%define mysql_version @VERSION@ %define shared_lib_version @SHARED_LIB_VERSION@ %define release 2 %define mysqld_user mysql %define see_base For a description of MySQL see the base MySQL RPM or http://www.mysql.com Name: MySQL Summary: MySQL: a very fast and reliable SQL database server Group: Applications/Databases Summary(pt_BR): MySQL: Um servidor SQL rápido e confiável. Group(pt_BR): Aplicações/Banco_de_Dados Version: @MYSQL_NO_DASH_VERSION@ Release: %{release} Copyright: GPL / LGPL Source: http://www.mysql.com/Downloads/MySQL-@MYSQL_BASE_VERSION@/mysql-%{mysql_version}.tar.gz Icon: mysql.gif URL: http://www.mysql.com/ Packager: Lenz Grimmer Vendor: MySQL AB Requires: fileutils sh-utils Provides: msqlormysql MySQL-server mysql Obsoletes: mysql # Think about what you use here since the first step is to # run a rm -rf BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build # From the manual %description The MySQL(TM) software delivers a very fast, multi-threaded, multi-user, and robust SQL (Structured Query Language) database server. MySQL Server is intended for mission-critical, heavy-load production systems as well as for embedding into mass-deployed software. MySQL is a trademark of MySQL AB. The MySQL software has Dual Licensing, which means you can use the MySQL software free of charge under the GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/). You can also purchase commercial MySQL licenses from MySQL AB if you do not wish to be bound by the terms of the GPL. See the chapter "Licensing and Support" in the manual for further info. The MySQL web site (http://www.mysql.com/) provides the latest news and information about the MySQL software. Also please see the documentation and the manual for more information. %package client Release: %{release} Summary: MySQL - Client Group: Applications/Databases Summary(pt_BR): MySQL - Cliente Group(pt_BR): Aplicações/Banco_de_Dados Obsoletes: mysql-client Provides: mysql-client %description client This package contains the standard MySQL clients. %{see_base} %description client -l pt_BR Este pacote contém os clientes padrão para o MySQL. %package bench Release: %{release} Requires: %{name}-client MySQL-DBI-perl-bin perl Summary: MySQL - Benchmarks and test system Group: Applications/Databases Summary(pt_BR): MySQL - Medições de desempenho Group(pt_BR): Aplicações/Banco_de_Dados Provides: mysql-bench Obsoletes: mysql-bench %description bench This package contains MySQL benchmark scripts and data. %{see_base} %description bench -l pt_BR Este pacote contém medições de desempenho de scripts e dados do MySQL. %package devel Release: %{release} Requires: %{name}-client Summary: MySQL - Development header files and libraries Group: Applications/Databases Summary(pt_BR): MySQL - Medições de desempenho Group(pt_BR): Aplicações/Banco_de_Dados Provides: mysql-devel Obsoletes: mysql-devel %description devel This package contains the development header files and libraries necessary to develop MySQL client applications. %{see_base} %description devel -l pt_BR Este pacote contém os arquivos de cabeçalho (header files) e bibliotecas necessárias para desenvolver aplicações clientes do MySQL. %package shared Release: %{release} Summary: MySQL - Shared libraries Group: Applications/Databases %description shared This package contains the shared libraries (*.so*) which certain languages and applications need to dynamically load and use MySQL. %package Max Release: %{release} Summary: MySQL - server with Berkeley DB and Innodb support Group: Applications/Databases Provides: mysql-Max Obsoletes: mysql-Max %description Max Optional MySQL server binary that supports additional features like transactional tables. To activate this binary, just install this package in addition to the MySQL package. %package embedded Release: %{release} Requires: %{name}-devel Summary: MySQL - embedded library Group: Applications/Databases Summary(pt_BR): MySQL - Medições de desempenho Group(pt_BR): Aplicações/Banco_de_Dados Obsoletes: mysql-embedded %description embedded This package contains the MySQL server as an embedded library. The embedded MySQL server library makes it possible to run a full-featured MySQL server inside the client application. The main benefits are increased speed and more simple management for embedded applications. The API is identical for the embedded MySQL version and the client/server version. %{see_base} %prep %setup -n mysql-%{mysql_version} %build # The all-static flag is to make the RPM work on different # distributions. This version tries to put shared mysqlclient libraries # in a separate package. BuildMySQL() { # The --enable-assembler simply does nothing on systems that does not # support assembler speedups. sh -c "PATH=\"${MYSQL_BUILD_PATH:-/bin:/usr/bin}\" \ CC=\"${MYSQL_BUILD_CC:-gcc}\" \ CFLAGS=\"${MYSQL_BUILD_CFLAGS:- -O3}\" \ CXX=\"${MYSQL_BUILD_CXX:-gcc}\" \ CXXFLAGS=\"${MYSQL_BUILD_CXXFLAGS:- -O3 \ -felide-constructors -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti \ }\" \ ./configure \ $* \ --enable-assembler \ --enable-local-infile \ --with-mysqld-user=%{mysqld_user} \ --with-unix-socket-path=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock \ --prefix=/ \ --with-extra-charsets=complex \ --exec-prefix=/usr \ --libexecdir=/usr/sbin \ --sysconfdir=/etc \ --datadir=/usr/share \ --localstatedir=/var/lib/mysql \ --infodir=%{_infodir} \ --includedir=/usr/include \ --mandir=%{_mandir} \ --with-embedded-server \ --enable-thread-safe-client \ --with-comment=\"Official MySQL RPM\"; # Add this for more debugging support # --with-debug # Add this for MyISAM RAID support: # --with-raid " # benchdir does not fit in above model. Maybe a separate bench distribution make benchdir_root=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/share/ } # Use our own copy of glibc OTHER_LIBC_DIR=/usr/local/mysql-glibc USE_OTHER_LIBC_DIR="" if test -d "$OTHER_LIBC_DIR" then USE_OTHER_LIBC_DIR="--with-other-libc=$OTHER_LIBC_DIR" fi # Use the build root for temporary storage of the shared libraries. RBR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT MBD=$RPM_BUILD_DIR/mysql-%{mysql_version} # Clean up the BuildRoot first [ "$RBR" != "/" ] && [ -d $RBR ] && rm -rf $RBR; mkdir -p $RBR # # Use MYSQL_BUILD_PATH so that we can use a dedicated version of gcc # PATH=${MYSQL_BUILD_PATH:-/bin:/usr/bin} export PATH # We need to build shared libraries separate from mysqld-max because we # are using --with-other-libc BuildMySQL "--disable-shared \ $USE_OTHER_LIBC_DIR \ --with-berkeley-db \ --with-innodb \ --with-openssl \ --with-vio \ --with-server-suffix='-Max'" # Save everything for debug # tar cf $RBR/all.tar . # Save mysqld-max mv sql/mysqld sql/mysqld-max nm --numeric-sort sql/mysqld-max > sql/mysqld-max.sym # Save manual to avoid rebuilding mv Docs/manual.ps Docs/manual.ps.save make distclean mv Docs/manual.ps.save Docs/manual.ps # now build and save shared libraries BuildMySQL "--enable-shared --enable-thread-safe-client --without-server " (cd libmysql/.libs; tar cf $RBR/shared-libs.tar *.so*) (cd libmysql_r/.libs; tar rf $RBR/shared-libs.tar *.so*) # Save manual to avoid rebuilding mv Docs/manual.ps Docs/manual.ps.save make distclean mv Docs/manual.ps.save Docs/manual.ps # RPM:s destroys Makefile.in files, so we generate them here automake BuildMySQL "--disable-shared \ --with-mysqld-ldflags='-all-static' \ --with-client-ldflags='-all-static' \ $USE_OTHER_LIBC_DIR \ --without-berkeley-db \ --without-vio \ --without-openssl" nm --numeric-sort sql/mysqld > sql/mysqld.sym %install -n mysql-%{mysql_version} RBR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT MBD=$RPM_BUILD_DIR/mysql-%{mysql_version} # Ensure that needed directories exists install -d $RBR/etc/{logrotate.d,rc.d/init.d} install -d $RBR/var/lib/mysql/mysql install -d $RBR/usr/share/sql-bench install -d $RBR/usr/share/mysql-test install -d $RBR%{_mandir} install -d $RBR/usr/{sbin,share,include} install -d $RBR/usr/lib # Install all binaries stripped except for mysqld (required for UDFs # to work) make install-strip DESTDIR=$RBR benchdir_root=/usr/share/ # Install shared libraries (Disable for architectures that don't support it) (cd $RBR/usr/lib; tar xf $RBR/shared-libs.tar) # install saved mysqld-max install -m755 $MBD/sql/mysqld-max $RBR/usr/sbin/mysqld-max # install symbol files ( for stack trace resolution) install -m644 $MBD/sql/mysqld-max.sym $RBR/usr/lib/mysql/mysqld-max.sym install -m644 $MBD/sql/mysqld.sym $RBR/usr/lib/mysql/mysqld.sym # Install logrotate and autostart install -m644 $MBD/support-files/mysql-log-rotate $RBR/etc/logrotate.d/mysql install -m755 $MBD/support-files/mysql.server $RBR/etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql %pre if test -x /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql then /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql stop > /dev/null 2>&1 echo "Giving mysqld a couple of seconds to exit nicely" sleep 5 fi %post mysql_datadir=/var/lib/mysql # Create data directory if needed if test ! -d $mysql_datadir; then mkdir $mysql_datadir; fi if test ! -d $mysql_datadir/mysql; then mkdir $mysql_datadir/mysql; fi if test ! -d $mysql_datadir/test; then mkdir $mysql_datadir/test; fi # Make MySQL start/shutdown automatically when the machine does it. /sbin/chkconfig --add mysql # Create a MySQL user. Do not report any problems if it already # exists. This is redhat specific and should be handled more portable useradd -M -r -d $mysql_datadir -s /bin/bash -c "MySQL server" mysql 2> /dev/null || true # Change permissions so that the user that will run the MySQL daemon # owns all database files. chown -R mysql $mysql_datadir # Initiate databases mysql_install_db -IN-RPM # Change permissions again to fix any new files. chown -R mysql $mysql_datadir # Fix permissions for the permission database so that only the user # can read them. chmod -R og-rw $mysql_datadir/mysql # Restart in the same way that mysqld will be started normally. /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql start # Allow safe_mysqld to start mysqld and print a message before we exit sleep 2 %post Max # Restart mysqld, to use the new binary. # There may be a better way to handle this. /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql stop > /dev/null 2>&1 echo "Giving mysqld a couple of seconds to restart" sleep 5 /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql start sleep 2 %preun if test $1 = 0 then if test -x /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql then /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql stop > /dev/null fi # Remove autostart of mysql /sbin/chkconfig --del mysql fi # We do not remove the mysql user since it may still own a lot of # database files. %files %doc %attr(644, root, root) COPYING COPYING.LIB README %doc %attr(644, root, root) Docs/manual.{html,ps,texi,txt} Docs/manual_toc.html %doc %attr(644, root, root) support-files/my-*.cnf %doc %attr(644, root, root) %{_infodir}/mysql.info* %doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/isamchk.1* %doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/isamlog.1* %doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/mysql_zap.1* %doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/mysqld.1* %doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/mysqld_multi.1* %doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/mysqld_safe.1* %doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/perror.1* %doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/replace.1* %attr(755, root, root) /usr/bin/isamchk %attr(755, root, root) /usr/bin/isamlog %attr(755, root, root) /usr/bin/my_print_defaults %attr(755, root, root) /usr/bin/myisamchk %attr(755, root, root) /usr/bin/myisamlog %attr(755, root, root) /usr/bin/myisampack %attr(755, root, root) /usr/bin/mysql_convert_table_format %attr(755, root, root) /usr/bin/mysql_explain_log %attr(755, root, root) /usr/bin/mysql_fix_privilege_tables %attr(755, root, root) /usr/bin/mysql_install_db %attr(755, root, root) /usr/bin/mysql_setpermission %attr(755, root, root) /usr/bin/mysql_zap %attr(755, root, root) /usr/bin/mysqlbug %attr(755, root, root) /usr/bin/mysqld_multi %attr(755, root, root) /usr/bin/mysqld_safe %attr(755, root, root) /usr/bin/mysqlhotcopy %attr(755, root, root) /usr/bin/mysqltest %attr(755, root, root) /usr/bin/pack_isam %attr(755, root, root) /usr/bin/perror %attr(755, root, root) /usr/bin/replace %attr(755, root, root) /usr/bin/resolve_stack_dump %attr(755, root, root) /usr/bin/resolveip %attr(755, root, root) /usr/sbin/mysqld %attr(644, root, root) /usr/lib/mysql/mysqld.sym %attr(644, root, root) /etc/logrotate.d/mysql %attr(755, root, root) /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql %attr(755, root, root) /usr/share/mysql/ %files client %attr(755, root, root) /usr/bin/msql2mysql %attr(755, root, root) /usr/bin/mysql %attr(755, root, root) /usr/bin/mysql_find_rows %attr(755, root, root) /usr/bin/mysqlaccess %attr(755, root, root) /usr/bin/mysqladmin %attr(755, root, root) /usr/bin/mysqlbinlog %attr(755, root, root) /usr/bin/mysqlcheck %attr(755, root, root) /usr/bin/mysqldump %attr(755, root, root) /usr/bin/mysqlimport %attr(755, root, root) /usr/bin/mysqlshow %doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/mysql.1* %doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/mysqlaccess.1* %doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/mysqladmin.1* %doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/mysqldump.1* %doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/mysqlshow.1* %post shared /sbin/ldconfig %postun shared /sbin/ldconfig %files devel %defattr(644 root, root) %attr(755, root, root) /usr/bin/comp_err %attr(755, root, root) /usr/bin/mysql_config %dir %attr(755, root, root) /usr/include/mysql %dir %attr(755, root, root) /usr/lib/mysql /usr/include/mysql/* /usr/lib/mysql/libdbug.a /usr/lib/mysql/libheap.a /usr/lib/mysql/libmerge.a /usr/lib/mysql/libmyisam.a /usr/lib/mysql/libmyisammrg.a /usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a /usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.la /usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient_r.a /usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient_r.la /usr/lib/mysql/libmystrings.a /usr/lib/mysql/libmysys.a /usr/lib/mysql/libnisam.a /usr/lib/mysql/libvio.a %files shared %defattr(755 root, root) # Shared libraries (omit for architectures that don't support them) /usr/lib/*.so* %files bench %attr(-, root, root) /usr/share/sql-bench %attr(-, root, root) /usr/share/mysql-test %attr(755, root, root) /usr/bin/mysqlmanager %attr(755, root, root) /usr/bin/mysqlmanager-pwgen %attr(755, root, root) /usr/bin/mysqlmanagerc %files Max %attr(755, root, root) /usr/sbin/mysqld-max %attr(644, root, root) /usr/lib/mysql/mysqld-max.sym %files embedded %attr(644, root, root) /usr/lib/mysql/libmysqld.a %changelog * Mon Jul 15 2002 Lenz Grimmer - Updated Packager information - Fixed the build options: the regular package is supposed to include InnoDB and linked statically, while the Max package should include BDB and SSL support * Fri May 03 2002 Lenz Grimmer - Use more RPM macros (e.g. infodir, mandir) to make the spec file more portable - reorganized the installation of documentation files: let RPM take care of this - reorganized the file list: actually install man pages along with the binaries of the respective subpackage - don't include libmysqld.a in the devel subpackage as well, if we have a special "embedded" subpackage - reworked the package descriptions * Mon Oct 8 2001 Monty - Added embedded server as a separate RPM * Fri Apr 13 2001 Monty - Added mysqld-max to the distribution * Tue Jan 2 2001 Monty - Added mysql-test to the bench package * Fri Aug 18 2000 Tim Smith - Added separate libmysql_r directory; now both a threaded and non-threaded library is shipped. * Wed Sep 28 1999 David Axmark - Added the support-files/my-example.cnf to the docs directory. - Removed devel dependency on base since it is about client development. * Wed Sep 8 1999 David Axmark - Cleaned up some for 3.23. * Thu Jul 1 1999 David Axmark - Added support for shared libraries in a separate sub package. Original fix by David Fox (dsfox@cogsci.ucsd.edu) - The --enable-assembler switch is now automatically disables on platforms there assembler code is unavailable. This should allow building this RPM on non i386 systems. * Mon Feb 22 1999 David Axmark - Removed unportable cc switches from the spec file. The defaults can now be overridden with environment variables. This feature is used to compile the official RPM with optimal (but compiler version specific) switches. - Removed the repetitive description parts for the sub rpms. Maybe add again if RPM gets a multiline macro capability. - Added support for a pt_BR translation. Translation contributed by Jorge Godoy . * Wed Nov 4 1998 David Axmark - A lot of changes in all the rpm and install scripts. This may even be a working RPM :-) * Sun Aug 16 1998 David Axmark - A developers changelog for MySQL is available in the source RPM. And there is a history of major user visible changed in the Reference Manual. Only RPM specific changes will be documented here.