set tokudb_enable_fast_upsert=1; set session sql_mode=(select replace(@@sql_mode,'STRICT_TRANS_TABLES','')); set session sql_mode=(select replace(@@sql_mode,'STRICT_ALL_TABLES','')); create table t (a int, b char(32), c varchar(32), d blob) engine = tokudb; insert into t values (1,null,null,null) on duplicate key update a=42; ERROR 42000: Table 't' uses an extension that doesn't exist in this XYZ version drop table t; create table t (id int primary key, a int, b char(32), c varchar(32), d blob, clustering key(a)) engine = tokudb; insert into t values (1,null,null,null,null) on duplicate key update a=42; ERROR 42000: Table 't' uses an extension that doesn't exist in this XYZ version drop table t; create table t (id int primary key, a int, b char(32), c varchar(32), d blob, key(c)) engine = tokudb ; insert into t values (1,null,null,null,null) on duplicate key update a=42; ERROR 42000: Table 't' uses an extension that doesn't exist in this XYZ version drop table t; create table t (id int, a int, b char(32), c varchar(32), d blob, primary key(id, a)) engine = tokudb; insert into t values (1,2,null,null,null) on duplicate key update a=42; ERROR 42000: Table 't' uses an extension that doesn't exist in this XYZ version drop table t; create table t (id int, a int, b char(32), c varchar(32), d blob, primary key(a, id)) engine = tokudb; insert into t values (1,2,null,null,null) on duplicate key update a=42; ERROR 42000: Table 't' uses an extension that doesn't exist in this XYZ version drop table t;