_cachetable_get_and_pin(f2, make_blocknum(2), toku_cachetable_hash(f2, make_blocknum(2)), &v, NULL, wc, add123_fetch, def_pf_req_callback, def_pf_callback, true, (void*)123); assert(r==0); assert((unsigned long)v==125); wc.write_extraargs = (void*)222; r = toku_cachetable_get_and_pin(f3, make_blocknum(2), toku_cachetable_hash(f3, make_blocknum(2)), &v, NULL, wc, add222_fetch, def_pf_req_callback, def_pf_callback, true, (void*)222); assert(r==0); assert((unsigned long)v==224); // we support only one close for a file handle r = toku_test_cachetable_unpin(f1, make_blocknum(1), toku_cachetable_hash(f1, make_blocknum(1)), CACHETABLE_CLEAN, make_pair_attr(0)); assert(r==0); r = toku_test_cachetable_unpin(f2, make_blocknum(2), toku_cachetable_hash(f2, make_blocknum(2)), CACHETABLE_CLEAN, make_pair_attr(0)); assert(r==0); toku_cachefile_close(&f2, false, ZERO_LSN); r = toku_test_cachetable_unpin(f3, make_blocknum(2), toku_cachetable_hash(f3, make_blocknum(2)), CACHETABLE_CLEAN, make_pair_attr(0)); assert(r==0); toku_cachefile_close(&f3, false, ZERO_LSN); toku_cachetable_close(&t); } static void test_dirty_flush(CACHEFILE f, int UU(fd), CACHEKEY key, void *value, void** UU(dd), void *extra __attribute__((__unused__)), PAIR_ATTR size, PAIR_ATTR* new_size __attribute__((__unused__)), bool do_write, bool keep, bool for_checkpoint __attribute__((__unused__)), bool UU(is_clone) ) { if (verbose) printf("test_dirty_flush %p %" PRId64 " %p %ld %u %u\n", f, key.b, value, size.size, (unsigned)do_write, (unsigned)keep); } static int test_dirty_fetch(CACHEFILE f, PAIR UU(p), int UU(fd), CACHEKEY key, uint32_t fullhash, void **value_ptr, void** UU(dd), PAIR_ATTR *size_ptr, int * dirtyp, void *arg) { *value_ptr = arg; *dirtyp = 0; *size_ptr = make_pair_attr(0); assert(fullhash==toku_cachetable_hash(f,key)); if (verbose) printf("test_dirty_fetch %p %" PRId64 " %p %ld %p\n", f, key.b, *value_ptr, size_ptr->size, arg); return 0; } static void test_dirty(void) { if (verbose) printf("test_dirty\n"); CACHETABLE t; CACHEFILE f; CACHEKEY key; void *value; int dirty; long long pinned; long entry_size; int r; toku_cachetable_create(&t, 4, ZERO_LSN, nullptr); const char *fname = TOKU_TEST_FILENAME; toku_os_recursive_delete(fname); r = toku_cachetable_openf(&f, t, fname, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO); assert(r == 0); key = make_blocknum(1); value = (void*)1; uint32_t hkey = toku_cachetable_hash(f, key); CACHETABLE_WRITE_CALLBACK wc = def_write_callback(NULL); wc.flush_callback = test_dirty_flush; toku_cachetable_put(f, key, hkey, value, make_pair_attr(test_object_size), wc, put_callback_nop); // cachetable_print_state(t); r = toku_cachetable_get_key_state(t, key, f, &value, &dirty, &pinned, &entry_size); assert(r == 0); assert(dirty == 1); assert(pinned == 1); r = toku_test_cachetable_unpin(f, key, hkey, CACHETABLE_CLEAN, make_pair_attr(0)); assert(r == 0); r = toku_cachetable_get_key_state(t, key, f, &value, &dirty, &pinned, &entry_size); assert(r == 0); assert(dirty == 1); assert(pinned == 0); r = toku_cachetable_get_and_pin(f, key, hkey, &value, NULL, wc, test_dirty_fetch, def_pf_req_callback, def_pf_callback, true, 0); assert(r == 0); // cachetable_print_state(t); r = toku_cachetable_get_key_state(t, key, f, &value, &dirty, &pinned, &entry_size); assert(r == 0); assert(dirty == 1); assert(pinned == 1); r = toku_test_cachetable_unpin(f, key, hkey, CACHETABLE_CLEAN, make_pair_attr(test_object_size)); assert(r == 0); // cachetable_print_state(t); r = toku_cachetable_get_key_state(t, key, f, &value, &dirty, &pinned, &entry_size); assert(r == 0); assert(dirty == 1); assert(pinned == 0); key = make_blocknum(2); hkey = toku_cachetable_hash(f, key); r = toku_cachetable_get_and_pin(f, key, hkey, &value, NULL, wc, test_dirty_fetch, def_pf_req_callback, def_pf_callback, true, 0); assert(r == 0); // cachetable_print_state(t); r = toku_cachetable_get_key_state(t, key, f, &value, &dirty, &pinned, &entry_size); assert(r == 0); assert(dirty == 0); assert(pinned == 1); r = toku_test_cachetable_unpin(f, key, hkey, CACHETABLE_CLEAN, make_pair_attr(test_object_size)); assert(r == 0); // cachetable_print_state(t); r = toku_cachetable_get_key_state(t, key, f, &value, &dirty, &pinned, &entry_size); assert(r == 0); assert(dirty == 0); assert(pinned == 0); r = toku_cachetable_get_and_pin(f, key, hkey, &value, NULL, wc, test_dirty_fetch, def_pf_req_callback, def_pf_callback, true, 0); assert(r == 0); // cachetable_print_state(t); r = toku_cachetable_get_key_state(t, key, f, &value, &dirty, &pinned, &entry_size); assert(r == 0); assert(dirty == 0); assert(pinned == 1); r = toku_test_cachetable_unpin(f, key, hkey, CACHETABLE_DIRTY, make_pair_attr(test_object_size)); assert(r == 0); // cachetable_print_state(t); r = toku_cachetable_get_key_state(t, key, f, &value, &dirty, &pinned, &entry_size); assert(r == 0); assert(dirty == 1); assert(pinned == 0); toku_cachefile_close(&f, false, ZERO_LSN); toku_cachetable_close(&t); } static int test_size_debug; static CACHEKEY test_size_flush_key; static void test_size_flush_callback(CACHEFILE f, int UU(fd), CACHEKEY key, void *value, void** UU(dd), void *extra __attribute__((__unused__)), PAIR_ATTR size, PAIR_ATTR* new_size __attribute__((__unused__)), bool do_write, bool keep, bool for_checkpoint __attribute__((__unused__)), bool UU(is_clone) ) { if (test_size_debug && verbose) printf("test_size_flush %p %" PRId64 " %p %ld %u %u\n", f, key.b, value, size.size, (unsigned)do_write, (unsigned)keep); if (keep) { if (do_write) { test_mutex_lock(); test_size_flush_key = key; test_mutex_unlock(); } } else { assert(!do_write); } } static void test_size_resize(void) { if (verbose) printf("test_size_resize\n"); CACHETABLE t; CACHEFILE f; int r; int n = 3; long size = 1; toku_cachetable_create(&t, n*size, ZERO_LSN, nullptr); const char *fname = TOKU_TEST_FILENAME; unlink(fname); r = toku_cachetable_openf(&f, t, fname, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO); assert(r == 0); CACHEKEY key = make_blocknum(42); void *value = (void *) -42; uint32_t hkey = toku_cachetable_hash(f, key); CACHETABLE_WRITE_CALLBACK wc = def_write_callback(NULL); wc.flush_callback = test_size_flush_callback; toku_cachetable_put(f, key, hkey, value, make_pair_attr(size), wc, put_callback_nop); void *entry_value; int dirty; long long pinned; long entry_size; r = toku_cachetable_get_key_state(t, key, f, &entry_value, &dirty, &pinned, &entry_size); assert(r == 0); assert(dirty == 1); assert(pinned == 1); assert(entry_value == value); assert(entry_size == size); long long new_size = 2*size; r = toku_test_cachetable_unpin(f, key, hkey, CACHETABLE_CLEAN, make_pair_attr(new_size)); assert(r == 0); void *current_value; long current_size; r = toku_cachetable_get_and_pin(f, key, hkey, ¤t_value, ¤t_size, wc, 0, def_pf_req_callback, def_pf_callback, true, 0); assert(r == 0); assert(current_value == value); assert(current_size == new_size); r = toku_test_cachetable_unpin(f, key, hkey, CACHETABLE_CLEAN, make_pair_attr(new_size)); assert(r == 0); toku_cachefile_close(&f, false, ZERO_LSN); toku_cachetable_close(&t); } static int min2(int a, int b) { return a < b ? a : b; } __attribute__((unused)) static void test_size_flush(void) { if (verbose) printf("test_size_flush\n"); CACHETABLE t; CACHEFILE f; int r; const int n = 8; long long size = 1*1024*1024; toku_cachetable_create(&t, n*size, ZERO_LSN, nullptr); const char *fname = TOKU_TEST_FILENAME; unlink(fname); r = toku_cachetable_openf(&f, t, fname, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO); assert(r == 0); /* put 2*n keys into the table, ensure flushes occur in key order */ test_mutex_lock(); test_size_flush_key = make_blocknum(-1); test_mutex_unlock(); int i; CACHEKEY expect_flush_key = make_blocknum(0); for (i=0; i<2*n; i++) { CACHEKEY key = make_blocknum(i); void *value = (void *)(long)-i; // printf("test_size put %lld %p %lld\n", key, value, size); uint32_t hkey = toku_cachetable_hash(f, key); CACHETABLE_WRITE_CALLBACK wc = def_write_callback(NULL); wc.flush_callback = test_size_flush_callback; toku_cachetable_put(f, key, hkey, value, make_pair_attr(size), wc, put_callback_nop); int n_entries, hash_size; long size_current, size_limit; toku_cachetable_get_state(t, &n_entries, &hash_size, &size_current, &size_limit); while (n_entries != min2(i+1, n)) { toku_pthread_yield(); maybe_flush(t); toku_cachetable_get_state(t, &n_entries, 0, 0, 0); } assert(n_entries == min2(i+1, n)); void *entry_value; int dirty; long long pinned; long entry_size; r = toku_cachetable_get_key_state(t, key, f, &entry_value, &dirty, &pinned, &entry_size); assert(r == 0); assert(dirty == 1); assert(pinned == 1); assert(entry_value == value); assert(entry_size == size); test_mutex_lock(); if (test_size_flush_key.b != -1) { assert(test_size_flush_key.b == expect_flush_key.b); assert(expect_flush_key.b == i-n); expect_flush_key.b += 1; } test_mutex_unlock(); r = toku_test_cachetable_unpin(f, key, hkey, CACHETABLE_CLEAN, make_pair_attr(size)); assert(r == 0); } toku_cachefile_close(&f, false, ZERO_LSN); toku_cachetable_close(&t); } int test_main (int argc, const char *argv[]) { // parse args int i; for (i=1; i 0) verbose--; continue; } } test_mutex_init(); // run tests test_multi_filehandles(); test_cachetable_create(); for (i=0; i<1; i++) { test_nested_pin(); test_multi_filehandles (); test_dirty(); test_size_resize(); //test_size_flush(); } test_mutex_destroy(); if (verbose) printf("ok\n"); return 0; }