#!/usr/bin/perl # # Testing of grants. # Note that this will delete all table and column grants ! # use DBI; use Getopt::Long; use strict; use vars qw($dbh $user_dbh $opt_help $opt_Information $opt_force $opt_debug $opt_verbose $opt_server $opt_root_user $opt_password $opt_user $opt_database $opt_host $version $user $tables_cols $columns_cols $tmp_table $opt_silent); $version="1.1"; $opt_help=$opt_Information=$opt_force=$opt_debug=$opt_verbose=$opt_silent=0; $opt_host="localhost", $opt_server="mysql"; $opt_root_user="root"; $opt_password=""; $opt_user="grant_user"; $opt_database="grant_test"; GetOptions("Information","help","server=s","root-user=s","password=s","user","database=s","force","host=s","debug","verbose","silent") || usage(); usage() if ($opt_help || $opt_Information); $user="$opt_user\@$opt_host"; if (!$opt_force) { print_info() } $|=1; $tables_cols="Host, Db, User, Table_name, Grantor, Table_priv, Column_priv"; $columns_cols="Host, Db, User, Table_name, Column_name, Column_priv"; $tmp_table="/tmp/mysql-grant.test"; # Can't use $$ as we are logging result unlink($tmp_table); # # clear grant tables # $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:mysql:$opt_host", $opt_root_user,$opt_password, { PrintError => 0}) || die "Can't connect to mysql server with user '$opt_root_user': $DBI::errstr\n"; safe_query("delete from user where user='$opt_user' or user='${opt_user}2'"); safe_query("delete from db where user='$opt_user'"); safe_query("delete from tables_priv"); safe_query("delete from columns_priv"); safe_query("lock tables mysql.user write"); # Test lock tables safe_query("flush privileges"); safe_query("unlock tables"); # should already be unlocked safe_query("drop database $opt_database",3); # Don't print possible error safe_query("create database $opt_database"); # check that the user can't login yet user_connect(1); #goto test; # # Enable column grant code # safe_query("grant select(user) on mysql.user to $user"); safe_query("revoke select(user) on mysql.user from $user"); # # Test grants on user level # safe_query("grant select on *.* to $user"); safe_query("set password FOR ${opt_user}2\@$opt_host = password('test')",1); safe_query("set password FOR $opt_user=password('test')"); user_connect(1); safe_query("set password FOR $opt_user=''"); user_connect(0); user_query("select * from mysql.user where user = '$opt_user'"); user_query("select * from mysql.db where user = '$opt_user'"); safe_query("grant select on *.* to $user,$user"); safe_query("show grants for $user"); user_connect(0); # The following should fail user_query("insert into mysql.user (host,user) values ('error','$opt_user')",1); user_query("update mysql.user set host='error' WHERE user='$opt_user'",1); user_query("create table $opt_database.test (a int,b int)",1); user_query("grant select on *.* to ${opt_user}2\@$opt_host",1); safe_query("revoke select on $opt_database.test from $opt_user\@opt_host",1); safe_query("revoke select on $opt_database.* from $opt_user\@opt_host",1); safe_query("revoke select on *.* from $opt_user",1); safe_query("grant select on $opt_database.not_exists to $opt_user",1); safe_query("grant FILE on $opt_database.test to $opt_user",1); safe_query("grant select on *.* to wrong___________user_name",1); safe_query("grant select on $opt_database.* to wrong___________user_name",1); user_connect(0); user_query("grant select on $opt_database.test to $opt_user with grant option",1); safe_query("set password FOR ''\@''=''",1); user_query("set password FOR root\@$opt_host = password('test')",1); # Change privileges for user safe_query("revoke select on *.* from $user"); safe_query("grant create,update on *.* to $user"); user_connect(0); safe_query("flush privileges"); user_query("create table $opt_database.test (a int,b int)"); user_query("update $opt_database.test set b=b+1 where a > 0",1); safe_query("show grants for $user"); safe_query("revoke update on *.* from $user"); user_connect(0); safe_query("grant select(c) on $opt_database.test to $user",1); safe_query("revoke select(c) on $opt_database.test from $user",1); safe_query("grant select on $opt_database.test to wrong___________user_name",1); user_query("INSERT INTO $opt_database.test values (2,0)",1); safe_query("grant ALL PRIVILEGES on *.* to $user"); safe_query("REVOKE INSERT on *.* from $user"); user_connect(0); user_query("INSERT INTO $opt_database.test values (1,0)",1); safe_query("grant INSERT on *.* to $user"); user_connect(0); user_query("INSERT INTO $opt_database.test values (2,0)"); user_query("select count(*) from $opt_database.test"); safe_query("revoke SELECT on *.* from $user"); user_connect(0); user_query("select count(*) from $opt_database.test",1); user_query("INSERT INTO $opt_database.test values (3,0)"); safe_query("grant SELECT on *.* to $user"); user_connect(0); user_query("select count(*) from $opt_database.test"); safe_query("revoke ALL PRIVILEGES on *.* from $user"); user_connect(1); safe_query("delete from user where user='$opt_user'"); safe_query("flush privileges"); if (0) # Only if no anonymous user on localhost. { safe_query("grant select on *.* to $opt_user"); user_connect(0); safe_query("revoke select on *.* from $opt_user"); user_connect(1); } safe_query("delete from user where user='$opt_user'"); safe_query("flush privileges"); # # Test grants on database level # safe_query("grant select on $opt_database.* to $user"); safe_query("select * from mysql.user where user = '$opt_user'"); safe_query("select * from mysql.db where user = '$opt_user'"); user_connect(0); user_query("select count(*) from $opt_database.test"); # The following should fail user_query("select * from mysql.user where user = '$opt_user'",1); user_query("insert into $opt_database.test values (4,0)",1); user_query("update $opt_database.test set a=1",1); user_query("delete from $opt_database.test",1); user_query("create table $opt_database.test2 (a int)",1); user_query("ALTER TABLE $opt_database.test add c int",1); user_query("CREATE INDEX dummy ON $opt_database.test (a)",1); user_query("drop table $opt_database.test",1); user_query("grant ALL PRIVILEGES on $opt_database.* to ${opt_user}2\@$opt_host",1); # Change privileges for user safe_query("grant ALL PRIVILEGES on $opt_database.* to $user WITH GRANT OPTION"); user_connect(0); user_query("insert into $opt_database.test values (5,0)"); safe_query("REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES on * from $user",1); safe_query("REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES on *.* from $user"); safe_query("REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES on $opt_database.* from $user"); safe_query("REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES on $opt_database.* from $user"); user_connect(0); user_query("insert into $opt_database.test values (6,0)",1); safe_query("REVOKE GRANT OPTION on $opt_database.* from $user"); user_connect(1); safe_query("grant ALL PRIVILEGES on $opt_database.* to $user"); user_connect(0); user_query("select * from mysql.user where user = '$opt_user'",1); user_query("insert into $opt_database.test values (7,0)"); user_query("update $opt_database.test set a=3 where a=2"); user_query("delete from $opt_database.test where a=3"); user_query("create table $opt_database.test2 (a int not null)"); user_query("alter table $opt_database.test2 add b int"); user_query("create index dummy on $opt_database.test2 (a)"); user_query("update test,test2 SET test.a=test2.a where test.a=test2.a"); user_query("drop table $opt_database.test2"); user_query("show tables from grant_test"); # These should fail user_query("insert into mysql.user (host,user) values ('error','$opt_user',0)",1); # Revoke database privileges safe_query("revoke ALL PRIVILEGES on $opt_database.* from $user"); safe_query("select * from mysql.user where user = '$opt_user'"); safe_query("select * from mysql.db where user = '$opt_user'"); # Test multi-updates safe_query("grant CREATE,UPDATE,DROP on $opt_database.* to $user"); user_connect(0); user_query("create table $opt_database.test2 (a int not null)"); user_query("update test,test2 SET test.a=1 where 1"); user_query("update test,test2 SET test.a=test2.a where 1",1); safe_query("grant SELECT on $opt_database.* to $user"); user_connect(0); user_query("update test,test2 SET test.a=test2.a where test2.a=test.a"); user_query("drop table $opt_database.test2"); # Revoke database privileges safe_query("revoke ALL PRIVILEGES on $opt_database.* from $user"); user_connect(1); # # Test of grants on table level # safe_query("grant create on $opt_database.test2 to $user"); user_connect(0); user_query("create table $opt_database.test2 (a int not null)"); user_query("show tables"); # Should only show test, not test2 user_query("show columns from test",1); user_query("show keys from test",1); user_query("show columns from test2"); user_query("show keys from test2"); user_query("select * from test",1); safe_query("grant insert on $opt_database.test to $user"); user_query("show tables"); user_query("insert into $opt_database.test values (8,0)"); user_query("update $opt_database.test set b=1",1); safe_query("grant update on $opt_database.test to $user"); user_query("update $opt_database.test set b=2"); user_query("update $opt_database.test,test2 SET test.b=3",1); safe_query("grant select on $opt_database.test2 to $user"); user_query("update $opt_database.test,test2 SET test.b=3"); safe_query("revoke select on $opt_database.test2 from $user"); user_query("delete from $opt_database.test",1); safe_query("grant delete on $opt_database.test to $user"); user_query("delete from $opt_database.test where a=1",1); user_query("update $opt_database.test set b=3 where b=1",1); user_query("update $opt_database.test set b=b+1",1); user_query("update $opt_database.test,test2 SET test.a=test2.a",1); # # Test global SELECT privilege combined with table level privileges # safe_query("grant SELECT on *.* to $user"); user_connect(0); user_query("update $opt_database.test set b=b+1"); user_query("update $opt_database.test set b=b+1 where a > 0"); user_query("update $opt_database.test,test2 SET test.a=test2.a"); user_query("update $opt_database.test,test2 SET test2.a=test.a",1); safe_query("revoke SELECT on *.* from $user"); safe_query("grant SELECT on $opt_database.* to $user"); user_connect(0); user_query("update $opt_database.test set b=b+1"); user_query("update $opt_database.test set b=b+1 where a > 0"); safe_query("grant UPDATE on *.* to $user"); user_connect(0); user_query("update $opt_database.test set b=b+1"); user_query("update $opt_database.test set b=b+1 where a > 0"); safe_query("revoke UPDATE on *.* from $user"); safe_query("revoke SELECT on $opt_database.* from $user"); user_connect(0); user_query("update $opt_database.test set b=b+1 where a > 0",1); user_query("update $opt_database.test set b=b+1",1); # Add one privilege at a time until the user has all privileges user_query("select * from test",1); safe_query("grant select on $opt_database.test to $user"); user_query("delete from $opt_database.test where a=1"); user_query("update $opt_database.test set b=2 where b=1"); user_query("update $opt_database.test set b=b+1"); user_query("select count(*) from test"); user_query("update test,test2 SET test.b=4",1); user_query("update test,test2 SET test2.a=test.a",1); user_query("update test,test2 SET test.a=test2.a",1); user_query("create table $opt_database.test3 (a int)",1); user_query("alter table $opt_database.test2 add c int",1); safe_query("grant alter on $opt_database.test2 to $user"); user_query("alter table $opt_database.test2 add c int"); user_query("create index dummy ON $opt_database.test (a)",1); safe_query("grant index on $opt_database.test2 to $user"); user_query("create index dummy ON $opt_database.test2 (a)"); user_query("insert into test2 SELECT a,a from test",1); safe_query("grant insert on test2 to $user",1); # No table: mysql.test2 safe_query("grant insert(a) on $opt_database.test2 to $user"); user_query("insert into test2 SELECT a,a from test",1); safe_query("grant insert(c) on $opt_database.test2 to $user"); user_query("insert into test2 SELECT a,a from test"); user_query("select count(*) from test2,test",1); user_query("select count(*) from test,test2",1); user_query("replace into test2 SELECT a from test",1); safe_query("grant update on $opt_database.test2 to $user"); user_query("update test,test2 SET test2.a=test.a"); user_query("update test,test2 SET test.b=test2.a where 0",1); user_query("update test,test2 SET test.a=2 where test2.a>100",1); user_query("update test,test2 SET test.a=test2.a",1); user_query("replace into test2 SELECT a,a from test",1); safe_query("grant DELETE on $opt_database.test2 to $user"); user_query("replace into test2 SELECT a,a from test"); user_query("insert into test (a) SELECT a from test2",1); safe_query("grant SELECT on $opt_database.test2 to $user"); user_query("update test,test2 SET test.b=test2.a where 0"); user_query("update test,test2 SET test.a=test2.a where test2.a>100"); safe_query("revoke UPDATE on $opt_database.test2 from $user"); safe_query("grant UPDATE (c) on $opt_database.test2 to $user"); user_query("update test,test2 SET test.b=test2.a where 0"); user_query("update test,test2 SET test.a=test2.a where test2.a>100"); user_query("update test,test2 SET test2.a=test2.a where test2.a>100",1); user_query("update test,test2 SET test2.c=test2.a where test2.a>100"); safe_query("revoke SELECT,UPDATE on $opt_database.test2 from $user"); safe_query("grant UPDATE on $opt_database.test2 to $user"); user_query("drop table $opt_database.test2",1); user_query("grant select on $opt_database.test2 to $user with grant option",1); safe_query("grant drop on $opt_database.test2 to $user with grant option"); user_query("grant drop on $opt_database.test2 to $user with grant option"); user_query("grant select on $opt_database.test2 to $user with grant option",1); # check rename privileges user_query("rename table $opt_database.test2 to $opt_database.test3",1); safe_query("grant CREATE,DROP on $opt_database.test3 to $user"); user_query("rename table $opt_database.test2 to $opt_database.test3",1); user_query("create table $opt_database.test3 (a int)"); safe_query("grant INSERT on $opt_database.test3 to $user"); user_query("drop table $opt_database.test3"); user_query("rename table $opt_database.test2 to $opt_database.test3"); user_query("rename table $opt_database.test3 to $opt_database.test2",1); safe_query("grant ALTER on $opt_database.test3 to $user"); user_query("rename table $opt_database.test3 to $opt_database.test2"); safe_query("revoke DROP on $opt_database.test2 from $user"); user_query("rename table $opt_database.test2 to $opt_database.test3"); user_query("drop table if exists $opt_database.test2,$opt_database.test3",1); safe_query("drop table if exists $opt_database.test2,$opt_database.test3"); # Check that the user doesn't have some user privileges user_query("create database $opt_database",1); user_query("drop database $opt_database",1); user_query("flush tables",1); safe_query("flush privileges"); safe_query("select $tables_cols from mysql.tables_priv"); safe_query("revoke ALL PRIVILEGES on $opt_database.test from $user"); safe_query("revoke ALL PRIVILEGES on $opt_database.test2 from $user"); safe_query("revoke ALL PRIVILEGES on $opt_database.test3 from $user"); safe_query("revoke GRANT OPTION on $opt_database.test2 from $user"); safe_query("select $tables_cols from mysql.tables_priv"); user_query("select count(a) from test",1); # # Test some grants on column level # safe_query("grant create,update on $opt_database.test2 to $user"); user_query("create table $opt_database.test2 (a int not null)"); user_query("delete from $opt_database.test where a=2",1); user_query("delete from $opt_database.test where A=2",1); user_query("update test set b=5 where b>0",1); user_query("update test,test2 SET test.b=5 where b>0",1); safe_query("grant update(b),delete on $opt_database.test to $user"); safe_query("revoke update(a) on $opt_database.test from $user",1); user_query("delete from $opt_database.test where a=2",1); user_query("update test set b=5 where b>0",1); safe_query("grant select(a),select(b) on $opt_database.test to $user"); user_query("delete from $opt_database.test where a=2"); user_query("delete from $opt_database.test where A=2"); user_query("update test set b=5 where b>0"); user_query("update test set a=11 where b>5",1); user_query("update test,test2 SET test.b=5 where b>0"); user_query("update test,test2 SET test.a=11 where b>0",1); user_query("update test,test2 SET test.b=test2.a where b>0",1); user_query("update test,test2 SET test.b=11 where test2.a>0",1); user_query("select a,A from test"); safe_query("select $tables_cols from mysql.tables_priv"); safe_query("revoke ALL PRIVILEGES on $opt_database.test from $user"); safe_query("select $tables_cols from mysql.tables_priv"); safe_query("revoke GRANT OPTION on $opt_database.test from $user",1); safe_query("drop table $opt_database.test2"); safe_query("revoke create,update on $opt_database.test2 from $user"); # # Test grants on database level # safe_query("grant select(a) on $opt_database.test to $user"); user_query("show full columns from test"); safe_query("grant insert (b), update (b) on $opt_database.test to $user"); user_query("select count(a) from test"); user_query("select count(skr.a) from test as skr"); user_query("select count(a) from test where a > 5"); user_query("insert into test (b) values (5)"); user_query("insert into test (b) values (a)"); user_query("update test set b=3 where a > 0"); user_query("select * from test",1); user_query("select b from test",1); user_query("select a from test where b > 0",1); user_query("insert into test (a) values (10)",1); user_query("insert into test (b) values (b)",1); user_query("insert into test (a,b) values (1,5)",1); user_query("insert into test (b) values (1),(b)",1); user_query("update test set b=3 where b > 0",1); safe_query("select $tables_cols from mysql.tables_priv"); safe_query("select $columns_cols from mysql.columns_priv"); safe_query("revoke select(a), update (b) on $opt_database.test from $user"); safe_query("select $tables_cols from mysql.tables_priv"); safe_query("select $columns_cols from mysql.columns_priv"); user_query("select count(a) from test",1); user_query("update test set b=4",1); safe_query("grant select(a,b), update (a,b) on $opt_database.test to $user"); user_query("select count(a),count(b) from test where a+b > 0"); user_query("insert into test (b) values (9)"); user_query("update test set b=6 where b > 0"); safe_query("flush privileges"); # Test restoring privileges from disk safe_query("select $tables_cols from mysql.tables_priv"); safe_query("select $columns_cols from mysql.columns_priv"); # Try mixing of table and database privileges user_query("insert into test (a,b) values (12,12)",1); safe_query("grant insert on $opt_database.* to $user"); user_connect(0); user_query("insert into test (a,b) values (13,13)"); # This grants and revokes SELECT on different levels. safe_query("revoke select(b) on $opt_database.test from $user"); user_query("select count(a) from test where a+b > 0",1); user_query("update test set b=5 where a=2"); safe_query("grant select on $opt_database.test to $user"); user_connect(0); user_query("select count(a) from test where a+b > 0"); safe_query("revoke select(b) on $opt_database.test from $user"); user_query("select count(a) from test where a+b > 0"); safe_query("revoke select on $opt_database.test from $user"); user_connect(0); user_query("select count(a) from test where a+b > 0",1); safe_query("grant select(a) on $opt_database.test to $user"); user_query("select count(a) from test where a+b > 0",1); safe_query("grant select on *.* to $user"); user_connect(0); user_query("select count(a) from test where a+b > 0"); safe_query("revoke select on *.* from $user"); safe_query("grant select(b) on $opt_database.test to $user"); user_connect(0); user_query("select count(a) from test where a+b > 0"); safe_query("select * from mysql.db where user = '$opt_user'"); safe_query("select $tables_cols from mysql.tables_priv where user = '$opt_user'"); safe_query("select $columns_cols from mysql.columns_priv where user = '$opt_user'"); safe_query("revoke ALL PRIVILEGES on $opt_database.test from $user"); user_query("select count(a) from test",1); user_query("select * from mysql.user order by hostname",1); safe_query("select * from mysql.db where user = '$opt_user'"); safe_query("select $tables_cols from mysql.tables_priv where user = '$opt_user'"); safe_query("select $columns_cols from mysql.columns_priv where user = '$opt_user'"); # # Clear up privileges to make future tests easier safe_query("delete from user where user='$opt_user'"); safe_query("delete from db where user='$opt_user'"); safe_query("flush privileges"); safe_query("show grants for $user",1); # # Test IDENTIFIED BY # safe_query("grant ALL PRIVILEGES on $opt_database.test to $user identified by 'dummy', ${opt_user}\@ identified by 'dummy2'"); user_connect(0,"dummy"); safe_query("grant SELECT on $opt_database.* to $user identified by ''"); user_connect(0); safe_query("revoke ALL PRIVILEGES on $opt_database.test from $user identified by '', ${opt_user}\@ identified by 'dummy2'"); safe_query("revoke ALL PRIVILEGES on $opt_database.* from $user identified by ''"); safe_query("show grants for $user"); # # Test bug reported in SELECT INTO OUTFILE # safe_query("create table $opt_database.test3 (a int, b int)"); safe_query("grant SELECT on $opt_database.test3 to $user"); safe_query("grant FILE on *.* to $user"); safe_query("insert into $opt_database.test3 values (1,1)"); user_connect(0); user_query("select * into outfile '$tmp_table' from $opt_database.test3"); safe_query("revoke SELECT on $opt_database.test3 from $user"); safe_query("grant SELECT(a) on $opt_database.test3 to $user"); user_query("select a from $opt_database.test3"); user_query("select * from $opt_database.test3",1); user_query("select a,b from $opt_database.test3",1); user_query("select b from $opt_database.test3",1); safe_query("revoke SELECT(a) on $opt_database.test3 from $user"); safe_query("revoke FILE on *.* from $user"); safe_query("drop table $opt_database.test3"); # # Test privileges needed for LOCK TABLES # safe_query("create table $opt_database.test3 (a int)"); user_connect(1); safe_query("grant INSERT on $opt_database.test3 to $user"); user_connect(0); user_query("select * into outfile '$tmp_table' from $opt_database.test3",1); safe_query("grant SELECT on $opt_database.test3 to $user"); user_connect(0); user_query("LOCK TABLES $opt_database.test3 READ",1); safe_query("grant LOCK TABLES on *.* to $user"); safe_query("show grants for $user"); safe_query("select * from mysql.user where user='$opt_user'"); user_connect(0); user_query("LOCK TABLES $opt_database.test3 READ"); user_query("UNLOCK TABLES"); safe_query("revoke SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE on $opt_database.test3 from $user"); user_connect(0); safe_query("revoke LOCK TABLES on *.* from $user"); user_connect(1); safe_query("drop table $opt_database.test3"); # # test new privileges in 4.0.2 # safe_query("show grants for $user"); safe_query("grant all on *.* to $user WITH MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR 1 MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR 2 MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR 3"); safe_query("show grants for $user"); safe_query("revoke LOCK TABLES on *.* from $user"); safe_query("flush privileges"); safe_query("show grants for $user"); safe_query("revoke ALL PRIVILEGES on *.* from $user"); safe_query("show grants for $user"); # # Clean up things # unlink($tmp_table); safe_query("drop database $opt_database"); safe_query("delete from user where user='$opt_user'"); safe_query("delete from db where user='$opt_user'"); safe_query("delete from tables_priv"); safe_query("delete from columns_priv"); safe_query("flush privileges"); print "end of test\n"; exit 0; sub usage { print <; chomp($tmp); $tmp=lc($tmp); last if ($tmp =~ /^yes$/i); exit 1 if ($tmp =~ /^n/i); print "\n"; } } sub user_connect { my ($ignore_error,$password)=@_; $password="" if (!defined($password)); print "Connecting $opt_user\n" if ($opt_verbose); $user_dbh->disconnect if (defined($user_dbh)); $user_dbh=DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$opt_database:$opt_host",$opt_user, $password, { PrintError => 0}); if (!$user_dbh) { if ($opt_verbose || !$ignore_error) { print "Error on connect: $DBI::errstr\n"; } if (!$ignore_error) { die "The above should not have failed!"; } } elsif ($ignore_error) { die "Connect succeeded when it shouldn't have !\n"; } } sub safe_query { my ($query,$ignore_error)=@_; if (do_query($dbh,$query, $ignore_error)) { if (!defined($ignore_error)) { die "The above should not have failed!"; } } elsif (defined($ignore_error) && $ignore_error == 1) { die "Query '$query' succeeded when it shouldn't have !\n"; } } sub user_query { my ($query,$ignore_error)=@_; if (do_query($user_dbh,$query, $ignore_error)) { if (!defined($ignore_error)) { die "Query '$query' should not have failed!"; } } elsif (defined($ignore_error) && $ignore_error == 1) { die "Query '$query' succeeded when it shouldn't have !\n"; } } sub do_query { my ($my_dbh, $query, $ignore_error)=@_; my ($sth, $row, $tab, $col, $found, $fatal_error); print "$query\n" if ($opt_debug || $opt_verbose); if (!($sth= $my_dbh->prepare($query))) { print "Error in prepare: $DBI::errstr\n"; return 1; } if (!$sth->execute) { $fatal_error= ($DBI::errstr =~ /parse error/); if (!$ignore_error || ($opt_verbose && $ignore_error != 3) || $fatal_error) { print "Error in execute: $DBI::errstr\n"; } die if ($fatal_error); $sth->finish; return 1; } $found=0; if (!$opt_silent) { while (($row=$sth->fetchrow_arrayref)) { $found=1; $tab=""; foreach $col (@$row) { print $tab; print defined($col) ? $col : "NULL"; $tab="\t"; } print "\n"; } print "\n" if ($found); } $sth->finish; return 0; }