#!/usr/bin/perl # Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # This is a test with uses two processes to a database. # The other inserts records in two tables, the other does a lot of joins # on these. # Every time the read thread outputs info, it does a ALTER TABLE command # which should stop the insert thread until the ALTER TABLE command is ready. # # Warning, the output from this test will differ in 'found' from time to time, # but there should never be any errors # $host = shift || ""; $test_db="test"; $test_count=10000; srand 0; # Repeatable test use Mysql; $|= 1; # Autoflush $dbh = Mysql->Connect($host) || die "Can't connect: $Mysql::db_errstr\n"; $dbh->SelectDB($test_db) || die "Can't use database $test_db: $Mysql::db_errstr\n"; $firsttable = "test_lock_1"; $secondtable = "test_lock_2"; $dbh->Query("drop table $firsttable"); $dbh->Query("drop table $secondtable"); print "Creating tables $firsttable and $secondtable in database $test_db\n"; $dbh->Query("create table $firsttable (id int(6) not null, info char(32), auto int(11) not null auto_increment, primary key(id),key(auto))") or die $Mysql::db_errstr; $dbh->Query("create table $secondtable (id int(6) not null, info varchar(32), key(id))") or die $Mysql::db_errstr; $dbh=0; # Close handler if (fork() == 0) { # Insert process $dbh = Mysql->Connect($host) || die "Can't connect: $Mysql::db_errstr\n"; $dbh->SelectDB($test_db) || die "Can't use database $test_db: $Mysql::db_errstr\n"; $first_id=1; $second_id=1; $first_count=$second_count=0; print "Writing started\n"; for ($i=1 ; $i <= $test_count ; $i++) { if (rand(3) <= 1) { $sth=$dbh->Query("insert into $firsttable values ($first_id,'This is entry $i',NULL)") || die "Got error on insert: $Mysql::db_errstr\n"; die "Row not inserted, aborting\n" if ($sth->affected_rows != 1); $first_id++; $first_count++; } else { $sth=$dbh->Query("insert into $secondtable values ($second_id,'This is entry $i')") || die "Got error on insert: $Mysql::db_errstr\n"; die "Row not inserted, aborting\n" if ($sth->affected_rows != 1); $second_id++ if (rand(10) <= 1); # Don't always count it up $second_count++; } print "Write: $i\n" if ($i % 1000 == 0); } print "Writing done ($first_count $second_count)\n"; } else { $dbh = Mysql->Connect($host) || die "Can't connect: $Mysql::db_errstr\n"; $dbh->SelectDB($test_db) || die "Can't use database $test_db: $Mysql::db_errstr\n"; $locked=$found=0; print "Reading started\n"; for ($i=1 ; $i <= $test_count ; $i++) { $id=int(rand($test_count)/3)+1; $sth=$dbh->Query("select count(*) from $firsttable,$secondtable where $firsttable.id = $secondtable.id and $firsttable.id=$id") || die "Got error on select: $Mysql::db_errstr\n"; $found++ if ($sth->numrows); if ($i % 1000 == 0) { print "Read: $i Found: $found\n"; if ($found) { $locked=1-$locked; if ($locked) { $sth=$dbh->Query("lock tables $firsttable write,$secondtable write"); } $sth=$dbh->Query("alter table $firsttable CHANGE id id int(6) not null") || die "Got error on ALTER TABLE: $Mysql::db_errstr\n"; $sth=$dbh->Query("alter table $secondtable CHANGE info info char(32) not null") || die "Got error on ALTER TABLE: $Mysql::db_errstr\n"; if ($locked) { $sth=$dbh->Query("unlock tables"); } } } } print "Reading done Found: $found\n"; }