#!/bin/sh # # This is a script that one needs to run in the source tarball to build # a MariaDB release for Windows # set -e usage() { cat <) { if (/^AC_INIT\(\[[a-zA-Z ]*\], *\[([0-9a-zA-Z\.-]+)\]/) { print "$1\n"; exit(0)} } ; exit 1'` echo Version string: $VER. # Remove '-mariaDB' from version number VER_NO_MARIA=${VER/-MariaDB/} # We want the final zip to be named like this: # mariadb-noinstall-5.1.38-win32.zip ZIPNAME=mariadb-noinstall-$VER_NO_MARIA-$ARCH ZIPFILE=$ZIPNAME.zip # The top directory inside the zip should be called like this: # mariadb-5.1-38-$ARCH ZIPCONTENT=mariadb-$VER_NO_MARIA-$ARCH # This will make $ZIPCONTENT.zip sh -x scripts/make_win_bin_dist $ZIPCONTENT mv $ZIPCONTENT.zip $ZIPFILE #rm -rf unpack #mkdir unpack #cd unpack #wget -O base.list.gz \ #http://askmonty.org/wiki/images/5/57/Mariadb-5.1-pre-beta-file-list-r2.txt.gz #gunzip base.list.gz #unzip ../$ZIPFILE #(cd $ZIPCONTENT; /bin/find . | sort ) > new.list #diff -u base.list new.list || true #RES=$? #cd .. #rm -rf unpack ls -lah $ZIPFILE echo "$ZIPFILE is the Windows noinstall binary zip" #if [ $RES ] ; then # echo "Archive contents differ from the standard file list, check the diff output above" #else # echo "Archive contents match the standard list, OK" #fi