/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ #include "proxy.h" typedef struct mcp_await_s { int pending; int wait_for; int req_ref; int argtable_ref; // need to hold refs to any potential hash selectors int restable_ref; // table of result objects int coro_ref; // reference to parent coroutine int detail_ref; // reference to detail string. enum mcp_await_e type; bool completed; // have we completed the parent coroutine or not bool logerr; // create log_req entries for error responses mcp_request_t *rq; mc_resp *resp; // the top level mc_resp to fill in (as if we were an iop) } mcp_await_t; // TODO (v2): mcplib_await_gc() // - needs to handle cases where an await is created, but a rare error happens // before it completes and the coroutine is killed. must check and free its // references. // local restable = mcp.await(request, pools, num_wait) // NOTE: need to hold onto the pool objects since those hold backend // references. Here we just keep a reference to the argument table. static int _mcplib_await(lua_State *L, bool logerr) { mcp_request_t *rq = luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "mcp.request"); luaL_checktype(L, 2, LUA_TTABLE); int n = 0; // length of table of pools int wait_for = 0; // 0 means wait for all responses enum mcp_await_e type = AWAIT_GOOD; int detail_ref = 0; lua_pushnil(L); // init table key while (lua_next(L, 2) != 0) { luaL_checkudata(L, -1, "mcp.pool_proxy"); lua_pop(L, 1); // remove value, keep key. n++; } if (n <= 0) { proxy_lua_error(L, "mcp.await arguments must have at least one pool"); } if (lua_isstring(L, 5)) { // pops the detail string. detail_ref = luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); } if (lua_isnumber(L, 4)) { type = lua_tointeger(L, 4); lua_pop(L, 1); switch (type) { case AWAIT_GOOD: case AWAIT_ANY: case AWAIT_OK: case AWAIT_FIRST: case AWAIT_FASTGOOD: case AWAIT_BACKGROUND: break; default: proxy_lua_error(L, "invalid type argument tp mcp.await"); } } if (lua_isnumber(L, 3)) { wait_for = lua_tointeger(L, 3); lua_pop(L, 1); if (wait_for > n) { wait_for = n; } } // FIRST is only looking for one valid request. if (type == AWAIT_FIRST) { wait_for = 1; } // TODO (v2): quickly loop table once and ensure they're all pools? // TODO (v2) in case of newuserdatauv throwing an error, we need to grab // these references after allocating *aw else can leak memory. int argtable_ref = luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); // pops the arg table int req_ref = luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); // pops request object. // stack will be only the await object now // allocate before grabbing references so an error won't cause leaks. mcp_await_t *aw = lua_newuserdatauv(L, sizeof(mcp_await_t), 0); memset(aw, 0, sizeof(mcp_await_t)); aw->wait_for = wait_for; aw->pending = n; aw->argtable_ref = argtable_ref; aw->rq = rq; aw->req_ref = req_ref; aw->detail_ref = detail_ref; aw->type = type; aw->logerr = logerr; P_DEBUG("%s: about to yield [len: %d]\n", __func__, n); lua_pushinteger(L, MCP_YIELD_AWAIT); return lua_yield(L, 2); } // default await, no logging. int mcplib_await(lua_State *L) { return _mcplib_await(L, false); } int mcplib_await_logerrors(lua_State *L) { return _mcplib_await(L, true); } static void mcp_queue_await_io(conn *c, lua_State *Lc, mcp_request_t *rq, int await_ref, bool await_first) { io_queue_t *q = conn_io_queue_get(c, IO_QUEUE_PROXY); mcp_backend_t *be = rq->be; // Then we push a response object, which we'll re-use later. // reserve one uservalue for a lua-supplied response. mcp_resp_t *r = lua_newuserdatauv(Lc, sizeof(mcp_resp_t), 1); memset(r, 0, sizeof(mcp_resp_t)); gettimeofday(&r->start, NULL); // Set noreply mode. // TODO (v2): the response "inherits" the request's noreply mode, which isn't // strictly correct; we should inherit based on the request that spawned // the coroutine but the structure doesn't allow that yet. // Should also be able to settle this exact mode from the parser so we // don't have to re-branch here. if (rq->pr.noreply) { if (rq->pr.cmd_type == CMD_TYPE_META) { r->mode = RESP_MODE_METAQUIET; for (int x = 2; x < rq->pr.ntokens; x++) { if (rq->request[rq->pr.tokens[x]] == 'q') { rq->request[rq->pr.tokens[x]] = ' '; } } } else { r->mode = RESP_MODE_NOREPLY; rq->request[rq->pr.reqlen - 3] = 'Y'; } } else { r->mode = RESP_MODE_NORMAL; } r->cmd = rq->pr.command; luaL_getmetatable(Lc, "mcp.response"); lua_setmetatable(Lc, -2); io_pending_proxy_t *p = do_cache_alloc(c->thread->io_cache); if (p == NULL) { WSTAT_INCR(c->thread, proxy_conn_oom, 1); proxy_lua_error(Lc, "out of memory allocating from IO cache"); return; } // this is a re-cast structure, so assert that we never outsize it. assert(sizeof(io_pending_t) >= sizeof(io_pending_proxy_t)); memset(p, 0, sizeof(io_pending_proxy_t)); // set up back references. p->io_queue_type = IO_QUEUE_PROXY; p->thread = c->thread; p->c = c; p->resp = NULL; p->client_resp = r; p->flushed = false; p->ascii_multiget = rq->ascii_multiget; p->return_cb = proxy_return_cb; p->finalize_cb = proxy_finalize_cb; // io_p needs to hold onto its own response reference, because we may or // may not include it in the final await() result. p->mcpres_ref = luaL_ref(Lc, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); // pops mcp.response // avoiding coroutine reference for sub-IO p->coro_ref = 0; p->coro = NULL; // await specific p->is_await = true; p->await_ref = await_ref; p->await_first = await_first; // The direct backend object. await object is holding reference p->backend = be; // See #887 for notes. // TODO (v2): hopefully this can be optimized out. strncpy(r->be_name, be->name, MAX_NAMELEN+1); strncpy(r->be_port, be->port, MAX_PORTLEN+1); mcp_request_attach(Lc, rq, p); // link into the batch chain. p->next = q->stack_ctx; q->stack_ctx = p; P_DEBUG("%s: queued\n", __func__); return; } static void mcp_queue_await_dummy_io(conn *c, lua_State *Lc, int await_ref) { io_queue_t *q = conn_io_queue_get(c, IO_QUEUE_PROXY); io_pending_proxy_t *p = do_cache_alloc(c->thread->io_cache); if (p == NULL) { WSTAT_INCR(c->thread, proxy_conn_oom, 1); proxy_lua_error(Lc, "out of memory allocating from IO cache"); return; } // this is a re-cast structure, so assert that we never outsize it. assert(sizeof(io_pending_t) >= sizeof(io_pending_proxy_t)); memset(p, 0, sizeof(io_pending_proxy_t)); // set up back references. p->io_queue_type = IO_QUEUE_PROXY; p->thread = c->thread; p->c = c; p->resp = NULL; // await specific p->is_await = true; p->await_ref = await_ref; p->await_background = true; p->return_cb = proxy_return_cb; p->finalize_cb = proxy_finalize_cb; // Dummy IO has no backend, and no request attached. // All we need to do is link into the batch chain. p->next = q->stack_ctx; q->stack_ctx = p; P_DEBUG("%s: queued\n", __func__); return; } // TODO (v2): need to get this code running under pcall(). // It looks like a bulk of this code can move into mcplib_await(), // and then here post-yield we can add the conn and coro_ref to the right // places. Else these errors currently crash the daemon. int mcplib_await_run(conn *c, mc_resp *resp, lua_State *L, int coro_ref) { P_DEBUG("%s: start\n", __func__); WSTAT_INCR(c->thread, proxy_await_active, 1); mcp_await_t *aw = lua_touserdata(L, -1); int await_ref = luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); // await is popped. assert(aw != NULL); lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, aw->argtable_ref); // -> 1 //dump_stack(L); mcp_request_t *rq = aw->rq; aw->coro_ref = coro_ref; // create result table lua_newtable(L); // -> 2 aw->restable_ref = luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); // pop the result table // prepare the request key const char *key = MCP_PARSER_KEY(rq->pr); size_t len = rq->pr.klen; int n = 0; // TODO (v3) await_first is used as a marker for upping the "wait for // IO's" queue count, which means we need to force it off if we're in // background mode, else we would accidentally wait for a response anyway. // This note is for finding a less convoluted method for this. bool await_first = (aw->type == AWAIT_BACKGROUND) ? false : true; // loop arg table and run each hash selector lua_pushnil(L); // -> 3 while (lua_next(L, 1) != 0) { P_DEBUG("%s: top of loop\n", __func__); // (key, -2), (val, -1) mcp_pool_proxy_t *pp = luaL_testudata(L, -1, "mcp.pool_proxy"); if (pp == NULL) { proxy_lua_error(L, "mcp.await must be supplied with a pool"); } // NOTE: rq->be is only held to help pass the backend into the IOP in // mcp_queue call. Could be a local variable and an argument too. rq->be = mcplib_pool_proxy_call_helper(L, pp, key, len); mcp_queue_await_io(c, L, rq, await_ref, await_first); await_first = false; // pop value, keep key. lua_pop(L, 1); n++; } P_DEBUG("%s: argtable len: %d\n", __func__, n); if (aw->type == AWAIT_BACKGROUND) { mcp_queue_await_dummy_io(c, L, await_ref); aw->pending++; aw->wait_for = 0; } lua_pop(L, 1); // remove table key. aw->resp = resp; // cuddle the current mc_resp to fill later P_DEBUG("%s: end\n", __func__); return 0; } // NOTE: This is unprotected lua/C code. There are no lua-style errors thrown // purposefully as of this writing, but it's still not safe. Either the code // can be restructured to use less lua (which I think is better long term // anyway) or it can be pushed behind a cfunc pcall so we don't crash the // daemon if something bad happens. int mcplib_await_return(io_pending_proxy_t *p) { mcp_await_t *aw; lua_State *L = p->thread->L; // use the main VM coroutine for work bool cleanup = false; bool valid = false; // is response valid to add to the result table. bool completing = false; // TODO (v2): just push the await ptr into *p? lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, p->await_ref); aw = lua_touserdata(L, -1); lua_pop(L, 1); // remove AW object from stack assert(aw != NULL); P_DEBUG("%s: start [pending: %d]\n", __func__, aw->pending); //dump_stack(L); aw->pending--; assert(aw->pending >= 0); // Await not yet satisfied. // If wait_for != 0 check for response success // if success and wait_for is *now* 0, we complete. // add successful response to response table // Also, if no wait_for, add response to response table // TODO (v2): for GOOD or OK cases, it might be better to return the // last object as valid if there are otherwise zero valids? // Think we just have to count valids... if (aw->type == AWAIT_BACKGROUND) { // in the background case, we never want to collect responses. if (p->await_background) { // found the dummy IO, complete and return conn to worker. completing = true; } } else if (!aw->completed) { valid = true; // always collect results unless we are completed. if (aw->wait_for > 0) { bool is_good = false; switch (aw->type) { case AWAIT_GOOD: if (p->client_resp->status == MCMC_OK && p->client_resp->resp.code != MCMC_CODE_END) { is_good = true; } break; case AWAIT_ANY: is_good = true; break; case AWAIT_OK: if (p->client_resp->status == MCMC_OK) { is_good = true; } break; case AWAIT_FIRST: if (p->await_first) { is_good = true; } else { // user only wants the first pool's result. valid = false; } break; case AWAIT_FASTGOOD: if (p->client_resp->status == MCMC_OK) { // End early on a hit. if (p->client_resp->resp.code != MCMC_CODE_END) { aw->wait_for = 0; } else { is_good = true; } } break; case AWAIT_BACKGROUND: // In background mode we don't wait for any response. break; } if (is_good) { aw->wait_for--; } if (aw->wait_for == 0) { completing = true; } } } // note that post-completion, we stop gathering responses into the // response table... because it's already been returned. // So "valid" can only be true if also !completed if (aw->pending == 0) { if (!aw->completed) { // were waiting for all responses. completing = true; } cleanup = true; P_DEBUG("%s: pending == 0\n", __func__); } // a valid response to add to the result table. if (valid) { P_DEBUG("%s: valid\n", __func__); lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, aw->restable_ref); // -> 1 lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, p->mcpres_ref); // -> 2 // couldn't find a table.insert() equivalent; so this is // inserting into the length + 1 position manually. //dump_stack(L); lua_rawseti(L, -2, lua_rawlen(L, 1) + 1); // pops mcpres lua_pop(L, 1); // pops restable } // lose our internal mcpres reference regardless. // also tag the elapsed time into the response. if (p->mcpres_ref) { struct timeval end; gettimeofday(&end, NULL); p->client_resp->elapsed = (end.tv_sec - p->client_resp->start.tv_sec) * 1000000 + (end.tv_usec - p->client_resp->start.tv_usec); // instructed to generate log_req entries for each failed request, // this is useful to do here as these can be asynchronous. // NOTE: this may be a temporary feature. if (aw->logerr && p->client_resp->status != MCMC_OK && aw->completed) { size_t dlen = 0; const char *detail = NULL; logger *l = p->thread->l; // only process logs if someone is listening. if (l->eflags & LOG_PROXYREQS) { lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, aw->req_ref); mcp_request_t *rq = lua_touserdata(L, -1); lua_pop(L, 1); // references still held, just clearing stack. mcp_resp_t *rs = p->client_resp; if (aw->detail_ref) { lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, aw->detail_ref); detail = luaL_tolstring(L, -1, &dlen); lua_pop(L, 1); } logger_log(l, LOGGER_PROXY_REQ, NULL, rq->pr.request, rq->pr.reqlen, rs->elapsed, rs->resp.type, rs->resp.code, rs->status, detail, dlen, rs->be_name, rs->be_port); } } luaL_unref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, p->mcpres_ref); } // our await_ref is shared, so we don't need to release it. if (completing) { P_DEBUG("%s: completing\n", __func__); assert(p->c->thread == p->thread); aw->completed = true; // if we haven't completed yet, the connection reference is still // valid. So now we pull it, reduce count, and readd if necessary. // here is also the point where we resume the coroutine. lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, aw->coro_ref); lua_State *Lc = lua_tothread(L, -1); lua_rawgeti(Lc, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, aw->restable_ref); // -> 1 proxy_run_coroutine(Lc, aw->resp, NULL, p->c); luaL_unref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, aw->coro_ref); luaL_unref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, aw->restable_ref); io_queue_t *q = conn_io_queue_get(p->c, p->io_queue_type); q->count--; if (q->count == 0) { // call re-add directly since we're already in the worker thread. conn_worker_readd(p->c); } } if (cleanup) { P_DEBUG("%s: cleanup [completed: %d]\n", __func__, aw->completed); luaL_unref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, aw->argtable_ref); luaL_unref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, aw->req_ref); luaL_unref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, p->await_ref); if (aw->detail_ref) { luaL_unref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, aw->detail_ref); } WSTAT_DECR(p->thread, proxy_await_active, 1); } // Just remove anything we could have left on the primary VM stack lua_settop(L, 0); // always return free this sub-IO object. do_cache_free(p->thread->io_cache, p); return 0; }