-------------- select 1+1,1-1,1+1*2,8/5,8%5,mod(8,5),mod(8,5)|0,-(1+1)*-2,sign(-5) -------------- 1+1 1-1 1+1*2 8/5 8%5 mod(8,5) mod(8,5)|0 -(1+1)*-2 sign(-5) 2 0 3 1.60 3 3 3 4 -1 -------------- select floor(5.5),floor(-5.5),ceiling(5.5),ceiling(-5.5),round(5.5),round(-5.5) -------------- floor(5.5) floor(-5.5) ceiling(5.5) ceiling(-5.5) round(5.5) round(-5.5) 5 -6 6 -5 6 -6 -------------- select abs(-10),log(exp(10)),exp(log(sqrt(10))*2),pow(10,log10(10)),rand(999999),rand() -------------- abs(-10) log(exp(10)) exp(log(sqrt(10))*2) pow(10,log10(10)) rand(999999) rand() 10 10.000000 10.000000 10.000000 0.1844 0.7637 -------------- select least(6,1.0,2.0),greatest(3,4,5,0) -------------- least(6,1.0,2.0) greatest(3,4,5,0) 1.0 5 -------------- select 1 | (1+1),5 & 3,bit_count(7) -------------- 1 | (1+1) 5 & 3 bit_count(7) 3 1 3 -------------- select 0=0,1>0,1>=1,1<0,1<=0,strcmp("abc","abcd"),strcmp("b","a"),strcmp("a","a") -------------- 0=0 1>0 1>=1 1<0 1<=0 strcmp("abc","abcd") strcmp("b","a") strcmp("a","a") 1 1 1 0 0 -1 1 0 -------------- select "a"<"b","a"<="b","b">="a","b">"a","a"="A","a"<>"b" -------------- "a"<"b" "a"<="b" "b">="a" "b">"a" "a"="A" "a"<>"b" 1 1 1 1 1 1 -------------- select "abc" like "a%", "abc" not like "%d%", "ab" like "a\%", "a%" like "a\%","abcd" like "a%b_%d" -------------- "abc" like "a%" "abc" not like "%d%" "ab" like "a\%" "a%" like "a\%" "abcd" like "a%b_%d" 1 1 0 1 1 -------------- select "Det här är svenska" regexp "h[[:alpha:]]+r", "aba" regexp "^(a|b)*$" -------------- "Det här är svenska" regexp "h[[:alpha:]]+r" "aba" regexp "^(a|b)*$" 1 1 -------------- select !0,NOT 0=1,!(0=0),1 AND 1,1 && 0,0 OR 1,1 || NULL, 1=1 or 1=1 and 1=0 -------------- !0 NOT 0=1 !(0=0) 1 AND 1 1 && 0 0 OR 1 1 || NULL 1=1 or 1=1 and 1=0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 -------------- select IF(0,"ERROR","this"),IF(1,"is","ERROR"),IF(NULL,"ERROR","a"),IF(1,2,3)|0,IF(1,2.0,3.0)+0 -------------- IF(0,"ERROR","this") IF(1,"is","ERROR") IF(NULL,"ERROR","a") IF(1,2,3)|0 IF(1,2.0,3.0)+0 this is a 2 2.0 -------------- select 2 between 1 and 3, "monty" between "max" and "my",2=2 and "monty" between "max" and "my" and 3=3 -------------- 2 between 1 and 3 "monty" between "max" and "my" 2=2 and "monty" between "max" and "my" and 3=3 1 1 1 -------------- select 2 in (3,2,5,9,5,1),"monty" in ("david","monty","allan"), 1.2 in (1.4,1.2,1.0) -------------- 2 in (3,2,5,9,5,1) "monty" in ("david","monty","allan") 1.2 in (1.4,1.2,1.0) 1 1 1 -------------- select 'hello',"'hello'",'""hello""','''h''e''l''l''o''',"hel""lo",'hel\'lo' -------------- hello 'hello' ""hello"" 'h'e'l'l'o' hel"lo hel'lo hello 'hello' ""hello"" 'h'e'l'l'o' hel"lo hel'lo -------------- select concat("monty"," was here ","again"),length("hello"),ascii("hello") -------------- concat("monty"," was here ","again") length("hello") ascii("hello") monty was here again 5 104 -------------- select locate("he","hello"),locate("he","hello",2),locate("lo","hello",2) -------------- locate("he","hello") locate("he","hello",2) locate("lo","hello",2) 1 0 4 -------------- select left("hello",2),right("hello",2),substring("hello",2,2),mid("hello",1,5) -------------- left("hello",2) right("hello",2) substring("hello",2,2) mid("hello",1,5) he lo el hello -------------- select concat("",left(right(concat("what ",concat("is ","happening")),9),4),"",substring("monty",5,1)) -------------- concat("",left(right(concat("what ",concat("is ","happening")),9),4),"",substring("monty",5,1)) happy -------------- select concat("!",ltrim(" left "),"!",rtrim(" right "),"!") -------------- concat("!",ltrim(" left "),"!",rtrim(" right "),"!") !left ! right! -------------- select insert("txs",2,1,"hi"),insert("is ",4,0,"a"),insert("txxxxt",2,4,"es") -------------- insert("txs",2,1,"hi") insert("is ",4,0,"a") insert("txxxxt",2,4,"es") this is a test -------------- select replace("aaaa","a","b"),replace("aaaa","aa","b"),replace("aaaa","a","bb"),replace("aaaa","","b"),replace("bbbb","a","c") -------------- replace("aaaa","a","b") replace("aaaa","aa","b") replace("aaaa","a","bb") replace("aaaa","","b") replace("bbbb","a","c") bbbb bb bbbbbbbb aaaa bbbb -------------- select replace(concat(lcase(concat("THIS"," ","IS"," ","A"," ")),ucase("false")," ","test"),"FALSE","REAL") -------------- replace(concat(lcase(concat("THIS"," ","IS"," ","A"," ")),ucase("false")," ","test"),"FALSE","REAL") this is a REAL test -------------- select soundex(""),soundex("he"),soundex("hello all folks") -------------- soundex("") soundex("he") soundex("hello all folks") H000 H4142 -------------- select password("test") -------------- password("test") 378b243e220ca493 -------------- select 0x41,0x41+0,0x41 | 0x7fffffffffffffff | 0,0xffffffffffffffff | 0 -------------- 0x41 0x41+0 0x41 | 0x7fffffffffffffff | 0 0xffffffffffffffff | 0 A 65 9223372036854775807 -1 -------------- select interval(55,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100),interval(3,1,1+1,1+1+1+1),field("IBM","NCA","ICL","SUN","IBM","DIGITAL"),field("A","B","C"),elt(2,"ONE","TWO","THREE"),interval(0,1,2,3,4),elt(1,1,2,3)|0,elt(1,1.1,1.2,1.3)+0 -------------- interval(55,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100) interval(3,1,1+1,1+1+1+1) field("IBM","NCA","ICL","SUN","IBM","DIGITAL") field("A","B","C") elt(2,"ONE","TWO","THREE") interval(0,1,2,3,4) elt(1,1,2,3)|0 elt(1,1.1,1.2,1.3)+0 5 2 4 0 TWO 0 1 1.1 -------------- select format(1.5555,0),format(123.5555,1),format(1234.5555,2),format(12345.5555,3),format(123456.5555,4),format(1234567.5555,5),format("12345.2399",2) -------------- format(1.5555,0) format(123.5555,1) format(1234.5555,2) format(12345.5555,3) format(123456.5555,4) format(1234567.5555,5) format("12345.2399",2) 2 123.6 1,234.56 12,345.556 123,456.5555 1,234,567.55550 12,345.24 -------------- select database(),user() -------------- database() user() monty -------------- select null,isnull(null),isnull(1/0),isnull(1/0 = null),ifnull(null,1),ifnull(null,"TRUE"),ifnull("TRUE","ERROR"),1/0 is null,1 is not null -------------- NULL isnull(null) isnull(1/0) isnull(1/0 = null) ifnull(null,1) ifnull(null,"TRUE") ifnull("TRUE","ERROR") 1/0 is null 1 is not null NULL 1 1 1 1 TRUE TRUE 1 1 -------------- select 1 | NULL,1 & NULL,1+NULL,1-NULL -------------- 1 | NULL 1 & NULL 1+NULL 1-NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL -------------- select NULL=NULL,NULL<>NULL,NULL IS NULL, NULL IS NOT NULL,IFNULL(NULL,1.1)+0,IFNULL(NULL,1) | 0 -------------- NULL=NULL NULL<>NULL NULL IS NULL NULL IS NOT NULL IFNULL(NULL,1.1)+0 IFNULL(NULL,1) | 0 NULL NULL 1 0 1.1 1 -------------- select strcmp("a",NULL),(1