/* Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include #include #define MAX_ARGS 32 /* max positional args count*/ #define MAX_PRINT_INFO 32 /* max print position count */ #define LENGTH_ARG 1 #define WIDTH_ARG 2 #define PREZERO_ARG 4 #define ESCAPED_ARG 8 typedef struct pos_arg_info ARGS_INFO; typedef struct print_info PRINT_INFO; struct pos_arg_info { char arg_type; /* argument type */ uint have_longlong; /* used from integer values */ char *str_arg; /* string value of the arg */ longlong longlong_arg; /* integer value of the arg */ double double_arg; /* double value of the arg */ }; struct print_info { char arg_type; /* argument type */ size_t arg_idx; /* index of the positional arg */ size_t length; /* print width or arg index */ size_t width; /* print width or arg index */ uint flags; const char *begin; /**/ const char *end; /**/ }; /** Calculates print length or index of positional argument @param fmt processed string @param length print length or index of positional argument @param pre_zero returns flags with PREZERO_ARG set if necessary @retval string position right after length digits */ static const char *get_length(const char *fmt, size_t *length, uint *pre_zero) { for (; my_isdigit(&my_charset_latin1, *fmt); fmt++) { *length= *length * 10 + (uint)(*fmt - '0'); if (!*length) *pre_zero|= PREZERO_ARG; /* first digit was 0 */ } return fmt; } /** Calculates print width or index of positional argument @param fmt processed string @param width print width or index of positional argument @retval string position right after width digits */ static const char *get_width(const char *fmt, size_t *width) { for (; my_isdigit(&my_charset_latin1, *fmt); fmt++) { *width= *width * 10 + (uint)(*fmt - '0'); } return fmt; } /** Calculates print width or index of positional argument @param fmt processed string @param have_longlong TRUE if longlong is required @retval string position right after modifier symbol */ static const char *check_longlong(const char *fmt, uint *have_longlong) { *have_longlong= 0; if (*fmt == 'l') { fmt++; if (*fmt != 'l') *have_longlong= (sizeof(long) == sizeof(longlong)); else { fmt++; *have_longlong= 1; } } else if (*fmt == 'z') { fmt++; *have_longlong= (sizeof(size_t) == sizeof(longlong)); } return fmt; } /** Returns escaped string @param cs string charset @param to buffer where escaped string will be placed @param end end of buffer @param par string to escape @param par_len string length @param quote_char character for quoting @retval position in buffer which points on the end of escaped string */ static char *backtick_string(CHARSET_INFO *cs, char *to, char *end, char *par, size_t par_len, char quote_char) { uint char_len; char *start= to; char *par_end= par + par_len; size_t buff_length= (size_t) (end - to); if (buff_length <= par_len) goto err; *start++= quote_char; for ( ; par < par_end; par+= char_len) { uchar c= *(uchar *) par; if (!(char_len= my_mbcharlen(cs, c))) char_len= 1; if (char_len == 1 && c == (uchar) quote_char ) { if (start + 1 >= end) goto err; *start++= quote_char; } if (start + char_len >= end) goto err; start= strnmov(start, par, char_len); } if (start + 1 >= end) goto err; *start++= quote_char; return start; err: *to='\0'; return to; } /** Prints string argument */ static char *process_str_arg(CHARSET_INFO *cs, char *to, char *end, size_t width, char *par, uint print_type) { int well_formed_error; size_t plen, left_len= (size_t) (end - to) + 1; if (!par) par = (char*) "(null)"; plen= strnlen(par, width); if (left_len <= plen) plen = left_len - 1; plen= cs->cset->well_formed_len(cs, par, par + plen, width, &well_formed_error); if (print_type & ESCAPED_ARG) to= backtick_string(cs, to, end, par, plen, '`'); else to= strnmov(to,par,plen); return to; } /** Prints binary argument */ static char *process_bin_arg(char *to, char *end, size_t width, char *par) { DBUG_ASSERT(to <= end); if (to + width + 1 > end) width= end - to - 1; /* sign doesn't matter */ memmove(to, par, width); to+= width; return to; } /** Prints integer argument */ static char *process_int_arg(char *to, char *end, size_t length, longlong par, char arg_type, uint print_type) { size_t res_length, to_length; char *store_start= to, *store_end; char buff[32]; if ((to_length= (size_t) (end-to)) < 16 || length) store_start= buff; if (arg_type == 'd') store_end= int10_to_str(par, store_start, -10); else if (arg_type == 'u') store_end= int10_to_str(par, store_start, 10); else if (arg_type == 'p') { store_start[0]= '0'; store_start[1]= 'x'; store_end= int2str(par, store_start + 2, 16, 0); } else { DBUG_ASSERT(arg_type == 'X' || arg_type =='x'); store_end= int2str(par, store_start, 16, (arg_type == 'X')); } if ((res_length= (size_t) (store_end - store_start)) > to_length) return to; /* num doesn't fit in output */ /* If %#d syntax was used, we have to pre-zero/pre-space the string */ if (store_start == buff) { length= min(length, to_length); if (res_length < length) { size_t diff= (length- res_length); bfill(to, diff, (print_type & PREZERO_ARG) ? '0' : ' '); if (arg_type == 'p' && print_type & PREZERO_ARG) { if (diff > 1) to[1]= 'x'; else store_start[0]= 'x'; store_start[1]= '0'; } to+= diff; } bmove(to, store_start, res_length); } to+= res_length; return to; } /** Procesed positional arguments. @param cs string charset @param to buffer where processed string will be place @param end end of buffer @param par format string @param arg_index arg index of the first occurrence of positional arg @param ap list of parameters @retval end of buffer where processed string is placed */ static char *process_args(CHARSET_INFO *cs, char *to, char *end, const char* fmt, size_t arg_index, va_list ap) { ARGS_INFO args_arr[MAX_ARGS]; PRINT_INFO print_arr[MAX_PRINT_INFO]; uint idx= 0, arg_count= arg_index; start: /* Here we are at the beginning of positional argument, right after $ */ arg_index--; print_arr[idx].flags= 0; if (*fmt == '`') { print_arr[idx].flags|= ESCAPED_ARG; fmt++; } if (*fmt == '-') fmt++; print_arr[idx].length= print_arr[idx].width= 0; /* Get print length */ if (*fmt == '*') { fmt++; fmt= get_length(fmt, &print_arr[idx].length, &print_arr[idx].flags); print_arr[idx].length--; DBUG_ASSERT(*fmt == '$' && print_arr[idx].length < MAX_ARGS); args_arr[print_arr[idx].length].arg_type= 'd'; print_arr[idx].flags|= LENGTH_ARG; arg_count= max(arg_count, print_arr[idx].length + 1); fmt++; } else fmt= get_length(fmt, &print_arr[idx].length, &print_arr[idx].flags); if (*fmt == '.') { fmt++; /* Get print width */ if (*fmt == '*') { fmt++; fmt= get_width(fmt, &print_arr[idx].width); print_arr[idx].width--; DBUG_ASSERT(*fmt == '$' && print_arr[idx].width < MAX_ARGS); args_arr[print_arr[idx].width].arg_type= 'd'; print_arr[idx].flags|= WIDTH_ARG; arg_count= max(arg_count, print_arr[idx].width + 1); fmt++; } else fmt= get_width(fmt, &print_arr[idx].width); } else print_arr[idx].width= SIZE_T_MAX; fmt= check_longlong(fmt, &args_arr[arg_index].have_longlong); if (*fmt == 'p') args_arr[arg_index].have_longlong= (sizeof(void *) == sizeof(longlong)); args_arr[arg_index].arg_type= print_arr[idx].arg_type= *fmt; print_arr[idx].arg_idx= arg_index; print_arr[idx].begin= ++fmt; while (*fmt && *fmt != '%') fmt++; if (!*fmt) /* End of format string */ { uint i; print_arr[idx].end= fmt; /* Obtain parameters from the list */ for (i= 0 ; i < arg_count; i++) { switch (args_arr[i].arg_type) { case 's': case 'b': args_arr[i].str_arg= va_arg(ap, char *); break; case 'f': case 'g': args_arr[i].double_arg= va_arg(ap, double); break; case 'd': case 'u': case 'x': case 'X': case 'p': if (args_arr[i].have_longlong) args_arr[i].longlong_arg= va_arg(ap,longlong); else if (args_arr[i].arg_type == 'd') args_arr[i].longlong_arg= va_arg(ap, int); else args_arr[i].longlong_arg= va_arg(ap, uint); break; case 'c': args_arr[i].longlong_arg= va_arg(ap, int); break; default: DBUG_ASSERT(0); } } /* Print result string */ for (i= 0; i <= idx; i++) { uint width= 0, length= 0; switch (print_arr[i].arg_type) { case 's': { char *par= args_arr[print_arr[i].arg_idx].str_arg; width= (print_arr[i].flags & WIDTH_ARG) ? args_arr[print_arr[i].width].longlong_arg : print_arr[i].width; to= process_str_arg(cs, to, end, width, par, print_arr[i].flags); break; } case 'b': { char *par = args_arr[print_arr[i].arg_idx].str_arg; width= (print_arr[i].flags & WIDTH_ARG) ? args_arr[print_arr[i].width].longlong_arg : print_arr[i].width; to= process_bin_arg(to, end, width, par); break; } case 'c': { if (to == end) break; *to++= (char) args_arr[print_arr[i].arg_idx].longlong_arg; break; } case 'd': case 'u': case 'x': case 'X': case 'p': { /* Integer parameter */ longlong larg; length= (print_arr[i].flags & LENGTH_ARG) ? args_arr[print_arr[i].length].longlong_arg : print_arr[i].length; if (args_arr[print_arr[i].arg_idx].have_longlong) larg = args_arr[print_arr[i].arg_idx].longlong_arg; else if (print_arr[i].arg_type == 'd') larg = (int) args_arr[print_arr[i].arg_idx].longlong_arg; else larg= (uint) args_arr[print_arr[i].arg_idx].longlong_arg; to= process_int_arg(to, end, length, larg, print_arr[i].arg_type, print_arr[i].flags); break; } default: break; } if (to == end) break; length= min(end - to , print_arr[i].end - print_arr[i].begin); if (to + length < end) length++; to= strnmov(to, print_arr[i].begin, length); } DBUG_ASSERT(to <= end); *to='\0'; /* End of errmessage */ return to; } else { /* Process next positional argument*/ DBUG_ASSERT(*fmt == '%'); print_arr[idx].end= fmt - 1; idx++; fmt++; arg_index= 0; fmt= get_width(fmt, &arg_index); DBUG_ASSERT(*fmt == '$'); fmt++; arg_count= max(arg_count, arg_index); goto start; } DBUG_ASSERT(0); return 0; } /** Produces output string according to a format string See the detailed documentation around my_snprintf_service_st @param cs string charset @param to buffer where processed string will be place @param n size of buffer @param par format string @param ap list of parameters @retval length of result string */ size_t my_vsnprintf_ex(CHARSET_INFO *cs, char *to, size_t n, const char* fmt, va_list ap) { char *start=to, *end=to+n-1; size_t length, width; uint print_type, have_longlong; for (; *fmt ; fmt++) { if (*fmt != '%') { if (to == end) /* End of buffer */ break; *to++= *fmt; /* Copy ordinary char */ continue; } fmt++; /* skip '%' */ length= width= 0; print_type= 0; /* Read max fill size (only used with %d and %u) */ if (my_isdigit(&my_charset_latin1, *fmt)) { fmt= get_length(fmt, &length, &print_type); if (*fmt == '$') { to= process_args(cs, to, end, (fmt+1), length, ap); return (size_t) (to - start); } } else { if (*fmt == '`') { print_type|= ESCAPED_ARG; fmt++; } if (*fmt == '-') fmt++; if (*fmt == '*') { fmt++; length= va_arg(ap, int); } else fmt= get_length(fmt, &length, &print_type); } if (*fmt == '.') { fmt++; if (*fmt == '*') { fmt++; width= va_arg(ap, int); } else fmt= get_width(fmt, &width); } else width= SIZE_T_MAX; fmt= check_longlong(fmt, &have_longlong); if (*fmt == 's') /* String parameter */ { reg2 char *par= va_arg(ap, char *); to= process_str_arg(cs, to, end, width, par, print_type); continue; } else if (*fmt == 'b') /* Buffer parameter */ { char *par = va_arg(ap, char *); to= process_bin_arg(to, end, width, par); continue; } else if (*fmt == 'd' || *fmt == 'u' || *fmt == 'x' || *fmt == 'X' || *fmt == 'p') { /* Integer parameter */ longlong larg; if (*fmt == 'p') have_longlong= (sizeof(void *) == sizeof(longlong)); if (have_longlong) larg = va_arg(ap,longlong); else if (*fmt == 'd') larg = va_arg(ap, int); else larg= va_arg(ap, uint); to= process_int_arg(to, end, length, larg, *fmt, print_type); continue; } else if (*fmt == 'c') /* Character parameter */ { register int larg; if (to == end) break; larg = va_arg(ap, int); *to++= (char) larg; continue; } /* We come here on '%%', unknown code or too long parameter */ if (to == end) break; *to++='%'; /* % used as % or unknown code */ } DBUG_ASSERT(to <= end); *to='\0'; /* End of errmessage */ return (size_t) (to - start); } /* Limited snprintf() implementations exported to plugins as a service, see the detailed documentation around my_snprintf_service_st */ size_t my_vsnprintf(char *to, size_t n, const char* fmt, va_list ap) { return my_vsnprintf_ex(&my_charset_latin1, to, n, fmt, ap); } size_t my_snprintf(char* to, size_t n, const char* fmt, ...) { size_t result; va_list args; va_start(args,fmt); result= my_vsnprintf(to, n, fmt, args); va_end(args); return result; }