/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /* * Functions for handling the proxy layer. wraps text protocols * * NOTE: many lua functions generate pointers via "lua_newuserdatauv" or * similar. Normal memory checking isn't done as lua will throw a high level * error if malloc fails. Must keep this in mind while allocating data so any * manually malloc'ed information gets freed properly. */ #include "proxy.h" #define PROCESS_MULTIGET true #define PROCESS_NORMAL false static void proxy_process_command(conn *c, char *command, size_t cmdlen, bool multiget); static void mcp_queue_io(conn *c, mc_resp *resp, int coro_ref, lua_State *Lc); static void proxy_out_errstring(mc_resp *resp, const char *str); /******** EXTERNAL FUNCTIONS ******/ // functions starting with _ are breakouts for the public functions. // see also: process_extstore_stats() // FIXME (v2): get context off of conn? global variables void proxy_stats(ADD_STAT add_stats, conn *c) { if (!settings.proxy_enabled) { return; } proxy_ctx_t *ctx = settings.proxy_ctx; STAT_L(ctx); APPEND_STAT("proxy_config_reloads", "%llu", (unsigned long long)ctx->global_stats.config_reloads); APPEND_STAT("proxy_config_reload_fails", "%llu", (unsigned long long)ctx->global_stats.config_reload_fails); APPEND_STAT("proxy_backend_total", "%llu", (unsigned long long)ctx->global_stats.backend_total); APPEND_STAT("proxy_backend_marked_bad", "%llu", (unsigned long long)ctx->global_stats.backend_marked_bad); APPEND_STAT("proxy_backend_failed", "%llu", (unsigned long long)ctx->global_stats.backend_failed); STAT_UL(ctx); } void process_proxy_stats(ADD_STAT add_stats, conn *c) { char key_str[STAT_KEY_LEN]; struct proxy_int_stats istats = {0}; if (!settings.proxy_enabled) { return; } proxy_ctx_t *ctx = settings.proxy_ctx; STAT_L(ctx); // prepare aggregated counters. struct proxy_user_stats *us = &ctx->user_stats; uint64_t counters[us->num_stats]; memset(counters, 0, sizeof(counters)); // aggregate worker thread counters. for (int x = 0; x < settings.num_threads; x++) { LIBEVENT_THREAD *t = get_worker_thread(x); struct proxy_user_stats *tus = t->proxy_user_stats; struct proxy_int_stats *is = t->proxy_int_stats; WSTAT_L(t); for (int i = 0; i < CMD_FINAL; i++) { istats.counters[i] += is->counters[i]; } if (tus && tus->num_stats >= us->num_stats) { for (int i = 0; i < us->num_stats; i++) { counters[i] += tus->counters[i]; } } WSTAT_UL(t); } // return all of the user generated stats for (int x = 0; x < us->num_stats; x++) { snprintf(key_str, STAT_KEY_LEN-1, "user_%s", us->names[x]); APPEND_STAT(key_str, "%llu", (unsigned long long)counters[x]); } STAT_UL(ctx); // return proxy counters APPEND_STAT("cmd_mg", "%llu", (unsigned long long)istats.counters[CMD_MG]); APPEND_STAT("cmd_ms", "%llu", (unsigned long long)istats.counters[CMD_MS]); APPEND_STAT("cmd_md", "%llu", (unsigned long long)istats.counters[CMD_MD]); APPEND_STAT("cmd_mn", "%llu", (unsigned long long)istats.counters[CMD_MN]); APPEND_STAT("cmd_ma", "%llu", (unsigned long long)istats.counters[CMD_MA]); APPEND_STAT("cmd_me", "%llu", (unsigned long long)istats.counters[CMD_ME]); APPEND_STAT("cmd_get", "%llu", (unsigned long long)istats.counters[CMD_GET]); APPEND_STAT("cmd_gat", "%llu", (unsigned long long)istats.counters[CMD_GAT]); APPEND_STAT("cmd_set", "%llu", (unsigned long long)istats.counters[CMD_SET]); APPEND_STAT("cmd_add", "%llu", (unsigned long long)istats.counters[CMD_ADD]); APPEND_STAT("cmd_cas", "%llu", (unsigned long long)istats.counters[CMD_CAS]); APPEND_STAT("cmd_gets", "%llu", (unsigned long long)istats.counters[CMD_GETS]); APPEND_STAT("cmd_gats", "%llu", (unsigned long long)istats.counters[CMD_GATS]); APPEND_STAT("cmd_incr", "%llu", (unsigned long long)istats.counters[CMD_INCR]); APPEND_STAT("cmd_decr", "%llu", (unsigned long long)istats.counters[CMD_DECR]); APPEND_STAT("cmd_touch", "%llu", (unsigned long long)istats.counters[CMD_TOUCH]); APPEND_STAT("cmd_append", "%llu", (unsigned long long)istats.counters[CMD_APPEND]); APPEND_STAT("cmd_prepend", "%llu", (unsigned long long)istats.counters[CMD_PREPEND]); APPEND_STAT("cmd_delete", "%llu", (unsigned long long)istats.counters[CMD_DELETE]); APPEND_STAT("cmd_replace", "%llu", (unsigned long long)istats.counters[CMD_REPLACE]); } // start the centralized lua state and config thread. // TODO (v2): return ctx ptr. avoid global vars. void proxy_init(bool use_uring) { proxy_ctx_t *ctx = calloc(1, sizeof(proxy_ctx_t)); settings.proxy_ctx = ctx; ctx->use_uring = use_uring; pthread_mutex_init(&ctx->config_lock, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&ctx->config_cond, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&ctx->worker_lock, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&ctx->worker_cond, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&ctx->manager_lock, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&ctx->manager_cond, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&ctx->stats_lock, NULL); // FIXME (v2): default defines. ctx->tunables.tcp_keepalive = false; ctx->tunables.backend_failure_limit = 3; ctx->tunables.connect.tv_sec = 5; ctx->tunables.retry.tv_sec = 3; ctx->tunables.read.tv_sec = 3; #ifdef HAVE_LIBURING ctx->tunables.connect_ur.tv_sec = 5; ctx->tunables.retry_ur.tv_sec = 3; ctx->tunables.read_ur.tv_sec = 3; #endif // HAVE_LIBURING STAILQ_INIT(&ctx->manager_head); lua_State *L = luaL_newstate(); ctx->proxy_state = L; luaL_openlibs(L); // NOTE: might need to differentiate the libs yes? proxy_register_libs(NULL, L); // Create/start the backend threads, which we need before servers // start getting created. // Supporting N event threads should be possible, but it will be a // low number of N to avoid too many wakeup syscalls. // For now we hardcode to 1. proxy_event_thread_t *threads = calloc(1, sizeof(proxy_event_thread_t)); ctx->proxy_threads = threads; for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { proxy_event_thread_t *t = &threads[i]; t->ctx = ctx; #ifdef USE_EVENTFD t->event_fd = eventfd(0, EFD_NONBLOCK); if (t->event_fd == -1) { perror("failed to create backend notify eventfd"); exit(1); } #else int fds[2]; if (pipe(fds)) { perror("can't create proxy backend notify pipe"); exit(1); } t->notify_receive_fd = fds[0]; t->notify_send_fd = fds[1]; #endif proxy_init_evthread_events(t); // incoming request queue. STAILQ_INIT(&t->io_head_in); pthread_mutex_init(&t->mutex, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&t->cond, NULL); memcpy(&t->tunables, &ctx->tunables, sizeof(t->tunables)); #ifdef HAVE_LIBURING if (t->use_uring) { pthread_create(&t->thread_id, NULL, proxy_event_thread_ur, t); } else { pthread_create(&t->thread_id, NULL, proxy_event_thread, t); } #else pthread_create(&t->thread_id, NULL, proxy_event_thread, t); #endif // HAVE_LIBURING } _start_proxy_config_threads(ctx); } // Initialize the VM for an individual worker thread. void proxy_thread_init(LIBEVENT_THREAD *thr) { // Create the hook table. thr->proxy_hooks = calloc(CMD_SIZE, sizeof(struct proxy_hook)); if (thr->proxy_hooks == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate proxy hooks\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } thr->proxy_int_stats = calloc(1, sizeof(struct proxy_int_stats)); if (thr->proxy_int_stats == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate proxy thread stats\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // Initialize the lua state. lua_State *L = luaL_newstate(); thr->L = L; luaL_openlibs(L); proxy_register_libs(thr, L); // TODO: srand on time? do we need to bother? for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++) { thr->proxy_rng[x] = rand(); } // kick off the configuration. if (proxy_thread_loadconf(thr) != 0) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } // ctx_stack is a stack of io_pending_proxy_t's. void proxy_submit_cb(io_queue_t *q) { proxy_event_thread_t *e = ((proxy_ctx_t *)q->ctx)->proxy_threads; io_pending_proxy_t *p = q->stack_ctx; io_head_t head; STAILQ_INIT(&head); // NOTE: responses get returned in the correct order no matter what, since // mc_resp's are linked. // we just need to ensure stuff is parsed off the backend in the correct // order. // So we can do with a single list here, but we need to repair the list as // responses are parsed. (in the req_remaining-- section) // TODO (v2): // - except we can't do that because the deferred IO stack isn't // compatible with queue.h. // So for now we build the secondary list with an STAILQ, which // can be transplanted/etc. while (p) { // insert into tail so head is oldest request. STAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&head, p, io_next); if (p->is_await) { // need to not count await objects multiple times. if (p->await_first) { q->count++; } // funny workaround: awaiting IOP's don't count toward // resuming a connection, only the completion of the await // condition. } else { q->count++; } p = p->next; } // clear out the submit queue so we can re-queue new IO's inline. q->stack_ctx = NULL; // Transfer request stack to event thread. pthread_mutex_lock(&e->mutex); STAILQ_CONCAT(&e->io_head_in, &head); // No point in holding the lock since we're not doing a cond signal. pthread_mutex_unlock(&e->mutex); // Signal to check queue. #ifdef USE_EVENTFD uint64_t u = 1; // TODO (v2): check result? is it ever possible to get a short write/failure // for an eventfd? if (write(e->event_fd, &u, sizeof(uint64_t)) != sizeof(uint64_t)) { assert(1 == 0); } #else if (write(e->notify_send_fd, "w", 1) <= 0) { assert(1 == 0); } #endif return; } void proxy_complete_cb(io_queue_t *q) { // empty/unused. } // called from worker thread after an individual IO has been returned back to // the worker thread. Do post-IO run and cleanup work. void proxy_return_cb(io_pending_t *pending) { io_pending_proxy_t *p = (io_pending_proxy_t *)pending; if (p->is_await) { mcplib_await_return(p); } else { lua_State *Lc = p->coro; // in order to resume we need to remove the objects that were // originally returned // what's currently on the top of the stack is what we want to keep. lua_rotate(Lc, 1, 1); // We kept the original results from the yield so lua would not // collect them in the meantime. We can drop those now. lua_settop(Lc, 1); // p can be freed/changed from the call below, so fetch the queue now. io_queue_t *q = conn_io_queue_get(p->c, p->io_queue_type); conn *c = p->c; proxy_run_coroutine(Lc, p->resp, p, c); q->count--; if (q->count == 0) { // call re-add directly since we're already in the worker thread. conn_worker_readd(c); } } } // called from the worker thread as an mc_resp is being freed. // must let go of the coroutine reference if there is one. // caller frees the pending IO. void proxy_finalize_cb(io_pending_t *pending) { io_pending_proxy_t *p = (io_pending_proxy_t *)pending; // release our coroutine reference. // TODO (v2): coroutines are reusable in lua 5.4. we can stack this onto a freelist // after a lua_resetthread(Lc) call. if (p->coro_ref) { // Note: lua registry is the same for main thread or a coroutine. luaL_unref(p->coro, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, p->coro_ref); } return; } int try_read_command_proxy(conn *c) { char *el, *cont; if (c->rbytes == 0) return 0; el = memchr(c->rcurr, '\n', c->rbytes); if (!el) { if (c->rbytes > 1024) { /* * We didn't have a '\n' in the first k. This _has_ to be a * large multiget, if not we should just nuke the connection. */ char *ptr = c->rcurr; while (*ptr == ' ') { /* ignore leading whitespaces */ ++ptr; } if (ptr - c->rcurr > 100 || (strncmp(ptr, "get ", 4) && strncmp(ptr, "gets ", 5))) { conn_set_state(c, conn_closing); return 1; } // ASCII multigets are unbound, so our fixed size rbuf may not // work for this particular workload... For backcompat we'll use a // malloc/realloc/free routine just for this. if (!c->rbuf_malloced) { if (!rbuf_switch_to_malloc(c)) { conn_set_state(c, conn_closing); return 1; } } } return 0; } cont = el + 1; assert(cont <= (c->rcurr + c->rbytes)); c->last_cmd_time = current_time; proxy_process_command(c, c->rcurr, cont - c->rcurr, PROCESS_NORMAL); c->rbytes -= (cont - c->rcurr); c->rcurr = cont; assert(c->rcurr <= (c->rbuf + c->rsize)); return 1; } // Called when a connection is closed while in nread state reading a set // Must only be called with an active coroutine. void proxy_cleanup_conn(conn *c) { assert(c->proxy_coro_ref != 0); LIBEVENT_THREAD *thr = c->thread; lua_State *L = thr->L; luaL_unref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, c->proxy_coro_ref); c->proxy_coro_ref = 0; WSTAT_DECR(c, proxy_req_active, 1); } // we buffered a SET of some kind. void complete_nread_proxy(conn *c) { assert(c != NULL); LIBEVENT_THREAD *thr = c->thread; lua_State *L = thr->L; if (c->proxy_coro_ref == 0) { complete_nread_ascii(c); return; } conn_set_state(c, conn_new_cmd); // Grab our coroutine. lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, c->proxy_coro_ref); luaL_unref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, c->proxy_coro_ref); lua_State *Lc = lua_tothread(L, -1); mcp_request_t *rq = luaL_checkudata(Lc, -1, "mcp.request"); // validate the data chunk. if (strncmp((char *)c->item + rq->pr.vlen - 2, "\r\n", 2) != 0) { lua_settop(L, 0); // clear anything remaining on the main thread. // FIXME (v2): need to set noreply false if mset_res, but that's kind // of a weird hack to begin with. Evaluate how to best do that here. out_string(c, "CLIENT_ERROR bad data chunk"); return; } // We move ownership of the c->item buffer from the connection to the // request object here. Else we can double free if the conn closes while // inside nread. rq->pr.vbuf = c->item; c->item = NULL; c->item_malloced = false; c->proxy_coro_ref = 0; proxy_run_coroutine(Lc, c->resp, NULL, c); lua_settop(L, 0); // clear anything remaining on the main thread. return; } // Simple error wrapper for common failures. // lua_error() is a jump so this function never returns // for clarity add a 'return' after calls to this. void proxy_lua_error(lua_State *L, const char *s) { lua_pushstring(L, s); lua_error(L); } void proxy_lua_ferror(lua_State *L, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); lua_pushfstring(L, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); lua_error(L); } // Need a custom function so we can prefix lua strings easily. static void proxy_out_errstring(mc_resp *resp, const char *str) { size_t len; const static char error_prefix[] = "SERVER_ERROR "; const static int error_prefix_len = sizeof(error_prefix) - 1; assert(resp != NULL); resp_reset(resp); // avoid noreply since we're throwing important errors. // Fill response object with static string. len = strlen(str); if ((len + error_prefix_len + 2) > WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE) { /* ought to be always enough. just fail for simplicity */ str = "SERVER_ERROR output line too long"; len = strlen(str); } char *w = resp->wbuf; memcpy(w, error_prefix, error_prefix_len); w += error_prefix_len; memcpy(w, str, len); w += len; memcpy(w, "\r\n", 2); resp_add_iov(resp, resp->wbuf, len + error_prefix_len + 2); return; } // NOTE: See notes in mcp_queue_io; the secondary problem with setting the // noreply mode from the response object is that the proxy can return strings // manually, so we have no way to obey what the original request wanted in // that case. static void _set_noreply_mode(mc_resp *resp, mcp_resp_t *r) { switch (r->mode) { case RESP_MODE_NORMAL: break; case RESP_MODE_NOREPLY: // ascii noreply only threw egregious errors to client if (r->status == MCMC_OK) { resp->skip = true; } break; case RESP_MODE_METAQUIET: if (r->resp.code == MCMC_CODE_MISS) { resp->skip = true; } else if (r->cmd != CMD_MG && r->resp.code == MCMC_CODE_OK) { // FIXME (v2): mcmc's parser needs to help us out a bit more // here. // This is a broken case in the protocol though; quiet mode // ignores HD for mutations but not get. resp->skip = true; } break; default: assert(1 == 0); } } // this resumes every yielded coroutine (and re-resumes if necessary). // called from the worker thread after responses have been pulled from the // network. // Flow: // - the response object should already be on the coroutine stack. // - fix up the stack. // - run coroutine. // - if LUA_YIELD, we need to swap out the pending IO from its mc_resp then call for a queue // again. // - if LUA_OK finalize the response and return // - else set error into mc_resp. int proxy_run_coroutine(lua_State *Lc, mc_resp *resp, io_pending_proxy_t *p, conn *c) { int nresults = 0; int cores = lua_resume(Lc, NULL, 1, &nresults); size_t rlen = 0; if (cores == LUA_OK) { WSTAT_DECR(c, proxy_req_active, 1); int type = lua_type(Lc, 1); if (type == LUA_TUSERDATA) { mcp_resp_t *r = luaL_checkudata(Lc, 1, "mcp.response"); _set_noreply_mode(resp, r); if (r->buf) { // response set from C. // FIXME (v2): write_and_free() ? it's a bit wrong for here. resp->write_and_free = r->buf; resp_add_iov(resp, r->buf, r->blen); r->buf = NULL; } else if (lua_getiuservalue(Lc, 1, 1) != LUA_TNIL) { // uservalue slot 1 is pre-created, so we get TNIL instead of // TNONE when nothing was set into it. const char *s = lua_tolstring(Lc, -1, &rlen); size_t l = rlen > WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE ? WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE : rlen; memcpy(resp->wbuf, s, l); resp_add_iov(resp, resp->wbuf, l); lua_pop(Lc, 1); } else if (r->status != MCMC_OK) { proxy_out_errstring(resp, "backend failure"); } else { // Empty response: used for ascii multiget emulation. } } else if (type == LUA_TSTRING) { // response is a raw string from lua. const char *s = lua_tolstring(Lc, 1, &rlen); size_t l = rlen > WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE ? WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE : rlen; memcpy(resp->wbuf, s, l); resp_add_iov(resp, resp->wbuf, l); lua_pop(Lc, 1); } else { proxy_out_errstring(resp, "bad response"); } } else if (cores == LUA_YIELD) { if (nresults == 1) { // TODO (v2): try harder to validate; but we have so few yield cases // that I'm going to shortcut this here. A single yielded result // means it's probably an await(), so attempt to process this. if (p != NULL) { int coro_ref = p->coro_ref; mc_resp *resp = p->resp; assert((void *)p == (void *)resp->io_pending); resp->io_pending = NULL; c = p->c; do_cache_free(c->thread->io_cache, p); mcplib_await_run(c, resp, Lc, coro_ref); } else { // coroutine object sitting on the _main_ VM right now, so we grab // the reference from there, which also pops it. int coro_ref = luaL_ref(c->thread->L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); mcplib_await_run(c, c->resp, Lc, coro_ref); } } else { // need to remove and free the io_pending, since c->resp owns it. // so we call mcp_queue_io() again and let it override the // mc_resp's io_pending object. int coro_ref = 0; mc_resp *resp; if (p != NULL) { coro_ref = p->coro_ref; resp = p->resp; c = p->c; do_cache_free(p->c->thread->io_cache, p); // *p is now dead. } else { // yielding from a top level call to the coroutine, // so we need to grab a reference to the coroutine thread. // TODO (v2): make this more explicit? // we only need to get the reference here, and error conditions // should instead drop it, but now it's not obvious to users that // we're reaching back into the main thread's stack. assert(c != NULL); coro_ref = luaL_ref(c->thread->L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); resp = c->resp; } // TODO (v2): c only used for cache alloc? push the above into the func? mcp_queue_io(c, resp, coro_ref, Lc); } } else { WSTAT_DECR(c, proxy_req_active, 1); P_DEBUG("%s: Failed to run coroutine: %s\n", __func__, lua_tostring(Lc, -1)); LOGGER_LOG(NULL, LOG_PROXYEVENTS, LOGGER_PROXY_ERROR, NULL, lua_tostring(Lc, -1)); proxy_out_errstring(resp, "lua failure"); } return 0; } static void proxy_process_command(conn *c, char *command, size_t cmdlen, bool multiget) { assert(c != NULL); LIBEVENT_THREAD *thr = c->thread; struct proxy_hook *hooks = thr->proxy_hooks; lua_State *L = thr->L; mcp_parser_t pr = {0}; // Avoid doing resp_start() here, instead do it a bit later or as-needed. // This allows us to hop over to the internal text protocol parser, which // also calls resp_start(). // Tighter integration later should obviate the need for this, it is not a // permanent solution. int ret = process_request(&pr, command, cmdlen); if (ret != 0) { WSTAT_INCR(c, proxy_conn_errors, 1); if (!resp_start(c)) { conn_set_state(c, conn_closing); return; } proxy_out_errstring(c->resp, "parsing request"); if (ret == -2) { // Kill connection on more critical parse failure. conn_set_state(c, conn_closing); } return; } struct proxy_hook *hook = &hooks[pr.command]; if (!hook->is_lua) { // need to pass our command string into the internal handler. // to minimize the code change, this means allowing it to tokenize the // full command. The proxy's indirect parser should be built out to // become common code for both proxy and ascii handlers. // For now this means we have to null-terminate the command string, // then call into text protocol handler. // FIXME (v2): use a ptr or something; don't like this code. if (cmdlen > 1 && command[cmdlen-2] == '\r') { command[cmdlen-2] = '\0'; } else { command[cmdlen-1] = '\0'; } // lets nread_proxy know we're in ascii mode. c->proxy_coro_ref = 0; process_command_ascii(c, command); return; } // If ascii multiget, we turn this into a self-calling loop :( // create new request with next key, call this func again, then advance // original string. // might be better to split this function; the below bits turn into a // function call, then we don't re-process the above bits in the same way? // The way this is detected/passed on is very fragile. if (!multiget && pr.cmd_type == CMD_TYPE_GET && pr.has_space) { uint32_t keyoff = pr.tokens[pr.keytoken]; while (pr.klen != 0) { char temp[KEY_MAX_LENGTH + 30]; char *cur = temp; // Core daemon can abort the entire command if one key is bad, but // we cannot from the proxy. Instead we have to inject errors into // the stream. This should, thankfully, be rare at least. if (pr.klen > KEY_MAX_LENGTH) { if (!resp_start(c)) { conn_set_state(c, conn_closing); return; } proxy_out_errstring(c->resp, "key too long"); } else { // copy original request up until the original key token. memcpy(cur, pr.request, pr.tokens[pr.keytoken]); cur += pr.tokens[pr.keytoken]; // now copy in our "current" key. memcpy(cur, &pr.request[keyoff], pr.klen); cur += pr.klen; memcpy(cur, "\r\n", 2); cur += 2; *cur = '\0'; P_DEBUG("%s: new multiget sub request: %s [%u/%u]\n", __func__, temp, keyoff, pr.klen); proxy_process_command(c, temp, cur - temp, PROCESS_MULTIGET); } // now advance to the next key. keyoff = _process_request_next_key(&pr); } if (!resp_start(c)) { conn_set_state(c, conn_closing); return; } // The above recursions should have created c->resp's in dispatch // order. // So now we add another one at the end to create the capping END // string. memcpy(c->resp->wbuf, ENDSTR, ENDLEN); resp_add_iov(c->resp, c->resp->wbuf, ENDLEN); return; } // We test the command length all the way down here because multigets can // be very long, and they're chopped up by now. if (cmdlen >= MCP_REQUEST_MAXLEN) { WSTAT_INCR(c, proxy_conn_errors, 1); if (!resp_start(c)) { conn_set_state(c, conn_closing); return; } proxy_out_errstring(c->resp, "request too long"); conn_set_state(c, conn_closing); return; } if (!resp_start(c)) { conn_set_state(c, conn_closing); return; } // Count requests handled by proxy vs local. // Also batch the counts down this far so we can lock once for the active // counter instead of twice. struct proxy_int_stats *istats = c->thread->proxy_int_stats; WSTAT_L(c->thread); istats->counters[pr.command]++; c->thread->stats.proxy_conn_requests++; c->thread->stats.proxy_req_active++; WSTAT_UL(c->thread); // start a coroutine. // TODO (v2): This can pull a thread from a cache. lua_newthread(L); lua_State *Lc = lua_tothread(L, -1); // leave the thread first on the stack, so we can reference it if needed. // pull the lua hook function onto the stack. lua_rawgeti(Lc, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, hook->lua_ref); mcp_request_t *rq = mcp_new_request(Lc, &pr, command, cmdlen); if (multiget) { rq->ascii_multiget = true; } // TODO (v2): lift this to a post-processor? if (rq->pr.vlen != 0) { // relying on temporary malloc's not succumbing as poorly to // fragmentation. c->item = malloc(rq->pr.vlen); if (c->item == NULL) { lua_settop(L, 0); proxy_out_errstring(c->resp, "out of memory"); WSTAT_DECR(c, proxy_req_active, 1); return; } c->item_malloced = true; c->ritem = c->item; c->rlbytes = rq->pr.vlen; c->proxy_coro_ref = luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); // pops coroutine. conn_set_state(c, conn_nread); return; } proxy_run_coroutine(Lc, c->resp, NULL, c); lua_settop(L, 0); // clear anything remaining on the main thread. } // analogue for storage_get_item(); add a deferred IO object to the current // connection's response object. stack enough information to write to the // server on the submit callback, and enough to resume the lua state on the // completion callback. static void mcp_queue_io(conn *c, mc_resp *resp, int coro_ref, lua_State *Lc) { io_queue_t *q = conn_io_queue_get(c, IO_QUEUE_PROXY); // stack: request, hash selector. latter just to hold a reference. mcp_request_t *rq = luaL_checkudata(Lc, -1, "mcp.request"); mcp_backend_t *be = rq->be; // Then we push a response object, which we'll re-use later. // reserve one uservalue for a lua-supplied response. mcp_resp_t *r = lua_newuserdatauv(Lc, sizeof(mcp_resp_t), 1); // FIXME (v2): is this memset still necessary? I was using it for // debugging. memset(r, 0, sizeof(mcp_resp_t)); r->buf = NULL; r->blen = 0; // Set noreply mode. // TODO (v2): the response "inherits" the request's noreply mode, which isn't // strictly correct; we should inherit based on the request that spawned // the coroutine but the structure doesn't allow that yet. // Should also be able to settle this exact mode from the parser so we // don't have to re-branch here. if (rq->pr.noreply) { if (rq->pr.cmd_type == CMD_TYPE_META) { r->mode = RESP_MODE_METAQUIET; for (int x = 2; x < rq->pr.ntokens; x++) { if (rq->request[rq->pr.tokens[x]] == 'q') { rq->request[rq->pr.tokens[x]] = ' '; } } } else { r->mode = RESP_MODE_NOREPLY; rq->request[rq->pr.reqlen - 3] = 'Y'; } } else { r->mode = RESP_MODE_NORMAL; } r->cmd = rq->pr.command; luaL_getmetatable(Lc, "mcp.response"); lua_setmetatable(Lc, -2); io_pending_proxy_t *p = do_cache_alloc(c->thread->io_cache); if (p == NULL) { WSTAT_INCR(c, proxy_conn_oom, 1); proxy_lua_error(Lc, "out of memory allocating from IO cache"); return; } // this is a re-cast structure, so assert that we never outsize it. assert(sizeof(io_pending_t) >= sizeof(io_pending_proxy_t)); memset(p, 0, sizeof(io_pending_proxy_t)); // set up back references. p->io_queue_type = IO_QUEUE_PROXY; p->thread = c->thread; p->c = c; p->resp = resp; p->client_resp = r; p->flushed = false; p->ascii_multiget = rq->ascii_multiget; resp->io_pending = (io_pending_t *)p; // top of the main thread should be our coroutine. // lets grab a reference to it and pop so it doesn't get gc'ed. p->coro_ref = coro_ref; // we'll drop the pointer to the coro on here to save some CPU // on re-fetching it later. The pointer shouldn't change. p->coro = Lc; // The direct backend object. Lc is holding the reference in the stack p->backend = be; // See #887 for notes. // TODO (v2): hopefully this can be optimized out. strncpy(r->be_name, be->name, MAX_NAMELEN+1); strncpy(r->be_port, be->port, MAX_PORTLEN+1); mcp_request_attach(Lc, rq, p); // link into the batch chain. p->next = q->stack_ctx; q->stack_ctx = p; return; } // Common lua debug command. __attribute__((unused)) void dump_stack(lua_State *L) { int top = lua_gettop(L); int i = 1; fprintf(stderr, "--TOP OF STACK [%d]\n", top); for (; i < top + 1; i++) { int type = lua_type(L, i); // lets find the metatable of this userdata to identify it. if (lua_getmetatable(L, i) != 0) { lua_pushstring(L, "__name"); if (lua_rawget(L, -2) != LUA_TNIL) { fprintf(stderr, "--|%d| [%s] (%s)\n", i, lua_typename(L, type), lua_tostring(L, -1)); lua_pop(L, 2); continue; } lua_pop(L, 2); } if (type == LUA_TSTRING) { fprintf(stderr, "--|%d| [%s] | %s\n", i, lua_typename(L, type), lua_tostring(L, i)); } else { fprintf(stderr, "--|%d| [%s]\n", i, lua_typename(L, type)); } } fprintf(stderr, "-----------------\n"); }